Location and length of the Huang He River. Yellow River Yellow River - China (14 photos). Yellow River - the cradle of the nation

The Yellow River, or Yellow River, is known throughout the world for its steep character and great length (sixth largest in the world). This deep river- the pride of the People's Republic of China. According to ancient legends, Chinese culture arose on the banks of the Yellow River. It is called the Great, considering it the basis of civilization. Let us consider in this article why it is called this and into which sea the Yellow River flows.

Great River of China

The first mention of the Yellow River appears in the Hanshu, a publication describing the deeds of the Han clan. However, in earlier literary sources it is called He (河 – “river”). The name Yellow River was assigned to the Yellow River (literally translated from Chinese “huang” - yellow, “he” - river; on English language- Yellow River), since water flows acquire a cloudy yellowish tint due to the loess (clay), mud, and silt washed up on top.

The Yellow River begins to flow in the highlands of the Chinese province of Qinghai. Locals call it Ma Chu, which means Peacock River.

The Yellow River of China is known for its tough temper: it shows its restlessness due to unexpected floods and the ability to change its course. During its entire existence, it changed its usual flow route 26 times, merging with other bodies of water. One of the most famous is that it flows into the Yellow Sea in a completely different place - due to the destruction of dams, the river bed diverted 800 km during the war with Japan.

The unusual properties of the Yellow River include the elevation of certain sections of the riverbed above the plain. The maximum difference between levels reaches up to 10 meters. This phenomenon is observed due to yellow silty deposits settling on the banks in a thick layer.

As a result, growing natural dams are formed and a huge volume of water mass is forced to look for new approaches to the sea. That's why muddy water can spill at any time, flooding everything around, causing considerable casualties and destruction. Spills are most common during the rainy season (July–October). Because of this, the Yellow River was called “the grief of the sons of Khan” or “the grief of China.” The state is making a lot of efforts: the tributaries are protected by dams, the length of which is total is 5000 km.

Thanks to the Great River, more than one hundred million people receive water that they use for drinking, industrial and agricultural needs.

The strong flow of the river led to the construction of many hydroelectric power stations, thanks to which it receives electricity. However, hydroelectric power stations cause significant harm to the river, polluting it. At the end of the 20th century, drying out of its northern part was noted.

Geography of the river

The source of the Yellow River is located in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, from where it directs its path through the Orin-/Dzharin-Nur lakes to the east. Then, through the ridges of the Kunlun and Nanshan mountains, it returns to the west and, deviating to the north, crosses the ghost city of Ordos, the Loess Plain, forming a gateway. Next, the water flow moves through the mountainous Shanxi Gorge and heads east along the Northern Chinese Plain to the Bohai Bay.

There is no clear opinion among researchers about the length of the Yellow River. According to various sources, it varies from 4670 to 5464 kilometers, and the area water basin up to 771 km2.

The Yellow River is located on the lands of 7 provinces and 2 autonomous regions. On the map you can see: a large water artery passes through big cities Baotou, Luoyang, Wuhui, etc.

The Yellow River is divided into currents:

  1. The upper one stretches for almost 3500 km. From its source in the Bayan-Khara-Ula mountains it extends to Inner Mongolia, where it radically changes direction to the south.
  2. The middle current lies between Hekou and Zhengzhou (Loess Plateau region). Water flow has doubled, largely thanks to a large number tributaries It accounts for 92% of river sediments: loess, mud and sand settling in the lower reaches.
  3. The lower reaches (786 kilometers) - from Zhengzhou to the mouth. Here the water level is 10 m higher, the river is navigable and flows along a high dam.

The average water consumption is about 2000 m3/s. The Yellow River is characterized by a monsoon regime, which allows the water level to rise during summer floods to 5 m in flat areas and up to 20 m in mountainous areas.

Where does it flow

The Yellow River is the sixth longest river in the world. She overcomes a difficult winding path of more than 5000 km. The pride of China, the Yellow River, forms a delta and flows into the Yellow Sea, which is the Pacific basin.

Yellow River in ancient times

According to maps preserved from the Qin clan, the course of the Yellow River extended north of today. The waterway merged with the Bohai Bay near Tianjin. In 602 BC. The Great River headed south from the Shandong Peninsula.

During Zhanguo's time, warriors exploited river resources by destroying dams and flooding enemy territory. It is known that in the 10th century, Tuan Ning, defending the PRC from the Hou Tang army, deliberately blew up the dams of the Yellow River basin. The raging water flows flooded about 2,600 km2. The channel has also changed. In 1020, an agreement was concluded banning the change of river channels.

However, a little later, in 1034, water masses The Yellow River's hydraulic structures were again breached. After this, the workers tried to return the flow to its previous course, but they failed. More than 100,000 people took part in the restoration of the river route, which lasted more than five years.

Another flood in 1048 and a dam break in 1194 significantly changed the course. The flood besieged the mouth of the Huaihe: it began to flow into Lake Hongtze and then into the Yangtze.

Middle Ages in the history of the river

The disaster that occurred in 1344 again turned the Yellow River to the south and became the reason for the overthrow of the Yuan clan and the accession to the throne of the Ming dynasty. In 1642 (before this, the Yellow River flooded twice more), the governor of Kaifeng tried to destroy the dams in order to destroy the peasant rebels, but this caused the city to flood.

From 1851 to 1855, floods of the Yellow River were recorded every two years. The disaster that raged in the 80s of the 19th century took the lives of almost 2 million people. During the flood of 1897, the river regained its modern course.

Today, the Yellow River extends through Jinan, the capital of Shandong Province. However, over the entire period of its existence, it changed its eastern outlines several times.

The Chinese have learned to subjugate the harsh temper of the Yellow River. Dams installed along the entire riverbed regulate the water level, preventing the natural elements from raging. Formed ice blocks blow up. There are animals in the delta rare species, about 400 plant species grow. Hukou Waterfall, nature reserve Sanjiangyuan, the Jinan cable-stayed bridge, the Three Gates Gorge and other equally beautiful locations in the vicinity of the Yellow River attract the attention of tourists every year.

Yellow River (meaning "Yellow River")- the second largest river. Opening of the reservoir at famous river- a very impressive sight. After the sluices are opened, huge streams of water and sand rush out of the reservoir. This release of water makes it possible to clear the Yellow River of silt and prevent local floods.

Translated from Chinese language its name is “Yellow River”, which is due to the abundance of sediments that give a yellowish tint to its waters. It is thanks to them that the sea into which the river flows is called Yellow.

The Yellow River originates in the eastern part of the Tibetan Plateau at an altitude of over 4,000 meters.

In order to protect against floods, the Yellow River and its tributaries are fenced off by a large-scale system of dams, the total length of which is about 5 thousand km. Dam failures led to huge floods and channel shifts. This led to the death of large numbers of people and gave the river the nickname "The Mountain of China".

The Yellow River basin supports about 140 million people drinking water and water for irrigation.
Yellow River

From 602 n. e. To this day, 26 changes in the Yellow River bed and 1,573 dam breaks have been recorded.
Yellow River

The record annual rate of silt removal by the Yellow River was recorded in 1933, amounting to 3.91 billion tons.
Yellow River

The 1938 Yellow River flood was caused by the Nationalist government in central China during the first half of the Second Sino-Japanese War in an attempt to stop the rapid advance of Japanese troops. It was subsequently called "the largest act of environmental warfare in history."
Yellow River

The flood covered and destroyed thousands square kilometers agricultural land and moved the mouth of the Yellow River hundreds of miles to the south. Thousands of villages were flooded or destroyed, and several million residents were forced to flee their homes, becoming refugees. The official assessment of the dead by the post-war nationalist commission states that in the flood


The Yellow River is a river flowing in China, passing through the entire territory of the People's Republic of China and extends to some other countries, it also flows in Mongolia. The Yellow River occupies a significant place in the entire nation of China, and yet many did not even know about the existence of such a river in China.

The Yellow River can rightfully be called the “mother” of the birth of the great Chinese nation. The Yellow River is something like the Nile River in Egypt. It was on the banks of this river that the first ancestors of today's Chinese originated. Actually, the Yellow River still occupies a leading role in the life and activities of China, but first things first. The Yellow River translated from Chinese sounds like “Yellow River”, so you can often find this name.

The question arises, why is the river yellow? This is the one rare case when the name coincides with the very structure of the river. The river is called yellow precisely because it has a dark yellow color. Indeed, most sections of the Yellow River (there are extremely clean areas) are yellow, even Brown color. The river acquires this color thanks to the various sandstones through which it passes; due to the strong current, the river quickly erodes its bed, washing out the soil, which actually gives the river this color.

And the yellow plume extending far into the Yellow Sea, where the yellow river flows, can be seen several kilometers away.

Photo from space

Due to drifts carried with them, the river is quite dirty, and the water in it is mostly muddy. The Yellow River occupies a leading place among rivers carrying soil with it; annually the Yellow River carries 1.3 billion tons of various silt, sand and soil into the Yellow Sea. As you already understand, the mouth of the river is the Yellow Sea, and the source of the Yellow River comes from the Tibetan Plateau itself, at an altitude of 4,000 meters.

In terms of its length, the yellow river takes an honorable 6th place, its length is 5,464 km, although it is not a record holder, it is also very long. The river's drainage area is 752,000 km². The main tributaries are the rivers: Daxia, Tao, Weihe, Luohe. The river has a fairly fast current, with an average water flow of 2000 m³ per second.

Along the banks of the Yellow River are concentrated some of the most major cities China, such as: Lanzhou, Yinchuan, Baotou, Luoyang, Zhengzhou, Kaifeng, Jinan. The Yellow River is the main waterway of some of China's rapidly developing rural areas. Also water resources The yellow river is used as drinking water, as well as for industrial purposes. A number of large hydroelectric power stations are concentrated in the most intense sections of the river.

The river has a wide industrial character. Some sections of the river are even used for navigation, but this is only a small part, because the river as a whole is not suitable for movement. Unfortunately, the productive use of the river also entails intense pollution. The situation in the river in 2005 was such that most of the waters of the Yellow River are not suitable even for irrigation Agriculture. This is the result of numerous waste emissions from industrial enterprises and cities actively growing near the river.

No matter how many people there were, they didn’t try to adapt surrounding nature to his interests, he still will not achieve complete submission. This happened with the Yellow River in China. The fact is that along the entire length of the river there are protective dams; they were built to contain water in the riverbed during floods. The river has a monsoon regime and the river waters can sometimes rise up to 20 meters in height.

Over the entire history of the life of the formidable Yellow River, 26 changes in the river bed have been recorded, and even more dam breaks - 1,573 times the water overflowed their limits! The next water breakthrough or dam destruction inevitably entails dire consequences. With every water spill, the impending disaster claims the lives of millions of people.

The first mentioned river flood, with subsequent changes, the river destroyed the entire Qin Dynasty. And the flood of 1887 killed approximately 2 million people. The last disaster occurred in 1938, when the Chinese authorities deliberately broke the dams to stop the advance of Japanese troops. As a result of this flood, about 900 thousand civilians died.

And before this spill there was another one, in 1931, then between 1,000,000 and 4 million people died. The fact is that the river, with its flow, constantly washes away soil and carries it with it; in some especially polluted areas, natural dams are created, which subsequently entails flooding. Another reason may be the annual melting of ice. Ice forms ice jams that prevent the rest of the water from passing through, resulting in flooding. Today, the Chinese government is doing an excellent job of managing the river bed and preventing all possible floods.

The Yellow River, or Yellow River, along with the Yangtze, is one of the greatest rivers in China. It flows into the Yellow Sea, which belongs to the Pacific Ocean. The waters of the river, due to the huge amount of silt in it, have a yellowish tint and color the coastal area of ​​the sea the same color. Europeans called it the Yellow River.

The length of China's second main artery is 4845 km. She is among the most long rivers of the Asian continent and ranks sixth among other rivers globe. At the same time, in terms of area drainage basin, amounting to only 771 thousand km2, it cannot be classified as greatest rivers peace. But the Yellow River is rightfully considered one of the most muddy rivers in the world. While the Nile carries only 0.9 kg/m3 of silt, and the Colorado - 7.7 kg/m3, during floods of the Yellow River, an average of 35–40 kg of fertile layer settles over a large area. There is evidence according to which this figure reached 544 kg per 1 m3. In addition, about 1,500 tons of silt are washed into the sea every year. Geographers explain such high figures by the rapidity of the river, which practically does not lose speed even when crossing large irrigation systems on the plain. Because of this, the silt does not have time to settle at the bottom of the river.

The Yellow River originates in the eastern part of the Tibetan Plateau, approximately 161 km west of Lake Jarin Nur (Gyaring Tso).

Flowing through the Hetao Plain, through the Loess Plateau and the Great Chinese Plain, the river flows into Bohai Bay Yellow Sea, forming a small delta here.

Descending through rapids and deep gorges, the Yellow River breaks through from the Tibetan Plateau to the desert plains of Inner Mongolia and rushes through the Loess Plateau to alluvial plains the Ordos desert, where it slows down. Having chosen the southern direction, the Yellow River again rushes at high speed into narrow gorges, so that, turning once again to the east, cross the eastern spurs of the Qinling ridge and, passing through Sanmenxia (Three Gate Gorge), slow down its run on the Great Chinese Plain. Here the Yellow River floods widely, and in some places the river level is 3 m above the surface of the plain.

This area, nicknamed by geographers critical area, is most susceptible to periodic floods of an unruly river. Nevertheless, on the banks of the Yellow River there are such settlements, How administrative center Gansu provinces Lanzhou (Gaolan) and the large metallurgical city of Baotou, and in the Yellow River Valley are Zhengzhou and Jinan.

Translated from Chinese, Yellow River means “grief of the sons of Khan.” This name truly reflects the nature of the river: periods of relative calm are replaced by floods that bring grief to the people living in the valley. The river seems to remind: “Don’t expect a quiet life from me.”

Yellow River

Scientists have found that over the past 2000 years, the Yellow River has overflowed its banks and eroded dams more than 1000 times. At least 20 times she managed to change the trajectory of her bed. According to some sources, from 1048 to 1324 it flowed into Bohai Bay, located north of the Shandong Peninsula. Then, connecting with the Huaihe River, the Yellow River carried its waters into the Yellow Sea south of the peninsula, and in 1851 the beds of these rivers diverged again, and the Yellow River found refuge in Bohai Bay. Its fertile valleys were inhabited by people in ancient times, but frequent floods with dam breaks and channel movements reaching 800 km forced the Chinese to follow the tricky river over large territories. They continued to settle on the banks of the Yellow River, because after the annual floods, fertile silt remained on the soil, which was an excellent fertilizer.

People began making their first attempts to regulate the river's flow about 3,000 years ago, when Chinese civilization arose in the Yellow River basin. They built sand embankments and dams. Information about this has been preserved in numerous Chinese legends. The most famous is the legend of folk hero Yue, who straightened the river bed and saved the inhabitants from the annual floods.

But in reality, all the actions of the Chinese yielded little result. The reason is that the construction of these dams increased the likelihood of devastating floods, since the area of ​​sediment accumulation was limited only to the river bed. The gradual accumulation of silt deposits forced the construction of ever higher dams, as a result of which the river and ramparts were higher than the level of the adjacent plain. Summer floods, accompanied by a dam break and river overflow, became natural disaster: gigantic territories with crops were under water.

In 1938, the dams built on the right bank were destroyed by order of the head of the Kuomintang regime, Chiang Kai-shek, who sought to prevent the advance of the Japanese army. In 1947, as part of a UN project, the Yellow River was returned to its original channel leading to Bohai Bay.

The Grand Canal, about 1,782 km long, connects the Yellow River with the Yangtze River and major seaports Tianjin and Shanghai. This human-made waterway originates in Beijing and extends to Hangzhou. Its construction began in the 5th century BC. e. Workers carried out deepening and clearing work. For a long time, the Grand Canal was an important transport route; and today the movement of large ships along the southern section of the Grand Canal is still possible.

As for the river itself, navigation on it has been difficult since ancient times due to the fast and turbulent current. Waterway was possible only on a short section of 161 km (in the lower reaches). The construction of a dam near the city of Lanzhou, and the emergence as a result of these works of a huge reservoir and hydroelectric power station in the Sanmenxia Gorge, providing 1 million kilowatt-hours of electricity, increased the length of shipping routes to 790 km.

The area of ​​the Sanmenxiang Sea is 2350 km2, its water volume is 35 km3, and its length is about 300 km. This hydraulic structure, designed to generate electricity, irrigate land and improve navigation, effectively combats even the most powerful floods. It is currently planned to begin construction of new dams designed to increase the number of navigable sections both on the Yellow River itself and on some of its tributaries.

Thus, since 1955, the Chinese government has been trying to implement the so-called. a stepwise plan for regulating the Yellow River, involving the construction of 4 large and 42 auxiliary dams on main river and flowing into it waterways. Large-scale government programs are complemented by numerous local projects involving the construction of small dams on small rivers, terracing of loess hillsides and planting forest areas to prevent soil erosion.

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Meaning of the word Huang He

Huang He in the crossword dictionary

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998

Huang He

HUANGHE (Yellow River) in eastern China. 4845 km, basin area 771 thousand km2. It begins in the east of the Tibetan Plateau, flows through the Hetao Plain, through the Loess Plateau, and the Great Chinese Plain. Flows into the hall. Bohaiwan Yellow m., forming a delta. Average consumption water approx. 2000 m3/s, maximum - in summer. Floods with dam breaks and channel movements of up to 800 km are not uncommon. Carries an average of 35-40 kg/m3 of sediment (the highest concentration among large rivers Earth). Used for irrigation. Hydroelectric power station (near Lanzhou and in the Sanmenxia gorge). Navigable in some areas. On the Yellow River - the cities of Lanzhou, Baotou; in the valley are the cities of Zhengzhou and Jinan.

Yellow River

Liujiaxia, Yongjing County, Linxia-Hui Autonomous Okrug, eroding the Loess Plateau and the Shanxi Mountains, the Yellow River annually carries out 1.3 billion tons of suspended sediment, ranking first among the world's rivers in terms of this indicator. Intensive sediment deposition in the lower reaches raises the channel, which is located at heights from 3 to 10 m above the adjacent plains. In order to protect against floods, the Yellow River and its tributaries are fenced off by a large-scale system of dams, the total length of which is about 5 thousand km. Dam failures led to huge floods and channel shifts. This led to the death of large numbers of people and gave the river the nickname "The Mountain of China". The maximum recorded movement of the Yellow River channel was about 800 km.

In 11 AD e. The Yellow River made a breakthrough into a new direction, which caused a humanitarian catastrophe - one of the factors that led to the fall of the Xin Dynasty. From 602 n. e. To this day, 26 changes in the Yellow River bed and 1,573 dam breaks have been recorded. Among the largest disasters are the floods of 1931 and 1938, organized by the Kuomintang authorities in order to stop the advance of the Japanese army.

Yellow River (Arctic station)

Yellow River- a Chinese research station in the Arctic, opened by the Polar Research Institute of China near the village of Ny-Ålesund, Spitsbergen in 2003. Scientists at the station study the northern lights and frozen microorganisms, conduct glacier monitoring and meteorological research.

Yellow River (disambiguation)

  • Yellow River is a river in China.
  • Yellow River is a Chinese research station in the Arctic.

Examples of the use of the word Huang He in literature.

On the outskirts of the Alashan desert, at the bend Yellow River Ordos, a fertile loess plateau, was located precisely next to it, and nearby, replacing each other, existed the capitals of medieval China - Chang'an, Luoyang, Xi'an and further into the interior of China - Kaifeng.

This was the name of the foothills of Alashan and Nanshan, lying west of the turn Yellow River on North.

Yellow River flows from south to north, and the entire territory located east of the river.

Yellow River and Weihe did not quench his thirst, he rushed to the north to drink from the Great Swamp, but, before reaching, he abandoned his staff and died on the road from thirst.

My name is Guan Yu, and I come from Jieliang, which is east of the river Yellow River, - he answered.

Dong Cheng and Yang Feng persuaded the emperor to leave the carriage and walk to the river bank Yellow River, where Li Yue and others had already found a boat and arranged a crossing.

Meanwhile, Cao Cao and his victorious troops positioned themselves along the river bank Yellow River.

The enemy, screaming and hollering, rushed after them, and at dawn they reached the river bank Yellow River.

Advisor Cheng Yu suggested that he take the army ashore Yellow River, hide ten troops there, and then lure Yuan Shao to the shore.

Capital - Kaifeng on the river Yellow River, the capital was later moved to the city of Hangzhou in southern China.

Old World - from Niger to Yellow River, from Ireland to southern India - as a result of the onset of a humid, rainy climatic period.

As soon as Cao Cao learned that Yuan Shao intended to cross Yellow River, and Wen Chou had already taken the crossing at Yanjin, he first of all ordered the resettlement local residents in Xihe.

The Tarim, in turn, flowed into Lake Lop Nor, and the Yangtze River, Yellow River, Mekong, Salween, Mnd and Bramaputra - to distant oceans.

On Yellow River- the cities of Lanzhou, Baotou, in the valley - the cities of Zhengzhou, Jinan.

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