How many eggs does a chicken lay per day? How can you increase egg production? Features of laying hen productivity: how many eggs does a chicken lay in one day

Often you have to deal with how many eggs a chicken lays during the day, month, year. The interest of keeping it depends on how many eggs you can get from a chicken. But before answering this question, it is necessary to understand the features of oviposition.

When do chickens start laying eggs?

The egg-laying period begins at the time of puberty, which depends on which direction of productivity the bird belongs to. As is known egg breeds chickens mature faster. On average, egg laying begins at 4.5-5 months of a bird’s life. Chickens belonging to the meat-egg direction mature longer and begin to lay eggs in 6 - 6.5 months. Meat chickens are the latest breeds to mature, laying eggs at 7-8 months. High egg production is not a priority for such breeds; all energy is spent on building muscle mass.

How quickly a farmer can get his first egg products depends on the place where the chickens were purchased. If the birds were purchased at a breeding farm or poultry farm, then the farmer knows exactly the breed/cross of the bird, can navigate by productivity, predict how much product he can approximately get by studying the characteristics of the chickens he purchased. If you buy poultry at the market, you should not count on purebred chickens; they mostly sell mixed chickens. It is impossible to predict any time frame when a chicken will start laying eggs and how many eggs it will produce.

How many eggs does a chicken lay per year?

The annual productivity of a chicken indicates which direction it belongs to; of course, egg-laying chickens produce the most egg production per year. By external qualities they are small in size and have increased motor activity. The average productivity of egg breeds is 200-240 eggs, egg hybrids produce 280-320. Summer time is the most fruitful, birds lay eggs every day; in winter you can get eggs much less often. Meat and egg breeds of chickens lay 160-180 pieces per year, meat breeds lay fewer eggs (another direction of productivity). They lay 120-160 eggs per year. But the eggs of meat breed chickens are large.

How many eggs does a chicken lay per month?

Egg breeds produce 18-27 eggs. From meat and egg chickens there are 12-16, and from meat chickens on average up to 12 pieces.

How many eggs does a chicken lay per day?

A good egg-producing hen can lay one egg per day. It all depends on how long it takes to form inside the bird’s body. On average, you get 1 egg per day from egg. From meat and egg chickens 1 time every two days, from meat breeds 1 time every three days. It should be taken into account that egg laying is influenced by the molting period and the emergence of the brooding instinct in birds.

Ways to increase egg production in chickens

Productivity is influenced by many factors; first of all, you need to start with the diet, it must be nutritious and contain a sufficient amount of vitamins, amino acids and mineral components. A properly formulated diet will not only increase egg production, but also strengthen the immune system, and the quality and quantity of eggs will be higher. The dietary intake rate for chickens must be controlled to prevent obesity, which reduces the number of eggs. In addition to the diet, various premixes and special feed for laying hens are used, designed to increase the number of eggs produced.

Look at: lighting, temperature environment and conditions for keeping birds. If it is grown in cages, then the microclimate is a major factor, as it must be maintained all year round. Stress should not be allowed to arise when temperature and conditions change. If the bird is kept on the floor, then the bedding should be dry, clean, and changed frequently. If it remains dirty for a long time, it means the humidity rises and microorganisms multiply, leading to bird disease and weakened immunity. If a bird can lay eggs in an unheated coop, egg production may simply stop if the temperature drops extremely below zero. Heat in the chicken coop still needs to be created. Duration daylight hours 12-14 hours at winter period when natural light is reduced.

How many years do chickens lay eggs?

Despite the created conditions, breed and individual characteristics of the bird, you need to understand that their productivity is not endless. They reach a peak in the number of eggs in the second year of life, after which the decline occurs by 15% per year. Egg hens at poultry farms are replaced every year, but chickens living at home live up to 3-5 years. It is not economically profitable to use them further, feed consumption is stable, and the meat will lose its taste and usefulness. The most valuable species birds do not live more than 5 years. The number of eggs laid decreases, and their quality can no longer be used as hatching eggs.

The optimal lifespan for a chicken is when the economic and useful part the amount received from her is the same, 2-3 years. Of course, the life expectancy of chickens depends on the farmer and on the goals of raising and keeping the birds.

Today I want to make things clear: how many eggs does a chicken lay? per day, month, year, not at a poultry farm, but in a private farmstead. I often read statements - a chicken should lay at least 300 eggs during the year. Is such an inflated production plan feasible? If so, it turns out that the poor bird must work (lay eggs) all the time without vacations and weekends, for wear and tear. Is it so?

In our village (I can’t say anything for others) chicken eggs disappeared. You can’t buy it in stores, they sell it out instantly. The local village population has a complete lack of them. It seems that all the chickens conspired and created a real chicken mess for us, and at the same time stopped laying eggs. How are my chickens? And they go there too. I would like to introduce them to you. Hens of the egg breed Hisex Brown, age 1 year 4 months 21 days. Here is the whole impudent company of 29 pieces.

Today is exactly one month since these chickens also stopped laying eggs. Even three roosters can’t help me, the guys are powerless this time. The temperature outside is -3. It's autumn. Today is November 02, 2016.

Hisex Brown chickens belong to the egg-laying breed of chickens and are a cross. They have brown plumage with occasional white tips. The eggs are large: weight 50-70 grams, the shell is thick and strong.

According to information from Internet sources: have high productivity, the average number of eggs is 300 eggs per year. Households begin to lay eggs at the age of 4 months, an egg every day. The highest egg production is observed in the first year of cultivation.

Egg production of chickens.

On June 12, 2015, my chickens were born. At first they were just such cute little guys.

Then a little older

The first egg was laid on December 12, 2015, at 6 months, one for all 29 chickens. True, after a month, egg production increased significantly, every day I began to collect 8-9 eggs, and only by 12 months did the chickens return to normal - 20-24 chicken eggs per day. IN summer months About once a week the number of eggs decreased to 15, the next day everything returned to normal. The reason for this behavior of the chickens could not be determined.

How many eggs does a chicken lay per year?

Based on my experience, using the example of Hisex Brown egg breed chickens, I will try to answer the question - how many eggs does a chicken lay per year in a private backyard. Egg production of 29 hens in the period 6 - 16 months:

  • age 7 months - 1-5 eggs/day;
  • age 8 months 8-9 eggs/day;
  • age 9-11 months 12-15 eggs/day;
  • age 12-15 months 20-24 eggs/day;
  • age 16 months - rest.

How much I love mathematics. I take a pen and paper and count, taking into account only maximum amount laid eggs, taking into account the age of the chickens. A little math:

7 months = 1 month. X 5 eggs X 30 days = 150 eggs

8 months = 1 month. X 9 eggs X 30 days = 270 eggs

9-11 months = 3 months. X 15 eggs X 30 days = 1350 eggs

12-15 months = 4 months. x 24 eggs x. 30 days = 2880 eggs

Total: 4650 eggs.

During the first year (16 months) of raising chickens of the egg-bearing breed Hisex Brown in the amount of 29 individuals, I received 4650 eggs, which is 160 eggs per chicken. It turns out that a chicken in the first year of life, or more precisely up to the age of 1 year 4 months, on average can lay 160 eggs, imagine - this is an egg-laying breed of chickens. Where then do the reports about the number of 300 eggs per chicken per year come from? I don’t even know where this data comes from. My personal experience confirms completely different figures.

Conclusion. Chickens do not begin to lay eggs and lay eggs at the same time, some earlier than others later, in different time - different quantities. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the body. Based on my statistics, it turns out that the chicken does not lay eggs every day (or in the flock of chickens there are hard workers and there are parasites, a kind of drone hens). Total eggs laid per year are less than 300 – the number that Internet sites so successfully talk about.

All data provided in this article is based on personal experience raising chickens of the egg-laying breed Hisex Brown at home from June 2015 to October 2016. In the absence of any stimulants and all kinds of chemicals.

It may be objected to me that the data I cited relate to the first year of life of chickens, and then egg production will be greater. I beg to differ with this. Reason: in the second year, the egg production of chickens decreases by 20-25%. It is not in vain that poultry factories get rid of one-year-old chickens, considering them waste material with low profitability. This means that the size of the eggs should decrease every year. It is also necessary to take into account winter time years, the chickens will also need rest after a year.

What's next? While the chickens rest for a month. Their moult has passed. They live in a warm barn. Food - wheat grain, grinding grain with additives (boiled potatoes, zucchini, pumpkins, carrots, beets). Daylight hours are 14 hours. I don’t know how long they will rest. The article is not finished yet, to be continued. After all, it's all the chickens' fault. Let's wait!

P.S. A new generation is coming. Domestic breed chickens, the so-called outbred ones, are growing up.

raising chickens at home

Age 6 months 5 days. No eggs yet. I'm looking forward to it.

Continuation. How many eggs does a chicken lay?.

After a long break, from November 26, 2016, old hens of the Hisex Brown egg breed started laying eggs. We rested for 56 days. Not many eggs. The first five days there were two eggs per day. Today, on the sixth day, three eggs were laid. And that's 29 chickens. I wonder when they will go back to normal?

Young domestic chickens are silent. They are 7 months and 5 days old today. We continue to wait.

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Eggs- the most common product in human nutrition. We eat chicken, goose, duck, ostrich and quail eggs. Chicken products are considered the most consumed.

Poultry, in principle, is a waste-free product. Feather- for pillows and clothes. Meat, offal and eggs - for cooking.

Every day people cook:

  • scrambled eggs and omelet - for breakfast;
  • add eggs to salads and snacks;
  • make rich pastries based on eggs.

That's why egg can be called the most consumed product on Earth. When breeding poultry, owners try to achieve maximum productivity from it.

Effect on laying hen productivity

How much product a hen will produce at home is something poultry farmers argue about. Some owners have a chicken that produces one egg every day, while their neighbors produce one every 2 days. It turns out that the productivity of a chicken depends on its pedigree qualities, the time of year, the diet and living conditions of the chickens. But the average quantity is 200 pieces of product per year from one laying hen.

Egg production indicator

The productivity of laying hens depends on living conditions. If the microclimate in the chicken coop is maintained and the diet is properly selected, then the chicken will continuously delight the farmer with its products. Microclimate or nutritional disturbances can lead to a decrease in egg production and its possible suspension, which will also affect a decrease in productivity.

The time of year also affects egg production rates:

  • in winter, the production rate is low due to the short daylight hours;
  • In summer, productivity increases significantly.

Therefore, no one can accurately answer the question: how many eggs a chicken lays per day, month or year.

On average, under the right conditions, a domestic chicken lays one egg per day. In cold winter short days The laying hen pleases the owner every other day, and non-egg breeds stop laying eggs.

A chicken is not capable of laying more than one egg per day; this limitation is due to nature itself. After all, it takes 25 hours:

  • yolk maturation;
  • getting into the oviduct;
  • advancement along the oviduct;
  • protein coating;
  • hard shell coating.

Therefore, there is no way to speed up this process.

New breeds are bred at poultry farms, optimal conditions are created: lighting, feed, water, temperature regime. With such care, the return from one chicken is more than 3 hundred eggs per year. This also proves that more than 1 per day does not work. During 7 days of productive work, a laying hen produces from 4 to 7 eggs. In 30 days - from 15 to 30. Per year - from 200 to 350 pieces maximum.

You need to know that, in addition to housing conditions, diet and season, productivity is influenced by stress from the presence of other animals or unnecessary sounds.

The meaning of bird breed

In poultry farming, chicken breeds are divided into three classes: universal, egg and meat. All of the listed breeds have different productivity. So, let's look at egg breeds and their productivity:

  • Leghorn- from 210 to 250 eggs (maximum cases are known - 300 pieces) per year, each egg weighs 65 grams.
  • Russian white- from 220 to 250 pieces per year, 1 egg weighing up to 60 grams.
  • High Line- approximately 330 to 350 pieces per year, one egg weighs up to 65 grams.
  • Brown- from 310 to 315 eggs per year, each 65 grams.
  • Hisex white- up to 315 pieces per year, 1 egg weighing up to 65 grams.
  • Russian Corydalis- up to 190 eggs per year, each weighing up to 60 grams.

Meat breeds are not profitable to use for egg production. The bird grows large, and sexual maturity occurs only at seven months. A chicken eats a lot and it is not profitable to keep it for eggs. But for meat, an individual reaching 7 kg is excellent. Meat chickens produce no more than 150 eggs per year, but their eggs are larger than those of regular laying hens.

Beginners in poultry farming are sure that without a rooster in the hen house you will not get anything from the chicken. commercial products. It is a myth. An adult chicken lays a clutch that does not require the presence of a rooster. Eggs that are not fertilized by a rooster are only suitable for human consumption. And to breed poultry, of course, you can’t do without a rooster.

When chickens are bred for eggs, they get rid of a larger flock for the winter, stocking up on chicken meat, and leaving only a few laying hens.

With the arrival of warmer weather, the poultry yard is replenished with new individuals. For such cases, there should always be one rooster in a chicken family. You will know that the eggs are suitable for laying under the hen and in a month you will have young animals. Despite the age of the mother hen, the number of future eggs is genetically determined for the chicken while still in the egg.

Production of egg product

The timing of egg laying depends on the breed of chicken:

  • Egg breed. Young chickens have a bright red comb and reach sexual maturity quite quickly. You will be blessed with your first eggs when you are 4 to 5 months old.
  • Meat-egg breed. These hens will start laying eggs between 5 and 6 and a half months (approximately 24 weeks from birth).
  • Meat breed. Egg production begins late, at 8 months. It is not profitable to breed a breed for eggs.

To improve performance

To increase egg production rates, it is necessary to meet the dietary requirements for birds, follow the rules of caring for them, and also monitor the health and age of laying hens.

Diet requirements. For better egg production, bird feed should include: minerals, vitamins and trace elements. For a quantitative increase and temporary duration, hens are recommended to add fresh herbs, whey, steamed feed, and vegetable waste to the diet. Provide constant access to fresh water.

Conditions and quality of care. If you start breeding and keeping laying hens, follow the requirements of the breed or rules that are universal for all breeds. Bad light, low temperature, temperature changes negatively affect the productivity of chickens.

Breed, health and age of the bird. A young hen of the egg breed up to 2 years old is the most egg-producing hen, and you shouldn’t expect great results from a laying hen older than this age. During the molting of domestic chickens, their productivity decreases; after two to three weeks, egg production will be restored.

Productive period

The most productively profitable chickens of the egg breed are individuals aged from one and a half to two years. Meat-egg and meat breeds- up to 4 years, and with each year of the bird’s life the quantitative indicator decreases by 10%. Therefore, farmers are not advised to keep one batch of chickens for longer three years(the entire flock must be processed for meat) and replaced with a new chicken family.

The productivity of laying hens directly depends on the length of the day. The longer the day, the more eggs you will get from your poultry house. Therefore, professionals advise in winter not only to insulate the chicken coop, but also to provide additional lighting.

During the cold season, be sure to add mineral and vitamin supplements.

Follow the correct diet and feeding pattern for laying hens. It is not recommended to feed chickens or keep them from hand to mouth. Try to feed your chickens at the same time, 3 times a day. Last meal 2 hours before bedtime. The diet should be varied:

  • proteins;
  • fats;
  • carbohydrates;
  • minerals (calcium and phosphorus);
  • mixture of cereals;
  • add whey and other dairy waste.

The barn for chickens must be insulated; heating is also possible. At an air temperature of minus 7 degrees, laying hens stop laying eggs and can freeze their earrings and combs.

Lack of light reduces the number of eggs. For good egg production, daylight hours should be about 14 hours. Do not leave the light on at night, the chicken must sleep.

Monitor the humidity in the room; it should not exceed 60−75%.

The chicken coop should not be too crowded (no more than 6 chickens per square meter, depending on the breed and size of the chickens).

Do not cancel a walk in the fresh air even in winter, with the exception of severe frosts.

There are several ways to properly prepare feed for laying hens. Here are the main ones:

  • Grinding. Chickens have a beak and no teeth, so it is better to grind their food; there are crushers and millstones for this.
  • Germination. People add sprouted wheat grains to their food because they are healthier. The same method can be applied to our chickens. To make their food more fortified, we sprout wheat or oats. Fill the grain with water at room temperature and leave for a day. Sprinkle onto a damp cloth, stir occasionally and moisten. When the sprout stretches 5 mm, you can add grain to the mash with food.
  • Yeasting. For a kilogram of any food, add 35 g of yeast diluted in a liter of water. Feed moistened with mash, settles in warm place about 10 o'clock. Added to a mash of mixed feed and vegetable waste (1 tablespoon - per chicken).


On personal plot in a poultry house, productivity also fluctuates due to temperature fluctuations:

  • in winter - low egg production;
  • with the arrival of summer it increases.

Laying hens react painfully to changes in season, too low or too low high temperature. All this affects the performance of chickens. To do comfortable conditions In the poultry house, follow some rules:

For the winter period, you need to insulate the room, caulk the cracks, preventing drafts and the entry of cold air. Insulate the floor with hay, straw, sawdust or peat. When the layer is trampled down, lay out the next one, repeat this several times. This method of insulation will help maintain optimal temperature in the chicken coop from 10 to 18 degrees.

For very frosty winters, heating must be used. Build perches no lower than half a meter from the ground. Monitor ventilation, as without fresh air the chickens will begin to waste away and this will affect their productivity.

In addition to temperature, maintain humidity between 50 and 70%, no higher.

Reasons for the lack of shell

Many farmers have encountered the problem of soft shells. In order to get rid of this shortcoming, you must first find the cause. Soft-shelled or unshelled eggs may appear due to several reasons:

  • chicken viral disease;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • hormonal disbalance.

The following factors also influence the quality of the shell:

  • salinity in the laying hen's body, which does not allow calcium to be absorbed;
  • lack of water and calcium in the daily diet;
  • a chicken that is too young may lay soft-shelled eggs;
  • irregular egg shape due to a defect in the oviduct.


To understand exactly which of the reasons influenced the appearance of the product in a soft shell, monitor the poultry house. Perhaps, when the season changed, the owner forgot about vitamin supplements, fresh grass, and did not take into account the composition of the feed when feeding. As a result, the bird’s health deteriorates and the chicken becomes weaker. Or maybe the reason is poor quality food. The first to react to a lack of nutrients is not the quality characteristics of the egg, but the bones and joints of the bird.

Therefore, if you purchase an adult laying hen, carefully inspect and feel the paws. And carry out periodic inspections of domestic chickens. If everything is fine with this and the owner is confident in the quality of the food, in a sufficient amount of vitamins and microelements, then the reason is different.

No one would have thought that chickens could have hormonal problems. Many have noticed that sometimes eggs appear with two yolks. A problem such as a soft shell indicates a violation of ovulation and age-related changes in the reproductive system of the bird.

Such a failure can occur due to stress. When buying or selling, changing owner, place of residence or diet. In this case, after a while everything will return to normal and the eggs will have a full-fledged shell.

Viral infection is the most common reason why poultry productivity decreases. It is quite difficult to determine that it is a virus, since the bird does not have any side symptoms, except for a decrease in the quantity and quality of eggs.

Attention, TODAY only!

Any future poultry farmer who is planning to start raising chickens is concerned with the question: how many eggs do they lay per day and month? The profitability of the business or the profit that many breeders certainly count on depends on this. Let us answer right away: there is no exact answer to this question. The egg production of a chicken is a relative factor, but it can be influenced if desired.

Quantitative calculation - how many eggs per day/year can a laying hen lay?

Some say that a chicken lays only one egg a day, others say that one egg every two days. Both opinions cannot be considered erroneous, since egg production depends on the breed, time of year, and living conditions of the chickens. And yet, the average number of eggs a laying hen produces per year is 200 (same as with).

In chicken breeding, there is a classification of breeds into three types: egg, meat and universal. Meat chickens lay from 120 to 150 eggs per year, egg chickens - from 200 to 250. That is, one egg per day is still too high. Although it is quite achievable in summer, egg production inevitably drops in winter.

Breeds of laying hens are listed.

Among the egg breeds that will most please their owners fresh eggs, hit: Leghorn, Spanish, Andalusian, Hamburg, Minorca and others. Outwardly, such chickens are much smaller than their meat relatives, but they become sexually mature much earlier. Many breeders prefer to buy hybrid breeds of chickens as laying hens - they are better adapted to unfavorable conditions and bad climate.

Read how and what to feed laying hens correctly.

Let's look at the egg production rates of some breeds:

  1. Russian white. The most common breed in our area, the Russian White, lays from 200 to 240 eggs per year (4 eggs per week). The young of such birds “mature” very quickly, and already at four months the hen lays her first eggs.
  2. Leghorn. The egg production rates of Leghorn chickens are approximately the same - from 200 to 250 per year, and sometimes up to 300. Distinctive feature eggs - they white. It is considered one of the most highly productive breeds (4 eggs per week).
  3. Minorca. This breed is not very common in the post-Soviet space - its representatives lay an average of 200 eggs per year. They begin to lay eggs at 4-5 months of age (3-4 eggs per week).
  4. Andalusian. Does not have too high egg production. On average, a chicken produces 160-200 eggs per year (3 eggs per week). Puberty occurs at 5-6 months.
  5. Hamburg. A very viable breed, intended for large walks. Produces 160-200 eggs per year. Begins to lay eggs at 5 months (3-4 eggs per week).

Read why they don’t lay eggs and what to do about it.

How to set up a chicken coop

If you have very few chickens on your farm and you are able to provide them with almost individual care, there is a high probability that they will lay eggs with the same frequency for 2-3 years.

In spring and summer, the bird rushes much more actively than in winter. This is due to the fact that in warm weather the daylight hours are longer and the food supply is more diverse and rich. So the only way to increase the number of eggs in the winter season is to extend daylight hours for laying hens through lighting. However, it should not be more than 14 hours - the chickens will not have time to rest. It is also useful to insulate the chicken coop - birds lay eggs much worse in the cold. Monitor the humidity - it should be at 50-70 percent.

Find out how to determine the age of a laying hen.

Even in winter, chickens must be allowed to roam. Lack of movement also does not contribute to increased egg production.

About nutrition and treatment: basic rules

It is also very important to monitor the nutrition of laying hens. It should contain minerals and vitamins and be rich in protein. Water or milk should be added to the grain. Birds should always have water. The number of eggs in laying hens can be increased by adding calcium and phosphorus to the diet.

In the morning, food should be given to the birds as soon as they wake up. For breakfast, the birds are given mash - usually made from ground grain and potatoes. You can add bran and food waste. Evening feeding should be organized an hour and a half before the birds go to bed. In total, laying hens are fed at least three times a day.

Chicken feed must be prepared in an appropriate manner. The main ones are:

  1. Yeasting. When yeasting, about 30 grams of fresh yeast is added to a kilogram of feed, which is previously diluted in one and a half liters of water. After this, the food should stand in a warm place for 8-10 hours. After this, it must be added to the mash a tablespoon per day - this is based on one chicken.
  2. Germination. Wheat or oats are used for this. The germination process should take place at a temperature of plus 20 degrees. The sprouted grain is poured warm water and leave it like that for 24 hours. Then they put it on the shelves. The grain is stirred three times a day. When the sprout reaches a length of five millimeters, the process is over.
  3. Grinding. Chickens do not have teeth, so it is extremely important to ensure that food is crushed - you can buy special crushers for this.

You will find a photo of the Australorp breed.

Why a chicken lays eggs without shells will help you understand.


This video will tell you about the egg production of chickens.

How many eggs does a chicken lay per day?

Answering the question of how many eggs a chicken lays per day is both simple and difficult at the same time. You can name the average number for all breeds. But the productivity of laying hens is influenced by many factors. Among them are feeding regimen, diet, time of year, living conditions, health status, etc. Changing any of them will increase or decrease egg laying.

Features of the laying process of laying hens

Breed is a key factor in chicken egg production. She lays out the minimum and maximum for the bird. By arranging a warm chicken coop, a balanced diet, and additional lighting, a breeder can increase productivity only within the interval established by nature.

The ideal for a farmer is 1 egg per day. In fact, it turns out less: about 1 piece every two days.

Attention! In winter, most chickens noticeably reduce the intensity of egg production. Natural biorhythms are to blame: in cold weather, birds do not feel the need to procreate.

Annual productivity for chickens of different directions:

  • egg breeds - 200-240 pcs. (about 4 pieces per week);
  • egg hybrids - up to 320 pcs. (6-7 eggs per week);
  • meat and egg breeds - 160-180 pcs. (3.5 pieces per week);
  • meat - 120-160 pcs. (2-3 eggs per week).

Chickens reduce egg laying in the following cases:

  1. During the molting period, once a year at the end of autumn.
  2. During activation maternal instinct. Chickens of meat or meat-egg breeds sometimes sit in a nest in order to hatch offspring. Breeding processes have minimized the influence of instinct in pure egg varieties.

Egg production control

The breeder needs to work on obtaining high egg performance from the moment he purchases the chickens. Naturally born egg breeds are distinguished by their early start of laying: from about 4.5-5.5 months. versus 7 months in purely meat varieties. Only purebred birds can withstand the deadlines. Crossbred chickens may not start laying eggs at all.

Advice. Buy young stock from certified breeding farms, poultry farms or private breeders with a proven reputation.

As chickens grow older, experienced farmers create optimal living conditions for them and receive the maximum possible number of eggs:

What do you think could cause a decrease in chicken productivity?

How many chickens lay eggs: video

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