Benefits of professional project management. Methodological aspects of project management

What project manager has not thought that reinventing the wheel is not the most interesting and productive activity? There probably aren't any. And many people also ask the question of whether it is worth introducing project management (PM) in a company.

In fact, this tool has long taken root in many successful businesses, and it is advisable to think not about whether to implement it, but about how to do it, based on the mission and values ​​of a particular company.

What is project management?

Project management, project management, project management, PM are the names of the process of achieving a particular goal within a given framework (time, budget, etc.). At the same time, the concept of PM also includes a set of tools, methods, skills and techniques that are used to achieve the goal and can vary depending on the changing conditions in which the work is carried out (the emergence of both risks and opportunities).

A little history of the development of project management standards

That project management in our usual understanding appeared in the 1950s of the twentieth century. But there are also researchers who believe that already during the construction of the Giza pyramids they used an approach reminiscent of RM (a separate person was responsible for the construction of each face).

Specialists involved, in particular, in the creation of a modern project management system:

Project management is structured common sense...
Mikhail Dubovik, Group of Companies "Project PRACTICE"

It can be noted that today’s business space is completely different from even a few decades ago, when enterprises were created for almost centuries, something new was perceived as a revolution, and the consumer simply did not have so many alternatives to the product. And, unfortunately, for some reason not everyone understands that old management methods are a dead end. Therefore, many companies continue to move towards nowhere by inertia.

Consequently, the task of the progressive part of humanity is to move forward, pulling behind them those who have not yet understood the correct vector of movement.

The language of modern business is not English, German, or any other language, it is the language of project management. IN modern business it has become the main method of management: if a company does not have project management, then it is a dying company. Everything that is aimed at creating new products and services is in one way or another connected with project management...
Oleg Gerasimov, "Life of the XXI century"

Project management and typical roles of participants in it*

Role name

Role Description

Initiator, Chairman

The person who generates the team's movement strategy and work goal

Customer, designer

Responsible for tactics to achieve the goal and provides “supply” (contracts with subcontractors, formalization of instructions, brainstorming, etc.)

Idea generator, provocateur

Someone who stimulates the processes of solving specific problems, sometimes using non-standard methods

Critic, skeptic

A person who acts as a “filter”: weeds out even very creative, but inappropriate ideas and solutions right now

worker bee

The one who implements what was decided at the previous stages

Support, diplomat

Personality that smooths out conflicts, motivates, inspires

Breadwinner, contractor

A kind of “connector” that unites the team with outside world, and, if necessary, seeking resources that are needed “for yesterday” within the team or outside


The one who is responsible for the final result/acceptance of the project (sometimes identifies errors at intermediate stages and indicates ways for improvement)

*classification by R. Meredith Belbin

Thus, it is clear that successful project management is complex design, impossible without a person holding it together. As a rule, this is a project manager.

Globally, a project manager is an integrator. He knows how to listen and hear others, understands the meaning and place of each “project role” in the team, develops trust among its members...
Lyudmila Nefedova, LEO Consulting

Benefits of project management

So, the main difference between project management and the traditional approach is that first a task is formulated (a goal is set), and then the executors create a clear calendar and financial plan for achieving this goal.

This approach allows:

  1. increase by 20-30% general level efficiency of project implementation
  2. increase the speed of financial turnover (about 50%)
  3. improve customer satisfaction rates (about 30%)
  4. strengthen the loyalty of company employees and their satisfaction with their activities (about 30%).

Looks very optimistic. But it’s clear that we can’t do without a fly in the ointment, so let’s look at the advantages versus the disadvantages:

Benefits of project management

Disadvantages of project management

  1. integrity of horizontal target orientation
  2. optimization of the communication chain and synchronization of the activities of each participant in the process
  3. delineation of responsibilities in accordance with the specialization of departments
  4. the ability to use experience (and team) from one successful project in another similar one
  5. minimizing the risk of making globally erroneous decisions
  6. flexibility and ease of solving typical problems.
  1. duplication of functional responsibilities or increased workload on the project manager
  2. stressful situations (reassessment of the capabilities of employees, equipment, etc.)
  3. burnout (especially in long-term and high-load projects)
  4. competition between teams if there are several projects
  5. worry about what will happen after the project is completed.

In general it might look like this:

Project management methodologies

Fortunately, there are many methodologies today. For each project you can choose exactly what you need.

All currently available options can be divided into the following groups:

Tools for project management

To successfully complete a project, you need not only qualified and motivated employees, but also appropriate tools that will allow you to record the results achieved and change priorities in a timely manner.

The choice of tools comes after the methodology most suitable for the project has been determined. But there are also universal solutions suitable for managing almost any project. When choosing one of them, pay attention to the fact that the product can create Gantt charts and distribute powers and tasks to performers with different roles.

Strategic Project Management Made Simple: Practical Tools for Leaders and Teams, Terry Schmidt

Which has been one of the most popular for several years and allows you to move away from unproductive patterns and build development plans for company projects based on logic, competitors’ actions and measurable performance indicators.

Attracts due to the unusual format of presentation and allows you to rethink your view of familiar things.

Project Management Principles, Paul Newton

Useful for those who work in the IT field. It will allow you to understand step by step how to manage different types of projects. What is important is that the publication is based on the experience of a person who worked with Microsoft, IBM, the UK Ministry of Defense, etc.

How to manage people. How to Influence Others, Joe Owen

Based on practical experience, which consistently sets out the principles of effective project management, mainly with personnel.

Transition to project management: examples

The importance of project management has already been appreciated by a variety of companies, and not only Western ones.

80% of the projects of the world's transnational corporations were completely or partially failed precisely because of the lack of management component of the competencies of their managers and performers...
Alexandra Rolya, master tutor for MBA programs at International Management Academy

Consequently, the need to switch to this form of management is becoming increasingly obvious. And for Ukrainian companies, too.

Thus, among the businesses using this approach there are real leaders in a variety of areas:



As practice shows, companies that have chosen the project management method are deservedly considered in the business environment:

  1. using their resources as efficiently as possible
  2. maneuverable, which is especially important in conditions of instability
  3. calculating goals based on opportunities and risks
  4. attractive for investments (including foreign ones).

Project management(project management) involves the development of a work schedule, the appointment of a project manager and project team (that is, the diversion of people and company resources from daily work), execution and control of the execution of project work. Project management is always associated with innovation and carries an element of testing (of a new market, a new product). It implies the mandatory involvement of representatives of clients, partners or customers in the project (when manufacturing, for example, a new product). The goal of project management is to solve a specific problem in a short time with minimal transaction costs (associated with poor communications, rework, diversion of resources, etc.).

Thus, planning is the main condition for successful management of a quality project. The project itself determines the need to prioritize short-term planning or long-term planning. The timing of each project, depending on the outcome being pursued, can begin with a deadline or allow for flexibility when the priority of goals leans towards other factors.

Advantages of project management: focus on results, constant interaction with customers and clients, innovation, measurability of the implementation of a specific task.

Disadvantages of project management: this method of management is more expensive, takes a lot of effort and time, as it requires painstaking development of a plan and the diversion of company resources.

Types of projects

Organizations have always used projects as creative ways to implement initiatives that cannot be implemented within normal operations. Today, the proportion of projects in organizations is increasing as change processes accelerate. Projects can be very different; they are united by the fact that in conditions of limited resources (time, money, specialists) it is necessary to achieve a specific goal.

  1. Concept development projects. The main thing in them is to create all the conditions conducive to the emergence of fresh ideas. For example, during such a project, telephone companies found a way to protect telephone booths from vandals. From large quantity options, protection using stainless steel devices was chosen. Today they can be seen on many public buildings.
  2. Planning projects. For example, during such a project a master plan was created transport system Yellowstone national park and its maintenance systems.
  3. Architectural projects. For their success, the participation of all interested parties (architects themselves, consumers, technical specialists, etc.) is fundamental. For example, the famous American architect and engineer Buckminster Fuller attracted all interested parties and developed the concept of bathroom modules. They represent an economical option, so today they are installed en masse during the construction of residential buildings.
  4. Construction projects. Particular emphasis in these projects is on compliance with specifications and control. Without control, a project can collapse, introducing unacceptable risks or exhausting resources of time and money.
  5. Projects to dismantle or remove structures. Such projects are launched when any product, technology, etc. becomes obsolete and needs to be taken out of service or use. For example, dismantling nuclear facilities requires mandatory disinfection of the land, for which specially trained teams are assembled.

Before you try an approach developed for another industry, determine the purpose of the project. If this is the development of a medical product or equipment, then the main emphasis should be on the planning stage. If the finished product needs to be transferred from one environment to another (for example, the installation of heating and air conditioning systems in modern skyscrapers), then the main thing in the project is control.

  • Project implementation assessment: how to understand that it will be successful

What is the essence of project management?

The same activity (for example, the development and launch of a new product) can be carried out under project and non-project management.

In the first case, the General Manager will use a matrix management structure when a project manager is appointed. He will report directly to the General Director and report to him; his team will include employees from various departments, relieved by their immediate managers from their daily duties. To achieve this, the General Director will make adjustments to the responsibilities of department heads. And all company employees will understand the purpose and objectives of the project. Accordingly, the results and timing of the project will be measurable.

In the second case, the CEO will entrust this task to one of the department heads (for example, the marketing director), without relieving him of other responsibilities. The objectives and goals of the project will not be clearly clear to all participants and, most likely, they will treat it as an additional responsibility. The project implementation period will be extended, the results will be immeasurable.

5 management secrets from the founder of the McDonald's chain

Founder famous brand Ray Kroc preferred to engage in strategy, but if there was a need to stand behind the cash register or clean toilets, he did not refuse such work.

The editors of the General Director magazine spoke about other secrets of McDonald's management.

Project Management and Traditional Management: What's the Difference?


Project management

Traditional management

Focus on the final result

Aimed at a specific goal

Focuses on the process and course of events

Focus on satisfying interests

There is a customer in whose interests a specific result of the project

The organization where management processes take place


There are specific time and financial restrictions (a certain budget is allocated for the project)

No restrictions

What is the object of planning

Time, money, personnel are planned

A position distribution plan is created

Analysis of results

The results can only be assessed at the end

Processes are regulated during work, adjustments are made

Who is taking part

A project team, which includes employees of the organization. It is possible to attract external contractors

All employees of the organization

Nature of activity

Various activities that involve risks


The implementation of the project management method today is acquiring new boundaries. If previously it traditionally applied only to certain industries (construction, energy, defense), now, to one degree or another, a project management system is being implemented in every fifth company. Thus, its presence in percentage terms is gradually approaching 50%. This includes the banking system, trade and services. If a company specializes in a particular area, but needs to continually improve its products in response to progressively new demands from the population, then project management becomes a relevant solution. Some companies today exist only thanks to this approach.

CEO speaks

Frank Muller, General Director of the international group of companies AsstrA, Zurich

The decision to introduce project management in the AsstrA group of companies was made in 2006. With its help, we planned to achieve two main goals:

  • increase the share of the range of services in the company’s total sales, comprehensive customer service;
  • improve the quality of services.

At the beginning of 2007, I created and headed the contract logistics department within the group of companies. His responsibilities include project management across the entire group of companies. AsstrA's quality management system is certified in accordance with the requirements of the ISO 9001:2000 standard. Accordingly, the implementation of project management is also carried out through the development, adoption and implementation of each new business process. Companies where logistics is not the main activity and all logistics functions are outsourced have been identified as potential consumers of the services provided by the project teams of the AsstrA group. The search for potential clients is carried out by the marketing department among new and existing consumers of the group of companies. If the client is interested in the project, at his request, a project team is created, which includes:

  • the initiator of the project, which can be any employee of the company who proposed the project for implementation;
  • project developer - an employee with experience in developing logistics concepts and offering them to consumers;
  • project manager - a company employee with competence in project management;
  • employees of operational departments for the development and implementation of the project;
  • Finance department employee (required qualifications).

The composition and number of project team members are determined individually for each project, depending on its scale and services, the implementation of which is planned within the project. One employee can perform several functions in a project team. Depending on his role and employment in each individual case, the level and share of motivation are determined in the form of a percentage of the project profit.

To successfully work with clients within the framework of project management, certain modules in the corporate CRM system were improved, and training was provided for employees of the marketing department who search for and work with clients. Currently, nine large projects are under active development, mainly focused on optimizing and ensuring logistics for the supply of products and goods to the CIS countries.

A practitioner tells

Sergey Vratenkov, head of competence "project management" of the Intalev Group of Companies, Moscow

The cost of implementing project management with the help of consultants, including software and retraining of specialists, can range from 30 thousand US dollars (for small company) up to 300 thousand (for large ones). It is believed that project management provides cost savings of an average of 10 percent.

Before implementing project management, you need to calculate the costs of project activities already carried out in your company. If you have not implemented project management before, and you spend, for example, about a million US dollars annually on the development of new products, when implementing project management (costing 50 thousand), you will save about 100 thousand dollars every year.

How to understand that the project will be successful

Large projects often end in failure. Vivid examples: Lockheed, which suffered a fiasco with the L-1011 aircraft, or the Deep Tunnel project in Chicago, which involved a significant expansion of the city's sewer system. Trying to save these unsuccessful projects, companies suffered enormous losses.

It is better not to follow the example of those who support fading initiatives. One of the main reasons why this fails is that companies get too caught up in supporting a project, especially one that is ingrained in the organization, and simply stop noticing how much it costs them. The book offers recipes that will help General Directors and top managers avoid such problems.

Take a look at the project from the outside. One way is to occasionally evaluate a project as if you had nothing to do with it. At the same time, it is worth asking yourself the question: “If today I went to work for the first time and was assigned this project, would I support it or would I try to get rid of it?”

Share responsibility for making decisions. By placing different people in charge of decisions about funding and new product development, as well as hiring and promotions, you will increase the fairness of the project's perception. This means that the efficiency of its implementation will increase significantly.

Provide backup options. Even before starting work on the project, instruct them to think through backup options, divide the project into small, easily solved tasks, and analyze the cost of exiting it.

Most importantly: You need to always be objective. To do this, answer the following questions often:

  • Will the failure of a project change my opinion of myself as a leader or a person? Why am I betting everything on his success - for the sake of my career or my own satisfaction?
  • Do I react painfully to critical comments about the project, do I consider only those people who support the project competent?
  • Am I in the habit of thinking first about how certain events and actions will affect the project, rather than on other areas of the organization or on the company as a whole?
  • Do I sometimes have the feeling that if the project ends tomorrow, life will lose its meaning?

If you answer yes to one or more of these questions, the likelihood is that you are overcommitted to the project.

Who to entrust the project to?

Finding a person who can be trusted to manage a project in a company, and who will take it to a new level while meeting high-quality requirements for results, is a risky undertaking. However, this issue should not remain in limbo. Knowing the specific qualities required by a future project manager, it will be much easier for the company owner to make a resolution. Every director feels the need for an ambitious, responsible and talented manager or deputy. Let’s break down who is not recommended to assign this task, and what you should pay attention to when there are candidates.

A successful employee does not necessarily mean that his success will extend to his leadership abilities. A high level of specialist does not indicate an appropriate level of responsibility in the context of team management. At the same time, it does not exclude it. The consent of such an employee may be dictated not so much by an understanding of the assigned responsibility, but by the inability to refuse himself a promotion and the director’s request. At the same time, independent self-nomination plays in his favor and emphasizes the ability to make serious decisions quickly. If the employee clearly gives the impression of being a project manager, then it is worth adhering to a new objective assessment of his qualities, skills and abilities. The effectiveness of project management directly depends on the candidate’s compliance with certain qualities.

So what qualities objectively allow him to qualify for the position of project manager? Here is a list of the most important of them.

Ability to work in stressful situations

A manager needs stress resistance, first of all, for balanced orders in such conditions when the result of work is invisible and intangible, but is extremely important for the future fate of the entire company or a significant part of its existence of the project. Lack of time to think and the willingness to make a mistake is a serious factor in the occurrence of stress. He will be present throughout the entire project work. Therefore, the ability to self-control and focus on the actions of the entire project management system, and not on emotions, requires stress resistance in the first place. Of course, the most cold-blooded and calculating professional will not be immune from mistakes, but the fact of the matter is that failures should not affect subsequent orders in the same state of the manager. Moreover, uncertainty and fears in management instantly accumulate in the behavior of the entire team. This is the psychology of the masses.

There are two methods for assessing this quality in a candidate. The first comes down to passive observation of his work and analysis of behavior when unforeseen circumstances arise, a conflict with a colleague, difficulties in the work process, criticism from the outside, etc. The second method consists of observing an employee under the same circumstances, but created artificially. This allows you to review the effectiveness of the method in a shorter period of time, but you must adhere to strict limits, since otherwise a valuable but uninformed employee may decide to change jobs.

Ability to simultaneously solve various problems

You may need to solve not two or three such problems at the same time, but a lot. Each will demand attention. The fate of the project in the near future can depend on any little thing, right up to the disruption of the entire event. Avoiding project planning risks primarily depends on this quality of the candidate.

To assess this ability, the candidate should be assigned a couple of tasks that will require efforts of a different nature from him. This will be the essence of the test. It is necessary to pay attention to the speed of their implementation, attention to detail, the ability to delegate work to colleagues, and the quality of the results of completed orders.

Ability to go into detail

This quality of an employee eliminates or minimizes mistakes in the future. It is required to give a task to work without detailed description the required result. Degree of involvement and support of completed work additional materials allow you to understand how well the candidate is capable of in-depth work. The main thing is to understand the difference between pathological and healthy perfectionism.

Industry knowledge, professionalism and personal qualities

The project, as an object of work, is new and has full relevance to the business area in which it is implemented. That is, despite its innovative nature, the project will require excellent knowledge of the industry from the manager. And for such a quality of a candidate, the first importance will be his personal qualities. Thus, priority will be given not so much to specialized education as to the person’s experience.

The ability to light up others

The need for this quality is dictated by the innovative nature of the project. Each member of the project is part whole system, on the work of which the overall result depends. Whether we like it or not, people project onto each other interest in their business or lack thereof. There is a belief: any company is made up of the people who work in it. If ordinary specialists do not intentionally influence the success of the project, then the organizer of project management somehow influences the spirit of his team, and therefore the success of the project in which his team works. Of course, we are not talking about constant agitation to work hard for the sake of achieving a super task. The future leader himself must be “on fire” with the idea behind the project.

  • Formation of a project team: fundamental principles

A practitioner tells

Sergey Gorbunov, General Director of the Vesta Center International Restaurant Association, Moscow

About 15 years ago, a 24-year-old young man worked in our company as a freight forwarder. He not only coped with his direct responsibilities perfectly, but also in his free time selflessly helped others with their work. At the same time, he never started talking about promotion.

One day, a restaurant manager told me that she was moving to another city and quitting in three days. Thus, I had almost no time to find a new manager. Then I remembered the freight forwarder and, despite his obvious lack of professional training, I offered him to become a restaurant manager. He agreed and at first he even combined two positions until I found a new forwarder. On non-working days, the new manager trained with experienced employees. In addition, he entered college and repeatedly attended advanced training courses. Then our paths diverged, and just recently we met at one of the professional forums, where he gave a presentation. I was pleasantly surprised to learn that our former freight forwarder now runs a small chain of restaurants.

What are the project management methods (systems)

Today, project management principles are divided into two significantly different methods:

1. Network planning and management method. The principle of the method is to adhere to such a natural sequence of activities and work processes, which is depicted in graphical diagrams, taking into account all possible mutual contacts of the stages general process. Covers all processes involved by depicting them with charts, graphs, tables and other planning tools. Allows you to trace the slightest discrepancy from the planned trajectory of the project in terms of time, quality and productive indicators.

2. Line graph method. Unlike the first method, it has been somewhat abolished. The project execution plan is expressed by a schedule in two dimensions: types of work (vertical) and time intervals (horizontal). This method does not demonstrate the relationship between the individual stages of the project, but it clearly represents compliance with deadlines and structures the stages in a logical sequence.

There are also five types of process groups, distinguished by different goals that they face:

  1. Initiation. The first thing that is done to form a new project or form a new stage of an existing one. Initiation is necessary for approval of the start by the manager before work begins on the project or its next phase.
  2. Planning. Within the framework of this group of processes, the project plan, its content, list of works, their volume, gradation of activities and their goals are determined. In other words, the development of project stages is managed
  3. Execution. Everything that is required to implement the current stage of the project is contained in this group of processes.
  4. Monitoring and management. Part of the process that comes down to observation, study and further work with the data obtained. Necessary to comply with quality indicators and increase work efficiency. Influences the initiation, planning and execution process groups. At this stage, the project management is assessed.
  5. Completion. This is a group of activities that completes all the work before preparing for a new phase of the project or completing activities within the overall project.

The main essence of project management is to organize and effectively manage people and available resources, analyze and minimize costs, and use time carefully for the purpose of logical completion of projects.

Project Management Analysis

Project management analysis consists of two critical components:

  • analysis of the plan itself;
  • analysis of the implementation of this plan.

Analysis of the plan is necessary to answer the question whether the project can satisfy the goals and desires of the participants in this project. All participants involved in the project must evaluate the indicators, plans, goals, and planned results. This is the first stage of the project or planning stage. At this stage, a decision is made to change the project, adjust it, change goals and results. After completing the plan analysis, all further analysis processes are understood as execution analysis processes.

At the planning stage, estimates and forecasts are developed. The performance review process is necessary to monitor efforts to achieve forecasts and results.

For most projects, project management methods include analysis of the criteria for achieving the goal. The criteria for project success include compliance with deadlines, quality of work, and cost of work performed for the project. If any of these criteria fails and produces negative results, a decision is made on a minor adjustment, a qualitative change, or complete elimination project.

Project management analysis processes can be divided into main and auxiliary ones.

The main ones include the processes of analyzing project criteria, on which the goals of project management directly depend. These criteria include:

  • terms - compliance of planned with actual;
  • cost - compliance of predicted costs with real ones. This may include cost analysis for the purpose of subsequent project optimization;
  • quality - monitoring for compliance of planned quality standards with implemented ones. In case of a negative result of this analysis, it is necessary to outline solutions in order to restore the planned standards;
  • confirmation of goals. Summing up the results by all project participants and analyzing the compliance of the planned results with the achieved ones.

Supporting analysis processes associated with assessing factors that influence project success criteria and objectives include:

  • resource analysis - compliance of forecast and actual load with planned ones, as well as analysis of the ratio of actual expenses and planned values.
  • performance evaluation - evaluation of the work result, conveying information about the project to participants about how resources are used to achieve the project goal.

This did not include analysis of interactions to optimize information processing, analysis of contract execution to enter information to prevent disputes and other processes that are not productive.

Based on the results of the analysis, a decision is made on the continuation of the project as planned or adjustments are made to the progress of the work.

Implementation difficulties

Improving project management in organizations usually involves the following activities:

  • development of project management methodology in the company;
  • implementation information system project management;
  • training employees to fulfill their roles in project management.

Experience shows that in almost all cases of unsuccessful project management implementations, the main source of problems was insufficient attention to the development of organizational project management processes. As an example, consider the process of developing and approving a project plan. The processes for developing a project plan are described in detail in project management standards, are supported by specialized software and do not require much additional effort to improve them. The processes of coordination and approval of project plans are not described in any standards; they are very specific, and the process of organizing them is very difficult to establish. The development of a plan is an internal part of the project, while its approval is an external, organizational moment that does not require the participation of employees from other departments. But any organization needs not just a beautifully drawn project plan, but, above all, a coordinated plan. What is difficult to improve corporate governance is precisely organizational processes. Their development takes a long time and requires the efforts of a large number of employees and senior managers; In addition, organizational processes need constant monitoring and improvement. On their basis, uniform rules for the execution of all projects of the organization are created, which makes it possible to build a uniform system of control, consolidated reporting, and also ensure the success of the project, regardless of the level of competence of managers. It is advisable to automate key organizational processes so that they cannot be executed “wrongly.”

Characteristic aspects of ineffective project management are the lack of a system of plans and control, the launch of many projects without taking into account the availability of resources, “resource wars” between project managers and department heads, the lack of a complete picture of the status of projects and a strong dependence on the qualifications of its lead manager.

  • 5 main reasons why projects fail

10 conditions for successful work

1. Project mission, clear goal setting. Effective management of project implementation is primarily expressed in ensuring the main objective of the project - to launch the project on time with the least financial losses. A balance of three things is necessary: ​​rationally spent time, an optimized budget with the absence of unnecessary and ineffective expenses, acceptable quality, the criteria of which are laid down in the project. Project development management should be based on these factors.

Clear definition of the project is one of the quality indicators. Uncertainty kills any endeavor. Many viable projects never get off the ground due to uncertainty and poor planning. It is necessary to eliminate any manifestation of uncertainty. Every step, every action in the project must follow a clearly planned path. Naturally, some situations can greatly adjust the project, but this is not a reason for lack of planning. A clear understanding of the goal and calculation of all steps is the main key to success in any project.

The first rule of efficiency when developing a project is a talented leader and experienced managers. For example, if you ask two project managers what they see as their task, the experienced manager will always add “on time.” But in addition to competent personnel, efficiency in Lately influenced by scientific approaches. Opinions and judgments are already a thing of the past. Empirical and theoretical research, qualitative analysis of predecessors, consideration of their errors and shortcomings, and project risk management come to the fore.

2. Support from top managers. The essence of project management is to create a competent and professional team. Delegation of power and key responsibilities leads to the achievement of goals and high results. In the project concept, it is necessary to create a temporary management system, which, along with a permanent one, will delve into the project and manage it. Of course, this introduces some misunderstanding and confusion in the division of competencies between temporary and constant management, but it allows you to fully focus on the project, all reporting documentation, better prepare materials for approval, conduct an analysis of effectiveness, and adjust the work of the project. The temporary management team should ideally include the head of the organization, the project manager, managers from each area of ​​project management responsible for a specific area of ​​work, as well as all those who are indirectly involved and helping the project.

3. Having well thought out plans. To implement effective projects, every detail must be taken into account. There are many examples where large projects were closed due to the omission of a seemingly insignificant detail. Ignorance by the manager of even small nuances leads to a loss of authority and distrust will grow, which will ultimately have a negative impact on the project.

4. Taking into account the requirements of the project customer. No promises can guarantee the implementation of projects. But, despite this, a competent manager must have communication skills and, at the right time, contact stakeholders and project players (investors, participants, subcontractors, etc.). Any adjustment, even a small change to a detail that does not seem to affect the project as a whole, must be discussed, analyzed and approved by all participants. Otherwise, this will lead to loss of trust, authority and the possibility of closing the project at any stage.

5. Taking into account user requirements. The main rule is that the project must benefit the target audience. Therefore, taking into account the opinions of users, their requirements and wishes should play a role vital role in the implementation of the project.

6. Availability of necessary technologies. Modern technologies today are important point for any projects. Although this issue does not belong to the category of management, it cannot be ignored. Without the necessary equipment, the project simply cannot exist, no matter what the goals are.

7. Availability of qualified performers. The exact quantitative and qualitative composition of qualified performers depends on the field of activity, the specific project, volumes, and assigned tasks. For example, for large projects construction companies The project engineer, the foreman responsible for the professional composition of the project participants, and the safety engineer must be included.

In large projects there may be positions such as a project controller, responsible for collecting and analyzing information, regulating costs and wages. There are also support service managers who are responsible for the information support service and the project office, where all information on the project flows.

8. Effective control system. Lack of control can lead to a complete stop of the project, so in addition to plans, it is imperative to create a well-thought-out control system.

9. Productive interaction between all project participants. Openness comes first in such interaction. People will believe and commit 100% to a project when they feel open

At the present stage of development, project management is recognized as the most effective tool conducting business. The number of problems (energy, environmental, resource, social) is constantly growing, and they can only be solved with the use of innovative technologies and management solutions. Organizing work according to specific plans is characteristic of most foreign companies and is increasingly being implemented in Russia, and not only in business, but also in government agencies.

To answer the question of what project management is, it is necessary to understand the distinctive features of project implementation from other methods of activity. It is characterized by the following features:

  • Focus on specific results. All actions performed during the implementation of an idea are interconnected and aimed at achieving a predetermined goal. It is completeness that is important; if some processes are carried out without a tangible result, then this is not a project.
  • Limited available resources. As a rule, any initiative is implemented taking into account available resources, primarily financial, human and time. An exact or approximate deadline for completion of all work is always established, as well as an estimate and implementation schedule are drawn up.
  • Uniqueness. This means that it is intended to release a product for the first time or introduce a new service.

Design is the process of drawing up and developing an undertaking from the emergence of a concept to its implementation in reality. To bring an idea to life, a plan is drawn up, which represents a scenario for all subsequent actions, broken down by time periods and processes carried out. Processes can be carried out either in parallel, independently of each other, or in close interconnection. Innovative developments require in-depth knowledge in various fields human activity: economics, construction, finance, working with people. The implementation of an idea always entails certain changes, and in order to manage them efficiently, a person with specific knowledge is appointed - a project manager.

We can say that project management is professional activity person, the essence of which is to use the most modern knowledge, methods, means, technologies for and influencing people in order to achieve the required result. Traditional operational management is not able to quickly change and integrate into rapidly developing and changing environmental conditions.

Project management is carried out based on stages life cycle beginnings:

  • Initiation(preliminary assessment of deadlines, required resources, setting tasks and risk analysis).
  • Planning(search for an investor, calculation of the budget, targets, risks and action schedule).
  • Implementation(monitoring the implementation of the plan and achieving intermediate results, phased financing, making necessary changes to the plan).
  • Closing(assessing the degree of completion of assigned tasks, time spent, profitability of the plan, working on mistakes).

The use of project management in international practice is a tool for implementing innovative ideas and a highly effective management technology in unstable and uncertain systems that are rapidly developing and changing. This primarily applies to tax, legislative, and resource systems. Using such a control system, it is possible to resolve complex problems production, scientific and social nature.

Some company managers use Project management in certain areas of their activities that require the promotion of new technologies and products, or with their help they solve individual applied problems with a creative component. A kind of “enterprise within an enterprise” is created, which does not provide negative influence for main production tasks. In addition, a classic example of this approach is the production of large complex products (aerospace, shipbuilding, military-industrial complex).

However, there are also so-called project-oriented companies, the way of existence of which is precisely unique activities over a certain period of time, aimed at the final result. Their distinctive features are:

  • strategic approach;
  • teamwork;
  • self-organization;
  • openness in communications;
  • outward orientation.

Project management arose and initially developed in highly specialized industries. However, after a few decades, constantly developing and proving its effectiveness, it covered various areas business. Its influence is especially noticeable in such areas as:

  • IT sector and new software development;
  • development of new types of industrial products and their implementation;
  • reconstruction and construction;
  • carrying out design, research and scientific work.

In both the corporate sector and government, plans are often organized into portfolios or programs. Several interrelated initiatives aimed at achieving one common result can be combined into a program. For example, a program to improve the provision of medical care to citizens may include projects to improve the training of medical personnel, modernize and develop new standards of treatment and produce modern effective medicines for certain diseases. If we are talking about a portfolio, then it is assumed that there are initiatives of different directions; they are united only by a single source of financing.

In specialized literature, you can sometimes see differences in the understanding of the terms “Project management” and “project management”. This is due to a different approach to basic concepts, type of design and other factors. According to ISO 9000, a project is a process, while according to ICB IMPA, it is an action or effort. Accordingly, in this matter, management is often understood as a certain professional culture and activity in social systems, and under control – influence on the implementation of certain processes. However, in most sources these concepts are recognized as identical, adjusted for the specifics of market relations.

Main functions of project management

Project management is a synthetic discipline that combines both professional and specialized knowledge. The latter illustrate the features of the area to which the undertaking belongs (construction, ecology, research, education). However great importance has the study and analysis of patterns inherent in realized ideas from different areas of human activity.

Traditional project management functions include:

  • goal setting (formation of a plan, its initiation and development of a concept);
  • planning (creation of a clear structure and sequence of processes, relationships between them, scheduling of work, contracts, supply of resources);
  • organization (implementation of the approved plan, creating an office and forming a team, exchanging information, concluding and maintaining contracts, placing orders for goods and services);
  • motivation (development and implementation of an incentive system for all participants in the work);
  • control (preparation and submission of reports on the progress of work, monitoring of costs and deadlines, quality control, study of measures to reduce risks, implementation of contracts).

There are major differences between functional and project management. Each system has its own strengths and weaknesses, but work on specific specific plans is recognized as more flexible, progressive and capable of transforming under the influence of new conditions.

The functions of general (traditional) management include:

  • stabilization of the existing condition;
  • a clearly limited range of tasks to perform;
  • powers are approved by the management structure;
  • work is carried out in stable organizational structures;
  • responsibility is determined by prescribed functions
  • definition of success - achieving certain intermediate results;
  • low level of variability of working conditions.

Based on the above factors, we can conclude that the main features of functional management are stability and predictability.

The principles of project management differ from functional management:

  • activities are characterized by uncertainty, there is constant work with changes;
  • powers may not be clearly distributed;
  • the range of tasks may vary depending on various factors impact;
  • tasks can be cross-functional, but within the project cycle;
  • activities are aimed at innovation;
  • conflict resolution is one of the most important tasks;
  • effectiveness is determined by achieving the final goal.

Consequently, management of this type is aimed at achieving the required result in a certain period of time with a limited resource in unstable conditions. To do this, it is necessary to select and organize the work of highly qualified personnel, as well as introduce new technologies and management solutions.

At the same time, these two management systems cannot be completely opposed to each other. They can intersect and complement each other. For example, in general management there are a number of fundamental concepts that every competent project manager should know.

Project manager and requirements for him

A distinctive feature of project management is that the basic rights, as well as responsibility for the achieved result, are concentrated in the hands of a small group of people or even one person - the project manager. This does not imply that the project manager is able to know all the specific features of each process; his job is to use his skills to select and most effectively distribute specialists, as well as the division of labor between them.

The main function of the manager is to monitor the implementation of three main parameters:

  • Quality of work. There are proven methods for managing material and human resources, such as resource load diagrams and performer responsibility matrices. The problem here may be that it is not easy to formulate tasks and then control them yourself. In such cases, developed quality control methods are used.
  • Time. To help the manager, various programs have been developed for the formation and tracking of work schedules.
  • Budget. The specialist creates a financial plan and ensures that there are no overspending.

The manager's competence in implementing a new idea is assessed according to the following components: experience, knowledge, skills, professionalism, ethics, mentality (professional thinking). Requirements for the competence of specialists are specified in the Body of Knowledge, which is supported by national or international professional associations. More than 125 countries have approved such Codes (PM BoK) and their own certification systems.

The largest management certification organization is IPMA, which has 55 members. Their standards are developed, approved and adjusted based on the main regulatory document of the ICB IPMA organization. In Russia, on its basis, the SOVNET Association has developed National Requirements for the Competence of Specialists (NTC), and certification of managers is carried out according to them. Countries that are not members of this organization have their own certification systems. For example, PMI in the USA, ENAA in Japan, AIPM in Australia.

Often, the right project manager determines the success of the entire enterprise. This specialist must accurately manage external and internal factors influencing the initiative being implemented:

  1. Relatively external factors Management is required to:
    • prompt adaptation of all processes to changing external conditions;
    • management of sustainable interaction with other entities related to the work performed.
  2. The control influence on internal factors consists of the following actions:
    • rational distribution and timely redistribution of resources allocated for the implementation of the initiative;
    • constant coordination of interaction between project participants.

In addition to controlled and manageable internal parameters, such as development costs, product production, marketing, production volumes, capital investments, price, there are a number of external uncontrollable parameters. These include economic conditions, environmental conditions, competition, consumer tastes, legal framework, social environment, access to resources. It is very difficult to influence them, so the structure must establish and promptly change its activities taking into account these factors.

Advantages of the project management method and its disadvantages

An increasing number of business structures, state and municipal organizations are introducing into their daily activities elements of project management. Even the President and the Government of Russia have been promoting this approach over the past few years. What advantages does this method of work provide?

Authoritative research international organizations prove that the introduction of project methodologies into management can significantly improve efficiency indicators in the first few years. A 20% cost savings is quite possible, as well as a reduction of 20-25%. The costs directly for integrating new techniques into work amount to several percent of the total amount of the entire plan and usually pay off within 1-2 years.

A new management approach opens up business and government organizations such prospects:

  • clear definition of activity priorities;
  • unambiguous formulation of expected results and goals;
  • the practice of putting initiatives into clear, structured forms of projects or programs;
  • competent consideration of possible risks and the search for ways to mitigate them;
  • achieving clear criteria for successful work;
  • optimization of the company's resource costs;
  • increasing staff motivation.

The disadvantages of switching to a new technique include the following factors:

  • Transition period. It may be delayed due to management's ignorance of the basics of Project Management or due to sabotage by middle-level managers who may lose their influence.
  • Lack of resources. Spreading funds between different plans can negatively affect the company's core operating activities, especially if it has limited financial capabilities.
  • Personnel. Without a qualified project manager, the process may stall. Often you have to bring in a manager and your team from outside.

However, despite all the difficulties, project management is gaining momentum around the world. It does not stand still, it develops quickly and constantly corresponds to the situation that has developed in the world. this moment time.

Wikipedia describes project management as “the discipline of initiating, planning, executing, controlling, and completing the work of a team to achieve specific goals and achieve specific success criteria.” The idea of ​​project management has been around since the late 19th century. However, we can trace our current project management concepts back to the 1950s.

As many of us know, Henry Gantt was one of the founders of project management. See the entire history of project management in this article: . It all started with the creation of the Gantt chart, a popular project management chart, the name Gantt has probably come across to you very often. Henri Fayol created five functions of management - these are the predecessors of our current five stages of project management.

Another tool for project management appeared in the mid-20th century. The work breakdown structure emerged from the United States Department of Defense as another method for managing projects.

While project management tools are widespread in the space, government, technology and military sectors, private entrepreneurs are just beginning to understand the benefits of work organized around specific projects. There was a clear way to manage these special projects, and companies realized that coordination and collaboration across all levels, business units, and disciplines was critical to overall success.

What is a project?

The Business Dictionary defines a project as “a planned set of interrelated tasks to be completed over a specified period, subject to specified costs and other constraints.” A project can be something external or an addition to a company's employees' typical workday. Perhaps a financial need or client request could be the catalyst for a project to arise.

Project parameters include achieving a clear goal, so by nature, projects involve a beginning and an end to achieve a unique, specific outcome. This short-term commitment requires a set time frame, a clear scope, a designated budget and human resources, which include a project team and a manager.

What is a project manager?

A project manager is a person who leads a project team to jointly achieve the project goal. Anyone who holds the title “manager” has ongoing responsibilities throughout his/her tenure with the company in accordance with labor code RF, but the position of project manager is temporary and serves only to achieve a specific goal. For any specific project, a project manager will be appointed without fail. However, if you are a department manager or other type of manager and project management is not part of your official job responsibilities, add a line to your resume about basic knowledge and skills in project management - this will only be a plus for you.

After successful completion of the activities planned by the project, you will receive a good boost in the development of your effective communication and administration skills, which will always be useful to you in any situation. Not all companies have full-time project managers, and you could propose to the management of the organization that you can manage a special project. Prepare to accept this new type of responsibility, thereby increasing your value to the company's management. Your project team may include colleagues invited from other departments. For you personally, this type of activity can bring some popularity within your company, increasing the likelihood of receiving a bonus or promotion. In addition to personal and career growth, you will gain good experience in something new to you. You also get certain benefits by emphasizing that project activities Not only can it satisfy your need for professional development, but it can also help increase company profits (both financial and intangible).

If your company has an in-house training system, online courses, or reimburses for specific courses, consider providing some training in project management. There are now quite a few websites that offer free online education. If you intend to develop in this direction, then start with the basics of strategic planning, building business processes, financial analysis, marketing and change management. This additional education can help you be more savvy when you volunteer for new projects. If the managerial characteristics of a specialist mainly include knowledge in the field of time management, organizational and communication skills, then project management requires special attention to resource management, results and administrative communications. Fine tuning these personal qualities may provide opportunities for career advancement.

How to choose the best project manager to avoid failure?

Choosing the best project manager for the job can mean the success or failure of a project. The project manager plays a critical role in moving any project from concept to completion. He or she must have both technical experience and the ability to organize the execution of each task that is part of the project strategy. Otherwise, the result will be only critical errors in the missing key tasks, a waste of time and money.

The team leader must have strong critical thinking skills in order to anticipate all risks, and have the ability to create preventive measures to resolve situations that arise. The project manager must be able to formulate the tasks of each team member and establish clear relationships. Successful manager project leader, has good communication skills, is capable of competent conflict resolution, has time management and critical thinking skills.

More and more project managers are constantly searching for the perfect project management software. This makes sense because, after all, project managers are the people who will use the software on a daily basis. They have their own opinions about what the software should do and how it can help them manage their projects.

If you are looking for a tool for project management, then these articles will help you decide:

  • Top Project Management Software

You can use the five steps of project management to successfully implement a project.

Initiation phase– this stage includes the formal start of the project and its large-scale description. Your first stage documentation will include: your vision for delivering the project, a description of the project's progress that includes tasks based on the project's goals, and details of the desired outcome. Once you receive approval, prepare your proposals for all activities, including your descriptions and risk calculations.

Planning phase– the project manager formulates the best strategy for the team to achieve the client’s goal. It may fall on the project manager to select his/her team, besides withdrawing other resources. Establishing deadlines, schedules and lines of communication also occur at this stage.

Implementation phase (work execution)– the project manager especially focuses his attention on this stage. He/she will implement and supervise all activities that produce the output recorded in the project plan. Preparing for this stage takes up the majority of time, resources and energy.

Control phase– execution and control occur simultaneously. The project manager monitors and coordinates the work of the team, making sure that the projected indicators of the planning phase become reality.

Closing phase- during this last stage, the project manager will help develop any administrative tasks, generate reports, adjust documentation and present the results obtained to the management of the enterprise. Most likely, your client's top priorities will include how long it will take to achieve their goals and whether your team is on budget.

The five stages of the project management process are complemented by several other areas of knowledge that every project manager should be familiar with. IN PMBoK(project management body of knowledge) there are 10 knowledge areas. And the fact that every manager should have basic knowledge in these 10 topics is a vital necessity. However, project managers must pay special attention to each specific project, which involves unique goals, tight deadlines, and limited resources.

Project implementation is an area of ​​knowledge that contains all 5 stages of the project. During implementation, you will develop a plan, assess risks, and make necessary adjustments as the project progresses, all of which are necessary to ensure successful completion of assigned objectives.

Requirements– context describes the expectations of stakeholders. Qualitatively defining the actual desired outcome of your project is fundamental to your success as a project manager.

Time– They say timing is everything, and keeping your project within the right time frame is of paramount importance. Management experience will help you allocate tasks and set appropriate project milestones to meet deadlines and utilize resources successfully.

Price– cost management processes occur throughout the project. Properly estimating the full expected cost of a project and maintaining cost control throughout the project will help you and your team stay within budget.

Quality– determining that your PRP (product/service/result) meets the client’s expectations is your main goal. Your project will always be successful if your outcome is nothing other than what the client and/or stakeholders demand.

Procurement– It often happens that you may need services that will contribute to the achievement of your project results that are beyond the competence of your project team. You must know how to plan for such situations, select an external supplier and conclude a profitable contract.

Human resources– you, as a project manager, will have to work hard to assemble a high-quality project team from all employees of your company, and, possibly, also attract external contractors. No matter the size of the project, you must know how to coordinate and manage your team.

Communications– not only reports, but the provision of important and necessary information. You must know how and when to present project information.

Management of risks– even the best plans never come together without a hitch. You need to know how to identify and evaluate those things that could derail a project. Through continuous planning, response and monitoring, you can reduce delays and costs.

Stakeholder management. Stakeholders are the people or organizations involved in the project. You must know how to create interactions and management approaches to involve stakeholders in project outcomes.


Successfully and effectively implementing change is the job of the project manager. Each project includes a specific period of time during which your team completes numerous activities. Your goal is to meet customer needs, whether internal or external, by achieving key goals and milestones on time while staying within budget. Experience in planning, monitoring and providing support to your team is key to successful project delivery.

Accreditations in Project Management

Project Management Professional (PMP) is an internationally recognized professional designation offered by the Project Management Institute (PMI). There are currently approximately 700,000 active certified Project Manager Prefessionals in 210 countries around the world. The exam is based on PMBoK project management knowledge.

The PMBoK guide includes best practices and is the industry standard for all areas of project management. The latest PMBoK provides a good foundation for every serious project management professional or for people working in other management fields who see the importance and significance of project management practices in their work or career.

At the present stage of development, project management is recognized as the most effective business management tool. The number of problems (energy, environmental, resource, social) is constantly growing, and they can only be solved with the use of innovative technologies and management solutions. Organizing work according to specific plans is characteristic of most foreign companies and is increasingly being implemented in Russia, and not only in business, but also in government agencies.

To answer the question of what project management is, it is necessary to understand the distinctive features of project implementation from other methods of activity. It is characterized by the following features:

  • Focus on specific results. All actions performed during the implementation of an idea are interconnected and aimed at achieving a predetermined goal. It is completeness that is important; if some processes are carried out without a tangible result, then this is not a project.
  • Limited available resources. As a rule, any initiative is implemented taking into account available resources, primarily financial, human and time. An exact or approximate deadline for completion of all work is always established, as well as an estimate and implementation schedule are drawn up.
  • Uniqueness. This means that it is intended to release a product for the first time or introduce a new service.

Design is the process of drawing up and developing an undertaking from the emergence of a concept to its implementation in reality. To bring an idea to life, a plan is drawn up, which represents a scenario for all subsequent actions, broken down by time periods and processes carried out. Processes can be carried out either in parallel, independently of each other, or in close interconnection. Innovative developments require in-depth knowledge in various spheres of human activity: economics, construction, finance, working with people. The implementation of an idea always entails certain changes, and in order to manage them efficiently, a person with specific knowledge is appointed - a project manager.

We can say that project management is a professional human activity, the essence of which is to use the most modern knowledge, methods, tools, technologies for the optimal allocation of resources and influence on people in order to achieve the required result. Traditional operational management is not able to quickly change and integrate into rapidly developing and changing environmental conditions.

Project management is carried out based on the stages of the life cycle of an undertaking:

  • Initiation(preliminary assessment of deadlines, required resources, setting tasks and risk analysis).
  • Planning(search for an investor, calculation of the budget, targets, risks and action schedule).
  • Implementation(monitoring the implementation of the plan and achieving intermediate results, phased financing, making necessary changes to the plan).
  • Closing(assessing the degree of completion of assigned tasks, time spent, profitability of the plan, working on mistakes).

The use of project management in international practice is a tool for implementing innovative ideas and a highly effective management technology in unstable and uncertain systems that are rapidly developing and changing. This primarily applies to tax, legislative, and resource systems. Using such a management system, it is possible to resolve complex problems of a production, scientific and social nature.

Some company managers use Project management in certain areas of their activities that require the promotion of new technologies and products, or with their help they solve individual applied problems with a creative component. A kind of “enterprise within an enterprise” is created, which does not have a negative impact on the main production tasks. In addition, a classic example of this approach is the production of large complex products (aerospace, shipbuilding, military-industrial complex).

However, there are also so-called project-oriented companies, the way of existence of which is precisely unique activities over a certain period of time, aimed at the final result. Their distinctive features are:

  • strategic approach;
  • teamwork;
  • self-organization;
  • openness in communications;
  • outward orientation.

Project management arose and initially developed in highly specialized industries. However, after just a few decades, constantly developing and proving its effectiveness, it covered various areas of business. Its influence is especially noticeable in such areas as:

  • IT sector and new software development;
  • development of new types of industrial products and their implementation;
  • reconstruction and construction;
  • carrying out design, research and scientific work.

In both the corporate sector and government, plans are often organized into portfolios or programs. Several interrelated initiatives aimed at achieving one common result can be combined into a program. For example, a program to improve the provision of medical care to citizens may include projects to improve the training of medical personnel, modernize and purchase equipment, develop new standards of treatment and produce modern effective drugs for certain diseases. If we are talking about a portfolio, then it is assumed that there are initiatives of different directions; they are united only by a single source of financing.

In specialized literature, you can sometimes see differences in the understanding of the terms “Project management” and “project management”. This is due to a different approach to basic concepts, type of design and other factors. According to ISO 9000, a project is a process, while according to ICB IMPA, it is an action or effort. Accordingly, in this matter, management is often understood as a certain professional culture and activity in social systems, and management is the influence on the implementation of certain processes. However, in most sources these concepts are recognized as identical, adjusted for the specifics of market relations.

Main functions of project management

Project management is a synthetic discipline that combines both professional and specialized knowledge. The latter illustrate the features of the area to which the undertaking belongs (construction, ecology, research, education). However, the study and analysis of the patterns inherent in implemented ideas from different areas of human activity is of great importance.

Traditional project management functions include:

  • goal setting (formation of a plan, its initiation and development of a concept);
  • planning (creation of a clear structure and sequence of processes, relationships between them, scheduling of work, contracts, supply of resources);
  • organization (implementation of the approved plan, creating an office and forming a team, exchanging information, concluding and maintaining contracts, placing orders for goods and services);
  • motivation (development and implementation of an incentive system for all participants in the work);
  • control (preparation and submission of reports on the progress of work, monitoring of costs and deadlines, quality control, study of measures to reduce risks, implementation of contracts).

There are major differences between functional and project management. Each system has its own strengths and weaknesses, but work on specific specific plans is recognized as more flexible, progressive and capable of transforming under the influence of new conditions.

The functions of general (traditional) management include:

  • stabilization of the existing condition;
  • a clearly limited range of tasks to perform;
  • powers are approved by the management structure;
  • work is carried out in stable organizational structures;
  • responsibility is determined by prescribed functions
  • definition of success - achieving certain intermediate results;
  • low level of variability of working conditions.

Based on the above factors, we can conclude that the main features of functional management are stability and predictability.

The principles of project management differ from functional management:

  • activities are characterized by uncertainty, there is constant work with changes;
  • powers may not be clearly distributed;
  • the range of tasks may vary depending on various influencing factors;
  • tasks can be cross-functional, but within the project cycle;
  • activities are aimed at innovation;
  • conflict resolution is one of the most important tasks;
  • effectiveness is determined by achieving the final goal.

Consequently, management of this type is aimed at achieving the required result in a certain period of time with a limited resource in unstable conditions. To do this, it is necessary to select and organize the work of highly qualified personnel, as well as introduce new technologies and management solutions.

At the same time, these two management systems cannot be completely opposed to each other. They can intersect and complement each other. For example, in general management there are a number of fundamental concepts that every competent project manager should know.

Project manager and requirements for him

A distinctive feature of project management is that the basic rights, as well as responsibility for the achieved result, are concentrated in the hands of a small group of people or even one person - the project manager. This does not imply that the project manager is able to know all the specific features of each process; his job is to use his skills to select and most effectively distribute specialists, as well as the division of labor between them.

The main function of the manager is to monitor the implementation of three main parameters:

  • Quality of work. There are proven methods for managing material and human resources, such as resource load diagrams and performer responsibility matrices. The problem here may be that it is not easy to formulate tasks and then control them yourself. In such cases, developed quality control methods are used.
  • Time. To help the manager, various programs have been developed for the formation and tracking of work schedules.
  • Budget. The specialist creates a financial plan and ensures that there are no overspending.

The manager's competence in implementing a new idea is assessed according to the following components: experience, knowledge, skills, professionalism, ethics, mentality (professional thinking). Requirements for the competence of specialists are specified in the Body of Knowledge, which is supported by national or international professional associations. More than 125 countries have approved such Codes (PM BoK) and their own certification systems.

The largest management certification organization is IPMA, which has 55 members. Their standards are developed, approved and adjusted based on the main regulatory document of the ICB IPMA organization. In Russia, on its basis, the SOVNET Association has developed National Requirements for the Competence of Specialists (NTC), and certification of managers is carried out according to them. Countries that are not members of this organization have their own certification systems. For example, PMI in the USA, ENAA in Japan, AIPM in Australia.

Often, the right project manager determines the success of the entire enterprise. This specialist must accurately manage external and internal factors influencing the initiative being implemented:

  1. Regarding external factors, management is required to:
    • prompt adaptation of all processes to changing external conditions;
    • management of sustainable interaction with other entities related to the work performed.
  2. The control influence on internal factors consists of the following actions:
    • rational distribution and timely redistribution of resources allocated for the implementation of the initiative;
    • constant coordination of interaction between project participants.

In addition to controlled and manageable internal parameters, such as development costs, product production, marketing, production volumes, capital investments, price, there are a number of external uncontrollable parameters. These include economic conditions, environmental conditions, competition, consumer tastes, legal framework, social environment, access to resources. It is very difficult to influence them, so the structure must establish and promptly change its activities taking into account these factors.

Advantages of the project management method and its disadvantages

An increasing number of business structures, state and municipal organizations are introducing elements of project management into their daily activities. Even the President and the Government of Russia have been promoting this approach over the past few years. What advantages does this method of work provide?

Research by reputable international organizations proves that the introduction of project methodologies into management can significantly improve efficiency indicators within the first few years. A 20% cost savings is quite possible, as well as a reduction in implementation time by 20-25%. The costs directly for integrating new techniques into work amount to several percent of the total amount of the entire plan and usually pay off within 1-2 years.

The new management approach opens up the following prospects for business and government organizations:

  • clear definition of activity priorities;
  • unambiguous formulation of expected results and goals;
  • the practice of putting initiatives into clear, structured forms of projects or programs;
  • competent consideration of possible risks and the search for ways to mitigate them;
  • achieving clear criteria for successful work;
  • optimization of the company's resource costs;
  • increasing staff motivation.

The disadvantages of switching to a new technique include the following factors:

  • Transition period. It may be delayed due to management's ignorance of the basics of Project Management or due to sabotage by middle-level managers who may lose their influence.
  • Lack of resources. Spreading funds between different plans can negatively affect the company's core operating activities, especially if it has limited financial capabilities.
  • Personnel. Without a qualified project manager, the process may stall. Often you have to bring in a manager and your team from outside.

However, despite all the difficulties, project management is gaining momentum around the world. It does not stand still, it develops quickly and constantly corresponds to the situation that has developed at a given moment in time.

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