Modern Tatar names for boys and their meanings. Modern and ancient Crimean Tatar names

Tatars are a numerous people who have played a significant role in history. Together with the warlike Mongols, they conquered half of the world and kept the other at bay. Today, their descendants have settled all over the globe, preserving their customs. One of ancient traditions people is to give newborns beautiful Tatar names. Boys are called, as a rule, so that the name reflects the person, his character, inclinations. Sometimes these are wishes of good luck, firmness, well-being, and in another case, the names are protection from evil forces.

According to their names, modern boys are divided into the following types:

Often the Tatar names of boys come from Arabic words, as they were borrowed along with Islam. Today, the modern is often combined with the traditional surname of Turkic-Perso-Arabic origin. This is due to the fact that Western culture is penetrating further and further to the East, making its own adjustments to the local mentality. Previously, the traditional names of this people were created from the words of the Turkic, Persian and Arabic languages. The stress is usually placed on the last syllable.

The Tatar names of boys, like the personal names of other peoples, transformed over time, were borrowed from neighbors, and were composed by adding several words with different origins. An example would be the names of Gaynutdin, Abdeljabar, Mintimer, Saijafar.

In the twentieth century, a new trend appeared in the world - to baptize children with old names or those that were obtained from ancient ones. Added letters for better sound. This is how the names Raf, Ravil, Rem, Ramil, Rome and complex ones appeared, created by merging the usual name and ending "ulla", "Allah". After the revolution of the seventeenth year, the names Karl, Marcel appeared in the everyday life of the Tatars, but they cannot be considered national. Often parents choose Tatar boy names because of their good sounding and beautiful meaning. But one should take into account the fact that the meaning of not every name can be known reliably. Sometimes creative personalities they call the baby a unique word, invented independently.

Since ancient times, people have believed that a name is not just a word that allows you to identify a person among others. It conveyed to its owner some of the properties that were necessary for a full-fledged member of society. Therefore, the guys were called "courageous", "strong", "protector", "brave" and "solid", and the girls were given tender names flowers and plants, stars, wished them beauty and many children.

Tatar boy names are more popular today than ever. After all, every nation strives to restore its roots, its identity, to restore the lost connection with previous generations. And the name is just the first step towards the restoration of patriotic consciousness.

IBRAHIM (Ibrahim, Parham) - other Heb. name of the prophet Abraham, father of nations

IDELIA - tat. from Idel, Itil - Turkic name of the Volga River

IDRIS is an Arab. student

IKRAM is Arabic. honour, respect, reverence

IKRIMA - dove

ILMAZ (Yilmaz) - daredevil

ILKIN - the first

ILGAM (Ilham) - inspiration

ILGIZ - Turk. traveler

ILDAR (Eldar) - Turk. ruler, leader, master

ILDUS (Yuldus) - Turk. loving motherland

ILMIR (Almir) - (female f. Almira, Elmira, Ilmira)

ILNAR (Ilnur) - Arab. exalted light, light of the motherland, light of the fatherland

ILSHAT - Turk. pleasing to the motherland, meaning famous

ILYAS (Ilyaz) - dr. God's Helper

ILFIR (Elfer) - divine nectar

IMAN - Arabic. faith

INAL - master

INAR (Dinara) - Arabic from the word dinar- gold coin; apparently here in the meaning of precious

INDIRA - ind. f.f. daughter of the Indus River (In India)

INSAF is an Arab. justice

IREK - Turk. will (often found in the form Irik)

IRFAN - gratitude

ISA (Jesus) - Heb. God's grace, God's help

ISAM - protecting, protecting

ISKANDER (Iskandyar, Eskander) - 1. other Greek. Alexander, defender, - victorious

ISLAM - Arab. devoted to Allah, obedience to the Almighty

ISMAIL (Ismagil) - Heb. God heard, one of the names of the Prophet

ISMAT (Ismet) - Arabic. purity, abstinence; protection

Ismatullah - under the protection of Allah

ISFANDIYAR - other Iran, a gift from the holy god

ISHAK - other Heb. Isaac - laughter

ITTIFAQ - Arabic. union, unity

ITTIFAQ- tat. independence

IHSAN - sincerity, kindness, generosity

Ishbulat - Turk. similar to steel (bulat)

Ishbuldy - Turk. friend

ISCHGILD - Turk. a friend appeared

ISTUGAN - Turk. native

Tatar names. Meaning of Tatar names

Female Tatar names. Tatar names of girls

IDELIA - Idel (Volga River) + -iya (affix used to form female names).

IDELBIKA - Idel (Volga River) + bika (girl; lady, lady). In a figurative sense: rich, majestic, like the Volga.

IDEL - Formed by adding to the word Idel (Volga River) the affix -a, which serves to form female names.

IDEA - Idea, thought.

IDYLL - 1. Living calmly, serenely and happily. 2. Kind of poetry.

IZHADIA - Creativity, creation; inventor.

IKLIMA - Country, region; belt, climate.

IKRAMA - Exaltation, reverence.

IKTIZA - Necessity, necessity; wish, request.

ILID - Sun; solar. From the name of the poem of the famous ancient Greek poet Homer "Iliad". Iliad > Ilida.

ILLARIA - Cheerful.

ILCHIGUL - Ilche ​​(messenger) + ghul (flower). Messenger flower.

ILBIKA - Daughter of the country, people.

ILGAMIA - Inspiration, inspiration, creative impulse, passion; inspired, inspired.

ILGIZA - Traveler, wanderer.

ILGUZEL - Folk beauty.

ILGULEM - Flower of the country, people; in a figurative sense: folk beauty.

ILGUL - Flower of the country, people; in a figurative sense: folk beauty.

ILDANA - Glory and pride of the country, people.

ILDARINA - Formed from the male name Ildar (see).

ILDARIA - Formed from the male name Ildar (see).

ILDUSA - A friend of her country, her people; loving her country, her people. Cf.: Dusila.

ILZADA - Child (daughter) of his country, his people.

ILZIDA - Growth, strengthening the power of the country.

ILZINNAT - Decoration of the country, people; in a figurative sense: folk beauty.

ILNAZ - The bliss of the country, the people; folk favorite, folk beauty.

ILNARA - Flame, fire of the country, people.

ILNURA - Beam, radiance of the country, people.

ILNURIYA - Beam, radiance of the country, people; radiant folk beauty.

ILSINA - Chest of the country; in a figurative sense: the soul, the heart of the country.

ILSIYA - Beloved by the country, the people; loving her country, her people.

ILSIYAR - The one that the country, the people will love; the one who will love her country, motherland.

ILSTAN - Garden of the country, homeland.

ILSURA - Horn of the country; figuratively: folk heroine.

ILSYLU - Folk beauty.

ILFA - Formed from the male name Ilfat (see).

ILFARIA - Lighthouse of the country, people.

ILFIZA - Silver of the country, people.

ILFIRA - Pride of the country, national beauty.

ILFRUZA - Pleasing her country, people.

ILYUSA - Il (country, people) + wuxia (growing), the country is growing, getting stronger. Dialectal variant: Iluza.

INJIL - Radiant; clarity.

INJIRA - Fig (southern tree with juicy sweet fruits).

INDIRA - In ancient Indian mythology: the goddess of the hurricane, lightning and war; queen of the gods. The name Indira is often given to girls in honor of Indira Gandhi, the Prime Minister of India (1966 - 1977), the leader of the Indian national liberation movement.

INDUS - A new name formed by adding the affix -a to the first two syllables of the word industry, which serves to form female names.

INSAFIA - Conscientious, honest, educated, disciplined.

INSHARIYA - A new compound name formed by abbreviating the words inklabi sharik (revolution of the East).

IRADA - Holy, good desire (wish); having a holy, good desire.

IRANIA - Iran (country) + -iya (affix used to form female names).

IRIDA - Girl, woman - white bone; heroine. In ancient Greek mythology: the daughter of Zeus's wife Hera. Goddess of the rainbow, youth, women and marriage.

IRINA - Calm; calm. Affectionate form: Ira.

IRKYA - Gentle, affectionate, sweet child (daughter). Anthropolexeme.

IRKYABANU - Gentle, affectionate girl.

IRKYABIKA - Gentle, affectionate girl.

IRKYAGUL - Delicate, affectionate flower.

IRKYANAZ - Sweet bliss, affection.

IRKYASYLU - Gentle, affectionate beauty.

IRTIZA - Consonant, satisfied.

ISANBIKA - Live, healthy girl.

ISANGUL - Living, healthy flower.

ISLAMIA - Islam (see the male name Islam) + -iya (an affix that serves to form female names). Submission, devotion to Allah; exemplary Muslim.

ISLEGUL - Fragrant flower.

ISMEGUL - The one called "Flower", with the name of the flower.

ISMENAZ - The one that is called "Nega", "Weasel".

ITTAKI - She who takes care of herself, pious.

IFADA - Explanation, explanation.

IHDA - Presented as a gift, presented.

IKHLASA - Sincere, immaculate, honest. Variety: Ichlasia.

IKHLASIA - see Ikhlasa.

IHTID - Rising on the right path, finding the right path.

ISBANU - Ish (couple, equal) + banu (girl). The one who, by her appearance, increased the family (about the born girl).

Ishbika - Ish (couple, equal) + bika (girl; lady, mistress). The one who, by her appearance, increased the family (about the born girl).

ISHEMBIKA - Ishem (my couple, equal) + bika (girl; lady, lady). The one who, with her appearance, increased my family (about a girl who was born).

ISHSULTAN - Ish (pair, equal) + Sultan (see the male name Sultan).

ISHSYLU - Ish (couple, equal) + sylu (beauty). Nice match, couple.

ISHKHUBJAMAL - Ish (pair, equal) + Hubjamal (see).

Tatar names. Meaning of Tatar names

Male Tatar names. Tatar names of boys

KABAY - Bast cradle, cradle. Preserved among the Tatars-Mishars (Meshcheryaks) and Siberian Tatars in the surname Kabaev.

BOAR - Boar. It was given with a wish to the born boy of the strength of a boar. It was preserved among the Kazan Tatars and Russians in the surname Kabanov. Anthropolexeme.

KABANBAY - Boar (see) + buy (owner; wealthy, influential person, sir). Preserved in the name Kabanbaev.

KABANBEK - Boar (see) + bek (master). Preserved in the name of Kabanbikov.

KABIL - 1. Receiving, giving an audience, meeting. 2. Strong, capable. 3. Fit, fit.

KABIR - Big, senior, great; essential

KABIS - From kabis ate - "leap year". This name was given to boys born in leap year February 29th.

KABISH - Sheep. This name was given to the boy with the wish to become the father of a large family in the future. Preserved in the names Kabishev, Kabashev. Synonyms: Bite, Kuchkar, Tyaka.

KABUL - 1. Reception, audience, meetings. 2. Expression of consent.

Kabutar - Dove. Preserved in the surname Kabutarov. Synonyms: Kugarchin, Yunus.

KAVAS ~ KAVIS - Bow. Constellation Sagittarius in the zodiac. Corresponds to the month of November. Variety: Kauvas.

KAVI - Powerful; powerful, omnipotent (one of the epithets of Allah).

KAVIM - Direct; right, right, true.

KADAM - Step, step.

KADER - Honor, honor; respect; prestige, authority. Anthropolexeme.

KADERAK - Formed by adding a diminutive affix -ak to the word kader (honor, respect). Preserved in the name of Kaderakov.

KADERBAY - Kader (honor, respect) + buy (owner; wealthy, influential person, lord).

KADERBEK - Kader (honor, respect) + bek (lord).

KADERBIRDE - Kader (honor, respect) + birde (God gave).

KADERGALI (KADERALI) - Kader (honor, respect) + Gali (see).

KADERGUL (KADERLIGUL) - Dear person. Cf.: Sharafkul.

KADERDJAN - Dear person.

KADERISLAM - Dear, revered servant of Islam. Synonym: Sharafelislam.

KADERMUKHAMMET ~ KADRELMUHAMMET - Kader ~ Kadrel (honor, respect) + Muhammet (see). Dialectal variant: Kadermet.

KADERSABY - Dear child.

KADERKHAN - Dear Khan. Synonym: Sharafathan.

KADERSHAH, KADERSHA - Kader (honor, respect) + shah.

KADIK - the North Star.

KADIM - Old, ancient.

KADIR, KADIR - Almighty, powerful, omnipotent (one of the epithets of Allah). Anthropolexeme.

KADIRBEK - Bek is the servant of the Almighty (Allah).

KADIRGALI - Kadir (powerful, omnipotent) + Gali (see).

KADIRGALIBEK - Kadir (powerful, omnipotent) + Gali (see) + bek (lord).

KADIRGUL - Slave of the Almighty (Allah).

KADIRJAN - A child given by the Almighty (Allah).

KADIRKHAN - Khan is the servant of the Almighty (Allah).

KADISH - Formed from the ancient Turkic word qadas ("relative", "brother"). The name of the Kazan prince, who founded the village near Kazan, which was called Kadish. Currently - the name of a Russian village in the Vysokogorsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan. During the time of the Kazan Khanate in the direction of the Nogai road (in the valley of the Chirpa River) there was a Tatar village Sarku-Kadish. given name also found among the Mari.

QADRIMAN - Kader (honor, respect) + iman (faith).

COSSACK - 1. Military rider, cavalryman, soldier. 2. A free settler on the outskirts of the Russian state (the valley of the Don, the Urals, Zaporozhye). Anthropolexeme.

KAZAKBAI - Cossack (see) + buy (owner; wealthy, influential person, lord).

KAZAKKUL - Cossack (see) + kul (God's servant; comrade, companion; worker, plowman, warrior).

KAZAKKHAN - Cossack (see) + khan.

KAZAN - Kazan (cauldron for cooking). It was given with the wish that the child would always be provided with food. Anthropolexeme.

KAZANAY - Formed by adding to the name Kazan (see) the invocative-imperative affix -ay.

KAZANAK - Formed by adding a diminutive affix -ak to the name Kazan (see).

KAZANBAY - Kazan (see) + buy (owner; wealthy, influential person, lord). Preserved in the surname Kazanbaev. The name Kazanbay is also found among the Mari.

KAZANBEK - Kazan (see) + bek (master).

KAZANGUL - Kazan (see) + kul (God's servant; comrade, companion; worker, plowman, warrior).

KAZBEK ~ KAZIBEK - Kazi (see) + bek (master). At the beginning of the 19th century, in the possessions of Prince Kazibek, there was a village of the same name, located at the foot of high mountain. The name of this village was later given to this mountain peak. Among the Tatars, starting from the 30s of the twentieth century, the male name Kazbek came into use.

KAZI - Judge; Kazi. Anthropolexeme.

KAZIAHMET - Kazi (judge) + Ahmet (see).

KAZIM - The one who does not splash out his anger outwardly is patient. The nickname of the Shia Imam Musa.

KAZIMUKHAMMET - Kazi (judge) + Muhammet (see).

KAZIKHAN - Kazi (judge) + khan.

KAID - Leader, leader; commander.

KAIL - Speaker, speaker; narrator; the one who transmits something, hands over.

KAIM - 1. Standing on his feet. 2. Existing, living.

Kai - 1. Strong. 2. The name of the Kypchak tribe. Anthropolexeme.

KAYMURZA - Kai (see) + murza (son of the emir; representative of the nobility). Head of the Kai tribe. Preserved among the Tatars-Mishars (Meshcheryaks) in the surname Kaimurzin.

Kaipach - From the Kaipach tribe. Variety: Kaybych. The allonym Kaybych is possibly formed from the name of Khaibulla (see).

KAYKHAN - Khan of the Kai tribe. Preserved among the Tatars-Mishars (Meshcheryaks) in the surname Kaikhanov.

KAICHURA - Kai (see) + chura (boy; worker, plowman, warrior; friend). Worker (farmer, warrior) of the Kai tribe. Preserved among the Tatars-Mishars (Meshcheryaks) in the surnames Kaichurin, Kaichurov. Variety: Kaichur.

Kal is an anthropolexeme used in the formation of male and female names. From the Tajik and Persian word hol ~ hal, meaning "mole".

KALANDAR - Roofless, wandering dervish. Preserved in the name of Kalandarov.

KALBAY ~ KALYBAY - With a mole, having a mole. The name Kalybai is also found among the Mari. Synonym: Minlebay.

KALBARS - Leopard with a mole (happy leopard).

KALBEK - Beck (master), having a mole (happy). Synonym: Minlebek. -

KALDARBEK - Beck (master), having a mole; happy bek (master). Preserved in the surname Kaldarbikov.

Kaldy - Survived. It was given to a boy who survived after a serious illness. Anthropolexeme.

KALDYGUL - Kaldy (see) + kul (God's servant; comrade, companion; worker, plowman, warrior).

KALIMULA - Conversing with God, speaking the word of God. One of the epithets of the prophet Moses. Dialectal variants: Kali, Kalyay, Kalkay, Kalyuk.

KALKAY - Happy, lucky. Preserved in the names Kalkaev, Kalkin. Synonym: Minlekai.

KALKAMAN ~ KALKANMAN - A man with a shield. Preserved in the surname Kalkamanov.

KALKASH - Eyebrow with a mole. It was given to boys who were born with a mole above the eyebrow. Preserved in the surname Kalkashov.

KALMURZA - Having a mole (happy) Murza (son of the Emir; representative of the nobility). Synonym: Minlemurza.

KALMUHAMMET - Having a mole (happy) Muhammet. The name borrowed from the Kazakhs. Synonym: Minlemuhammet. Dialectal options: Kalmamet, Kalmet, Kalmi, Kalmay, Kamet.

KALMYSH - The one who will remain safe and sound. Variety: Kalmash.

KALTAY - Having a mole (happy) child. It was preserved among the Ural, Siberian Tatars and among the Kazakhs in the surname Kaltaev. This name is also found among the Mari.

KAMAL - Completeness, maturity, perfection; flawless, perfect. Anthropolexeme.

KAMALETDIN - The perfection of religion. Dialectal options: Kamai, Kamaly, Kamali, Kamkai, Kamuk, Kamush, Kamalyuk.

KAMAR - Month; lunar; in a figurative sense: radiant, bright, beautiful, like a month. Anthropolexeme.

KAMARJAN - Qamar (see) + jan (soul, person). Synonym: Makhidzhan.

KAMARETDIN - Light of religion.

KAMARUZZAMAN - Light of the era.

KAMARKHUZYA - Kamar (see) + Khoja (owner, owner; mentor, teacher).

KAMBULAT - Kam (shaman, leader in pagan religions) + damask steel (high grade steel). Preserved among the Tatars-Mishars (Meshcheryaks) in the surname Kambulatov.

CAMIL - Perfect in every way, the best, full, mature. Anthropolexeme.

KAMILJAN - Camille (perfect, best) + jan (soul, person).

CAMILLAR - Camille (perfect, best) + yar (comrade, friend).

KAMKAY - Formed by adding to the word kam (shaman, leader in pagan religions) a diminutive affix -kay. Preserved among the Kazan Tatars in the surname Kamkaev.

KAMRAN - Powerful, powerful; happy.

KAMUS - 1. Ocean. 2. Dictionary. Preserved in the names of Kamusov and Kamusin.

REED - Reed; in a figurative sense: a man (boy) is slender, like a reed. Preserved in the name Kamyshev.

KANAK - In the ancient Bulgarian language and the language of the Argu tribe, the word Kanak meant "sour cream", "cream". This word, having a figurative meaning "sweet, beloved, joyful child", was used in ancient times among the Turkic peoples as a male name. It was preserved among the Kazan Tatars, for example, in the village of Molvino (Mulla Ile) of the Zelenodolsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan, in the surname Kanakov. Varieties: Kanakai, Kanakach.

KANAKAY - 1. old name, formed by adding the diminutive affix -kai to the ancient Tatar word kan, which had the meaning of Wednesday (day of the week). A boy born on this day was given the name Kanakai. 2. In the Mongolian language, the word kanakai means "high". It was preserved in the surname Kankaev (this surname was the legendary colleague of Emelyan Pugachev, Colonel Bakhtiyar Kankaev).

KANDAR - Sugar; figuratively: sweet. Preserved in the name of Kandarov.

KANDIL - Source of light; lamp, chandelier, candle, candelabra. Synonyms: Sirazi, Shamgun, Shomgyi.

KAPKAY - Formed by adding the diminutive affix -kay to the ancient Turkic word kap (close blood relative). Preserved among the Tatars-Mishars (Meshcheryaks) and Siberian Tatars in the surname Kapkaev.

KAPLAN - Leopard, leopard. Preserved among the Tatars-Mishars (Meshcheryaks) in the surname Kaplanov. Anthropolexeme.

KAPLANBEK - Kaplan (leopard, leopard) + bek (master).

KAPLANGARAI - Kaplan (leopard, leopard) + Garay (see).

KAPSHAY - Hasty; fast, zealous. It was preserved among the Siberian Tatars in the surname Kapshaev.

Kara - In the ancient Turkic language, the word kara had the following meanings: 1. Black color. 2. Terrible, strong, powerful. 3. Abundant, rich. 4. Chief, great. 5. Common people, commoners. 6. Earth, soil. 7. Look, look (meaning: "come into the world, be born"). Anthropolexeme.

KARAARSLAN - Black lion, i.e. strong, formidable lion. It was given with a wish to the boy of the strength of a lion. Antonym: Akarslan.

KARABAY - 1. Strong, powerful buy. 2. Swarthy boy. Among the Tatars, Bashkirs and other Turkic peoples, it was also used as a nickname given to dark-haired dogs. Cf.: Baikara. It was preserved among the Kazan Tatars in the surname Karabaev, among the Astrakhan Tatars - in the surname Karapaev. Synonym: Karabayan. Antonym: Akbay. Dialectal variant: Karapay.

KARABARS - Kara (black; formidable, strong) + leopard (leopard, tiger). Antonym: Akbars.

KARABATYR - Terrible, strong hero. Antonym: Akbatyr.

KARABASH - 1. Servant, worker. 2. Black-haired (dark-faced) boy. Preserved among the baptized Tatars in the surname Karabashev. Antonym: Akbash.

KARABAAYAN - see Karabay. The name of the Tatar village in the Sabinsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan. Synonym: Karabay.

KARABEK - Kara (terrible, strong; great) + bek (lord). Antonym: Akbek.

KARABI - Strong, powerful bi (prince, nobleman). Antonym: Akbi.

CARABIRDE - Kara (strong, strong) + birde (gave). God gave a boy who will become strong and strong. Antonym: Akbirde.

KARABUGA - Kara (black; formidable, strong) + buga (bull). In a figurative sense: the famous hero, hero. Antonym: Akbuga.

KARABULAT - Kara (black; formidable, strong) + damask steel (high grade steel). Antonym: Akbulat.

KARAGAY - Larch (coniferous tree). It was given with a wish that the boy would become strong, like a larch. Preserved among the Ural and Bashkortostan Tatars in the surname Karagaev.

KARAGAN - The one who looked, looked (i.e. was born). In the address book, published in 1875 in Kazan, the name Karaganov is found. This surname is also found among Russians.

KARAGACH - Karagach (tree). It was given with the wish that the boy would become strong, like a elm.

KARAGUZYA (KARAHUZYA) - Kara (formidable, strong; great) + Khoja (owner, owner; mentor, teacher). Dialectal variant: Karguzya. Antonym: Akkhuzya.

KARAGUL ~ KARAKUL - 1. Kara (terrible, strong; great) + kul (God's servant; comrade, companion; worker, plowman, warrior). 2. Watchman, guard, patrol. Antonym: Akkul.

KARAEGET - Kara (black, swarthy; strong) + eget (young man). Antonym: Akeget.

KARAISH - Kara (strong) + ish (friend, comrade, close person). Strong, strong friend. Antonym: Agish.

KARAY - Become formidable, strong, powerful. In the 12th century, it was widespread among the Kazan Tatars. Preserved among the Kazan Tatars, Uzbeks, Azerbaijanis and Russians in the surname Karaev.

KARAKAI - Formed by adding a diminutive affix -kai to the word kara (black). It was given to a swarthy boy. Preserved in the surname Karakaev. Antonym: Akkay.

KARAKASH - Black eyebrow. It was given to black-browed boys. Among the Bashkirs and Kazakhs, the name Karakash is also used as a feminine one.

KARAKILD - 1. A swarthy, dark-haired boy was born. 2. A strong, strong boy was born. Antonym: Akkilde.

Karakuz - Black eyes. It was given to a black-eyed boy. Antonym: Akkuz.

KARACUZAK - Strong pod. It was given with the wish that in the future the boy would have as many children as peas in a pod.

KARACUCHUK - Strong puppy. It was given with the wish that the boy be as tenacious as a puppy. Antonym: Akkuchuk.

KARAKUSH - kite, golden eagle. It was given with a wish to the boy for the strength and dexterity of a kite. Antonym: Akkush.

KARAM - Generosity, generosity; holiness. Anthropolexeme.

KARAMAN - Possessing wealth, strength, power. Preserved in the surname Karamanov.

KARAMAT - 1. A miracle, magic, an extraordinary phenomenon, something mysterious. 2. Generosity, nobility.

KARAMATULLA - 1. Miracle, magic of Allah. 2. The bounty of Allah.

KARAMETDIN - Generosity, mercy of religion. Dialectal variants: Karami, Karai.

KARAMULLA - 1. Kara (terrible, strong; great) + mullah ( spiritual mentor, teacher, preacher). Antonym: Akmulla. 2. Generosity, the generosity of Allah.

KARAMURZA - Strong, courageous murza (son of the emir; representative of the nobility). From this name the Russian surnames Karamzin and Kara-Murza are formed. Antonym: Akmurza.

KARAMSHAH, KARAMSHHA - Karam (see) + check.

KARAMYSH ~ KARAMYSH - The child was born. Preserved in the surnames Karamyshev, Karmyshev. These surnames are also found among Russians.

KARANAY - With a gloomy face (meaning "serious"). Preserved in the surname Karanaev.

KARANIYAZ - Kara (terrible, strong; great) + Niyaz (see).

KARATAI - Kara (black; strong) + tai (foal). Preserved in the surnames Karatay, Karataev. These surnames are also found among Russians. Antonym: Aktay.

KARATASH - Kara (strong, powerful) + tash (stone). Powerful, holy stone. It was given with a wish that the boy would become strong as a stone. Antonym: Aktash.

KARATIMER - Kara (black; strong) + timer (iron).

KARATUGAN - Kara (black, swarthy; strong) + tugan (born). Antonym: Aktugan.

KARAKHAN - Kara (black, swarthy; formidable, strong) + khan. Antonym: Akhan.

KARAHMET - Kara (see) + Akhmet (see).

KARACH - Swarthy (man). It was also used as a nickname given to dark-haired dogs (zoonym). Preserved in the surname Karachev. This surname is also found among Russians.

KARACHAR - 1. Dark-haired, swarthy. 2. Having a strong, big family. This name is found in the census books of Kazan and the Kazan province of the 16th-17th centuries. Preserved among the Kazan Tatars and Russians in the surname Karacharov. According to N.A. Baskakov, the basis of the Russian surname Karacharov is the geographical nomenclature kara jar (black yar, coast).

KARACHMAN - swarthy man.

KARACHURA - Kara (black, swarthy; strong) + chura (boy; worker, farmer, warrior; friend). Preserved in the names Karachurin, Karachurov. Antonym: Akchura.

KARI - 1. Reader; knowing the Qur'an by heart. 2. In the ancient Turkic language, the word "kari" meant "venerable old man, aksakal".

CARIBE (CARIP) - Close; blood relative, brother. Anthropolexeme.

KARIBETDIN - A person close to religion.

CARIBULLA - A person close to Allah.

KARIETDIN - A person close to religion.

KARIM - 1. Generous, noble, generous, merciful, with a broad soul, honest. 2. Dear, revered, dear. Anthropolexeme.

CARIMBAY - Generous, merciful buy.

CARIMBEK - Generous, merciful bek (master).

CARIMGUL - Generous, merciful servant of God (man).

KARIMJAN - Generous, kind soul.

KARIMETDIN - A generous, respected by other people believer.

Karimullah - A generous person, beloved by Allah.

KARIMKHAN - Generous, merciful khan.

KARIMKHUZYA - Generous, merciful host.

KARIMSHAH, KARIMSHAH - Generous, merciful shah.

KARIHAN - Khan who will live to a ripe old age.

KARL - A brave man, a man. A new name that came into use after the October Socialist Revolution and was given in honor of Karl Marx and Karl Liebknecht.

KARLYKHAN - Khan (boy), born during a snowfall or in winter.

KARMYSH - (see) Karamysh.

KARNAI - 1. Horn, horn. 2. Variety of the name Zulkarnay (see).

KARNAK - In the ancient Turkic language, the word karnak meant "having a big belly." It was given to a boy who was born with a large torso. Preserved in the family name Karnakov.

CARRAM - Grower.

CARTBAY - Old Bai; a boy who will live to a ripe old age.

KARYNDASH ~ KARDASH - Born by the same mother (together with someone), uterine. This name was given to a child born from another (new) husband. Cf.: Kodash. It was preserved among the Tatar-Mishars (Meshcheryaks) in the surname Kardashev and among the Russians in the surnames Kardashov, Kardashev.

QASIM, QASIM - Dividing, distributing, distributing; sharing (with someone). Dialectal variants: Kasai, Kasi. Anthropolexeme.

KASIMBAY, KASYMBAY - Kasim (see) + buy (owner; wealthy, influential person, lord).

KASIMBEK, KASYMBEK - Kasim (see) + bek (master).

KASIMJAN, KASYMJAN - Kasim (see) + jan (soul, person).

KASIMKHAN, KASIMKHAN - Kasim (see) + khan.

KASIR - 1. Short, small. 2. Abundant; frequent, numerous.

KATIP (KATIB) - Writer, writer; secretary. Dialectal variants: Katif, Kuti, Kutip.

KAUSAR - 1. From the word alcausar (the name of the paradise source). 2. Abundance. 3. Honey sherbet, a sweet drink. The name Kausar in many regions of the Republic of Tatarstan is used only as a feminine one. In the Agryz region, it is also given to boys.

KAFI - Capable, quick, efficient.

KAFIL - 1. Returning. 2. The one who takes responsibility; educator, guardian.

KAKHARMAN - Hero, hero. Dialectal variants: Karman, Karmanay.

KAHIR - Winner in the fight, gaining the upper hand, conquering, winner. Dialectal variant: Cairo. From the allonym Cairo, the surname Kairov is formed, which is widespread among the Kazan Tatars. This surname is also found among Russians.

KAHHAR - Possessor of great power (one of the epithets of Allah).

KACHKYN - The fugitive. In the old days, among the Turkic peoples, it was given to illegitimate boys; this name was also given to men who defected to this tribe from another.

KACHKYNBAY - Kachkyn (fugitive) + buy (owner; wealthy, influential person, lord).

KACHMAS - He won't run away, he won't run away. It was preserved by the Russians in the surname Kachmasov.

KASHIF - Discoverer of the new, inventor.

KASHIFULLAH - One who recognizes Allah.

KASHKAR - Wolf. Name associated with ancient pagan custom. The word kashkar is still used in Chuvash meaning "wolf". It was preserved among the Tatars-Mishars (Meshcheryaks) and Russians in the surnames Kashkarev, Kashkarov. Synonyms: Buri, Kashkar, Kurt, Chan.

KASHKARBAY - Kashkar (wolf) + buy (owner; wealthy, influential person, lord). Cf.: Baiburi. Synonyms: Buribai, Changbai.

Kashfel - Open, clarify. Anthropolexeme.

KASHFELBAYAN - Kashfel (see) + Bayan (see).

KASHFELGAYAN - Kashfel (see) + Gayan (see)).

KASHFELGILEM - Discover new knowledge, develop science.

KASHFELZADA - Kashfel (see) + Zada ​​(see).

KASHFELMAGAN - Clarification, disclosure of meaning.

KASHFELMULYUK - Kashfel (see) + Mulyuk (see).

KASHFELHAK - The discovery of truth.

KASHFERAZI - Kashfel (see) + Razi (see). Dialectal variants: Kashifrazi, Kashbrazi.

KASHFETDIN - Knowing, knowing religion. Dialectal variants: Kashbetdin, Kashfi.

KASHFINUR - To find, open the radiance.

KASHFULLA - Confession, disclosure of the soul before Allah, revelation to Allah.

KASHSHAF (KASHAF) - Discoverer, inventor; one who explains, explains. Dialectal variant: Kashap. Anthropolexeme.

KASHSHAFETDIN - Opener of religion, interpreter of religion. Dialectal variants: Kashap, Kashay, Kashuk.

KAYUM - Forever alive; unchanging, firm, reliable (one of the epithets of Allah).

KELYASH - see Telyash. In ancient times, the Bulgaro-Tatars used the solar-lunar calendar, according to which the eleventh month of the year was called Kelyau. Boys born this month were given the name Kelyash.

KECHEBAY - Junior Bai. Given to the youngest child in the family.

KESH - Sable (fur-bearing animal). Synonym: Samur. Anthropolexeme.

KESHBAY - Kesh (sable) + buy (owner; wealthy, influential person, lord).

KESHBI - Kesh (sable) + bi (prince, lord).

KESHMUHAMMET - Kesh (sable) + Muhammet (see).

KIEK - The word "kiek" in the Old Tatar language was used to designate hunting objects (deer, saiga, roe deer). Preserved in the names of Kiyokov, Kiyukov, Kuekov, Kuyukov. Anthropolexeme.

KIEKBAI - Kiek (see) + buy (owner; wealthy, influential person, lord). This name is still found among the Bashkirs.

KIEKKHAN - Kiek (see) + khan.

Kiel ~ Kilde - Let it be born; was born. Anthropolexeme.

KILBAY - Kiel (let him be born) + buy (owner; wealthy, influential person, lord).

KILBARS - Kiel (let it be born) + leopard (strong like a leopard, a tiger).

KILBASH - Kiel (let it be born) + bash (child).

KILDEBAY - Kilde (born) + buy (owner; wealthy, influential person, lord). Cf.: Baigilde, Baikilde.

KILDEBEK - Kilde (born) + bek (lord). The name of the Tatar village in the Sabinsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan.

KILDEGUZYA (KILDEKHUZYA) - Kilde (born) + Khoja (owner, owner; mentor, teacher).

KILDEGUL - Kilde (born) + kul (God's servant; comrade, companion; worker, plowman, warrior). Cf.: Kulkilde.

KILDEKUSH - Kilde (born) + kush (couple, equal, friend).

KILDEMUHAMMET - Kilde (born) + Muhammet (see))

KILDESH ~ KILDEISH - Kilde (born) + ish (assistant, child). In the language of the Lithuanian Tatars, the word kildshi ~ keldish means "the one who came to the bride's house, the husband." The surname Keldysh is formed from this word (according to N.A. Baskakov). Cf.: Ishkilde.

KILDEYAR - Kilde (born) + yar (beloved person). It was preserved among the Tatars and Bashkirs in the surname Kildiyarov.

KILDURAZ - Kilde (came) + uraz (happiness). Preserved in the surname Kildurazov and in the name of the Tatar village in the Buinsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan. Compare: Urazgilde, Urazkilde.

KILMAK - A child who has come (born). It was preserved among the Kazan Tatars in the surname Kilmyakov, among the Udmurts - in the surname Kelmakov.

KILMURZA - Kiel (let him be born) + murza (son of the emir; representative of the nobility).

KILMUHAMMET (GILMUHAMMET) - The earth under the feet of the prophet Muhammet. Dialectal variants: Kilmet, Kilembet, Kilem, Kilmamet, Kilmi, Kilmay.

KILSENBAY - Let the bai come (be born).

KILTASH - Kiel (let it be born) + tash (stone).

KILTIYAR - Let a child be born.

KILCHURA - Kiel (let him be born) + chura (boy, farmer, warrior).

KILYABAY - Bai is born.

KIM - Abbreviation of the words "Communist Youth International".

Kinzel - Wealth, value. Anthropolexeme.

KINZELGAYAN - Kinzel (see) + Gayan (see)).

KINZYA - 1. The youngest child. Dialectal variants: Kintya, Kincha. 2. Wealth, value. Anthropolexeme.

KINZYABAY - Kinzya (the youngest) + buy (owner; wealthy, influential person, lord). Junior bai (child).

KINZYABEK - Kinzya (the youngest) + bek (master).

KINZYABULAT - Kinzya (the youngest) + bulat (high grade steel).

KINZYAGALI - Kinzya (the youngest) + Gali (see).

KINZYAGUL ~ KINZYAKUL - Kinzya (the youngest) + kul (God's servant; comrade, companion; worker, plowman, warrior).

KINZYAKAI - Formed by adding the diminutive affix -kai to the name Kinzya (the youngest). Preserved in the surname Kinzekiev.

KINZYAKAI - 1. Wealth, value. 2. Youth, young man. 3. Formed by adding to the word kinzya, which means "just ripe", a diminutive affix -kai. Preserved in the names of Kinzyakaev, Kinzikiev.

KINZYAKILDE - Came (born) Kinzya (see).

KINZYAMURAT - Kinzya (the youngest) + Murat (see)).

KINZYANUR - Kinzya (the youngest) + nur (beam, radiance).

KINZYASULTAN - Kinzya (the youngest) + sultan.

KINZYAKHAN - Kinzya (the youngest) + khan.

KINZYAKHMET - Kinzya (the youngest) + Akhmet (see).

KIRAM - 1. Generous, noble. 2. Dear, glorious. 3. Straightforwardness, sincerity, sincerity. Anthropolexeme.

KIRAMETDIN - A generous, sincere servant of religion. Dialectal variants: Kirai, Kirami.

KIRAMULLAH - Generous, sincere servant of Allah.

KYRGIZBAI - Kirghiz (name of the people) + buy (owner; wealthy, influential person, lord). This name is found among the Ural and Siberian Tatars.

KIREI - 1. Razor. It was given with the wish that the boy could resist evil forces like a sharp blade, a razor. 2. Know how to resist death. Preserved in the names of Kireev, Kiriev.

KICHUBAY - Head of the crossing. In ancient times: the position of the person who led the crossings (in settlements located on the banks of major rivers). Preserved in the family name Kichubaev.

Kiyam - 1. Rise, revival. 2. Greet, meet standing. Anthropolexeme.

KIYAMBAY - Kiyam (see) + buy (owner; wealthy, influential person, lord).

KIYAMETDIN - Rise of religion.

KIYAMNUR - Rise, ascension of rays, radiance.

KIYAS - Comparison, comparison; example, sample. Dialectal variant: Kiyaz.

CRIMEA - In the ancient Turkic language, the word korum was used in the meaning: 1. Scattered stones, fragments of rocks, boulders. 2. In a figurative sense: a myriad of livestock. This name was in use among the Tatars during the time of the Kazan Khanate. That was the name of the grandfather of the Tatar poet Gabdrakhim Utyz Imani (1756 - 1836). Preserved in the family name Krymov. Stefan Ilchev notes that the surnames Krumov and Krumovsky, found among the Danube Bulgarians, come from the ancient Bulgarian name Krum (Crimea ~ Kyry), in Lately re-entered into use. Anthropolexeme. KRYMBAY - Crimea (see) + buy (owner; wealthy, influential person, lord). Bai, possessing a large number of livestock. Preserved in the family name Krymbaev.

KRYMSARAY - Crimea (see) + barn (palace). Palace with countless treasures. This name was given to the child with a wish for great wealth. It is found in the books of the census of the population of Kazan in the 16th and 17th centuries.

KRYMKHAN - Crimea (see)

KRYMKHUZYA - Crimea (see) + Khoja (owner, owner; mentor, teacher). In the meaning of "the owner of a myriad of livestock."

KUANDYK - We rejoiced (the birth of a child). Synonym: Suyunduk.

KUAT - Strength, courage, power. Anthropolexeme.

KUATBAY - Kuat (see) + buy (owner; wealthy, influential person, lord). Cf.: Baikuat.

KUATBIRDE - God gave strength, power (meaning: God gave the boy).

Cuba - Pale brown (animal color). Anthropolexeme.

KUBAI - An ancient name formed by adding the invocative-imperative affix -ay to the word cube (pale brown - suit). Preserved among the Tatars-Mishars (Meshcheryaks) and Siberian Tatars in the surname Kubaev (Kobaev).

KUBAKAYY - A name formed by adding a diminutive affix -kai to the word cube (pale brown - suit). Preserved among the Tatar-Mishars (Meshcheryaks) in the surname Kubakaev (Kobakaev).

KUBACH - Pale brown (animal color).

KUBASH - 1. The name of the bird (Shaikhulov). 2. Cuba (see)

KUBYAK - Dog; figuratively: comrade. It was given with the wish that the child be unpretentious, resistant to disease. It was in use among the Bulgaro-Tatars during the time of the Kazan Khanate. From this name, the Tatar and Russian surnames Kubyakov, Kobyakov are formed.

KUGANAK - Formed by the merging of the word kuk, which in the ancient Turkic language means "heaven, god", with the word anak, meaning "puppy". Meaning "sacred puppy". In this name, the phenomena of totemization (binding to the word anak - totem) and consecration (binding to the word kuk - "heaven") are visible. It was preserved in the name of a Tatar village in the Sterlibash region and in the name of a Russian village in the Aurgazinsky region of Bashkortostan.

KUGARCHINN - Dove. The Bulgaro-Tatars used it as a male name. The Kazan Tatars and Mari preserved in the names Kugarchenev, Kugarchinov. Synonyms: Kabutar, Yunus.


KUGUSH - Formed by adding to the word kugu, which has the meaning of "swan" in the Chagatai (Old Uzbek) language, a diminutive affix -ish. In the Bulgaro-Tatar language, it has the form Kugesh. The name Kugesh is also found among the Mari. The name of a village in the Zelenodolsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan. It is documented that this village existed during the time of the Kazan Khanate. The name Kugush was preserved among the Tatars and Russians in the surname Kugushev.

KUDABAYY - Kum, matchmaker.

KUDAKAY - Formed by adding to the word where (godfather, matchmaker) a diminutive affix -kay. The Bashkirs use it in the form Kuzakai.

KUDASH - 1. A name formed by adding a diminutive affix -sh to the word where (godfather, matchmaker). In the meaning of "younger godfather, godfather's son." 2. In the ancient Turkic language, the word kudash meant "a boy born from one father, but from another mother (in relation to his stepbrothers and sisters)". 3. According to Y. Garay, the name Kudash ~ Kodash is derived from the word kudash (comrade). Compare: Karyndash. The surname Kudashev is found among Tatars, Bashkirs, and also among Russians.


Kudratullah - Embodying the power of Allah.

Kuz - Eye. Anthropolexeme.

KUZAK - Pea pod. It was given with the wish that in the future the boy would have as many children as peas in a pod.

KUZBAY - Kuz (eye) + buy (owner; wealthy, influential person, lord). Bai (boy) dear, like the apple of an eye.

KUZBEKK - Kuz (eye) + bek (master). In the meaning of "bek (master) dear, like the apple of an eye." Cf.: Kuzby. It was preserved among the Kazan Tatars in the surname Kuzbekov.

KUZBI - Kuz (eye) + bi (prince, nobleman). Be dear as an eye. Compare:

KUZGUN - Raven. Among the ancient Turks, the raven was a symbol of wisdom, intelligence, learning. Preserved in the surname Kuzgunov.

KUZI ~ KUZAY - 1. Lamb of the spring offspring. 2. Aries (zodiac sign). The Tatar name of the month Hamal, corresponding to the month of March in modern chronology. The origin of this name is connected with the time of birth of kuzi - lambs of spring offspring. The name Kuzi ~ Kuzy was preserved in the surnames Kuzaev, Kuchiev and Kuzeev. Anthropolexeme..

KUZIBAY - Kuzi (see) + buy (owner; wealthy, influential person, lord). It was preserved among the Perm and Siberian Tatars in the surnames Kuzibaev, Kuzybaev.

KUZIBALA - Kuzi (see) + bala (child).

KUZIBEK - Kuzi (see)

KUZIKILDE - A lamb of spring offspring was born. It was preserved among the Siberian Tatars in the surname Kuzigildiev.

KUZIMKUL ~ KUZIGUL - Kuzi (see) + kul (God's servant; comrade, companion; worker, plowman, warrior). It was preserved among the Kazan Tatars in the surname Kuzimkulov.

KUZKAY - Formed by adding a diminutive affix -kay to the word kuz (eye). In the meaning of "a child is dear, like the apple of an eye." The name of a village in the Menzelinsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan.

KUIBAGYSH - Grazing sheep. Meaning "shepherd's helper". It was preserved among the Siberian Tatars and Mishars (Meshcheryak) in the surname Kuibagyshev.

KUICHIBAY - In ancient times, this name was given to boys born in the year of the Sheep Eastern calendar. The Kazakhs still have the name Koishibai.

KUKE ~ KUKI ~ KUKUY > Saifulla > Fathulla > Khaibulla > Gabdessattar > Gabdrakhman > Faiserakhman > Gumar > Aivar > Kulsharif.

KUKKUZ - Blue-eyed child. An old ritual Bulgaro-Tatar name, given in accordance with the appearance, eye color of the child.

KUKLYASH - A name derived from the ancient Turkic-Bulgarian word koklyash, meaning "to take root", "to flourish". Preserved in the name Kuklyashev.

KUKMURZA - Kuk (blue) + murza (son of the emir; representative of the nobility). Perhaps the meaning is "holy murza".

KUKTAI - Gray foal.

KUKTIMER - Blue iron. Meaning "sacred metal". Cf.: Timercook.

Kul - In the ancient Turkic language, the word "kul", in addition to the meanings "slave, servant", also had the meanings "slave of Allah, comrade, companion, farmer, warrior, worker, helper, representative", etc. Dialectal variant: Gul. Anthropolexeme..

KULAY - An old name formed by adding to the word kul (God's servant; comrade, companion; worker, plowman, warrior) a descriptive naming affix -ay. Dialectal variant: Kuly.

KULAYBEK - Pleasant, handsome bek (master).

KULAKHMET - Kul (God's servant; comrade, companion; worker, plowman, warrior) + Ahmet (see)).

FAM - A funny, smiling, cheerful child. Synonym: Kulemsar.

KULBAY - Kul (God's servant; comrade, companion; worker, plowman, warrior) + buy (owner; wealthy, influential person, lord). Cf.: Baigul, Baikul.

KULBARS - Kul (God's servant; comrade, companion; worker, plowman, warrior) + leopard (tiger). Preserved in the names of Kulbarisov, Kulbarsov.

KULBEK - Kul (God's servant; comrade, companion; worker, plowman, warrior) + bek (master). Preserved in the names Kulbekov, Kulbekov. Cf.: Bikkul.

KULBIRDE - Kul (God's servant; comrade, companion; worker, tiller, warrior) + birde (gave). Allah has given a helper. Cf.: Birdekul.

KULGALI - Kul (God's servant; comrade, companion; worker, plowman, warrior) + Gali (see). The name of the Tatar poet of the XIII century Kulgali Mirkhadzhi, the author of the famous poem "Kyissa-i-Yusuf". Note: The separate spelling (Kul Gali) is incorrect. Synonym: Gabdelgali.

KULGARAI - Kul (God's servant; comrade, companion; worker, plowman, warrior) + Garay (see)).

KULGILDE ~ KULKILDE - A kul (servant of God; comrade, companion; worker, plowman, warrior) came (born). Cf.: Kildegul. Preserved in the family name Kulgildin.

KULGYNA - An ancient name derived from the Mongolian word holgon (mouse). In ancient times, this name was given to boys born in the year of the Mouse according to the "Animal Cycle" (Compare: Syskan, Syskanbai; Tyshkan, Tyshkanbai, etc. - Bashkir and Kirghiz names). A name that was widespread among the Kazan Tatars in the 16th-17th centuries. The name of a Tatar village in the Apastovsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan.

KULDAVLET - Kul (God's servant; comrade, companion; worker, plowman, warrior) + davlet (state). One who serves for the good of the state. Cf.: Davletkul.

KULIA Anthropolekseme.

KULIBAI - Bai's servant. Preserved in the surname Kulibaev.

KULIBEK - Servant of the bek (lord). Preserved in the surname Kulibekov.

KULISH - Kul (God's servant; comrade, companion; worker, tiller, warrior) + ish (helper, companion, child). Dialectal variants: Kulysh, Kulyash.

KULKAMAR - Kul (God's servant; comrade, companion; worker, tiller, warrior) + Kamar (moon). Servant of God (man) with the beauty of the month.

KULKUMAN - 1. A boy with light brown hair. 2. The ancient name of the Kipchaks. M.3. Zakiev connects its origin with the words cuba (pale brown) and kyuman (swan). The name Kulkuman is found in the census book of the Kazan province in 1602-1603.

KULMAN - Slave, servant, helper.

KULMURZA - Kul (God's servant; comrade, companion; worker, plowman, warrior) + murza (son of the emir; representative of the nobility). Cf.: Murzagul, Murzakul.

KULMUHAMMET - Kul (God's servant; comrade, companion; worker, tiller, warrior) + Muhammet (see). Cf.: Muhammetkul. Dialectal options: Kulmamet, Kulmet, Kulymbet, Kulmy, Kulmay.

KULMUHAMMETAMIR - Kul (God's servant; comrade, companion; worker, plowman, warrior) + Muhammetamir (see). Dialectal variant: Kulmamir. Preserved among the Kazan Tatars in the surname Kulmamirov.

KULSADIK - Kul (God's servant; comrade, companion; worker, plowman, warrior) + Sadyk (see). Devoted slave, servant; true friend.

KULSAIT - Kul (God's servant; comrade, companion; worker, plowman, warrior) + Sait (see). Cf.: Saitkul.

KULSAMAT - Slave of the ever-living (Allah).

KULSARY - Holy, good servant of God. During the time of the Kazan Khanate, on the side of the Dzhuri road there was a Tatar village with the name Kulsary. Variety: Kulsar. The name Kulsar is still found among the Mari.

KULTAI - Kul (God's servant; comrade, companion; worker, tiller, warrior) + tai (in the Mongolian language -tai is a masculine affix). Preserved among the Tatars-Mishars (Meshcheryaks), Kazan and Siberian Tatars in the surname Kultaev.

KULTASH - Kul (God's servant; comrade, companion; worker, tiller, warrior) + tash (stone).

KULTIMER - Kul (God's servant; comrade, companion; worker, tiller, warrior) + timer (iron). The servant of God is hardy and strong as iron.

KULTUGAN - Kul (God's servant; comrade, companion; worker, tiller, warrior) + tugan (born).

KULTYABAY - Kultya (sheaf) + buy (owner; wealthy, influential person, lord). This name was given to a child with a wish for wealth and plentiful food. It is found among the Udmurts to this day.

Kulun - Foal. Anthropolexeme.

KULUNBAY - Kulun (foal) + buy (owner; wealthy, influential person, lord).

KULUNTAI - An ancient name formed by adding the affix -tai to the word Kulun (foal), which is a sign of the masculine gender in the Mongolian language. According to O.N. Trubachev, the Russian surname Kollontai comes from the Tatar name Kuluntai (Uzbeks - kulinta, Uighurs - kulunta - "wild donkey").

KULURAZ - Kul (God's servant; comrade, companion; worker, tiller, warrior) + Uraz (happiness, joy). Happy servant of God. Compare: Urazgul, Urazkul.

KULCHURA - Kul (God's servant; comrade, companion; worker, plowman, warrior) + chura (boy; worker, plowman, warrior; friend). Preserved in the names Kulchurin, Kulchurov. Cf.: Churagul, Churakul.

KULSHARIF ~ KULSHARIP - Kul (God's servant; comrade, companion; worker, farmer, warrior) + Sharif (see). The name of Sait Kulsharif, the chief Kazan imam, died heroically in October 1552 while defending Kazan from the troops of Ivan the Terrible. Separate spelling given name (Kul Sharif) is incorrect. Kazan Tatars have the surname Kulsharipov. Kulsharif is the name of a Tatar village in the Almetyevsk region of the Republic of Tatarstan. Cf.: Sharifkul.

KULY - In the middle of the 19th century, the Kazan Tatars used the compound male name Maulakuly ("Slave of Allah"). Its second part (Kuly) was often used as an independent name. The fictitious surname of the Tatar poet of the 17th century Maula Kuly (G. Sattarov). On behalf of Kulyi, the surnames Kulyev, Kuliev, Kuleev, Kolov are formed.

KUMACHBAY - Kumach (bread) + buy (owner; wealthy, influential person, lord). A name given with the wish that the child always had a lot of bread and food.

KUMUSH - Silver, a precious metal. A symbol of inner purity, sinlessness. Anthropolexeme.

KUMUSHAY - Silver month. Cf.: Altynai.

KUMUSHBAY - "Silver" (pure, sinless) buy. This name is also found among the Mari. Compare: Altynbay, Bulatbay, Kurychbay, Timerbay.

Kuhn - 1. Sun. 2. The name of the ancient Turkic tribe Kun ~ Khun (Hun). Cf.: Aftab, Kuyash, Shames. Anthropolexeme.

KUNAI - 1. Proud. This name is found in the census books of the Kazan Tatars of the 16th century. 2. According to T. Dzhanuzakov, the Kazakh compound name Kunai is formed from the components kun (sun) + ai (month). 3. In the Nogai, Kazakh, Kyrgyz languages, the word kunai (kuna + ai) meant "joy". Preserved among the Kazan Tatars and Kazakhs in the surname Kunaev. This surname is also found among Russians.

KUNAK - Long-awaited; born away. Synonym: Michman. Anthropolexeme.

KUNAKBAI - Kunak (see) + buy (owner; wealthy, influential person, lord).

KUNAKKILDE - The long-awaited child was born.

KUNAKKUL - Kunak (see) + kul (God's servant; comrade, companion; worker, plowman, warrior).

KUNAKHUZYA - Kunak (see) + Khoja (owner, owner; mentor, teacher).

KUNBAI - Kun (see)

KUNBAK - Let a child (boy) be born as radiant as the sun.

KUNBIRDE - God gave a child (boy) like the sun.

KUNGUR - Fair-haired, brown. It was given to brown-eyed, fair-haired boys. Preserved among the Kazan Tatars and Russians in the surname Kungur.

KUNGURBAY - Kungur (see) + buy (owner; wealthy, influential person, lord). Brown-eyed, fair-haired boy.

KUNDUZ - Beaver. Anthropolexeme.

KUNDUZBAY - Kunduz (beaver) + buy (owner; wealthy, influential person, lord).

KUNTIMER - Kun (see) + timer (iron).

KUNTUGAN - The sun has risen. A child was born radiant, like the sun.

KUNTUMYSH - Sunrise. The birth of a child as radiant as the sun.

KUNCHURA - Sun-like chura (boy; worker, plowman, warrior; friend). Preserved in the surname Kunchurin.

Kuramsha ~ Khuramsha - 1. In the Mongolian language, the word kuramsha ~ khuramsha means "gathering in one place, uniting". 2. This name could also occur as a result of a phonetic change in the name Khurramsha ("cheerful shah"). It was preserved among the Kazan Tatars and Tatars-Mishars (Meshcheryaks) in the surnames Kuramov, Khuramov, Kuramshin, Khuramshin. Dialectal options: Kuram, Khuram.

KURAN - 1. In the Mongolian language, the word guran (khuran ~ kuran) means "three". In ancient times, it was customary for the third child (boy) in the family to be given the name Kuran (compare: Russian name Tretiak and - Salis mean "third"). 2. This name is probably derived from the Mongolian word guran, meaning "saiga" (compare: in the Manchu language the word guran means "saiga", in the Altai language the word kuran means "ram"). Preserved among the Tatar-Mishars (Meshcheryaks) in the surname Kuranov. This surname is also found among Russians.

KURBAN - Victim; sacrificing himself, not sparing himself; closeness to Allah. Dialectal variant: Kurman. Anthropolexeme.

KURBANAY - 1. A name formed by adding to the word kurban (see) a descriptive denominative affix -ay. 2. A child born in the month preceding the feast of the sacrifice of Eid al-Adha. Dialectal options: Kurmanai, Kurmay, Kurman, Kurmanak, Kurmak, Kurmyy, Kurbi, Kurmash.

KURBANBAY - Kurban (see) + buy (owner; wealthy, influential person, lord). Dialectal variant: Kurmanbay.

KURBANBAKI - Kurban (see) + Baki (see).

KURBANBEK - Kurban (see) + bek (master).

KURBANVALI - Kurban (see)) + Vali (see).

KURBANGAZI - Kurban (see) + Gazi (see). Not sparing himself in the struggle for a holy cause.

KURBANGALI - Kurban (see) + Gali (see).

KURBANGILDE ~ KURBANKILDE - Came (born) Kurban (see).

KURBANGUL (KURBANKUL) - Kurban (see) + kul (God's servant; comrade, companion; worker, plowman, warrior).

QURBANNABI - Kurban (see) + Nabi (see).

KURBAT - A name derived from the Arabic word karabat ("closeness to Allah; kinship, brotherhood; friendship").

KURMAI - see Kurbanai. Preserved among the Tatars-Mishars (Meshcheryaks) in the surname Kurmaev.

KURMAN - Quiver. Preserved among the Kazan Tatars and Russians in the surname Kurmanov.

KURMYSH - Creation of a family, a family hearth. Preserved among the Tatars-Mishars (Meshcheryaks) in the surname Kurmyshev.

KURT - Wolf. In the Southern Turkic (Oguz group) language, the word kurt ~ kort is still used in the meaning of "wolf". Preserved in the surname Kurtov. Synonyms: Buri, Kashkar, Chan. Anthropolexeme.

KURTAI - An ancient name formed by adding to the word kurt ("wolf") an anthroponymic petting-appeal-imperative affix -ay. Meaning "strong and formidable, like a wolf." Preserved in the surname Kurtaev. Variety: Cortai.

KURTASH - An ancient name formed by adding to the word kurt (wolf) an anthroponymic affectionate-reversal affix -ash. Preserved among the Tatars-Mishars (Meshcheryaks) in the surname Kurtashov.

KURYCH - Steel (metal). It was given with the wish that the child (boy) grow up strong as steel. Anthropolexeme.

KURYCHBAY - Bai (see) strong as steel. Cf.: Bulatbay, Timerbay; Altynbay, Kumushbay.

KURYCHBULAT - Kurych (steel) + damask steel (high grade steel). Cf.: Timerbulat.

KURYCHDZHAN - Steel soul, steel man. Cf.: Timerjan.

KURYCHTIMER - Kurych (steel) + timer (iron). Cf.: Bulattimer.

KURYCHKHAN - Steel khan (meaning "strong as steel"). Cf.: Timerkhan.

KUSAI - Formed by adding to the Mongolian word kusa ~ khusa ("ram") denominative-imperative affix -y (-ay). It was given to the boy with the wish to become the father of a large family in the future. Preserved in the name Kusaev. Synonyms: Tyaka, Kuchkar, Kabish.

KUSTY - Formed by joining the word bushes, in the southern and eastern dialects of the Bashkir language meaning " younger brother, younger sister", of the invocative affix -y. Affectionate form: Kustym. This name is found in the materials of "Revizsky tales" (Kazan province, 1834 - 1858).

KUSYABAYY - The long-awaited buy (boy).


KUSYANAK - Long-awaited (child).

KUSYAPKUL - The long-awaited servant of God (boy).

Kut - 1. Soul, spirit. 2. Happiness, grace. Anthropolexeme.

KUTAN - Happy.

KUTBETDIN - Pole, beacon of religion (in the meaning of "glorified religious figure"); center of faith. Dialectal variant: Kutbi.

KUTDUSS - Holy, purest; very expensive.

KUTEK - The long-awaited child (boy). Dialectal variants: Kuti, Kutesh.

KUTEM - Long-awaited. It was preserved among the Siberian Tatars in the surname Kutumov.

KUTEPALDYK - We finally waited for (the child).

KUTEPALDYM - I finally waited (child).

KUTKILYA - Happiness comes.

KUTLY - Happy, bringing happiness; alive, healthy, prosperous; praiseworthy. Preserved in the names Kutlyev, Kutleev, Kutluev, Kotlin, Kutlin. Anthropolexeme.

KUTLYAKHMET - Kutly (see) + Akhmet (see). Variety: Kutlymet.

KUTLYBAY - Happy buy. Cf.: Baikutly.

KUTLYBARS - Kutly (happy, prosperous) + leopard (leopard, tiger).

KUTLYBEK - Happy bek (master). Dialectal variant: Kutbek.

KUTLYBI - Kutly (happy, prosperous) + bi (prince, nobleman). Variety: Kutbi.

KUTLYBIRDE - God gave a happy child.


KUTLYBUKASH - Happy hero, hero. The name of a Tatar village in the Rybno-Slobodsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan.

KUTLYBULAT - Kutly (see) + damask steel (high grade steel).

KUTLYVALI - Kutly (happy, prosperous) + Vali (see).

KUTLYVAFA - Kutly (happy, prosperous) + Vafa (see)).

KUTLYGALI - Kutly (happy, prosperous) + Gali (see).

KUTLYGALLYAM - Kutly (happy, prosperous) + Gallam (see). The happiest person in the world.

KUTLYGALYAM - Kutly (see) + galam (world, universe). The happiest person in the world.

KUTLYGARAY - Kutly (happy, prosperous) + Garay (see). Synonym: Bahetgarai.

KUTLYGILDE - Came (born) happy child.

KUTLYGUL ~ KUTLYKUL - Happy servant of God.


KUTLYJAN - Happy soul, happy person. Variety: Kutjan. Synonyms: Bakhetjan, Sagadatjan, Urazjan.

KUTLYZAMAN - Happy time. It was given with the wish that the life of the child was happy. Cf.: Zamankutly.

KUTLYISH - Kutly (happy, prosperous) + ish (friend, comrade, child). Dialectal variants: Kutlysh, Kutish, Kutysh.

KUTLYKK - A happy person.

KUTLYKADAM - A happy step, a sign of happiness. It was given to a firstborn boy.

KUTLYKAZAN - Cauldron full of happiness. It was given with a wish to the child of a comfortable and happy life.

KUTLYKAY - A name formed by adding the diminutive affix -kai to the name Kutly (happy, prosperous). Dialectal options: Kutly, Kutlysh, Kuty, Kutysh, Kutui.

KUTLYKACH ~ KUTLYKASH - Lucky. Preserved in the names Kutlygachev, Kutlygashev.

KUTLYKIL - Let a happy person come (be born).

KUTLYKILDE - A happy child came (was born).

KUTLYKUSH - A happy couple (equal, friend).

KUTLYMARGAN - Kutly (happy, prosperous) + Margan (see).

KUTLYMARDAN - Kutly (happy, prosperous) + Mardan (see).

KUTLYMURAT - Kutly (happy, prosperous) + Murat (see).

KUTLYMURZA - Kutly (happy, prosperous) + murza (son of the emir; representative of the nobility).

KUTLYMUKHAMMET - Kutly (see) + Muhammet (see). Dialectal variants: Kutlymbet, Kutlymet, Kutlyk, Kuty, Kutym, Kutum, Kutui.

KUTLYRAHMAN - Happy servant of Allah.

KUTLYSULTAN - Happy Sultan.

KUTLYTIMER - Kutly (see) + timer (iron). Cf.: Timerkutlyk, Kutlybulat.

KUTLYKHAN - Happy Khan.

KUTLYKHUZYA - Happy owner.

KUTLYCHURA - Kutly (see)


KUTLYYUL - Happy, successful road. It was given with the wish that the child's life path be happy. Cf.: Yulkutly.

KUTLYYAR - A happy friend, comrade.

KUTSAL - Give happiness, make happy.

KUTTAIMAS - Happiness will not turn away from him, he will live for a long time. Synonym: Jantaimas.

KUTTUMAK - Kut (see) + Cuff (see).

KUTUI - A happy person. Dialectal variant: Kutai. It was preserved among the Kazan Tatars in the surnames Kutiev (Kotiev), Kutaev (Kotaev), among the Tatar-Mishars (Meshcheryaks) and Bashkortostan Mishars in the surname Kutuev. The surname Kutiev is also found among Russians.

KUTUK - Happiness. Preserved in the surname Kutukov (Kotykov). The surname Kutukov is also found among Russians and Kazakhs.

KUTCHY - A happy person. It was preserved among the Kazan Tatars in the surnames Kutchin, Kutsin.

Kuch - Strength, power, energy. Anthropolexeme.

KUCHABAI - Bai (boy), born during the move (nomadism).

KUCHARBAI - Bai (boy), who will have to move (move). This name shows that the life of the ancient Turkic peoples was associated with cattle breeding and was of a nomadic nature. Preserved in the surname Kucharbaev. Dialectal variant: Kuchay (Kuchaev).

KUCHBATYR - Bogatyr-strength. In the meaning of "a hero with great power."

KUCHBEK - Head of a nomadic (genus).

KUCHKAR - Sheep. It was preserved among the Tatars-Mishars (Meshcheryaks) in the surname Kuchkarev, among the Siberian Tatars - in the surname Kachkurov. Dialectal variants: Kuchay, Kachay. The surnames Kuchaev, Kachaev are formed from these names. Synonyms: Bite, Tyaka, Kabish. Anthropolexeme.

KUCHKARBAY - Kuchkar (see) + buy (owner; wealthy, influential person, lord). Cf.: Baikuchkar.

KUCHKARBEK - Kuchkar (see) + bek (master).

KUCCHKILDE - Power has come. Meaning "the helper of the father and mother was born."

KUCHKUAT - Double power. It was preserved by the Astrakhan Tatars in the surname Kuchkuatov.

KUCHMURZA - Strong murza (son of the emir; representative of the nobility).

KUCHTIRYAK - Strong poplar, support, support.

KUCHUK - Puppy, doggy. This name was given with the wish that the child be tenacious, like a puppy. It was actively used by the Kazan Tatars in the 16th-17th centuries. Preserved in the name Kuchukov. The surname Kuchukov is also found among Russians. Anthropolexeme..

KUCHUKBAI - Kuchuk (see) + buy (owner; wealthy, influential person, lord). Cf.: Baikuchuk. It was preserved among the Perm Tatars in the surname Kuchukbaev.

KUCHUKKUL - Kuchuk (see) + kul (God's servant; comrade, companion; worker, plowman, warrior).

KUCHUM - 1. The one who moves, roams. It was given to a child (boy) who was born during a move (nomad). 2. In the ancient Turkic language, the word kuch meant "country, family, house, tribe, people, group". The name Kuchem (Kuchum) is still used by some Turkic peoples. It was preserved among the Siberian and Ural Tatars in the surname Kuchumov.

KUCHUMBAY - Kuchum (see) + buy (boy). A boy born during a move (nomadism).

KUCHUSH - Moving, wandering. It was given to a child (boy) who was born during a move (nomad). Preserved among the Tatars-Mishars (Meshcheryaks) in the surname Kuchushev.

Kushsh Anthropolexeme.

EAT - Formed by joining the word kush (paired) invocative-imperative-imperative affix -ay. Meaning: "make a couple, multiply, multiply, be fruitful." From the point of view of Y. Garay, the name Kushay means "seeker, discoverer". A. Idrisov interprets the name Kushay (Koshay) as "leader of the flock of birds" (figurative meaning: "elder of the clan"). Preserved in the surname Kushaev.

KUSHBAY - Bai, creating a couple, making a couple.

KUSHBAKTY - The one who creates a couple was born, makes a couple.

KUSHBAHET - Double happiness.

KUSHBEK - Beck (master), creating a couple, making a couple.

KUSHGALI - Doubly great. Dialectal variant: Ate.

KUSHDAVLET - Double wealth, wealth.

KUSHKILDE - The one who creates a couple has come (born), makes a couple.

KUSHLAVYCH (KUSHLAUCHY) - The one who, by his appearance, made a couple to the father of the family, i.e. the first boy in the family. The name of a village in the Arsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan (native village of the great Tatar poet Gabdulla Tukay).

KUSHTAMAK - Double throat, with two throats (chins).

KUSHTIRYAK - Double poplar (two fused poplars); support. In ancient times, the Bulgaro-Tatars had a custom: when twin boys were born, one of them was given the name Ishtiryak, the other - Kushtiryak (Kh. Mannanov).

KUSHCHI - An old name meaning: "hunter, a person who breeds birds of prey (golden eagles)". Many Turkic peoples (for example, the Bashkirs, Kazakhs, Uzbeks, Kirghiz, etc.) have hunting tribes.

KUSHYURAK - Double heart; with two hearts. In the meaning of "brave, courageous person."

KYZYLBAY - 1. Red bai, i.e. bai (child) with reddish-red hair. 2. Merchant. Preserved among the Ural and Siberian Tatars in the surname Kyzylbaev.

KYZILBASH - Red head. It was given to a boy with reddish-red hair.

KYLYCH - Saber, blade, sword. It was given with the wish that the evil forces would always be afraid of the child (boy), like a blade. Anthropolexeme. Synonyms: Sayaf, Sayf, Hisam, Shamsir.

KYLYCHARSLAN - Kylych (blade) + arslan (lion). It was given with the wish that the child (boy) be brisk ("sharp" as a blade) and bold as a lion.

KYLYCHBAY - Kylych (blade) + buy (owner; wealthy, influential person, lord). It was preserved among the Perm Tatars in the surname Kylychbaev. Cf.: Baikylych.

KYRLAY - 1. The word "kyrlay", derived from "kyrlach ai", means "cold month". Kyrlach - the coldest time of winter; the big kirlach corresponds to January, the small kirlach corresponds to February. In the old meaning of "calendar", the word kirlach is used to this day by many Turkic peoples. Among the Chulym Tatars, the expression kirlach ai means "blizzard month", among the Karaites ulu kirlash - "hard frost", kichi kirlash - "light frost". According to the Chuvash folk calendar, man karlacha uyeh - "month severe frosts", kessen karlacha uyeh -" a month of mild frosts. "The Volga Bulgars and Kazan Tatars had a custom: boys born during severe cold weather were given the name Karlachai> Kyrlai (cold month) (compare: the Russians had a similar male name Moroz) 2. Small merchant, peddler During the time of the Kazan Khanate, along the Alat road (Order) there were villages Staroe Kyrlaevo and Novoe Kyrlaevo (now Tukai-Kyrlaevo).

KYRLACH - A boy born in the month of kyrlach (the coldest month of winter). see Kyrlay.

KYAMAL - Maturity.

KYATIB - Big, great, important, significant

Tatar names. Meaning of Tatar names

KABIRA - Big, older, great; of great importance.

KABISA - From "kabisa ate" - "leap year". The ritual name given to girls born in a leap year on February 29th.

KAVIYA - Strong, powerful, powerful.

KADBANU - Lady, wife of the owner, mistress.

KADER - Honor, honor, respect, reverence. Anthropolexeme.

KADERBANAT - The most respected, revered girl.

KADERBANU - Dear girl.

KADERBIKA - Dear girl, woman.

KADERLEY - Dear, dear.

KADERNISA - Dear wife.

KADIMA - Old, ancient.

KADIRA - Almighty, powerful, the one who can do everything, who has enough strength for everything.

KADRIDZHIKHAN - The most respected and revered in the world.

KADRIA - Dear; worthy of honor and respect.

KAILA - Speaking, talkative, telling.

KAIMA - 1. Support, support. 2. Firmly standing.

KALBIJAMAL - Beautiful soul.

KALBIKA - A girl with a mole (meaning "happy"). Synonym: Minlebika.

Kalbikamal - Beautiful heart, soul.

Kalbinur - Bright, radiant soul.

KALZUKHRA - Zuhra (see) with a mole (meaning "happy").

KALIMA - 1. Beautiful word; eloquent, able to speak beautifully. 2. Interlocutor.

KALCHAR - Face with a mole. Synonyms: Minleyuz, Minlerui.

KALYAMGUL - Flower of speech; in a figurative sense: an eloquent beauty. Dialectal variant: Khalyamgul.

KALYAMZA - 1. golden word. 2. Keeping her word.

KALYAMKASH, KALAMKASH - Black, thin, gracefully outlined eyebrows; thin-browed.

KAMALIA - Kamal (perfect) + -iya (affix used to form female names). Perfection itself, perfect in every way, without flaws.

KAMAR - Moon. Synonyms: Badar, Mahi. Anthropolexeme.

KAMARBANU - Kamar (moon) + banu (girl, young woman, lady). The girl is as beautiful as the moon. Synonyms: Aiban, Mahiban, Shahriban.

KAMARBIKA - Kamar (moon) + bika (girl; lady, lady). The girl is as beautiful as the moon. Synonyms: Aibika, Kamarbika, Mahibika.

KAMARGUL - Kamar (moon) + ghoul (flower). The flower is beautiful like the moon. Synonyms: Aigul, Mahigul.

KAMARIA - Moon, lunar; in a figurative sense: radiant, bright, beautiful, like the moon.

KAMARNIS - A woman as beautiful as the moon. Synonyms: Ainis, Mahinis, Badernis.

KAMARNUR - Moonbeam, moonlight. Synonyms: Ainur, Makhinur.

KAMARSYLU - Lunar beauty; beautiful as the moon. Synonyms: Aisylu, Mahisylu.

KAMILYA - Perfect in every respect, without flaws.

KAMRYAN - Having achieved the fulfillment of desire, blissful.

KAMYSHBIKA - The girl is slender, beautiful, like a reed.

KANDIL - Source of light; candil, chandelier. Synonyms: Syrazia, Shamgiya.

KANZILBANAT - Dear, respected girl.

KANZILGAYAN - Bright, obvious treasures.

KANZIA - Treasure, treasury; figuratively: a girl who has just come of age.

KARAKASH - Black-browed.

KARAKASHSYLU - Black-browed beauty.

KARAKYUZ - Black eyes; black eyed girl.

KARAMA - Generosity; holiness.

KARAMNISA - A generous, merciful woman.

KARASYLU - A swarthy, swarthy beauty.

KARACHECH - Black-haired (girl).

CARIBA - Close; close relative.

KARIMA - 1. Generous, noble, generous, merciful, with a broad soul, honest. 2. Dear, very dear, close. Anthropolexeme.

KARIMABANU - Karima (see) + banu (girl, young woman, lady).

KARIMABIKA - Karima (see) + bika (girl; lady, lady).

Karlygach - Swallow. Anthropolexeme.

KARLYGACHBANU - Karlygach (swallow) + banu (girl, young woman, lady).

KARLYGACHSYLU - Karlygach (swallow) + sylu (beauty).

KASIMA - Dividing, distributing; sharing with others.

KASIRA - 1. Small in stature, miniature. 2. Abundant, numerous, frequent.

KASIFA - 1. Thick, tight; 2. Thick, wide.

KATIBA - Writer, writing; female secretary. Dialectal variant: Qatifa.

KATIFA - Velvet, plush. Synonym: Hatfa.

KAUSAR - 1. From the word alcausar (the name of the paradise source). 2. Abundant, full. The name Kausar in the vicinity of the city of Agryz (Republic of Tatarstan) is also used as a male name.

KAUSARIA - Kausar (see) + -iya (affix used to form female names).

KAFILA - 1. Caravan; Column. 2. Returning. 3. Taking responsibility; teacher, caregiver.

KAFIA - 1. Rhyme. 2. Wordplay, pun.

KAHIRA - Winner in the fight, winner. Dialectal variant: Cairo.

KAHRUBA - Yakhont, amber.

KASHIFA - Opening, inventing a new one; open, found

KASHFERUY - Open the face; with an open face.

KASHFIA - Invented, just discovered.

KESHBIKA - Kesh (sable) + bika (girl; lady, lady); figuratively: dear girl. Preserved in the will of the XVII century Kasimov Tatars "Kishbika bikach". Dialectal variant: Kishbika.

KIBARA - 1. Senior, big, great. 2. Important, serious, great.

CIBRIA - Pride; greatness.

KINZA - younger child; youngest daughter. Anthropolexeme. Dialectal variants: Kincha, Kintya.

KINZABANU - The youngest daughter.

KINZYABIKA - Younger girl.

KINZYAGUL - The youngest flower, the youngest beauty.

KINZYANUR - The younger ray (about the youngest daughter).

KINZYASYLU - Younger beauty.

KIRAMA - Generous, with a broad soul; dear, noble, noble.

KIFAYA - 1. Prosperous, self-sufficient. 2. Ability, talent.

KLARA - Light, open, pure, immaculate.

KUMUSH - Silver. A symbol of inner spiritual purity, purity, sinlessness. Anthropolexeme.

KUMUSHBIKA - Kumush (silver) + bika (girl; lady, lady).

KUMUSHNUR - Kumush (silver) + nur (beam, radiance).

KUMUSHSYLU - Kumush (silver) + sylu (beauty).


KUNBIKA - Kun (sun) + bika (girl; lady, lady).

KUNJAMAL - Beautiful as the sun.

KUNNUR - Sunbeam, sunshine.

KUNSYLU - Beautiful as the sun.

KURBANBIKA - A girl who sacrifices herself.

Kurbanguzel - Beauty sacrificing herself.

Kurbansylu - Beauty sacrificing herself.

KUREKLEBANAT - Prominent, beautiful girl.

KUREKLEBIKA - Beautiful, prominent. This name is found in the epitaphs on the tombstones of the Bulgaro-Tatar graves of the 16th century in the cemetery of the village of Stary Menger, Atninsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan.

KURKYAM - Beautiful, prominent, noble, noble.

KUSYABIKA - The long-awaited girl.


KUTDUSIYA - Holy, the purest, immaculate.

KUTLYBANU - Happy girl.

KUTLYBIKA - A happy girl.

KUTLYNISA - A happy woman.

KUTLYSULTAN - Happy mistress.

KUCHBIKA - The female head of a nomadic (genus).

KUYASH - Sun; figuratively: light; height; beneficence. Cf.: Aftab, Kun, Khurshida, Shamsia. Anthropolexeme.

KUYASHBIKA - Kuyash (sun) + bika (girl; lady, lady). Synonyms: Kunbika, Khurshidabika, Shamsebika.

KUYASHDZHIKHAN - The sun of the universe. Synonym: Shamsejikhan.

KYNA - Touchy, balsam (plant).

Tatar names. Meaning of Tatar names

Male Tatar names. Tatar names of boys

LAZZAT - Sweetness; pleasure, pleasure, bliss. Dialectal variant: Lazdat.

LAZIZ - 1. Sweet, pleasurable. 2. Graceful.

LAZIM - Necessary, necessary.

LAIK - Worthy; proper, appropriate.

LAIM - Immortal. Dialectal variant: Laim.

LAIS - 1. Lev. 2. Someone who tastes something. Synonyms: Arslan, Gazanfar, Haydar; Shir, Assad. Dialectal variants: Laish, Lais.

LATIP - see Latif.

LATIF - 1. With an open look, friendly, charming, handsome, merciful. 2. Beautiful, graceful. 3. Frisky, lively, quick, cheerful, playful. Anthropolexeme.

LATIFJAN - Latif (see) + jan (soul, person).

LATIFETDIN - Merciful, beneficent servant of religion.

LATIFULLA - Merciful servant of Allah. Dialectal options: Laish, Laty, Lettuce.

LATIFKHAN - Latif (see) + khan.

LAUSE - 1. Almond (fruit). 2. Sweet halva.

LACHIN - Falcon; in a figurative sense: symbols of heroism, courage.

LACHINBARS - Lachin (falcon) + leopard (leopard, tiger). An ancient Turkic name, given with the wish that the boy be bold, like a falcon, and agile, like a leopard.

LUKMAN - Caring, looking after someone, breadwinner.

LUKMANHAKIM - Lukman (see) + Hakim (see).

LUT - Hebrew name. The etymology is unknown.

LUTFETDIN - Doing good, showing mercy in the name of religion.

LUTFI - 1. Merciful, refraining from evil deeds, kind-hearted. 2. Good looking, handsome, cute. Dialectal variant: Latfi. Anthropolexeme.

LUTFIAHMET - Lutfi (see) + Ahmet (see). Cf.: Ahmetlutfi.

LUTFIZADA - Lutfi (see) + Zada ​​(see).

LUTFIRAHMAN - Mercy, generosity of Allah. Dialectal variant: Nutfi.

LUTFIHAK - Lutfi (see) + Hack (see). Mercy of the Almighty.

LUTFIYAR - A close friend (beloved person) with a broad, kind soul.

LUTFULLA - Mercy, mercy of Allah; God's gift.

LYABIB - Smart, capable.

Tatar names. Meaning of Tatar names

Female Tatar names. Tatar names of girls

LEILA (Layla) - Arabic. loans. from other Hebrew.

LEYSAN (Laysan) - spring first rain

LENAR (Lenar, Linur) - Arab. Light of Allah, (female form of Linur)

LILY - Turk. The beauty of Allah, flower

LINA (Alina, Elina) - Greek. chosen

LIA (Aliya) - Arab. sublime (masculine form of Ali)

LUTFI (Lutfi) - kind, friendly

LUTFULLA (Lutfulla) - Arabic. God's mercy

LAYSAN (Leysan) - spring first rain

LAZIZA - 1. Sweet, tasty, sweet. 2. Graceful, with good taste.

LASIMA - Necessary, necessary; relevant

LAISA - 1. Lioness. 2. Tasting. Synonyms: Arslanbika, Haidaria, Asadil.

LAMIGA - Radiance; radiant. Synonyms: Balkysh, Halya, Balkiya. Variety: Lyamiga.

LAMISA - Feeling, knowledge through sensations, caress.

LILY OF THE VALLEY - Lily of the valley (flower).

LARIS - Seagull.

LATAFAT - Elegance, attractiveness, beauty.

LATIFA - 1. Merciful. 2. Pretty, graceful, beautiful. Anthropolexeme.

LATIFABANU - Latifa (see) + banu (girl, young woman, lady).

LATIFABIKA - Latifa (see) + bika (girl; lady, mistress).

LATIFILJAMAL - Merciful beauty.

LAUSA ~ LAUSINA - 1. Almond tree, almond. 2. Sweet halva.

LAURA - 1. Laurel tree. 2. In a figurative sense: the winner, triumphant.

LEILA - 1. Night; evening. 2. In a figurative sense: black-haired. Anthropolexeme.

LEYLABADAR - Evening illuminated by the radiance of the full moon.

LEYLABANU - Leila (see) + banu (girl, young woman, lady).

LEYLABIKA - Leila (see) + bika (girl; lady, lady).

LEYLAGUL - Leila (see) + ghul (flower).

LEILADZHIKHAN - Leila (see) + jihan (world, universe).

LEIL - 1. Evening, night; evening night. 2. In a figurative sense: with hair as black as night. Anthropolexeme.

LEILIBANAT - Leyli (see) + Banat (see).

LEILIJAMAL - Night beauty.

LEILIDZHIKHAN - Leyli (see) + jihan (world, universe).

LEILIKAMAL - Leyli (see) + Kamal (perfect, without flaws).

LEILIKAMAR - Lunar evening; Moonlight night.

LEYLIYAR - Evening, nighttime beloved.

LEYSAN, LAYSAN - From the Arabic word Nisan ("generous"). According to the ancient Syrian calendar: the name of the month of April, generous with precipitation. In Tatar: the first warm spring rain. Varieties: Leisania, Leysana.

LEYSANA, LAYSANA - A variation of the name Leysan (see).

LEYSANIA, LAYSANIA - Leysan (see) + -iya (affix used to form female names).

LEYSARA, LAYSARA - Lioness; tasting.

LEMARA - A new name formed by shortening the surnames Lenin and Marx.

LEMIRA - A new name formed by abbreviating the words "Lenin and the World Revolution".

LENA - 1. From the name of the Siberian river Lena. In the Evenki language, the word lena (elyuyon) means "river". A new name that came into use as a memory of the Lena events (1912). 2. A diminutive form of the name Elena (translated from Greek as "torch").

LENARA - A new name derived from the words "Lenin's army".

LENIZA - A new name derived from the words "Lenin's testaments".

Lenora - Daughter of a lion.

LENUZA - A new name formed by abbreviating the words "Lenin-Ulyanov testaments."

LENURA - A new name formed by abbreviating the words "Lenin established the revolution."

LEIA - mountain goat, antelope, gazelle; in a figurative sense: gentle, affectionate (about a girl). Variety: Leah.

LIANA - Liana (climbing tropical plant). In a figurative sense: graceful, thin (with a thin waist), like a liana.

LYDIA - Greek name for an area in Asia Minor.

LISA - Abbreviated form of the name Elizabeth ("God's oath, vow to God; honoring God").

LILIANA - Lily (white tulip).

LILY - Water lily, water lily, white tulip.

LIRA - 1. Ancient Greek stringed musical instrument. 2. A symbol of poetic creativity, poetry.

LIA - see Leia.

LOUISE - A female name derived from the name Louis, which in Old French means "glorious battle, clash." A new name in honor of the heroine of the Paris Commune, Louise Machel.

LUKMANIA - 1. Caring, looking after someone, nurse. 2. The owner of a great mind.

LUTFIBANU - Lutfi (see the male name Lutfi) + banu (girl, young woman, lady).

LUTFIBIKA - Lutfi (see the male name Lutfi) + bika (girl; lady, lady).

LUTFIJAMAL - Lutfi (see male name Lutfi) + Jamal (see).

LUTFIKAMAL - Lutfi (see the male name Lutfi) + Kamal (perfect, without flaws).

LUTFINISA - Lutfi (see the male name Lutfi) + Nisa (see).

LUTFINUR - Lutfi (see the male name Lutfi) + nur (beam, radiance).

LUTFIA - 1. Merciful, merciful, abstaining from evil deeds. 2. With a pretty face, beautiful, graceful.

LUSIA (LUZIA) - A variant of the French name Lussy ("light"), adapted to the Tatar language.

LUCIUS - 1. Emitting light, radiant. 2. A new name derived from the second part of the word "revolution".

LYABIBA - Smart, capable, with a sharp mind, resourceful.

LYAVIA - Being in constant motion.

LYAZZAT - Sweetness; pleasure, enjoyment, bliss. Dialectal variant: Lyazdat.

LYAZZATELBANU - Sweet girl, woman.

LYAZZATELDINA - Bliss of faith.

LYAZZATELDUNYA - Bliss of the world.

LYAZZATELNISA - Sweet girl (woman).

LYALA - Lily; tulip. Synonym: Tulip. Anthropolexeme.

LYALAGUL - Lily; tulip.

LYALAZAR - A meadow overgrown with tulips.

LYALYACHECHEK - Lily; tulip.

The formation of Tatar names was influenced by other peoples, so scientists divide the names into ethnic groups:

  1. Altai;
  2. European;
  3. Turkic;
  4. Persian;
  5. Bulgarian;
  6. Arabic;
  7. Jewish.

The Tatar language belongs to the Turkic language family, in which personal names are ancient. Such names have a component "slan", which means "lion" in translation. Example:

  • Buguruslan;
  • Arslan;
  • Ruslan.

The male name in the composition may have the basis "timer", translated from Turkic - "iron". Example:

  • Timur;
  • Timerkhan;
  • Mintimer.

Another root is "bai", which means "wealth", for example:

  • Bayram;
  • Burunbay;
  • Bikbay.

Another group is Bulgar names, which are considered Old Tatar and are not very popular today.. For example:

  • Kildibek;
  • Agish.

There are names of Mongolian origin:

  • Genghis Khan;
  • Saikhan;
  • Batu;
  • Sarman.

Some names contain the roots of their Persian language. Ilnaz is a derivative of the words "il", which means earth and "naz", in translation - tenderness. Ilnur - consisting of "il" and "nur" - a ray of light. Arabic names began to spread after the adoption of Islam by the Tatars. This category is the most popular in the Tatar Muslim name book.

The naming of babies was previously done by mullahs, which explains the great influence of Arab Islamic traditions. But one cannot say that the Arabic names were completely borrowed and did not change, on the contrary, they changed over time.

The Arabic group includes Tatar dialects with the stem "ulla", which comes from the word "Allah", a prime example:

  • Gabdulla;
  • Abdullah;
  • Asadullah;
  • Zagidulla.

Also derivatives from the Arabic language are names containing the “din” component. Nasretdin - helping religion, Gaynutdin - rich in faith. into Tatar male names influenced by Europe, the following are considered European:

  • Arthur;
  • Marat;
  • Regina;
  • Emil.

The religion of Muslims had a huge influence on the names. Therefore, people believed that naming a child in a certain way could bring him closer to faith in higher power. Many Tatar names are associated with specific character traits. Parents, naming the child, are sure that the name will influence the fate and development of the personality. Here are some examples:

  • Azat - is of Persian origin and means "free, noble youth";
  • Aziz - "mighty";
  • Amin is "honest and faithful".

There is another tradition - to call the boys the name of Muhammad, as well as the corresponding derivatives - Muhammad, Muhammadzhan, etc. Combinations taken from two or three different languages ​​\u200b\u200bare often mixed - Abdeljar, Gaynutdin, are a mixture of Persian and Iranian names.

After the revolution of 1917, names-names created in honor of its head - V.I. Lenin became very popular:

  • Wildan;
  • wil;
  • Leniz.

Another independent group of personal names - names from stones, toponyms and chemical elements . For example:

  • Ainur;
  • Diamond;
  • Amur;
  • Ural.

How to name a boy: Tatar traditions, ancient and modern options by month

At any time in every nation, the birth of a child is a responsible and solemn event. Therefore, the choice of a name for the baby should be approached responsibly. Some parents resort to the help of religious and national traditions, others try to come up with something unusual and unique themselves.

Starting from the 11th century, most Tatar families were guided by a Muslim personal name.. With each century, the Arabic names were replaced by the Turkic ones, as the new religion took root in the worldview. An important feature is diversity, parents chose a name that was not in the village or village. Also, in the same family, they tried to name all children consonant with their parents.

Often the names of children began on the same basis. Abdul, Abdulkashif, etc. It is also a tradition to name a boy after an ancestor as a sign of respect. These traditions are preserved in modern families.

A common occurrence is the same letter in children of one seven at the beginning: Rail, Razil, Raif, or consonance - Amir, Amina.

But main feature that distinguishes the naming of children from past customs is the increased influence of Western trends.

Since the end of the 20th century, the child has been increasingly called Arthur, Robert, Camille. Both in the past and now, many names for boys are based on a Muslim root, supplemented by endings, prefixes, forming a new word with a new meaning. Where religion is revered, boys are named after prominent public figures and prophets.. In any case, the name should identify strength and masculinity.

During the holy holiday of Ramadan, the number of male names increases - Ramadan, Ramadan, so Muslims salute the great festival and religion. During the autumn month of the Islamic calendar, Safar, although rare, newborns are given an identical name.

List of all the most beautiful options alphabetically and their meanings


Among modern Tatar names, one can find those that have been popular throughout the long history of the Tatar people. Names of Arabic origin are now popular., there is a growing tendency to call children names that carry the coloring of human and personal qualities.

  • Ainur - a good option for the name of a boy, the meaning is the light emanating from the moon.
  • Akram is a very generous person.
  • Amir is the master.
  • Arsene is fearless, courageous.
  • Anis is a good friend.
  • Anwar is a bright friend.
  • Asan - shining with health and strength.
  • Ayaz is a reliable person.
  • Bahadir - friendly, cheerful.
  • Bakhtiyar is a happy man.
  • Danis is a modern version of the "D", meaning "active, mobile."
  • Damir - honest, conscientious.
  • Kadyr - omnipotent, omnipotent.
  • Qasim - manager, distributor.
  • Mysore - victorious in wrestling.
  • Nazim is a good option for "N", the meaning is a person with "golden hands", a builder.
  • Radmir - caring for calm and peace.
  • Rahman is good-natured and decent.
  • Rafis is popular among people.
  • Ruby - a modern version of the "P", the value - gem.
  • Ruzal - happy, making happy.
  • Savir is a person who loves luck.


Names that occur less frequently every year. But who knows, maybe in ten years they will become more popular than others. TO rare names relate:

  • Ahmad - famous for great deeds.
  • Amin is a person who is faithful.
  • Adip - having good manners and high education.
  • Ata - respected by all.
  • Ahad is the one and only.
  • Akhund is the master of all life.
  • Wahid is the first in business.
  • Wafa - faithful.
  • Gaden - paradise, pleasure.
  • Deniz is associated with the sea, a lover of water.
  • Zayd is a gift of fate.
  • Ishaq is a cheerful, funny person.
  • Ihsan - a good deed, a good deed.
  • Idris - student, teacher.
  • Kurbat - kinship, native.
  • Kayum - eternal, immortal.
  • Kadim - ancient, old.
  • Mukhlis is a rare variant on "M", the meaning is a devoted friend.
  • Nadir is a rarity with unique qualities.
  • Nariman - having a strong spirit and will.
  • Rabi - spring, inspiring life.
  • Sabah - morning, awakening.
  • Hasan is a good and bright comrade.
  • Shafiq is a compassionate helper.
  • Yuzim is a two-faced person.


When choosing a name for a newborn, parents want him to be strong in life, have a character that envious people and life circumstances cannot break. The translation of such names is often associated with the spiritual, helping the young man to go through difficulties. The strongest names are:

  • Alfir - superior to all around.
  • Arthur is a strong bear.
  • Arsen is a fearless warrior.
  • Akhund is the master of all life.
  • Agzam - high in spirit.
  • Akshin is a strong man, wrestler.
  • Amir is a king, a prince.
  • Bikbay - having a lot of wealth.
  • Bars is physically strong.
  • Gazim is a strong name with “G”, the meaning is a majestic husband.
  • Dayan is a judge, a fair person.
  • Zabir is a strong character.
  • Ildar - ruler, domineering.
  • Malik is the ruler.
  • Nurvali is a holy man.
  • Nail - bestowed, giving strength.
  • Rafgat - great things.
  • Timur is iron, strong in body and spirit.
  • Faiz is an interesting variant of naming “F”, the meaning is rich, happy, lucky.
  • Khabibullah is the favorite of God Allah.


Despite the fact that Muslims strive to name boys in an original and unique way, these names are the most common.

  • Adele is a noble young man.
  • Azat - independent from others.
  • Airat is an amazing environment.
  • Arthur is a strong bear.
  • Daniel is close to Allah.
  • Dinar - golden, craftsman.
  • Ilgiz is a wanderer, a traveler.
  • Ildar - a common variant of naming a boy for "I", means "ruler of the country."
  • Ilnaz is a tender motherland.
  • Ilnar - native flame.
  • Ilsur is the hero of the people.
  • Insaf - educated, highly moral.
  • Niyaz is a necessity, helping, caring.
  • Rail is the founder of the new.
  • Rayhan - bliss, pleasure.
  • Ramil is a magician who can surprise everyone.
  • Salavat is a laudatory prayer.
  • Timur is strong in spirit.
  • Eldar is the ruler of the state.

Crimean Tatar

This group of names is close in origin to the Turkic group, but differ in the way of formation, have a diverse sound, because the Tatars of this region were subjected to great influence different ethnic groups.

Having become acquainted with the traditions of naming newborn boys, with the peculiarities of names, we can conclude that the Tatar muslim names have a long history. Their main difference is that they are complex and bear the imprint of various peoples.

If you do not find in this catalog what you are interested in Tatar name exactly by spelling, then look consonant with it, since most likely they have the same origin, for example: Walid = Vyalit, Gulsum = Gulsum, Jafar = Zhafar.
old Tatar names often consist of words of Persian, Arabic, Turkic languages, later Tatar names- derived from them or consist of the words of the Iranian, Tatar and other modern, Aro-Asiatic, but mainly Turkic peoples neighboring the Tatars or are composed of several words of different origin, or from several words or names (Musagitdin, Mintimer, Saijafar, Gaynutdin, Abdeljabar) .
The most "young" Tatar names, which arose in the 20th century, are often modified old names, in which either more beautiful-sounding letters are added or the name is abbreviated: (Franis, Rimma, Marat, Raf, Rabis) or borrowed from European peoples (Albert, Hans, Marseille, Rudolf, Ferdinand , Edward).
Often, Tatars, due to their developed creativity, themselves invented and invent Tatar names to their children from beautiful words or phrases of Persian, Arabic, Turkic, Iranian, Bulgar, Tatar languages.
It is impossible to find out exactly the origin of many names, so we recommend that those who are faced with choosing a name for a child - choose a beautiful one for him sounding name presented Tatar names, or you can come up with it yourself, just keep in mind that the more original the name of the child is, the more it will "cut the ear" of others and in the future can cause unpleasant moments for a person.

Naasim - settler (disputes)
Nabi is an Arab. prophet
Nabil (Nabhan, Nabih) - noble, noble, famous
Navid - good news
Nadir is an Arab. rare (female f. Nadira)
Nadzhi - saving, (f.f.f. Nadzhiya)
Najib - noble birth
Najmuddin (Nazmuddin) - star of faith
Nadeem - friend
Nadir (Nadyr) - expensive, rare
Nadia is the first
Nazar (Nazir) - Arab. sight, far-sighted (zh.f. Nazira)
Nazih (Nazip, Nazif) - clean - Tat. (female Nazifa)
Nazil -
Nazmi -
Naib - assistant, deputy
Nail is an Arab. a gift, a gift, reaching and striving, achieving the desired (J.F. Naila, Nelya, Nelly)
Naim - quiet, calm
Namdar (Namwar) - famous
Nariman - other Iran. strong-willed
Naseem - fresh air
Nasih is an Arab. adviser, assistant, friend
Nasyr (Nasr) - friend
Nasseruddin - Defender of the Faith
Naufal - generous
Nafis is an Arab. graceful, thin, (f.f.f. Nafisa)
Naretdin -
Neymat (Nimat) - good
Niaz (Niyaz) - mercy
Nigina - pers. f.f. nigin - a jewel in a setting, a ring
Nizam is an Arab. device, order
Nur is an Arab. light
Nurania -
Nuri - light (zh.f.f. Nuria)
Nurlan (Nurlat) - sparkling (zh.f.f. Nurlan)
Nuruddin - the radiance of faith
Nurania - Tat. from 2 words: Arabic. nur - light and named after Ania (Khania) Turkic - a gift
Nuriahmet is an Arab. glorified light, holy radiance
Nurislam - the light of Islam
Nurulla is an Arab. the light of Allah
Nurutdin -
Nelifya (Nelifar) -

Oygul (Aigul) - Turk. Lunar flower
Oktay - judge
Olzhas - Kaz. gift, gift
Omar (Umar, Umyar, Omeir, Gumar, Homer) - pers. life, longevity
Omid - hope
Omran - firmly built
Oner - advanced
Orkhan - khan of the army, commander
payam - good news
Pasha is the owner
payman - promise
Polad - strong, powerful
Pujman - dream, desire
Puya the seeker
Rabah - victorious
Rabi - spring
Rabiha is an Arab. spring, daughter of the prophet
Ravil - aram. 1. taught by God, 2. teenager; traveler
Raghib - desiring, thirsty
Razil (Ruzil, Ruzbeh) - happy
Radik - aspiring
Radif - spiritual
Rafael (Raphael, Rafail, Rafil, Rafil) - God's medicine
Rafik (Rifkat, Rafgat, Rifat, Rafkat) - Arab. Kind
Razi is a secret
Razil (Ruzil) - the secret of Allah
Raid - leader
Rail is a miracle of Allah
Rais. - tat. (f.f. Raisya)
Rakin - respectful
Rakia is an Arab. leading the way
Ralina - loving father
Ralif (Raif) -
Ramiz (Ramis) - symbolizing the good
Ramil - magical, magical (zh.f. Ramil)
Rania -
Rasil is an Arab. sent
Rasim is an Arab. stronghold, defender (female f. Rasima)
Rasih is an Arab. hard, stable
Rasul - apostle; precursor
Ratib - measured
Rauza (Ravza, Rose) - Tat. rose flower
Rauf is an Arab. merciful (f. f. Raufa)
Rauza (Rose) - Tat. rose flower
Raf -
Rafgat (Rafkat, Rifkat, Rifat, Rafik) - Arab. Kind
Rafik (Rafkat, Rafgat, Rifkat, Rifat) - Arab. Kind
Rafis -
Rafi (Rafik) - a good friend
Rafkat (Rifkat, Rafgat, Rifat, Rafik) - Arab. Kind
Rachel - sheep f.f.
Rahim is an Arab. gracious
Rahman -
Rashid (Rashad) - Arab. going the right way, conscious, prudent (zh.f. Rashidya)
Reza - determination; humility
Renat (Rinat) - lat. - reborn, reborn, renewed (zh.f. Renata, Rinata)
Reseda - flower
Refah - prosperity
Rida (Riza) - benevolence, benevolence
Ridvan - contented
Rim (Rem) - Tat. (J.F. Rimma)
Rimzil - tat. (f.f. Ramsia)
Rizvan is an Arab. favor, satisfaction
Rifat (Rishat, Rafkat, Rafgat, Rifkat, Rafik) - Arab. Kind
Rifkat (Rafkat, Rafgat, Rifat, Rufat) - Kind. 2.high position, nobility
Rishat (Rifat, Rishat, Rafkat, Rafgat, Rifkat, Rafik) - Arab. Kind
Riyadh - gardens
Rosalia - from 2 names - Rosa and Aliya
Roxana is a Turk.
Ruby - pers. gem
Ruzil (Ruzbeh) - happy
Rumia - lat. Roman princess
Runar - scand. - the mysterious wisdom of God
Ruslan (Arslan) - Turk. a lion
Rustam (Rustem) - 1. Iran. strong, pers. deliverance, salvation, 2.very large, with a powerful body
Rufiya - Tat. from other ar. Ruth -
Rushan (Ravshan) - pers. light, brilliant, radiant (zh.f. Rushana, Rushaniya)
Saad - luck
Sabir (Sabur) - Arab. patient (f.f. Sabira)
Sabit is an Arab. strong, durable, firm, firm
Sabih - beautiful, beautiful
Savalan - majestic
Sagyt (Sagyt) -
Sajid (Sajid) - worshiping God
Sadri is an Arab. first (zh.f. Sadria)
Sadiq (Sadiq, Sadiq) - Arab. sincere, faithful, true
Said is an Arab. happy (female f. Saida, Saida)
Saifi is an Arab. sword (J.F. Sayfiya)
Saifuddin - the sword of faith
Sayfulla is an Arab. sword of Allah
Saqib - meteor, comet
Sakit - peaceful, moderate
Salavat is an Arab. laudatory prayers
Salar - leader
Salah (Salih) - good, goodness, justice, good, righteous
Salim is an Arab. healthy, fit
Salima is an Arab. healthy, fit
Salman (Salem, Salim) is an Arab. 1. necessary, 2. peaceful, quiet, calm
Samad (Samat) - Arabic. eternal
Sami - sublime
Samir (Samiir) - an interlocutor who maintains a conversation
Sanjar - Prince
Sani - praising, shining
Sania is an Arab. second
Sarah - dr. mistress (Sarra)
Sardar (Sardor) - commander-in-chief, leader
Sariya - night clouds
Sarkhan - big khan
Sattar -
Safi is the best friend
Sahir - vigilant, awake
Sahidyam (Sahi) - clear, pure, cloudless
Sayar -
Sepehr - sky
Sibgat -
Siraj - light
Sofia - from Sofia
Sohel is a star
Soyalp - from the kind of brave men
Subhi - early morning
Suleiman - bibl. Solomon, protected, living in health and well-being
The Sultan is an Arab. power, ruler
Suud - luck
Suhaib (Sahib, Sahib) - friendly
Sylu -

Tair - flying, soaring
Taymullah - Servant of the Lord
Taysir - relief, help
Such (Tagi) - pious, devout
Talgat (Talha, Talhat) -, attractiveness, desert plant name
Talip is an Arab. Taliban - irreconcilable
Talal - beautiful, beautiful
Tamam - perfect
Tanzila -
Tansylu is a Turk. beautiful as the dawn
Taref (Tariff) - rare, unusual
Tarik - morning star
Tarkhan (Tarhun) - pers. 1.lord 2. type of spice
Taufik - consent, reconciliation
Tahir (Tagir) - pure, modest, chaste
Tahir (Tagir) - pers. bird
Timur (Timer, Teimur, Temir, Teimuras) - Turk. iron, iron, strong
Tinchura -
Tokay (Tukay) - warrior
Tomindar -
Tofik (Taufik, Tavfik) - success, luck, happiness
Tugan - 1. Turk. falcon, 2.tat.native
Turan is the motherland
Turkel - Turkic land, Turkic people
Tufan -
Ubaida - Servant of the Lord
Uzbek is a Turk. name people, which became a personal name
Ulmas is a Turk. immortal
Ulfat is an Arab. friendship, love
Ulus - people, land
Umida is an Arab. Hope (m. Umid)
Ural is a Turk. joy, pleasure
Uruz (Urus) - the highest title
Urfan - knowledge, art
Osama is a lion
Usman is an Arab. slow
Favoise - prosperous
Fadl - venerable
Faik - excellent, amazing
Fail - giving a good sign, which is a good omen
Fayzullah (Feyzullah) is an Arab. the bounty of Allah
Faisal - decisive
Fawzia - from the Arab. winner
Fagin (Fagim) -
Faiz is an Arab. winner
Faik is an Arab. excellent
Faizrahman -
Faina (Fania) - Arab. excellent
Faizulla - Tat. the son of the winner, an Arab. phase - winner
Fandas -
Fanis - pers. sugar (zh.f. Fanisa)
Faraz - exalted
Farbod - direct, uncompromising
Farzan - wise
Farid (Farit, Fyarit, Farit) - Arab. rare, exceptional, the only one (J.F. Farida)
Faris - strong; shrewd
Faruk (Farukh) - happy
Farhat (Ferhat, Farshad) - happy
Fateh (Fatih, Fatykh) - Arab. winner
Fatima is an Arab. weaned off the chest
Fatin - smart
Fahad - lynx
Fakhir - proud
Fakhri - honorary, respected
Fakhrutdin (Farkhutdin) -
Fayaz is an Arab. generous
Fida - donator
Filza -
Finat -
Firdaus - paradise, heavenly abode
Firinat -
Firoz (Firuz) - Winner
Firuza - other pers. f.f. radiant, turquoise
Flera (Flyora, Flyura) -
Flun -
Foat (Foad, Fuat, Fuad) - pers. - heart, mind
Foruhar - fragrance
Francis - Tat. from pers. fanis - sugar
Fuat (Fuad, Foat) - pers. fuad - heart, mind
Fudeil (Fadl) - dignity, honor
Khabib is an Arab. beloved, favorite, friend (female f. Khabiba, Khabibya, Khabibi, Apipya)
Khabibrahman - Tat. from 2 arab. Names: Khabib and Rahman
Khabibullah is an Arab. favorite of Allah.
Khabir is an Arab. Informant.
Hava (Eva) - Arab. she who gives life (mother), source of life
Khagani - Arab ruler
Hadi is an Arab. Leader, leader. (Women - Hadia)
Khadija - symbolizes a holy woman, the wife of the prophet
Hadith is Arabic. sayings of the Prophet, tradition, legend, story (j.f. Hadith)
Hadicha is an Arab. premature
Hadiya is a Turk. Present.
Haidar is an Arab. A lion.
Khairat is an Arab. Benefactor.
Khazar is an Arab. Citizen, a person with an average income.
Hakim is an Arab. Knowledgeable, wise.
Khalida is an Arab. Eternal, permanent.
Khaliq is an Arab. Illuminator.
Khalil is an Arab. True friend.
Halim is an Arab. Soft, kind. (Women-Halima, Halimya)
Khalit is an Arab. Will live forever.
Hamza is an Arab. Sharp, burning.
Hamid is an Arab. Glorifying, ascending (female-Hamida)
Khamis is an Arab. Fifth.
Hamat, Hamit - Arab. glorifying.
Hanif is an Arab. true (female-Hanifa).
Haniya is a Turk. f.f. present
Haris is an Arab. Plowman.
Hassan is an Arab. good. (female Hassan)
Khattab is an Arab. Woodcutter.
Hafiz (Hafis, Hafis, Hafiz, Kapis) is an Arab. defender.
Hashim is an Arab. tax collector.
Hayat is an Arab. life.
Hedayat is an Arab. leader, leader
Hikmat (Hikmet) - Arab. wisdom.
Hisam is an Arab. Sword.
Hisan is an Arab. very beautiful.
Khoja - pers. Sir, mentor.
Husain is an Arab. beautiful, good.
Hussam is an Arab. sword.
Genghis (Chinggis) - Mong. Great, strong.
Chulpan is a Turk. Morning Star (planet Venus)
Shadida is an Arab. strong.
Shaida - pers. darling.
Shaikhullah is an Arab. elder of Allah.
Shakir is an Arab. thankful. (female - Shakira)
Shakirt, Shakird - pers. student.
Shakirzhan is an Arab. - pers. Thanksgiving soul.
Shakur is a Turk. sugar
Shamil is an Arab. Comprehensive (Women - Shamilya)
Shamsi - pers. Sunny (Women - Shamsia)
Shafagat is an Arab. Help.
Sharif, Sharip - Arab. Honor, glory.
Shafiq is an Arab. compassionate
Shafqat is an Arab. Compassionate.
Shahriyar - pers. Sovereign
Shirin - pers. Sweet
Evelina - fr. Hazelnut.
Edgar - English A spear.
Edward - English Abundant, rich.
Eleanor - ar. Allah is my light.
Elvir - Spanish Protective.(Women - Elvira)
Eldar is a Turk. Ruler of the country
Elsa - German I swore before God, short for Elizabeth.
Elmir - germ. beautiful.(Women - Elmira)
Emil (Amil, Imil) - Arabic. a ray of light. (Women - Emilia)
Eric is scand. Rich.
Ernest - c. Serious.
Esther - ar. Zvezda (Women - Esfira)
Yuzim - Turk.-Tat. Raisins, two faces.
Yuldash is a Turk. Friend, companion.
Uldus - tat. Star.
Julia - lat. Wave hot.
Yulgiz (Ilgiz) - Turk. - pers. Long-Liver (Women - Yulgiza)
Yunis-tat. peaceful
Yunus - dr.-ar. Pigeon.
Yadgar - pers. Memory.
Yakub, Yakup - dr.-ar. next, the name of the prophet.
Yakut - gr. Rubin, yacht.
Yamal - see Jamal, w. Jamila.
Yansylu - tat. feather, beloved, beautiful soul.
Yatim - pers. the only one.

Names of Tatar origin are distinguished by their peculiar beauty and symbolism. These are names with ancient history, and for both boys and girls, they are closely connected with events and outstanding personalities in the fate of the Tatar people. All these names have one thing in common - they are Tatar in origin. Today we will talk about how to choose the right name for a boy, look at the Tatar names of boys and their meanings, as well as the origin of this or that Tatar name. The modern language, called Tatar, belongs to the Turkic group of languages, and some names in it are borrowed from related languages ​​that also belong to this group, in addition, borrowings from Arabic and European dialects are traced.

Tatar names, among other things, often originate simply from beautiful combinations of sounds and words.

The Tatar name for a boy and his choice is a responsible and very important step in the life of every young person of this nation. Many believe that this choice will determine the future fate of the little man, his failures and successes. Therefore, when choosing a name, one must take into account the nature and inclinations of the child, which in early age can be very difficult. Modern names are often meaningless, unlike the old names, the meaning of which was hidden in every syllable.

The Tatar names, characteristic of the boys of this nation, have roots in the old Turkic names, to which beautiful sounds are added for euphony, for example, Ramil, Ravil or Rem.
The name should be easy to remember and sound good, without causing negative analogies, so that his friends, and the boy himself, treat the name with respect and have no reason for ridicule. “Mistakes” when choosing a name, because of which the child is teased and called names, many children cannot forgive their parents until the end of their lives, respectively, the choice should be taken extremely responsibly.

Tatar boy names have a special appeal, which includes a certain amount of aggressiveness, which should emphasize the courage and strength of the owner of the name. Whatever the name, it personifies the future fate and character of the boy.
Tatar names rarely have a single meaning, their meaning can have several subtexts and shades. When choosing and thinking about the future name, you should, if possible, take into account all of them.

Tatar names are often referred to as Muslim, but, despite the relationship, it is the Tatar names that are endemic and common only among the Tatar people. Muslim names are relatively new, and many Tatar names, as well as Arabic ones, belong to an earlier, before the Muslim era.

Let's see the most common and popular Tatar boy names - in the list below, you can find meaning each Tatar name, which will help you most successfully name your baby.

As you can see, the list of Tatar names is quite impressive, but you have to choose the only name that best suits your child.

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