Artificial flowers for home signs. Is it possible to keep artificial flowers at home: signs. Is it possible to keep artificial flowers at home: signs

The energy of plants affects mood and health, so you need to take the choice of flowers for your home seriously. There are many signs and beliefs that will help you figure out whether it is worth decorating your home with artificial flowers.

It is believed that artificial flowers should not be placed in the house, as they carry the energy of destruction, loneliness and illness. Among artificial plants Ivy and reeds have gained notoriety because they are believed to attract negativity. In Rus', houses were not decorated with artificial flowers. Instead, they used medicinal herbs, floral embroidery and drawings.

IN modern world Beautiful artificial flowers are becoming increasingly common, replacing expensive natural plants. However, many still refuse such decorations, believing that artificial flowers belong only in a cemetery.

In fact, artificial flowers can cause various diseases, because dust particles accumulate on them, which can provoke allergic reactions. Health problems can also arise if the jewelry was created from low-quality raw materials.

There is another version, according to which artificial plants do not carry negativity. It is known that they have been used since ancient times: for example, in Ancient Egypt and in China they decorated not only houses, but also hairstyles. Dead flowers are even used in churches and temples, especially when it comes to a major holiday.

You can use artificial flowers for room decoration, but with caution. Make sure that they do not displease you; you are not afraid to be in the room where the flowers are located. Esotericists recommend checking your sensations in the dark. If artificial flowers do not cause fear at night, feel free to keep them. Just remember that you should not give or accept such decorative elements as gifts. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

16.10.2018 03:27

Decembrist is a beautiful plant, but bioenergy experts advise not to rush to buy it for yourself...

Indoor flowers are not just decoration. They are saturated with the energy of the house and often become attached to...

Real flowers are meant to bring happiness to the home. However, what does it say folk wisdom about if synthetic plants appear in the house? It turns out that the signs about artificial flowers are not at all positive. But what is the reason for such dislike for unfading plants? After all, even the willow Palm Sunday It is customary to decorate it with a sprig of artificial flowers and then keep it behind the icon all year round.

Pros and Cons for Artificial Plants

Many people try to buy artificial flowers for their home because they do not want to constantly spend money on natural ones. Or those who want to enjoy timeless beauty tend to acquire unnatural flowers.

Today, many facts are known about artificial flowers. Yes, according to historical sources, back in Ancient Egypt they began to make bouquets from unnatural inflorescences. Evidence of clay and porcelain plants can also be found in ancient Chinese scrolls. Flower figurines made from papyrus were worn by girls as decorations.

According to the traditions of Feng Shui, it is recommended to place a red or orange flower in the apartment to activate the special “chi” energy. Many sources mention that a flower must certainly be alive, but this is a myth. For Feng Shui, it makes no difference whether a flower is alive or not, the main thing is its color.

Exists church tradition decorating a church temple with artificial flowers for the holidays: why is it bad for a person what is good for God?

There is only one minus, but a serious one: artificial flowers are strongly associated with the cemetery and its dark energy of death. AND impressionable person He will feel at home as if he were at a grave, constantly looking at dead plants.

People say “No!” to dead flowers.

As you can see, such decoration of premises is widely practiced in everyday life, but what do they say about it? folk signs? It turns out that artificial flowers in the house, as signs, are not so good. Our ancestors tried not to have them in their homes at all, endowing plastic and fabric inflorescences with dead energy in their beliefs. According to them, the emptiness hidden in their lovely buds fills itself with the positive trends existing in the house.

Ask any old lady: is it possible to give artificial flowers? She will answer: under no circumstances! They cannot be given or accepted as a gift. If such flowers are given, this can cause illness or major troubles, since such flowers transmit negative energy the one who gives them.

At one time it was popular to keep artificial reeds in the house. But according to legend, this promises lingering illnesses for all the inhabitants of such a dwelling.

A non-living plant in the marital bedroom will cause separation of loved ones.

And if it is in the bedroom of a man or girl without a partner, then they will be alone until it is removed. At least, this is what popular wisdom categorically states.

Wax candles in the shape of flowers bring death to their owners. You should get rid of them as soon as possible so as not to lead to misfortune. But ivy fell into particular disgrace. And a living plant is not very good for the home, but an artificial one, according to signs, is fraught with mortal danger for the owner, entangling, as if in a web, everything bright and good that could come into his life.

What if you really, really want it?

It is impossible to give a definite answer to this question. There is one more sign that answers many questions: everyone will be rewarded according to their faith. If you believe that an unnatural plant will cause you misfortune, get rid of it. If, on the contrary, you think that you will get a lot of benefits, please use its power for your health. So choose for yourself what to believe.

Why shouldn’t you give artificial flowers to living people? This is connected with the burial of the dead: after all, the graves are decorated with wreaths made of artificial flowers, decorated with artificial flowers. Lifeless flowers contain the same energy: dead. That is why it is customary to bring them to graves. That’s why wreaths for decorating graves are made not from fresh flowers, but from artificial ones. If you were given artificial flowers or have them in your house, then you need to carry out an appropriate ceremony on them once a year so that they do not create negative energy in the house.

I consider it necessary to make the following additions. So the topic that I raised was originally intended for my clients and in no case to scare them, as Alexander decided for some reason (I’m not a horror story, sorry, to sit here and scare someone), and the purpose of this blog was protect and protect my clients. I honestly didn’t expect that this blog would be discussed, challenged and questioned by experts. This post was originally given very brief information, superficial, I did not go into detail and only outlined the essence so that it would be clear to clients. Well, since experts are writing, I consider it obligatory to add to this blog. Of course, artificial flowers bought in a store do not carry the same necrotic energy as flowers from a cemetery. Note that I didn’t say this initially. I said that lifeless flowers have the same energy, but that didn’t mean that they reeked of carrion a mile away, sorry. But nevertheless, lifeless flowers also have non-living energy. They are a kind of vampires who constantly require energy filling and take it into themselves. Artificial flowers can be especially dangerous in the house where you live a happy family. These flowers will literally take away everything good from this family, everything good, after a while problems will begin in the family, indifference between household members, apathy towards life, severe depression, misunderstanding and coldness will arise. First of all, this is why such flowers can be dangerous. The truth is that every cloud has a silver lining; artificial flowers can be used for good. For example, if there is discord in the family, then I even recommend buying artificial flowers, they absorb all the negativity within a month. Only after a month will you need to throw them out so that they don’t start giving this negativity back. (Because artificial flowers are capable of giving energy back when filled with energy...) you can throw away such flowers or carry out the appropriate cleansing ritual. Only in order to do all this, you need to know How. That’s why I didn’t advise my clients to give artificial flowers. After all, for those who do not know how they operate on a subtle plane, they can turn out to be a disservice. It is extremely dangerous to accept such flowers as a gift from strangers or unfamiliar people, I think it’s clear for what reason, it’s unknown what kind of energy they are already filled with and what they can bring with them. As for the fact that artificial flowers are used in making funeral wreaths and for decorating graves. How could this be dangerous? This can be negative if the person himself associates artificial flowers with funerals, graves, etc. This is where the Prejudice effect works psychologically. Well, on the subtle plane, of course, negative changes occur, because... a person himself begins to intensively attract this negativity to himself with his thoughts. For people who have thoughts in their heads that artificial flowers are intended for the dead, I think it is simply contraindicated to have them in the house and receive them as a gift.

Prot. Andrey Tkachev: - Greetings, dear radio listeners! IN live Archpriest Andrei Tkachev is at the microphone. I arrived at the studio and there was a note waiting for me on my desk asking me to pray and asking me to answer four questions quickly.

First question. Is it possible to keep artificial flowers (expensive ones) in the apartment?

You can keep any flowers, expensive or cheap, at home. There's nothing wrong with that. If you like it, keep it. Of course, artificial flowers are not an acquired taste. They can be well executed, then it’s healthy, but they can be tasteless – then it’s not worth it. Where you can’t exactly keep them is in the temple. I remember there were especially deliberate instructions from Patriarch Alexei I of Simansky, who died in Bose, who, regarding the decoration of the temple, emphasized that any falsehood is unacceptable either in worship or in the decoration of the church. Because the world of prayer is a world of truth, a world of real values, not imaginary ones. Everything needs to be real, i.e. You need to fill the lamp with oil, not kerosene. Place near the icon - if you are going to place it - fresh flowers, not artificial ones. Don't roar with a bull's voice, but sing with your heart and mind. And in general, behave naturally and believably in the Church, and not forced and theatrical. So artificial flowers are not acceptable in the temple. In the house it is a matter of your taste. You should not pay attention to such nuances here. For example, there are things in the Bible that are written regarding the Old Testament law. For example, according to the Old Testament, you cannot wear clothes made from two types of fabric. For example, you have clothes made of polyester and silk - this is prohibited according to the Scriptures, but according to the Scriptures of the Old Testament, i.e. This ban has been lifted from us. Although we need to understand the meaning of this ban. It means that you cannot mix heterogeneous entities at all. Therefore, a man should not wear women's clothing, and a woman should not wear men's clothing. You cannot sow a field with two types of seeds. You need either barley or wheat, and you can’t sow both together. There are specific instructions on what to do and what not to do. Now, artificial flowers are not prohibited anywhere from being kept at home. If you like it, keep it.

There is a connection even between the owner and his things. It can be painful for a person to leave a house in which he has dug a well with his own hands, and trees have been planted, and the walls have been painted. His soul breaks when he leaves some things behind. Look how people cry and are tormented when their car is scratched. There is also a connection between a scratched bumper and the owner’s heart. But this does not mean that, for example, the car should be in heaven! The fact that a connection exists between a person and other various things and with living beings does not mean anything. Besides this, the Lord God has revealed many things to us, but He has not revealed many things and does not want to reveal them, so that we do not occupy ourselves with unimportant things. Concerning afterlife animals, the Lord did not reveal anything to us, and as I understand it, he is not going to reveal anything. And as I understand it, there are reasons for this, so that we don’t put cat-loving and dog-loving in place of humanity. Because it’s no secret that people love cars and flowers and dogs and mother-of-pearl beads and new whitewash more than their neighbors. Therefore, so that you and I do not replace the main thing with the secondary, the Lord does not tell us anything about this. What He will do with this sea of ​​birds, penguins, fish, animals, mammals, herbivores, carnivores - we do not know. We don't need to deal with unimportant things. Christ came into the world not for animals, but for man. If a person lives according to God, then it will be good for the animals too. We see evidence of this in the lives of the saints, when a bear came to Seraphim of Sarov to eat bread. Not to find raspberries in a raspberry patch and indulge in the sweet berry, but to eat bread for a holy man. And in the same way birds flew to Sergius and other saints. The fish listened to the saints, and the deer listened to Eustathius Placidus. Bears came to them. In general, a person must be holy according to the Gospel, and then it will be good for animals too.

In the old days, a person needed a horse and a cow or a goat to live - nurses who provided milk, meat, skin, which with their strength replaced the weak human forces on the arable land. But the peasants, with all their religiosity and dependence on livestock, never wondered whether my cow would be in heaven. The cow fed the family, the horse fed the family. The peasant loved her, called her affectionately, sprinkled her with holy water on holiday. He fed her sacred types of food. On a special day, during prayer, he drove him out to the first pasture with a twig. But with all the religiosity of ancient times, people never bothered with the question: will my cow be in heaven? When the cow died, they cried: it’s a pity, the cow died. But they didn’t go to the priest with the question: Father, will our Zorka be in heaven? But today, with the decline of religiosity, people are preoccupied with questions: will my dog ​​be in heaven, will my canaries be in heaven? This shows a serious decline in religious interest, a descent from top to bottom. Therefore, do not worry about God, do not worry about what you love, you did not create any of this, but He created it. Therefore, let us trust His love, as He does, so it will be, and what He does will be right. If He thinks so, then it will be necessary.

Maybe heaven will be teeming with all sorts of birds, fish, dogs, including those that lived on earth. Or maybe they won’t be there, we won’t even notice. We will have higher interests. Anything can happen. So let us, in Once again Having spoken on this topic, we will gently close it down as falling short of what should interest us in the first place.

Third question. Jesus said to his disciples: “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.” What does it mean?

Let us recall several interpretations that exist on this topic. If you pick up a needle, look at the eye of the needle, then imagine a real camel and ask yourself the question: how can it pass through the eye of the needle? We get a completely simple answer: no way. This means that it is as impossible for a rich man to escape as it is for a camel to go through the eye of a needle. If we're talking about about the eye of a needle. Here's your first interpretation. No rich man can be saved. And people took these words concretely and abandoned everything they had and ran away from all wealth. Then biblical archeology gives us other answers, more tied to the history of the Holy Land. And the question arises, was David rich as a king? There was, but he was saved. Yes, we see him depicted among the people who are saved by Christ descending into hell. David is everywhere among the saved. We use his Psalms and are grateful to him. So what's the contradiction here? Biblical archeology comes to our aid and says that “Eyes of the Needle” in Jerusalem were certain gates that were not locked at all or were locked later than others. You know that ancient cities were surrounded by walls, i.e. "city" literally means "enclosed area." The thicker the walls, the better, the higher, the better, and there are several gates. Gates for entrance and entry. Gates for exit and exit. Gates for removing sewage, separate gates for removing corpses, separate gates for the king, i.e. there are 5,6,7 gates. Every city was built this way. The Red Gate, the main gate, the Barbarian Gate - just like in that Moscow. Here was a certain gate in Jerusalem, as scientists, biblical archaeologists tell us, which had the shape of the eye of a needle, i.e. pear-shaped, sharp end towards the bottom. The gates were closed at night, i.e. for example, a man went for a walk in the evening, or in a field, or to a river to relax, or went out of town. And he fell asleep there by the river. In the evening the gates are closed. The cities are all locked up at night. People come - but the gates are closed. For such revelry, wandering townspeople there was a special gate in the shape of a needle's eye. In tight size - for an average-sized person. Where a person could crawl with some effort and find himself inside the city. There was also a guard there, he didn’t let everyone in, only the townspeople. The camel could not get through this gate either. But these are already comparable values. This is not a needle, but a hole in the wall. Or they say that he could get through some of these gates, but only after unloading his luggage. Those. when all the bags, trunks, everything are removed from him. And he climbed in there with pain, peeling off his sides. This already means a different meaning. This means that a rich person can crawl into the Kingdom of Heaven with incredible weight if he unloads all his luggage. In fact, he will make a spiritual, internal, dying renunciation of everything he possessed. It will be bequeathed to someone else to manage it somehow, and it will be handed over to someone else for management. And he himself was naked, like Job, who was also rich. He said: “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, naked I will depart from this world. God gave, God took." For a person to be like Job. We get several meanings. The first one, you will never pass if it is a question of a needle and a camel. But we know that the rich are saved. By the standards of his time, Alexander Nevsky was rich, but he was in heaven. By the standards of his time, Fyodor Ushakov, recently celebrated, was rich. He could use his pension to benefit a hundred peasants without feeling any special costs. People lived poorly, but he had decent money as someone who had served his fatherland long and faithfully. He was a wealthy man. Same wealthy people there were many as we now use foreign words, sponsors and patrons of the arts, philanthropists, donors, many merchants. And we cannot say, probably - we cannot, that everyone who is rich, without exception, due to the fact of their wealth, is barred from entering heaven. No, that means we need to look for other answers. These are the answers offered, choose - or you will climb into heaven, but only be naked, i.e. take everything off yourself, give up everything, or something else. This is such a tight path, in fact. This is an illustration of the words of Jesus Christ that through strait gates and a narrow path people come to the Kingdom of Heaven. In general, there are few people who find this path and follow it. I hope I haven't confused you. It seems to me that the rich man is also saved, just like the poor man. For example, a generous rich man will be saved faster than a greedy and envious poor man. The poor die in the same way as the rich, because of anger, envy, unforgiven grievances, and so on. Therefore, our conscience tells us about this. I think that there really is an interpretation in which we can consider “Ears of a Needle” to be some conditional gates in Jerusalem. By the way, there is our women's compound in Jerusalem. They show the actual eyes of a needle, the gates are like that. A camel can't get through there, only a man can get through there. But, nevertheless, this is a kind of hole in the wall through which you can enter the city. And the meaning is that it is difficult for the rich to be saved, it is very difficult. This is the main meaning of this passage from the Lord Jesus Christ, His words, because a person becomes attached to everything and cannot get away from it. Then it strangles him, torments him, and he is dependent on it, and it drags him to the bottom, like a stone tied to his feet. Like this.

Last fourth question. John the Baptist did not drink wine or drink strong drink, i.e. strong drinks, did not eat meat. How can we explain that Jesus Christ drank wine and ate meat, but He was a Nazarene? I'll try to answer this question, starting with the next one. Nazareneism was a kind of ancient vow Old Testament Church, i.e. Jewish law established by God, which some call the Forerunner of monasticism. But it has little in common with monasticism, because Nazarenes could get married. And in our monasticism the most important thing is chastity. Plus the Nazarenes could have property and use it. And our monasticism presupposes non-covetousness, i.e. I have nothing, and I don’t live with my wife, I only pray to God. Those ancient Nazarenes did not undertake to do all this. They only had to not touch dead bodies, not cut hair, and not eat anything from grapes. Not only wine, but also raisins and fresh grapes, and also do not drink strong drinks. These were votive properties, which now, I don’t know, are hardly fulfilled anywhere at all, including among the Jews. John the Baptist was not a Nazarene. He did not drink wine or strong drink and was filled with the Holy Spirit in his mother’s womb according to the providence of God. Just as the archangel said to his mother Elizabeth, “this one will be great, and he will be called a prophet of the highest.” Christ is called a Nazarene in the Gospel of Matthew at the end of the second chapter: “having come, he dwelt in a city called Nazareth, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken through the prophets, that he should be called a Nazarene.” Here there is homonymy, verbal similarity. Christ was not a Nazarene in the sense that He could not eat grapes - He ate grapes, could not drink wine - He drank wine, drank it at the Last Supper and established the sacrament of the Eucharist for us. Christ probably had his hair cut or shaved, or trimmed his hair in some way, because... It didn't overgrow hairline. He was neat and simple. He was neither bald nor shaggy. He was normative, classical. He was good without a flaw. Not thin, not fat, not old, not young, not cowardly, not arrogant. Not shaved bald and not overgrown with hair down to the knees. He was beautiful everywhere. He was not a Nazarene in the sense that Nazariteism is described in the ancient Jewish texts in the Old Testament. He moved into a city called Nazareth, and here this Nazareth as a city and Nazareneism as a vow coincide in sound. What is obviously assumed - perhaps church philologists will clarify or correct me - Nazir and Natsrat. Nazir is a Nazarite, Nazareth is someone who lives in Nazareth. These are similar words that for a Greek, Latin, or Russian translator can coincide to the point of unambiguity. You see, there is no 100% high-quality translation in the Gospel. Why do we have many translations - not only translations of Philaret Drozdov, the Bible Society or the Elizabethan Bible, Cyril - Methodius, Ostrog. Current translations by Kasyan Bezobrazov, some other Bible society. Because each translation tries to clarify the nuances and deepen the meanings. It seems to me that there is verbal parallelism here, which to the ear reads as one and the same thing. In fact, it’s just someone living in Nazareth - that’s one thing, but someone who has taken a vow of Nazarene - that’s another. But both can be called in one word in our language. Homonyms, you know, like scythe and braid. The girl unraveled her braid. The man went to cut the grass with a scythe. There is a braid there and a braid here, but completely different braids. Here Nazarene and here Nazarene are different concepts. He is a Nazarene because he lives in Nazareth. And he is a Nazarene, because according to his vow he does not eat grapes and does not cut his hair. I hope for help and confirmation of my words or for their clarification by experts in the Hebrew language and precisely the biblical text. Because the Gospel of Matthew was written in Hebrew.

So - artificial flowers, dead animals, eyes of needles and Nazarenes. Here are four questions that were asked. Thank you. In general, it’s actually interesting, and I’m interested. I hope - and the listeners are interested, i.e. there is something to think about, something to listen to, something to speculate about.

Phone call: - Bless, Father Andrey! Roman, from Germany. Very often in your programs you quote the poetry of Joseph Brodsky. Please tell me how great is the influence of poetry on your life? Is it comparable to the influence of spiritual literature, and do you have it? favorite poem? Thank you.

O. Andrey Tkachev: - May the Lord bless you and all the Orthodox with you.

How much does it influence me? - has a serious impact. I don’t even read it for years, because when I start reading and re-reading it, I get sucked in, and then I don’t read anything else. It hurts me. But initially, of course, it produced an electrical effect on me, as if it gave me an electric shock. I really consider him in the galaxy of those people who shaped the literary Russian language as it is. Now it is a great, powerful, rich language. This is the language of Pushkin, Mandelstam, Mayakovsky, oddly enough, because he is also a great language reformer and a brilliant poet. The fact that he was brought into the revolution is a separate moral issue. And in general, Mayakovsky is a brilliant poet, and Brodsky, and many others, of course. He was not alone, he did not live in a vacuum. He communicated, read, imitated, argued, envied someone. So its influence on me is very serious. In my youth, Omar Khayyam influenced me very much, despite the fact that he was not of our faith. People generally influence each other, especially through books, at a distance of centuries. Of course, this is incomparable with the fact that, let’s say, you want to beg God for mercy, or you ask for something, or generally communicate with God, then, of course, here Brodsky is standing in the corner and Mayakovsky and Mandelstam are standing next to him, the now living Yevtushenko and the recently deceased Akhmadulina. They all stand aside. Not because they are bad, simply because the level of questions and problems has moved an order of magnitude higher, to where they do not help. There are certainly many poems that I like. I really like “The Province Celebrates Christmas”: “The governor's palace is entwined with mistletoe, and torches flicker at the porch. Cheerful, idle, dirty, crazy people crowd behind the palace. The governor is sick. Lying on a bed, covered with a shawl taken from the Alcazar.” I like a lot of poems, perhaps the one I like most is “Letters to a Roman Friend”: “Come, let’s drink wine, eat bread or plums, tell me the news. I'll make a bed for you in the garden clear skies and I’ll tell you what the constellations are called.” This is a brilliant poem: “I am sitting in my garden, the lamp is burning. No girlfriend, no servant, no acquaintances. Instead of the weak of this world and the strong, there is only the harmonious hum of insects.” But in general I like it, it is written in the Union, it is separate. This, in fact, is the basis of genius. There is something written abroad. This is a living percentage of what you earn in your home country. There is something written before death. There are Venetian cycles, ancient cycles. All of his poetry is close to me. I love this poet.

Phone call: - Hello! Please tell me, in the Gospel of Luke, chapter 13, what happened there? “At this time some came and told Him about the Galileans, whose blood Pilate had mixed with their sacrifices.”

O. Andrey Tkachev: - Thank you. The fact is that any text is immersed in context, i.e. no isolated texts. Any text appears in time, and it is invisibly connected with contextual concepts. Here is the Gospel story. When we study the Gospel, we are forced to take an interest in biblical history and what it has written for us. Namely: who is Herod? Herod the Great, then another Herod the Tetrarch. Then another third Herod. We must understand who Pilate is and what is he doing there? Who is Tiberius Caesar, and why is everyone so afraid of him? We must find out who the Pharisees are and how they differ from the Sadducees. We must understand why the Jews have among them radical revolutionaries who regularly take up knives under the name of Zealots, who are trying to fight for national independence. We need to understand the context of the event process. Who is a centurion, who is a centurion? A certain centurion came to Jesus and asked. What kind of centurion is this? We currently do not have a centurion in the army. We have a squad commander, a company commander, and a platoon commander. Who is the centurion? We need to understand the denarius, the widow threw in the mite, the denarius was paid. They gave 30 pieces of silver for Christ. Who is the Sanhedrin, what is it? As we study the text, we must perform a certain immersion in the context and expansion of the field of consciousness. The same applies to chapter 13, i.e. it says something that was well known among people, but which the evangelist does not consider necessary to tell us about. Because you never know how many towers have fallen since then today, including the two Twin Towers in New York City at a famous time! Towers fall, people die. There have been many different uprisings, in which the soldiers suppressing the uprisings kill the rebels, and the blood of these rebels is mixed either with the mud, or with the water of the river, or with the blood of the victims they bring. This happens all the time, right up until today's event in Turkey. Imagine that, for example, the Gospel was written today. The evangelist wrote, Jesus said, and the evangelist wrote: do you know how many soldiers died in Turkey during the suppressed uprising, during the attempted coup? By the way, it doesn’t say how much. Everyone says: we know, we know, because there are rumors and everyone knows about something. Yes, of course we heard, they say: 20 thousand arrested. Do you know how many people died when the twin towers collapsed? They say: we know approximately. The New York City Hall officially reports about one and a half thousand dead. Do you know how many people died when the Titanic sank from a collision with an iceberg? History also writes how many passengers there were, how many were saved, how many died, minus the difference. And how could the Lord tell us: listen, do you think that those who died on the Titanic, who ended up in the twin towers, or who are now arrested during the suppressed coup, are the most sinful of all, or what? No, I tell you, but if you do not repent, you will also perish. And the Lord takes examples for his teaching from surrounding life. And we don't need to know which tower fell in Galilee, because the tower fell, and the most will fall different towers. And some of them stand, let them stand “Ostankinskaya”, “Eiffel”. Let them stay healthy. Some fell like the twin towers. Some are askew and do not fall, like the Pisa. Here she stands and doesn’t fall. You can't go there for a long time now. Because no matter the hour, it will collapse at any moment, so tourists can no longer go there. But there is no need for us to specify what kind of tower this is, it’s just that the Gospel is tied to some specific events, based on which the Lord brings us certain conceptual things. He speaks about a specific case, and deduces from it a great commandment speech for us, i.e. commandment. Don't think that you are better than those who died. A ship sank on the Volga not long ago, became lopsided, took on water, and capsized. A lot of people drowned. What do you think, you are the best, they drowned and you are alive? Do you think they are bad and you are good? No, I tell you, if you do not repent, you will all perish the same way. This is already a conceptual thing. A person is saved from troubles by repentance. In our troparions and kontakia, which are addressed to different saints, as a rule, the endings of the troparions and kontakia are quite similar. For example, “pray for our souls to be saved.” Pray for our souls, Rev. such and such. You did this and that in life and now you are in the Kingdom of God. And the last line: pray for our souls. And, as a rule, this is a kind of common place. But there are some, for example, the troparion of Blessed Xenia ends in a very interesting way. It is written there: “Having loved the poverty of Christ, she enjoys the immortal meal, she has exposed the madness of the world with imaginary madness,” etc., and there, at the end: “Blessed Xenia, pray to Christ God,” but then not “that our souls may be saved,” it is written there . It is written better there: “we must get rid of all evil through repentance.” This is very valuable in church hymnography. You don't see this very often. Those who write texts are used to it, and let’s save our souls. And then someone took and wrote from the people who composed the troparion, kontakion, prayer, magnification: “pray to Christ God to deliver us from troubles through repentance.” Because people get rid of troubles by repentance. God doesn’t want to repent of you, you repent and there will be no troubles. Here it is, don’t think that you are better, but if you don’t repent, you will still perish the same way. If you want not to die, repent. This is what chapter 13 in the Gospel of Luke talks about - about some completed events that you and I have no need to know, because we need the principle of the commandment, and not specific situations that took place in Galilee. I hope we understand each other.

Phone call: - Good evening, father! I have a question: The Bible is a bottomless book, it is impossible to know it. There you can catch a stitch and unwind it further. There are other books, and life is not enough to understand all this. But I would like to know the chronology of events, in terms of genealogy. How best should I do this, maybe write it out? Everywhere there is some general thought, some direction, a turn in life. Maybe I should draw some kind of diagram? Here I am Old Testament I read, I read - then I start to come back.

O. Andrey Tkachev: - If you use a computer, use it, it’s there, everything has already been done before you, i.e. There is a genealogy chart. There are even visual maps and plans, such as those on which the relationship of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Son of David, the Son of Abram, is drawn in the form of a tree. It's all already there, you just have to look for it. Don’t reinvent the wheel yourself, because there are a lot of things that have already been done and it’s a shame to waste time. One has only to find interpretive biblical sources. Please search.

Phone call: - Father, second question. You know, I caught myself thinking, I work with children all the time, both with elementary and high school students and with schoolchildren. Children used to blush when they told a lie. And now children don’t blush, and people in general - neither children nor adults. Where did it all go?

O. Andrey Tkachev: - Firstly, I think that mutation processes can occur in the world. But on the other hand, there is one more interesting thing. Still, in our childhood there were more trees, the trees were big. And everything was better. The bread tastes better, the sky is bluer, the girls are more beautiful. This is a psychological law of any generation. I won’t tell you for sure now, that is. for example, by century, by name. But I read, it seems, from Mamardashvili. There was this one, Kingdom of Heaven, a Georgian philosopher, a modern, original man of very deep intellect and interesting thoughts. I enjoyed reading his lectures in fragments. In some lecture he writes that one of the oldest literary written evidence about the life of Egypt is a certain complaint of an Egyptian that everything has become bad, that young people do not listen to their elders. That the yield in the fields has fallen. That weather cycles change. That wives cheat on their husbands, husbands cheat on their wives. That the children have become naughty, etc. The point is that the oldest texts in the world say that everything is lost. Once upon a time everything was fine. The pies tasted better, the snow crunched underfoot more cheerfully, and the weather was better. And now everything has fallen apart, people don’t blush and girls aren’t ashamed, boys don’t play sports. This is, of course, actually true. And we will be big dreamers and liars or blinders if we say that everything is a fantasy. This is not fantasy, this is truth. There is entropy, not only in physics and the physics of dead bodies, but also in morality. People gradually relax and degrade, but various ugly processes also occur. You need to reassure yourself that all generations of inhabitants of the earth who tried to understand why people live, and how our ancestors lived, how we live - they all noticed the same thing. That families began to fall apart, children became arrogant towards adults. As Cyprian of Carthage wrote almost in the 1st – 2nd centuries, people say: there is not enough cultivator in the field, there is not enough soldier in the army, there is a ship at sea at the pier without sailors. It is clear from everything that life has become impoverished and the end is coming. This was not written by some depressed journalist. This was written by a holy man who was not afraid to enter the houses of people with the plague and carry them out in his arms to Fresh air who prayed to God from morning to evening. We must understand that this is a certain general tendency of our human psychology. It was always better as a child. Maybe you didn’t eat as many sweets as a child as they do today, but your childhood was unique. Instead of normal skates, you tied a piece of iron to your felt boots, but still, your childhood was better, but today it’s worse. This is the general tendency of human thinking. Therefore, restrain yourself when you want to criticize. I assure you that people blush. Old people blush, young people blush. Men and women blush from the cold, sometimes from drinking or from shame. They come to confession and cry sincerely. They confess in different ways. Some confess terrible sins. Some very touchingly open their soul, which suddenly, upon opening, turns out to be childish and pure. We think our youth are missing. And sometimes you look and think: in the 21st century in Megalopolis, a boy who is 20 years old, like Alyosha Karamazov, you think: where did he come from? And they exist, and I tell you with all responsibility. Still, when we sway to the left, we need to remember that there is still a right side. And when it swings to the right, you need to remember that there is a left. When they tell us: everything is fine, everything is fine, calm down, everything is fine. We will answer: well, yes, okay, wait - okay. And we will list the facts that will tell you that not everything is in order. There are a lot of tragic things. Then, when they tell us, listen, everything is gone, the end of communication, that’s it. Children do not blush, women do not give birth, men do not work - we will tell such a person: wait. But you know this N.N. - no, you don’t know, but I know, this is a real holy man. He lives today, not yesterday. And people like N.N. we have hundreds, up to tens of thousands. Therefore, everything is still ongoing. Don't let your mind be one-sided. It is very dangerous to have a one-sided mind where you fall into either “everything is good” or “everything is bad.” Both are not true. Both are only part of the truth. And that is partial truth, not the whole truth. Besides all this, there is also God, but God has all the truth. So work with children and, in addition to those non-blushing little impudents, be able to notice the little blushing angels. And I think that you will get them quickly.

Phone call: - Father Andrey, good evening! My younger sister has cancer. She lives in another city. She already had one operation ten years ago. And now the disease has worsened and she needs chemotherapy. Over all these years, I tried as best I could to attract her to God, but you can’t force her, you know very well. Now she says: I read morning and afternoon prayers on the tablet. The tablet includes all this, I don’t know what it’s like to read on a tablet. I don’t know, I say, but where is the heart, where is the soul?

O. Andrey Tkachev: - Do you think that reading a book is fundamentally different from reading on a tablet? No, it's no different. For example, we read the Commandments written on paper. I am the Lord your God, may there be no other Gods besides me. Do not take the name of your God in vain. Do not make yourself an idol. Honor your father and mother, do not kill, do not commit adultery. We read it all, it’s written on paper. But excuse me, in the beginning it was all written on tablets - i.e. on the stone, there were stone boards. It's all carved on the stones. And we, modern people, read this not from stones, but from paper. Ancient man I could just as well have said: what are you reading from paper? You don’t understand anything, how can you read from paper, you have to read from stone! It will be clear from the stone. When people came to confession with a tablet and, instead of notes, read a list of sins on the phone or on an iPod, I was turned over. I still don’t like it, I don’t like notes at all. But, nevertheless, I see that there is no difference. There is a medium, there is a text, that's all. But it is written on the wall with paint, on paper with ink, or etched on stone with a chisel - this is completely unprincipled. You can read liturgical texts. People download the entire Bible into these gadgets. Then they put headphones in their ears and go to the subway. You think he’s listening to music, but he turned on the Apostle Paul. Does it matter where you read it from or take it from a tape recorder, disk, flash drive? Please don't pay attention to this. See how the world is changing. What matters is not what you read from your phone, but what matters is whether you catch Pokemon or read the Gospel, or morning, evening prayers. It’s really important what you read, but from what medium, from a paper book or an e-book, it seems to me that these things are no longer important. Therefore, you should not pay attention to this. It's just a generational conflict. You're used to it this way, she's used to it this way. You are used to candles being yellow. They arrived and there were red candles. You say these are red candles, what are they? And we have had red candles all our lives. He says yes, but this is the first time I’ve seen it. So, look and see for the first time. All our candles are poked into sockets in the candlestick, and then the poor women pick out all the cinders, smear them with oil, and do this fuss. And in the east, they put them in sand everywhere, put them in boxes with sand, and then poke candles into these boxes. Our pilgrims, when they first traveled east to Greece and Israel. Do you think it's like a candle in the sand? What is it, what difference does it make to put it in the sand or stick it to the wall or stick it in a nest? The principle is, what's wrong with that? It's the same here. There used to be only candles in the iconostasis, but today there are light bulbs. I haven’t heard anyone being indignant. For example, I would like all iconostases to have candles and not light bulbs. There is no need for electric light during prayer. Maybe zealots like them read a prayer from an iPod. And then they asked: How do you want to remove electricity from the temple and only light it with candles? We’re not used to this, we didn’t have anything like this. This did not happen under our old abbot, nor under our current one. So it turns out: who are you, fighters for the truth or are you just fighters for what you are used to? Every person gets used to something. But this does not mean that the whole world should live as we are used to. There are things that are completely secondary. What you said is one of them.

Phone call: - Good evening! Peace to your home. Speaking of drinking wine, Luke chapter 22, verse 17 ff. It says that the Lord Jesus Christ blessed His cup and gave it to His disciples. The same thing is said about the bread, which He also blessed, gave to the disciple and said that they should break it for themselves in My memory. But it is not said in this place in the Gospel, I don’t remember that it was said in other places, that the Lord Jesus Christ Himself drank wine, which He declared to the whole world as His blood. It is not said that He ate the bread which He declared to be His body. Food for thought. Thank you.

O. Andrey Tkachev: - Thank you, the remark is original and very attentive. Does Christ need to partake of His own body? No, of course, He carries within Himself what He gives us. He doesn’t need to take His own from Himself. Of course, does he need to drink his own blood, into which the wine of the New Testament was transformed? Of course not. Thank you, this is a very interesting remark that Christ Himself gives communion, but does not receive communion. On all the frescoes and icons, classically depicting the Eucharist in the Byzantine spirit, where Christ gives the Holy Bread separately to the apostles. Separately, he gives the Holy Thicket, where Peter, Paul, Andrew, John approach from different sides for its Eucharistic Gifts. Nowhere do we see Christ himself riding and drinking. We see him blessing, refracting, and giving. Yes, thank you, this seems to be a non-binding remark, in fact, a very subtle remark on an event from the history of the Holy Church of Christ.

Phone call: - Hello, Father Andrey! I have a question. One person said: your Orthodox Christians drink wine all the time. And Christ seemed to never drink wine. I replied that Christ Himself said about John the Baptist: they say about him that he did not drink wine, and he had a demon. And he said to himself: they will say about Me that I drank wine with publicans and sinners. Is this right or wrong?

O. Andrei Tkachev: - Yes, you are absolutely correct in saying that Jesus Christ was reproached for being a poisoner and a wine drinker, He eats and drinks with tax collectors and sinners. He said that you can never please people. If you wanted to be ascetics, then I would tell you that John the Baptist does not eat or drink, but they say: he has a demon. That's why he doesn't eat or drink. He says: okay then, eat and drink, behave like me. As the Lord says: I eat and drink. And they say that he is a friend of publicans and sinners, i.e. How do you please people? If you fast strictly, they will say: a Pharisee, a saint, a fanatic. If you don’t fast at all, they will say: glutton, lazy, atheist. If you walk in the middle, they will say: some kind of half-measurement, neither fish nor fowl, neither shaky nor shaky. That's why you can't please people. They don't need to please. Still, you should keep in mind that you need to please God through people. And people are fickle, so you answered correctly. In addition, Christ performed the first miracle at a marriage in Cana of Galilee. If He were opposed to drinking wine, would He have said to the servants at the wedding feast: take it, scoop it up, bring it. Would He have turned water into wine at the wedding in Cana of Galilee? Of course not, He would say: you can’t drink, drink water. But He didn't say that. People didn't have enough wine, and there was a wedding, what kind of wedding would it be without wine? No musicians, no wine, no bride, no groom, no food, no parents, no gifts. What kind of wedding is this? This is some kind of snack at McDonald's. If He had been against wine, his mother would have told him: they have no wine. He said: “My hour has not come for you and me, woman.” In principle, he would say: listen, you can’t drink, they didn’t know, or something, let them drink water or compote. But He didn't say that. He said: scoop it up and bring it to the leader of the feast. They brought it, drank everything and rejoiced. The groom also received a slap in the neck for supposedly saving the best wine, but putting in the worst one first. No, of course not, but the Lord created grapes. The Lord is the father of the vineyard. There are four blessed, sacred things without which the Church cannot live. These are wheat, water, wine, oil, i.e. anointing oil, unction oil, wheat - the bread of the Eucharist, wine for communion, water for baptism. The Church can live without chocolate; if there is none, the Church will not feel it. The Church can live without cervelat. She can live without peanuts, but excuse me, without olives or without oil-containing cereals, without sunflowers (a replacement for olives in our latitudes). Without grapes, without wheat, without water, the Church cannot live. Therefore, what do they invent, that He was against wine. No, God's wisdom always says that you cannot abuse it. God is not against money and not against marriage, not against fun and not against food, and not against a knife. As long as they didn’t kill with a knife, the fun didn’t turn into madness, the marriage wasn’t corrupted, drinking wine wasn’t drunkenness, they didn’t love money more than Himself. You answered absolutely correctly, thank God that He enlightened you to the right answer. Let us understand once again: the Church has the truth, there is no truth outside its boundaries. There may be good people, but there is no truth there. But also to be good people outside the Church is as dangerous as looking at Noah building the ark, approving of his work, but not entering the ark. Some people laughed at Noah, why was he making such an awkward hulk, somewhere in the mountains without any water, lake, or sea. And some didn’t laugh: no, he’s probably doing a good job, which God revealed to him. But these good people remained outside the threshold of the ark, and the water washed them away. Therefore, being good without the Church is dangerous. Being bad in the Church is also dangerous. But being good outside the Church is also dangerous. The Church of God has the truth. No matter how unworthy we may be, the Church has the truth.

Phone call: - Hello, father! Good health to you. I had this idea. I have been reading the Old and New Testament. Well, one day I heard that it turns out that Universal time moves much slower than on earth. As scientists said, our minute is 35 years there. And I compared that I only live on earth for two minutes. And here the Lord says in the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 24, verse 34: “Truly I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things happen.” It seems to me that this is not the same genus that was next to him, but what is meant is the Ecumenical time.

O. Andrey Tkachev: - Perhaps, dear, you noticed absolutely correctly. Indeed, no one gives us a definition of time. Time is a kind of mystery, the length of time. People ask if time can flow backwards, something they never asked before, they thought it couldn't. It is correct that it is homogeneous. Or maybe it somehow speeds up or slows down, who knows? In fact, time is a mystery. Such a simple thing as time is an absolute mystery. Therefore, you are correct in saying that there are different dimensions of time. This generation, what is meant here? Perhaps, indeed, there are different points of reference for time. At least God lives outside of time. For him, a thousand years are like one day, and one day is like a thousand years. In one story about a man who went to hell with his soul. He suffered greatly and said to God: Lord, I’d rather suffer in hell. The angel says to him: listen, can you endure a minute of hellish torment in exchange for complete health on earth? He: yes, of course I can, because I suffer unbearably. And, at the command of God, an angel plunged his soul into hellish flames. He sits there, and it seems to him like they closed him in the steam room and left him. He goes crazy there, it seems to him that he has been sitting there for an hour. And he shouts: I’ve been sitting here for a long time - Wait, wait, they just let you down. It seems to him that he has been sitting there for a month already. The angel says: only half a second has passed, you need to sit there for an hour. It seems to him that he has been sitting there for a year already. He says, wait, only three seconds have passed - No, no, it’s better to go back to the ground. Everything earthly is generally nonsense compared to what will happen later. Come on, let me go back, I will endure on the ground.

Yes, indeed, the measurement of time is completely different there and here. You are absolutely right about this. And the details are not yet fully known to us. Thank you for your attention.

They are very popular in offices, shops, various salons, as they save pristine appearance and do not require maintenance.

There are many signs regarding the house and the things in it. People are interested in the favorable arrangement of mirrors, furniture, beliefs about icons, and food products. Also, one of the pressing questions is the following: “Is it possible to keep artificial flowers at home?”

What is the power of belief?

Real flowers radiate warmth, give inspiration, help people, while artificial ones are just an appearance. Empty inside, they absorb all living things from the outside as nourishment.

When a person is admired by the beauty of a living plant, it responds to him with its warmth, reacts by opening its petals and lush growth. With its perfection, a manufactured flower will attract the eye every time and evoke a surge of positive emotions, but will not give anything in return. Establishing mutual exchange in this case is like raising the dead.

Any imitation at the energy level emphasizes the discrepancy with what is desired. Limited money forces people to buy fakes, which applies to any expensive things: jewelry, precious stones, fashionable product brands made to look natural. But false prosperity is unsatisfactory, it is poverty. And this is its negative energetic meaning: it triggers the attraction of everything unreal into life.

What to follow?

There are related forms of home decor that are not clearly colors. For example, fabric paintings with relief elements, as a fashionable design trend. And if you prefer such a finish, you need to decide for yourself whether it is possible to keep artificial flowers of this variety at home. Or you need to compensate negative factor living plants.

Is it possible to keep artificial flowers at home according to Feng Shui? Ancient Chinese teaching emphasizes the color rather than the life of the flower. A red or orange object must be present to activate the chi. According to the Eastern sages, artificial flower -

On Christmastide, the temple is decorated with inanimate decorations. The question arises, why can’t you put artificial flowers at home if this is acceptable in church? The answer is simple: the image of inanimate decorations is associated with ritual ceremonies, so decorating home space with them is considered unfavorable.

What happens in a prosperous home?

In a family where joy radiates, love is present, artificial flowers for home interior They take on positive energy and become consumers of the residents’ kind expressions, leaving nothing in return.

If at first they were used in a bad house, and then got to another owner, then they can give off negativity and poison the home atmosphere. Thus, a source of “evil spirits” appears.

According to signs and superstitions, artificial flowers in the house bring greatest harm in the bedroom. For a couple relaxing in such a room, they foretell separation. For a lonely person, they increase the feeling of emptiness and disappointment, and his personal relationships will not take place.

"Bad" houses

How good or bad are artificial flowers in a house where scandals and quarrels are frequent? In fact, for a dysfunctional home with a gloomy atmosphere, absorbent and cleansing “funnels” are very useful.

Just don’t leave them for long so that the absorbed energy doesn’t start coming back. There comes a time when jewelry is unable to absorb more negativity. After a month they need to be removed from the house. But if you don’t want to part with the “beauty,” you should use energetic cleansing of objects so that you can keep them with you.

Dangerous decorations

Types of popular artificial plants at home:

  1. A frequent preference of modern housewives is ivy or climbing plants along the walls. Such decorations are categorically not recommended in the living space: they attract illness to the owner of the house.
  2. Synthetic reed is the most unfavorable type of plant for the home, as it provokes serious diseases. Ivy has the same effect.
  3. Is it possible to keep artificial flowers made of wax at home? It is not advisable to store them in a residential area. It is believed that sooner or later even candles in the shape of flowers will lead to death.

According to popular belief, you should not accept artificial flowers for home decoration as gifts, especially from strangers, because through them negative energy can be transmitted and affect the owner’s condition. Such things have long been used by ill-wishers to convey the evil eye, slander, and get rid of illness.

Energy cleaning of flowers

You need to collect all the flowers and place them in a vase on an empty table. Light twelve candles around the vase, placing them at equal intervals. You need to prepare red thread, holy water and light candles. Moving clockwise, you should say words like these: “Flowers collect evil in a circle, do not return it back, destroy all evil with fire.”

The candles must burn out on their own, the flowers must be removed from the vase, tied with red thread, put back, and sprinkled with holy water. Such energy cleansing is enough once every six months.


Acceptable option for folk beliefs- dry flowers. But they should not be withered or dead, but must be carefully dried and presented in the form of a composition.

It is not for nothing that the custom of hanging dry wreaths and bouquets of field plants in the house was so widespread among peasants. They were successfully used as amulets. There were also undesirable types of flowers: feather grass, for example, took away the strength of the head of the family, for which it received the second name “widow’s grass.”

If, despite beliefs and signs, the choice nevertheless fell on artificial flowers, you should prefer shades that are close to natural: they look nobler than “acid” ones. It will be better if the flowers are made of silk or cotton rather than polyurethane or latex. And so that the decorations are not lost bright color, you should not place them on windows in direct sunlight. You can carefully remove dust from the petals and stems with a stream of water, a brush or a hairdryer.

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