Phenomena of nature starting with the letter a. Natural phenomena and their classification. Unusual natural phenomena

Hazardous natural phenomena mean extreme climatic or meteorological phenomena that occur naturally at one point or another on the planet. In some regions, such hazardous events may occur with greater frequency and destructive force than in others. Dangerous natural phenomena develop into natural disasters when the infrastructure created by civilization is destroyed and people die.

1. Earthquakes

Among all natural hazardous phenomena First place should be given to earthquakes. In places of ruptures earth's crust tremors occur that cause vibrations of the earth's surface with the release of gigantic energy. The resulting seismic waves are transmitted over very long distances, although these waves have the greatest destructive power at the epicenter of the earthquake. Due to strong vibrations of the earth's surface, massive destruction of buildings occurs.
Since quite a lot of earthquakes occur, and the surface of the earth is quite densely built up, then total people throughout history who died as a result of earthquakes exceed the number of all victims of other natural disasters and number in the many millions. For example, over the past decade, about 700 thousand people have died from earthquakes around the world. Entire settlements instantly collapsed from the most destructive shocks. Japan is the country most affected by earthquakes, and one of the most catastrophic earthquakes occurred there in 2011. The epicenter of this earthquake was in the ocean near the island of Honshu; on the Richter scale, the force of the tremors reached 9.1. Powerful tremors and the subsequent destructive tsunami disabled the Fukushima nuclear power plant, destroying three out of four power units. Radiation covered a significant area around the station, making densely populated areas, so valuable in Japanese conditions, uninhabitable. The colossal tsunami wave turned into mush what the earthquake could not destroy. Only officially over 16 thousand people died, to which we can safely include another 2.5 thousand who are considered missing. Only in this century have destructive earthquakes occurred in Indian Ocean, Iran, Chile, Haiti, Italy, Nepal.

2. Tsunami waves

A specific water disaster in the form of tsunami waves often results in numerous casualties and catastrophic destruction. As a result of underwater earthquakes or shifts of tectonic plates in the ocean, very fast but subtle waves arise, which grow into huge ones as they approach the shores and reach shallow waters. Most often, tsunamis occur in areas with increased seismic activity. A huge mass of water, quickly approaching the shore, demolishes everything in its path, picks it up and carries it deep into the coast, and then reverse current carried into the ocean. People, unable to sense danger like animals, often do not notice the approach of a deadly wave, and when they do, it is too late.
Usually killed by a tsunami more people than from the earthquake that caused it (the latest case in Japan). In 1971, the most powerful tsunami ever observed occurred there, the wave of which rose 85 meters at a speed of about 700 km/h. But the most catastrophic tsunami was observed in the Indian Ocean in 2004, the source of which was an earthquake off the coast of Indonesia, which claimed the lives of about 300 thousand people along a large part of the Indian Ocean coast.

A tornado (in America this phenomenon is called a tornado) is a fairly stable atmospheric vortex, most often occurring in thunderclouds. He's visual...

3. Volcanic eruption

Throughout its history, humanity has remembered many catastrophic volcanic eruptions. When the pressure of magma exceeds the strength of the earth's crust at the most weak points, which is what volcanoes are, it ends in an explosion and outpouring of lava. But the lava itself, from which you can simply walk away, is not so dangerous as the hot pyroclastic gases rushing from the mountain, penetrated here and there by lightning, as well as the noticeable influence of the strongest eruptions on the climate.
Volcanologists count about half a thousand dangerous active volcanoes, several dormant supervolcanoes, not counting thousands of extinct ones. Thus, during the eruption of Mount Tambora in Indonesia, the surrounding lands were plunged into darkness for two days, 92 thousand inhabitants died, and cold temperatures were felt even in Europe and America.
List of some major volcanic eruptions:

  • Volcano Laki (Iceland, 1783). As a result of that eruption, a third of the island's population died - 20 thousand inhabitants. The eruption lasted for 8 months, during which streams of lava and liquid mud erupted from volcanic fissures. Geysers have become more active than ever. Living on the island at this time was almost impossible. The crops were destroyed and even the fish disappeared, leaving the survivors hungry and suffering from unbearable living conditions. This may be the longest eruption in human history.
  • Volcano Tambora (Indonesia, Sumbawa Island, 1815). When the volcano exploded, the sound of the explosion spread over 2 thousand kilometers. Even the remote islands of the archipelago were covered with ash, and 70 thousand people died from the eruption. But even today Tambora is one of the highest mountains in Indonesia, which remain volcanically active.
  • Volcano Krakatoa (Indonesia, 1883). 100 years after Tambora, another catastrophic eruption occurred in Indonesia, this time “blowing the roof off” (literally) the Krakatoa volcano. After the catastrophic explosion that destroyed the volcano itself, frightening rumbles were heard for another two months. A gigantic amount of rock, ash and hot gases were thrown into the atmosphere. The eruption was followed by a powerful tsunami with wave heights of up to 40 meters. These two natural disasters together destroyed 34 thousand islanders along with the island itself.
  • Volcano Santa Maria (Guatemala, 1902). After a 500-year hibernation, this volcano woke up again in 1902, beginning the 20th century with the most catastrophic eruption, which resulted in the formation of a one and a half kilometer crater. In 1922, Santa Maria reminded itself again - this time the eruption itself was not too strong, but the cloud of hot gases and ash brought the death of 5 thousand people.

4. Tornadoes

On our planet there are a wide variety of dangerous places, which in Lately began to attract a special category of extreme tourists looking for...

A tornado is a very impressive natural phenomenon, especially in the United States, where it is called a tornado. This is an air flow twisted in a spiral into a funnel. Small tornadoes resemble slender, narrow pillars, and giant tornadoes can resemble a mighty carousel reaching towards the sky. The closer you are to the funnel, the stronger the wind speed is; it begins to drag along increasingly larger objects, up to cars, carriages and light buildings. In the “tornado alley” of the United States, entire city blocks are often destroyed and people die. The most powerful vortices of the F5 category reach a speed of about 500 km/h at the center. The state that suffers the most from tornadoes every year is Alabama.

There is a variety fire tornado, which sometimes occurs in areas of massive fires. There, from the heat of the flame, powerful upward currents are formed, which begin to twist into a spiral, like an ordinary tornado, only this one is filled with flame. As a result, a powerful draft is formed near the surface of the earth, from which the flame grows even stronger and incinerates everything around. When a catastrophic earthquake occurred in Tokyo in 1923, it caused massive fires that led to the formation of a fire tornado that rose 60 meters. The column of fire moved towards the square with frightened people and burned 38 thousand people in a few minutes.

5. Sandstorms

This phenomenon occurs in sandy deserts when there is a strong wind. Sand, dust and soil particles rise sufficiently greater height, forming a cloud that sharply reduces visibility. If an unprepared traveler gets caught in such a storm, he may die from grains of sand falling into his lungs. Herodotus described the story as in 525 BC. e. In the Sahara, a 50,000-strong army was buried alive by a sandstorm. In Mongolia in 2008, 46 people died as a result of this natural phenomenon, and a year earlier two hundred people suffered the same fate.

Throughout human history strongest earthquakes more than once caused colossal damage to people and caused a huge number of casualties among the population...

6. Avalanches

They periodically descend from snow-capped mountain peaks snow avalanches. Climbers especially often suffer from them. During the First World War, up to 80 thousand people died from avalanches in the Tyrolean Alps. In 1679, half a thousand people died from snow melting in Norway. In 1886, a major disaster occurred, as a result of which the “white death” claimed 161 lives. The records of Bulgarian monasteries also mention human casualties from avalanches.

7. Hurricanes

In the Atlantic they are called hurricanes, and in Pacific Ocean typhoons. These are huge atmospheric vortices, in the center of which the strongest winds and sharply reduced pressure are observed. In 2005, the devastating Hurricane Katrina swept over the United States, which particularly affected the state of Louisiana and the densely populated city of New Orleans, located at the mouth of the Mississippi. 80% of the city's territory was flooded, and 1,836 people died. Other famous destructive hurricanes include:

  • Hurricane Ike (2008). The diameter of the vortex was over 900 km, and in its center the wind blew at a speed of 135 km/h. In the 14 hours that the cyclone moved across the United States, it managed to cause $30 billion worth of destruction.
  • Hurricane Wilma (2005). This is the largest Atlantic cyclone in the entire history of weather observations. The cyclone, which originated in the Atlantic, made landfall several times. The damage it caused amounted to $20 billion, killing 62 people.
  • Typhoon Nina (1975). This typhoon was able to breach China's Bangqiao Dam, causing the destruction of the dams below and causing catastrophic flooding. The typhoon killed up to 230 thousand Chinese.

8. Tropical cyclones

These are the same hurricanes, but in tropical and subtropical waters, representing huge atmospheric systems low pressure with winds and thunderstorms often exceeding a thousand kilometers in diameter. Near the surface of the earth, winds at the center of the cyclone can reach speeds of more than 200 km/h. Low pressure and wind cause the formation of a coastal storm surge - when colossal masses of water are thrown ashore at high speed, washing away everything in its path.

It is difficult to scare a Russian person with anything, especially bad roads. Even safe routes claim thousands of lives a year, let alone those...

9. Landslide

Prolonged rains can cause landslides. The soil swells, loses stability and slides down, taking with it everything that is on the surface of the earth. Most often, landslides occur in the mountains. In 1920, the most devastating landslide occurred in China, under which 180 thousand people were buried. Other examples:

  • Bududa (Uganda, 2010). Due to mudflows, 400 people died, and 200 thousand had to be evacuated.
  • Sichuan (China, 2008). Avalanches, landslides and mudflows caused by an 8-magnitude earthquake claimed 20 thousand lives.
  • Leyte (Philippines, 2006). The downpour caused a mudslide and landslide that killed 1,100 people.
  • Vargas (Venezuela, 1999). Mudflows and landslides after heavy rains (almost 1000 mm of precipitation fell in 3 days) on the northern coast led to the death of almost 30 thousand people.

10. Ball lightning

We are accustomed to ordinary linear lightning accompanied by thunder, but ball lightning is much rarer and more mysterious. The nature of this phenomenon is electrical, but more accurate description Scientists cannot yet give ball lightning. It is known that it can have different sizes and shapes, most often they are yellowish or reddish luminous spheres. For unknown reasons, ball lightning often defies the laws of mechanics. Most often they occur before a thunderstorm, although they can also appear in absolutely clear weather, as well as indoors or in an airplane cabin. The luminous ball hovers in the air with a slight hiss, then can begin to move in any direction. Over time, it seems to shrink until it disappears completely or explodes with a roar.

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Natural phenomena

Natural phenomena- these are all the changes that occur in nature

Thermometer is a device for measuring temperature.

Mark (color in the sign) green objects of nature, yellow - natural phenomena. Make pairs “object - phenomenon”.

Pairs "object - phenomenon": the sun is a solar eclipse, a grain of wheat is the germination of grain, a snowflake is snowfall, ice is the melting of ice, a tiger is the roar of a tiger, a chicken egg is the emergence of a chicken from an egg.

Complete the table (write at least three examples in each column).

Ant Question, as in the past academic year, drew pictures. He tried very hard, but Seryozha and Nadya’s dad said that Ant had mixed up something again. Find the mistakes. Count and write down how many errors there are in each picture. Prove the correctness of your decision.

Summer picture:
In summer it is warm, there cannot be ice on the river and snow on the shore, for the same reason it cannot snow. Migratory birds They don’t fly away in the summer. The foliage on the trees has not yet turned yellow. Fly agaric does not grow on the river bank.
In total, we counted six errors in this drawing. The number "6" must be written in a circle.
Spring picture:
If the birds have already had chicks, the birch tree already has lush foliage, lilies of the valley and daisies are blooming, then it is late spring. It follows from this that autumn yellow leaves are mistakenly drawn in the picture, there should be no snow on the ground, as well as on the tree, it has already all melted at this time. The picture shows that the day is sunny and dry, which means there shouldn’t be a rainbow that appears after the rain.
In total, we counted four errors in this drawing. The number "4" must be written in a circle.

Label the parts of the thermometer

Indicate with arrows what happens to the column of liquid in the thermometer tube.

Do the exercises.
1) Write in numbers:
ten degrees Celsius +10°
ten degrees below zero -10°
zero degrees 0°
six degrees above zero +6°
six degrees below zero -6°

2) Write down in words:
+5° five degrees Celsius
-7° seven degrees below zero

Summer is the most favorite time of the year for schoolchildren and their parents. This is the long-awaited time of holidays and holidays. Summer is characterized by an increase in temperature indicators to a possible maximum, as well as distinctive features, natural phenomena. This time of year lasts three months. in different geographical latitudes it comes in different ways. In the Southern Hemisphere summer months are December, January and February. North of the equator, this season extends to June, July and August. In cold countries, the warm season can last no more than one month.

Natural phenomena in summer

Each season is characterized by certain climatic features. In winter, snow falls and frost sets in; In the spring, trees begin to bloom, birds fly in, and there is a flood; In autumn we notice leaf fall and constant rains. But what phenomenon observed in nature characterizes summer? This time of year is determined by several meteorological changes.

All summer natural phenomena (examples: thunderstorm, dew, rainbow, etc.) are associated with significant warming. At this time of year the weather is hot and dry, but nevertheless it is considered favorable for humans. It is worth noting that meteorological summer natural phenomena are highly variable. Examples: rain, hail, wind. On days when the sun shines brightly and clear sky, in a matter of minutes, cumulus clouds can gather and a real thunderstorm with thunder and lightning can begin. In the case of a short shower, after half an hour the temperature will rise again and the sun will continue to shine brightly.

Precipitation in summer always occurs within a short interval, but it is characterized by high intensity. Along with thunderstorms, strong winds often arise with sharp gusts. After precipitation, you can often see a phenomenon called a rainbow. There is often dew in the morning.


This natural anomaly is an air flow that is predominantly directed relative to the horizontal surface of the earth. Wind is classified by power, speed, scale, and level of distribution. To determine the category of an anomaly, its strength, duration and direction should be taken into account.

On land in summer time winds are strong only during or before a severe thunderstorm. This is due to the collision of two air masses that are opposite in temperature and direction in different layers of the atmosphere. On the American continent, powerful hurricanes often occur at this time of year. What phenomenon observed in nature in summer occurs in the sea or ocean? Most often there are short-term storms, which are characterized by intensity and strong gusts of wind. They often raise waves up to several meters high.

It is noteworthy that in changes in seasonal temperature indicators of winds important role global monsoons are playing. Their duration varies within several months. Monsoons have different circulation and temperature, strength and direction. It depends on them what the season will be: warm or cold.


As a result of condensation, it rises to the upper layers of the atmosphere. Particles crystallize under the influence low temperatures and combine into This is how clouds are formed in the sky (see photo of the natural phenomenon below).

Each cloud consists of particles of water and has a unique shape that changes under the influence of air flow and temperature. If in upper layers atmosphere -100 degrees Celsius, then the clouds will consist of droplet elements. Otherwise, their composition will be dominated by ice crystals.

Summer clouds are usually divided into thunderclouds, rain clouds, cumulus clouds, cirrus clouds, stratus clouds and others. If the air elements have combined into clouds, then there is a high probability of precipitation. The most heavy showers fall from stratus and cumulus clouds. If air masses have a homogeneous composition, then precipitation will be insignificant and short-term.


In the hot season, precipitation is considered a rather rare climatic anomaly. Rain itself represents a continuous vertical fall of water. The starting point of movement is the clouds. Rain is a cumulative natural phenomenon. Until the clouds gather a large number of moisture, precipitation will not begin.

Today it is customary to distinguish between five types of summer rains:

1. Ordinary. It falls out without such pronounced features as power or duration.

2. Short term. Its main characteristic is transience. Such summer natural phenomena begin and end unexpectedly.

3. Mushroom. Precipitation is characterized by low intensity and transience. When it rains, the sun continues to shine.

4. Shower. Defined by suddenness. In a short period of time, a large amount of water falls onto the ground with special force. Showers are often accompanied by strong winds, lightning and thunder. In summer, these rains are usually called thunderstorms.

5. City-shaped. Along with droplets of water, ice pieces of different sizes fall to the ground. Such precipitation is characterized by rapidity and intensity, and has a negative impact on agriculture.


Mixed rain with ice requires special attention due to its danger to property, and sometimes even to human life. Hail is a type of precipitation where frozen water falls on the ground. Not to be confused with mixed rain and snow. Here, the connected ice particles can reach sizes of up to several centimeters. Hail is highly durable and transparent (you can see a photo of a natural phenomenon below). This makes it dangerous both for small animals and birds, and for larger individuals.

This type of precipitation falls during thunderstorms from large cumulus clouds. In turn, clouds are distinguished by their black or ashen color and white tops. Hail forms in ordinary rain clouds as a result of supercooling of moisture droplets. The ice particles gradually increase in size, sticking together. Precipitation with hail can last from a couple of minutes to half an hour. Large pieces of ice can completely destroy entire crops.


This meteorological phenomenon is one of the most powerful in above-zero temperatures. Rain with hail and thunderstorms are summer natural phenomena, which are assigned Such precipitation is accompanied by strong sharp gusts of wind, sometimes squalls.

The distinctive climatic features of thunderstorms are lightning and thunder. A powerful charge of electricity is ejected from the clouds to the surface of the earth. Lightning is formed in the atmosphere due to the collision of negative and positive charges. The result is electromagnetic induction of hundreds of millions of volts. When the charge intensity reaches its maximum, a lightning strike is formed.

Thunder results from the rapid expansion of air resulting from the sudden heating of particles around an electromagnetic arc. Sound waves are reflected from the clouds and cause a strong echo.


Today, this is one of the most amazing and amazing natural anomalies associated with precipitation. A rainbow is a phenomenon that can occur after, during, or before rain. The time of formation of the phenomenon directly depends on the movement of rain clouds.

The colors of the rainbow are reflected at an angle of 42 degrees. The arc is visible through the curtain of rain on the opposite side of the sun's rays. The spectrum of the rainbow is represented by seven colors. That's exactly how many components there are sunlight. This phenomenon mainly occurs as a result of short-term precipitation in the summer.

The human eye detects the colors of the rainbow through raindrops, which act as prisms. This is a kind of large spectrum of natural origin.


In calm weather, as a result of cooling at night and warming in the morning with the first rays of the sun, droplets of water form on the surface of the earth, grass, flowers and other plants and objects. This meteorological phenomenon called dew.

At night time earth's surface cools down. As a result of this, steam in the air begins to condense and turn into water, settling on objects. It is generally accepted that dew forms only when the sky is clear and the wind is light. It is worth noting that the lower the temperature, the larger the droplets will be.

Most often, this phenomenon occurs in the tropics, where it is accompanied by a humid climate and long, cold nights.

Summer 2nd grade

IN school curriculum The introductory basics of climate anomalies are studied using the textbooks “The World Around us.” The first lessons are conducted with second graders. In such classes they talk about what summer natural phenomena are, what their signs and characteristics are.

Introduction to the seasons should include accessible examples in the program. In summer it becomes warmer, the days are longer, the nights are shorter, birds begin to sing, mushroom rains begin to fall, the water in rivers and lakes warms up, the grass turns green, etc.

For eight-year-old children, summer natural phenomena are a mystery. Therefore, it is imperative to support theory with practice. For this purpose, various excursions are organized. In June you can introduce children to trees, insects, and birds. July is a good time to take a walk through an arboretum or forest, where you can listen to the sounds of nature. In August, it would be a good idea to get acquainted with berries, mushrooms, and tree fruits.

Signs about summer phenomena

  • If it blows South wind, then you should expect bad weather, if it’s western, then there will be a cold snap soon.
  • To quickly stop a strong thunderstorm, you need to throw a broom out of the window in the direction of the rain.

  • An object that has caught fire after a lightning strike cannot be extinguished, because the devil is burning there.
  • Continuous wind with constant gusts - to a drowned person.
  • If thunder comes from the north, the summer is expected to be cold; if the thunder is heard in the south, it means it will be hot.
  • If large rain bubbles form on the puddles, this is a sign of a strong storm.

There are signs about natural phenomena concerning the rainbow:

  • If the arc is full and high, warming is worth waiting for.
  • A green rainbow means a long downpour, a red one means a heavy wind, a yellow one means calm.

The earth is fraught with many unusual and sometimes unexplained phenomena, and from time to time throughout the territory globe Various kinds of phenomena and even cataclysms occur, most of which can hardly be called ordinary and familiar to humans. Some cases have completely understandable reasons, but there are also those that even experienced scientists have not been able to explain for many decades. True, this kind of natural disasters do not happen often, only a few times during the year, but, nevertheless, humanity’s fear of them does not disappear, but, on the contrary, grows.

The most dangerous natural phenomena

These include the following types of disasters:


This is a dangerous natural phenomenon in the ranking of the most dangerous natural anomalies. Tremors of the earth's surface, occurring in places where the earth's crust breaks, provoke vibrations that turn into seismic waves of significant power. They are transmitted over considerable distances, but become strongest near the immediate source of tremors and provoke large-scale destruction of houses and buildings. Since there are a huge number of buildings on the planet, the number of victims runs into the millions. Over all time, earthquakes have affected many more people in the world than other disasters. In the last ten years alone, they have been within different countries More than seven hundred thousand people died around the world. Sometimes the tremors reached such strength that entire settlements were destroyed in an instant.

Tsunami waves

Tsunamis are natural disasters that cause a lot of destruction and death. Waves of enormous height and strength that arise in the ocean, or in other words, tsunamis, are a consequence of earthquakes. These giant waves usually occur in areas where seismic activity is significantly increased. The tsunami moves very quickly, and once it gets aground, it begins to rapidly grow in length. Once this huge fast wave reaches the shore, it can destroy everything in its path in a matter of minutes. The destruction caused by a tsunami is usually large-scale, and people who are caught by surprise by the cataclysm often do not have time to escape.

Ball lightning

Lightning and thunder are common things, but a type such as ball lightning is one of the most terrible phenomena nature. Ball lightning- This is a powerful electric discharge of current, and it can take absolutely any shape. Typically, this type of lightning looks like balls of light, most often reddish or yellow in color. It is curious that these lightning completely ignore all the laws of mechanics, appearing out of nowhere, usually before a thunderstorm, inside houses, on the street or even in the cockpit of an airplane that is flying. Ball lightning hovers in the air, and does so very unpredictably: for a few moments, then it becomes smaller, and then disappears altogether. It is strictly forbidden to touch ball lightning; moving when encountering it is also undesirable.


This natural anomaly is also one of the most terrible natural phenomena. Typically, a tornado is an air flow that twists into a kind of funnel. Outwardly, it looks like a columnar, cone-shaped cloud, inside of which air moves in a circle. All objects that fall into the tornado zone also begin to move. The speed of air flow inside this funnel is so enormous that it can easily lift very heavy objects weighing several tons and even houses into the air.


This type of storm occurs in deserts due to strong wind. Dust and sand, and sometimes soil particles carried by the wind, can reach several meters in height, and in the area where the storm breaks out, there will be a sharp decrease in visibility. Travelers caught in such a storm risk death because sand gets into their lungs and eyes.

Bloody Rains

This unusual natural phenomenon owes its threatening name to a strong waterspout, which sucked out particles of red algae spores from the water in reservoirs. When they mix with the water masses of a tornado, the rain takes on a terrible red hue, very reminiscent of blood. This anomaly was observed by residents of India for several weeks in a row; rain the color of human blood caused fear and panic among people.

Fire tornadoes

Natural phenomena and disasters are most often unpredictable. These include one of the most terrible - fire tornado. This type of tornado is already dangerous, but , if it occurs in a fire zone, it should be even more feared. Near several fires, when a strong wind occurs, the air above the fires begins to warm up, its density becomes less, and it begins to rise upward along with the fire. In this case, the air flows twist into peculiar spirals, and the air pressure acquires enormous speed.

The fact that the most terrible natural phenomena are poorly predicted. They often come suddenly, taking people and authorities by surprise. Scientists are working to create advanced technologies that can predict upcoming events. Today, the only guaranteed way to avoid the “vagaries” of the weather is to move to areas where such phenomena are observed as rarely as possible or have not been recorded before.

1. Using the textbook, complete the definitions.

these are all the changes that occur in nature.

2) Thermometer - This is a temperature measuring device .

2. Mark (color the plate) natural objects with green, and natural phenomena with yellow. Make pairs “object - phenomenon” (connect the tablets with lines).

3. Fill out the table (write at least three examples in each column). If you want, write down the phenomena that can occur with natural objects listed in the table on p. 18.

4. Ant Question, as in the last school year, drew pictures. He tried very hard, but Seryozha and Nadya’s dad said that Ant had mixed up something again. Find the mistakes. Count and write down how many errors there are in each picture. Prove the correctness of your decision

Errors in the picture “Summer”

  1. it doesn't snow in summer
  2. there is no ice drift in summer
  3. birds don't fly south in summer
  4. Snowdrops don't grow in summer
  5. in summer the leaves on the trees do not turn yellow

Errors in the picture “Spring”

  1. leaves on trees do not turn yellow in spring
  2. In the spring the snow melts and there are no more snow-white snowdrifts.

5. Practical work"Learning to measure temperature."

Goal of the work: learn to measure the temperature of air, water, and the human body.

Equipment: room, outdoor, water, medical thermometers; glass with warm water, a glass of cold water.

Progress(according to textbook assignments).

Experience 1.

  • Place the thermometer in a glass of warm water.

Experience 2.

  • Place the thermometer in a glass of cold water.

1) Label the parts of the thermometer.

2) Indicate with arrows what happens to the column of liquid in the thermometer tube.

3) Based on the measurement results, fill out the table.

4) Mark (circle) the result of measuring your body temperature. Draw a conclusion.

Evaluation of completed work(has the goal been achieved): yes, goal achieved
Presentation: report the results of the work to the class, listen and evaluate other messages.

6. Do the exercises.

1) Write in numbers:
ten degrees Celsius - +10°С
ten degrees below zero - -10°С
zero degrees - 0°C
six degrees above zero - +6°С
six degrees below zero - - 6°С

2) Write down in words:
+5° - five degrees Celsius
-7° - seven degrees below zero

7. Use a thermometer to determine and record the air temperature at home or outside.

If you find an error, please select a piece of text and press Ctrl+Enter.