Protein as a face mask. Preparing a tightening face mask with egg white. List of necessary accessories for making egg masks and compresses

Protein is the structural element of an egg, ninety percent consisting of water. The actual protein components in its composition are only a tenth, but the combination of elements in it makes the ingredient especially attractive for use in the cosmetology field.

Composition and characteristics of the ingredient. Benefits of protein for the face

A minimal amount of fat and carbohydrates is dissolved in protein water. It, unlike yolk, has an extremely low content of essential acids. It has a low calorie content, so it is used as a dietary product. But in cosmetology it is valued according to completely different criteria. What are the benefits of egg whites for the face?

It is used to prepare masks, as it contains a rare complex of components.

Protein is an active natural component that has a multifaceted effect. Its enzymatic nature increases the activity of processes occurring in the skin. Lysozyme reduces the severity of inflammation and has an antibacterial effect. Vitamin A (retinol) serves as the most important structural link in maintaining youthful skin.

Subtleties of application

An egg white face mask can be used to solve the following problems.

  • Rejuvenation. The main ingredient saturates the skin with substances that improve the synthesis of amino acids and collagen protein. Retinol thanks minimum size molecule, is able to penetrate into the epidermis, in which it activates the production of new cells. They are formed with an initial high resistance to external factors, deformation.
  • Cleansing. A face mask with protein can be used as an element of a program for blackheads on the skin and acne. Moreover, in the latter case it will be many times more effective. The reason for this is the activity of the lysozyme protein, which can suppress the growth of pathogenic bacteria. Penetrating into the source of inflammation, the protein reduces its severity and reduces redness. Serves as a means of preventing the development of inflammatory foci on healthy skin with regular use.

Depending on the use of additional components, the cosmetic product receives other possibilities. So lemon juice is a component of a light peeling product that has a whitening effect. Honey nourishes the skin well cereals used as a sorbent for sebum and impurities.

But when using the product, it is important to consider several nuances.

  • Egg white face mask is not suitable for dry skin. It actively dries out the epidermis, reduces the production of skin secretions, which can provoke excessive dryness and flaking. The composition is recommended for oily skin with wide pores, for which it will be an ideal remedy for increased oil production, shine in the T-zone, and inflammation. Using it for oily, combination and problem skin, you can improve the condition of the epidermis, reduce the risk of inflammation and reduce their existing foci, improve appearance skin by tightening pores.
  • The effects of the product vary in how long the result lasts. According to reviews, the protein face mask against wrinkles is highly effective, and the result is noticeable right away. This is manifested due to the structure of the component, which dries quickly in air. The protein on the face turns into a film that “seals” moisture in the pores and literally tightens the skin, modeling the oval of the face. But the result does not last long, since the protein is not absorbed by the epidermis, but works only on its surface. And after removing the mask, the skin quickly returns to its original tone.

But the rejuvenating and cleansing effects of the product have a prolonged effect. Retinol, penetrating the skin, accumulates in it and rejuvenates by activating the production of new cells. The level of lysomyme in the skin decreases gradually. With regular use, a protein mask for the face against wrinkles and acne will help maintain skin tone, give it a healthy appearance and freshness.

Recipes for protein face masks

A chicken egg is used for preparation. A number of sources provide recommendations for choosing eggs from domestic chickens, but this factor should not be given special importance. Regardless of where the laying hen laid the egg - in a village or in a factory - its composition and properties remain unchanged.

Before preparing the mask, remove the ingredients from the refrigerator in advance. They should be at room temperature or slightly warm. This increases the intensity of penetration of active substances into the skin.

For application, it is convenient to use a brush, with which the composition should be distributed along the massage lines. The product dries quickly, so prepare enough of it to apply two or three layers. To remove, use a cloth and warm water.

Classic with drying effect

There is only one ingredient in this mask - egg white. When using it in its pure form, you can control the level of oiliness in the epidermis. For oily skin, apply the product to the entire surface of the face. If your epidermis type is combined, limit the treatment area to only problem areas - forehead, cheeks and chin.


  1. Separate the whites. Use one egg for the mask.
  2. Beat it with a brush or fork.
  3. Apply to cleansed skin.

After five minutes, the product will dry out and begin to tighten the face. Apply a second, and a little later, a third layer of protein. Wash off the mask when total time its action will be twenty minutes.

Brightening with lemon

Natural acids work like a salon peel, but the effect of their use is not so pronounced. They act much more gently, do not burn the skin, but exfoliate the surface layers of the epidermis, where keratinized, dead cells accumulate. A face mask made from protein with lemon thoroughly cleanses the skin while brightening it.


  1. Separate the whites. One egg is enough.
  2. Squeeze the lemon juice. You will need one teaspoon.
  3. Beat the egg white, add lemon juice and mix.

Upon application, you may feel a slight tingling sensation. This is a normal skin reaction and does not require removal. Leave the composition for twenty minutes. If the mask begins to dry out, renew it with a new layer.

Rejuvenating with carrots

One of the main youthful components of egg whites is retinol or vitamin A. In this recipe we use two components rich in retinol. Thanks to carrots, the volume of the ingredient necessary for rejuvenation increases, as does the amount of other valuable substances: vitamins, amino acids, natural sugar. This mask has a pronounced anti-aging effect, makes the skin velvety and nourishes it.


  1. Separate the whites.
  2. Peel and finely grate the carrots. Use a tablespoon of the ingredient.
  3. Mix carrots, whipped egg white.
  4. Thicken the mixture with flour.

Apply to your face and observe how it feels. If the mask begins to tighten, add another layer on top. The action lasts up to twenty minutes, after which it is necessary to wash off the product warm water.

Instead of flour, you can use finely ground oatmeal. In this case, the ingredient receives the function of more than just a mass thickener. Oatmeal serves as an effective and high-quality sorbent, as it absorbs sebum. The drying and cleansing effect of the mask increases.

Nourishing with honey

It is recommended to use a face mask with honey and protein in winter time. During this period, aggressive influence environment reaches its peak on the skin. The active components of the product will protect it from aging.


  1. Separate the whites and beat lightly.
  2. Add liquid honey - no more than a teaspoon.
  3. Enrich the composition with lemon juice - three to five drops.
  4. Add vitamin E from two gelatin capsules.

Apply the composition to cleansed skin and leave for the standard time. After removing the product, you will check positive result. The skin becomes matte, velvety, and becomes especially soft. The effect lasts for two to three days. To maintain it, it is recommended to repeat the mask twice a week.

Cleansing with starch

A universal product for oily skin. Starch has a sorbing effect and cleanses the skin well, especially with enlarged pores. Middle-aged women will also appreciate his attractiveness. This component, in combination with protein, has a pronounced rejuvenating effect.


  1. Dissolve starch in water: per teaspoon of powder you will need 100 ml of liquid.
  2. Separate the whites and beat.
  3. Mix the paste mass with the protein mass.
  4. Add lemon juice - 3-4 drops.

Acting on areas of problematic epidermis, the mask actively eliminates excess fat and can be used for severe seborrhea up to two to three times a week.

"Film-napkin" for blackheads

Film masks are actively used in cosmetology. They are called plasticizing: when applied, the composition hardens, as a result of which it tightens the skin and corrects the size of pores. At the same time, contaminants stick to the surface of the product, clogging the pores. After removing the film, they literally come off the skin. This type of cleaning is comparable to mechanical cleaning, but is absolutely non-traumatic and eliminates inflammation and scars on the surface of the face.


  1. Cut paper towel strips. You will need two medium-sized ones for the cheeks, small ones for the chin and nose, and the largest one for the forehead.
  2. Separate the whites.
  3. Apply the protein to your face and place napkins on top.
  4. Apply a layer of protein to a napkin.
  5. Wait until the composition dries completely, remove from the surface of the face.

When using this mask, it is important to consider skin sensitivity. Removing it can be painful as it sticks to the tiny hairs on the epidermis. Therefore, when applying, go around the eyebrows, the area above the upper lip, the frontal lobe with the transition to the hairline.

The “napkin” completely dries within twenty minutes; if you apply too much composition, the drying time can reach half an hour. Pre-steaming the skin will increase the effect of cleansing blackheads, which will open the pores and push out sebaceous plugs. After such cleansing, the skin must be moistened with cream or lubricated with nutritious egg yolk.

A protein face mask at home can be a solution to many oily skin problems. It has an anti-inflammatory effect and tightens enlarged pores well. It qualitatively rejuvenates the skin, since its active components are able to penetrate into the epidermis. It serves for mechanical cleaning and light peeling in combination with fruit acids. With proper, regular use, its effect lasts for a long time.

Using egg whites can seriously improve your skin condition. Protein masks are absolutely safe, because they do not contain chemical ingredients - the product is natural. Taking care of your face in this way is cheap from a financial point of view, and in terms of effectiveness it is much better than many salon procedures.

Contents of the article:

How it works?

As a result of using this product, women tidy up their face, neck and décolleté. The skin becomes softer, takes on a fresh appearance, tone, and uniform color.


What effects can be achieved by regularly making an egg protein mask:

  • pull-up(natural skin turgor is restored to a large percentage);
  • cleansing pores and removing blackheads(since microcirculation of blood and oxygen improves in the skin, the pores begin to breathe normally, their patency is restored. They stop becoming clogged with fat, and the old black “heads” peel off and disappear over time);
  • color evening, whitening(coarse pigmentation goes away, freckles fade, the skin appears even tone without contrast zoning);
  • getting rid of acne(in healthy tissues there is no place for bacteria - pustules and inflamed areas gradually disappear, micro-wounds heal);
  • wrinkle reduction(skin renewal is a consequence of the restoration of collagen and elastin activity, the fibers seem to come to life, wake up from hibernation, sagging decreases).

The value of egg white masks

What is the value of this self-care option? The thing is:

  • the neck and décolleté are very problematic areas in which it is very difficult to maintain physical youth or at least the appearance of it;
  • if with the face it is even more or less easy to solve the problem of going out (decorative cosmetics largely help to hide defects), then the décolleté and neck are almost always visible;
  • The face traditionally receives more attention in terms of care. A woman massages her face every now and then, and during the day it involuntarily receives tone from facial mobility (the skin on the neck and décolleté is always motionless);
  • foundation and powder are often present on the face - they protect the skin from sun rays (on the neck, camouflage cosmetics are either rarely applied or are quickly washed off by clothing, and there is not enough attention, time, or desire for repeated applications).

Beneficial features

Egg whites are a source of firmness, youth and health for the skin. In its origin, it is close to human tissues and has the same nature. Accordingly, any masks and mixtures interact well with our skin - the necessary part is absorbed, the excess is easily washed off with water.

What is contained in egg white?

Speaking in simple words, in egg whites nature has prepared for us a combination of such beneficial effects as:

  • proteins. Are the basis cellular structure, and skin is no exception;
  • amino acids. Organic compounds from amines and acids. Remove excess calcium from cells. They normalize the transport of calcium and sodium ions across the cell membrane. Protein structures are formed from amino acids. And also - components of hemoglobin and phospholipids;
  • vitamins. Group B - to support regeneration, to preserve moisture in the skin. Vitamin D - protection against cancer, synthesis of vitamin A under the influence of sunlight, regulation of phosphorus metabolism;
  • microelements. Egg white contains zinc, calcium, copper, phosphorus, etc. Necessary for the structure of cells and normal metabolic processes in them.

Basic Rules

To make a protein mask with high-quality results, you need to keep in mind simple rules and follow them. The protein structure requires a reverent attitude towards itself - it does not like high temperatures and acidic environment (in both cases protein coagulation will occur). When drying, protein also behaves in a special way, and this must be taken into account.

A set of rules that must be followed:

  • Always apply the mask only to a perfectly cleansed face(there should be no residues of cosmetics on the skin);
  • if you want to enhance the effectiveness of the protein mask - pre-do steam baths or hot compress(this way you will slightly expand the pores);
  • liquid protein spreads, so Before applying the mask, limit your face with a damp “barrier” of cotton swabs moistened with warm water. Place them tightly together along the contour of the treated area. Another option is to make a rope out of loose cotton wool, moisten it with water, place it on your face in the form of a frame so that the mixture does not spread beyond its boundaries;
  • Protein should remain on the face for no more than 15-20 minutes(at this stage the mask can still be removed, but after that the crust will be difficult to remove);
  • during the procedure facial muscles should be completely relaxed, and the face is motionless. Don't talk, laugh or smile;
  • To remove the mask, use a herbal decoction or boiled water. Rinse off the mask with light massage movements in small circles;
  • at the end of the procedure remove the remnants of the mask with a neutral lotion, lubricate the skin with a nourishing cream(depending on what skin type you personally have);
  • procedure frequency- no more than 2 times a week, every other month;
  • prepare in advance whisk, bowl, wide brush or men's shaving brush, several paper napkins for blotting up accidental drops during the procedure.

Best Recipes

From all the variety, you will probably choose something for yourself, and other options will seem uninteresting to you. It is recommended to try it first different recipes. This will help you decide. Listen to the sensations of your skin, draw conclusions, analyze.

Attention! All recipes below are described based on 1 protein per person. If you want to treat one more area, this is plus one protein and plus a set of other ingredients. That is, to treat the face, neck and décolleté you will need to multiply each recipe by three.

A velvety, radiant face is a woman's dream. And what we don’t do to prolong the youth of our skin. We buy expensive cosmetics, try fashionable procedures, and even decide on plastic surgery. And sometimes we simply don’t realize that the solution to the problem is on the surface. Products with a powerful lifting effect are as simple as two. One of them is a tightening face mask with egg white.

Mother Nature has invested valuable cosmetic components into the product. Firstly, directly natural protein. It restores the dermis, heals microcracks and protects the skin from the appearance of blemishes, such as acne.

Secondly, vitamins. The B vitamins contained in egg whites help regenerate skin cells and retain the moisture necessary for the normal functioning of the dermis. Vitamin D is a natural UV filter, an assistant for normal intracellular metabolism. And vitamin PP acts as a guarantor of a healthy complexion. Biotin, in turn, correlates the work of the sebaceous glands. Therefore, face masks with egg whites are especially valuable when the task is to choose the right care product for shiny, oily skin.

Thirdly, the amino acids and minerals contained under the eggshell give the epidermis necessary nutrition, strength to recover and immunity.

Chicken egg white has unique properties: nourishes, rejuvenates, tightens the skin, making it more elastic and smooth. Containing only natural nutritional components, it easily penetrates into the deep layers of the epidermis.

What problems does protein solve?

Egg white masks are one of the most affordable and effective means home cosmetology. At the same time, they help fight a whole range of problems. Why is this product so valuable for the skin, what functions does it perform?

  • Facelift. A face mask made from egg whites makes facial contours clearer, smoothes out small depressions, and fights aging.
  • Fighting stains. Brightens the face, makes its color more even and natural.
  • Treatment of inflammation. The healing properties of the protein mass help get rid of epidermal problems: blackheads, pimples and other inflammations.
  • “Shield” from external irritants. The fats contained in the product create an invisible protective film that retains moisture in the cells and is an effective “shield” from heat and cold, wind and sunlight.

Protein cosmetics are not suitable for everyone. It solves the problems of oily and combination skin: fights inflammation, regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and evens out the structure. And it is absolutely not suitable for dry skin, because protein dries out the dermis and reduces the production of sebum.

Preparing face masks with protein: 7 rules

In order for protein-based cosmetics to have the maximum effect, it is necessary to take into account some rules for its creation and use. There are seven main points.

  1. Egg selection. To create a rejuvenating composition, you need to take only fresh product. Better is the one hatched by a domestic hen. The cosmetic mixture should be prepared immediately before use. The leftovers just need to be thrown away. There is no point in storing it, since in this case the protein will lose its healing properties.
  2. Whipping. The basic component of the egg white face mask is prepared as follows: carefully “beat” the separated white with a fork or whisk for about five minutes. With the help of a mixer, the foam will, of course, appear faster. While the mass remains airy and does not fall off, add the remaining ingredients and mix. This way the product will lie flat and will not cause discomfort.
  3. Preparing the face. Protein has a “tightening” effect, so a protein face mask is good for wrinkles. However, there is also a downside - the pores get clogged. Therefore, before applying masks, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the dermis: wash off makeup, eliminate dead cells using a scrub or peeling. The products have the greatest effect on steamed skin; for this, take a five-minute steam bath.
  4. Coverage. It is better to apply protein cosmetics with a special brush. Although, you can use your fingertips, gently driving in. The second method, by the way, will have a double effect: while applying the product, you will also get a massage.
  5. How much to wait . Exposure time is 15 minutes. On longer period You shouldn’t leave the mask on your face, because the protein dries out and “seizes.” Peeling the crust can damage the skin. Especially if it has acne or microcracks.
  6. Washing. You can remove the remaining product with a cotton pad or a napkin soaked in a decoction of herbs. Or you can simply wash your face with warm water, herbal decoction or milk.
  7. Course frequency. If your skin is problematic, you can do a face mask with protein three times a week. For oily skin and for preventive purposes, it will be enough to use this method once a week. The course of treatment and prevention consists of ten procedures. After this, you need to let the skin rest for three to four weeks.

Protein-based masks should never be heated, because the protein will coagulate when the temperature rises.

5 recipes in two steps

So, you have discovered that your skin urgently needs nourishment, tightening and healing. Take a chicken egg, separate the white from the yolk, beat it, adding the necessary ingredients. Both other natural products and essential oils. Using different supplements you can combat various problems of the epidermis.

Vitamin bomb

Operating principle. We will add freshly squeezed fruit and berry juice to the protein mass. This replenishment is good during the period of vitamin deficiency, in the off-season, when the skin becomes dull and loses its healthy appearance. The face mask made from protein and lemon is especially praised.

Two steps

  1. Beat the egg white.
  2. Add 5-6 ml lemon juice. This citrus can be replaced with grapes, kiwi, and orange. Also, instead of juice, take 20 g of raspberry, strawberry or currant pulp.

Mega pull-up

Operating principle. Protein in its pure form has a lifting effect. But if you add starch to it, the effect will be deeper. This mask also evens out the epidermis and brightens pigmented areas.

Two steps

  1. Beat the egg white and add 15 g of starch into the foam.
  2. Add a couple of drops of tea tree oil.

Nutritious honey

Operating principle. Face mask with honey and protein will nourish the skin nutrients, tones it up. To prepare, use liquid honey so that it is convenient to combine it with the whipped egg white.

Two steps

  1. Separate the white from the yolk and beat thoroughly.
  2. Add 25 ml honey.

Cleaning with oatmeal

Operating principle. Protein and oatmeal are an effective tandem for combating skin micropollution. This mask cleanses pores, normalizes cellular metabolism, and “polishes” the dermis.

Two steps

  1. Beat the egg white.
  2. Carefully add two tablespoons of oatmeal (or flakes ground in a coffee grinder) into the mixture.

Sugar anti-aging

Operating principle. A protein face mask will also help get rid of fine wrinkles. To achieve an anti-aging effect, it is enough to add regular sugar to the protein. The sweet mixture will cleanse the skin, making it smoother and more radiant.

Two steps

  1. Add a tablespoon of sugar to the separated protein.
  2. Beat.

It is better to apply protein mixtures in two or three layers with an interval of five minutes. While the product is working, try to remain calm and keep your facial muscles still. This is important because protein tightens the skin and any movement is fraught with pain.

A protein face mask at home is a universal remedy that is equally suitable for both young and aging skin. The main contraindication is peeling and dryness of the epidermis. You don’t have to wait long for the effect of using “egg cosmetics”: the face becomes smoother and more elastic after the first procedure.

An egg white face mask is good for any skin type. Well cleansing and tightening the skin helps with the first signs of aging.

You know: you will move away from youthful problems with acne and other unpleasant irritants and your own mood, as the first wrinkles have already appeared. Now we have to fight them too. And all my life.

This is not a reason to be upset. New wrinkles, not yet deep, can be overcome literally without leaving home, but simply by opening the refrigerator door. What does almost every housewife have? That's right - eggs. For problems after 30 - just right.

The white of the most ordinary chicken egg is rich in amino acids, microelements and B vitamins. All of the above is very beneficial for the skin and helps to tighten it, make it velvety, fresh and healthy. Vitamin B is especially useful for aging skin. If you regularly use a tightening face mask with egg whites, you can completely get rid of fine wrinkles. It gives a quick lifting effect. Who wants to spend a lot of time on self-care? Only the most enthusiastic. Therefore, five-minute recipes are real lifesavers.

Egg white helps tighten pores and rid the face of hated oily shine, so it is ideal for oily and combination skin. The effect of use will be noticeable after the first procedure. If we want to consolidate it, then, of course, we need to make masks in a course.

Important care points

  1. For masks you should only use fresh eggs, it’s better to buy from a trusted place.
  2. Before application, the skin must be thoroughly cleansed with a tonic or steam bath.
  3. Masks are kept on the face for at least 15 minutes and no longer than 30 minutes.
  4. You need to wash off the mask with lukewarm water; protein curled up on your face will definitely not give you any pleasant sensations.
  5. Regularity is important in procedures. It is recommended to make masks with chicken egg white from 1 to 3 times a week, depending on the problem.
  6. During women's critical days, it is better to refrain from such care; there is an opinion that such masks can provoke unnecessary swelling.
  7. If you are allergic to any of the components of the mask, then you should not use it.

Masks with a lifting effect

Egg and lemon juice

One protein should be mixed with 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice and 0.5 tsp. natural honey. Beat the egg white until foamy and gradually add the remaining ingredients. Leave on the face for 20 minutes and then wash off. The cream is applied 15 minutes after removing the mask.

Can be done once a week. In addition to the main effect, this mask will help tighten pores, give the skin a matte tint and a healthy color.

Egg and oatmeal

Tightening your facial contours with this mask is a pleasure; it allows you to quickly give your skin a healthy look. The mask works quickly.

Beat the egg white, add 1 tsp. kefir, 1 tsp. starch and oatmeal, ground to a powder. The consistency is like sour cream.

Lifting and whitening

A version of a mask made from egg white and cucumber will help solve two problems: it will tighten the contour of the face and get rid of age spots.

One protein is mixed with fresh cucumber pulp.

Pore ​​cleansing

In addition to the protein, you only need napkins or a paper towel, cut into pieces.

The face should be steamed over a steam bath to expand the pores. Beat the egg white and apply it to your face with a brush. Pieces of napkins seem to be glued on top. The mask is left on the face for half an hour until it dries completely. Then they are sharply removed along with napkins. The remains are washed off with warm water or tonic.

For dry skin

Whisk the egg white until stiff and mix with the cream. There is a special feature for this mask: before application, a thin layer of nourishing cream is applied to the skin of the face, and a mask is placed on top. In those places where there are more wrinkles, apply 2 layers of mask.

This mask will make wrinkles less noticeable and eliminate dryness.

For oily and combination skin

Beat the egg whites alone, then add 2 tbsp. l. cosmetic natural clay of any color, mix and add 1 tsp. olive oil. After washing off the mask, apply moisturizer.

The mask will give the skin elasticity. Apply once a week.

Cleansing and lifting

Whipped protein is combined with 2 tsp. sugar and stir until the latter is completely dissolved. Part of the mixture is applied to the face and allowed to dry. Then the second part is applied. You can additionally press the mask into the skin of your face with your fingertips until it dries completely.

Wash off with lukewarm water.

Caring for the skin around the eyes

Protein is able to carefully and carefully take care of the skin around the eyes, eliminate fine wrinkles, small age spots and “bags”.

A universal mask - egg whites beaten with a little salt. Salt, then beat. It couldn't be simpler! Apply to problem areas and leave until completely dry. Then wash it off.

Forehead skin care

To prepare the mask, 1 whipped egg white is mixed with 1 tsp. olive oil and 1 tsp. lemon juice. It is better to apply in the evening.

The second option is a mixture of protein and heavy cream.

Getting rid of wrinkles above the upper lip

The whipped egg white is mixed with a small amount of lemon juice and a pinch of salt. Leave on the problem area until completely dry. It is better to lie quietly with this mask and not talk to anyone.

In order for the effect of the masks to be most pronounced, they should be alternated with each other, while focusing on your problem. And their regular use will allow you to achieve truly amazing results.

Every woman wants to cope with wrinkles without surgery and do it in a short time. To solve this task, a protein mask for the face against wrinkles is suitable. This product contains many B vitamins. This allows you to achieve a tightening and smoothing effect.

Composition and benefits

Included chicken eggs There are many useful ingredients present. White and yolk have different effects on the skin, but both elements are extremely beneficial.

The protein contains the following substances:

Thanks to the unique composition of such products, the following results can be achieved:

Indications and contraindications

Before making and using this product, it is very important to carefully study medical recommendations. An egg white face mask against wrinkles is not suitable for all skin types.

Therefore, the main indications for the use of such compositions include the following:

Women with dry skin types should not use such masks. Contraindications also include increased sensitivity of the epidermis. Otherwise, there is a risk of getting negative results.

Features of use

In order for an egg white face mask against wrinkles to bring only benefits, you need to adhere to the basic rules:

An important advantage of such products is the instant result. Immediately after washing off the product, you can feel the smoothness and elasticity of the dermis.

Effective recipes

Any face mask with egg white against wrinkles is highly effective. To get excellent results, you need to choose the right composition of the medicinal product.

For dry skin

To make a mask, the egg whites must be beaten well until a stable foam forms. Then add a small spoon of honey or cream.

For oily skin

To get the remedy, you need to thoroughly beat the egg whites and add a small spoon of lemon juice. It can be replaced with a pinch of alum. Keep the finished product for at least 20 minutes.

With honey and oatmeal

The product is excellent for those with aging skin. First you need to make foam from the protein, then add 1 large spoonful of oatmeal and honey.

Mix all ingredients thoroughly so that no lumps form. Apply the composition for 20 minutes. Then rinse off the product with cool water.

With alum and boric acid

The product perfectly smooths out wrinkles and is suitable for those with oily dermis. To obtain useful product, you need to take the egg white and beat it well. Then add 1 g of burnt alum, a small spoon of cream and 5 g of boric acid.

The product is applied to the face for 20 minutes. Then the dried layer is removed. For this purpose, it is recommended to use a temperature contrast - first you need to use warm, then cold water. To achieve better narrowing of pores, rub with an ice cube.

With clay

This anti-wrinkle face mask with protein is ideal for those with oily and combination dermis. With its help, it is possible to make the face elastic and give clarity to the oval.

To begin with, you need to beat the whites thoroughly, then add 2 large spoons of natural clay - red, green, white, blue will do. Mix the ingredients until smooth, then add 1 small spoon of base oil - excellent option will become olive.

All ingredients should be mixed thoroughly and applied to the dermis. After 20 minutes, wash and lubricate your face with moisturizer. This product is recommended to be used once a week.

With kefir

First you need to beat the egg white, add 3 tablespoons of kefir and a little starch. In addition, you should add 1 teaspoon of chopped oatmeal. Apply the prepared mixture to the skin and leave it for a quarter of an hour. Then wash your face. This method perfectly tightens the dermis, giving it a beautiful appearance.

With cucumber

This substance produces a pronounced lifting effect and allows you to cope with age spots. First, take half a small cucumber and chop it with a grater.

Add egg white and apply to skin for 20 minutes. Rinse off the product with warm water.

With sugar

This product has pronounced cleansing properties and has a noticeable tightening effect. First you need to combine the whipped egg white with 2 small spoons of sugar. It is recommended to stir the product until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Then apply some of the substance and leave to dry a little. To achieve better effect, you need to moisten your fingertips in the remaining mass and begin tapping movements. Continue these manipulations until the feeling of stickiness disappears. To get rid of the product, you need to use warm water.

Protein masks are highly effective. They perfectly tighten and smooth the skin, making the oval of the face clearer and more attractive.

To achieve good results, it is very important to choose the right additional ingredients and strictly adhere to the rules for applying the medicinal product.

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