How many eggs does a laying hen lay per day, Egg breeds of chickens. How many eggs does a chicken lay per day and how to improve results

People who run their own households mostly raise chickens. These are not necessarily meat breeds; chickens are also kept to obtain fresh eggs. Therefore, especially novice farmers are seriously concerned about the question: how many laying hens lay per day, because they want to know how many eggs it is possible to get per month, per year. Is it possible to make a business out of this?

It is impossible to give an exact figure, since various factors influence how often a chicken will lay eggs. Let's find out what these factors are and how many eggs it can give us laying hen. What makes her run better?

How many eggs does a chicken lay?

The number of eggs laid by chickens per day, per month or per year depends directly on the conditions of detention. The main thing is to do this all year round maintain the desired microclimate in the chicken coop and Right feed the chickens

It is interesting to note that a case was recorded when a laying hen laid 371 eggs in a year. This means that sometimes she gave more eggs a day. It is not uncommon to find two yolks under one shell; you have probably seen this. But nine yolks in one egg is a rarity, however, this has happened.

How many eggs a chicken lays per day, per year, depends on the breed of laying hen.

All breeds are divided into three categories:

  • meat;
  • egg;
  • meat and eggs.

Increasing performance

Farmers specializing in poultry breeding try to get as many eggs as possible per year if they are interested in this product. How much a bird will carry is influenced by its breed, age, and, as noted, living conditions. Stress and an unkempt chicken coop will not make the bird lay eggs better, but they can discourage them from laying eggs.

In summer, when the days are long and food more diverse Birds, as a rule, fly more actively. In winter, they need high-quality lighting and food enriched with vitamins and microelements.

Let's look at the factors that determine how much of a product is produced.

Proper nutrition. The balance of macro- and microelements will provide chickens with strong health and high performance. Food should be served according to a schedule, and overfeeding should be avoided, as well as underfeeding. Food must contain fats, proteins, carbohydrates (in the correct proportions). The different grains are mixed and water or milk is added to them. To improve egg production, birds need green vegetables, calcium and phosphorus.

Temperature. Low temperature will reduce the efficiency of laying eggs, so the chicken coop should be insulated.

Illumination. As the day length increases, egg production increases. In this regard, in autumn-winter period The chicken coop must have high-quality artificial lighting. It is recommended to use lamps daylight. Make sure that there is at least 14 hours of light, otherwise the bird will not have enough time to rest properly. An extended 14-hour day will provide a productivity of about 1 piece/day.

Air humidity should be 60-70%, otherwise productivity will be reduced, as the hens will be uncomfortable.

Egg production depends on how many chickens live per unit area. Too high a density will cause a decrease in poultry productivity. It is recommended to house 4-6 chickens per 1 m², depending on their weight. Increasing the number of hens will negatively affect the number of eggs that hens lay in a certain period of time.

To increase productivity in winter, it is necessary to organize poultry walking. Birds need to be released into the yard at least for a short time so that they compensate for the lack of movement.

When do chickens start laying eggs?

Eggs are one of the most popular food products in many countries. Many delicious and inexpensive dishes are prepared from them. Who thinks about where this product comes from and when the bird starts laying eggs? But farmers are interested in this.

The beginning of egg laying indicates that the bird has become sexually mature. If the bird grows and develops normally, it will mature exactly by the deadline established for this breed.

A variety of chickens with a combined degree of productivity, begins laying after the fifth or sixth month.

Representatives belonging to heavy meat breeds begin to lay eggs after eight months.

Betta chickens begin producing eggs after the 9th month. Small breeds with high productivity begin to produce eggs at 5-6 months. Chickens of small breeds with low productivity will begin to lay eggs after the seventh month. In birds of the hybrid autosex type, eggs appear at six months.

Light egg-laying hens at puberty enter after 5.5 months. If the bird was raised in suitable conditions and is healthy, the indicators are current. When ripening occurs in autumn or winter, temperatures decrease, and daylight hours are shortened, it may not begin to produce eggs at the specified time. A hen that begins to lay eggs before winter, if kept in a warm pen and properly fed, lays eggs in winter.

Is a rooster required?

Most ignorant people think that there must be a rooster in the poultry house, because without it the chickens will not be able to lay eggs for natural reasons. However, in reality this is not the case. The process of egg laying in adult, mature chickens is natural, and a rooster is not needed for this. However, such chicks will remain unfertilized. However, they can be eaten without fear. The quality and taste will be normal. In this case, summer residents get rid of the poultry population every autumn, because keeping them in the winter is a troublesome task, and rarely does anyone live in the country all winter. New chickens are being bred in Vienna. If required raise poultry, get a rooster. With it, productivity should be higher than in an incubator.

What is an egg

This is a big woman's sex cell. The cell consists of a main membrane - the yolk. When it is ripe, it descends into the oviduct. As it moves, the yolk becomes covered with white. The process may take up to 20 hours. Later a shell is formed. It protects the yolk and white from damage. After 40 min. After the testicle is released, its place in the genital tract is taken by the next cell and everything repeats.

To obtain a large amount of production, chickens need to be fed properly. High-quality food will become the foundation for the formation of good fruits.

The number of eggs laid by a hen during the reproductive period depends on the time of entry into puberty and on the breed, which determines the direction economic activity farmer So, if representatives meat and eggs breeds are capable of laying within 4 years, then the reproductive capabilities of chickens egg directions are exhausted through 1.5-2 years. In order to increase the period during which laying hens retain the ability to lay eggs, experts recommend reviewing the bird’s diet, ensuring that its body receives vitamin supplements, vegetables, herbs and nutritious feed mixtures. On the other hand, motivated by the desire to increase the profitability of keeping laying hens, some breeders purchase chickens of hybrid breeds. They are distinguished by their ability to lay eggs not from 4 months (as in egg breeds) or 6-8 months (for meat-egg breeds), but several weeks earlier than expected.

Note! Experts do not recommend accelerating the onset of oviposition, since this can not only be fraught with the appearance of pathologies associated with the load on the underdeveloped organs of the bird’s reproductive system, but also lead to the appearance of small eggs.

Features of the physiological laying cycle in chickens include the fact that even with the most better conditions content, the chicken’s body does not have time to form more than one egg per day. Despite this, there are known cases of laying eggs with several yolks (2-9), surrounded by several layers of a protective shell. However, such products are exceptions to the rule and represent process deviations.

By the way! The process of egg formation, starting from the entry of the yolk into the mother cell, through its movement along the oviduct, during which the yellow substance is enveloped with a protein mass and a layer of shell, takes from 23 to 26 hours. In this case, for the formation of a new egg to begin, the hatching of the previous one must take place at least half an hour.

In a day

The number of eggs laid by a chicken per day, therefore, cannot exceed one; in real conditions, this figure is 1 piece per 1.5-2 days. However, in the winter, a chicken can lay, with an initial productivity of 1 pc per day, only one clutch every few days for egg-laying breeds or, in general, suspend the functioning of the reproductive system. Last fact may be due to the instincts of the bird, according to which it is not the most favorable time from the point of view of the potential survival of the offspring.

In Week

Depending on the course of individual biorhythms, laying hens can produce from 1 to 7 eggs per week. The average number of clutches per week for most breeds is 3 to 4 eggs per week. Fluctuations in productivity in this case are due to seasonal factors, breed of laying hens, chicken diet and duration daylight hours in the chicken coop.

Per month

The number of eggs produced by a chicken during a month is rarely less than 15 pcs; the maximum achievable result for laying hens with high productivity rates is about 30 pcs per month. Average monthly egg production varies for chickens various breeds in the range of 18-24 pieces per month.

In year

The annual productivity of laying hens is directly dependent on housing conditions. Thus, as a result of unfavorable factors, such as lack of feed or sunlight, chickens may stop laying eggs even in the warm period. On the other hand, if the recommended rational parameters are provided, the egg production of a laying hen can reach 330-340 eggs per year. The minimum number of clutches produced by chickens during the year, provided acceptable housing conditions are provided, is 200 pieces, while the average annual egg production is quite high. high level and fluctuate in the range of 280-300 eggs per year.

What determines the quantitative indicator of egg production in chickens, how to increase it

Some experts argue that the period during which it is possible to achieve increased productivity by adjusting the diet and housing conditions of laying hens is an extremely limited period of time. For egg breeds, it lies in the range between the time the bird reaches optimal productivity (6-8 months) and the period during which a steady decline in egg production begins (1-2 years). Nevertheless, experienced farmers identify a number of factors, the correction of which, according to their observations, led to an increase in egg production in chickens.

So, increasing the productivity of laying hens is facilitated by:

  • Keeping birds in a chicken coop with sufficient free space, per one individual.
  • Security regular replacement of livestock, usually about 70-80% of the herd is renewed.

Note! Optimal time For this purpose, the period before the onset of cold weather is considered for birds in the second year of the active laying period.

  • Experts say that it is impossible to achieve optimal performance using only dry food. It is necessary to ensure uniform distribution into 2-3 portions of the daily ration of laying hens without allowing them to starve or overfeed.

Important! A revision of the diet of laying hens, which should contain wet mash, greens and mineral-vitamin complexes, phosphorus and calcium, necessary for the formation of the shell, eliminates the depletion of the chicken. It is necessary to ensure that chickens receive fats, proteins and carbohydrates in the recommended proportions. Some breeders have achieved increased chicken productivity by using different types of grain with the addition of milk or water.

  • Security safety of laid eggs This is achieved by organizing inclined trays to prevent damage and theft by pests.
  • Systematic implementation a set of measures aimed at maintaining the health of poultry.
  • Ensuring the systematic implementation of the necessary sanitary and hygienic procedures for maintaining the chicken coop premises(cleaning, disinfection, changing bedding).
  • To increase the productivity of birds, they should be provided optimal daylight hours. Typically, artificial lighting is used for this using incandescent lamps, the duration of which should be at least 12 hours.

Note! Excessive daylight hours cause fatigue in chickens. In this regard, the dark period of the day in the chicken coop to ensure good rest the livestock must be at least 10 hours.

  • Disappearance of egg production may be related to moulting period at the livestock. Experts note that the time required to change the down cover is about 1 month. However, experienced farmers can speed up this physiological process, which is achieved by completely restricting food and fluid. Under the conditions created by the resulting stressful situation, the molting process takes several days. After its completion, it is necessary to create optimal conditions for keeping laying hens and use a balanced diet, while good productivity, according to breeders, will be restored in a few days.
  • Experienced breeders claim that increasing egg production can be achieved by ensuring comfortable indoor microclimate indicators. Their recommendations relate, in particular, to optimal air humidity conditions, which, according to their observations, should be in the range of 60-70%.

Important! Maintaining comfortable temperature conditions in the area has a significant impact on the number of clutches. To do this, it is necessary to insulate the chicken coop premises and, if necessary, use additional heating using infrared lamps.

  • It is not recommended to ignore important role, which in winter provides daily exercise

Note! To implement it, it is necessary to equip a special area, isolated from wind and snow, and provide daily walking of the livestock for 1-2 hours.

Video: how to increase egg production of chickens

How does the breed affect the egg production of chickens: comparative indicators of the egg production of the most popular

Increasing herd productivity can be achieved by ensuring optimal performance of the factors listed above. At the same time, the main factor determining egg production in chickens is their breed. It is the variety that ensures the production of a certain number of eggs per unit of time, which largely determines their mass and the characteristics of the reproductive process. A clear illustration of this is the comparative productivity indicators given below for the main breeds of laying hens, including:

  • Loman Brown provides an annual productivity of 315-320 eggs per year with an average weight of each egg of 34-63 g.

  • High Line produces about 340-350 pieces per year, weighing in the range of 60-65 g.

  • Hisex White (White) brings a clutch of 300-315 pieces per year with an average weight of each within 63-64 g.
  • Hisex Brown provides productivity at the level of 280-300 pieces per year with an average weight of about 70 g each.
  • Leghorn brings from 200 to 250 and even 300 eggs per year with an average weight ranging from 55-65 g.
  • Russian white The breed is distinguished by average productivity indicators, providing a clutch of 200-240 pieces per year with weight fluctuations within the range of 55-60 g.
  • Expected breeding performance New Hampshire is 180-240 pieces per year with an average weight of 60-70 g.
  • Brekel brings about 190 pieces per year, weighing from 58 to 60 g.
  • Russian Crested the breed is capable of producing 160-180 pieces per year with an average weight of 55-60 g.

From the data presented, it is obvious that the variety of hens is the main factor determining both the potential productivity of laying hens and the average weight of eggs. The performance difference that different breeds ranges from 1.5 to 2 times, explained by the constitution of the hens and the direction that determines the direction of the farmer’s efforts, the maintenance regime and the diet of the chickens. So, distinctive features egg laying hens are small in size, early in laying and high in mobility. For meat and egg chickens characteristic features are good productivity with a developed physique, however, they are distinguished by a longer period of formation of the reproductive system and entry into egg-laying age.

Note! As a separate species, experts distinguish hybrid breeds of laying crosses, providing a laying of 310-320 pcs per year. Farmers consider the disadvantages of this breed to be the impossibility of reproduction due to the artificial means used to breed the breed.

The potential egg production of laying hens is one of the main parameters that determine the benefit received by the breeder when breeding chickens. Depending on the chosen direction of activity (production of meat and/or eggs), the farmer chooses a certain breed of laying hens, which largely determines their productivity, and therefore the profit of the producer. However, experienced breeders claim that there are ways to increase egg production, which primarily include creating near-optimal conditions for keeping the livestock and adjusting the herd’s diet.

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Kira Stoletova

Care and living conditions affect how many eggs a chicken lays per day. Maintaining the necessary climate and properly formulated feeding ration are the most important conditions on which egg production depends. If feeding does not meet the standards, the temperature in the chicken coop is insufficient, this leads not only to a decrease in productivity, but also to a complete stop.

The time of year also affects how many eggs a laying hen lays per year. In summer, egg production is better than in winter. All of the above is the reason why it is impossible to accurately name the number of eggs given, but you can derive the average number and build on it in the future.

Daily and weekly productivity

Every day a chicken can lay one egg, provided that all husbandry rules are followed. In the cold season, laying hens produce fewer eggs: egg-producing hens produce one egg every two days, while other hens may not lay eggs at all in winter.

How many eggs chickens lay per week depends on the conditions and time of year. The minimum quantity is 3 eggs (every other day in winter) per week. Maximum - 7 eggs (every day in summer). These data are calculated based on the average.

Monthly and annual productivity

Determining how many eggs a laying hen lays per month is not difficult, knowing how many it produces per day or week. The daily norm must be multiplied by the number of days of the month being calculated, and the weekly norm by 4. The result is the average egg production per month. Usually this figure is no less than 15, but rarely exceeds 30.

One of the factors, in addition to content, is, because representatives different varieties do not carry the same amount.

To calculate how many eggs a chicken lays per year, it is necessary to calculate the quarterly egg production for each period. The resulting amount usually starts at 200 and ends somewhere around 350 pieces. These figures are based on statistics, which means there are exceptions. There are cases when a chicken was able to produce more than 370 pieces in 1 year. The indicated approximate figures are a basis from which you can build, but do not despair if there are any deviations.

Comparative egg production of breeds

Breed - important factor, which determines how many eggs a laying hen lays per day. It is necessary to focus on how many months the bird begins to lay eggs. There is also a classification according to productivity, according to which there are three types of chickens: egg-meat, meat. Birds of the egg type will lay the maximum amount of product, egg-meat birds lay less frequently, and meat chicken will produce the minimum amount.

The egg production of some breeds will be discussed below.

  1. . A popular breed in Russia, it takes root in almost any conditions. Lays eggs from about 6 months. The egg has a white shell. Annual egg production ranges from 230 to 310 eggs.
  2. . This is a precocious bird that begins to lay eggs at 4 months. The average figure is 220 pieces annually.
  3. High Line breed. It gives very high egg production rates. The minimum average number is 330 pieces, the maximum is 350.
  4. Loman Brown. The eggs are large, beige or brown. Hens can lay more than 310 eggs per year.
  5. White. These white hens produce eggs in white shells. The quantity per year is about 310 pieces.

Optimizing egg production

Any poultry farmer, amateur or professional, wants to get the maximum possible number of eggs from his chickens. And this can be achieved even at home. How many eggs broilers will produce depends on many reasons, the main ones, in addition to those already mentioned, are age, stress, and possible illnesses.

In summer, broilers show better egg production. In winter, if you do not maintain warmth, light and good nutrition, the indicators decrease and sometimes become zero. poultry farms can provide conditions under which broilers produce the same amount of product in both winter and summer. At home, if desired, you can also achieve a decent result. Certain rules must be followed.

  1. . A well-designed diet is the main component of good egg production. Not only the ratio of products, vitamins, microelements, etc. must be observed. It is also important to follow the regime and not deviate from it. Chickens should not be over- or under-fed. Phosphorus, calcium, and greens must be present in the diet of laying hens.
  2. Temperature. It is necessary to maintain the temperature in both cold and hot times. In summer you need to ventilate the room as often as possible. In winter, it is advisable to take care that the birds do not freeze. For this it is important to install a heater. It is impossible for the chicken coop to be below 0°C, because under such conditions not only productivity will drop, but also health in general will deteriorate.
  3. . When there is a lack of light, chickens lay eggs less frequently. The best light regime is no more than 15 hours a day. Lamps should not be bright, as this can lead to overheating of the room. If you adhere to this norm, you can ensure that the chicken gives an egg every day in winter.
  4. The humidity of the room should not exceed 75%, but should not be less than 55%.
  5. Density. It is necessary to provide chickens with free movement around the home. 1 sq. m is calculated for 5 birds. At higher densities, chickens lay eggs worse.
  6. Walking in winter. In cold weather, it is necessary to try to provide the chickens with conditions that are as similar as possible to those they have in the summer. In addition to temperature, ensuring correct intake food, you need to arrange a daily walk, thanks to which the chickens become physically active.
  7. Bathing in ash and sand is an important step towards your goal. By bathing, chickens get rid of possible mites and germs and lay eggs more often. At home, it is not difficult to make a bird bath: make a depression in the ground about 10 cm, about 1 m in diameter, fill it with sand and ash. The mixture needs to be changed every few weeks.

Let's sum it up

High productivity lasts up to 2 years. At this age, farmers usually use poultry for meat. After 2 years, productivity decreases, and support in the form of feed becomes more and more expensive and unprofitable. The older the chicken, the worse the meat, and the value of the egg becomes lower.

Any future poultry farmer who is planning to start raising chickens is concerned with the question: how many eggs do they lay per day and month? The profitability of the business or the profit that many breeders certainly count on depends on this. Let us answer right away: there is no exact answer to this question. The egg production of a chicken is a relative factor, but it can be influenced if desired.

Quantitative calculation - how many eggs per day/year can a laying hen lay?

Some say that a chicken lays only one egg a day, others say that one egg every two days. Both opinions cannot be considered erroneous, since egg production depends on the breed, time of year, and living conditions of the chickens. And yet, the average number of eggs a laying hen produces per year is 200 (same as with).

In chicken breeding, there is a classification of breeds into three types: egg, meat and universal. Meat chickens lay from 120 to 150 eggs per year, egg chickens - from 200 to 250. That is, one egg per day is still too high. Although it is quite achievable in summer, egg production inevitably drops in winter.

Breeds of laying hens are listed.

Among the egg breeds that will most please their owners fresh eggs, hit: Leghorn, Spanish, Andalusian, Hamburg, Minorca and others. Outwardly, such chickens are much smaller than their meat relatives, but they become sexually mature much earlier. Many breeders prefer to buy hybrid breeds of chickens as laying hens - they are better adapted to unfavorable conditions and bad climate.

Read how and what to feed laying hens correctly.

Let's look at the egg production rates of some breeds:

  1. Russian white. The most common breed in our area, the Russian White, lays from 200 to 240 eggs per year (4 eggs per week). The young of such birds “mature” very quickly, and already at four months the hen lays her first eggs.
  2. Leghorn. The egg production rates of Leghorn chickens are approximately the same - from 200 to 250 per year, and sometimes up to 300. Distinctive feature eggs - they white. It is considered one of the most highly productive breeds (4 eggs per week).
  3. Minorca. This breed is not very common in the post-Soviet space - its representatives lay an average of 200 eggs per year. They begin to lay eggs at 4-5 months of age (3-4 eggs per week).
  4. Andalusian. Does not have too high egg production. On average, a chicken produces 160-200 eggs per year (3 eggs per week). Puberty occurs at 5-6 months.
  5. Hamburg. A very viable breed, intended for large walks. Produces 160-200 eggs per year. Begins to lay eggs at 5 months (3-4 eggs per week).

Read why they don’t lay eggs and what to do about it.

How to set up a chicken coop

If you have very few chickens on your farm and you are able to provide them with almost individual care, there is a high probability that they will lay eggs with the same frequency for 2-3 years.

In spring and summer, the bird rushes much more actively than in winter. This is due to the fact that in warm weather the daylight hours are longer and the food supply is more diverse and rich. So the only way to increase the number of eggs in the winter season is to extend daylight hours for laying hens through lighting. However, it should not be more than 14 hours - the chickens will not have time to rest. It is also useful to insulate the chicken coop - birds lay eggs much worse in the cold. Monitor the humidity - it should be at 50-70 percent.

Find out how to determine the age of a laying hen.

Even in winter, chickens must be allowed to roam. Lack of movement also does not contribute to increased egg production.

About nutrition and treatment: basic rules

It is also very important to monitor the nutrition of laying hens. It should contain minerals and vitamins and be rich in protein. Water or milk should be added to the grain. Birds should always have water. The number of eggs in laying hens can be increased by adding calcium and phosphorus to the diet.

In the morning, food should be given to the birds as soon as they wake up. For breakfast, the birds are given mash - usually made from ground grain and potatoes. You can add bran and food waste. Evening feeding should be organized an hour and a half before the birds go to bed. In total, laying hens are fed at least three times a day.

Chicken feed must be prepared in an appropriate manner. The main ones are:

  1. Yeasting. When yeasting, about 30 grams of fresh yeast is added to a kilogram of feed, which is previously diluted in one and a half liters of water. After this, the food should stand in a warm place for 8-10 hours. After this, it must be added to the mash a tablespoon per day - this is based on one chicken.
  2. Germination. Wheat or oats are used for this. The germination process should take place at a temperature of plus 20 degrees. The sprouted grain is poured warm water and leave it like that for 24 hours. Then they put it on the shelves. The grain is stirred three times a day. When the sprout reaches a length of five millimeters, the process is over.
  3. Grinding. Chickens do not have teeth, so it is extremely important to ensure that food is crushed - you can buy special crushers for this.

You will find a photo of the Australorp breed.

Why a chicken lays eggs without shells will help you understand.


This video will tell you about the egg production of chickens.

Man noticed the sheer benefits of chicken many thousands of years ago. The meat sample of this type of poultry was quite optimistic. A man fell in love with the taste of chicken meat and eggs. Currently, this is an inexpensive, useful and common product that is found in almost every home. Many farmers consider raising chickens not only as a business, but also as a stable supply of tasty dietary meat and eggs.

Calculation First of all, and before starting your own small business, you need to understand how many eggs a laying hen lays per day. Unfortunately, it is difficult to give a 100% calculation. The production and number of eggs directly depends on many factors. These are the living conditions of the chickens, the time of year, food and climate.

That is why there is no consensus on the question of how many eggs a laying hen lays per day. Some claim that the bird lays one egg every day, others say that the “grouse” can lay one egg every other day. One way or another, these are average figures.

Those for whom the question of how many eggs a laying hen lays per day is fundamental should know that the amount of product also depends on the breed of bird.

Chicken breeds

Breeds of chicken Experts in the field of chicken breeding have developed a classification according to which all “ripples” are divided into three breeds: meat, egg and universal (combining the qualities of the first two). Features of egg breeds When considering the question of how many eggs a laying hen lays per day, it would be wrong to conceal the fact that all breeds have egg production to one degree or another. For example, meat “cloughs” produce about 100-150 eggs in 12 months, while egg-bearing individuals produce from 200 to 230 eggs in a similar period of time.

What makes the egg breed different from others? Firstly, its representatives grow small in size, they develop sexually early and quickly become adults. So, what are the breeds of chickens? egg laying V maximum quantity, exist? These include chickens such as Andalusian, Leghorn, Spanish, Hamburg, Minorca and others. Currently, many homestead farm owners, taking advantage of the achievements of breeders, prefer to use hybrid variations of laying hens. Why?

This is explained by the fact that such chickens cost almost the same as purebred ones, but at the same time they are more adapted to unfavorable living conditions. Moreover, in terms of egg production, hybrid individuals are 10% ahead of purebred individuals. However, it should be noted that in the offspring of crossed chickens, the above indicator will decrease.

During what period does a chicken lay eggs well?

Many people know the fact that the most favorable time for oviposition - this spring period when installed more or less warm weather. Of course, novice poultry farmers are interested in the question of how many years chickens lay eggs. It must be emphasized that greatest number As a rule, the “ripple” lays eggs in the first year, after which egg production decreases.

That is why, in conditions industrial production chickens are kept for no more than one year, then they are replaced by young animals.

When should you not get married? 15 cats that look like popular characters 8 things that can make you unhappy However, there is a caveat: if the habitat of laying hens is a backyard farm, where all favorable conditions have been created for poultry, individuals are kept in twos, or even three years. Of course, a novice poultry farmer may ask: “I only have laying hens on my farm. How many eggs do such individuals lay?” The answer to this, again, depends on the degree of care for the bird and the conditions under which it is kept. As already emphasized, the average is 200 eggs per year. How to increase egg production

Also, many farmers are interested in how to increase egg production. Of course, almost everyone uses the same technique. Which? Everything is very simple. It is necessary to increase the chicken's daylight hours using lighting devices. Let her think that there are 28 hours in a day. However, this is not the only condition for good egg production.

Important for laying hens Fresh air, and warmth, and a balanced diet with vitamins. If you see that your hens have a warm comb, lobes and earrings during the laying period, then you are keeping your poultry correctly. Remember that it is in these organs that the pigment is produced, which is responsible for the formation of eggshells.

When do laying hens begin to hatch eggs?

And, of course, the fundamental question is when chickens begin to lay eggs. It all depends on the breed of bird. If we talk about egg "ripples", then they begin to produce eggs by 5 months. As for hybrid individuals, they bear the first egg 1.5–2 months later. At this time, the length of daylight for chickens is usually 12 hours. Over time, it begins to gradually increase, and by 9 months, the duration of daylight hours should be approximately 17 hours.

Situations often arise when chickens, being in a warm and cozy room, rush anywhere, as if deliberately ignoring the nests. To remedy the situation, try placing objects that imitate an egg in the “maternity wards”. They can be made from chalk, wood, plaster. However, there is the best option. Take egg, make a small hole in it and remove the contents from it, and then fill it with a solution of the same gypsum or alabaster. All you have to do is place the homemade “lining” in the chicken nest.

Features of feeding

In order for chickens to lay eggs well, their diet must be plentiful and balanced. This rule must be observed especially during the winter season. Some grain feeds should be pre-sprouted. The recipe is quite simple. Corn or barley is soaked in lightly warm water. In this form, the feed is scattered in a small layer in a separate room, while optimal temperature it should be +25 degrees Celsius. Make sure the grain is kept moist at all times. In a few days, the first shoots will appear, after which food can be given to the chickens. Some people add yeast to the feed to increase the egg production of the poultry in question. The recipe is also simple. Take 30 grams of fresh yeast, dilute it in 1.5 liters of water, and then add it to 1 kilogram of crushed grain. The mixture is mixed well and left for 8-9 hours in a warm room. After this, the composition becomes ready for use, and it can be added to the mash (special feed mixture).
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