Lemon peel - what is it? Harm and benefits of lemon peel. Healthy citrus peels

Our poor ancestors could remove the valuable skin from a lemon with only a stone knife. We are more fortunate because we can use a variety of kitchen appliances that can easily do this job for us. We can even use a woodworking tool that chefs have adopted - a special Microplane grater. Use an ordinary grater or vegetable peeler, and if you want to know how our great-grandfathers in the savannas felt when peeling a lemon, take a small fruit peeler.


Peeling with a regular grater or Microplane grater

    Rinse the lemon. Washing the fruit is especially important if you plan to eat the peel in the future. Rub the lemon thoroughly and vigorously with your hands or with a clean sponge dipped in hot, soapy water.

    Spread out necessary accessories on a cutting board. The Microplane grater produces a thin zest that is ideal for baking and preparing various dishes. If you do not have such a grater, use a regular grater with the smallest holes. Position the grater as follows:

    • Microplane Grater or Regular Grater: Hold the grater with the handle facing you, with the end of the grater at a 45º angle to the cutting board. If the flat grater is not stable, rub the zest over the bowl, pressing it against the side of the bowl.
    • Multi-sided grater: Place the grater on a cutting board with the side of the grater with the smallest holes facing your hand holding the lemon. Press the handle of the grater so that it does not slip on the surface.
  1. Rub only the yellow part of the peel. Gently rub only the yellow part of the peel, do not touch its bitter white part. Many graters achieve this result from the first stroke. Be careful, especially if you are not using a Microplane grater.

    • On a regular grater, you can only grate in one direction, the Microplane grater allows you to grate the zest in up and down movements. But the easiest way is to slide the lemon down the grater, then set the lemon aside and return it to the top position again.
  2. Rotate the lemon and repeat the procedure. Once the white part of the peel is visible, turn the lemon and remove the zest from the next part of the peel. Repeat until you have removed as much zest as needed to prepare the dish according to your chosen recipe.

    • You should not remove the zest from the very tips of the lemon, even if there is a yellow peel there.

    Peeling with a Cocktail Zester

    Peeling with a vegetable peeler

    1. Wash the lemon. As usual, wash the fruit thoroughly with soap and water. You will eat the peel, so the presence of pests and pesticides on it is not acceptable.

      Prepare the zest. A peeler is not ideal for zesting, but if you have no other choice, use one. Gently and slowly pull the peeler along the surface of the peel. Try not to grab the white part of the lemon skin. After you remove a strip of peel, grind it as thoroughly as possible to get a real zest.

      • The zest obtained in this way will be less aromatic than if you grated it on a regular grater or on a Microplane grater. You may end up with more zest this way, but keep in mind that the pieces will be more visible and less attractive.
    2. Make lemon cocktail spirals. Remove a short and wide strip of zest as described above. Hold a strip of zest with the peel facing towards the drink, swirl it large and index fingers so that the lemon oil is released directly into the drink. Rub the strip on the rim of the glass to add more flavor to the drink, then slide the spiral straight down into the cocktail.

An experienced housewife will never throw the peel in the trash, because it contains an impressive amount of nutrients and vitamins that can be used to promote health.

The benefits and harms of lemon peel lie in its composition, which is rich in fiber, potassium, carotene, magnesium, calcium, folic acid and beta-carotene. The peel of the fruit can be successfully used for the prevention of osteoporosis and the removal of the inflammatory process in polyarthritis. In addition, the benefits of lemon peel are known as a product capable of neutralizing toxic compounds - carcinogens accumulated in the body.

Regular addition of the peel to food can slow down the development of a malignant tumor, in addition, it has antimicrobial properties. In folk recipes, the benefits of lemon peel are widely used in the fight against bacterial and fungal infections, in the treatment of anemia, and in the prevention of thrombosis.

The peel contains vitamin C, which means it helps in the treatment of respiratory diseases. It contains vitamin P, which protects blood vessels from fragility, has a beneficial effect on the activity of the heart. And due to the presence of essential oils in its composition, it improves mood and has a tonic effect. It is recommended to chew it for sore throats, especially for sore throats. In addition, the benefits of lemon peel lies in the ability to: cleanse the liver, improve blood circulation, neutralize ear infections, make capillaries elastic, and prevent varicose veins.

Due to the presence of citric acid in the product, lemon peel may be harmful for those who suffer from indigestion. It should not be used for ulcers, gastritis or enteritis. In addition, the harm of lemon peel for allergy sufferers is quite common. It can provoke the appearance of urticaria.

If a person suffers from high acidity, he should refrain from eating the peel. In addition, when overeating, there is harm to lemon peel, which is expressed in the appearance of heartburn or nausea.

Everyone must have come across the various health and beauty benefits of lemon juice, but did you know that the lemon peel that you throw away after getting this juice also has many medicinal properties and may be beneficial for improving health. The properties of lemon peel are described in this article.

Everyone knows that lemons are rich in vitamin C. Below is information on exactly how much vitamin C and other nutrients are contained in one 108-gram pitted lemon.

Lemon is one of those fruits that are endowed by nature with so many healing and soothing properties that just one serving of them is beneficial. Often looking for various means and treatments for the ailments that trouble us, after trying all sorts of options and spending time and money to achieve effective results, we find that the optimal solution is something that is near us, in our garden or in the kitchen. Lemon is such a solution for a multitude of health problems. Useful qualities lemons are very affordable, you can use them by drinking a glass of warm lemon water in the morning, squeezing lemon juice onto your favorite meal at lunch or sipping refreshing lemon tea in the evening.

The use of lemon not only stimulates taste buds but also improves health.

Among other things, topical application of lemon is also extremely beneficial for skin and hair. However, whenever we talk about useful properties ah lemon, we tend to mean the properties of lemon juice. Therefore, you will probably be surprised to know that the beautiful yellow lemon peel that we usually throw in the trash, in fact, is also endowed with various healing properties. It contains certain enzymes that can help us lead a much healthier life.

Useful properties of lemon peel

Both the fresh and dried peel of the lemon, known by the scientific name citrus limonum, is used for a variety of cosmetic, culinary and medicinal purposes. Its use and topical application is a real salvation for many people suffering from ailments such as heart disease, acne, high level cholesterol, scurvy, etc. It contains important enzymes, vitamins, and minerals such as vitamin C, vitamin P, calcium, potassium, fiber, limonene, citric acid, polyphenolic flavonoids, and salvestrol Q40, making it essential for a healthy body and mind. In addition, the citrusy aroma of lemon peel makes it an excellent ingredient in essential oils used to improve mood. Listed below are some of the main uses and health benefits of lemon peel.

Lowers cholesterol levels

Eating lemon peel helps lower cholesterol levels in the body, which in turn improves heart health. The potassium present in this peel helps maintain blood pressure. Polyphenolic flavonoids lower levels of LDL cholesterol, which is considered "bad" cholesterol. Vitamins C and P also help cleanse the blood vessels, thus preventing or minimizing the risk of developing conditions such as high blood pressure, heart disease, or diabetic heart disease.

Helps fight cancer

As already mentioned, lemon peel contains components called salvestrol Q40 and limonene, which are known to fight cancer cells in the body. The flavonoids present in lemon peel are also known to be effective in inhibiting the division of cancer cells. Thus, eating lemon peel is a preventive measure against the development of various types of cancer, including breast cancer, colon cancer, and skin cancer. Studies prove that drinking hot lemon peel tea is beneficial in preventing the development of cancer cells.

Improves bone health

Sufficient amounts of calcium are needed for strong and healthy bones, and lemon peel contains both calcium and vitamin C. Therefore, eating lemon peel is actually beneficial in preventing diseases such as osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, bone fractures, inflammatory polyarthritis, and osteoarthritis.

Strengthens the immune system and improves digestion

To maintain health and protect the body from infections and diseases, it is very important to strengthen the immune system, and yes, eating lemon peel certainly helps with this! A strong immune system is an immune system that effectively fights off infections, and the most important nutrients, present in the yellow lemon peel, especially vitamin C, allow the body to resist infections and the resulting diseases. This is why eating lemon peel is considered effective in treating colds, flu, sore throats and other infections of a similar nature. In addition, eating lemons along with the peel is also beneficial for improving health. digestive system because the peel contains dietary fiber to promote proper bowel movement.

Improves oral hygiene and health

Vitamin C deficiency is known to lead to various dental and gum problems such as scurvy, bleeding gums, and gingivitis. Lemon peel is rich in citric acid, which prevents the development of problems associated with teeth and gums. Therefore, instead of throwing away the peel, it is better to eat it. In fact, sailors used to take lemons with them on long voyages so as not to get sick with scurvy due to vitamin C deficiency.

Neutralizes free radicals

Free radicals are unpaired electrons present in body cells. They are responsible for the development certain types cancer, heart disease and autoimmune diseases, as well as the aging process and the appearance of puffiness. Vitamin C present in lemon peel plays a very important role in the neutralization of free radicals, thus preventing the occurrence of the above health problems. On the other hand, free radicals can also be associated with damage to blood vessels, which is why the vitamin C present in lemon can also be considered responsible for maintaining proper blood circulation.

Lemon peel and healthy skin

Many skin problems such as wrinkles, pigmentation, acne, dark spots, etc. are considered signs of the aging process, and yes, free radicals play a very important role in this process. Lemon peel is natural source vitamin C and citric acid, which help cleanse the blood vessels in the body and eliminate all impurities present in the skin cells. This improves skin health.

Lemon peel is also a great remedy for acne and pimples as it contains antioxidants that help detoxify the skin.

There are many different lemon peel facial powders on the market that can be very beneficial, but using this peel is the best option. Read on for a method by which you can use lemon peel topically.

Take a lemon, cut it in half and squeeze the juice into a cup. After that, cut the peel into small pieces and mix with juice. Transfer the mixture to a bottle and store in a cool, dry place. Apply the mixture on your face the next morning. Optionally, you can add a teaspoon of honey to the mixture. Leave the mixture on your face for about 5-6 minutes and then wash off with plain water or rose water. Do not apply anything to your face for the next 30 minutes. This remedy is known to be extremely useful in eliminating skin problems, especially acne.

Speeds up metabolism and promotes weight loss

Lemon peel contains a component called pectin, which helps in weight loss. Pectin has adhesive, gelling properties that prevent the body from absorbing too much sugar, which in turn helps maintain weight. So the next time you drink warm water with lemon juice, don't forget the peel.

Other useful properties

The benefits of eating lemon peel are not limited to those mentioned above. Lemon peel also contains various important nutrients that can help promote nail growth, cleanse the liver, improve circulation, fight ear infections, capillary fragility, varicose veins veins, muscle contractions, stroke, etc.


We have talked about all the possible benefits of eating lemon peel. While lemon peel is safe, there are a few things to keep in mind when consuming it.

Thorough wash

You need to wash the lemon peel very carefully before using it. This is important because in the process of growing lemons, various pesticides and insecticides are sprayed on them, which can remain on the peel. In addition, to deliver lemons to different areas, they are covered with a special waxy substance in order to prevent damage to their peel. This waxy substance is obtained using compounds of animal or vegetable origin. Therefore, it is best to use the lemon peel of lemons grown in your own backyard, or the peel of organic lemons.


Another issue that comes up when it comes to eating lemon peels is the significant amount of oxalates they contain. Oxalates are also present in humans and animals. However, studies show that when there is an increased concentration of these substances in the body, problems associated with crystallization, such as the formation of kidney and gallbladder stones, can occur. This is why people who are already dealing with similar problems should avoid eating lemon peels. To reap the benefits of lemon peel, it is important to include it as a significant part of your diet.

Each 100 grams of lemon peel contains about 160 milligrams of potassium, 134 milligrams of calcium, 129 milligrams of vitamin C, and approximately 10.6 grams of fiber. In addition, lemon peel contains more than 44 types of flavone glycosides and other plant acids and nutrients, which is what makes it so valuable.

Research has also linked the use of lemon peels to control bleeding. It is considered safe to consume even during pregnancy or breastfeeding. However, since pregnancy is a very responsible condition, it is still better to consult a doctor about the use of lemon peel. So, drink lemon tea, sip on refreshing lemonade, and be healthy. We hope you don't throw away your lemon skin!


Lemon has been known since antiquity for its benefits to the human body. But later people learned that not only this sour fruit itself has a beneficial effect on the human body. The benefits of lemon peel are also undeniable. Therefore, when throwing away what is left of the fruit, remember that its peel can also help the immune system. Both doctors and nutritionists have repeatedly noticed many useful properties of a product such as lemon peel. What are these properties? And what harm can it do to the human body? Let's find out!

Lemon peel - what is it?

Firstly, it is one of the most obscure and at the same time often found ingredients in many culinary recipes. Its energy value per 100 grams is 47 kilocalories, in its raw form it contains 1.5 g of protein, 5.4 g of carbohydrates and 0.3 g of fat, and also has a large amount of vitamin C. In addition, the peel of the fruit contains such minerals, like selenium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, calcium, zinc, iron, magnesium and copper.

Lemon peel - what is it? The thinnest outer layer the skin of the fruit, which has a rich yellow color. It is in it that essential oils, which have a pleasant smell characteristic of a yellow fruit. Interestingly, the grated lemon zest will not add acid to the dish, but it will definitely provide its pleasant aroma.

How to do?

Helps to get rid of age spots

If you regularly wipe your face with lemon peel, then soon you will be surprised by the changes. With the help of zest, you will be able to rid your skin of blackheads, pimples and many other imperfections. It will be especially useful for people suffering from age spots. A bunch of folk recipes advises to put a small piece of lemon peel on the age spot and leave for an hour. This truly magical substance tones the skin, has a whitening effect, and also makes the skin toned and smooth.

Strengthens bones

One good source of calcium is lemon peel, and high amounts of vitamin C allow the body to absorb calcium, which helps strengthen bones. 100 grams of peel contains about 134 milligrams of calcium. If you regularly eat the skin of this sour fruit, you can avoid the occurrence of diseases such as arthritis, osteoporosis and rheumatism.

Supports immunity

As mentioned above, in a lemon peel in in large numbers contains vitamin C, which, by the way, is more in the zest than in the juice from this sour fruit and even in the fruit itself. 100 grams of lemon peel contains about 129 milligrams of vitamin C. This not only allows you to maintain required level immunity, but also to monitor the health of the oral cavity. Lemon peel is able to eliminate unpleasant odor, prevent bleeding gums, the appearance of various microorganisms that harm the teeth.

Promotes proper heart function

Comfortable and correct work the heart is promoted by the use of a product such as lemon peel. The potassium contained in it in a significant amount helps the heart muscle. There are approximately 160 milligrams of potassium per 100 grams of lemon peel. In addition, substances such as polyphenols, which can lower cholesterol levels in the body, also affect the functioning of the heart.

disinfecting effect

Among other things, lemon peel is famous for its antifungal and antibacterial properties. These medicinal properties applicable not only in dermatology. Lemon peel is used in the prevention and treatment of thrombosis and anemia. Also a valuable property of the peel of this sour fruit is that it is able to cleanse the liver and improve blood circulation.

Tincture on lemon peel has no less set of medicinal properties.

Harm of lemon peel

Despite the abundance of useful properties, some people still need to be careful with a product such as lemon zest. What are these people? Those who suffer from diseases such as stomach ulcers, for example, and other digestive disorders. The fact is that due to the high content of citric acid in the peel, the mucous membrane will be irritated, which can lead to severe heartburn or general discomfort in the stomach area. Also, the zest should be handled with care by people prone to allergies, since this product, along with other citrus fruits, can cause an allergic reaction in the body in the form of urticaria.

Lemon peel on the farm

If you toss a little peel in the trash can, the bad smell will disappear. Lemon zest can also be refrigerated. Then it will not only absorb unpleasant odors, but also fill the refrigerator with a pleasant aroma. Lemon zest will help get rid of scale that has formed in the kettle. Lemon peel can be used to increase the humidity in the room.

IN Lately Several people asked me about this at once, so I am writing for everyone. With zest, in fact, there are no special tricks: the main thing is to learn how to work with it once, understand what's what, and no more mistakes will occur.

What is a zest? This is the outer layer, the "rind" of many citrus fruits, which contains essential oils. Which, of course, makes it very useful and indispensable in cooking and alcoholic beverage production. No food flavoring can compare with the aroma of properly stored zest: the flavoring will always have a harsh aftertaste, while the zest, very gently and unobtrusively, reveals the taste and aroma. This is especially noticeable in baking: once I was “lucky” to try a Chinese biscuit with the addition of flavoring ... a dubious pleasure, I tell you. Like chewing a sponge with orange soap.

The zest can be kept two different ways. Let's imagine that a truck with citrus fruits turned over on your street, which urgently needs to be attached somewhere. It is best to harvest the zest when the orange (lemon, etc.) is fresh. When its peel is elastic, without black dots and other signs of illness. Over time, citrus fruits can dry out - then the peel also dries up, essential oils that we strive to get while preserving the zest leave it. Therefore, you must always take fresh fruit. Theoretically, of course, even with a dried lemon, you can try to remove the zest, but it will be of a slightly different quality.

We start by carefully washing the fetus. With a sponge, with soap, you can rinse with boiling water. What is it for? The peel of citrus fruits is very porous, and if the manufacturer applied wax or other “protective” products to the fruit for greater safety, you risk treating your body with them. Therefore, citrus fruits should always be washed thoroughly. Then it must be dried with a towel: it is slightly easier to remove the zest from a dry fruit than from a wet one.

But then we choose how we will store the zest: simply as a powder or in a container sprinkled with sugar. If you are going to use the zest immediately, finely grate it just before adding it to the dish. There are no secrets here.

One of the most common questions: how to make the zest not bitter? Very simple: remove ONLY the zest, without touching the white layer, because it is he who gives this very bitterness. In general, if you pay attention, when using citrus fruits in cooking, cooks never touch the white partitions between the slices. For example, if you make a salad with an orange and a grapefruit, only the pulp must be added. This is especially true of grapefruit, where partitions are the most bitter. To do this, you need to use a good and very fine (!) Grater. It's funny, but it's true. The zest requires delicate handling: if the grater is large, we risk touching the white layer of the peel, if it is too small, the zest will turn into a heterogeneous mess that will lose some of the essential oils. I usually get this orange:

See, I only took upper layer. The surface of the orange remained porous, like a sponge: after a while, it will dry out and harden. But now she is soft.
And here is the size I get the zest:

The grated zest is best transferred to a glass container and sprinkled with sugar. It will absorb the released essential oils and serve as an excellent preservative for the zest. In the future, we will simply close the container with a lid and will only take out the zest when we need to add it somewhere.

If you want to use the zest as a powder, it is better to remove it not with a grater, but with a vegetable peeler. We should get the thinnest strips of zest (remember the white layer), which we cut in random order. We will dry the zest naturally: it is better to put it on a sheet of baking paper, cover with a second sheet and leave for several days in a sunny, well-ventilated area. Once a day, the zest will need to be turned or stirred so that it dries evenly. As soon as it becomes fragile, then we have achieved our goal. Usually it takes 2-4 days. Dried zest can be stored like this, or it can be ground into powder using, for example, a coffee grinder, and added to dishes as desired.

The first storage option is closer to me, since I put the zest in pastries more than anywhere else. And zest with sugar is a great way out.

Another alternative to candied zest is candied fruits or specially prepared citrus peels, but about them - in a separate post, there are completely different rules and customs.

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