How to cook capelin in a pan: culinary tricks. Dishes from capelin

Capelin does not belong to the delicacy varieties, but, nevertheless, it is quite popular among Russian housewives. And the thing is that it is very useful and easy to prepare.

Capelin belongs to the smelt fish family and is sometimes referred to as "chaplain", a corruption of its name in English. This fish is rich in vitamins (A, PP, group B) and useful substances (selenium, phosphorus, iodine, etc.), protein and polyunsaturated acids. It is recommended to eat with diseases of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, with high cholesterol, problems with the thyroid gland, high blood pressure.
Capelin cannot be called a dietary fish - it is quite fatty, but its calorie content, nevertheless, is not so high: there are only about 120 calories per 100 g.
You can cook a lot of various second courses and snacks from capelin, but first courses are rarely cooked with it, because. it melts very quickly. It is best to boil or bake it in the oven, while before cooking it can only be washed without peeling.
Cleaning and gutting capelin before cooking is not a prerequisite, this is done at will.
Such a method of cooking capelin as frying is very popular, however, doctors strongly do not recommend cooking this fish in this way - when frying, it loses all its useful properties. Nevertheless, this cooking option is chosen by many as the fastest and most straightforward.

You will need: capelin, flour, vegetable oil, pepper, salt.
How to fry capelin. Rinse the fish, gut if desired, rinse again, breaded in flour mixed with salt and pepper, put in a pan with hot oil and fry until browned on both sides over medium heat.
You need to fry capelin for no longer than 6 minutes on each side - this time will be enough for it to reach readiness.
If you want capelin to turn out rosy and tasty, but you don’t want to neglect the advice of doctors and nutritionists, it’s better to bake it in the oven - this will preserve all the beneficial properties. Or you can fry it in the dough - then it will lose less nutrients due to indirect contact with the pan.
You will need: 600 g of capelin, 2 eggs, 1 glass of flour and milk, 2 tbsp. butter, 1 tbsp. olive oil, vegetable oil, vinegar, ginger, pepper, salt.
How to fry capelin in the dough. Rinse the fish, cut off the heads and gut, sprinkle with pepper, salt, ground ginger, lightly sprinkle with vinegar, pour in olive oil, mix, put in the cold for marinating for half an hour. For the batter, separate the egg whites from the yolks. Add the yolks to cold milk, add flour and salt, beat with a mixer until smooth, then add the whites whipped into foam, mix with a spoon. Dip the fish in batter and fry in a pan in a large amount of oil on both sides. Spread the fish on a paper towel, then pour melted butter and sprinkle with herbs before serving.
OVEN BAKED CAPELLIN RECIPE You will need: 500 g capelin, 50 g breadcrumbs, 1 tsp. seasonings for fish, vegetable oil, pepper, salt.
How to bake capelin in the oven. Rinse the fish under running water, gut, rinse again, put in a colander and dry. Mix the breadcrumbs with seasoning, bread each fish on both sides and put it in a baking dish or on a baking sheet with a “jack” - the tail of one fish to the head of another. Bake capelin in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 20-30 minutes until cooked.
Of course, you can bake capelin not only in breadcrumbs. You can sprinkle it with herbs and various herbs, both fresh and dried, and it is also very useful to pour lemon juice on it and not use salt. In addition, you can bake it with various vegetables - potatoes, zucchini, tomatoes, etc.
You can cook a lot of delicious and very interesting dishes from capelin, for example, this:
You will need: capelin, onion, bay leaf, fresh herbs, pepper, salt.
How to cook capelin skara. Rinse the fish, put it in a pan in an even layer, pepper and salt, put a layer of onion cut into half rings, put the fish in a layer again, then again the onion and repeat the layers several times. Top the fish with onions with chopped herbs and bay leaf. Pour boiling water over the dish - the water should completely cover the ingredients, put the pan on the fire, bring everything to a boil, cover with a lid, reduce the heat to a minimum, darken the bowl for 10 minutes, then arrange on plates and serve, pouring over the broth remaining in the pan.
You can cook many original snacks from capelin, for example, such homemade “sprats”.

You will need: 1 kg of raw capelin, 1 liter of vegetable oil, ½ cup of strong tea leaves, bay leaf, ground black pepper, salt.
How to cook capelin sprats. Rinse and dry the fish, pepper and salt, put in 1-2 layers on a bay leaf, laid on a baking sheet, gently pour over the tea leaves, without washing off the spices sprinkled on the fish, pour oil so that it almost covers the fish, put in a preheated to 150 degrees oven, simmer for 1.5 hours, then open the oven door and let the fish cool. Transfer the finished "sprats" to a container with oil and store in the cold.
Another very interesting capelin dish is fish cakes.

You will need: 1 kg of fresh capelin, 4 eggs, 1 tbsp. flour with a slide, 1 bunch of fresh dill, pepper, salt.
How to cook cutlets from capelin. Rinse the fish, remove the heads and gut, rinse again, dry, pepper and salt. Beat the eggs with flour, finely chop the dill, add it to the egg mass. Heat a frying pan with oil, put the fish, without slicing, into the egg mixture, then, scooping up the “dough” with a large spoon, put it in the pan and form a meatball with a spoon, frying the cutlets over medium heat on both sides.
Capelin cutlets can be prepared differently - by twisting the prepared fish without heads and entrails (also preferably without a backbone) in a meat grinder, however, such cutlets will take much longer to cook.
In addition to various second courses and snacks, pies and pies can be prepared with capelin, and it can also be grilled, stewed in various sauces and salted. This is really tasty, very inexpensive, but extremely healthy fish - according to the last criterion, it is comparable to very expensive types of fish.

Belongs to the category of quite small. Most often it is fried, but boiled capelin is no worse. Moreover, it can be prepared without a long investment of time and minimal effort. In order for the fish not to be bitter after cooking, it must be properly prepared.

The process of preparing capelin for cooking:

  • if capelin is frozen, then it must be thawed before cooking (it is better to do this in a natural way, when using water, the fish may become too soft and lose shape during cooking);
  • it is recommended to cut off the head and fins of capelin before cooking (you can cook with the head and fins, but gutting is a must);
  • gutting capelin is necessary to remove the black film inside the belly of the fish (the film during the cooking process can make the broth and the capelin itself bitter);
  • after gutting, the capelin should be washed again (the belly should be washed especially carefully).

The nuances of cooking capelin:

  • you can cook capelin in a saucepan, steamed, in a pressure cooker or slow cooker;
  • it is necessary to cook capelin in an ordinary saucepan over low or medium heat (you can bring the liquid to a boil in an accelerated way, but when you put fish in it, the fire must be reduced);
  • when cooking in an ordinary saucepan, it is necessary to lay capelin in salted and boiling water (you can salt the fish not at the beginning, but at the end of cooking);
  • it is necessary to cook capelin under a closed lid (this technique will help preserve the traditional aroma of this type of fish);
  • it is better to use bay leaves, peppercorns or any other spices as seasonings (it is better to choose seasonings based on herbs);
  • if it is necessary that the capelin retain its shape as much as possible, it is recommended to sprinkle the fish with coarse salt 30 minutes before its preparation (it is better if by this moment it is already gutted, the salt must be washed off with water before laying the water);
  • if too many additional ingredients are used during the cooking process, the taste of the fish may become less saturated (capelin, like any other fish, is well absorbed by the smells and tastes of additional components);
  • during the cooking process, it is recommended to add a small amount of vegetable oil to the water (olive oil is considered ideal);
  • the readiness of capelin is determined by the structure (the meat should be white, it should be well separated from the spine of the fish, and the capelin itself should be moderately soft);
  • after the end of the cooking process, the capelin must be immediately removed from the liquid (otherwise the fish may lose its shape, because the cooking process will continue in boiling water);
  • you should not put capelin in cold water and only after that start cooking (capelin is cooked very quickly, and it can lose its shape even before the process of boiling water begins);
  • you can cook capelin not only as a whole, but also in the form of small pieces (capelin is a small fish, so it will be cut into a maximum of 2-3 pieces);
  • capelin should be boiled in a small amount of water (the fish boils well, and it cooks in a matter of minutes, a large amount of water can cause it to boil).

Boiled capelin is most often eaten as an independent dish. Ideal additions to it are tomato or cream cheese sauce. From seasonings, it is recommended to supplement capelin with rosemary or fennel. Capelin goes well with herbs or vegetables.

How much to cook capelin

Boil for a maximum of 10 minutes. If the fish is cooked in a pressure cooker, then it will be ready in 7 minutes. When using kitchen appliances, the cooking time of capelin will not exceed 10 minutes. An exception is the method of steaming capelin.

You can steam capelin in two ways - in a double boiler or in a regular pan. In the second option, you will need a metal colander or sieve. Water should be poured into a saucepan, and the fish should be stirred in a sieve or colander. In both options, the capelin cooking time will be approximately 20 minutes.

- calories boiled capelin - 105 kcal / 100 grams.

- Weight 1 capelin - about 60 grams.

- Price frozen capelin - 160 rubles/kg (on average in Moscow as of April 2017).

- Shelf life fresh frozen capelin - 2 months, cooked - 4 days.

- condiments used in dishes with capelin: ground black pepper, salt, bay leaf, lemon pepper, cilantro, fennel, rosemary.

How clean capelin? - Capelin is usually not cleaned, just washed and dried before cooking. If the fish is large, then cut off the head and pull out the intestines.

- The benefits of capelin for the human body - first of all, a high content of protein (23%), which is involved in the formation of muscle tissue. The assimilation of protein is facilitated by the presence of amino acids in fish - methionine, lysine, cysteine, threonine. Mineral substances contained in capelin have a beneficial effect on the formation and proper functioning of the musculoskeletal system. Of the vitamins in the composition of the fish are present: vitamins of group B (help metabolism), vitamin A (strengthening immunity) and D (regulates the exchange of phosphorus and calcium). A high iodine content will prevent diseases of the endocrine system.

Sauces for capelin

Tomato sauce- mix 3 tablespoons of tomato paste, half a tablespoon of diluted vinegar, 4 tablespoons of vegetable oil, salt, sugar, ground pepper to taste.

Cream cheese sauce- mix 100 grams of hard cheese (grated), 20 grams of butter, 100 milliliters of cream, 600 milligrams of water, 1 teaspoon of sugar and 3 teaspoons of salt. The mixture is heated in a pan, brought to a homogeneous state.

How to pickle capelin

Capelin - 500 grams of selected thawed fish
Salt - 150 grams of rock salt
Pepper and coriander - to taste.

Dilute salt in one and a half liters of water, leave for 1 hour. Put capelin in a jar, sprinkling each layer of fish with coriander and pepper. Then pour the brine, close the jar and put in the refrigerator. Turn the jar every day. After 3 days, salted capelin is ready.

When salting capelin, instead of a can, you can use a bowl, but then you need to put a load on top of the capelin.

Capelin belongs to the salmon family, but is inferior to its relatives in size.

Like all salmon, this fish is rich in protein, calcium, and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Capelin is popular all over the world, and it is clear why. Firstly, it is healthy, and secondly, it can be easily and tasty cooked.

How to cook capelin?

Capelin is an excellent source of B vitamins, as well as A and D. In addition, this sea fish contains essential amino acids cysteine, threonine, methionine, as well as fluorine, bromine, iodine, sodium, potassium, phosphorus and selenium. Selenium in capelin is about 10 times more than in meat.

The most popular fish is enjoyed by the Japanese, who eat it both at home and in a restaurant.

The taste of capelin dishes largely depends on the degree of its fat content. And it, in turn, is directly dependent on the time of year: autumn fish, for example, is 2 times fatter than spring fish.

  1. You can serve capelin to the table as a cold appetizer before the main dishes. Many people love this fish because it does not need to be gutted and cut into fillets, but can be eaten whole.
  2. Capelin contains more than 20% protein, which is easily digestible, it has little connective tissue, which explains cooking speed this marine fish.
  3. Like most seafood, it is best placed in boiling water and cooked over low heat. Remember to cover the pot with a lid to keep the pleasant aroma longer.
  4. Serve well with this fish. floury white or sour cream sauces. It also pairs well with broth-based sauces.
  5. Rice is one of the best side dishes. And capelin is good with boiled and baked potatoes, fresh vegetables, especially tomatoes, red or green string beans. Dishes from this product under marinade, as well as mustard sauce are considered delicious. Its aroma is complemented by cilantro, parsley, basil and dill. Capelin with thin slices of lemon and white wine is a wonderful treat.

How to cook capelin in the oven?

  • In order to cook capelin deliciously in the oven, you do not have to put in a lot of effort. If you purchased frozen fish, you should take it out of the refrigerator and put it to thaw at room temperature a couple of hours before cooking. Then rinse under running water.
  • It is better to gut the capelin and remove the head before cooking, but many people like to cook it whole. Still, it is better to cut the fish in advance to remove the black film, which can give a bitter taste. Caviar can not be thrown away, but also baked in the oven.
  • Preheat the oven to 220 degrees, and then place the capelin rolled in flour on a baking sheet previously greased with oil. Sprinkle the fish with Italian herbs and season with salt and pepper to taste. Place the tray in the oven for about 20 minutes.
  • This fish is quite fatty, so the dish in the oven turns out juicy and tasty. It will be quite appropriate on your table both on a holiday and on weekdays.

There is not 1 recipe for how to cook capelin. Unusually delicious fish stew.

  • Put the washed capelin in an even layer in a pan, salt and pepper. Arrange the sliced ​​onion on top. Alternate layers several times. Put fragrant herbs and bay leaf on top.
  • Pour in boiling water to cover everything. Put the pan on the fire, bring to a boil, then cover everything with a lid. Simmer over low heat for about 10 minutes. Arrange the fish on plates and pour over the broth.
  • If you are well stocked with patience, then you can cook capelin more elegantly. Clean and cut it into boneless fillets. The work is painstaking, but it will certainly pay off with the compliments of those for whom you are trying. Fry the fillet until golden brown in vegetable oil, then put it in a saucepan, pour sour cream, sprinkle generously with cheese and bake in the oven until a golden surface forms. This dish should be served with fresh vegetables and aromatic herbs.

If you want to surprise everyone with the unusual taste of familiar products, be sure to cook a dish of capelin. It is possible that it will become a frequent guest on your table, giving you and your loved ones a real culinary pleasure!

    The calorie content of capelin is quite low, so this product can be considered dietary and used when making a diet. It is also recommended to use this type of marine fish in children's and health resort nutrition. Capelin is a useful and tasty product, the use of which eliminates the feeling of hunger for a long time and provides the human body with useful substances.

    The chemical composition of capelin includes:

  • vitamins of different groups - A, PP, B1, B2, B6, B9, B12, C;
  • minerals - magnesium, sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, copper, iodine, cobalt, zinc, chromium.

Moderate consumption of capelin meat helps to normalize the functioning of the thyroid gland, improve metabolic processes in the human body, strengthen the cardiovascular, immune and nervous systems. The substances contained in this type of fish stimulate the work of the cerebral cortex, improve the condition of the skin.

How to cook capelin?

Fresh and frozen capelin are presented on the shelves of shops and supermarkets. If the product is frozen, then it must be thawed. The process should proceed at room temperature. Then we remove the insides from the fish. Then thoroughly rinse the capelin under cold water.

We cook capelin on the stove. We take a pot. Pour water into it and lay the peeled capelin. We put the pot on the stove. Bring the liquid to a boil. When boiling, foam will stand out, remove it with a slotted spoon. Then add bay leaf, black peppercorns, salt and spices to taste. You need to cook capelin over low heat for 10-12 minutes.

We cook capelin in a slow cooker. We take a multicooker bowl. Pour water and lay the washed capelin. We put the bowl in the multicooker. Select the program "Extinguishing". Set the cooking time to 15-20 minutes. We follow the process. As it boils, remove the foam and add bay leaf, black peppercorns, salt and spices to taste.

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