Exam in history demo version solved online. History tests

Knowing the dates is 50% of success in the exam. Our tests contain dates found in Unified State Exam assignments on history. Classes on our simulators guarantee that you remember the dates. If you don't know the answer to a question, select "View Hint." If you cannot answer with a hint, select "Check". And be sure to read the “Detailed answer” (appears after clicking on “Check”).


Wars and revolts


Time of reign

Foreign history

All dates on Russian history in chronological order

Here are collected excerpts from sources found in Unified State Examination tasks in history. Completing our exercises will provide all the necessary knowledge about the fragment. If you don't know the answer to a question, select "View Hint." If you cannot answer with a hint, select "Check".

Ancient Rus'

Royal Russia

Soviet Russia

Personalities (pictures)

To pass the exam well, it is important not only to know the names of historical figures, but also to have an idea of ​​their appearance. Our tasks will allow you to see portraits of historical figures found in Unified State Examination tasks in history. And regular classes on our simulators will help you remember all the main characters of Russian history. If you don't know the answer to a question, select "View Hint." If you cannot answer with a hint, select "Check". And be sure to read the “Detailed answer” (appears after clicking on “Check”). Here are collected terms found in Unified State Examination tasks in history. Classes on our simulators guarantee you memorization of terms. If you don't know the answer to a question, select "View Hint." If you cannot answer with a hint, select "Check". The Unified State Exam tests knowledge about the main architectural monuments of Russia. To pass the exam well, you need to know what all the main temples, cathedrals, palaces and other monuments look like. In addition, it is important to remember when a particular temple or palace was built, as well as the name of its architect. Our picture assignments on Russian history will help you prepare. If you have any difficulties, use the “View hint” button and be sure to look at the “Detailed answer” (appears after clicking on “Check”).

The Unified State Exam in history, starting in 2017, according to rumors that have not subsided on the Internet to this day, will become mandatory for all graduates of Russian schools. Let us remind you that previously, applicants entering Russian universities were required to take exams in the Russian language and mathematics. It is also known that by 2022 Rosobrnadzor plans to transform three compulsory subjects for passing the Unified State Exam at four. They say that the fourth compulsory subject will be foreign language, and everything seems to be clear with him. What about history?

Official history of amendments to the Unified State Examination

History, as officials believe, should be studied far and wide, especially the history of one’s native country. Not last people, who are in the service of Rosobrnadzor, found out that most of today’s youth are far from a deep knowledge of the history of Russia, not to mention the fact that their knowledge in the context of world history is even more meager. Therefore, in order for the country to consist exclusively of smart children who will soon, after graduating from university, become adults and independent, they have taken appropriate measures, according to which from now on schoolchildren will be tested for their erudition in terms of a close acquaintance with the history of the Russian state. However, the exam questions, as you might guess, will concern not only Russia, but also the rest of the world.

The main changes made to the Unified State Examination in History in 2017, in principle, consist precisely in the fact that now this academic discipline will become mandatory when testing the knowledge of school graduates acquired throughout their studies, in the form of a subsequent test.

In addition, it is worth noting the amendments made to the exam, which mean that now, starting in 2017, the test part will be canceled. She's on the change will come oral. Thus, as officials believe, the option of randomly guessing the correct answers is excluded.

How to properly prepare for the exam?

Preparation for the Unified State Exam in history, for the exam that all school graduates, without exception, who are completing their process of acquiring the knowledge they need in the future, will take at a secondary educational institution in 2017, should begin right now, if this concerns you specifically, our reader, who will soon become an applicant. At the same time, we will not discover America if we say that the process of preparing for the Unified State Exam begins in first grade. Well, okay, probably from the 4th-5th, when studying becomes somewhat more complicated than the usual course of things. However, by this we want to say that you should not waste a minute and neglect the knowledge acquired at school according to the approved program. You should study everything that the teacher says during lessons and do all your homework in order to understand what the teacher actually wants to get from his student.

And yet the Russian language and mathematics are not history! History, as a humanities science, seems to be easier. Yes and homework if they are asked about this subject, it is only to read a couple of pages (or perhaps a dozen) of educational material. All this allows the student to prepare in advance for the Unified State Examination in history and learn the answers to all questions from the oral part.

Verbal part, tell me, are you strict?

Let's say that oral part, the very form of the exam that will be introduced in 2017 for passing the Unified State Exam has not been finally approved. If Rosobrnadzor understands that it did the right thing when it decided to replace tests with this developed technology, when many schoolchildren who successfully passed the exams speak warmly about this process, which exhausted them to the limit, then its leadership will make the final decision on the mandatory replacement of the test part passing the Unified State Examination orally.

I would also like to note that today, in addition to the three compulsory subjects (and earlier in the text we already found out that there will soon be three of them), there is a fourth academic discipline, which the applicant has the right to choose independently. The list of remaining subjects includes the following: chemistry, geography and biology, social studies and literature, computer science and a foreign language. As for a foreign language, a subject which, as we have already said, in 5-6 years may become the fourth compulsory subject for passing the Unified State Exam, today schoolchildren can choose English, French, German or Spanish from the list proposed for study.

What exactly will change in the exam in the subject History?

To be specific, the Unified State Exam in the subject History in 2017 will change in parts 1 and 2. 22 tasks will be excluded from the work previously developed and approved by Rosobrnadzor. At the same time, instead of them, tasks will now appear, the task of which is to test the student and the future student regarding his knowledge of dates, facts, culture, processes, phenomena, etc., as well as to find out how well he knows how to work with historical source, presented in text form. The tasks will have both short answers and blanks that need to be filled in.

At the same time, a completely new task will appear - writing a historical essay on a specific topic. As follows from the source who obtained such important information, the topic can be discussed with the commission.

Time allotted for completion Unified State Examination According to history, starting from 2017, it will be 5 minutes to 4 hours. This, as you understand, is slightly more than the previously established duration of the exam.

The Unified State Exam in History has a good chance of becoming mandatory for all eleventh graders in 2017. The Ministry of Education seriously plans to increase the number of mandatory exams to four by 2022 from today’s two. History and a foreign language will most likely be added to the Russian language and mathematics. Rumors persist that history will debut as a compulsory subject in 2017, so the likelihood of this happening is very high. Of course, in such a situation, information about whether changes are planned in the Unified State Examination in History in 2017 and what kind of changes, begins to worry absolutely all graduates, and not just those planning to take the exam in this subject in the humanities.

Unified State Examination in History as a mandatory exam

So, what reasons are there for upgrading the history exam to compulsory status? Officially it is said that the quality of history knowledge among young people is absolutely appalling. Even applicants who enter specialized universities demonstrate complete confusion in facts and dates and do not have any coherent picture of the historical process in their heads. Those who are not interested in history even think in extremely strange and far from reality categories, demonstrating in full glory the absurdity of modern postmodernism, as it becomes without knowledge of the factual background.

There is probably another reason for the special emphasis on history in school education. The ruling group in Russia, the more and more it can find its legitimacy only in endless wars and reliance on the “correct” view of Russian history. How can you criticize us, says the authorities, when there are only enemies around, only thinking about how to tear the country apart. This simple idea was also used Russian tsars, it was in this spirit that historical works of that time were written at their request. Therefore, Russians are asked to endure all the hardships, low quality of life, disgusting medicine and the backwardness of the country, and any fair criticism and desire to live better becomes an encroachment on the government that protects the country from aggressive neighbors. Of course, in order to instill such a view of itself, the authorities are obliged to teach history “correctly” at school and do everything to ensure that this school subject arouses increased interest.

Exam dates

The Ministry of Education published in advance a preliminary schedule for holding unified state exams in 2017. Early and main stage planned conducting the Unified State Exam. If the schedule does not change, the history exam in 2017 will take place on the following dates:

  • Early stage: March 16, Thursday (reserve: April 3, Monday).
  • Main stage: June 2, Friday (reserve: June 19, Monday).

Thus, if history is indeed made a compulsory subject, and the planned dates remain the same, the graduates of 2017 will have a tough time - the Unified State Examination in this subject is a day after the compulsory exam in the Russian language and three days before the compulsory exam in mathematics.

Changes in the Unified State Examination in History

Of course, the main thing that graduates and teachers are interested in regarding this exam is whether tests will remain in the 2017 Unified State Exam in History as a way to test the knowledge of eleventh-graders. Apparently, we will not see tests in history in the Unified State Exam; they will be replaced by an oral stage, as well as tasks to fill in the gaps in the text, or tasks that require a short answer. In this case, the proposed options will no longer exist as before.

The exam will take 3 hours and 55 minutes. The graduate will be required to know the dates of historical events, as well as the essence of these events and how they influenced further history. You will also need to know the main characters of the story and what contribution they made to the development of their country and the whole world.

Beyond knowledge national history(including the history of Russian culture), knowledge of world history is also necessary. Two tasks in the exam will be devoted specifically to it.

Regarding what changes have been prepared for the Unified State Examination in history in 2017, the latest news suggests that simply knowing the facts and dates will not be enough. Now the graduate needs the ability to work with historical documents. Based on the proposed text, the graduate will have to determine the author of the text, the time of its creation and the topic of the text, that is, what is being discussed, what historical events.

According to the proposed historical map the examinee will have to determine the period of history to which the map relates, the objects marked on the map, as well as those historical events, which may be indicated on the map and how these events affected further development stories.

Also, the graduate will be offered some kind of historical illustration - from a postage stamp to a caricature, on which he will be asked to make a historical analysis of the image.

Finally, to receive the maximum score, the graduate will have to complete creative tasks, which are short essays on a historical topic. In the first of them, the eleventh grader will have to argue his point of view on one issue or another, with an emphasis on historical facts. The second similar task - historical essay, written according to the proposed structural plan.

These are the main changes to the Unified State Examination in History in 2017. Last news FIPI (Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements) allows us to conclude that the described structure of the exam and the list of knowledge required for testing have been finally approved, so graduates should prepare for the exams in accordance with the codifiers published by FIPI.

Every school year for parents and students of the 9th and 11th grades begins with news and possible changes in the system of passing the Unified State Exam (USE). In 2017, further changes are expected in the educational sphere. In order to improve the quality of education and literacy of young people, it is planned to introduce a third compulsory subject for passing the Unified State Exam. Perhaps this will be history.

Innovations in the Unified State Exam system

The analysis of the Unified State Examination is carried out by specialists and analysts annually upon completion of the tests and the announcement of the results. For the next academic year, the exam questions and procedure are adjusted. The latest news has discouraged many students. Planned increase total number exams. There is an opinion that the third mandatory exam will be an elective discipline. Most experts agree on the approval of history as a subject for the Unified State Exam.

It is reliably known that the changes are planned to be introduced by the end of 2016-2017 school year. In addition to an additional subject for 9th and 11th grade students, a surprise awaits fourth graders. At the end of the 4th grade, it is also planned to introduce the Unified State Examination. Officials explain their decision by the desire to strengthen control over education. In this way, children will learn better, starting in the early grades, and will get used to testing their knowledge. As a result, graduates are expected to experience a reduction in stress and an overall improvement in exam results.

Officials are not going to stop planning for 2017. The changes are long-term; every year it is planned to increase the required number of subjects taken. Thus, by 2019, graduates will be required to take the Unified State Exam in 6 different subjects. Some disciplines, along with mathematics and the Russian language, will be determined immediately, and some students will be able to choose at their own discretion.

The structure of passing the Russian language will undergo changes in 2017. We are considering expanding the ticket with a new task - oral part. Thus, it is planned to increase the speaking skills of young people, the ability to express their thoughts clearly and accessible to the interlocutor, i.e. examiners.

Reaction to innovations

The news about changes to the Unified State Examination system caused a lot of negative feedback among graduating students and their parents. Schoolchildren complain about the excessive workload of studying and difficulties in preparing for the 2017 exams. Parents are also concerned about the financial side of the issue, increased costs for tutoring, additional literature and constantly increasing stress.

The fears are well founded. Statistics identify history as one of the hardest subjects to pass. The most successful graduates pass Russian and English languages. In mathematics, physics and history for 2014 and 2015 the lowest number of GPA. Schoolchildren are confident that the situation will not change in 2017; history will remain one of the most difficult subjects on the Unified State Exam.

Officials and test writers urge people not to react too violently to the news.

The changes will not cause any inconvenience. The Unified State Examination in history will contain a test part and tasks with detailed answers. During the preparation process, online sources offer free practice tests in several options. Such a rehearsal allows you to reduce anxiety and prepare for the changes of 2017 in a calm home environment. If difficulties arise, you should remember that the answer options offer 1-2 obviously incorrect answers, which are easily eliminated. From the remaining options, choose the most acceptable one. Experts express confidence that the Unified State Exam in history will not be too difficult.

Non-standard solution

The introduction of history as an additional (third) subject in 2017, as mandatory for passing the Unified State Exam, is due to several factors.

  • Decrease in activity of schoolchildren. The Unified State Examination system offers, in addition to the mandatory ones, to take elective subjects, including history, physics, chemistry, etc. Among school graduates, the number of people wishing to include optional subjects in the exams decreases every year. Students prefer to limit themselves to mathematics and the Russian language.
  • Deterioration of knowledge in history. The results of recent sociological research have shown alarmingly low level knowledge on the subject. Thus, about 22% of respondents could not name the date of the start of World War II. Some respondents found it difficult to name warring parties. A logical explanation for low knowledge of history is the fact of a disdainful attitude towards the subject. Popular sources of reliable historical information include the Internet, movies and television series (60%).
  • Increasing alternatives upon admission. Officials and education experts are confident that the changes in 2017 will have a beneficial effect on the ability of schoolchildren to enter higher education. educational establishments. Because of the fear of failing the Unified State Exam, many schoolchildren refuse the opportunity to take additional subjects and find themselves at a disadvantage when entering a university.
  • The importance of the subject for personality development. Sociologists consider knowledge of the history of a state to be an important component of personal development. The latest news suggests that officials agree with the proposed opinion. It is planned to introduce history as a subject that schoolchildren will be required to take starting in 2017.

Analysts and experts school education urge parents and graduates not to overreact to news about changes in the Unified State Examination. An additional subject will not become a burden for students, but will help to better understand historical events and draw conclusions. The final decision and new details regarding the conduct of the Unified State Exam in history will be known at the end of the 2016-2017 academic year.

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