Maxim Kostikov: We are talking about ODN

The Pskov vice-governor Maxim Zhavoronkov, who is in charge of personnel in the civil service, agreed to talk with Fontanka on the condition that we publish his thoughts without cuts. The editors agreed. Zhavoronkov shared his impressions about the information background around the death of Maxim, who was adopted by US citizens. He must have coordinated his emotions with Governor Andrei Turchak. However, this is a very rare occurrence.

Pskov Vice Governor Maxim Zhavoronkov, who is in charge of personnel in the civil service, agreed to talk to Fontanka on the condition that we publish his thoughts without cuts. The editors agreed. Zhavoronkov shared his impressions about the information background around the death of Maxim, who was adopted by US citizens. He must have coordinated his emotions with Governor Andrei Turchak. However, this is a very rare occurrence.

It turns out that I can also talk about the information campaign around the death of Maxim Kuzmin. A complete feeling that we live in two worlds, one is virtual and bright, the other is earthly and ordinary. The earthly and everyday world gives rise to bright splashes in the virtual world, splashes in the virtual world are reflected in the everyday world, sometimes making it better, and sometimes crippling people, destroying what has been created over the years. Worlds are at war. And the war is going on somewhere in the minds. It sometimes seems to me that in the capital's high-society get-togethers, the virtual world has long been celebrating a victory, which has long subjugated reality to its laws. As a result, it turns out that the media space and reality are completely different things, and in general with different planets. Only the other one doesn't have the kind Little Prince.

Adopting children in reality is a boring, interesting and troublesome business. Here is a one-time 500 thousand rubles to adoptive parents in the Pskov region from the local budget - we are sitting and counting. Here we submit for consideration of deputies, on committees of regional assembly, here we accept the law, here we control, here the first payments… Long.

Here, social activists write an application for a grant, here they negotiate with orphanages, here they gather graduates of orphanages for the first time, here the competition commission is considering, the financial department requires additional documents, here are the first meetings ... Nothing interesting.

Here is the project of the SOS Children's Village, where orphans live in families, here is the estimate, here is the regulatory framework, construction, and the search for mothers for future families. Nothing special, yawn.

And so in everything. Today there are about 3,000 orphans in the Pskov region. Over two thousand of them are Russian families. Less than a third of them are in state institutions.

Turnover: councils of trustees, invite children to a New Year's performance, charity events. Check the signal, have time to save the child from the doghouse or from the drunken frenzy of the so-called parents. Do not make a mistake with adoptive parents, guardians. All this is long.

And extremely responsible. It would seem that behind this slow and time-consuming work - for the first time in many years: the number of Russian adoptive parents in the Pskov region is already more than foreign ones, before all the scandals and laws.

But a misfortune happened. And on the death of a child, the Kingdom of heaven to him, begins, no, not an information campaign, a creative begins about how to revive Temka, extend and make it as bright as possible in another, virtual world. The main thing in this creativity is to observe the unwritten rule: officials are villains, society is truly humane, knows everything and understands everything.

And you don’t need to understand the issue, you don’t need to delve into it, but you need to seize the moment.

Yesterday on the federal channel in a talk show - one, already gray-haired and never had a child, describes the cynicism of the immoral authorities. Do not miss the opportunity: today is a child, tomorrow there will be another reason. Note Expert. Another lady, changing the meaning of what was said beyond recognition, writes about suffering children who, by the decision of the governor of the Pskov region, are forbidden to have any hope of adoption, since "others are taken hostage for one orphan."

Still others make a knight's move and pull out into the light of the air a mother who has abandoned her own children, has never visited them in two years, but who is already ready to leave for a Moscow television studio with another roommate. This mother is just as "unfortunate" as "Dima Yakovlev's deceived grandmother." You never know what the neighbors say, maybe they were also persuaded by treacherous officials, but what a twist, the development of the plot: it turns out that the guardianship raiders separated the mother and children. And if it weren't for wild case on the Moscow-Pskov train, when this “angelic mother” and her cohabitant were removed from the train for a drunken brawl almost immediately after the filming of the program, everything would have remained in its place: raider officials and objective journalists.

You don’t have to think, figure it out, find out, you need to come up with a move, you need to tell the “lady official” to the whole country that she was probably brought in and ... forgotten, taking up a new topic.

After all, the virtual world and media technologies do not tolerate long fuss.
And our colleague, about whom everyone understood everything from the screens and whom everyone boldly and democratically expressed everything in the Moscow studio, will return home, to the real world and again, without any attention from the advanced public, will be engaged in boards of trustees in orphanages, SOS-mothers, consideration adoption applications, and make decisions about someone's fate. After all, in real world, in everyday worries, you can’t change children for a fresh scandal.

How would I explain to you ... Somewhere there are people for whom there is a day and a night. At least believe Choi, he is from St. Petersburg.

Vice Governor of the Pskov Region
Maxim Zhavoronkov for

Most likely, Maxim Zhavoronkov correctly alludes to the talk show "Live", which took place on the TV channel "Russia 1" on February 22.

Guest of the next issue of the program "House of Soviets", which went live on the radio"Echo of Moscow in Pskov" (102.6 FM) On January 27, Maxim Zhavoronkov, deputy governor of the Pskov region, head of the regional administration, became the head of the administration. Editor-in-chief of the radio station Maxim Kostikov and Chief Editor EPI "Pskovskaya Lenta Novosti" Alexander Savenko discussed with him topical issues socio-political and socio-economic agenda. In addition, the guest of the studio answered the questions of radio listeners and readers of the Pskov News Tape. We bring to your attention a transcript of the conversation.

Alexander Savenko: Good afternoon, dear listeners. IN live program "House of Soviets". Today we have another meeting with the leaders of the regional administration, and our guest is the Deputy Governor of the Pskov Region - the head of the administration of the region Maxim Zhavoronkov. Hello, Maxim Konstantinovich.

Maxim Zhavoronkov: Good afternoon.

Alexander Savenko: I, Alexander Savenko, and Maxim Kostikov will conduct this program for you. Today we will speak in various hot topics social and political agenda. It starts out quite difficult. interesting year- a large-scale election campaign is to be held in the middle of the year, and there are many other events. Starting our conversation, I would like to ask you, Maxim Konstantinovich, what are your expectations for 2017. Do you think this year will not be much different from the previous ones, or do you have special expectations about this?

Maxim Zhavoronkov: Thanks for the question. I want to say that after the changes were made to the federal legislation, we now hold elections once a year, and in the last three years in our political history there have been some important elections. Let's remember. 2014 - gubernatorial elections. 2015 - full-scale elections to the representative bodies of the first level (municipal). We have almost completely formed representative bodies in cities and towns. rural settlements. 2016 - elections to the State Duma and the Pskov Regional Assembly. 2017th. This, as you have already said, is a significant year for us. We will elect practically all representative bodies at the second level (these are districts and city districts) and we will elect seven heads of districts. 2018, March - presidential elections. Therefore, we domestic politics in terms of its load, every year it prepares some kind of gift, some kind of raisin. But I cannot say that 2017 will be very different from the preparation and conduct of elections in 2016, 2015 or 2014.

Alexander Savenko: But I had in mind not only the elections. If we consider the socio-political and socio-economic situation as a whole, what is your assessment? How will the situation change over the years? Challenges, threats... What are you afraid of?

Maxim Zhavoronkov: The main challenge is, of course, the socio-economic situation in the region and in the country as a whole. This is the first thing that the government should be doing - streamlining relations in this area. Therefore, of course, the global processes that are taking place in the world and in the country, in the region, do not allow us to say that we will be able to significantly improve our lives in the coming year. Of course, this will leave a certain imprint on the mood of citizens, on political preferences. Under this leitmotif, we will go to the elections.

Maxim Kostikov: Are you planning any reforms this year? We remember the big optimization reform social sphere, shrinking our organs local government at the village level. Is something like this planned for this year or will everything be normal?

Maxim Zhavoronkov: If we consider the social and economic block, no prerequisites for changes in the configuration of the system executive bodies there is no power. I do not see them. The changes that took place in healthcare and in the field of social protection were primarily dictated by changes that were made to federal legislation: the transfer from the municipal to the regional level of social protection and healthcare. This was dictated. Therefore, I do not think that the federal legislator in anticipation of presidential elections will essentially transfer some powers to the regions or, conversely, require their transfer to the municipal level. Most likely, in the municipal and state structure nothing will change.

Maxim Kostikov: It's no secret that some of the reforms are started not because they need to, but because there is not enough money in the treasury. This is like a reason that pushes for some steps, which are then called modernization, optimization, and so on. In your opinion, what is the current situation with the filling of the budget? It is no secret that in 2016 all this was quite difficult both in terms of the growth of our own income and in terms of tax collection in the region. And the consequences of this were reflected in the 2017 budget. To what extent the adopted budget provides for all these nuances and whether the region will fall into a situation where social obligations must be fulfilled, but funds are limited.

Maxim Zhavoronkov: There is a well-known saying: "money has two states - either they are not there, or they are not enough." We will never see 100% satisfaction with the amount of finance in the region. I do not agree with you in regard to the growth of their own income. We all last years we show not quite sure, but still the growth of own incomes, the tax base in the region increases from year to year. I agree that we were under more pressure from the largest taxpayers (according to legal grounds) in terms of tax refunds. The amounts that we receive from taxpayers are almost immediately indicated where they are directed, and when demands are made to us for tax refunds, we naturally worry about this and hold certain negotiations.

Maxim Kostikov: People, as always, are interested in whether the region will fulfill its social obligations accurately and on time in terms of paying salaries, benefits, and also in terms of paying for the services of numerous organizations that perform contracts for the administration.

Maxim Zhavoronkov: Obligations must be fulfilled (there is such a Latin saying) and, of course, they will be fulfilled. We strive to ensure that they are executed on time and in full. But I can't sign with blood - it all depends on how the regional treasury will be filled. But we try, and even when difficulties arise, even beyond our control, we try to solve them. An illustrative example. P about a number of social payments, which at the end of the year were carried out from the regional budget through the Armen Mnatsakanyan, we have completed our part of the work by transferring funds to the Russian Post., which they received on December 22. However they did not manage to convey these funds to all citizens. Yes, this issue turned out to be difficult for the Russian Post in technical terms - there were large sums, which had to be smashed among the citizens, but we had certain agreements with them. Therefore, receiving signals from citizens from different sources information, we immediately connect and try to point to resolve issues that are related, it would seem, are no longer with our area of ​​responsibility.

Alexander Savenko: Quite a lot of questions come to the PLN website. Readers take us back to the 2016 elections and ask us to once again give our assessment of the completed campaign. Another question is how the regional administration's political bloc will work with the opposition. Claims are made on this issue - that you do not listen to the opposition.

Maxim Zhavoronkov: I wouldn't say that we worked badly with the opposition. On the basis of what criteria is such a conclusion made? To go along with any wishes that are expressed by representatives of some dwarf political structures that do not receive public support and do not participate in elections, I think that there is no point. Because if we meet all the requirements, sooner or later we will run into a conflict of interests of large parties. Therefore, to be honest, I would not say that we are somehow wrong in organizing our work with large opposition parties and parties that are not as large as parliamentary ones. For example, if we evaluate the results of the September 2016 elections, I would like to emphasize once again that they were legal, competitive and transparent. And the fact that to date, none of the complaints that were voiced in writing or orally by opponents has reached the court (and the crown of any dispute should be the court, which decides who is right and who is wrong), indicates that the opposition, which tried to accuse the authorities of the illegality of the elections, in fact, has nothing to say. Our politicians like to blame something, talk about something, and when it comes to concrete examples Unfortunately, they can't back up their arguments.

Radio listener: Hello. My name is Elena. Maxim Konstantinovich, please clarify the situation regarding the reform of the media holding. The media have repeatedly written that such regional budget savings are planned, but, you know, some kind of very strange savings are obtained. People are being cut from the regional administration and at the same time getting jobs in a media holding, which in more financed from the regional budget. At the same time, employees in the media holding should also be reduced. There are rumors that they plan to remove the ad block from there. It is not clear who then will earn money for the media holding.

Maxim Zhavoronkov: Elena, thanks for the question. I get the feeling that you more information about how the media holding works. Indeed, as far as I know, some of the employees from the media relations department will be transferred to the holding, in particular, Alexander Yuryevich Mashkarin, who headed this department. But not everyone will pass - I hasten to assure you. Even half of those who are reduced from management will not move to the holding. Indeed, the main blow will be made precisely on the advertising service. From our point of view, a state-owned enterprise can receive these services through outsourcing, attracting advertising agencies, and not to pay, albeit a small, but a salary to a sufficiently large number of advertising employees. This is my express assessment, which is not based on an in-depth study of the holding's financial records. Alexander Yuryevich Mashkarin was given the task by the governor to reduce the number of employees in the state-owned enterprise by 30 percent, and he was given the opportunity to prepare his proposals. Naturally, before he goes to the governor, we will discuss these proposals with him, weigh all the pros and cons, all possible consequences, which may be the result of reduction. We have no desire to “cut out” someone and infringe on their rights. We act exclusively guided by the principle of reducing the costs of the regional treasury for the maintenance of this enterprise. Its main task is to earn money and not hang like a heavy weight on the regional budget. But at the same time, those people who are being cut from state bodies and state-owned enterprises are not outsiders for us. Naturally, we will see to it that they get jobs. We do not want to increase unemployment in the Pskov region.

Maxim Kostikov: Let's get back to the topic of interaction with the parties. It's no secret that A Just Russia has been a very loyal opposition for a long time. I would even say that many in the Pskov region viewed it as an ally party, a spoiler party that supported the administration on most issues, voted for the regional budget, and voted as United Russia on all issues. We remember very well the times when there were very close contacts with Oleg Bryachak, head of the A Just Russia faction in the regional Assembly. Over the past six months, we have been observing a different trend: Oleg Bryachak went to Crusade on the administration of the region and personally the governor Turchak, periodically holds bright or, as it seems to some, not very bright performances, putting up banners, collecting signatures, speaking diatribes at each session. In your opinion, the “point of no return” has already been passed? Is it possible to return to the format of cooperation, or have we got a pure group that will systematically and consistently oppose the administration?

Maxim Zhavoronkov: You asked me this question during our previous meetings. I repeat once again that we are determined to build a dialogue with political parties, leaders public opinion. We are not going to ignore the constructive, practical proposals that are being made in all spheres of activity of the regional administration. This is the task of the domestic political bloc. And I cannot say that the point of no return with the Just Russia party will not be passed. It will never be passed. At the same time, I want to note that Oleg Mikhailovich Bryachak and the regional branch " Just Russia' is not the same thing. We don't say "party" when we mean "Lenin" and we don't say "Lenin" when we mean the party.

Maxim Kostikov: As you know, it is the Bryachaks who have controlled the Just Russia party since its appearance in the region. Apart from them, no other political figures are visible there. There is no deputy who would have been in the Assembly for two convocations. They appear and then disappear somewhere.

Maxim Zhavoronkov: Mikhail Vasilyevich dissociated himself from the activities of his son. I can say that my relationship with Mikhail Vasilyevich is wonderful. If he calls me, we'll have a great talk with him.

Alexander Savenko: “Dissociated himself” - in the sense not publicly, but in some personal conversations - did it happen?

Maxim Zhavoronkov: Yes. At least, he has nothing to do with the performances that his son holds. But let's not get into relationships within the family. After all, this is a field of personal relationships, and we will not go into the personal sphere. But I can say: if it happens that the father changes his son, it is quite possible that the relationship will sparkle with completely different colors. I don’t want to say that everything will be wonderful and great again, and A Just Russia will support us in all respects, but at least it will be possible to talk about something. Just yesterday, Oleg Mikhailovich wondered why they didn’t talk to him, why they didn’t ask a question - do you remember this speech at the session? What to discuss with him? What can you talk about with him if today he declares one thing, and tomorrow he does it differently, the day after tomorrow he says one thing, and a week later his position changes again? It is impossible to negotiate with him and discuss something. With Mikhail Vasilyevich, everything is different. At least when he worked in the region, he was a member of the State Duma - I can't complain. If we discussed something, we acted within the framework of the agreements.

Maxim Kostikov: To what extent, in your opinion, is it possible for Mikhail Bryachak to return to the region, to return to active political activity, to the leadership of the regional branch?

Maxim Zhavoronkov: Well, he's practically disappeared from our horizon. We don't see him. I know that the governor had contact with him, but, unfortunately, I did not communicate with him after the elections to the State Duma. So it's hard for me to judge.

Alexander Savenko: In Lately Oleg Bryachak has repeatedly said that he does not rule out his arrest, the initiation of criminal cases, and that he does not even know for what motives...

Maxim Kostikov: ... while directly hinting that the initiators of these actions against him are the administration.

Maxim Zhavoronkov: You know, lately I have little understanding at all when Oleg Mikhailovich tells fairy tales, and when he talks about what is happening, it’s real. If we talk about what is really happening, it is no secret that he personally, as an individual, owes significant money to credit organizations.

Maxim Kostikov: More than 300 million, in my opinion.

Maxim Zhavoronkov: Only Rosselkhozbank. And besides this, there are other debts. It is no secret that Rosselkhozbank counted the loan received by firms that are considered affiliated with Oleg Mikhailovich ...

Alexander Savenko: But he denies it.

Maxim Zhavoronkov: He denies, but the workers say that he was the leader, he came and held planning meetings. Rosselkhozbank has reason to believe that part of the funds was spent by Oleg Mikhailovich for personal needs. I am not ready to evaluate, I am not an investigator, all the more I have access to a criminal case initiated on the illegal receipt of a loan, no. I am not ready to assess how this assessment, these arguments of the bank correspond to reality. If so, if law enforcement If they find grounds, then they will bring the perpetrator to justice. What is the current state of the criminal case, I do not know. The report on the course of the investigation does not come to the regional administration and should not come.

Listener: Good afternoon, my name is Nikolai. It seems to me that the region is losing a lot, not using the right of legislative initiative at the federal level. During the previous convocation, about 10 bills from the region were submitted to the State Duma, and none of them passed due to poor quality. This, it seems to me, is a very big minus. Many issues rest precisely in federal legislation. For example, since 2010, Turchak's website has been offering to go to the State Duma on the issue of changing the law on trade, that is, changing the economic entity that will manage retail prices. It may be fantastic, but if you would at least analyze this issue, first bring it to the Assembly, discuss it, then maybe there would be some kind of zest. This means that you do not need to look for money in the budget for indexation, because inflation will fall. And there are many such questions, even at the regional level. Here you personally, for example, are against the regional bill on petitions. I don't understand at all. This law does not require money, it would bring citizens closer to power. So why don't you register a legislative initiative?

Maxim Zhavoronkov: Nikolai, as I understand it, Mashchenko?

Listener: Yes, I am Nikolai Filippovich Mashchenko.

Maxim Zhavoronkov: Nikolai Filippovich, yes, we have indeed had quite a long conversation. Believe that it is a pleasure for me to communicate with you and, frankly, I have long wanted to offer you to move from correspondence to a personal meeting. If you welcome it, I'm ready anytime next week.

Radio listener: So, Maxim Konstantinovich, I myself have already switched - I have begun to write bills myself. Wrote a draft law on petitions, on trade - they hang on your website. Why talk in person? Everything is already done. You just need to take, put your specialists in, close them in a room - let them sit and think and come out only with a decision. What to communicate? Everything is already done for you.

Maxim Zhavoronkov: I also wanted to know what to look for? To be honest, everyone makes mistakes. The eye is blurred sometimes and maybe we really do not see something. There is a wonderful tool that is very little used. Maybe we need to be reminded of this more often - the Russian public initiative, a site that allows you to take into account the opinion of citizens related to significant issues of legislative activity and the socio-economic development of a country or region. It is possible to submit this or that project, if it is prepared, for discussion on this site. A period is provided during which signatures are collected. Depending on the level at which this bill is introduced, a certain number of signatures must be collected. If this threshold is overcome, then normatively it already becomes our duty or duty. federal center- consider these initiatives. Nikolai Filippovich and I discussed many initiatives in writing. If he does not find understanding, well, let's help him formalize this or that initiative and bring it to this platform. And this applies not only to Nikolai Filippovich, but to almost any initiative. Unfortunately, we rarely use this tool. Last time Regionally, two years ago, they tried to introduce an initiative that concerned the inclusion of measures to combat this evil, which is growing in our region, in the federal program, but this initiative did not receive much support.

Maksim Kostikov: Before the radio listener called, we discussed the issue of interaction with the opposition. Again, Mr. Bryachak, speaking at the last session either as a lawyer, or as a prosecutor, kept looking for a billion and blamed the regional administration. How would you comment on these accusations on his part and what, in your opinion, are the causal relationships that Oleg Mikhailovich took on the mission of either a representative of the group of Mikhail Gavunas, or an accuser of the regional administration on his behalf?

Maxim Zhavoronkov: I am not ready to say that Oleg Mikhailovich is a representative. I am ready to compare his words at the session with those letters that came to the regional administration in the fall of 2016, which were signed by Pavel Nikolaev and other "mouthpieces" of Mikhail Savelyevich Gavunas.

Alexander Savenko: By the way, Pavel Nikolaev and Mr. Panchenko now attend sessions...

Maxim Zhavoronkov: Yes, I noticed. I can say that stylistically these appeals do not differ from each other, but I would not draw conclusions that Oleg Mikhailovich became the very mouthpiece of Mikhail Savelyevich.

Maxim Kostikov: Let's get to the point of the charges.

Maxim Zhavoronkov: What does "accusations" mean? Naturally, we need a billion, but let's see what Oleg Mikhailovich proposes to do - to make demands on Vasily Salopov, based on the fact that, according to Oleg Mikhailovich, Vasily Salopov pleaded guilty to famous case"Pskovpishcheprom", and a certain agreement was concluded with him in the framework of a criminal case. Let's consider this situation from the point of view of jurisprudence. The very fact of signing an agreement with the investigation is a legally protected secret. Even we, as victims of the case, do not have such information. We have repeatedly written about this to both Pavel Nikolaev and Oleg Mikhailovich. If we find confirmation of this information by contacting the investigation...

Alexander Savenko: And I thought you had already found it. After all, Andrey Anatolyevich publicly ...

Maxim Zhavoronkov:... outlined the position that both Salopov and Gavunas should be jointly and severally liable. Yes, he's on the case.

Maxim Kostikov: And the case is not closed.

Maxim Zhavoronkov: And the case is not closed. We are invited to present claims exclusively against Vasily Salopov in an open case. From my point of view, this is wrong. Requirements must also be made to other defendants who organized the case. The investigation believes that Mikhail Savelyevich Gavunas did it. We will present claims to Mikhail Savelyevich, to Salopov, to other defendants in the prescribed manner, and in this situation, the bankruptcy process that began with Vasily Salopov does not interfere. The sale of his property has not yet begun, and we can make claims at any time. We need to confirm in court that indeed Gavunas and Salopov, figuratively speaking, stole regional property worth about 1 billion rubles. This is confirmed - and then we state the requirements. Doing it earlier, from our point of view, is wrong. And then, the presentation of claims and the receipt of property within the framework of the claims - this, as they say in Odessa, is a big difference.

Radio listener: Good afternoon. Maxim Konstantinovich, I have one question, but it is divided into two parts. As far as I know, the Regional Assembly has a commission on parliamentary ethics. I understand that our lives are changing. In particular, it has changed for three deputies of the regional Assembly. Was, for example, considered the situation with their bankruptcy at the Commission on Deputy Ethics? And how do people, leaders with this problem live now? How do they personally feel in front of voters people who have become bankrupt and can they in the Assembly conduct business competently for our region? And the second part of the question. Recently, the name of Bryachak has been heard too much. It seems to me that against the background of the negative that takes place, he feels great. Too much time is devoted to this candidacy, and it is also necessary that the ethics commission talk to him. You can't behave like this to a deputy of the regional Assembly, who, perhaps, has done nothing in his life, except to use the name of his dad. What did he do in life that became bankrupt? It seems to me that he needs to think about whether he has the right to be the head of the regional branch of the party and a deputy of the regional Assembly.

Maxim Zhavoronkov: Thank you very much for the question. It is difficult for me to give any recommendations regarding the activities of the committees and commissions of the regional Assembly, since the regional parliament is an independent, legislative branch of power in our region. But, since the question was voiced on the air, I will send it to the chairman of the regional Assembly, but not as a statement of tasks, but as an appeal from a citizen who believes that financial condition deputy can somehow tarnish the status of the people's choice. As a lawyer, I can preliminarily express my opinion: the filing of an application for recognition as insolvent does not in itself constitute the fact of recognition of a legal or individual bankrupt. Here, from the moment of filing an application, we are in a hurry to announce to the whole world that a person or legal entity is bankrupt - our citizens are sinning. But I, while still in the commercial service and being a practicing lawyer in St. Petersburg, repeatedly encountered a situation in which the presentation of applications for recognition legal entity bankrupt was a tool to force him to close the debt, and, paying it off, the legal entity did not roll down - no one recognized him as bankrupt. As far as I know, for those deputies who are said to be bankrupt, the procedure for the sale of property, after which it can be said that a person is bankrupt, has not yet been completed. Therefore, colleagues, let's not rush to conclusions and draw far-reaching conclusions regarding the status of this or that deputy. And I will forward the appeal of the radio listener to Alexander Alekseevich. They will give their assessment.

Listener: Good afternoon, dear presenters and guest of the studio. Excuse me, I have a question for the guest of the studio, because he is aware of all the vital issues of our city. We received receipts for January and you understand that the whole city exploded in response to these receipts.

Maxim Kostikov: It's about about ODN.

Radio listener: Tell me, who turned a blind eye to Comrade Agapov, acting chairman of the State Committee, who approved these standards, which, as we were told in our management campaign, that Muscovites calculated this and received 3 million rubles for these calculations, and showed us? Counters were installed without the knowledge of the residents. They threatened to sue us if we didn't pay... I paid 6,350 rubles for the water unit that they installed. Do you understand what kind of money it is for pensioners? And now, as they explain to us, no one needs these knots and we were shown Akhov's receipts, which indicate that I owe 620 rubles for electricity per month, although I used to pay three times less. Will anything change? We're not going to pay these crazy bills at all. How will Mr. Agapov answer people's questions after that?

Maxim Zhavoronkov: Indeed, let's pay attention to how urgent the problem of ODN is for the residents of the region! It really hurt.

Maxim Kostikov: This is our fifth broadcast this week, and this is the fifth time our guests have been asked this question. Yesterday it was asked to Senator Borisov, before that it was asked to Vice-Governor Kuznetsov.

Maxim Zhavoronkov: I can say that this problem worries and annoys the regional administration more than the presence of some banners in some Hyde parks. This is the issue that the authorities should deal with and regulate. As an ordinary resident of Pskov, I am also outraged by the numbers that I received in receipts.

Alexander Savenko: So you are among those 90% who think that these are just another exorbitant extortions?

Maxim Zhavoronkov: It is also not clear to me what was the point of first carrying out work on equipping houses with metering devices, and then not taking into account the meter readings. I can also say: I still have an apartment in St. Petersburg in a 10-apartment building, and the neighbors have already informed me that there is also something wrong with the ODN, from which I conclude that this is a problem not only in our region. But this, of course, should not somehow relax our residents, lull them to sleep. Of course, we have already dealt with this problem (I'm talking about the administration), and there will be a reaction in the near future. It is quite possible that it will be the same as that of the regional Omsk parliamentarians or some other. But I beg you: give us a week so that we can management decisions formulated on this issue. Believe me, a significant number of people are connected and deal only with this issue.

Maxim Kostikov: That is, the situation is under the control of the governor and you, and it is too early to put an end to the issue.

Maxim Zhavoronkov: Undoubtedly. The task was set by the profile vice-governor to his bloc, and he is now working on this issue.

Maxim Kostikov: Thank you. Maxim Konstantinovich, a question related to the presidential bill, which today the State Duma considered in the first reading. From the moment it is signed by the president, the governors will be entrusted with the need to verify the accuracy of information about the incomes of municipal officials. In fact, the governors are entrusted with control over the finances of municipal employees. How do you think this will affect the work of the regional administration? Will you choke in this load? After all, it is clear that we have much more municipal officials than regional ones.

Maxim Zhavoronkov: From my point of view, this bill, first of all, was aimed at eliminating the legal vacuum in anti-corruption work at the municipal level. Unfortunately, in our work we have repeatedly encountered the fact that we cannot implement certain provisions of the current legislation precisely at the municipal level. And there is no mechanism that we or the prosecutor's office could launch at the municipal level and demand that the issue be brought to an end. There is such a mechanism at the level of state authorities, and good example is the case of Natalya Ivanovna Vdovina, when the governor fired her for loss of confidence.

Maxim Kostikov: She's going to sue.

Maxim Zhavoronkov: She has already submitted. But as for the municipalities, a number of issues have not been regulated either in them or at the state level. For example, a report of a conflict of interest in relation to a person holding the municipal position of "head of the district." To whom should it be directed? This issue has not been resolved. We were about to take on regional level the relevant law that would establish the procedure, for example, as in the case of the head of the Gdovsky district. This is the second time the prosecutor's office has come to us on the claims that are made against him (you all know that there is a criminal case going on). We would be happy to accommodate the prosecutor's office, but we do not have the tools to demand it in the prescribed manner, and, most importantly, there is no procedure by which the head should notify anyone of his conflict of interest. Yes, from our point of view, there was a conflict of interest, but the impossibility of reporting it makes it impossible for us to demand the termination of the powers of such a head. Therefore, I will carefully read the law again after the President signs it, and we will correct our work. It is quite possible that the draft law that we planned to adopt at the regional level will not be introduced.

Alexander Savenko: We have very little time left, but I would like to touch on one more topic. In the administration of the region, you are responsible for issues of interfaith and interethnic cooperation. At the same time, many get the feeling that the administration pays great attention to interaction with only one confession - the Russian Orthodox Church. This week, Governor Andrey Turchak met with Metropolitan Eusebius, congratulated Pskov State University together with him, went to the construction site of a new church near new school... I would like to hear your opinion, is it really “everyone is equal, but some are more equal”, and do you really pay more attention to the ROC, while others are aloof in this sense?

Maxim Zhavoronkov: I will disprove your assumption. We have the Governor's Council for Interethnic and Interfaith Relations, and it works in accordance with the approved regulations. We meet and discuss emerging issues in the life of representatives not only of the Russian Orthodox Church but also other world religions. We are trying to find positive solutions to the issues raised - legitimate issues. And what is on this or last week you saw the frequent mention of our diocese .., well, we have such a month: Christmas, Epiphany was, an interesting question regarding the construction of the temple was raised. I do not see any infringement of other confessions.

Alexander Savenko: When will it be the turn of the Catholics?

Maxim Zhavoronkov: And nothing has changed with the Catholics.

Maxim Kostikov: That is Orthodox churches we are opening, but the Catholics still cannot complete theirs.

Maxim Zhavoronkov: A year, two, three years ago, it was announced how it was necessary to go and what to do.

Maxim Kostikov: So, it's the Catholics who are so slow-witted.

Maxim Zhavoronkov: Father Krzysztof Korolevski himself does not want to go to court. I can't force him! But this situation has no other than a court decision. We often encounter in practice that, apart from judicial order there is no way to exercise their rights. Along the line pension fund- the fund itself takes its pensioners to court so that they apply for the restoration of certain rights. We told father Krzysztof: “please - here is the road, let's go along it,” and he himself says that he is not ready to go to court. I don't see any other way.

Maxim Kostikov: That is, the reason is not in administrative barriers and playing along with the Russian Orthodox Church, but in the very head of the Pskov Catholics...

Maxim Zhavoronkov: In his misunderstanding that it is not possible to legalize a building located in two zones in a different way. By the way, the 1995 law has been repealed in our country, so the questions about height that used to be have now been removed. The question remains about the fact that most of the temple is located on the territory where construction is possible, and a small part is where construction is unacceptable.

Maxim Kostikov: We have very little time left, so please answer as briefly as possible the question of PLN readers, which is related to the decision to relocate the Hyde Park site. The topic is quite resonant, of course, not as important as in the ODN, nevertheless, the political journalistic community reacted to this. Much has been said about this on social media and on the internet. Still, explain to us what this decision was connected with and comment on the accusations that sound like administrative countermeasures against the speeches of a particular party with specific demands.

Maxim Zhavoronkov: Colleagues, let's remember from what date there was a banner with "Turchak to resign!" on the Oktyabrskaya Shchad.

Maxim Kostikov: ... Since some December.

Alexander Savenko: in the 20th of January.

Maxim Zhavoronkov: January 19. Gap per month! What does it say? The political journalistic community or the people who organize this action accuse us of saying that Turchak got scared, Zhavoronkov got scared and reacted in this way. Colleagues, well, the banner stood for a month - what can we talk about? After the new year, we received a flood of appeals to the city and regional administrations, and these are not fake appeals. These are not Kremlin trolls. These are ordinary people.

Alexander Savenko: ... and not only the usual ones - Ivan Tsetsersky also applied.

Maxim Zhavoronkov: I will not talk about Ivan Tsetsersky now. On the basis of the appeals that he had - both on the Internet and in writing - he formally turned to us with a request to reschedule. And we moved, we found such an opportunity. Moreover, I will reveal a little secret, since I have come to you. We found some flaws in the current legislation on public events in the region, which we did not take into account when developing the relevant normative act, but which prevent public actions using various assembled structures. This issue also affects the holding of city fairs, the installation of spruce on October Square. We did not and will not talk about these shortcomings - it would be better if we correct the regional legislation so that these shortcomings are subsequently eliminated. At the place where Hyde Park is now defined, there are no such flaws. This place is located almost in the center of the city, the accessibility of this place is known to everyone. Public transport walks, and you can walk on foot if someone wants to. I want to say again. Some media, primarily federal, wrote that we banned public actions in the city center. It's a lie. It's just a twist. Public actions in the city center can be held! Hyde Park has been moved to Zavelichie, and public actions - please, in a notification manner. Inform about the event and carry it out as before. Therefore, all the arguments about some kind of political background, in my opinion, do not stand up to criticism.

Maxim Kostikov: Thank you for the exhaustive answer.

Alexander Savenko: Our broadcast time has come to an end. Our guest today was Maxim Zhavoronkov, deputy governor of the Pskov region - chief of staff of the regional administration. Thank you for coming and answering our questions. And we look forward to meeting you again.

Maxim Zhavoronkov: Thank you very much, welcome.

Maxim Kostikov: Thank you, Goodbye.

Deputy Governor of the Pskov Region Maxim Zhavoronkov supervises the "political" block of issues in the regional administration. In the sphere of its jurisdiction, in particular, - elections, relations with political parties, public relations. In an interview with the Pskov Information Agency and Pskovskaya Pravda, he spoke about the reasons for the sharply increased interest of regional political forces in local elections, and how the regional authorities intend to deal with the consequences of information scandals, in the center of which the Pskov region has recently turned out to be.

"Perhaps it was necessary to spend more money on campaigning?"

Maxim Konstantinovich, by-elections were held on March 3 municipal deputies in the Nevelsk region. First place - "United Russia", which, in principle, is expected. Second place - the Communist Party, which is also expected. The third is Apple. Regarding the result of the latter, there are two polar opinions. One: "only a third." The other is "already the third". How do you see the result of this campaign?

Politics does not know second, third, fourth places. Politics knows only the first places. In this case, we can say that the United Russia party received a 100% result in the elections to the representative bodies of the Nevelsk district. This indicates enough high degree mobilization of this party, about its political activity. It also makes her political opponents think: why do they not achieve the results they aspire to?

We analyze the work of all participants political process. First of all, of course, we pay attention to the legality of the election procedure itself. Secondly, we look at what the parties are doing, what mistakes they make. It is possible that we will discuss these issues in the course of work. coordinating council regional branches of the parties, formed at the beginning of this year under the governor, so that they would not make these mistakes in the future. So: an analysis of the actions of the Pskov "Yabloko" showed the extremely low efficiency of their work.

If we look at the amount of electoral funds in the Nevelsk district, we can find enough Interesting Facts. The candidate from the Yabloko party, Mrs. Anishchenkova, had the most funds on the electoral account: about 50,000 rubles. For these 50 thousand rubles, the party received 100 votes. At the same time, the candidate from the United Russia party had about 25,000 rubles on his account. And with these funds, 244 votes were received.

What does it say? There is such a concept in political technologists as the necessary amount of funds for the legal, real obtaining of one voter's vote. According to various estimates, in order to win the election, you need to spend from 3 to 5 dollars per vote.

It turns out that the bar for United Russia is just about 100 rubles, which is a little more than 3 dollars per vote. If you look at Yabloko, it turns out that 500 rubles were spent per vote, which is more than 10 dollars.

On the other hand, the communists had 7,000 rubles in their account, and they worked them out in full. This party proved to be the most effective. Because they spent all this money on campaigning! And to the level of support that the party now has in the region, they have added some more votes. And "Yabloko" did not rise higher. If it didn't go down at all.

What happened during the campaign? "In the field", that is, in communication with voters, candidates from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation were noticed. There was activity and campaign materials from the candidate of "Fair Russia". There were also certain campaign materials from Yabloko. But the candidate showed up on the voting day by the number of observers at the polling stations.

Even "United Russia" could not boast of such a number. Maybe the party did not set the accents quite correctly? Perhaps more funds should have been spent on campaigning? And so it seems that the party specifically attracts such a number of observers in order to try to reproach the election commission, the district authorities for dishonest elections.

Well, then the goal of the party is not to get mandates and gain some trust of the population, but to reproach the government for the illegality of its actions. I get that impression.

"We still listen to them..."

-Why was there such close attention from the administration to these elections?

There are no minor choices for us. We have a duty government agency: Ensuring the legitimacy of any electoral process. Therefore, the attention of the administration is the same to any election, whether it be the election of the governor of the region or the election or by-election of a deputy to the Settlement Council.

It's no secret that in order to participate in the gubernatorial elections to be held in September 2014, a potential candidate will need to overcome the so-called "municipal filter". Responsible political forces show their desire to form a certain pool of deputies of representative bodies of local self-government and heads, which will ensure that they overcome this filter.

"Fair Russia" in the fall of 2012 fought for a seat in the district Assembly of the Pytalovsky district, in addition, in the same Pytalovsky district, they tried to the last to hold their candidacy for the post of head. All this clearly shows that this party has already calculated how many votes they need in order for their candidate to overcome the municipal filter. And they, apparently, do not have enough of these voices, since they act in this way.

With the Communist Party - the same thing. There is a desire, but unlike A Just Russia, this party works mainly at the level of Pskov and, perhaps, Velikiye Luki. At the local level, as a rule, the local branch of the Communist Party is a separate cell. At best, its members listen to the opinion of their Pskov leadership. And in some cases, they can ignore it.

Are there any chances for fair Russians and communists to get the required number of votes before September 2014?

There are chances. In the fall of 2013, in addition to the elections of heads of a number of districts, there will be numerous by-elections to local representative bodies. And I believe that the Communists have the potential to overcome the municipal filter in the future, just as the Socialist-Revolutionaries have these opportunities.

Your colleagues from the team of the previous Pskov governor would have done everything possible not to give such a chance to political opponents...

We will never clean up the political space: we are for political competition and fair victories. The administration of the region treats all political forces equally, if these political forces offer something interesting, something important, constructive for the development of the region. If these political forces are destructive, if nothing but demagoguery, general critical statements from them is difficult to expect, then we communicate less with such parties, with such political forces. But we listen to them anyway, because we hope that over time their policy may change.

However, the region is headed by a member of United Russia, as well as in key positions in the administration's political bloc. Is there ground for a conflict of interest here?

The work of officials, as a rule, has no party color. Their task is to ensure the functioning of the system. The state machine has certain tasks that it must perform. We must ensure that people in the region study, receive treatment, and work. And when performing these tasks, it does not matter which party card a person has in his pocket or in his desk drawer. Therefore, to put an equal sign between the policy of the party and the work that it carries out on a daily basis state machine, I would not.

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