How to prepare purple mokrukha mushroom for the winter. Let's go to the "wet" business. Wet purple. Distribution and fruiting season

Mokrukha mushroom belongs to the fourth category of edible mushrooms, that is, it is suitable for consumption after preliminary boiling. It can be pickled and pickled, and also used as one of the ingredients for making sauces.

In this article, you will be offered a photo and description of the morukha mushroom of the most common types: spruce, pink and purple. You can also get acquainted with the etymology of the name of the mushroom, find out where and when it grows, see a photo of the mokrukha mushroom in natural environment a habitat.

Cap of spruce fly (Gomphidius glutinosus) (diameter 5-14 cm): grayish or gray-brown, may have dark spots and have a lilac or purple tint. Fleshy, in young mushrooms it has the shape of a hemisphere, which then changes to almost prostrate, and sometimes slightly depressed. There is usually a small bump in the center. The skin is smooth and slimy to the touch and is easily separated from the pulp.

Leg (height 4-13 cm): lemon yellow at the very base and grayish at the top. Often covered with scales and darkens with gentle pressure.

Pay attention to the photo of spruce fly: The solid and massive cap of young mushrooms is slightly swollen, but over time it becomes cylindrical. As slippery and sticky as a hat. It is connected to it by a transparent mucous blanket consisting of fibers. In mature mushrooms it breaks, and its remains form a mucous ring on the stem.

The plates are white or light gray, becoming brown with age, and even black in old mushrooms. Branched and thick, with a characteristic cover.

Pulp: white or pinkish, changing with age to gray and at the very base to yellowish. It has a sour taste and weak aroma.

The spruce fly mushroom was first described by the famous German botanist, mycologist and entomologist Jacob Schaeffer in 1774. He attributed this mushroom to the Champignon family (Agaricus) and named it Agaricus Glutinosus, which translated from ancient Greek means “molar tooth.” The spruce fly received another name, which is still accepted today, Gomphidius Glutinosus in 1838 thanks to the work of the Swedish scientist Elias Fries.

Doubles: related edible mushrooms are purple (Chroogomphus rutilus) and spotted (Gomphidius maculatus), and mushrooms with dark caps are similar to common boletus (Suillus luteus). But the flesh of mokrukhs turns noticeably red at the break, and butterflies have no plates.

When it grows: from mid-August to early October in the northern regions of the Eurasian continent.

Where can I find: in mixed and coniferous forests mainly near spruce and pine trees, often among moss and heather thickets. If you intend to collect different mushrooms, then, in order not to stain them with mucus, determine an isolated place for the spruce fly.

Eating: in almost any form, subject to prior boiling and removal of the mucous skin from the cap. It is not particularly popular in Russia, but in Europe it is considered very delicious mushroom. When pickled or salted, spruce moths become very dark. This property does not in any way affect their taste.

Application in folk medicine(the data is not confirmed and has not undergone clinical studies!): in the form of a tincture as an effective antimicrobial agent.

Other names: sticky slug, slug.

Purple weed and photo of mushroom

Name purple moth(Chroogomphus rutilus) from Latin it is literally translated as “yellow-red”, “golden-red”. The color of this moth is not always purple. And the specific name appeared due to the fact that when exposed to high temperatures the mushroom turns purple.

Hat (diameter 4-14 cm): shiny red-brown, brick-red or purple, in old mushrooms it usually fades greatly and loses its variegated color. Initially conical, with a central tubercle, over time it becomes convex or almost prostrate. It has a brown blanket, in a dark and damp place or after rain it can be covered with a layer of sticky mucus. The edges are usually curved towards inside.

Leg (height 4-10 cm): solid and curved, cylindrical in shape. Usually the same color as the cap, a little sticky.

If you look closely at the photo of the purple mocha mushroom, you will notice that its arched plates are easily separated from the cap. Most often they are purple or. Old mushrooms become almost black.

Pulp: fleshy, fibrous in the lower part. The yellowish color at the fracture site and when exposed to air changes to pink or red. It has no pronounced smell or taste.

Purple moth is particularly popular with insect pests, so you should carefully inspect the mushroom before putting it in the basket.

Doubles: five edible weevils, namely felt (Chroogomphus tomentosus), spruce (Gomphidius glutinosus), Swiss (Chroogomphus helveticus), rose (Gomphidius roseus) and spotted (Gomphidius maculatus). The difference is that the felt cap has whitish pubescence; spruce, as a rule, grows only next to spruce, and also has a more grayish-gray color; The Swiss cap is ocher and also has slight felt pubescence. The pink moth has light plates and a bright pink cap, while the spotted one almost always grows under larches.

When it grows: from the beginning of August to the end of September in the countries of the Eurasian continent with temperate climate. In Russia, mainly on European territory, less often in Siberia and the North Caucasus.

Where can I find: on calcareous soils of coniferous and deciduous forests, most often next to pine and birch trees.

Eating: in any form, provided that the mucous skin is removed from the cap.

Use in folk medicine: does not apply.

In regions where nature has not stinted on fertile soils and forest lands, you can pick up a lot of mushrooms and berries. However, amateurs quiet hunt They don’t have much respect for the mokrukha mushroom, which is often found in such places. Unpresentable, which is thickly covered with mucus, causes them only a grin and disgust. However, if a piece of wet food accidentally ends up in your basket, there is no need to rush to throw it away. It is not considered poisonous, and some mushroom pickers even claim that if you prepare it correctly, you can get a completely delicious dish with a piquant taste.

Description of the mushroom

Mokrukha - conditionally edible mushroom, belonging to the fourth category of edible mushrooms. That is, in order to eat it, the mushroom must first be soaked and then boiled. Some housewives use it as an addition to various sauces, dried, salted and pickled.

The Mokrukhov family can be divided into two genera, called Chroogomphus and Gomphidius. Distinctive feature of these mushrooms - to form a wet, slimy film on the cap. These gifts of the forest are always slippery to the touch. Exactly this characteristic feature and confuses many mushroom pickers.

Wetweeds can grow either singly or in small families. Active growth of representatives of this family is observed from the beginning or mid-July until the first frost.

The truth about slippery mushrooms

In terms of taste characteristics, mokrukha are significantly inferior to more expensive representatives of this kingdom. Of course, they are not as tasty as white or champignons. However, according to their content large quantity nutrients and antibacterial components are ahead of all types of fungi found in middle lane our country. Some biologists and botanists call the moth family a storehouse of proteins, carbohydrates, amino acids and consider them indispensable in therapeutic nutrition. By the way, during cooking, the mokrukha mushroom turns black.

Where are moths found?

In Russia, the mokrukha mushroom is found in regions with a temperate climate. Here you can find six types of them. Thus, purple, pink or pine moths have chosen pine forests for their existence. Felt fungus (felt weed) grows in symbiosis with fir, pine and cedar trees. Slender or spotted moths prefer to live under larches. The spruce moth fungus has found its refuge under the spruce tree.

The preparation and storage of these plants does not require special efforts from the housewife or special knowledge in the field of cooking. Therefore, many experienced mushroom pickers are happy to collect them. According to mokrukha connoisseurs, you can peel the mushroom immediately after cutting. This won't take much time and will prevent other mushrooms from getting dirty with sticky mucus.

Notable Features

It doesn’t matter where you come across the mokrukha mushroom (you can see photos of representatives of the kingdom of wildlife in the article) - an experienced mushroom picker will never confuse it with anything. However, these mushrooms still differ from each other. They may have different shapes and different colors, and may or may not have a specific smell. It is also worth noting that, depending on the species, the taste qualities this type of mushroom. It is believed that pine members of the family have the most exquisite taste.

For example, spruce weevils may have a dry or sticky rather than slimy film. The color of the cap can be grayish or bluish, or maybe dirty brown, without any spots. Young mushrooms have a convex cap, but over time it takes on a more prostrate shape. There are plates on the inside of the caps of these mushrooms. A high leg with a slight swelling in the middle and a characteristic wide ring, also covered with mucus - these characteristics are peculiar business card wet The surface of the mushroom stem is smooth and moist, at the very bottom it is bright yellow, but closer to the cap it turns white. The mushroom pulp is dense and fleshy, tender and almost white. The smell is almost completely absent. These grow up in small families.

The purple mokrukha mushroom has a fleshy, convex-conical cap with slightly bent edges. But the older the mushroom gets, the flatter the cap becomes. Color - orange-brown or copper-red. It has an adhesive mucous film on the surface. In dry sunny days the wet layer dries, and then the cap acquires gloss. On the reverse side of the cap, the plates descend to a low thin leg. If a leg is broken, the flesh begins to turn yellow at the break. The flesh of the mushroom itself is saffron-colored, and with slight pressure it turns wine-red. It has a pleasant, slightly sweet smell.

The value of purple and spruce fly

The particularly valuable properties of these subspecies include the presence of antibiotic characteristics that can strongly counteract the growth and activity of pathogenic microbes, including staphylococcus. The spruce fly mushroom, like the purple one, is widely used in the treatment of sinusitis and skin diseases.

Other members of the family

The pink molyweed stands out noticeably from the family of these mushrooms. Her bright pink hat, slightly faded in the center, attracts and at the same time scares away many mushroom pickers. Young pink mushrooms have a noticeably convex cap, but over time it becomes almost flat, and its edges begin to bend upward. The surface is slimy and sticky in wet weather. Wide plates smoothly descend to a short cylindrical stalk, on which there is a mucous ring. The pulp of this mushroom is very light, fleshy and soft. It turns black when cooked. There is almost no smell.

Mokrukha slender acquired its name because of its size and shape. In appearance it is very similar to the purple moth, but differs in a taller, stronger leg and a small cap with dark spots. It has sparse plates descending to the stem. However, this is a completely different species, so they should not be confused.

The felt mushroom is another representative of the mokruha family. Its other names are felt yellowleg and Swiss fly. The small cap is usually orange-colored Brown color and has a felt or scaly structure. In dry weather it is mostly dry, but becomes slimy after rain. It has dense pale pink plates that fall to a thin, often curved stem. With age, these plates may turn black. The stem of the mushroom is low, can reach 8 cm in height, most often tapering slightly at the base. Usually the color of the stem is identical to the color of the cap. The brim of the cap of young mushrooms may be connected to the stem by light, dry, fibrous tissue. This species is widespread in upland coniferous forests and cedar trees.

How to cook mushrooms

Mokrukha, like any other types of mushrooms, is soaked for several minutes, the top adhesive layer is removed from the entire surface and washed thoroughly. Since these mushrooms are conditionally edible, they must be boiled. Many housewives claim that these gifts of the forest, after pre-treatment, must be placed in salted water, brought to a boil and simmered over low heat for 15-30 minutes. However, in reality, long-term cooking of mokrukhs is undesirable. This makes their flesh tough and fibrous. During heat treatment, the color of mushrooms can change significantly: from light, the flesh becomes dark purple, almost black.

They are not very good as an independent dish, but as an addition to a side dish or as part of a sauce they are simply excellent and give an original taste to the main dish. It is difficult to confuse mokrukha with anything else in the dish.


Representatives of this mushroom family are used not only for preparing all kinds of culinary dishes. They are widely used in cosmetology and folk medicine.

It is believed that mokrukha has a beneficial effect on all organs of our body. The presence of antibacterial substances in this mushroom determines the effectiveness of its use as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent. Modern medicine confirms that mokrukha is effective in the treatment of viral diseases. In many countries, this mushroom is used to treat migraines, nervous system disorders, headaches and insomnia. It is assumed that such a product has a positive effect on the general condition of the body, helps strengthen the immune system and is effective in the fight against chronic fatigue.

Cosmetics that contain the spruce fly fungus (preparing such potions at home is not difficult) make the skin more elastic and silky. Lotions, infusions and decoctions relieve redness and inflammation. Along the way, they have a beneficial effect on skin color - it becomes smooth and matte. Creams with mokrukha are recommended for owners of oily skin prone to enlarged pores.

Decoctions and special masks made from mokrukha help strengthen and grow hair. After using such products, the hair becomes silky and shiny. Since ancient times, this mushroom has been used in folk medicine to eliminate dandruff and split ends.

  • Division: Basidiomycota (Basidiomycetes)
  • Subdivision: Agaricomycotina (Agaricomycetes)
  • Class: Agaricomycetes (Agaricomycetes)
  • Subclass: Agaricomycetidae (Agaricomycetes)
  • Order: Boletales
  • Family: Gomphidiaceae
  • Genus: Chroogomphus (Chroogomphus)
  • View: Chroogomphus rutilus (Purple weedweed)
    Other names for the mushroom:

Other names:

  • Wet slimy

  • Mokruha shiny

  • Yellow-footed wetter

  • Wet purple

  • Mokruha pine

  • Yellowleg copper-red

  • Gomphidius viscidus
  • Gomphidius rutilus

(lat. Chroogomphus rutilus) is an edible mushroom of the Mokrukhova family.

External description

The diameter of the cap of the purple moth is 4-8 cm; at a young age it has a neat round shape with a blunt tubercle; with age it opens up to prostrate and even funnel-shaped. Color - peculiar, brown-lilac, with a wine-red tint; in young specimens the central part is colored purple; with age the coloring becomes more uniform. The surface is smooth, very slimy when young, especially in wet weather. The pulp is thick, purple-pinkish, without any particular smell or taste.

Wide, extending onto the stalk, pinkish-lilac in youth, with age they acquire a dirty brown, almost black color. In young specimens, the plates are covered with a mucous veil of lilac-brown color.

Spore powder:
Dark brown, almost black.

The height of the leg of the purple moth is 5-10 cm, thickness - 0.5 - 1.5 cm, often curved, usually somewhat narrowing at the base. The color is the same as that of the cap, but somewhat lighter; the surface of the stalk is silky, with ring-shaped remains of a private veil, which become hardly noticeable in maturity. The pulp is fibrous, lilac-red, bright yellow at the base.


Purple weed grows from early August to late September in pine forests and in forests with an admixture of pine. In addition to pine, Chroogomphus rutilus forms mycorrhiza with cedar and birch. Found in small groups, relatively infrequently.

Similar species

At an advanced age, as well as in wet weather, all moths are similar to each other. collaborates, respectively, with spruce, and stands out for the bluish color of its cap. easily distinguished from Chroogomphus rutilus by its bright pink cap and lighter plates.


Normal edible mushroom.


It's funny to see how the perception of a mushroom changes depending on where it actually grows. Spruce fly in a gloomy bearded spruce forest there is a gray monster, swollen with mucus and boasting of its own uselessness; light dry Pinery, raised on its litter purple wee, colors this mushroom in elegant and slightly frivolous tones. Here it is very easy to believe that moths are close relatives; and even the mucus, it seems, is no longer mucus, but just “oil.” However, I still don’t want to collect them: they are foreign, completely alien mushrooms, foreign and not like anything tasty.

Once a couple of years ago, while scouring the forest in search of mushrooms, I came across a rather nice, but unfamiliar to me species.

Even the little ones had a powerful red leg, the mushroom itself was reddish-brown, lamellar, and larger specimens were brown in color, but with brown or purple tint, some were slimy, reminiscent of oil cans.

Typed at your own peril and risk. At home, plunging into the Internet, I discovered that it was not in vain that I brought such a harvest, the mushroom is called purple moth or yellow-legged moth. Such mushrooms grow in pine forests and have good taste and, most importantly, they have no poisonous counterparts.

After lying in water, mokruki acquire a reddish-cherry tint of wine, and after boiling them, they become inky purple. Since then we have been collecting them constantly. Fortunately, there are large specimens large sizes, are very fleshy and even babies have a high leg, and therefore it is easy and pleasant to collect them. I make soup from them, use them as a filling for pies, pancakes, prepare them for the winter: I marinate them, and freeze the boiled ones.

They make different delicious dishes. Today I will cook a roast with mushrooms and potatoes. First, we sort the mushrooms, wash them well, cut them into pieces and boil for fifteen minutes, drain them in a colander.

Peel the potatoes and cut them into thin slices. And peeled onions into half rings. Pour onto a baking sheet or roasting pan vegetable oil, lay out a layer of onions, a layer of potatoes, and mushrooms on top.

Of course, it’s not at all necessary to take butter mushrooms; any mushrooms will do; I also came across boletus mushrooms. Sprinkle more sunflower oil on top and place in a preheated oven, in the lowest position.

If the potatoes dry out during baking, you can pour mushroom broth over them. When the roast is almost ready, turn on only the top heat and place the baking sheet on the very top so that the potatoes brown.

Remove from the oven and place on a platter or directly onto plates for hungry mushroom pickers. The potatoes are crispy and full of mushroom flavor. I do not add any seasonings or spices to this dish so as not to interrupt the mushroom flavor.

This type of mushroom contains a lot of vitamins, however, despite this, it has not gained popularity either among mushroom pickers or among mushroom eaters. Some even consider it poisonous and inedible. And in vain! Mokrukha has a distinct rich taste that is liked by those who taste this mushroom.

Description of appearance

Among other representatives of the mushroom kingdom, it is distinguished by its large size; the cap can grow up to 15 centimeters. It is usually gray and may have dark or purple spots. The season for the appearance of biting moths in forests is August – September. Loves conifers and mixed forests. Creates mycorrhiza with pine or birch. On the territory of Russia you can find it almost everywhere - in Caucasus mountains, in Siberian latitudes, Far Eastern forests and other places. Usually grows one at a time, less often - in small groups. It was called wet because a mucous membrane forms on it. If you are going to collect mixed mushrooms, then you need to take a separate container for wet mushrooms. Otherwise, it will stain the rest of the mushrooms with mucus.

The calorie content of purple moth reaches 192 kilocalories.

Beneficial features

Chroogomphus rutilus or purple fly contains certain enzymes, which are then used to create some medicines, for example, antibiotics. These are very useful mushrooms, as they have certain chemical properties and contain a complex of vitamins.

Using moths for food

This is a completely edible mushroom, filled with the aromas of the forest. Its rich taste will not leave any mushroom lover indifferent. Makruhi got its name because when cooked, its color changes to purple. When cooking, you should first clean the mucous skin from the mushroom and rinse it well, and then cook it the way you like. Of all the mushrooms, mokrukha tastes most like boletus.

You can cook all the same dishes from them as from regular mushrooms. Great for making pickles, you can make a delicious mushroom sauce or simply fry them as a side dish for meat or fish. There are many salad recipes with the addition of various mushrooms, including wet ones. Due to the fact that they turn purple during heat treatment, all ready-made dishes containing them will look unusual and memorable. For example, by adding them to a salad, you will get bright splashes of color in the dish, which will make it more appetizing.

It's not only delicious, but also crazy healthy mushroom. Eating them strengthens the immune system and restores nervous system, blood circulation and memory improve. General state becomes satisfactory, and fatigue disappears without a trace. The active substances that make up purple moths have a positive effect on the hematopoietic organs, and therefore they promote hematopoiesis and the renewal of all cells of the body.

In some peoples, this type of mushroom has been used since time immemorial; it has been used to relieve headaches, treat insomnia and alleviate diseases of the nervous system.

Cosmetology is also a branch of medicine that successfully uses purple moths. They are used to produce creams, masks, serums, tonics, shampoos, balms, and so on. The skin becomes elastic and toned, and the hair becomes strong and silky. When using mokrukh-based cosmetics, you can even out the skin color and give it a matte tint. Shampoos and balms promote hair renewal, strengthen the hair follicle and protect hair from split ends in the future.

Possible contraindications

There are no complications associated with taking mucus as food or as an additive to medicines and cosmetics. Do not confuse purple moth with any other poisonous mushroom A purple tint to the color helps. When cut, this type of mushroom always takes on a pink or red color. However, even the most harmless mushroom at first glance can have Negative consequences on the human body. This can happen if the mushrooms were collected in the forest near highways, within limits large city, Near industrial enterprises or landfills. Such mushrooms should not be collected and eaten.

For some people, mushroom food may be too heavy and their body will have difficulty digesting the product. These groups of people include children, the elderly and people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Chitin, which mushrooms contain, is practically not absorbed by an unprepared child’s body.

Video: Purple moth (Chroogomphus rutilus)

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