Interpretation of sleep bullet in dream books. Bullet wound according to the dream book

According to the interpretation of the dream book, a bullet in a dream has an almost prophetic meaning. This can be a signal of the body about the onset of the disease or a warning about future changes. To figure out why such a dream is dreaming, additional details will help.

Significant symbol

A flying bullet in a dream gives the sleeper a reason to think about his own environment. If in night vision you are on the battlefield, then you will probably find yourself in a situation whose events will develop so rapidly that you will not be able to prevent this.

To see a flying bullet and not get injured, according to the interpretation of the dream book, is a sign that you can easily cope with ill-wishers. This tiny charge symbolizes uncompromising and purposefulness in a dream. However, overconfidence can lead to serious consequences.

At the same time, Miller's dream book claims that if the bullet hit the body and pierced it through, but the dreamer did not feel pain, then in reality he will have a lot of fun and excess vital energy.

Place of impact

If the bullet hit the body, then you need to remember exactly where. This nuance will give a more accurate decoding of what this dream is about. If you dreamed that a fragment was sitting in your body and bleeding heavily, then in reality you would need the help and support of others.

If you were wounded in the back, then you should expect betrayal or an unexpected difficulty in a matter that seemed ideal.

In general, it is quite easy to understand why a dream about a bullet is dreaming. The main thing is to know the basic interpretation of this subject. The dream interpretation deciphers it as a symbol of change, news, illness, random errors.

In this regard, it is not surprising that the dream book interprets a bullet that hit directly in the heart as problems on the love front, and a wound in the chest as a sign of future emotional experiences.

Sign of diseases and injuries

In the same time direct hit on the forehead, the dream book interprets in two ways. On the one hand, this can mean a serious illness, on the other hand, news that will literally blow your mind.

Such dreams are often dreamed of before any illness or injury, and which part of the body will be affected, the dream will tell. If you dreamed that a bullet was sitting in your stomach, then the dreamer can expect problems with internal organs, hit in the back - to exacerbate the old sciatica, etc.

Sleep and life

They will help you figure out what the dream and life circumstances are for. So the dream book interprets the bullet in the head as a thought that has long haunted. If in a dream you see a wound in your forehead, then you should expect painful news or even a blow.

If you dreamed that you were wounded in the stomach in the liver area, then a certain person does not allow you to live in peace. If on the eve of a hike, vacation or trip you dreamed of a bullet in your leg, then probably for some reason this event will fail or will not be very successful.

Romantic overtones

When interpreting such a dream, it is imperative to take into account the opinion of Freud's dream book. Intimate subtext will help to find out exactly what the bullet is dreaming of.

For example, he interprets a wound in the head as difficulties in a relationship. If in a dream you received a bullet in the back, then in reality disappointment in a loved one associated with the sexual side of life will probably follow.

If you dreamed of a bullet in the neck of another person, then someone treats the dreamer with very great sympathy. If the sleeping person has numerous wounds to the head and torso, then he will experience an emotional pain of unprecedented strength. If a wound in your leg knocks you down in night visions, then perhaps the same will happen in reality.

But this does not mean at all that a lot of problems will fall on you in the morning. After all, such visions are only a warning. The dream interpretation recommends being careful, following the regimen, eating right and everything will be fine.


Numerological Dream Interpretation

As a rule, a bullet weighs 9 grams, you may not think about it, but your subconscious sends you this allegorical signal - it recommends paying attention to what is happening around you.

If in a dream a bullet hits you and hurts- This clear sign that you found yourself, unwittingly, in the thick of things.

If the wound is bleeding heavily- you need to ask your superiors for advice and ask them to clarify the situation.

If there is no blood You must act on your own and trust no one.

If you shoot and the bullet hits a man- V real life you should be persistent and go on the offensive.

Seeing a bullet lying on the ground or hitting a wall- this is a sign of impending trouble. You must have overlooked something very important, in September you will find out what your mistake was, but you are unlikely to be able to correct the matter.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Bullet in a dream- a sign of purposefulness and uncompromisingness. Be careful: the dream suggests that your uncompromising attitude can lead to undesirable consequences.

Bullet wound- evidence that in the pursuit of your goal you risk making a serious or even irreparable mistake.

Modern combined dream book

So, in life you will have fun and good mood, a surge of vital energy, think about how best to apply it.

A dream in which you were in a war zone under fire from bullets- indicates that your success will depend on the ability to neutralize your opponents.

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

Load bullets into weapons- to a very serious conflict with the person you are afraid of; buy a bullet- dream-warning: thieves are interested in your apartment.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

A dream in which you were hit by a hail of bullets while in a war zone- portends that your success will depend on the ability to neutralize your opponents.

If in a dream you felt that a bullet pierced your body through and through, but you did not feel pain- therefore, in a dream you will come into a cheerful mood and feel such an excess of vital energy in yourself that you will wash all the dishes and wash all the accumulated dirty linen in one breath.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

See bullets flying over you- evil consequences; cast bullets- do not get carried away with dangerous things; be injured- disease; trapped in the house- You are in danger; play with a bullet- fright, surprise.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Hear the whistle of bullets in a dream- means that in reality you will not have the opportunity to avoid an unpleasant conversation.

A dream in which you were struck down by an enemy bullet- dreams of unexpected and very bad news.

Dream Interpretation Morozova

see the bullet- receive sad news from a loved one; give your behavior an occasion for gossip.

Load bullets into weapons- Do something dubious.

If in a dream you were hit by a bullet- in reality you will find out very bad news.

Be afraid of flying bullets, listen to their whistle- to the inevitability of a difficult conversation with someone.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Bullet- successful activity; convincing arguments, arguments; aggressive impulses, speed.

Esoteric dream book

Bullet flying- wait for a blow, a painful prick.

See in the bandolier, horn and in the details of weapons- be careful, prepare a blow aimed at you.

Do, cast if someone- you strike If you- the revenge or blow you have conceived for someone can turn into a real tragedy.

Bullet in the stomach

Dream Interpretation Bullet in the stomach dreamed of why in a dream a bullet in the stomach? To select the interpretation of sleep, enter keyword from your dream to the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Bullet in the stomach in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Bullets

Bullets in a dream mean mortal danger. If in a dream you hear the whistle of bullets, then soon you will find out disturbing news. Casting bullets in a dream means that you will provoke some kind of conflict or scandal, from which you yourself can suffer. If you dream that you were wounded by a bullet, then you will have great experiences or a serious illness. The dream in which you saw that a bullet flew past means that you will miraculously be able to avoid danger in a risky business.

Dream Interpretation - Bullet and number nine

As a rule, a bullet weighs 9 grams, you may not think about it, but your subconscious sends you this allegorical signal and recommends that you pay attention to what is happening around you.

If in a dream a bullet hits you and injures, then this is a clear sign that you find yourself, unwittingly, in the thick of things. If the wound bleeds heavily, then you need to ask the authorities for advice and ask them to clarify the situation. If there is no blood at all, then you must act independently and trust no one.

If you shoot and the bullet hits a person, then in real life you should be persistent and go on the offensive. To understand what you are involved in, be active, make appointments for the 27th and 9th, and all the information you received on the 18th will most likely turn out to be false.

Seeing a bullet lying on the ground or hitting a wall is a sign of impending trouble. Probably, you have lost sight of something very important, in September you will find out what your mistake was, but you are unlikely to be able to correct the matter.

Dream Interpretation - Bullets

Buying bullets - you can make a mistake that will cost you dearly in the future. Hearing bullets whistle - expect bad news.

Imagine that the bullets you bought are toys. If you are in a gunfight in a dream, imagine that the bullets fly past you.

Dream Interpretation - Belly

A dream about your stomach encourages you to think about your life and well-being. To see the belly in wounds in a dream - to losses and losses. If you dream that your stomach has become larger and fuller than usual, then your condition will increase in proportion to the size of the stomach in a dream. And vice versa: if you see that the stomach has retracted and fallen, then such a dream predicts that your state will be lost by you due to some kind of accident. If you dream that your stomach is swollen, but empty inside, then your wealth will melt like smoke. And your acquaintances will consider you rich, not knowing that your fortune has been depleted. The more your belly swells, the poorer you will become. If you dream that your stomach is grumbling with hunger, then you will have to work hard to own a state corresponding to the size of your stomach. Pain in the abdomen is a sign of trouble. According to other versions, such a dream portends health and prosperity, which will correspond to the strength of the pain that you will feel in a dream. In a dream, to see your stomach ripped open and with insides turned inside out means that shame, ruin and destruction await you. early death yours or your loved ones. Seeing a bare belly in a dream is a sign of loss and betrayal of loved ones. Such a dream warns you not to be too gullible. See interpretation: yes.

Dream Interpretation - Belly

Seeing a bare stomach in a dream portends fleeting anxieties. An overly fat belly indicates the possibility of making big profits. A thin, drawn in stomach - to a lack of time, a lot of things to do and constant unrest. Seeing a navel on your stomach in a dream portends a new life venture or love story. Pain in the navel - to losses associated with parents or homeland.

Seeing your stomach beautiful, flat and tanned in a dream - such a dream promises you the fulfillment of plans, for which, however, it will be necessary to mobilize all your strength and set yourself up for serious work. Seeing your belly ugly swollen, as if pregnant, predicts an unfortunate set of circumstances throughout the coming day.

If in a dream your stomach seems to you sagging or incredibly thin - in reality you will be bitterly disappointed about a quarrel with friends who will avoid close communication with you. Seeing your stomach crawling with disgusting insects - in reality, humiliating and thankless work awaits you.

If you see your stomach cut open and blood flows from it, this portends sad events and the illness of loved ones. Seeing your stomach and other entrails in the open stomach - to a health disorder, while feeling unbearable pain - to well-being in all matters and love. Indigestion in a dream warns against making any trips and trips in the near future.

Dream Interpretation - Belly

Seeing a man's naked and big belly is wealth, profit.

The woman has children.

To get fat, to have a belly - everything is good: merit, income, etc.

Having a very large belly - indigestion, illness, annoyance, a lot of worries / sometimes unexpected profits.

To see how your belly grows before your eyes is an honor for a man, and heavy thoughts for a woman.

Stroking your belly is all good.

Losing weight is a big expense.

To have a thin belly is all bad: lack, poverty, discontent, being unloved, experiencing the hostility of people.

Have a cut belly - property loss.

They put something in your cut stomach - the return of wealth, unexpected wealth.

The stomach hurts in a dream - an accident / trouble due to inconstancy.

Seeing heaviness in your stomach is a disease of the stomach.

To have a fantastically huge, incredible belly - to plunge into a sensual life, to wallow in it.

To have a transparent belly - home secrets will become the subject of gossip, you focus too much on money.

Dream Interpretation - Belly

If you saw your stomach in a dream, then in reality they expect you great prospects. Moderate your ardor and get to work with redoubled energy. Recreation and entertainment now will only harm you.

Seeing your stomach wrinkled in a dream, be careful: you will be haunted by the slander of hypocritical friends.

A swollen belly dreams of trouble. True, you will successfully overcome them and be quite satisfied with the results of your work.

If you dreamed that blood was oozing from your stomach, then some kind of misfortune might happen in the family. A dream in which a child’s stomach hurts portends that infectious diseases will haunt you in reality.

If you dreamed that your stomach hurts, then the enterprise you conceived may fail. A belly without a navel dreams of a shock from which it will be difficult to recover. For a woman, this dream can portend a serious illness.

A person with a very large belly dreams of troubles associated with children.

The Greek scientist Artemidorus, in the first century AD, coined the term "oneiromancy", which means the interpretation of dreams or divination from dreams. He also compiled the world's first dream book, recording more than three thousand dreams.

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Why is Bullet dreaming

Bullet in a modern dream book

A bullet whistling over your head in a dream is a sign that you are overly carried away. dangerous experiments and trials. Playing with a bullet in a dream - something will scare you very much, but it is better to come to terms with the situation that has suddenly arisen than to try to fix it. Holding a bullet in your hands in a dream is a sign that you will be criticized due to excessive hatred and envy of your success. Try to ignore even unfair criticism, otherwise the quarrel will only grow. Shooting a bullet from a weapon is an attempt to improve relations with a loved one or loved one who has recently betrayed you. Touch the bullet - you will experience an unexpected event that will allow you to reassess life's values.

Bullet in Miller's dream book

Hear the sound of a bullet flying out of a gun - you may lose your job in the near future. It is also a sign of trouble approaching by leaps and bounds, you can make fatal mistakes at any time. Keep track of your established reputation and do not allow any scandalous incidents. If you dreamed that you were shot, in reality you will face illness and suffering due to ailments. Cast a bullet in a dream - in real life, take part in adventures and scams associated with unreasonable risk.

Bullet in Vanga's dream book

A bullet in a dream indicates that in your real and fulfilling life you are not satisfied with household chores, family relationships. If you count bullets to load a weapon and attack someone, then you have committed a heinous and base act in reality and now you want to hide the dishonesty of your character from friends and work colleagues. Hold a shiny bullet in your hands - you will get out of the created terrible and dangerous alteration without being hurt.

Bullet in Freud's dream book

The bullet that you see in your dream in reality symbolizes a swift and dizzying intrigue. If you see someone shooting at your chosen one, then you will soon have a quarrel. In addition, you will abruptly break all other intimate ties. If a bullet wounded you in a dream, it means that someone is behaving very rudely towards you in sex. You do not like the callousness of your sexual partner and you strive to change the relationship.

We ourselves are created from dreams, and this little life of ours is surrounded by a dream ...

A bullet seen in a dream is a symbol of ambition and willingness to pay for any price. It is also a sign that you do not need assertiveness and energy.

Another possible meaning of such dreams is a warning that self-confidence does not interfere with a sober look at things. Unwillingness to find a compromise with others, a persistent desire to rely only on oneself can prevent you from achieving your goal.


Where did you see the bullet in your dream?

I dreamed of a bullet in the body ▼

Holding a lot of bullets in a dream▼

If you dream that you are holding a lot of bullets in your hand, you are ready to fight, defending your own ideals, you are not afraid of being rejected by others. If you have loaded a weapon, most likely, you will be able to defend your interests, but you will have to get involved in a major scandal or even a fight.

What did the bullet do in the dream?

I dreamed about how a bullet flies ▼

If in a dream you find yourself in a war and watch a bullet fly past, then your enterprise directly depends on decisiveness.

In combat, as in stressful situations, the ability to build a sequence of problem solving, strictly acting according to the plan, leads to an unconditional victory.

If you saw a bullet flying and whistling loudly, you have to become a participant in a conversation that will be completely unproductive for further forced cooperation with your opponent.

What about the bullet did you dream about?

A bullet in a dream passed by ▼

If you dreamed about how a bullet passed by and got stuck in or lies on the floor, this is a sign - you will have to pay for the mistakes of youth. Probably, the dream carries a warning: your inattention threatens to turn into trouble.

What bullet did you dream about?

Why dream of a golden bullet ▼

Dreaming of a golden bullet good earnings, wealth. The dream warns: in the pursuit of a long ruble, you can have very important qualities for which your loved ones appreciate you so much. Enrichment, financial success should not be brought to the people around you, otherwise you will not see it.

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Bullet dreamed, but there is no necessary interpretation of sleep in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why the Bullet is dreaming in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

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    Hello! Please tell me: I saw in a dream that a bullet entered my forehead. I, as it were, saw a decent hole on my forehead from the side. I kind of died, but I saw and felt everything.

    hello, I dreamed that I was laying out an infinity sign on the carpet with bullets from pneumatic weapons at home, and a frame around the sign, and then I also saw bullets that had already been used - scratched and with a worn coating, what could this mean?

    My dream is not too bright, but still .... I walked through the wasteland not far from the house, as if I had fallen into the past and the enemies found me ... they began to shoot. I dodged the first 2-3 bullets, but not the next one. I hit the spine closer to the coccyx ... it didn’t hurt very much .. but there was a lot of blood. I came home .. my mother explained that she had fallen into the past and she began to take out a bullet with tweezers ... it turned out that she went deep ... but not an iron, golden bead ... but some kind of oval golden and a little one ... they sewed me up .. and then the dream ended ...

    Good afternoon
    Tonight I had such a dream
    One girl I don't know her she is feuding with my sister and I think like their feud will hurt me. So this girl shoots me and I immediately grab her gun and shoot her. And I fire one shot on the ground. Then I go up to my sister and say I’m wounded, look at the blood coming, she says yes, you have shelter there, I myself also look, I see blood. then I see between the neck and shoulder this bullet stuck right under the skin all night looking for my doctor he said I was fired from work but I taught this guy shows a guy whom I have never seen then I go after him and I don’t know where he went

    I had a dream, supposedly I was sitting near the entrance at night and there were gopniks walking around (they even greeted me) BUT they had disagreements among themselves. As a result, I wanted to run away to another entrance where the door would be open. A bullet was fired at the mother. Passers-by appeared without panic and helped to pull the bullet from the heart out of the father. The help of strangers was successful. BUT later I married that rannono and that was another man (I don’t know him

    as if I came to work with my husband and we find that he and I have a bullet in the chest, I had it almost near the heart, we were waiting for some kind of girl (in a dream I seemed to know her, but in fact not) so that she pulled out bullets for us, while we were waiting for her, a shift worker approached us at work, I lift up my jacket to show where the wound is, and there is just a bullet and there is no blood, but I really felt it as if in reality, but it didn’t hurt me, it just seemed to me that I have something in my chest. When she came, she pulled out a bullet for her husband, and came up to me and said don’t be afraid, it won’t hurt, I treated her with soda (I don’t know why she said about soda). she started looking for a bullet with tongs, he hit her and I felt like it was real, she also said that the bullet had already settled in my chest and found a place for itself. that she treated the tongs with soda.

    good afternoon, the dream was that we, with a group of unknown people, were armed and somehow were in the midst of some kind of special military operation, I went around the car on the flank and saw one of the attackers on civilians tried to shoot him but didn’t have time, so he heard something shot at me, I fell, so my group approached me and one of them said hold his hands and feet, he took out tweezers and pulled a bullet out of me, then I seemed to find myself in a different place and a woman I did not know appeared in front of me said show me your scar I lifted my T-shirt and in the upper corner of the left pectoral muscle she saw the scar from the bullet and I woke up

    I was sitting at the counter in some cafe, it was dark there. Some man in a black mask burst in, started shooting at everyone, but hit me first, the shot hit me in the right shoulder. I felt pain and fainted, then I woke up

    i dreamed that I was walking with my husband by the hand in the alley, then I sharply asked him where the child was turning, and the child was walking behind. I approach him from the green gate of the yard, a young man comes out to aim at him, I protect the child and this young man shoots me in the forehead and I feel the blood flowing down my forehead. I wake up abruptly.

    I ended up on the street in my city near one of the residential buildings. Seeing my classmate, I went up to her, she was sitting near the grave, it turned out that her mother had died. A classmate was sitting with a piece of paper in her hand, she wrote a song for her mother ...
    In life, her mother is alive and expecting a baby, please help me interpret the dream, I am very worried about the dream

    dreamed of war. my mother sent me to the store in the evening, passing the bridge on which cars drove, I saw a blown up bus and decided to return home, when I was returning from the left side, a military man stood up and fired right in front of me, the bullet flew almost in front of my face. I got scared and ran home hiding from the shots

    i dreamed that I was lying on the operating table and my heart was taken out of me and put into something resembling an aquarium. The main thing is that I lay down on the table with such a mood and thoughts that nobody needs it anyway, that at least my heart will be useful to someone. Well, like an operating room, not like in hospitals. It looked more like a dining table and there were no doctors with bathrobes
    I wake up, the feeling is not to say that it’s straight drama, but not colorful ... .

    why would it

    I am in the hospital, a girl is next to me and two men come in, they said that if someone jerks, they will shoot, the girl jerked and they shot her, then I jerked and the bullet went straight into my forehead, but it didn’t hurt me. In the end, I ran away and felt blood pouring down my neck, I went to another hospital, I remember how they gave me sleeping pills or something similar to this and they sewed up a wound on my forehead.

    I was at the corner of the store. I came out, some guy shot me once. Hit the heart area. There was more than one bullet. From 2 to 4, I counted lying on the pavement. There were people around. There was no pain. The whole dream, wounded, I wanted to contact my beloved, but I could not do it.

    today I dreamed about how a military man shot me in the forehead, and it became so scary that I jumped out of bed, and for about 5 minutes it seemed to me that this was not a dream, in a dream it was so scary that I was about to die

    Hello! In a dream, I dreamed that I saw some kind of car from afar and I knew that I needed to hide from the bad guys ... and so I crossed the street and the car was approaching, I went to the river, jumped over it and some unfamiliar man got out of the car and started over with what is the gun to shoot. He was shooting from some kind of gun and I saw how fire came out of the gun but multi-colored like a salute, and since he fired from a gun there were cartridges with shot and he hit me so little and several times but it didn’t hurt me. Then he switched to a pistol, and when I saw it then I started to get really scared and I retreated and did some maneuvers to get away from the bullets and I succeeded! he never hit me with a pistol, having spent the entire clip. and then he switched to a knife and there I took some kind of club in my hands and fought with him ... I don’t remember further. All!

    the girl and I took my friend’s car without asking, the girl got behind the wheel and we crashed into the car, two scumbags came out of there and let’s shoot at me, but the bullets didn’t harm me, they stuck to me and I shook them off myself

    My brother and I and someone else ran away from the bullets, there were a lot of shots, but no one was hurt. We ran away. Then I picked up one bullet and looked, I wanted to take it, but I didn’t. Then they were visiting friends

    It seems like there was a war. The guys and I were standing by the river, three kilometers away there was a village from which they shot in our direction. There were no shots, but the bullets fell near us, the first two bullets were in the blood, not in ours, we raised the third from the ground , a bullet from an AK-74. What is still strange, the bullets were in the sleeve, as if no one had shot them.

    They shot at me and hit me in the heart after a while I pulled out the bullet myself, it seemed to me wooden. And it didn't reach my heart. There was a drop of blood and a smudge on the T-shirt. I plugged it with a button or a coin and ran to a safe place where I scattered a lot of change and began to pick it up, it was a cold color. Collected and woke up

    This was the case. A man stood with his back to me, a man, in all white. For some reason I felt like he was my own. But he was not associated with his father or older brother. And then a man appears from nowhere, in all black, he is like a ghost, that is, he is, as it were, dense, but as if from smoke, very black smoke. He had a gun and he came up behind this man in white and put the gun to his head. For a long time, without hesitation, I rushed at this dark man, grabbed his hand and tried to take the pistol away. He escaped and shot me three (!) times. All the bullets hit me in the neck on the left side. The villain disappeared, and the man in white stood with his back as he stood. It was like he didn't hear or see anything. I bled a little, especially from the wound closer to the jaw, and the wounds healed. And I looked at my wounds, I was surprised that I was alive and that the wounds healed so quickly. I vaguely remember what happened next, I was talking to someone, also a man. But I felt that it was my friend. I tried to show everyone my wounds, that I had three bullets in my neck. But no one paid attention to it. Well, I woke up. What does this mean? The dream was from Friday to Saturday.

    I serve in the Army, We went on dismissal, there were four of us, one of my former classmates, then what kind of man grabbed a machine gun and took the girl hostage, and started pouring water from the machine, shouted that they would not come up, well, I ran up, he shot, three bullets hit me, I took the machine gun, freed the girl! I don't remember if I killed him!

    I saw in a dream bullets lying on the ground and began to collect them. Then my former director, a woman, made me throw them away, which I did.
    The continuation of the dream was a cart in the form of tied thick logs, on which I rode with friends.

    Hello, please tell me, I dreamed tonight that I saw a shot in the forehead of a woman I didn’t know and I closed my forehead and my hands weren’t a lot of blood, then I just washed them.

    dreamed on November 29th. such a short passage. like I’m a soldier or something like that, I’m crawling along a high palisade, something like logs, on one of them there is a tower with a guard (German) who sees me with a burst of fire at me, I feel how the bullets hit my body, but there is no pain, I catch myself thinking that I realize - thank God it’s not a head ...

    In a dream, there were fights all around, there were a lot of people, then everything somehow calmed down, I shot and hit some woman in the ass, someone took out a bullet and gave it to me, I held a bloody bullet in my hand, I rolled a bloody bullet in my palm looking at her. then woke up

    Hello!!! the dream is this: during the conversation, my interlocutor fired two shots in my direction. Feeling nothing, I moved on. later, feeling discomfort in the chest area, I unbuttoned my jacket and saw that two stuck bullets were visible through a white T-shirt without breaking through the bones. bullets stuck in the skin half sticking out. there are small circles of blood around the bullets. when I got home, I personally removed the bullets, after which the wounds healed. a strange dream.

    I saw, walking along the street, enemy (I knew this and was surprised - from where?) Aircraft. They started shooting (I heard the sounds of automatic fire), I hid under some kind of bench and saw that 3 bullets pierced it and fell next to me (I was not hit). Then I held them in my hands. I realized that the dream is not easy

    Good afternoon, I had a dream from Thursday to Friday, as if we were walking with my young man, but just out of nowhere a bullet hit him in the leg, he fell, I tried to help him, bandage the wound (although there was no blood in the dream), and then there was mine dead grandmother and tried to take me with her. Then I woke up.

    I dreamed that the shelling had begun. I ran out to my glazed balcony to see where the explosions were, my son followed me. And then a large fragment knocks me down and wounds me in the head very badly. I fall and cover my son with myself. I see that my son is safe and sound under me. And I think (in a dream) that killed me. I didn't feel any pain. But then my wound disappears instantly. I understand that everything is fine with me and with my son too. Despite this situation, there was no excitement.

    I want to additionally provide information that I live in a war zone and we have shelling almost every day.

    Thank you for your help.

    I was sitting on a chair near the window, at that time the bullet pierced the glass, and I, touching back and forth on the chair, accidentally evaded it and it only hit my jacket, breaking it through. It seemed to me that the bullet hit a woman (the heroine of the film that I watched in the evening), but later it turned out that the bullet got stuck in the back of the chair, from where I picked it out with my hands, and when I took it out, I saw that it fell apart into several parts.

    I dreamed that I was shot. Accidentally. That is, it was planned to shoot at the person behind me. The bullet hit me. Left under breast. Somehow I chose this bullet. Then I saw this bullet lying on the table.

    Street, square, a lot of people. Looks like my relatives. Everyone is waiting for some event.
    in some tall building with glass windows, I and a representative of the clergy are waiting for this event, he is praying.
    It is getting dark, the lights are off, everyone is waiting, silence.
    I realize that a second bullet should appear, and a person should help me dodge it.
    Then she appeared, hung in the middle of the square, rotates, looking for a target. I was on the street, but the confessor could not stand it, rushed away and disappeared. I'm scared.
    Then I understand that if I run away, one of the people may get hurt. I look at the bullet. She turns towards me. Ready to take off!
    I pick myself up and hit her. The bullet flies away, hits between two buildings, an explosion occurs!
    Everyone relaxed. Everything is over!

    Hello Tatiana! I dreamed that they were shooting at me. it was bandits or something like that, they attacked my family. They said that I must die (in my dream I am sure that everyone else will be alive if only I die). Shot 2 times. Missed both times. At the same time, I clearly realized that the third shot was the last. Before the third shot, I somehow had time and I wanted to cash out all the money I had to give it to my family, but then the dream was interrupted ... I ended up in an unfamiliar apartment, but there was my sister and my nephew and a bunch of cats (unknown where they came from). my sister says that her linen from her balcony got on the balcony of the neighbors below, we are trying to get this linen and the dream is interrupted again ...

    Hello, my name is Tatyana, I had a dream as if I was running away from someone and they shot at me! Having run to some place, I met my mother and I was terribly sick from behind, taking off my trousers, I saw many wounds, but without blood, and a bullet was stuck in one of the wounds! but it hurt in another hole there, as if something was abscessing! and I woke up!

    hello) I slept during the day, I had a dream, as if I specifically stood under the target, as a sign that I was not afraid of a friend’s miss, he missed, hit me) I often have dreams that are not very pleasant when I sleep during the day, from 14.00 to 16.00, it would be interesting to hear a professional ) thank you! Good mood to you)

    I climbed out the train window with a revolver in the back pocket of my jeans. He got in the way, and I decided to pull him out. I was uncomfortable because my legs were still in the train window. As I drew my revolver, I accidentally pulled the trigger and shot myself in the foot. There was no pain or blood.

    i dreamed that a car was driving, and they were shooting from it and hitting the target, a huge explosion occurs, from which goosebumps are very scary, then suddenly this car ends up on the road where I am standing and starts shooting at me (a man with a pistol, I succeed he doesn’t kill me to dodge, I manage to dodge, but then I notice that all the same, she hit me a little in the leg but not much, and I remove a small bullet from the leg, the wound is minor and some blood

    I was at home, I saw that someone was breaking through the window, I wanted to drive him away, but he would shoot me in the forehead, but at the same time I don’t remember the blood, only pain, which passed very quickly, then the thieves ran away and I woke up.

    I can’t explain in detail, but I’ll write the essence of the dream, they shot at me like a passerby, a bullet hit my heart but didn’t kill me, an ambulance arrived and took me to the hospital, but in the hospital there was a young drunk in cancer and a nurse or an assistant I don’t know who she would be but one hundred% a drug addict, I somehow got up, sent these two and went to look for normal doctors, but they weren’t there, I left the hospital and walked around with this bullet after I woke up! I don’t understand why I dreamed about it, my Email is, Thank you in advance for your answer!

    I dreamed that they shot at me and hit me right in the heart, but the bullet didn’t go through, it remained right in the heart and there wasn’t even blood, I didn’t see who shot, but I knew where he was, I wanted to knock out a bullet with another bullet by shooting it, but then I changed my mind and called to Muto asked for advice, they told me that I shouldn’t do this and changed my mind, in general, I continued to live with a bullet in my heart and then woke up

    There was a war and I ran with my boyfriend from soldiers with weapons, hid behind trees, and then I didn’t notice a man with a machine gun and he shot me in the neck, the bullet went out .... and I fell, I thought I was dead, but I got up and was able run away .... then, the dream started all over again and I already knew where the soldiers were and where they could kill me

    The bandits tortured me, forced me to smoke drugs in order to modestly comment, for a long time they tried to find out something and said that they would shoot me, and then one of them somehow shot me in the center of the chest from the side, I was waiting for this shot, because I didn’t tell them something, and it wasn’t scary, I persuaded myself that it would be deliverance, after the shot I seemed to be paralyzed, but I didn’t die, my consciousness was clear, the bandit checked my pulse and decided that I was dead, everyone left, I pulled out a bullet, for some reason he was of gold, and very unusual shape and ran away.

    I dreamed about how a bullet hit my chest, while I saw my chest as in an x-ray, only the heart and blood vessels were red, and I saw that the bullet was stuck in the spine. She didn’t cause me any inconvenience, I didn’t have blood, I didn’t see who shot at me. The only thing that bothered me was if I didn’t get it, whether there would be an infection, but one of the people standing next to me said that there was nothing wrong with that, he also had a bullet in his leg, and I saw her again in his body, as in an x-ray.

    I dreamed that I found a lot of cartridges, grenades, then there was a weapon, it was buried near the ground. I was also hiding from some dude, but I don’t remember him now, they wanted to take everything I found from me, but I didn’t give it back and threatened to kill those people. Then I woke up.

    I dreamed that I was shooting at men, and when I needed to load a machine gun, they shot at me, I didn’t fall and it didn’t hurt me, I just realized that there was a shot, I look, and I see a hole in the heart zone, I called the doctor and I watch the bullet shoot from the other side but also in the zone of the heart, he took it out. and that's all .... what can this mean?

    i dreamed that they accidentally shot at me (I survived).
    My father-in-law and I decided to shoot at the plates, I threw a few plates up and one of them began to fall to the ground, I ducked, but the shot hit me in the back. I walked to the house with a girl, at home they called an ambulance. There was no pain, the condition was also good.

    I dreamed of a castle I was a warrior of this castle I saw a bride in white inside the castle wedding dress her face was covered with a veil
    I turned around and saw that an army of monsters was moving towards the castle, which I covered sandstorm I left the castle, the doors closed behind me and I entered the battle with this army

    Hello! i dreamed that I was walking down the street and there was a bullet on the ground, I picked it up and wanted to see the caliber (it looked like from Ak 74m), so I picked it up and put it in my pocket and said I’ll put it in the collection

    I don’t remember the dream exactly, but I remember that they punished me, in a dream the uncle took a gun and said to stand up straight. I obeyed, after which he fired all the bullets left in my body - 3 bullets in my arm, 5-6 bullets in my stomach. I fell to the ground and it became so warm I closed my eyes after the darkness. Then she opened her eyes and the uncle said that you understood the meaning of all this. In a dream, I really understood everything and felt that there were bullets inside me. I didn’t realize that it was a dream, but I also understood that in reality I would die. I saw the blood flow like a river. Then everything is unclear. Dom - I am a prisoner and yet I saw these bullets and found out whether it was possible to get rid of them, and they told me that this was not something to think about.
    Thank you, it's easier now ☺️

    Hello Tatyana, I had a dream tonight, as if my 8-year-old sister and I were in my grandmother’s house, we were standing on the porch, I looked at her and at one moment a gun appeared in her hands and she accidentally shot me in the forehead, I also thought it was necessary such an absurd death, and it doesn’t hurt at all ... it became dark all at once, then I realize that I just closed my eyes, and didn’t die, well, then my mother saw, I explained to her what had happened and she urgently began to take me to the doctors looking for a surgeon than the dream ended I don’t remember (((

    Hello, I have dreams every day and, moreover, color ones, tell me what it is connected with. The last dream I had was that I participated in a shootout, but the brightest moment was that after the shootout I ate the remaining ammo and moreover, I felt the taste of gunpowder in a dream.

    Hello Tatiana! Today I had a dream that I was sitting on a blanket on the pavement and only I bowed my head and a bullet flew very close over me and I lay for a long time afraid to get up, and then a priest appeared near me, so majestic, he lifted me up and I began to tell him that in they shot me, he took pity on me, took my hand and led

    Hello, my name is Alexander!
    Today I had a very unusual dream: I got on the street in a shootout that was completely independent of me, as a result I was wounded in the forehead.
    A few years ago, I already had to dream something like this in a dream, after that I had an accident. Does it need to be connected somehow?
    Thanks in advance for your reply.

    I went inside myself in a subway and fired about 5 bullets from a traumatic pistol in different places. the bullets were of a gray color, but my brother didn’t give me a lift, showing me where we sleep.

    On the street in the evening, he suddenly shoots in my leg (shin and buttocks on the left) a young man who was driving a car with a partner, I go to the hospital, I have heavy bleeding, then I hear from others that he turned out to be insane, many people ended up in the hospital with injuries

    I got a bullet in my left chest, the blood was just a little bit. I tried to pull it out, but I was afraid of pain, while the bullet was inside I did not feel pain. In order to pull out the bullet, they gave me an anesthetic injection and then I remember very poorly ... either they pulled this bullet out of me, or not .... but I was not in the hospital, I did not see the environment, I just remember that a young man was standing in front of me, his torso I saw my head, I didn’t see it, and there was a girl, I just know that she was there, but I didn’t see her and I don’t remember if I knew her

    I dreamed about how I go to the doctor, after which she asks me: “Well, again?”. I sit down beside her in a chair and wait. She digs into her tools. Putting on a mask, she held out the instruments to my hand and then I notice that I have 2 bullets in my hand. There is no blood, and I did not feel pain either. She quickly takes out bullets, and immediately sews up the “holes” in my arm. This is where the dream ends

    Hello! I dreamed that the bullet hit me right in the arm, and it doesn’t bleed anything like that, it just stands in one place, and I feel the bullet, and this bullet also stood in one place for several days

    Good day! Please help me figure out my dream, I had a dream about it today, Thursday to Friday. In general, I and another group of people got into the territory of some kind of production underground, there were many tunnels like in old mines, when we were moving there was a feeling that now the roof collapse. then we went out into some small room, there was a closet on the left, I climbed on it to see what was there and saw some kind of machine gun not of our production, took 3 pistols, the first one looks like a TT, opened the store, looked that there were bullets, closed it back and loaded , took the second pistol, could not open the store, took the third one, opened the store, reloaded, then took all the weapons and went down from the cabinet. and this is where the dream ends. Please help me figure it out.

    I dreamed that I was running from the fake police. These pseudo policemen wanted to kill me. I ran away, but I knew that my family could suffer. And when one of them fired, I realized that I was dying. Then I was abruptly transported to another place and was in hysterics, crying out of breath from how much pain my death would bring to my mother. I felt so guilty..
    This is where the dream ended.

    we were in an apartment with friends, then shooting started from the street and a bullet hit me in the chest and I felt severe pain but there was no blood. It was necessary to run away from the pursuers, it was very difficult for me to do this. Then, being in a secluded place, I looked and saw a bullet inside me and they told me that if I removed the bullet, I would die and they could not help me. And I started crying and saying goodbye to everyone. Appreciate life and realized how much I want to live and that I was a fool if I ever thought that I would rather die than live such a life

    Hello! I dreamed that I was standing on a rock and in front of the ocean was a transparent, blue one. The sun is shining. Then immediately that I swim in this blue water and under water. Then I am on a sunny island and I understand that someone who is dear to me is in danger of a gunshot wound, and I manage to catch the bullet with my hand. It's plastic, it doesn't hurt me. I just hold it in my hand. Why such a strange dream? And yesterday I dreamed that I was getting a worm out of my mouth, it was tearing, as if I had a ball of them inside me. I grab it again and again it comes off. I often have strange dreams. Before that, I dreamed that I was crawling through the pipes over the abyss to the wall and successfully climbed into a very narrow hole, and there was a clearing, the sun.

    It was a day not far from my grandmother's house on the street, someone tried to shoot at me, but some stranger appeared from nowhere and tried to help me escape, we ran very fast and the bullets flew but not one hit us. The last thing I remember, I stopped in some dark place and a stranger from behind touched my shoulder and said “we run to her” and we ran on and then I woke up.

    I stood by the glass door and they started shooting at her strangers. I lay down and one bullet landed in front of my face, almost hitting my head, and then I ran around the corner of the wall. I saw the bullet very clearly. How do holes form in glass?

    I dreamed: I was walking through the forest, green-green grass, I saw a woman with flowers like snowdrops, her face was not I see a man, next to her. a woman calls my name and tells me what awaits me early death, I turn around and behind my back, like people, and a man who starts shooting at me, I see bullets, they fly one by one, I beat them off with my right hand, I fall, I don’t seem to be wounded or killed, and I hear a voice, like a woman, that I didn’t fall like that, and you need to finish me off. I turn to God and say that I am not ready to die, I have not loved yet and have not been loved ... And I woke up.

    I dreamed as if I went into the house and wanted to kill someone with a revolver, but I see the bullet is not there and my enemy has a bullet. He then pulled out a knife and plunged it into my heart. An ambulance came and they wanted to take me to a gurney. I watched as my heart bled. I thought that I was dying, they asked me for my mom's phone number (my mom is not alive) but I said that I forgot and gave them my phone numbers

    It was for the new year, I was going to meet him with a friend, but I didn’t expect to see a percentage call from my beloved (we quarreled with him and didn’t communicate for 2-3x) I called back, we talked, I said that I would call back, and ended up at relatives at home and what then a man who seemed to have previously been in prison in a drunken state began to shoot all over the house, and my daughter turned out to be there and I went to look for her in this house, I started to leave the kitchen, I see my daughter with this man next to him, and he shoots and 4 bullets hit me he didn’t expect it himself, I didn’t feel pain, but I was very frightened, a lot of people ran there and my mother was mine, she called an ambulance, and she happened to be near the house and left then returned on a call and the strange car was big like a bus ( pasik) only longer and taller I sat down my niece put my dude’s phone in my hands, but I didn’t seem to take him on the bus, and there was a coffin of wreaths and there were 2 more people but not medical workers, I sat down and then she felt that there was blood under me like I would have asked for something to be adjusted and they gave me a white diaper or a folded sheet and the blood was only not from those places where the bullets were, but from the back, in general, we got to the hospital, the doctor came and looked at me where the bullets were and how I stood like that, he pulled them out to me slightly imitating those places and they came out two from God and from the stomach, but they didn’t see the fourth one, I raised my jacket higher and noticed it was located just below the pear in the middle, the doctor left, as I found her, he called him, he just pulled it out just as easily, but what it didn’t go that way and he tried to put it back in and didn’t try for a long time then he muttered something that some kind of air should be bled first or something and they put me in the ward and on this I woke up

    We played on the river at three, it was winter, we rode down the hill, then three unfamiliar girls came up to us and played further, rode and then we stood with the guys and then the guy stood on the river, I didn’t remember his face and shot, I thought he would hit me but a friend turned his back on his back

    Hello. In my dream, I saw how they shot at me, and this bullet hit not in the heart, but near the heart. I saw how the bullet flies at me, when it already hit me, I thought that I had already died, but then in that dream I woke up and I was able to get the bullet. And in a dream, no one noticed how they shot at me. There was a bullet mark but the pain was at the beginning and then it didn’t hurt at all. I didn't feel pain.

    a bullet hit me and it got stuck between the ribs, then some boy took me to the doctor, and we were in some kind of incomprehensible building that looked like a men's school and everything was so cold and the building seemed familiar and it turns out he took me to the doctor she took out a bullet with tongs and I screamed, it hurt and there was a lot of blood, but when she took it out and showed it to me, there was no more blood .... And then I left the nurse's office and started talking to these guys as if I knew them ....

    Good afternoon, I dreamed that I was a bullet myself and I was flying through thousands of kilometers at great speed (and I had to kill someone whom I don’t know), I was flying and I couldn’t see anything around, because of the high speed ... And then I saw how I was approaching the Kremlin tower and I see the red Kremlin star, and the government, politicians sit there ... And then I found myself next to them. ..they were talking. In the end, I flew past and did not harm anyone ...

    Hello, I was shot in the back about 5-7 times, after that I fell down so that they would think that I had died, how this man left and I got up, there was no wound and there was no blood either, these bullets remained inside me and I could move them with my hands , after that I went to the hospital so they pulled out these bullets and then I woke up

    I dreamed of a declaration of war, a siren and the beginning of the war itself. Beloved in military uniform protects me by firing weapons at the enemy and saves me. Shots are screaming everywhere, I feel fear. We ran to the cars. Before the departure of the transport for evacuation, we say goodbye for a long time. Beloved says many tender words and words of love that we will meet soon and I’m crying. Then, forgetting something, I run back to the house, I hear shots, a man overtakes me and shoots me in the chest, but there is no pain and I don’t die, which surprises me. Then I have sex, all covered in strange tattoos, with the man who shot me. I melt his genitals with mine, he screams in anguish. , which he himself handed me the man who shot at me earlier, but still does not come out to shoot. In fear, I back away, already among densely growing trees, but the man who shot earlier does not wish me harm anymore, then I see a scene of homosexual violence against this man .I sympathize with him and feel guilty.

    I am 20 years old. I had a dream today (from Friday to Saturday), apparently it is prophetic. In addition, I remembered it despite the fact that after the end of the dream I woke up and again went to sleep for 4 hours.

    ... A single shot from a pistol .. I'm trying to SAVE SOMEONE from him, but the BULLET hits me DIRECTLY IN THE TENDON of (like my left) foot (as I understand it - a reference to the Achilles' heel).

    Then I realized that I LOSE A LOT OF BLOOD (but I don’t see blood in a dream, I just realize its loss) and DIE SLOWLY (the realization of this fact doesn’t scare me a little, but by the end of the dream it even makes me happy, as if the stage of torment ends).

    First of all, I went to my best friend and told him about it. Then I came home, it seems, and told all my relatives. Then I realized that lying down at home is not an option and decided to spend the last hours with friends.

    (During these last hours of my life, I felt very strong and confident, as if I were a high school graduate who had plowed for 11 years and was finally graduating. I realized that I had about 4 hours to live)

    I am surrounded by close acquaintances. Started KISSING with a girl I KNOW IN LIFE, she doesn't mind. Then I got distracted and my good (but not best) friend defiantly started kissing the same girl.

    I was very upset and dumbfounded by such a betrayal on his part. I didn't want to see or hear from him anymore. That day I got to know him from a different perspective. He, like a VULTURE, took advantage of my position (while I was dying).

    In the end, I never died… strength gradually returned to me… I don’t remember further

    I dreamed that some man put everyone at the table, including me, and began to kill us in turn. I remember two more such details: I moved to another chair, and he sat right in front of me, and shot first at the blonde girl and then at me. I hit my leg, there was no pain.

    I dreamed that I was standing and watching everything from the side. I see how they shoot at a person, but in the end the bullets remain, no matter how strange it sounds, but for some reason in an ordinary bra. I pulled them out with some person, put them down and waited for the police. As a result, in a dream, these bullets managed to disappear, there were three of them. They drowned, but we managed to get them. This is where the dream ends.

    I dreamed that my son was 10 years old, he received a bullet in the forehead and is bleeding on the street, I go up to my nose and say son, he raises his head, and blood flows from the eye and mouth, I say not to move and I myself think that I don’t call an ambulance he’s losing blood, I’m sitting next to him and I understand that I don’t seem to have him anymore. I started to sob and woke up all in tears.

    I dreamed that I received two bullets a little below the heart. I remember exactly that the enemy aimed at the chest, but hit lower. There was no blood and I immediately went for help, entered a house and there was an elderly man. Somehow I knew he was a doctor. And she always referred to him as ‘doctor’. He wanted to sew up the wound, but I said that the bullets were still there. There were two in one wound. They were small and round made of iron. I took them out myself, it was not painful. Then I heard someone enter the house. It was a tall thin blonde girl. She started taunting me and I took a toy gun and started shooting plastic bullets at her. They got scared and left. And at the end of the dream, my aunt came to the house with a little girl

    It was as if my father had two bullets in his leg, there were two bullets in the spot, I squeezed them out like pimples, and they flew out. Then somehow my little one-year-old nephew had two boules in his back, I also squeezed them out, and they flew out .

    Hello, I dreamed that someone was shooting at me close person male, but I don’t know who it is. There were a lot of shots, 3 in the back in a row along the spine, 1 in the back of the head and 1 in the knee. I didn’t feel anything. I saw all the injuries from the side, when I got to my feet I saw deposits of my blood on the carpet. The action took place in my room in front of my bed. Please tell me what this means?

    I am sitting with someone .... and suddenly a shot is fired from the window of someone else's house. The bullet flies between me and the man and hits the wall...almost me. I didn't seem to be scared, but I was indignant. I went to look for the man who shot. But I didn't find it. Returned to...

    Was a participant in the fighting. I was standing around the corner of the house, and I got a bullet from a completely different side. Where our comrades were standing, the enemy sneaked in unnoticed and hit me in the chest. This enemy was caught and dragged to me while I was still conscious. I recognized him, he was my colleague in the army, a non-Russian guy. He now lives far away from me. I thought that the bullet hit the heart, but then I came to my senses, I survived. In general, after that I had a period of rehabilitation.

    I dreamed that people began to hunt for 10 or more people. They gave us a set time and left. I had my little son. I hid it, but they always got it out of there. I went to ask for my son. I begged, cried for the child to be released and one of them poured water on me, in response I threw something like bread from a breadbasket at him and didn’t hit. I ran, took my son and threw it out the window, he caught on and I started shouting “save my son.” I sobbed a lot, at that moment I turned around, these people put me on my knees and put a bullet in my forehead. There was an unpleasant feeling. I felt like I was dying. But I managed to say “save my son”, then, as if I woke up, survived, I was walking around the city and my classmate was walking, we greeted her and went to a cafe to see our curator. And at that moment I was awakened.

    I was in a cafe, then I left the establishment and went home
    An unfamiliar man followed me, he asked something I didn’t hear him, I was wearing headphones, most likely he wanted to steal the phone, I dodged and went the other way and he followed me
    I got on the bus and he got on
    Then after a couple of stops
    I sat down with the driver and said to call the police because he had a gun, after these words he shot me and hit me three times in right hand in the palm, once in the elbow, and once in the wrist

    I was walking along the road, my grandmother was holding a steel bucket and a bag, and behind her were two guys who wanted to shoot her, but the bullet hit me from the first bucket, then for some reason I was in the back, although I walked towards them in front. these guys leave quietly slowly and show me a checkmate gesture and leave further. Most importantly, I didn't get hurt. relatives came running to the rescue and I woke up

Wound received from firearms, in a dream always symbolizes upcoming changes that will happen unexpectedly and very quickly. At the same time, the dream book warns that such a stormy series of events will not allow you to come to your senses, think about and analyze what is happening, which is sometimes fraught with undesirable consequences.

In addition, it is also alarming that in night vision there is a bullet and at the same time. And this means that it is necessary to exercise increased caution and attentiveness during wakefulness.

Interpretations from Miller

The American psychotherapist Gustav Miller is also famous for compiling one of the most interesting detailed dream books. Here is what, in particular, he writes about what a gunshot wound to one or another part of the body may dream of:

  • If the dreamer or a character nearby was wounded in the arm, then upon awakening one must be prepared for the fact that friends will not behave in the best way, unpleasantly surprise or disappoint.
  • Leg hit by a bullet, predicts from a dream book, long way, and the head promises remorse.
  • What to think if in a sleepy fantasy? It turns out that this is a sign that in reality there will be parting with the current sexual partner and an early meeting with another object of passion.
  • And here is the bullet hole in night dream- a warning that the closest people are capable of treachery and betrayal.
  • If the imagined injury was accompanied by profuse blood loss, then, according to Miller, the sleeping person will soon meet or be forced to communicate with relatives who live far away and rarely make themselves felt.

Getting a bullet in the head in a dream is a symbol of future dizzying career success. In addition, a vision may warn against taking rash actions against friends.

Do not reduce activity and perseverance, moving towards the achievement of the intended goal. Think carefully about each step before you take it.

Dreaming about getting shot in the chest

To get a bullet in the chest according to the Oracle's dream book means to fail in your personal life. The bullet hit the heart - the failures suffered on the love front will require a long recovery, but it is thanks to them that you can fill the world around with bright colors.

Try to distract yourself from unpleasant events. Switch your attention to something else, do something that interests you, or try to learn a new occupation.

Why dream of holding a lot of bullets

I dreamed that you were holding a lot of bullets - a reflection of your readiness to fight for your own principles and ideals. You are not afraid that others will reject you. The bullets you saw in a dream were used to charge weapons - you will be able to defend your own interests by participating in a scandal or a fight.

In defending your own principles, you should make sure that you are doing good deeds. Otherwise, the result will not bring joy.

I dreamed that they took a bullet out of the body

It is a dream that a bullet was taken out of the body - a favorable vision promising a final victory over ill-wishers, despite past mistakes and defeats.

To achieve the desired results, you will have to work hard and hard. Drive away dark thoughts from yourself, positive attitude it will help you better in overcoming difficulties, over time you will realize that your fate is in your hands.

Dreamed of a bullet in the back of the head

Why dream of a bullet in the back of the head? In reality, you hold on to the past with a stranglehold, trying to retroactively solve long-standing problems. Thinking about what happened was too long, preventing you from living in the present. Important milestones simply pass by in a series of nondescript events.

Try to let go of the past, what was, can not be returned, no matter how much you want it. Live in the present and look boldly into the future.

Seeing a golden bullet in a dream

A dream about a golden pool portends the acquisition of wealth, the opportunity to make good money. Trying to stabilize your financial situation, do not forget about the preservation of human values ​​and qualities, for which your loved ones appreciate you.

Do not forget that receiving money should not go against moral principles, it will not bring you joy.

Bullet flying in a dream

The dream interpretation considers a flying bullet as a reflection of the working environment in reality, a symbol of the current project, the success of which will depend on the final result of the flight. The bullet flew with a loud whistle - in reality you will have to participate in a conversation, according to which you will not reach the necessary agreement with your opponent.

Be decisive in your actions. Your dedication and perseverance will help you achieve the desired results.

Why dream that a bullet hit the forehead

A bullet hit the forehead in a dream - a harbinger of a serious illness that can seriously incapacitate you. If they shot at close range, to receive news that could frighten at first, but have a successful outcome.

Pay attention to own health, at the initial stage it will be much easier to cope with the disease.

I dreamed that the bullet passed by

She dreams that a bullet passed by - retribution is coming for the mistakes made during her turbulent youth. The plot warns that your inattention can cause subsequent trouble.

Be careful and act thoughtfully. Do not commit rash acts, which you will regret years later.

Dreaming of a bullet in the leg

I dreamed of a bullet in my leg - there will be a quarrel with a good friend. The vision is an unfavorable symbol, promising quarrels, quarrels and conflicts that can leave an unpleasant aftertaste. At the same time, there was no blood to be seen - the conflict that had arisen could be resolved peacefully, restoring the old relationship.

Do not lose your temper, show restraint and patience towards your opponent, this will avoid a quarrel.

Get shot in a dream

Why dream of getting a bullet? If your blood is visible everywhere from an injury, the plot promises trouble at work. A bloodless wound indicates the ability to cope with the situation on their own, without resorting to the help of outsiders.

Don't be afraid to ask for help if you can't find a way out on your own. Seek advice from experienced people, they will prompt the right decision.

Why dream of hiding from bullets

The dream where you are hiding from a bullet reflects your self-doubt. You are in a difficult situation from which you see no way out. Trying to quickly deal with the problem, you can make a lot of mistakes.

Think over your every step, do not rush things and take hasty actions.

I dreamed that they were wounded by a bullet

To be wounded by a bullet in a dream - to receive unexpected news that can cause feelings. There is a high probability of getting involved in a dubious business, which will receive a sharp public outcry and cause a scandal. You did not experience pain from the injury - everything will end well.

You have to try to get back good name and deal with the consequences of your thoughtless actions.

I dreamed of a bullet in my mouth

Dream Interpretation Orakul considers a bullet in your mouth as a reflection of your frivolous behavior. Perhaps you will become a participant in the conflict, only the desire to understand the motives of the opponent will help to resolve it. The reason for this situation may be your rash actions.

Forget about the rush when we are talking about making important decisions. Act deliberately, carefully choosing each phrase and deed.

Dreaming about a bullet in my hand

I dreamed of a bullet in my hand - in the professional field, unforeseen difficulties and complications will arise. At first, it will seem to you that all the troubles can be easily overcome, but you will not be able to solve the problem quickly.

Do not make rash decisions or jump to conclusions. A clear calculation will help deal with the situation.

Seeing in a dream your own death from a bullet

Why dream own death from a bullet? In reality, a long journey awaits you, filled with joyful and happy events. The bullet went right through - you will live to see your grandchildren's weddings.

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