Earth Day integrated lesson in the preparatory group. Entertainment scenario for older children in kindergarten. Earth Day. Presentation “Rules of behavior in the forest”

Summary of a lesson dedicated to Earth Day

Program content:

Tell children about the history of the holiday; continue to teach children to protect themselves natural community our region, learn to behave correctly in emergency situations Outdoors.

Development of speech, ability to conduct dialogue between peers

Cultivate love for native land,

Material : a globe, pictures depicting the Earth from space, an exhibition of children’s drawings “Planet Earth through the eyes of children”, an exhibition of crafts from waste material“Fun crafts”, drawing of the symbol of the Earth Day holiday, environmental newspaper “Earth in Danger”.

Progress of the lesson .

1. Organizational moment .

Guys, today, April 22, is an unusual day. Holiday greetings takes on a very interesting character. And who is it you will find out if you guess the riddle.

There are miracles on the planet:

Oceans and forests

There is oxygen in the atmosphere

People and animals breathe it. (Earth)

Yes, guys, today is Earth Day.

“Let there be only peaceful and joyful Earth Days for our beautiful spaceship - planet Earth, flying and rotating in the middle of cold space with its so vulnerable load of life...” UN Secretary-General U Thant, March 21, 1971.

Guys, why do you think this holiday was invented? I'll tell you a little history about how this holiday came about.

2. History of the holiday.

The first “one-time” event on this day took place in 1970 in the USA. Its success inspired the organizers, and since then the celebration has become regular. The famous American politician and activist Senator Gaylord Nelson created a group of students under the leadership of Dennis Hayes (a Harvard student). Since this was a time of active student movements, the initiative attracted a lot of attention.

In Russia, Earth Day is celebrated as part of the Days of Protection against environmental hazard. In 2009 General Assembly The UN proclaimed International Mother Earth Day, deciding to celebrate it on April 22.


The Earth flag is not an official symbol of anything (since there is no official planetary government or state). It features a photograph of the planet from space (currently the one taken by the Apollo 17 astronauts on their way to the Moon) against a dark blue background. Traditionally, the Flag is associated with Earth Day and many other environmental, peacekeeping and civil international events.

Earth Day Symbol

The symbol of the Day is a green Greek letter on a white background. On Earth Day different countries Traditionally, the Peace Bell sounds, calling on the people of the Earth to feel the planetary community and make efforts to protect peace on the planet and preserve the beauty of our common house. The Bell of Peace is a symbol of calm, peaceful life and friendship, eternal brotherhood and solidarity of peoples. And at the same time, it is a call to action in the name of preserving peace and life on Earth, preserving Man and Culture.

The first Peace Bell was installed at the UN headquarters in New York in 1954. It is cast from coins donated by children on all continents and is a symbol of global solidarity among the people of the Earth. Orders and medals and other honorary signs of people from many countries are also fused into it. The inscription on the Bell reads: “Long live universal peace throughout the world.” In 1996, the same bell was installed at the UN in Vienna. The Peace Bell is installed in many countries. In Russia, the “Peace Bell on Earth Day” campaign has been held since 1998 on the initiative and under the patronage of the USSR pilot-cosmonaut, Hero Soviet Union A. N. Berezovoy in International Center Roerichs. At the grand opening of the first Earth Day in Moscow, Sergei Petrovich Kapitsa said: “... Earth Day is a day of responsibility to our planet, responsibility to the people who inhabit it, to nature itself, of which we are a part.”

Earth yesterday and today. How our planet has changed over the last century

What is it like, our Earth?

It is estimated that planet Earth is approximately 4 and a half billion years old. If you want to go around the Earth, walking along the equator, you will have to travel a distance of almost 40,010 kilometers. The correct idea of ​​ancient people about the Earth was formed by different nations not at the same time. For example, the ancient Indians imagined the Earth as a plane that lies on the backs of elephants. The Babylonians imagined the Earth as a mountain, and on the western slope of this mountain is Babylonia. The sea splashes around this mountain and the solid sky rests on it, like an inverted bowl - this is a heavenly world in which there is air, water and land, just like on Earth. People thought that the Sun sets in the sea and rises from it, because it seemed so to them from watching the Sun set over the sea horizon. The ideas of the ancient Greeks say that the Earth is like a disk that resembles a military shield. A river called Ocean washes the land from all sides. The sun floats across the copper horizon, which stretches over the Earth and every day rises from the waters of the Ocean in the east and sinks in the west. The followers of the ancient Greek scientist Pythagoras have already recognized the earth as round. Evidence that the Earth was round and not flat gradually began to appear after long-distance travel. Travelers noticed as they moved south that in this part of the sky the stars rose above the horizon in proportion to the distance traveled and new stars (which were not previously visible) appeared above the Earth. And, conversely, in the northern part of the sky, the stars descend and completely disappear beyond the horizon. Also confirming that the Earth is round was the observation of receding ships. The ship gradually disappears over the horizon. Now the hull of the ship hid, and only the mast remained visible above the sea surface. And then she disappeared. From all this, people concluded that the Earth has the shape of a circle. Aristarchus of Samos, an outstanding astronomer, expressed the opinion that all the planets, together with the Earth, revolve around the Sun, and not the Sun, together with the planets, revolve around the Earth. This was the beginning of the ancient people’s correct understanding of the earth. The Earth has one natural satellite- Moon visible to the naked eye. Earth Day on April 22 provides an opportunity for every resident in every populated corner of the planet to express gratitude to our great common home.

According to tradition, on this day everyone takes part in the improvement and landscaping of their yards and streets, and various environmental events.

3. Looking at a newspaper.

Answer the question: what will happen if people don’t start saving the Earth? Let's take a look at our newspaper, which we published especially for the holiday. "The Earth is in Danger"

Tell me, how can we help our Earth? Do not litter in public places, do not litter forests, do not kill animals and birds, take care of rivers and seas. Plant trees and shrubs. It’s clean not where they clean, but where they don’t litter! And you, together with your parents, made such wonderful crafts from waste material.

4. Physical exercise.

We walk along the street, observing nature

(walking in place, turning the head to the right, left)

We looked up at the sun and the rays warmed us. (raises head up)

Birds are sitting in nests. (squats)

Birds fly across the sky (flapping hands)

And they jump over the bumps (jumping in place)

And no one cries! (smile)

5. Repetition of the rules of behavior in nature.

Let's repeat with you the rules of behavior in nature. I will show you a picture, and you will tell me what can be done and what cannot be done. (do not destroy nests, anthills, etc.) What should you do if suddenly there is a fire in the forest? Or a flood?

6. Study fiction.

In the culture of the Russian people, planet Earth was considered the most expensive treasure. Since ancient times, people called the Earth mother and drew strength and spiritual power from the Earth. Russian heroes always had a bag of earth as a talisman. What proverbs about the Earth do we know?

Without an owner, the earth is an orphan.

Return the debt to the earth - it will be useful

Hold on to the ground, mother - she alone will not give you away.

A mother is kind to her children, and the earth is kind to all people.

A good land is full of money, a bad land is a bad land.

Expensive goods grow from the ground.

The land is black, but it produces a white loaf.

The earth loves care.

The earth is the nurse.

The earth feeds people like a mother does children.

The native land is a golden cradle.

The history of the land is the history of its people.

Don’t make friends with fire, water, or wind, but make friends with the earth.

We have drawn pictures dedicated to this holiday. And I invite you to visit our opening day.

7. Summary.

Let's love and protect our Earth and our lives will be better.

Program content:

  1. Foster love and respect for living nature.
  2. To consolidate children's knowledge about animals and plants of our planet.
  3. To clarify knowledge about what our planet consists of and without which life on Earth cannot exist.
  4. Foster a desire to keep the planet clean.

Equipment and materials:

1. Laptop.

2. Projector.

3. Screen for projection.

  1. Presentation for notes.
  2. Pet toys.

Modern educational technologies used:

  1. Health-saving technologies:
  • communication game;
  • outdoor game;
  • finger gymnastics;
  • psycho-gymnastics;
  • dynamic logorhythmic pause;
  1. Information and communication technologies.

Progress of educational activities:


The earth must be protected
Protect in every possible way,
Mountains, rivers and fields -
This is all our Earth.
Life is on it every hour,
So it depends on all of us
That our concern is for her,
Every day it becomes even more important.
Happy Earth Day,
Take care of our Earth,
And she answers you,
Will protect you from various troubles!

Educator: Guys, today is the birthday of our blue planet Earth (show 1 slide). Earth, this is ours common Home, and for animals, and for people, and for plants.

Finger gymnastics “Piglets”.

The fingers are spread out; We alternately “walk” along the table or knees with each of our fingers.
This fat piglet was wagging his tail all day long,
Little fingers.
This fat pig was scratching his back against the fence.
La-la-la-la, lu-lu-lya, I love piglets

We clench and unclench our fists.
This fat pig was picking the ground with his nose,
This fat pig drew something himself.
Index marks.
La-la-la-la, lu-lu-lya, I love piglets,
We clench and unclench our fists.
This fat pig is lazy and impudent,
Big ones.
He wanted to sleep in the middle and pushed all the brothers out of the way.
We clench our hand into a fist, thumb press it inward.

Educator: Do you know what animals inhabit our land?

Children's answers: Cats, dogs, tigers, cows, lions, etc.

Educator: Correct! And there are many more. Some live in the forest - they are called wild or forest animals. What wild animals do you know?

Children's answers: Fox, wolf, etc.

Educator: Well done! I will show you pictures, and you name what animals are depicted on them (show 2, 3 and 4 slides).

Communication game "Pets".

Domestic and wild animal toys are laid out in a chaotic manner around the room. Children are divided into 2 groups. The group that finds the most pets wins.

Educator: Now let's look at domestic animals (show 5 and 6 slides).

Physical education lesson “Travel”.

Children follow each other, performing movements in accordance with the text.

— We are walking along a country road, on sun-warmed earth.

(They stomp their feet.)

In front of us is a meadow, soft grass under our feet.

(Make sliding movements with their feet.)

We walk along the river bank, the sand rustling under our feet. (Rub their palms.)

We cross the river on a wooden bridge. (Raising your legs high, clapping under your knees.)

The other bank of the river is swampy, we jump from hummock to hummock. (Perform jumps on two legs.)

There are thickets of willow trees all around, the wind sways the flexible branches. (Raise their arms above their heads and shake them.)

There is a wide ditch in front of us. (They take a big jump.)

There are ripe berries on the right and left, let's collect them. (Perform bends to the right and left, squats.)

We pass through a meadow overgrown with tall grass. (They walk, raising their knees high.)

Here we are!

Educator: Where do wild animals live?

Children's answers: In the forest!

Educator: Correct! (show 7 slides). Where do such inhabitants of our Earth as birds and fish live?

Children's answers: In the water.

Educator: Yes, birds live in the sky, and fish in the water (show 8 and 9 slides).

There is no more beautiful land than our native land. Wonderful trees and beautiful flowers grow on it (show 10, 11, 12 slides). So let's take care of her, love her, and not destroy her. How should we protect the Earth?

Children's answers: Don't litter, clean up.

Psycho-gymnastics “Flower”.

Children are asked to imagine that they are small sprouts that little by little grow and turn into a flower.

Poem about Earth:

"Mother Earth"

Tell me,

Which is more correct?

Name the land?

Is the land expensive?

Is the land golden?

No, it's probably better to say

To her: “Dear!

The earth is our dear, kind mother!”

It will sound more affectionate and truer this way.

After all, everything we love

Everything was created by her -

And mountains, and rivers, and forests, and flowers.

And autumn, and summer, and rain, and you.

Abstract open class V preparatory group.

Cognition (cognitive-research and productive activity).


Goals: Continue to introduce the concept of “Earth is our common home”, tell that there are many countries on Earth where people of different races and nationalities live; to develop interest and respect for all people on our planet. To consolidate children’s knowledge about the laws of nature; develop responsibility for performing a variety of actions in environment, the idea that water, earth and air are an integral part of all living organisms on the planet; learn to convey mood and feelings in a drawing, develop imagination and creativity. Create a festive, joyful mood.

Types of children's activities : gaming, communicative, educational and research, productive.

Material : drawings of planets, forest collage, paints, Whatman paper, foam rubber, napkins.

Everyone here knows, you and me!

You cannot offend nature!

Let's say it together: one, two, three

Let's open the holiday - Earth Day!

Ved. April 22, 1994 was declared World Earth Day. On this day, many pieces of material with the signatures of Russians in defense of nature were carried throughout our country. The pieces were used to make up the flag of the Earth - a dramatic symbol calling on people to treat nature with respect. This is the largest flag, its area is 660 m. The Earth flag consists of seven white intersecting rings on a blue background. The seven rings in the center of the flag form a flower, a symbol of life on Earth. The rings are connected to each other, indicating that everything on our planet is connected. The blue background represents water, which is very important for life. The outer rings of the flower form a circle, which can be seen as a symbol of the Earth as a planet, and the blue background represents the Universe. There are many countries and continents on our planet Earth, it is inhabited by people different nationalities and religions. And they all want to live in peace, friendship and harmony. And today we celebrate the Earth’s Birthday.

Ved . Guys, ahdo you know what a birthday is?

Answers children (cheerful mood, holiday, flowers, gifts, balloons, sun, cake, the whole family together, congratulations, guests, jokes, laughter).

Ved . That's right, well done! Have you noticed that for the holiday we try to make our home cozy and beautiful? (by washing the windows, floors, decorating with balloons, flowers, etc.) But having crossed the threshold of our home, we forget that beyond this threshold is also our home . Astronauts say that from space our Earth is blue. And it depends on each of us that from the portholes spaceships they continued to see blue lakes, not muddy puddles, forests and meadows, not mountains of garbage. It is very important to take care of our common home, the Earth, and everyone who lives on it. Besides us and our loved ones, many people live on earth. Who else lives next to us?

Children's answers:( butterflies and toads, flowers and trees, fish and birds, animals and insects).

Ved .Right! Neither we nor they chose the place where to appear. The earth is our common home. Therefore, we - all inhabitants of planet Earth - are very dependent on each other. The Earth is our home. So we have to take care of it.

Take care of the Earth. Take care

Lark at the blue zenith,

Butterfly on dodder leaves,

There are sun glares on the paths.

A crab playing on the stones,

Over the desert the shadow of the baobab tree,

A hawk soaring over a field

A clear month over the river calm.

A swallow flickering in life,

Take care of the Earth! Take care.


Lesovik enters: Hello my friends! Hello nature! Hello, fields, forests, rivers and lakes! Hello birds, animals and fish! If this is how a person said hello every day, not only to his family and friends, but also to all living beings around him, perhaps all those animals and plants that we will never see again would still live on Earth. people destroyed them.

Ved. Hello, Lesovichok! And today we celebrate the Earth's Birthday! And we talk with the guys about how we can preserve and preserve our home.

Lesovichok: It's a good idea, I approve. After all, the destruction of nature continues even now. At the same time, people pursue different goals: someone wants to get more money Having sold a rare animal or its fur, someone hunts for their own pleasure, while others, without thinking, uproot flowers, kill a frog with a stick, throw a stone at a bird, thus having fun.

If I pick a flower,

If you pick a flower,

If everything: both me and you

If we pick flowers,

All the clearings will be empty,

And there will be no beauty.

Ved. We must learn to take care of animals, plants, lakes, rivers and forests - everything that surrounds us. We must try to understand the secrets of nature. Let's get to know the world around us better, and having learned... for real Let us love him, and having loved him, we will take care of him. Let's play the game "If I come to the woods." I will tell you my actions, and you will answer. If I do well, say yes; if I do poorly, say no.

What if I go to the woods and pick a chamomile? (No)

What if I make a fire and don’t put it out? (No)

What if I eat the pie and throw away the paper? (No)

What if I leave a piece of bread on the stump? (Yes)

If I tie a branch, will I place a peg? (Yes)

What if I make a big mess and forget to clean it up? (No)

If I pick up the trash, will I bury the jar? (Yes)

I love my nature, am I helping it? (Yes)

Lesovichok: Oh, what great fellows! You guys should always remember that man is not a destroyer, but a friend of nature, a gardener and a doctor.

Ved. Physical education minute:

We are overcome by drowsiness,

I don't feel like moving.

Come on, do it with me

The exercise is like this:

Up, down, stretch,

Wake up completely.

All the guys stood up together

And they walked on the spot.

They stretched on their toes.

We sat down like springs,

And then they sat down quietly.

Ved. Nature is our wealth, preserving this wealth for future generations is our task and our duty.

    Fish need clean water - will we protect water bodies?

    Various valuable animals live in the steppes, forests, and mountains - will we protect our forests, steppes and mountains?

    Pisces - water, birds - air, to the beast - forest, steppe, mountains. But a person needs a homeland. And protecting nature means protecting the Motherland.

Ved. Nature has three treasures: earth, water and air. Of all natural resources Our planet's greatest wealth is land. She is our nurse. We must protect the earth, take care of it, increase its fertility. And the earth today is cut up and trampled. Waste (industrial, radiation) is buried in it and dumped household waste, explode with shells.

Water! You have no taste, no color, no smell, you cannot be described, you are enjoyed without understanding what you are. You are not just necessary for life, you are life. The state of water is of great concern to all people on our planet. Many rivers and streams have turned into sewers, fish are disappearing, underground springs are drying up, chemical plants and livestock farms are polluting the water. A person consuming untreated water puts his health at risk.

Let the rivers on earth not die.

Let their misfortune pass them by.

And will remain in them forever

Clean and tasty water!

Ved. A person cannot live without clean, bright air.

Situation: Forest - city (air comparison)..

And the air! How much dirt there is in it!

Once pure, blue,

Now he's dirty and sick!

Every living thing can die!

Earth, what did they do to you?

Ved. Guys, do you know how to help the Earth we live on?

Children's answers:( do not break trees, do not litter rivers, do not trample grass, do not destroy nests, do not kill insects, do not pick flowers, do not litter, etc.)

Ved. Guys, let's close our eyes and imagine that we are in the forest.

Environmental training:

My roots are deeply embedded in the earth.

My trunk, my branches reach for the sun -

These are trees in the forest.

Elbows bent, hands shaken -

The wind blows away the dew.

Let's wave our hands smoothly -

These are the birds flying towards us.

We'll show you how they sit down -

We will fold our wings back.

Reb. I want to live a hundred years.

These steppes, rivers, forests,

Where is full of miracles.

A wonderful thing in the forest: I met a fox.

Liska invited me to visit

And she treated me to raspberries.

I met a hare with a sideways view

And she didn’t catch up with the barefoot man.

Volga, a blue ribbon flowing through Russia

It carries itself towards the Caspian Sea.

There is such beauty here:

Steppes, stars, skies, birds, animals and flowers.

I love you, love you too!

Protect your native land and do not give offense!

Ved. What advice does Alena give us?

(we must protect the Earth, protect our native land).

Guys, today we celebrate the birthday of the planet. Let's sing a song.

SONG: “Bukashka the Steam Locomotive.”

Ved. Children! What do they give you for your birthday? (children’s answers)

What would you like to give to our planet on its birthday? (peace, happiness, sun, rainbow, flowers, laughter)

Let's draw a greeting card. What will we depict on it? (flowers, rainbow, sun)

Children draw.

Dynamic pause.

Drops dripped loudly (jumping in place)

All the icicles were crying (we shake our heads, pressing our hands to our cheeks)

The sun is shining brightly (hands up, stretch)

We icicles are hot (fan ourselves)

Water is already flowing from us (downward slope)

We will melt forever (straighten up).

Ved. Look at our postcard. What feelings does it evoke? (joy, beauty, happiness)

Let's give our card to our planet and congratulate it on its birthday!

Let's people be friends with each other

Like birds with the sky, like the wind with a meadow.

Like a sail with the sea, grass with the rains,

How the sun is friends with all of us.

Let's people love the planet.

There is nothing like it in the entire Universe.

In the entire Universe there is one for everyone,

What will she do without us?

Song: “We are the children of the Galaxy.”

Ved. Our journey has now ended. Thanks everyone!

International Earth Day.

Lesson on ecology and familiarization with the surrounding world

in the preparatory school group


Learn about the history of the holiday

Develop environmental literacy

Educate careful attitude to nature

Ability to quickly find answers to questions

A wonderful time of year has arrived - spring, April is ending - a busy month

Various holidays. Let's remember and name the holidays together,

held in April.

V. Well done, that’s right. What holiday will be in April?

The children answer.

April 22 – International Earth Day – holiday clean water, earth and air.

And I will tell you the story of this holiday. The story is connected with the name of John Morton,

who was very active in fighting deforestation. Morton suggested having a day

Dedicated to landscaping, establish prizes for those who plant a large number of trees.

This day was called Tree Day. It began to be celebrated on Morton's birthday, April 22.

The holiday began to be celebrated throughout the world and in Russia too. This holiday is called -

Earth Day.

Earth Day serves as a day of reminder of terrible environmental disasters.

This day when every person thinks about what he can do

In the decision environmental problems? What example does he set for his children?

Guys, what do you know about environmental disasters?

The children answer.

The teacher summarizes and complements the children’s statements.

Well done, how much do you know! We will find out how you will save nature during the game.

Children stand on the carpet in a circle, the teacher is in the center with a ball.

The game “How can I save nature?” is being played. Educator

Encourages children to give complete answers.

Very good! But I know that you have prepared a poem.


You, Man, loving nature,

At least sometimes feel sorry for her.

On pleasure trips

Don't trample its fields.

Don't burn her recklessly

And don’t trample to the bottom,

And remember the simple truth -

There are many of us, but she is alone.

Wonderful poem! I know that you love nature very much,

you know how to take care of it and you can do a lot of interesting, simple and unusual things

talk about her.

The phonogram “Birdsong” sounds.

How beautiful the forest is in spring! Everything around is waking up and enjoying the warmth.

Even the forest dwellers crawled out of their houses, bugs, worms, and the bear came out

From his den.

A bear enters the group room.

Bear. Hello! I see a lot of guys gathered here!

Educator. Young conservationists gathered here.

Bear. But I want to arrange a test for the kids. How much do they say about our nature?

They know if she is loved! And the forest dwellers will help me. They sent you letters

In which there are tasks of forest inhabitants.

For the correct answer, children receive a fir cone.

Questions from forest inhabitants for children.


1. What is paper made from?

2. What mushroom grows under the aspen?

3. What color are the needles on a birch tree?


1. What is the name of the squirrel’s house? Who makes it?

2.What is the name of the bees' house?

3. Who carries his house on himself.

4. Was the hut built without hands, without an axe? What is this riddle about?

Educator. Well done! Have the animals asked you any difficult questions?

Have you collected a lot of cones?

The children answer.

A collective lesson on designing from natural material(bumps).

Invite the children to design a forester, a mascot of the forest.

In the senior group of compensatory orientation

Software tasks:

1. Summarize children’s ideas about the ecological dependence between natural phenomena and objects.

2. Lay the foundations of an ecological culture.

3. In a playful way, consolidate children’s knowledge about the animal and plant world.

4. Strengthen the ability to classify objects, count within 10 (direct and ordinal counting).

5. Learn to answer in sentences, use nouns correctly in plural, coordinate numerals with nouns; use in speech complex sentences; develop the ability to understand and independently perform a given task.

6. Develop voluntary attention, self-control, fine motor skills muscles of the fingers.

7. Cultivate a friendly attitude towards all living things.

Integration educational areas: cognition, communication, reading fiction, music, physical education, socialization, health, work, artistic creativity.

Material and equipment:

A set of canvas, a set of butterflies, bugs, flowers. Audio - recording of bird voices, forest scenery, cards with images of flowers, trees, birds, animals, butterfly and bird toys.

Handout: mathematical pencil cases, flat construction set, plasticine, sheets of paper, natural material, sockets with water, stacks, napkins.

Preliminary work: conversations about the rules of behavior in the forest, reading fiction about nature, looking at natural objects on walks, in a children's encyclopedia, conducting educational activities during the school year.

Progress of the lesson.

Educator. Today we will talk about

That the whole Earth is our common home,

Where we have lived since birth.

Guys, a butterfly flew to us today and invites us on a journey. Where do you think the butterfly is calling us? (Children’s answers and assumptions.) Today we will go with you to a flower meadow. (Arrange the flowers on the typesetting canvas.)

Educator. How many beautiful flowers in the clearing! Let's count them. (Children count.) Are all flowers the same? (Children's answers.) That's right, they differ in color and size. What is the small orange flower on the left? Which one is on the left? blue flower? ...Red flower? (Children's answers.) Let us now arrange them in ascending order.

The child is called to the board and completes the task, talking about what he is doing. Children make sure they do it correctly.

Educator. (Exhibits butterflies, children exhibit bugs.) How many guests have come to us! They probably like it with us. Let's count how many there are. (Children count how many butterflies and bugs have arrived.) Children, what groups can our guests be divided into? (Children's answers.) That's right, you can put bugs with bugs, butterflies with butterflies, flowers with flowers. (Children do the task on the carpet or at the blackboard.) How else could you make groups?

Children's answers: insects and flowers can be sorted by size, color. The teacher praises the children, the children count how many groups there are. The teacher invites them to turn into butterflies and bugs.

The game is being played.

Our butterflies and bugs flew,

They found beautiful flowers.

They took out the proboscis.

We picked some honey.

Children take pictures of flowers and name them at the request of the insects.

Held didactic game"What do I know about flowers?"

The teacher encourages those children who talk about flowers in complete sentences, use adjectives.

The child recites a poem about his favorite flower. Children talk about not picking flowers. Read the poem “Flowers bloom for beauty.”

A bird appears and anxiously calls the children into the forest.

Children go to the forest, listen to birdsong. (Audio recording starts.)

Educator. Children, what is your mood in the forest? Why?

Children. We hear birds singing, the breeze blowing, the trees whispering.

Educator. What happens if the forest suddenly dies? (Children’s answers and assumptions.)

Educator. Children, you answered this question correctly. Where do you think the air is cleaner: in the forest or in the city?

Children. The air in the forest is cleaner than in the city, because there are many trees in the forest, and trees provide oxygen.

Educator. Name the trees you know.

Children name trees.

Educator. What birds can you see in the forest? (Children's answers.) Children, why do you think the birds are alarmed in the forest? After all, the bird that called us into the forest was also frightened by something. (Children’s answers and assumptions.)

The teacher shows the picture "Boy with a slingshot in the forest."

Educator. Is the boy behaving correctly? (Children’s answers and reasoning.) Name the rules of conduct in the forest. (Children call.)

Educator. Let's all move to the forest and live in the forest, because there is more air here. Do you think that all of humanity will be able to go into the forest and live there? (No.) What needs to be done to make the air in both cities and towns clean and safe for humans?

Children. It is necessary to design cars that do not pollute the air, plant more trees and shrubs, flowers, to create parks and gardens.

Warm-up "Let's become trees"

We will become trees

Strong, big.

Legs are roots

Let's space them wider

(Put your feet shoulder-width apart, hands on your waist.)

To hold the tree

(Put one fist on top of the other.)

They didn't let me fall

From the depths of the underground

They got water.

(Bend over and cup their palms.)

Our body is a strong trunk.

(Bend out, move palms along the body from top to bottom.)

He sways a little

(Swinging from side to side.)

And with your top

(Fold their palms into a hut.)

It touches the sky.

(Raise their hands above their heads.)

Our hands are branches-

(Open palms and spread fingers to the side.)

The crown is formed.

(Close fingers.)

Together they are not afraid

(Shakes their head.)

If the winds blow.

(They shake their raised arms.)

Educator. Guys, we will now say goodbye to the forest and return home.

The children sit at the tables.

Educator. Now we will make the composition “Planet Earth and Its Inhabitants”. Who lives on Earth? (Children's answers.) Independent work children. Children make crafts from construction sets, plasticine, natural materials, and paper using the origami technique.

Children display their crafts on the panel.

The teacher praises the children for working together and doing beautiful composition. All inhabitants of our Earth will live comfortably and well here.

Final word from the teacher: Today we talked about the fact that the whole Earth is our common home. Animals, plants, insects live next to us. And so that we all can live well on our planet, let’s take care of it. If everyone follows the rules of behavior in nature, then our Earth will be the most beautiful planet.

May our native land

It will be more beautiful year after year.

We are not guests on the planet,

Remember this, children.

Learn to save the world!

Good luck to you! See you again!

Children take “smile emoticons” and put them on the board. (This means that the children enjoyed the activity and are in a good mood.)

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