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Why is it not necessary to give artificial flowers to living people? This is connected with the burial of the dead: after all, the graves are decorated with wreaths made of artificial flowers, decorated with artificial flowers. Inanimate flowers and energy contains the same: dead. That is why it is customary to bring them to the graves. Therefore, wreaths for decorating graves are made not from natural flowers, but from artificial ones. If you were presented with artificial flowers or if you have any in your house, then you need to carry out an appropriate ritual on them once a year so that they do not create negative energy in the house.

I consider it necessary to make the following additions. So the topic I raised was originally intended for my clients and in no case to scare them, as Alexander decided for some reason (I’m not a horror story, sorry, to sit here and scare someone), and the purpose of this blog was protect and protect my clients. The fact that this blog will be discussed, challenged and questioned by experts, I honestly did not expect. In this post, it was originally given a very brief information, superficial, I did not go into details and only stated the essence so that it was clear to customers. Well, since experts are writing, I consider it obligatory to supplement this blog. Of course, artificial flowers bought in a store do not carry that necrotic energy, like flowers from a cemetery. Notice I didn't say that in the first place. I said that inanimate flowers have the same energy, but this did not mean at all that they smell like carrion from a mile away, sorry. But nevertheless, inanimate flowers also have non-living energy. They are a kind of vampires who constantly require energy filling and take it into themselves. Artificial flowers can be especially dangerous in a house where a happy family lives. These flowers will literally take everything good, everything good from this family, after a while problems will begin in the family, there will be indifference between households, apathy for life, severe depression, misunderstanding and coldness. First of all, how dangerous such flowers can be. True, there is no silver lining, you can use artificial flowers for good. For example, if there is discord in the family, then I even recommend buying artificial flowers, they absorb all the negativity within a month. Only after a month they will need to be thrown out so that they do not begin to give this negativity back. (Because artificial flowers are able to give it back when filled with energy ...) you can throw away such flowers or conduct an appropriate purification ceremony. Only in order to do all this, you need to know How. Therefore, I did not advise my clients to give artificial flowers. Indeed, for those who do not know how they operate on a subtle plane, they can turn out to be a disservice. It is extremely dangerous to accept such flowers as a gift from strangers or unfamiliar people, I think it’s understandable for what reason, it’s not known what kind of energy they are already filled with and what they can bring with them. As for the fact that artificial flowers are used in the manufacture of funeral wreaths and to decorate graves. How could it be dangerous. This can be negative, if only the person himself associates artificial flowers with funerals, graves, etc. This is where the Prejudice effect works psychologically. Well, on the subtle plane, of course, negative changes occur, because. the person himself with his thoughts to himself this negative begins to attract intensely. For people who have thoughts in their heads that artificial flowers are intended for the dead, I think it is simply contraindicated to have them in the house and receive them as a gift.

Flowers have always been considered a must-have decoration. home interior. However, living bouquets fade quickly, even if they are placed in a vase of water and constantly taken care of. Houseplants also require special attention, careful care, etc. In addition, potted flowers bloom only for a short period.

Artificial flowers are quite another matter. On the one hand, they are in no way inferior to their living counterparts in terms of appearance, but at the same time they can retain their beauty for a long time. Moreover, modern manufacturers have learned how to make artificial flowers in such a way that it is almost impossible to distinguish them from real ones.

Therefore, artificial flowers today are incredibly popular with designers and housewives. True, there is an opinion that there is no place for such decorations in a residential building. First of all, this position is held by superstitious people who believe in all sorts of signs and beliefs. So what do the signs say, is it possible to keep artificial flowers at home?

Positive Energy Absorbers

Most often, when studying this issue, one comes across the statement that artificial flowers placed in the house absorb positive energy. This is especially noticeable, allegedly, in those houses where a good-natured, bright atmosphere reigns. Once in such an environment, artificial flowers become real vampires, literally drawing in all the positively charged vibes.

There are many stories about how happy families found themselves in a streak of failures, a series of scandals and quarrels, which often reached the collapse of a seemingly strong cell of society. And it all started after an artificial bouquet appeared in the house. How true this is, and what is the share of fiction in these stories, born of the people's tendency to exaggeration, is difficult to judge. But for those who are interested in signs, is it possible to keep artificial flowers at home, you should keep this fact in mind.

But speaking about the ability of flowers to absorb the energy of the house, one cannot fail to mention the point of view, which is radically opposite to that voiced above. So, it is believed that if quarrels constantly occur in the family and an oppressive atmosphere reigns, then artificial flowers are able to take on all the negative energy. How can one not remember a double-edged sword here?

Other signs and beliefs

In general, regarding whether it is possible to keep artificial flowers at home, there are very different signs. So, in the traditional beliefs of some peoples of the East, one can find the statement that artificial flowers are a symbol of loneliness. Accordingly, use such decoration in the interior unmarried girl or an unmarried guy is highly discouraged.

Moreover, it is believed that if you put a hand-made bouquet in the house where you live big family, then after a while each of its members will feel lonely, abandoned by their relatives, who only yesterday did not have a soul in him.

One of the latest fashion trends is wax flowers. Now the demand for them is gradually waning, but in many homes you can still find exquisite evergreen and flowering compositions. But especially superstitious people are afraid of such ornaments as fire, because it is believed that they portend the imminent death of a relative or close friend.

It is not difficult to guess where such a belief came from, because wax flowers have been obligatory element funeral wreaths. It is impossible to say how relevant such a connection is, but for people who sincerely believe in all these signs, it is better to abandon wax flowers.

What does feng shui say

But the Chinese teachings of Feng Shui about correct device at home, so fashionable now among housewives, treats artificial flowers extremely positively. In this philosophical system any flowers are considered a positive symbol, even a photograph or one drawn by oneself with a simple pencil illustration in the form of a flower carries positive energy. The only "but" artificial flowers in any form radiate energy much weaker than living ones.

So, if you are a fan of Feng Shui and you do not have the opportunity to keep fresh flowers at home, then you can not bother with this topic and calmly decorate the interior of your home. artificial bouquets variety of varieties and shades.

Flowers on embroidery

Someone, for sure, will consider that the flowers embroidered on sofa cushions, tablecloths and napkins have little to do with the topic of whether it is possible to keep artificial flowers in the house. Maybe such readers will be right, but the information on this subject will obviously not be superfluous, especially since it is quite interesting.

So, it is believed that the flowers, for which embroidery were used warm colors help strengthen marital relationships. In ancient times, girls always had embroidery depicting flowers in their rooms, since the properties of amulets were attributed to such objects, protecting them from separation from their loved ones.

But embroidered flower paintings, sustained in cold colors, contribute to the development of the gift of foreboding, especially the failures that await a person in the near future. So the attitude towards such decorations can be very different.

Do you keep artificial flowers at home and how do you feel about such decorations?! Write about it in

The energy of plants affects mood and health, so choosing flowers for your home should be taken seriously. There are many signs and beliefs that will help you figure out whether it is worth decorating a house with artificial flowers.

It is believed that artificial flowers cannot be placed in the house, as they carry the energy of devastation, loneliness and disease. Among artificial plants, ivy and reeds have gained notoriety, which, according to legend, attract negativity. In Rus', houses were not decorated with artificial flowers. Instead they used healing herbs, floral embroidery and drawings.

IN modern world Increasingly, there are beautiful artificial flowers that replace expensive natural plants. However, many still refuse such decorations, believing that artificial flowers have a place only in the cemetery.

In fact, artificial flowers can cause various diseases because dust particles accumulate on them, which can provoke allergic reactions. Health problems can also arise if the jewelry was created from low-quality raw materials.

There is another version, according to which artificial plants are not negative. It is known that they have been used since ancient times: for example, in Ancient Egypt and China, they decorated not only houses, but also hairstyles. Inanimate flowers are used even in churches and temples, especially when it comes to a major holiday.

It is possible to use artificial flowers for room decor, but with caution. Make sure that they do not cause you hostility, you are not afraid to be in a room where there are flowers. Esotericists recommend checking your feelings in the dark. If artificial flowers do not cause fear at night, feel free to leave them at home. Just remember that you should not give and receive such decorative elements as a gift. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

16.10.2018 03:27

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Indoor flowers are not just decoration. They are saturated with the energy of the house and often become attached to ...

Many people are sure that giving artificial flowers, bouquets of them is not just bad manners, but very Bad sign, because it is they who are associated in people with a cemetery and all such paraphernalia. But today much has changed and the attitude towards artificial flowers is even more so, because more facts have become known about them.

For example, the ancient Egyptians made bouquets of unnatural flowers, papyrus or clay, which were given to girls as decorations. In the science of Feng Shui, it is recommended to keep a red / orange flower, and it doesn’t matter if it is live or artificial, it doesn’t really matter.

And what can we say about Orthodox tradition to decorate icons, the faces of saints with artificial flowers, to put them in the temple - why, then, what pleases and pleases God, can be objectionable and disgusting to people? But society in this respect is still divided into two opposing camps.

Why is such a persistent no artificial flowers?

What do they say about artificial flowers folk omens? As signs say - their appearance in the house is considered bad sign. The thing is that fabric or plastic flowers are inanimate, dead energy that brings negativity, troubles and misfortunes to the house. It is the emptiness of such flowers that takes in all the positive energy of the house and the person - it is not recommended to give and receive them.

If artificial flowers are given to you as a present, and you, due to your ignorance, accept them, in the end this can cause serious illnesses and big problems, financial losses and other misfortunes. Indeed, with such flowers, the negative energy of the donor can also pass.

Some time ago it was fashionable to give and keep in the house dried, varnished or artificial marsh reeds. But many people did not advise keeping them in the house, they say, it attracts to the family and “gives” sickness and trouble to all household members, attracting swamp evil spirits. And if a young girl or a guy keeps such flowers in the bedroom, until they remove them, they will be lonely and childless.

If given as artificial flower a wax or paraffin candle - this promises death to its owner. Therefore, such a gift should be removed from your home as soon as possible, and if you don’t want to offend the one who gives you such a present, just light it. Although some people, on the contrary, like that they are given hand-made crafts in the form of an artificial flower or bouquet. This can also be, but in this case, to neutralize negative energy, the flower must be made of natural materials, such as gold or semi-precious, precious stones, minerals.

As you can see, it is impossible to give an unambiguous, clear answer to the question of what a sign promises when artificial flowers are presented. The only thing that can be said in this case is that he will be rewarded according to his faith, and if you believe in a good or bad interpretation of signs, then it will be so. Here you choose.

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