The Buryat face of Caucasian terrorism. Said Buryat at school was a quiet boy Said Buryat group

The story of Anatoly Zemlyanka, a 28-year-old executioner of ISIS, of Russian origin, who publicly executed his Russian compatriot from Chechnya in Syria (accusing him of involvement in our special services), greatly shocked the Russian public. And again forced to return to the discussion of the topic of Russian Muslims involved in Islamist terrorist organizations ...

I have already touched on this topic on our site. But it is obvious that I will have to write about this more than once or twice. Because the situation, unfortunately, does not change for the better.

In the beginning there was a word...

So, for some time now, Russian young people have begun to show great interest in the radical Islamist underground. We will talk about the reasons for this interest a little lower, and I will note that the militant Said Buryatsky, who fought against the Russian law enforcement agencies as part of the extremist organization Emarat Kavkaz, acted as a kind of “pioneer” in this regard. Here is what the highly informed website "Caucasian Knot" writes about this person:

"Alexander Tikhomirov (Said Buryatsky). Born in 1982 in Ulan-Ude. His father is Buryat, his mother is Russian. As a teenager, he studied at a Buddhist datsan. Independently studying Islamic literature, he converted to Islam at the age of 15. Later he moved to Moscow, studied at the Rasul Akram madrasah, a Sunni madrasah in the city of Buguruslan, Orenburg region.

From 2002 to 2005, Alexander Tikhomirov studied at the Fajr Arabic Language Center, studied theology at the Al-Azhar Islamic University in Egypt, and then with various reputable sheikh scholars in Egypt and Kuwait. Due to problems with the Egyptian secret services, he was forced to return.

At the same time, according to the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation, A. Tikhomirov at that time "was undergoing lengthy training in Saudi Arabia."

After returning from Kuwait, he was engaged in self-education, worked in the religious publishing house "Umma" in Moscow, served at the Moscow Cathedral Mosque. Thanks to numerous lectures distributed on audio and video media and on the Internet and very popular among Islamic youth, Alexander Tikhomirov became known as a theologian (sheikh), a preacher of Islam. Traveled with sermons in Russia and CIS countries. Having married, he returned to Buryatia, to Ulan-Ude, where his sister and mother lived.

In May 2008, Alexander Tikhomirov secretly arrived at North Caucasus, where he met with the leader of the Caucasian Mujahideen, the "military amir of the Caucasus Emirate" Dokku Umarov, and took the oath (bayat) to him. According to Tikhomirov: “After the proclamation of the Caucasus Emirate, all doubts disappeared. We have one amir and one state. And it is the direct duty of every Muslim today to go out on Jihad and help Jihad with word and property.”

During the year of participation in the “holy war against Russia”, A. Tikhomirov participated in a number of sabotage operations of armed groups led by Dokka Umarov. He made video messages in Russian on the Internet calling on Islamic youth in the CIS countries to join the armed struggle in the Caucasus, wrote articles for the Kavkaz Center website and gave interviews about jihad. In the environment radical Islamists gained fame as an "internationalist mujahideen", a kind of "Islamic Che Guevara".

Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov has stated that, according to his information, Alexander Tikhomirov is “the main ideologist of the bandit underground” and that he trained the suicide bomber Rustam Mukhadiev for a year and a half, who blew up a bomb on Theater Square in Grozny on July 26, 2009.

On July 30, 2009, the Investigation Department under the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Chechen Republic initiated a criminal case against A. Tikhomirov ...

On March 2, 2010, federal intelligence officers blocked several houses in the village of Ekazhevo (Ingushetia), where, according to operational information, the militants were hiding. During the battle, six separatists were killed, another 16 people were arrested on suspicion of involvement in illegal armed formations. On March 4, representatives of the power structures of Chechnya stated that Alexander Tikhomirov was among the militants killed in Ekazhevo on March 2. Soon this information was confirmed by the separatists, whose websites published messages about the “martyr” of A. Tikhomirov (Said Buryatsky).”

By the way, the sermons of Said Buryatsky were very popular among Russian youth and not only among traditional Muslims. Many Russians fell under the influence of these sermons. This became clear at the end of 2013, when a series of explosions took place in Volgograd, killing dozens of people.

In this regard, the Russian special services were looking for a certain Pavel Pechenkin, a native of the Republic of Mari El, an active member of the Buynaksk terrorist group in Dagestan. Most likely, it was this person who directly developed and carried out the attacks...

Until some time, Pavel was a completely normal guy and worked as a doctor in his homeland. But then I got carried away with the Islamic creed. A few years ago, he converted to Islam and took on the new name Ansar Al-Rusi (Rusi means Russian in Arabic), after which he disappeared. And soon the special services received information that the newly-minted Muslim showed up in Dagestan already as an active underground terrorist.

During 2013, Pechenkin's parents urged him three times via video messages to hand over his weapons and return to ordinary life. They even specially came to Dagestan to meet with their son. However, Paul did not respond to their calls. Only once, through YouTube, did he answer his parents. He stated that he came to Dagestan deliberately in order to earn himself a “hit in paradise”, and did not intend to return home.

After that, he cut off all external communication with the world. “Reminded” of myself already through the tragedy in Volgograd ...

Alas, the figure of Pechenkin is, unfortunately, no exception in the terrorist underground. The previous terrorist attack in the same Volgograd, which was carried out by the suicide bomber Naida Asiyalova, who blew up a trolleybus with students, also has a distinct Russian trace. On the "feat" Asiyalov moved her civil spouse 21-year-old Dmitry Sokolov, demolition worker of the Makhachkalinskaya sabotage and terrorist group. His muslim name- Abduljabar.

Sokolov's path to the gangster underground was about the same as that of Pechenkin. After school in 2009, he entered the Moscow State University forestry. However, two months later he took an academic leave, and then completely took the documents from the university. The reason is the passion for the ideas of radical Islam.

In the summer of 2013, the disappearance of their son was reported by his parents, who said that he once went to the mosque and never returned home. Further, Sokolov appeared only in the operational reports of the special services.

A few weeks after the bombing of Dmitry Asiyalova in Dagestan, FSB officers tracked down and blocked him in one of the houses. He refused to surrender, and was destroyed ...

Sister in death

But what messages came from Astrakhan. Newspaper "Izvestia":

“Russian special services prevented another terrorist attack. During a large-scale anti-terrorist cleansing operation in Astrakhan, operatives detained the 25-year-old militant's widow Viktoria Volkova, who took the Muslim name Aisha Kurbatova.

Her 27-year-old husband, Viktor Volkov, once worked as a loader in one of the Astrakhan markets, where, according to the intelligence services, he was recruited by Caucasian militants. In 2010, he converted to Islam, changed his name to Valid and became a member of the Kizilyurt gang in Dagestan.

According to intelligence agencies, the "Russian Wahhabi" participated in several murders of police officers, FSB officers and prosecutors, in robberies and robberies. In September 2012, it was destroyed. After the death of her husband, Volkova lives in Astrakhan with her mother and two young children. She still professes Islam and does not work anywhere.

During a search of Volkova's house, operatives found a powerful improvised plastid bomb, stuffed with metal scraps as striking elements. Volkova herself claimed that she did not know anything about the cache, and stated that the bomb belonged to her husband ...

And in total, according to operational data, in recent years in Astrakhan region several dozen ethnic Russians converted to Islam. In the summer of 2013, Aleksey Baigushkin, a representative of the Federal Security Service for the Astrakhan region, said that there were 60 wives or widows of militants in the region who could be considered potential terrorists...

“The latest acts of suicide bombers have shown that Wahhabi terrorist attacks have the face of a Russian girl.- says the article "Russian girls in the plans of the Wahhabis" (website "Greater Caucasus") - In 2011, it was the face of Maria Khorosheva, who blew up the police station in the Dagestan village of Gubden. At the end of August 2012 - the face of Alla Saprykina, who killed Sheikh Said Effendi of Chirkey. The beginning of 2013 was marked by the name of Alena Bykova. 19-year-old Alena, a resident of the city of Volzhsky, did not have time to undermine anyone, but she was engaged in far from harmless things: she recruited Russian girls on social networks to accept “pure Islam” and the subsequent war with the infidels “on the path of Allah.” Even judging by this fact, the conclusion suggests itself: the Wahhabi gang underground has its own special plans for Russian suicide bombers.

Briefly, the essence of these plans can be stated as follows. A Russian Wahhabi woman is not just a zombie doll trained to make contacts on the "shahid's belt", but an active, talking tool that can not only blow up, but actively promote the ideas of "correct Islam" among girls of all nationalities of Russia. The “Russianness” of the recruiter is the main guarantee of the success of the enterprise, and the dagwat (call) from the lips of the Russian sister is more effective and productive "...

There are neither Russians nor non-Russians in the jamaat, there are sisters in faith. The Russian inhabitant of the jamaat is distinguished only by greater zeal and activity. Thanks to this zeal, Russian Wahhabis often take precedence over their non-Slavic "sisters". If the Russian sister is “successfully” undermined, then her name is pronounced with a sense of reverence. “Our Russian sister became a martyr in the way of Allah,” they say. And dream of repeating her actions. If some girl suddenly stops halfway, they shake her up with the words: “Do you want to hand us over to the FSB? They won't pity you, don't dream. This world needs to be hated. Do your job and pray to get to paradise as soon as possible.” These are the roughly quoted words of Maria Khorosheva, addressed to another “sister” who did not want to blow herself up because she was pregnant by her Wahhabi husband ... ".

Today to this mournful terrorist list you can safely add the name of a student of Moscow State University Varvara Karaulova, who tried to flee to ISIS territory this spring.

Where is the truth, brother?

This is such a sad picture - terrorist structures today are being intensively replenished with Russian people. By the way, the well-known Chechen field commander Shamil Basayev spoke loudly about the threat of “Russian terrorist Islam” ten years ago, who claimed that many Russian people began to get involved in radical Muslim ideas. According to Basayev, this is very good, as it will make it possible to transfer “ holy war against the infidels" from the Caucasus to purely Russian regions.

Then our authorities considered these statements of Basayev to be bragging and simply dismissed them. However, time has confirmed the seriousness of the Chechen leader's threats.

And the reasons for this alarming state of affairs, it seems to me, lie literally on the surface.

First of all, our state does not very often demonstrate commitment to the principles of social and other justice - rather, on the contrary. What Islamist recruiters actively use ...

The Muslim North Caucasian republics became the first "victim" in this regard. Today, our authorities explain the survivability of the local terrorist underground primarily by supporting certain international extremist organizations, such as the notorious Al-Qaeda or the same ISIS. However, they do not provide clear explanations of the local causes that give rise to terrorism in the Caucasus region.

Unfortunately, at one time Moscow allowed fatal mistake when she gave all power in the region at the mercy of local chiefs. As a result, only the relatives of these bosses gained access to power and other resources. The rest of the population of certain republics actually turned out to be thrown to the sidelines of life with all the ensuing consequences - mass unemployment, very low level life and the complete absence of any prospects for young people.

It is not surprising that this state of affairs literally pushes the local youth into the environment of radical Islamists...

The next object of radical propaganda was Russian young people, who more and more often face approximately the same social and spiritual problems as their Caucasian peers - a moral vacuum, arbitrary power, lack of life prospects. Often this is superimposed on the general social disadvantage of the families where future terrorists grew up. Here is what, for example, the neighbors recalled about the childhood of Viktor Dvorakovsky, one of the now wanted Islamic extremists, who organized an entire school for suicidal martyrs in the gangster underground:

“Mother pulled everyone on her: her husband and two sons - the younger Vitya and the older Alexei. For a long time the woman worked as a ticket attendant at a discotheque, then she retrained as a cashier at a bar, and later she was demoted to a cleaning lady - she washed the tablecloths, washed the floors, did all the dirty work. Lyosha and Vitya undertook to help their mother. For three years they robbed cherry orchards and sold the berries on the highway. Part of the proceeds were given to the guards so that they would not chase them.

Such a life, from an early age, threw Victor into a radical environment:

“In 2005, Dvorakovsky joined the local skinheads. He wore a black uniform, an emblem with a swastika on his chest, and a shaved nape. And he constantly shouted: “Russia for the Russians!” Despite such oddities, Vitya always had friends. He had a company of 7-8 people. They all drank together, went to discos. Vitya broke off relations with the guys when he met a certain Vladimir Skirko, who persuaded Dvorakovsky to convert to Islam.

Since then, Victor has been featured exclusively in the operational reports of the special services ... Anatoly Zemlyanka also went through approximately the same path to Islamism, through a passion for Nazism.

According to LifeNews website:

According to him, the favorite group of Zemlyanka, a resident of the city of Noyabrsk (Yamal-Nenets autonomous region), was Rammstein. “It cannot be said that he was a complete fascist skinhead, but he showed interest in this, spoke respectfully about them. He liked the external ostentatious side - he loved the Nazi salute, ”said Yuri. “He spoke disapprovingly of non-Russians, and then after some time he suddenly changed his attitude towards them,” added a classmate.

Muslim Akhmedkhanov, an acquaintance of the terrorist, said that Zemlyanka at some point became an adherent of radical Islam, and people around him called for jihad. “They came to the mosque together, argued with other Muslims all the time, pushed through their position, handed out leaflets on the sly, their brochures,” recalls Akhmedkhanov.”

In 2013, Zemlyanka left for the Middle East, where he joined the ISIS group ...

Why did these people move from Nazi ideas to Islamist ideas? Apparently because only Muslim preachers-terrorists were able to answer many of their vital questions.

Why is there no spirituality? Because there is no faith in Allah, and officials are mired in lies and debauchery. Why is there no justice? Because people do not honor the Koran, which proclaims everyone without exception equal in the face of the Lord God. How to achieve perfection and bliss? Only by killing the infidel, a true Muslim goes to heaven... Simple answers to the most difficult questions...

Albir Krganov, Chairman of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims in Moscow, in an interview with Izvestia, said that neophytes (that is, those who convert to a new faith) do not always get along with the environment in which they came. They separate. They were strangers in the environment from which they left, but they do not become their own even where they came. Hence complexes and self-expression appear, which most often manifests itself in violent terrorist attacks. This is confirmed by other experts, for example, a well-known Islamic scholar in our country, Professor Roman Silantiev:

“Russian Muslims, of whom there are only six thousand people, have given the country more terrorists than Muslim Tatars, of whom there are almost 4 million. Both imams, conditionally Russian by nationality, served time, one for inciting religious hatred, the other for participating in terrorist activities ... A fact that cannot be avoided: a large part of people go to Islam in order to engage in terrorism and overthrow the government. More than a hundred years ago, people went for this to the Narodnaya Volya, and now they believe that terrorism should be dealt with through Islam. Not because they love it so much, but because they perceive it as the most reliable means armed struggle. The same “seaside partisans”, although they were not Muslims, used the disks with the sermons of Said Buryatsky very actively. Now Islam has become a kind of refuge for people who want to blow up the situation in the country at any cost and arrange a new revolution...

Islam for neophytes is primarily a search for expression of aggression. Here I hate, for example, the authorities, I want to kill them all - officials, cops - where will I go? Of course, I can create an organization myself. But it’s much easier to join the ranks of comrades who have everything well-established for a long time.”

Departed from the cross

Another problem is the almost complete absence of spiritual and moral guidelines for the younger generation. Neither our authorities, nor society as a whole, have developed anything in this regard in the years since the collapse of Soviet ideals. Moreover, the authorities do not seem to be eager to set these benchmarks!

Recently one big boss declared on television that the spirituality of our youth should be sought ... in sports. Like, for this, such grandiose events as the Olympics in Sochi are held.

I wouldn’t comment on this outright nonsense if this uncle really wasn’t a big boss, which means that his words really reflect the current public policy. Or rather, the complete absence of such in the matter of the spiritual and moral education of young people.

We can safely say that today we do not have any youth policy! Although any self-respecting state should give priority to this issue - after all, the future of the state itself depends on it.

It was not for nothing that in the Soviet Union there was a whole system of youth organizations - from the Octobrists to the Komsomol - which was just engaged in the deep and comprehensive education of children as conscious citizens of the Soviet country. And if not all young people, but the vast majority of them, these organizations really brought up just such citizens, who, in addition, had a healthy immunity to any kind of extremism. And for the kids, the out-of-class education system worked great - all kinds of circles, houses of creativity, sport sections. And all this is completely free!

The then rulers were well aware that it was impossible to save on youth. Such savings can later cost the country too much. The current terrorist threat to Russia, where all the previous Soviet developments in youth education have been destroyed, - a prime example sad consequences this kind of savings...

At one time, in the early 1990s, our public had great hopes for the Russian Orthodox Church, which was supposed to give a spiritual impetus to the development of the Russian people. However, disappointment quickly set in.

I have repeatedly written that our Church actually fully supports the policy of our current government, even in its most unfavorable manifestations, such as the policy of social injustice or liberal “reforms” that are detrimental to the country. Moreover, the current church hierarchy has actually become part of the ruling class in the country - not only in terms of power, but also in terms of property. Sometimes one gets the impression that hierarchs today are most concerned not with questions of spirituality, but with concern for accumulating wealth and increasing church property.

I remember ten years ago the well-known Orthodox publicist Mikhail Nazarov bitterly told me that our church hierarchy, by such behavior, is literally pushing Russian people seeking God out of the Orthodox Church into the ranks of pagans and Muslims.

“I, a Russian, was betrayed by my Russian government, Russian priests and cops. They betrayed you too. The true goal of life is one - jihad in the path of Allah, self-sacrifice and the Gardens of Eden. Approximately this was how the Wahhabi girl Maria Khorosheva, the wife of a “mujahideen” named Vitaly Razdobudko, preached to girls ...

“I believe that the Islamization of Russian girls is largely the result of bad work Russian Orthodox Church and officials who do not pay due attention to Russian youth,” Ruslan Gereev, director of the Center for Islamic Studies of the North Caucasus, told the Greater Caucasus. - There is no spiritual protection of the Russian population in Russia anywhere. Because of this, Russians are the first to fall victims of alcoholism, drug addiction, totalitarian sects and are infected with the virus of radical Islamism. Spiritual insecurity pushes Russian girls into jamaats, makes them suicide bombers. Their number, alas, will only increase ... ".

Thus, from the point of view of spirituality, Russia, like the countries of the West, is now in a virtual void. And as one Russian proverb says - a holy place is never empty. The void is rapidly filling with other forces, sometimes openly hostile to Russia, including radical Islam. And I agree with Ruslan Gereev - against such a sad background, the replenishment of the ranks of terrorists by Russian youth will only increase every year.

Obviously, until we are commanded by people who call to seek spirituality exclusively in sports or pray only for the Olympic Games...

Vadim Andryukhin, Chief Editor

Abu Saad Said al-Buryati(Arab. أبو سعد سعيد البورياتي ‎‎) (known as Said Buryatsky; birth name Alexander Alexandrovich Tikhomirov; February 10, 1982, Ulan-Ude, Buryat ASSR - March 2, 2010, Ekazhevo, Ingushetia, Russia) - a member of terrorist groups, an Islamic preacher and one of the ideologists of the North Caucasian armed underground. On March 4, 2010, sources in the Russian law enforcement agencies spread information that Said Buryatsky had been killed in Ingushetia. The identity of the victim was confirmed by the results of a forensic medical examination conducted in Rostov-on-Don. On March 6, 2010, the President of Ingushetia, Yunus-bek Yevkurov, confirmed the death of Said Buryatsky.


Alexander Alexandrovich Tikhomirov was born on February 10, 1982 in the city of Ulan-Ude Buryat ASSR. Father is Russian, mother is Buryat. According to the Trud newspaper, "from an early age he was brought up by his Chechen stepfather." As a teenager, he studied at a Buddhist datsan. Converted to Islam at the age of 15. Independently (according to other sources, under the influence of Chechen friends) he studied Islamic literature. He took the Islamic name Said.

Later he studied with various reputable sheikh scholars in Egypt and Kuwait. He attended lectures by Sheikh Mahmoud Misri and Sheikh Muhammad Yusri, and also studied with the famous sheikh and preacher Muhammad Hassan. According to the Guraba website, “Among the students of that time, he is known for his sincerity towards religion and constant reading of Islamic books. He knew by heart “40 hadiths” of Nawawi with Sharh, “Aqida at-Tahawi”, “Umdat al-Ahkam”.

He worked in the organization "Dar ul-Akram" and collaborated with the religious publishing house "Umma".

Since 2002, he began to record lectures on religious topics, which quickly spread among Islamic youth. Among his most famous lectures are the cycles "Righteous Ancestors", "Trip to eternal life» , "Talbis Iblis"(from Arabic "Satan's veil"), "100 stories of the death of the unjust" and others. He also translated from Arabic into Russian religious documentaries("Crimes of the Shiites through the Ages", "Description of the Prophet's Prayer").

Caucasian emirate

In early 2008, Said Buryatsky received a video letter from the well-known Arab field commander Mukhannad and decided to join the North Caucasian armed underground. A few months later, he secretly arrived in Chechnya, where he met with the leader of the underground, the so-called. "amir" terrorist organization The “Caucasian Emirate” (Emirate of the Caucasus) by Dokka Umarov and gave him the Islamic oath (baya).

Tikhomirov's joining the armed underground caused a mixed reaction among Russian-speaking Muslims. The publicist Heydar Dzhemal, who has repeatedly expressed sympathy for the terrorists, called Tikhomirov “a symbol of a new generation in the epic of the Caucasian struggle”, emphasizing that “we have seen preachers (bearers of da’wat) belonging to various ethnic groups before. We saw Avars, Laks, Karachays, Circassians, Arabs... But all these worthy people were either representatives of the Caucasian area, or, at least, belonged to one or another traditionally Muslim people. In this case, for the first time, on behalf of the Emirate, the Caucasus acts as an ideologist, as an authoritative representative of a person of Eurasian origin, in whose veins Russian and Buryat blood flows.

Ekho Moskvy journalist Yulia Latynina said about Said Buryatsky: Such a Buryat Che Guevara, a Mujahideen internationalist...

In the following months, Said Buryatsky took part in sabotage operations and attacks by militants. While in the forest, he recorded several video messages, audio lectures and articles about jihad and the situation in the North Caucasus, which were published on the Kavkaz Center and other extremist websites.

Participation in terrorist activities

According to Russian law enforcement, Said Buryatsky is involved in the assassination attempt on the President of Ingushetia, Yunus-bek Yevkurov, in organizing a terrorist act in Nazran. Said Buryatsky also claimed responsibility for blowing up the Nevsky Express train.

The former intelligence chief of the disbanded Vostok battalion, Khamzat Gairbekov, said: "Tikhomirov was one of the most dangerous figures in the leadership of the Caucasus Emirate - he was responsible for training suicide bombers and led a network of sabotage schools."

According to the President of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov, Alexander Tikhomirov - "the main ideologist of the bandit underground" and it was he who trained the suicide bomber Rustam Mukhadiev, who blew up the bomb on Theater Square in Grozny on July 26, 2009. Said Buryatsky did not deny his involvement in such attacks, but, according to him, his help consisted in preparing "suicide belts", cutting reinforcement to create shrapnel damage, etc. Tikhomirov was negatively assessed information Agency"Chechnya Today", characterizing him as "an ignoramus who picked up the tops of religion", "a werewolf in a turban", who "needs the blood of the Chechen people."

On July 30, 2009, the Investigation Department under the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Chechen Republic initiated a criminal case against Alexander Tikhomirov on the grounds of a crime under part 2 of Article 208 of the Criminal Code of Russia: “participation in an armed formation not provided for federal law". The basis for the start of the check before the initiation of the case was the video recordings and photographs in which Tikhomirov appeared with the militants and which were posted on the Internet.

Ramzan Kadyrov, assessing Tikhomirov's calls, said: “This is being said by a person who has no idea about Islam. He is listened to by Dokka Umarov and bandits like him. These people call on Chechens to hate their history, traditions, culture.”

Terrorist attack in Nazran

At the end of August 2009 on the Hunafa website ( information resource of the Ingush armed underground) there was a message that Said Buryatsky was personally behind the wheel of a mined GAZelle car, which on the morning of August 17, 2009 rammed the gates of the Nazran city police department and blew up the building. The power of the explosion, which, according to official data, killed 25 police officers and injured 260 people, according to various estimates, ranged from 400 to 1000 kg of TNT. The building of the Nazran GOVD was completely destroyed.

Two days later, this information was refuted by the command of the Ingush underground, and after a while a video appeared on the Khunafa website in which Said Buryatsky personally denied his death and said that another militant was driving the car.


On March 4, 2010, Russian law enforcement agencies reported that Said Buryatsky was killed during a counter-terrorist operation in the Nazran district of Ingushetia near the village of Ekazhevo.

According to the FSB, on the morning of March 2, special forces units found and blocked a group of militants on the outskirts of the village. The militants spread out over several houses and on the territory of an abandoned farm. During the skirmish, which lasted several hours, several militants were killed, the survivors surrendered. After a special operation in Ekazhevo, law enforcement officers found a large number of weapons and explosives (several grenade launchers, a machine gun, machine guns and pistols, more than three thousand rounds of ammunition, nine 50-liter barrels of sodium nitrate, three powerful improvised explosive devices).

At the scene of the collision, a severely burned corpse was found, in which the head was almost missing and in which a passport was found in the name of Alexander Tikhomirov (real name of Said Buryatsky). Forensic examination in Rostov-on-Don also confirmed this information. RIA Novosti, citing a high-ranking source in the North Caucasus Federal District, reported that Tikhomirov's corpse would be buried in an unmarked grave, which is connected with the practice of not handing over the bodies of terrorists to relatives.

On March 6, 2010, the head of the FSB of Russia, A. V. Bortnikov, reported to the President of the Russian Federation D. Medvedev that Said Buryatsky and four Kartoev brothers were killed, and 10 more people were arrested, involved in the explosion of the Nevsky Express train in November 2009 . Bortnikov said that “genetic examinations of the bandits were carried out for involvement in the explosion of the Nevsky Express train, committed in November last year. All these materials give grounds to believe that it was they who took part in this crime.” According to him, material evidence was found at the place of the special operation, which is directly related to the train blowing up. In addition, components of explosive devices were found, “identical to those used in the explosion of the Nevsky Express train in 2007.”

According to the FSB CSO, "in one of the households (in Ekazhevo) an underground workshop was discovered, which was used by bandits to make improvised explosive devices." “During its examination, material evidence was found indicating the involvement of T. Kartoev’s gang in undermining the Nevsky Express in 2009, as well as technical equipment identical to those seized from the site of a similar terrorist attack in the Tver region in 2007.”

Ramzan Kadyrov expressed satisfaction with the liquidation of Tikhomirov, noting that the same fate awaits Dokka Umarov. Kadyrov also called Tikhomirov a bandit who worked for Western intelligence agencies.

According to Vadim Rechkalov: “Tired of running through the mountains, starving and freezing, Said Buryatsky ran into his old friends Kartoevs and called his mother in Ulan-Ude from their home phone. I missed you. And my mother’s phone, of course, was tapped.” It was thanks to this that the FSB managed to get on the trail of Said Buryatsky.

Religious and ideological position

A significant part of the activities of Said Buryatsky before he went underground was criticism of various Islamic movements - Shiites, Sufis, and others. In a generalized form, information about the existing 73 currents in Islam, Said Buryatsky outlined in his lectures on the book of Abul-Faraj ibn al-Jawzi "Talbis Iblis".

About the destruction of the leader of the bandit underground Said Buryatsky, according to his passport - Alexander Tikhomirov. One of the militants found documents in that name. The body is severely damaged, so genetic testing will be needed to establish the identity. After all, Said Buryatsky, who was involved in the assassination attempt on the president of the republic, Yunus-bek Yevkurov, staged his own death more than once.

This is how a special operation took place in the village of Ekazhevo, during which Said Buryatsky is supposed to have been killed: FSB special forces move from house to house, covering each other; the militants tried to resist, to hide in the houses, but not everyone had time. Just after this battle, in the burnt clothes of one of the killed militants, they found a passport in the name of Alexander Tikhomirov. That is the real name, or now, probably, one can say - the name was, of one of the main ideologists of the militants.

The biography of Alexander Tikhomirov is completely atypical and differs markedly from other militant leaders. Tikhomirov was born in Buryatia, Buryat father, Russian mother. At first he studied at a Buddhist datsan, then, at the age of 15, he converted to Islam. According to one version, after reading some books on Islam, according to another, Ingush friends were introduced to the faith.

Then began new page in the life of Tikhomirov. He is a student of a madrasah in the Orenburg region, then he goes to study in Egypt, and later in Kuwait. Tikhomirov really was a strong theologian, and for the time being he not only lectured, but also worked in an Islamic publishing house, wrote works about Islamic movements.

And now it’s impossible to understand what happened, but, probably, already at that time there was some kind of internal rebirth of Alexander Tikhomirov into Said Buryatsky. From some point on, his lectures and articles begin to differ in a radical direction.

In 2008, he is said to have received a video letter from the Arab field commander Muhannad, left his family and left for the North Caucasus, where he joined the terrorists. He met with and took part in militant sorties. Said Buryatsky becomes a kind of symbol of the terrorist international - after all, he is not from the Caucasus, he is not a Muslim by birth, but he is a militant and a terrorist.

But perhaps his main work is ideological. Said Buryatsky writes video messages to the militants, to the Caucasian youth, where he calls on everyone to wage a holy war and join the terrorists. He speaks beautifully, gives lengthy quotations in Arabic, he knows how to convince, which is not strange, given his education.

According to some reports, it was Said Buryatsky who psychologically indoctrinated young people and trained them as suicide bombers. For example, he prepared Rustam Mukhadiev, who.

By the way, in his video messages, the terrorist himself admitted to being involved in the most high-profile crimes - attacks on policemen in Ingushetia, an explosion on Grozny's Theater Square and.

Information about the death of Said Buryatsky already passed in August 2009. After that, another video message of the terrorist appeared on the Internet resources of the militants and a message that, they say, it was Said Buryatsky who personally rammed the GOVD building on a mined GAZelle. But two days later, the terrorist Buryatsky, as if nothing had happened, personally said: I.

There is no final data on whether Said Buryatsky was destroyed this time. The security forces speak cautiously: yes, the documents have been found, yes, there will be an examination, and after that we’ll talk.

But in general, the leaders of the bandit underground in the Caucasus are destroyed regularly. Almost all major field commanders have been killed, most of the Arab terrorists and financiers have been killed, odious leaders like Basayev and Maskhadov have been killed. If it is true that Said Buryatsky was included in the list of the destroyed leaders of the bandit underground, then this is an undoubted success of the special services. Because the terrorists do not have another such strong propagandist.

Everyone has been talking about Said Buryatsky for five days now - from TV announcers to janitors. A Wahhabi who was killed during a special operation in the North Caucasus had a hand in many high-profile terrorist attacks.

And everyone asks the question: where does the terrorist get so much anger and hatred for the Russians? After all, from birth he is a simple Siberian guy. Mom is Russian, dad is Buryat. Why is it\"pereklinilo \"?

Correspondents\"KP\" visited the terrorist's homeland

Yes, he ended up in a lyceum, where, under the guise of studying Turkish and Arabic the ideology of Islamic fundamentalists was hammered into the boys (read: The life of one of the main ideologists of the Wahhabis is divided into two approximately equal parts). But why so quickly went over to the side of the fanatics?

Correspondents\"KP \" found in Ulan-Ude people who knew Said Buryatsky, when he was still a schoolboy Sasha Tikhomirov.

Sasha had no friends

Just don't call him a Buryat! He has dishonored all our people! - the teachers of the school where Tikhomirov studied are indignant. - His mother is to blame for everything - she did not follow her son. And then she also pushed this guy to the Islamists ...

Yes, yes, interesting. Just the day before, we were told a completely different story. Like, the boy's mother, Galina Tikhomirova, was worried that her son had gone headlong into Islam. She complained all the time: the father died when the boy was not even a year old, otherwise he would have guided him on the right path with a belt.

Now, it turns out, she pushed herself?

In fact, Sasha's mother didn't do much work. He lived with his grandparents. They brought him up as best they could - fed, clothed. They also went to parent meetings. And we didn’t see our mother at school, - the teachers shake their heads in unison.

The mother was called to school not because the boy was a hooligan. On the contrary, Sasha was too shy. The teachers mentioned the word\"downtrodden\", although they immediately corrected themselves: \"Don't think, neither in the class nor in the family he seemed to be beaten\". But teased often. Sasha's classmates despised him. He did not go to physical education, he brought a certificate that he had a brain tumor. Whether it really was like that, or a fake certificate - no one checked. Sasha had no friends, he sat alone like an owl on the last desk. So the label of rotten stuck to Tikhomirov.

Until the age of 13, Sasha stayed with his mother more and more. Then grandfather and grandmother died - he moved to his father's house. And there...

\"His mother set up a brothel!\"

The usual\"Khrushchev \". A shabby wall with a sign\"Khakhalova, 8\". Quiet courtyard. Neighbors open their doors in a friendly way, but they hear the name of the Tikhomirovs and immediately become somehow gloomy. Tsed sparingly:\"I do not remember these \".

An uncle in a T-shirt goes out to the playground to smoke. He was reluctant at first too, but then he talked.

Yes, everyone here remembers Galina Tikhomirova. The woman was beautiful. At first she worked as a locksmith in\"Buryatenergo\", then went into business - she drove clothes from Moscow. It just didn't behave very well. Of course, I do not blame - she was left without a husband early. Then she never got married. She lived freely - her son was with her grandmother and grandfather, and her cavaliers were constantly changing. But then only Caucasians began to visit her. The songs were loud, they interfered with sleep. We drank a lot. She's practically a den here...

In this\"den \" and moved to live Sasha. Moreover, as they say, it was the new friends of the mother who advised him to go to the lyceum to learn languages. Like, we have friends there, we will help to enter - and no bribes are needed.

You see, Sasha loved his mother very much, respected her, - says classroom teacher Zoya Tulugoeva. - Therefore, the mother's guests were an authority for him. According to the concepts of the guy, the mother could not communicate with bad people.

\"Kill the Russians, beat the Buryats\"

One of the Chechen \"teachers \" - Ismail M. - began to live with Galina Tikhomirova as civil husband. With young Sasha, he was surprisingly kind. He gave pocket money, which the boy had never received before. Mom and grandmother did not particularly indulge in this - they themselves barely made ends meet. It was at the suggestion of Uncle Ismail that Tikhomirov converted to Islam. And he began to teach the guy how to live right.

We heard them sitting in the yard a couple of times and talking. Without hiding, without lowering your voice. They didn’t give a damn about us,” the neighbor recalls. - This \"stepfather\" of his said: \"In our Caucasus, a man should be a real fighter. You can't forgive insults. If you are offended in the class, you need to take revenge. It's cruel to be afraid. Otherwise, you're not a man. Beat the Russians, beat the Buryats They should know that real men are only in the Caucasus!\"

And eighth grader Tikhomirov did not question these words. Wanted to be\"a real man \".

As soon as Sasha moved to the 9th grade, he changed a lot, - continues the class teacher Zoya Tulugoeva. - If before that he was talking to us, then he suddenly stopped abruptly. Didn't talk to anyone. Rolled into solid twos and threes.

Now Sasha-Said despised those who had teased him before. He bullied the guys, but they were afraid to fight him. Everyone knew that his mother's roommate was a Chechen. Didn't want to get involved.

Why didn't the teachers sound the alarm? Everyone at school shrugged. In the late 90s, psychologists and social educators did not work at the school, who were supposed to follow the guy, go home and see what conditions he lives in. Everyone was not up to it. Or maybe not only bully schoolchildren, but also teachers were afraid of the mother’s roommate ...

The Chechens immediately realized that from this petty klutz, rokhli, you can sculpt what they need. And they needed, as it turned out, a terrorist, - the teachers say.

\"Well, pure wolf cub\"

After the 9th grade, as soon as Tikhomirov received a certificate of incomplete education, Uncle Ismail tore the family from their homes. And he took him to Chechnya - he had a house there. Galina came to Ulan-Ude a year later to collect money from tenants who were allowed to live. She was all in black, she said that she also converted to Islam. She announced that she had given birth to a daughter. And that he will soon be transferred to live either in Moscow or in Egypt. Chechnya is restless.

And Sasha arrived a year later, with his Muslim wife. I sold my parents' apartment, took the money and was gone. Didn't talk to neighbors.

It was scary to come. When Sasha moved in with his mother, he was polite and kind. And he returned from Chechnya - his eyes glared at everyone with vicious eyes, well, just a wolf cub.

This wolf cub grew into a ruthless wolf. At the age of 28, Said Buryatsky managed to thunder throughout Russia - the organization of the assassination attempt on the President of Ingushetia, the explosion of the police department in Nazran, the death of\"Nevsky Express \".

On the evening of March 4, the security forces reported the destruction in Ingushetia of the ideologist of the militants, the closest associate of Doku Umarov, Said Buryatsky, known in the world as Alexander Tikhomirov. A simple guy from Ulan-Ude two recent years was a real headache for the secret services, which could not catch this talkative preacher of Islam. In the past, he has already cheated them several times, so the FSB will officially announce the elimination of Tikhomirov only after a molecular genetic examination.

Said Buryatsky was killed in general by accident. On the morning of March 2, the security forces received information that the militants who had settled in the village of Ekazhevo were preparing some kind of major terrorist attack, after which the special forces of the Ingush UFSB and internal troops blocked several houses on the outskirts of the village. According to a RIA Novosti source in the power structures of the North Caucasian federal district, before the operation, the special services had no information that Said Buryatsky was in Ekazhevo.

The blocked militants fired back for several hours from law enforcement officers, but could not even injure anyone. The security forces, in turn, hit the houses with dense fire and even used flamethrowers. In addition, they were supported by snipers who, according to Kommersant, managed to shoot two militants who tried to escape from the besieged building.

Those who nevertheless escaped settled on a nearby farm, where they continued to hold the line. In the end, the victory was won by the federal forces, who managed to kill six militants and capture 15 or 16 people alive. At the same time, the security forces found a whole arsenal on the farm: an RPG-7 grenade launcher, a Kalashnikov assault rifle, a Kedr submachine gun, a Makarov pistol, a shot for a grenade launcher, a hand-held anti-personnel grenade, five thousand rounds of ammunition and nine barrels with 450 kilograms of sodium nitrate.

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