Raspberry Mountain Beloretsk is a closed area. Raspberry mountain. Places for rest and overnight stays

One-day walking route. Length: 12 km.

Beloretsk – Malinovka 1 – Malinovka 3 – Otnurok village

Route track on Nakarte.tk website


The route passes through the Beloretsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

Nearest cities: Beloretsk (start within the city).

The starting point of the route can be reached by car, or by any public transport route that goes to the Oktyabrsky village. You need to get to Malinovaya Street, from there you can clearly see all three peaks.

You can get back from the village of Otnurok to the city of Beloretsk by taxi, ordering it in advance. Distance ~15 km (journey approximately 45 minutes).


Mount Raspberry(1152m) (popularly called Malinovka) is magnificent at any time of the year. It is especially beautiful in the fall, when you see a rich color palette in front of you: crimson aspens, evergreen spruces, golden birches. Mount Malinovaya is part of the Malidak ridge, which includes the first, second and third Malinovka and Mount Kirel.

Its slopes are covered with rocky placers - kurumniks. In summer (July, August), ripe, large, fragrant raspberries cover the entire kurumnik and from a distance it seems that the stones are raspberry-colored. In addition, from the top of the mountain almost the entire southern part of the Ural Range is visible.

The most accessible and beloved peak among tourists is First Malinovka. It was there that the “Stone Bag” episode of the famous film epic “Eternal Call” was filmed.

Mountaineering competitions (rock class) of the Volga and Ural Federal Districts are also held annually on Pervaya Malinovka.


The Mountain Malinovaya route is a one-day mountain hiking route in the Beloretsky region of the Republic of Bashkortostan to Mount Malinovaya (1152m). From the beginning of the trail to the top of the First Malinovaya is about 3 km, the top of the third is another 3 km, and from the top of the third to the village of Otnurok is also about 6 km. The elevation gain is about 500-600m.

The route is quite easy to follow. No complex obstacles requiring special knowledge, skills or equipment are required. Accessible for beginners and tourists with children.

The route can be walked in different ways: in one day you can reach the first Malinovka and return back, in one day you can go through all three peaks and go down to the village of Otnurok, or according to the second option, go slowly and spend the night under the third Malinovka (or under the second), and at dawn, climb to the top and understand why the mountain was called Raspberry (according to one version).

The first part of the route runs along the southern slope of the Malidak ridge and passes along pine forest with a small number of birch and aspen trees. On the northern slope - where the second half of the route passes - fir and spruce forests. In the spring, Beloretsk residents on the slopes of Malinovka collect the so-called kislyanka - this plant is correctly called alpine taran (knotweed), of the buckwheat family. It makes excellent pies, some people make compotes, and even in its raw form it is excellent. Quenches thirst. You can also pick blueberries, lingonberries, and raspberries in July and August. Malinovka is also famous for its mushrooms - boletus, boletus, boletus, saffron milk caps, and milk mushrooms.

There are several streams and springs along the route drinking water. During dry periods they may dry out, it is better to have water with you to drink. At the beginning and at the end of the route it is necessary to ford the river. In summer and autumn it is not difficult and safe. In spring, during high water, it is better by transport or bypassing the bridge. In winter, the river freezes; around the end of November it is already possible to cross on the ice.

It is worth remembering that in the Malidak ridge area there are bears. There are a lot of raspberries here, and bears love them. But, if you follow the path strictly, you will not encounter a bear.

But about insects, in particular mosquitoes, in summer period It is better to take care in advance by taking the appropriate repellent with you. Also, we should not forget about ticks, which are abundant in this region. Therefore, it is recommended to walk the route in closed pants, which prevent insects from free access to open areas of the body.

On the route, present almost everywhere cellular. There is even internet at the peaks. In the village of Otnurok you can spend the night at the Malinovka base, and also order a bathhouse from them. The base is wonderful, the staff is helpful, there are horses, you can ride.


Moving along Malinovaya Street towards the mountain you need to reach Gogol Street. On the right as you move, you will see a sign with the inscription “Robin”. We go down Gogol Street and reach the river. This is the Nura River. We move upstream the river along the embankment road. After about 2.5 km, you need to turn left towards the river, along a dirt road. From there you can already see marks on the trees.

Photo by E. Petropavloskaya

The marked route begins. The first small obstacle is a ford across the Nura River. In summer, usually no higher than the knee, even for a child. But in the spring, during high water, it is better to refrain from wading. It’s better to cross in some serious transport, like a UAZ, or go around the bridge (but that’s a completely different story). Through Nura - fun and fresh, someone will definitely “dip” in the cool water.

A short walk in a straight line and the ascent begins. First rest at a large anthill. It takes 15-20 minutes to get there. There are not many meters there, no more than 1.5 km from the ford, but the steepness of the slope forces you to slow down a little.

After a rest, the walk becomes more fun, after about 10 minutes there is a small ravine on the right - there is a spring, popularly called Koroviy. Local historians say that it was there that the famous rebel Emelka Pugachev once stopped and drank some water, while crossing Ural Mountains, where fate brought them together with Salavat Yulaev - Bashkir national hero. Maybe this is just a legend, but all Beloretsk residents believe in it. The region here is famous.

From the Cow Spring the road goes sharply uphill. After 15-20 minutes there is a fork. From the start of the route about 2 km.

The right path goes to the foot of the first Malinovka. And the left one goes further along the ridge to the peaks of the second and third.

A rocky massif, up to 80 m high, stretching into the piercing blue sky. It’s not for nothing that the directors chose this particular place to shoot the film “Eternal Call.” It’s very beautiful here, and there’s a magnificent overview of all the Beloretsk surroundings from the highest point.

No special equipment is required for climbing. You just need to carefully follow the guide's instructions. But if suddenly you are a rock climber and you want to try your hand, and there are all the conditions for this.

At the top you feel like a real climber! Arm yourself with a camera and create! The sharp peaks of the Second and Third Malinovka, Mount Kirel, the rocky outcrops of Yalangas, the harsh Yaman-Tau, the Crane Swamp - such photo landscapes will serve a great gift for loved ones.

“Before you go up a mountain, think about whether you can go down it,” said one of the greats. In fact, the descent does not present any particular difficulties, you just need to know the treasured paths, otherwise the insidious Leshy will take you into the thicket, and this is the worst option. After climbing the mountain, having a snack on an improvised table made of stone slabs seems simply magical. Needless to say, Malinovka knows how to welcome guests!

In order to continue our route and climb to the main peak, you need to go down from the first Malinovka to the fork and continue your way further. And then a short traverse along a picturesque road awaits us. It's easy to walk because there is no climb. You can have a leisurely conversation, you can only admire the local flora in this area; the tops are not yet visible. Forest areas give way to clearings, and after about 2 km on the right along the direction of travel there will be a large hayfield. To the left of the path at the very beginning of the clearing, there is a small spring where you can get clean water. And from the clearing the peaks of the second and third Malinovka are visible.

Here, between the second and third Malinovka, the trail crosses the ridge and takes us to its northern slope. For those wishing to complete the route overnight, you can spend the night here. And in the evening run to the second Malinovka.

The second Malinovka is not as picturesque as the first, which has rocks, and is as high as the third. That's why they don't go up there often. These are mainly scattered stones (kurumnik) and small rocks at the very top.

Having collected the purest water in the spring, we move on. A slight ascent begins and more and more often we have to cross stone placers. It should be remembered that there are ticks here, and these insects are found here until September. Therefore, it is worth protecting yourself. Dress properly so that ticks cannot get through and you can even treat with special means.

After about 2 km, after crossing another stone river, the path forks. Its right part goes down to the village of Otnurok, and the left part goes up to the main peak.

The ascent from the fork takes 20-30 minutes.

The path is obvious, it is almost impossible to go aside or get lost. The inscription: “To the mountain” will definitely lead you to your cherished goal!

Already on the approaches to the top, beautiful views open up!

Finally we find ourselves in the circus of the third Robin. There is a small parking lot (you can place two small tents) where you can spend the night. But you should remember that there is no stream there and therefore you need to bring water with you.

And now the long-awaited moment - we are at the top of Raspberry Mountain. Here they are, the treasured 1152 m above sea level. The entire southern part of the Ural ridge opens up to our view. From here, from the top, you can outline the routes of your future hikes, because the entire Great South Ural Trail is visible.

Having admired the beauty enough, we go down. And we move towards the village of Otnurok. The entire route from the top of the third Malinovka to the village of Otnurok is 6 km. You can complete it in 1-1.5 hours. Below is a ford across the Nura River. Here, in the upper reaches, the river is smaller than at the beginning of the route.

The route ends in the village of Otnurok. There is a sign on the outskirts.

The village of Otnurok was once large, there was even Primary School. Now it is practically a holiday village. There is also a tourist center “Malinovka”. You can arrange in advance, and a magnificent bathhouse will be ready for your arrival. This will be the logical conclusion of the route. From the village of Otnurok to the city of Beloretsk you can take a taxi. Only about 15 km.

This route is also unique in that it is universal. It can also be walked in the opposite direction. You can make radial exits from Beloretsk to the first Malinovka and return to the city again. You can come to the village of Otnurok and stop for a tour. base and go on a radial route to Malinovka 3!

Beloretsk is a city of metallurgists with interesting story and a heritage worthy of a separate trip. But in addition to all this, Beloretsk is also the unofficial capital of mountainous Bashkiria. It is surrounded by many beautiful ridges and peaks. Just the perfect combination for an active tourist: you can first stretch your legs in the mountains, then descend from the peaks to the ground and take a tour of the city. And if the tourist is also an amateur alpine skiing– there is a decent ski resort “Mratkino” nearby. In principle, there are no problems with finding housing - cottages for rent in the suburbs, apartments in the city itself. There are also camp sites. But we personally had questions about one of the most popular ones. But more on that later.

There are many famous peaks near Beloretsk, which are chosen by tourists for hiking. One of them has the sweet name Raspberry Mountain. More precisely, there are three of them that are so delicious. It was just in time for one of them that we decided to take a walk on the weekend of March 4-5. There were people willing to buy 6 cars.

So, day one, March 4th. Our team left Ufa early in the morning and arrived at 12.00 to the village of Otnurok on the banks of the river. Nura in Beloretsky district. It is only about 7 km from Beloretsk itself.

There is a large, comfortable trail 3 km long to the top of Pervaya Malinovaya.

It was quite easy, the slope was not steep, the weather was as if to order - bright and sunny.

The road goes through coniferous forest, where you can take pictures at every step - it’s so beautiful.

Along the way there are many snowmobile enthusiasts.

Soon the first rocks appeared ahead.

The path went steeply upward, and everything around became even more interesting.

Truly nature is the best artist and sculptor. Only she manages to carve from stone unusual shapes, decorate spruce and trees with intricate headdresses, and dress up austere rocks with glamorous patterns.

While we were climbing, we came across those who had already been to the top. They came down with a smile, happy, inspired. This inspired us, who were still just climbing to the top. The first of ours are already at the top.

Everyone, including children, and even the youngest member of our group, 6-year-old Athena, reached the summit, whose height is just over 900 m.

And from above it opened beautiful view to the surrounding area. Here we spent at least half an hour admiring the snow-covered beauties of Beloretsk and taking photographs against their background. No panoramic photo can convey the breathtaking views.

Having rested, part of the group with the children went back to the cars, and the remaining eight “adventurers” decided that there were not enough adventures for that day and that unspent energy was still bubbling inside. This means that you need to spend it correctly - try to take the top of the Second or Third Raspberry. The difficulty was that there was no already beaten path to them. More precisely, at first we walked along a narrow path, then along a snowmobile trail. Walking along it, we passed by Second Malinovaya, as there were snowdrifts before it. Then the snowmobile road ended. And before the Third Malinovaya there are also snowdrifts. But don’t come back with anything. We rested, drank tea, and crawled. There was only Lev left to wait for us at the foot, who had already been to this peak of 1150 meters.

This picture of stubborn little people cutting through the snowy surface immediately reminded me of the famous meme about the woolly wolf.

It is still much easier to follow the paved trail.

On the way, Ralif, one of the “wolves,” found a den for himself, which nature, with the help of the wind, built from snow and spruce paws.

Although crawling, periodically falling waist-deep into a snowdrift, is not an easy walk, I was overcome with some kind of excitement. Maybe this is that second wind.

Finally, we are almost at the top. The highest part is the rocks hidden under the snow. It is dangerous to climb them in winter even without equipment. There is a risk of falling into a crevice. We are always for a safe approach in tourism, so we decided to climb a lower rock with clearer and more understandable outlines.
The last push.

You can’t do without mutual assistance in the mountains.

And here we are on it, at an altitude of 1100 meters. The reward for our efforts was worthwhile - we had gorgeous views of the First and Second Malinovaya, the Bolshoy and Maly Iremel mountains, Beloretsk itself, and the endless taiga around. Well, you understand, the beauty and our delight cannot be expressed in words and even in a photo. You just have to climb up there, look around and shout at the top of your lungs “Aaaaaaaa!” That's what we did.
First and Second Raspberry Mountains

It’s as if it’s just a stone’s throw from Iremel!

King of the mountain.

The road back was much easier. Traditionally, it’s more fun to descend a winter mountain at the fifth point. On the way, we captured Lev, who was waiting for us, and galloped towards the cars. The time on the clock was already 19.00.
For a cozy evening, we rented a cottage in the suburbs of Beloretsk. Although initially they were tuned only to the popular camp site “Crimson”. It is close to the Raspberry Mountains, and the territory is nicely decorated, and there are houses designed for our huge company. However, the dialogue with representatives of the tourist center did not go well from the very beginning. The manager responded to our questions extremely unresponsively and in general it seemed that she herself had little idea of ​​what exactly she was selling. Nevertheless, we managed to agree on the reservation of the largest house. While we were waiting for the bill, it suddenly turned out that the house was occupied by “regular clients.” That is, we turned out to be a priori worse even before they met us. We agreed to the first floor of another house (the second floor was occupied). They paid an advance. But they continued to not confirm our reservation for several days! But the manager started calling and persistently offering additional paid services, otherwise, according to her, the director will not allow us to occupy this floor! Additional services included horseback riding and a bathhouse. This despite the fact that the manager was aware that we intended to use these services without persistent instructions. Our patience finally ran out due to this attitude. And we refused the reservation and demanded a refund. There was also a big saga with the return of money, which pretty much frayed our nerves: sometimes they transferred it, sometimes they didn’t, sometimes they got their last name mixed up, and then they stubbornly did not see the funds returned to them. In general, now we know that we will definitely not recommend the camp site to anyone.
Luckily we found a good option cottage on the street Collective, 43. A large house where everyone is comfortably accommodated, friendly owners. I was very pleased to have a fireplace, near which until late at night we talked, played, sang and, of course, ate delicious food.

Second day. 5th of March.
We decided to devote this day entirely to Beloretsk. Unfortunately, museums are not open on weekends, but I would really like to get acquainted with the history of the city, which began its life as a factory village. I had to be content with a tour of the streets. The symbol of the city is a well-preserved water tower with hundred years of history, at the top of which Observation deck. It was not possible to get inside the structure - it was closed.

We went to a significant place for Beloretsk residents, where many guests of the city are taken - to the park near the reinforcement plant, where an ancient cast-iron bridge with beautiful forged patterns of the famous Kasli casting will be stretched over the Belaya River.

There is also a gazebo in the same style and a monument to Ivan Tverdyshev, the founder of the Voskresensky copper smelting and Preobrazhensky metalworking plants. From the bridge you can see how the dam works.

Not far from this place there are abandoned buildings of an old hydroelectric power station - there, on the wall of these abandoned premises, an impressive ice waterfall 10-15 meters high has grown. As it turned out later, it is used for training by climbers and roofers.

Coming to Beloretsk and taking memorable photos near the steam locomotives is the sacred duty of every tourist.

The most memorable place we visited was the ancient wooden bridge across the Beloretsk pond, half a kilometer long. This is one of the longest wooden bridges in the country. It's made without a single nail! Episodes were filmed against its background famous film"Eternal Call". Previously, factory workers walked across this bridge to work, so the factory maintained it. But now everyone moves by car, the bridge has actually lost its functionality. But couples in love like to walk there, fishermen sit there. The plant removed this building from its balance sheet, and now it is in republican ownership. The attitude of the authorities towards the wooden landmark can be judged by its condition. It is unknown whether the structure will withstand the current flood. The hour is not certain when not a trace will remain of this wonderful structure. And then the city will lose a very important and unique part of itself, its history, a piece of its soul.

These are the guards standing at the bridge. Silent witnesses to the disappearance of a unique object.

The choice of the final attraction for this day may seem strange to many - this is an abandoned airfield on the outskirts of the city next to the gardens. But it was a very interesting excursion. According to information on the Internet, this is a 3rd class airfield, capable of receiving An-24 and lighter aircraft, as well as helicopters of all types. It was abandoned in the early 2000s, said to be due to low profitability. Everything that can be taken away has already been taken out of the buildings. Judging by the inscriptions and other traces of battle on the walls, airsoft players or whatever they call them often organize “war games” here.

But two cool things remained. First, the room with papers. If you delve into them, you can make up the history of this building.

Other cool stuff- This is a perfectly preserved mosaic. Amazingly beautiful.

There is a locked hangar on the airfield territory. Through the crack they saw that there was some kind of aircraft. Of course, I wanted to look at it. We found a way.

Lovers of heights did not pass by the lighting tower.

After all the interesting things had been examined, we had some little rides, walks and digs in the snowdrift.

The drivers, having had a lot of fun playing with cars, good mood took their passengers back home to Ufa.

Article text updated: 05/29/2018

A year ago, I published a short report with photographs taken during a car trip to the city of Beloretsk, the capital of mountainous Bashkiria. Then I was so impressed by the Bashkir landscapes that a crazy thought crept in: “Should I go on vacation by car one day through the villages of this beautiful republic?” Of course, despite its beauty, this region is still part Soviet Union. And I want to spend my infrequent holidays somewhere in other worlds. Climb the mountains when the long weekend comes and holidays, is quite real. In May of this year, I once again had the opportunity to travel by car around Bashkortostan - last year’s memories stirred my soul. Therefore, when my wife and I were deciding where to go from Yekaterinburg for the June holidays, two candidates were discussed: National Park"Taganay" in Chelyabinsk region and mountains in the Beloretsk region. We chose the second... And today I will begin my report with a story about three happy days at the Malinovka recreation center, lost on the banks of a taiga river in the mountains of Bashkiria.

We have already hiked to Taganay with tents and heavy backpacks three times. I keep threatening to write a report about our adventures, but never get around to it (as well as the story about the climb to the Zyuratkul ridge in the Satka region). This time we decided that we wanted to see new landscapes. And they made no mistake...

Honestly, until recently, I only knew about such mountains of Bashkortostan as Bolshoy Iremel (height 1582.3 meters), where we also plan to climb, and Yamantau - the most high point in the Southern Urals (1640 meters; visiting by tourists is prohibited, since the military dug it inside with tunnels in which monsters have settled; the territory has been declared a nature reserve, and uninvited guests are fed to wild bears). The impressive landscape from Yamantau can be seen if you travel along the M5 highway from Chelyabinsk to Ufa.

It was only during a trip to Bashkiria by car last year that I learned that there are a huge number of mountain ranges, shikhans and picturesque hills. On that trip we spent the night in ski resort Abzakovo, located on the Krykty-Tau ridge, next to Mount Shaitan. But I don't like mass, civilized tourist places. It seems to me that everything there is somehow refined and artificial. I wanted silence and wild nature.

It turned out that such a place exists very close to Beloretsk. The bulk of Mount Raspberry (height 1152 meters) rises above the city. Just think about it! 6 kilometers from a fairly large, busy settlement there is such a wilderness: three-hundred-year-old larches, mountain rivers, flooded mixed-grass meadows and marshy swamps. There is no electricity!!! My wife and I looked at the photos on the Internet and decided unequivocally: “We’re going. After all, we definitely need to climb to the top!”

Our trip by car to the mountains of Bashkiria

So, the question of where to go for the weekend from Yekaterinburg was resolved. We borrowed a tent, a pot, and sleeping bags from friends. We prepared everything we needed for the hike. But, to be honest, I didn’t want to go long distances in full equipment: it’s hard without proper physical preparation. It's easier when you put up a tent in a certain place and then make forays along a radial route. In addition, the weather forecast in Beloretsk for the June holidays was not encouraging: cloudy, with occasional rain.

IN national park“Taganay”, out of three trips, we twice climbed the mountains when they were shrouded in clouds. Nothing is visible, just frustration. You traveled 18 kilometers long with tens of kilograms on your back, but you still couldn’t see the mountains. Therefore, we were delighted to learn that at the foot of Mount Malinovaya there is a tourist base “Malinovka”. We decided to rent a house, or at least pitch a tent on their territory: we had a car under supervision, and we could go to the mountains lightly.

As it turned out, my wife and I are not the only ones who are so advanced - all the cottages are occupied. We'll have to sleep in a tent outdoors.

Unfortunately, Bashkortostan is not a close place to go there by car from Yekaterinburg. The distance to Beloretsk is 440 kilometers. The quality of the asphalt surface is satisfactory. True, there is a section (about fifteen minutes drive) where it is not there at all, but the dirt road there is normal, you can drive through it.

Our journey to Bashkiria by car began at 19:30, immediately after work. My wife picked me up at the office, we changed clothes and hit the road. Despite the late hour, there are traffic jams in the city. It took more than an hour to get out of the capital of the Middle Urals. The route of our trip ran through the following cities: Yekaterinburg – Kasli – Kyshtym – Karabash (scary city) – Miass – Uchaly – Beloretsk. While preparing for the trip, we decided that we would not travel at night: we would spend the night in a tent somewhere in a field.

And so it happened. Twenty kilometers from the city of Miass, we turned off the highway onto a country road, moved over the hill so as not to hear the cars and pitched a tent on the grass. Oh, how long has it been since I woke up to the sound of the morning breeze, the murmur of a river and the singing of dozens of skylarks! True, it was raining lightly for half the night. And the morning was cloudy. But the main thing is the good mood of the tourist!

We got up late. We arrived at the border of Bashkiria only at noon.

Let's go village by village. One is more colorful than the other. Bashkir villages usually stand at the foot of a huge hill. Locals walk in close-knit groups. What is there? Could it be dangerous for tourists?

While we had breakfast at a roadside cafe with delicious Bashkir dishes, got some water, took pictures - we arrived in Beloretsk already at three o’clock. At the entrance to the city, an impressive panorama opens up. As soon as I saw Mount Raspberry with my own eyes, I realized that the climb would not be easy. It towers so large and gigantic above the houses!

There are several routes for climbing to the top of Malinovaya. The most popular is from the Otnurok farm (also called Nura or Beloretsky forestry). This is where our goal is located - the Malinovka recreation center.

We resolved all the issues with the administration, set up a tent, looked around - it was already evening. Climbing to the top takes from 6 hours (round trip). We realized that we might not return before dark. The climb up the mountain on the first day was cancelled. The next morning we agreed that we would join a group of tourists that would raft down the Belaya River. And the next day we will go on horseback to the distant mountain Yalangas.

We took our backpacks and went to explore the surroundings. About 5 kilometers from the Malinovka tourist center you can admire the stone river (kurumnik). They offered us bicycles to rent, but we wanted to walk. We admired the mountain river Nura.

By the way, usually professional photographers recommend shooting landscapes using an aperture in the rangef/8-11. In order to blur the water at least a little, you need to lengthen the shutter speed. Therefore, I had to reduce the ISO to a minimum, and clamp the aperture to the maximum - tof/22. It seems like nothing worked out in terms of sharpness? She wasn't too lost.

And what smells there are in the forest! Hundreds of types of flowers now provide travelers with their scents.

5. Flowers in the taiga. The surroundings of the Malinovka recreation center. The village of Otnurok. Weekend hike to Mount Malinovaya in Bashkortostan

We walked from the recreation center to the stone river and back for approximately two hours. I think those who see the kurum for the first time will find it impressive: there are scatterings of huge boulders to the horizon. We saw kurumniks on Taganay and Zyuratkul more than once, so we could only regret that we didn’t get here during the “golden hour” of landscape photography.

Tourist base "Malinovka"

As I said earlier, the camp site is located 11 kilometers from the capital of mountainous Bashkiria in the village of Otnurok. On the recreation center website you can see a detailed driving map and coordinates for the navigator (GPS: 54.051778, 58.323562). But when we entered them into the system, we got lost around Beloretsk and ran into some hill in the private sector. We had to get there according to the route described on the website: we reached Malinovaya Street, drove along it for 1.3 km and turned left down the hill towards the Nura River. There was a sign “Otnurok” to the right. Next - 10 kilometers along a good quality dirt road - and you are there.

The Malinovka recreation center is located in a picturesque valley between the mountains. On the one hand, very close is Mount Raspberry. On the other, a little further away (approximately 11 km) rises the Yalangas peak. Well, there are also mountains around (Zolotaya Shishka, Kirel, the Crane Swamp tract).

All houses are reserved by more efficient tourists. I had to pitch a tent in a clearing on the territory of the complex (50 rubles per person per day). It’s more convenient to spend your weekend tour this way than just living in the forest. They give you free hot water and you can freely rinse yourself in the bathhouse (but the steam room is paid), you can charge your camera batteries in the evening (they turn on the diesel generator for several hours). If you want, order breakfast (100 rubles) and dinner (300 rubles). Everything is cooked in a Russian oven. Mmmm, how delicious! And when you're in last time Did you drink natural, fresh milk?

Malinovka base offers bicycles for rent, instructor services for mountain climbing and horseback riding. And behind our fence (so that the bears don’t steal it) such a dizzying landscape opens up.

7. View behind the wooden fence of the Malinovka recreation center. The village of Otnurok near Beloretsk. Shot on an amateur Nikon D5100 DSLR with a Samyang 14mm f/2.8 lens and a Sirui T-2204X tripod.

On this photo, shot on a Nikon D5100 DSLR with a Samyang 14mm f/2.8 lens, you see Mount Yalangas. It was there that we went on horseback on the third day of rest. Height – 1297.9 meters. Our horse expedition went to the top and back (with a stop for a rest and lunch and a pause while climbing to the very top) in 7 hours. By the way, we dined on baked potatoes, chicken and tea with taiga herbs.

Our neighbors (a husband and wife about 28 years old and their daughter, who looked about 9 years old) went to Yalangas in 10.5 hours, without an instructor. And the next day they conquered Malinovaya (in 7 hours). And all this on foot!!! Not on horseback.

So, at a wide angle, as you know from my previous photo reports with mountains and rocks, the majesty of a mountain range is difficult to convey. This is easier to do with longer focal lengths. Here is a photo taken from the same place, but with a high-aperture Nikon 17-55mm f/2.8 reportage lens.

The clarity will be worse than that of the Samyang 14/2.8 fix, what do you think?

If you walk from the Malinovka camp site towards the Otnurok farm itself, this is the view of Mount Malinovaya.

9. View of Mount Malinovaya from the Malinovka camp site. Holidays in Bashkiria

By the way, nowhere in the stories of tourists have I come across a clear description of how to find the path that leads directly to the top. Guys, remember my kindness (and now stop reading and please vote by clicking the Google+ button below). I explain where the starting point of the ascent is located (according to the instructor with whom we rafted on catamarans along the Belaya River).

Here you are entering the village of Otnurok and the road turns left across a bridge to the Malinovka recreation center.

10. View of the entrance to the Otnurok village to the Malinovka recreation center. On the right is Mount Yalangas. On the left is Mount Raspberry

See new house with a green roof? Behind him on the right is Yalangas. On the left is a logging road towards Mount Raspberry. Follow it here.

Opposite this place there is a house with cranes.

We walked to stone river(by the way, they say this is where they filmed my favorite adventure film “The Lost Expedition”), ate the canned food we had saved for a rainy day and went to bed in our room “Ward No. 2” (in the center).

13. Ward No. 2 at the Malinovka recreation center. In the background is Mount Yalangas, where we climbed on horseback

Here, in the background, is a shelter where you can dine while escaping the rain and a residential house. In the distance is the peak of Yalangas.

In the morning we went rafting on inflatable catamarans along the Belaya River. I didn’t want to take the mirror with me because I was afraid of drowning. But my review is great! Stunning views, wild taiga along the banks, picturesque rocks and even one grotto we came across.

On the third day it was planned to climb Yalangas on horseback. Woke up at 5 am. I decided to check if there would be a beautiful sunrise. The thick fog did not bode well. But, remembering my story “Foggy Morning” with photographs taken on a Nikon D5100 KIT 18-55 in the fall on the same gloomy day, I hoped that I would be able to photograph something interesting.

As soon as I left the territory of the recreation center, I was met by a sad horse:

- Hey, beginner photographer! I’ll go about my horse business now, and then let’s arrange an unusual photo shoot together?

- Okay, Sad Horse, I’ll wait...

The odd-toed ungulate disappeared into the milky haze. And an ancient tractor agreed to pose for me.

Behind him is a hut, almost on chicken legs.

A little later, the fog cleared and the peak of Malinovaya opened up.

I tried to photograph the river. But I don’t like landscapes with a “knocked out” sky. It turns out to be a boring photo.

Then the local gang came up and offered their services as extras. It seemed to me that the guys would fit harmoniously into the frame, explaining that most of the photos taken on this foggy morning were taken with a Sirui T-2204X tripod with a G20X head. I agreed and this is what we got.

By this time my sad horse had returned. Only now she has become cheerful.

— Amateur photographer from the Urals! Stop filming the dogs already! Even Apis Krasnoyarsky posts them in his review of the Nikon 70-300 telephoto lens with the Nikon D5200 SLR camera. Let's start an extraordinary photo shoot...

- I'm ready, Happy Horse. Show me how to pose correctly for a portrait.

The filly turned out to be so creative that my extras were dumbfounded in surprise...

This is how the first part of my story turned out about a trip to Bashkiria by car from Yekaterinburg. We discussed with you the pros and cons of the Malinovka recreation center, admired the landscapes with the mountains of Bashkiria - Malinovaya and Yalangas, and photographed the weirdos in the fog. I also saw a fox in the taiga twice in two days.

Tomorrow we have to go horseback riding in the mountains. If you haven’t yet pressed the Google+ button (see social media buttons below) or subscribed to notifications about new articles on the site, now is the time to do it.

I rarely go hiking, I mostly do car camping in a Chevrolet Niva. But in a couple of weeks I got together with my work friends to go to hiking on Mount Raspberry. It is located 6 km from Beloretsk.

There are very few descriptions of this mountain, despite the fact that it is a mountain above 1000 meters, and there are not many of them in Bashkiria. Blogger Rais helped with advice.

We left at six o'clock in the morning as a team of five people, two girls and three guys. As standard, we drove the turn at night, and especially in winter it is not interesting. We got to Beloretsk quite quickly, since the highway was empty at that time.

On the way we met the dawn, the sun was rising over a foggy valley between the mountains.

After driving a little around Beloretsk, we turned onto Malinovaya Street. We left the city along it and moved along the road to the village of Otnurok. About halfway we turned through the snowdrifts into a forest. Here, having changed clothes, we set out on the mountain.

They took with them, which, due to the lack of tracks, showed the distance to the point. The first and main goal was Mount Pervaya Raspberry, it is part Malidak ridge, which consists of the Second Raspberry, the Third Raspberry and Mount Kirel, which looks more like a hill.

Another name for the Raspberry Mountains is the Berry Mountains, these names are associated with the fact that a lot of raspberries grow on the mountains.

From the place where we left the car, we had to walk about three kilometers to Pervaya Malinovaya along a well-trodden path through a coniferous forest. A group of tourists, consisting of an elderly man and several schoolgirls, passed right in front of us.

We caught up with them at a fork, the man said that if you go in one direction, you can walk to Pervaya Malinovaya, about 500-600 meters, if in the other, then to Third Malinovaya and walk about four kilometers to it.

We went to Pervaya Malinovaya, the girls who were walking with us got a big lead, but we kept catching up with them all the way.

Having reached the mountain, we saw a high, long wall of rock. You can’t climb this rock directly, so we walked around along the path on the right and thus gradually climbed to the very top. We were lucky and the weather was clear, so the view from the mountain beautiful view in all directions, in some places there is still fog.

On one side, the whole of Beloretsk is visible at a glance.

On the other hand, in the distance one can see the most high mountain Southern Urals Yamantau.

Also in the distance you can see Big Shelom, the same man told us all this.

Having walked along the entire First Malinovaya, we decided to try to go straight to the Second and Third. We found a covered path and went down it to a fork. We went straight to Second Raspberry, but the trail suddenly ended and we began to make our way through waist-deep snowdrifts. Having decided that in this way we would take a very long time to get there and waste a lot of time, we turned back to the fork, went to the third direction, along it we reached the intersection from which we had to walk four kilometers to Third Malinovaya.

The path to it is narrower, it is clear that many people walk along it less people. The further we walked, the narrower it became. Despite the fatigue, no one wanted to turn back, because there was beauty all around: spruce trees covered with caps of snow, traces of various animals in the snow, a tree all in splinters and many other beautiful and interesting things. And of course, Fresh air plus warm tea from thermoses.

We followed the narrow path to the place where it ended. And in front of us there was a small rock that we could climb onto or on the left along the slippery stones, which is what two of us did. Or on the right through deep snowdrifts, I walked ahead in chest-deep snow. Out of habit, I was exhausted and very wet, but I still went upstairs happy.

The main danger was the gaps between the stones, where we sometimes fell chest-deep or waist-deep.

Having walked around the rock a little, we found a more or less flat place and began to climb up it. The girls were in front again.

Grabbing onto trees and stones, we finally climbed up. To a height of 1054 meters. There was also a small rock nearby, which was no longer realistic to climb, although I really wanted to. After all, from the Third Malinovaya, the highest of the three, there is a view of Iremel.

After sitting and taking photos at the top, we headed back. For the whole day we walked 15 km, including uphill and through snowdrifts, we got to the car 10 minutes before sunset, all wet, tired, but happy. From the conclusions: you need to take ice cubes with you, then the return journey will be faster and more enjoyable. This time I took a walkie-talkie with me, which turned out to be very convenient.

We arrived home in Ufa after midnight.

Apparently, now we will go there in the summer to visit the Second Raspberry and climb to the very top of the Third Raspberry.

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