The message about the life of the feta is brief. Poet Fet Afanasy Afanasyevich - biography: years of life and interesting facts about creativity

Which is presented in this article - Russian lyric poet, translator, memoirist. He was born in 1820, November 23, and died in 1892, November 21.

The childhood of the future poet

In a small estate located in the Orel province, in the Mtsensk district, Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet was born. His biography is interesting already by the very origin of the future poet. His father worked as an assessor in the court of Darmstadt, his mother, Charlotte Elizabeth Becker, left her husband in her seventh month of pregnancy and secretly left for Russia with Afanasy Shenshin. When the boy was born, he was baptized according to the Orthodox custom. They named him Athanasius. He was recorded as the son of Shenshin. Charlotte Elizaveta Fet converted to Orthodoxy in 1822, after which she married Shenshin.


Fet received a good education. It was easy for the able Athanasius to study. He graduated in 1837 in the city of Verro, located in Estonia, a private German school. Already at this time, the future poet began to write poetry, and also showed interest in classical philology and literature. In order to prepare for the university, after school he studied with Professor Pogodin in a boarding house. This man was a journalist, historian and writer. Afanasy Fet in 1838 entered first the law, and then the philosophical faculty of the university in Moscow.

First collection of poems

While studying at the university, he became close to Apollon Grigoriev, one of the students who was fond of poetry. Together they began to attend a circle in which they studied literature and philosophy. Fet, with the participation of Grigoriev, released the first collection of his poems called "Lyrical Pantheon". This book received Belinsky's approval. Gogol also noted that Fet is "an undoubted talent." For the poet, this became a kind of blessing, inspired him to further work. His poems in 1842 were published in various publications, including such popular magazines as "Moskvityanin" and " Domestic notes". In 1844, Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet graduated from the university. His biography then continued with military service.

Military service

Afanasy Afanasyevich left Moscow in 1845 and entered the cuirassier regiment located in the south of Russia. The poet believed that military service was necessary for him in order to regain his noble rank. A year later, Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet received the rank of officer. His biography was supplemented in 1853 by another important event: the novice poet was transferred to guards regiment stationed near St. Petersburg. Afanasy Afanasyevich often visited the capital, met with Goncharov, Turgenev, Nekrasov, and also became close to the editors of Sovremennik, a popular magazine at that time. The military career as a whole was not very successful. Fet in 1858 resigned with the rank of captain.

tragic love

During the years of service, he experienced a tragic love that had big influence on his work, Afanasy Fet. His brief biography certainly includes a mention of Maria Lazich. It was the beloved of the poet, a girl from a poor but good family. This circumstance became an obstacle to marriage. The lovers parted, and after a while the girl died tragically in a fire (they also talked about suicide). The poet kept the memory of her until his death.

Marriage to Maria Botkina

Afanasy Fet, at the age of 37, married the daughter of a tea merchant from a wealthy family, Maria Botkina. She was not distinguished by beauty and youth. This marriage was arranged. The poet told the bride before the wedding about his origin, and mentioned ancestral curse, which, in his opinion, could become an obstacle to marriage (read about it below). However, these confessions did not frighten Maria Botkina, and in 1857 the wedding took place. Afanasy Fet retired a year later.

Biography (short) of these years of his life is as follows. The poet settled in Moscow, where he began to engage in literature. Family life Afanasy Afanasyevich was well. He increased the fortune of Maria Botkina. This couple had no children. Athanasius Fet in 1867 was elected a justice of the peace. He lived on his estate like a real landowner. WITH new force the poet began to work only after the return of all the privileges of a hereditary nobleman and the surname of his stepfather.

Creativity Fet

Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet left a significant mark in Russian literature. short biography includes only his main creative achievements. Let's talk about them. The collection "Lyrical Pantheon" was released while still studying at the university. Fet's first poems were an attempt to get away from hard reality. He wrote a lot about love, sang the beauty of nature in his works. In his work already then appeared one characteristic: Afanasy Afanasyevich spoke of eternal and important concepts only in hints, he was able to skillfully convey various shades of mood, evoking bright and pure emotions in readers.


After the death of Maria Lazich, Fet's work took on a new direction. Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet dedicated a poem called "Talisman" to his beloved. A brief biography of this girl will be presented at the end of this article, when we will tell you about some interesting facts from the life of the poet. Researchers suggest that all subsequent poems by Afanasy Afanasyevich about love were dedicated to her. "The Talisman" aroused keen interest from critics and many positive feedback. Fet at that time was recognized as one of the best poets of our time.

Afanasy Afanasyevich was considered one of the representatives of the so-called pure art. That is, in his works he did not touch upon important social issues, remaining a staunch monarchist and conservative until the end of his life. Fet in 1856 published his third collection of poetry, in which he sang beauty. It was she who he considered the main and only goal of creativity.

The heavy blows of fate did not go unnoticed for the poet. Afanasy Afanasyevich became hardened, broke off relations with many friends, and practically stopped creating. The poet in 1863 published a two-volume collection of his works, and then there was a 20-year break in his work.

"Evening Lights"

Only after the return of the privileges of a hereditary nobleman and the surname of his stepfather, he took up creativity with renewed vigor. By the end of his life, the works of Afanasy Fet acquired an increasingly philosophical connotation, the so-called metaphysical realism was present in them. Afanasy Fet wrote about the unity of man with the entire universe, about eternity, about higher reality. Afanasy Afanasyevich wrote in the period from 1883 to 1891 more than three hundred different poems included in the collection entitled "Evening Lights". This collection survived four issues during the life of the poet, and the fifth came out after his death.

Death of Athanasius Fet

The great poet died heart attack. However, researchers of his work and life are convinced that before his death he made an attempt to commit suicide. But it is impossible to say for sure whether the life of such a person as Afanasy Fet was marked by this episode. Biography, Interesting Facts it is sometimes controversial among researchers. Some of them are still recognized by the majority as reliable.

  • When the future poet was 14 years old (in 1834), it turned out that he was not legally the son of Shenshin, a Russian landowner, and the record of this was made illegally. An anonymous denunciation made by an unknown person became the cause of the proceedings. As a sentence, the decision sounded: Athanasius should now bear the name of his mother, and he also lost Russian citizenship and the privileges of a hereditary nobleman. Suddenly, from a rich heir, he turned into a man without a name. Fet took this event as a shame. The obsession was for him the return of the lost position. His dream came true only in 1873, when Fet was already 53 years old.
  • A heavy burden was marked by the fate of such a poet as Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet. A biography for children usually does not mention this about him. For the poet, there was a danger of one generic disease. The fact is that there were crazy people in his family. Already in adulthood the two Fet brothers lost their minds. Toward the end of his life, his mother also suffered from insanity. This woman begged everyone to kill her. Sister Nadia, shortly before the marriage of Afanasy Afanasyevich with Maria Botkina, also ended up in a psychiatric clinic. Her brother visited her there, but Nadia did not recognize him. Afanasy Fet often noticed bouts of severe melancholy behind him, whose biography and work confirm this. The poet was always afraid that he would suffer the same fate as his relatives.

  • In 1847 during military service in Fedorovka, the poet met a girl named Maria Lazich. Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet fell in love with her very much. His biography and work were largely formed under the influence of this meeting. The relationship between the lovers began with a light flirtation, which gradually grew into a deep feeling. However, the beautiful, well-educated Maria could not still become a good match for Fet, who hoped to regain the title of nobleman. Realizing that he truly loves this girl, the poet nevertheless decided that he would not marry her. The girl reacted calmly to this, but after a while she decided to break off relations with Fet. After that, the poet was informed about the tragedy in Fedorovka. A fire broke out in Maria's room, her clothes caught fire. The girl, trying to save herself, ran out first to the balcony, and then to the garden. However, the wind only fanned the flames. Maria Lazich was dying for several days. Last words this girl was about Fet. The poet took this loss hard. Until the end of his life, he regretted that he did not marry Mary. His soul was empty, and there was no more true love in his life.

So, you met such a poet as Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet. Biography and creativity were briefly presented in this article. We hope that this information made the reader want to get to know the great poet better. The poetry of the so-called new classicism was marked by the work of such an author as Fet Afanasy Afanasyevich. The biography (full) is presented by B.Ya. Bukhshtab. The book is called "A. A. Fet. Essay on life and work." Through this work, you can get to know such a great Russian poet as Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet. The biography by date is given in some detail.

A short message about the life and work of Athanasius Fet for children in grades 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet is a famous Russian poet and translator. He was born on December 5, 1820. At the age of two, he was adopted by the nobleman Shenshin.

But at the age of fourteen, future great poet was deprived of the title of nobleman - this happened due to the fact that the relevant authorities allegedly found an error in the documents. Fet, in short, is a very sincere and cheerful writer who treated every occasion in his life with irony and smiled all the time. Yes, and he received his popularity at only 17 years old, after which, each of his poems was a real event in his homeland - in the Oryol province.

Fet began to write his works very young and at the beginning of 1837, Afanasy Fet completed his studies in a large Estonian boarding school, after which he went to Moscow and successfully entered the university at the Faculty of Philosophy.

In addition, Fet's short biography is very interesting and full of interesting events.

All the time Athanasius reads and begins to completely immerse himself in the world of philosophy. And finally, in 1840, in one of the local newspapers, his first poem was published, which was called "Lyrical Pantheon". And it was after this verse that he received recognition. All his subsequent works were published in various newspapers, almanacs and so on.
In addition, Fet's short biography is full of events related to attempts to return the title of a nobleman. He also served in the army until 1853, after which he immediately went to serve in the guards regiment.

At the very beginning of 1850, his first volume of poems was published.

At the very end of 1858, Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet officially filed for retired and became a landowner. At the same time, he buys land, after which he decides to start his own farm. And in the same year, Fet released his short cycle of poems - "From the Village". In parallel with this, he writes short stories and short stories.

In addition, he begins to do charity work - he helps the poor (gets him a job), helps orphanages. And in Moscow in 1892, Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet dies.

We can briefly say about Fet that it was a real man, who was not afraid of almost anything and took part in the battles, but at the same time he was always honest and did everything well. Around him, in the army, fellow soldiers always gathered in the evenings, to whom he read his own poems, which everyone liked.

Creativity of Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet

The work of Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet (1820 - 1892) is one of the pinnacles of Russian lyrics. Fet is a great poet, a poet of genius. Now in Russia there is no person who would not know Fet's poems. Well, at least “I came to you with greetings” or “Don’t wake her up at dawn ...” At the same time, many do not have a real idea of ​​​​the scale of this poet. The idea of ​​Fet is distorted, starting even from appearance. Someone maliciously constantly replicates those portraits of Fet that were made during his terminal illness, where his face is terribly distorted, swollen eyes - an old man in a state of agony. Meanwhile, Fet, as can be seen from the portraits made during his heyday, both human and poetic, was the most beautiful of Russian poets.

The drama is connected with the secret of Fet's birth. In the autumn of 1820, his father, Afanasy Neofitovich Shenshin, took the wife of the official Karl Feth from Germany to his family estate. A month later, a child was born and was recorded as the son of A.N. Shenshin. The illegality of this record was discovered when the boy was 14 years old. He received the surname Fet and in the documents began to be called the son of a foreign citizen. A. A. Fet spent a lot of effort to return the name of Shenshin and the rights of a hereditary nobleman. Until now, the mystery of his birth has not been fully solved. If he is the son of Fet, then his father I. Fet was the great-uncle of the last Russian empress.

The life of Fet is also mysterious. They say about him that in life he was much more prosaic than in poetry. But this is due to the fact that he was a wonderful host. Wrote a small volume of articles on economics. From a devastated estate, he managed to create an exemplary farm with a magnificent stud farm. And even in Moscow on Plyushchikha, in his house there was a garden and a greenhouse, in January vegetables and fruits ripened, with which the poet liked to treat guests.

In this regard, they like to talk about Fet as a prosaic person. But in fact, his origin is mysterious and romantic, and his death is mysterious: this death was, and was not, suicide. Fet, tormented by illness, finally decided to commit suicide. Sent his wife away, left a suicide note, grabbed a knife. The secretary prevented him from using it. And the poet died - died of shock.

The biography of the poet is, first of all, his poems. Fet's poetry is multifaceted, its main genre is lyric poem. Of the classical genres, there are elegies, thoughts, ballads, messages. As an “original Fetov genre” one can consider “melodies” - poems that are a response to musical impressions.

One of Fet's earliest and most popular poems is "I came to you with greetings":

I came to you with greetings

Tell that the sun has risen, that it is a hot light

The sheets fluttered;

Tell that the forest woke up

All woke up, each branch,

Startled by every bird

AND full of spring thirsty...

The poem is written on the theme of love. The theme is old, eternal, and Fet's poems breathe freshness and novelty. It doesn't look like anything we know. For Fet, this is generally characteristic and corresponds to his conscious poetic attitudes. Fet wrote: “Poetry certainly requires novelty, and nothing is more deadly for it than repetition, and even more so of itself ... By novelty, I do not mean new objects, but their new illumination with the magic lantern of art.”

The very beginning of the poem is unusual - unusual in comparison with the then accepted norm in poetry. In particular, Pushkin's norm, which required the utmost precision in the word and in the combination of words. Meanwhile, the opening phrase of Fetov’s poem is not at all accurate and not even quite “correct”: “I came to you with greetings, to tell you ...”. Would Pushkin or any of the poets of Pushkin's time have allowed himself to say so? At that time, these lines were seen as poetic insolence. Fet was aware of the inaccuracy of his poetic word, its proximity to living, sometimes seeming not quite correct, but from that especially vivid and expressive speech. He called his poems jokingly (but not without pride) poems "in a disheveled kind." But what is the artistic meaning in the poetry of the “disheveled kind”?

Inaccurate words and, as it were, sloppy, "disheveled" expressions in Fet's poems create not only unexpected, but also vivid, exciting images. One gets the impression that the poet does not seem to deliberately think about the words, they themselves came to him. He speaks in the very first, unintentional words. The poem is remarkably complete. This is an important virtue in poetry. Fet wrote: "The task of the lyricist is not the harmony of the reproduction of objects, but the harmony of tone." In this poem there is both harmony of objects and harmony of tone. Everything in the poem is internally connected with each other, everything is unidirectional, it is said in a single impulse of feeling, as if in one breath.

Another early poem is the lyrical play “Whisper, timid breathing… ”:

Whisper, timid breath,

trill nightingale,

Silver and flutter

sleepy stream,

Night light, night shadows,

Shadows without end

A series of magical changes

Sweet face...

The poem was written in the late 40s. It is built on one nominal sentence. Not a single verb. Only objects and phenomena that are named one after another: whisper - timid breathing - nightingale trills, etc.

But for all that, a poem cannot be called objective and material. This is the most surprising and unexpected. Fet's objects are non-objective. They exist not by themselves, but as signs of feelings and states. They glow a little, flicker. Naming this or that thing, the poet evokes in the reader not a direct idea of ​​the thing itself, but those associations that can usually be associated with it. The main semantic field of the poem is between words, behind words.

“Behind the words” develops the main theme of the poem: feelings of love. The feeling is subtle, inexpressible in words, inexpressibly strong, So no one has written about love before Fet.

Fet liked the reality of life, and this was reflected in his poems. Nevertheless, Fet can hardly be called a realist, noticing how he gravitates in poetry to dreams, dreams, intuitive movements of the soul. Fet wrote about beauty spilled in all the diversity of reality. Aesthetic realism in Fet's poetry in the 1940s and 1950s was really directed towards the mundane and the most ordinary.

The nature and tension of Fet's lyrical experience depend on the state of nature. The change of seasons occurs in a circle - from spring to spring. In the same kind of circle, the movement of feelings in Fet takes place: not from the past to the future, but from spring to spring, with its necessary, inevitable return. In the collection (1850), the cycle “Snow” is highlighted in the first place. Fet's winter cycle is multi-motive: he also sings about a sad birch tree in winter attire, about how “the night is bright, frost shines,” and “frost drew patterns on double glass.” Snowy plains attract the poet:

wonderful picture,

How are you related to me?

white plain,

Full moon,

the light of the heavens above,

And glistening snow

And distant sleigh

Lonely run.

Fet confesses his love for the winter landscape. Fet's poems are dominated by a radiant winter, in the prickly brilliance of the sun, in the diamonds of snowflakes and snow sparks, in the crystal of icicles, In the silvery fluff of frosty eyelashes. The associative series in this lyric does not go beyond nature itself, here is its own beauty, which does not need human spiritualization. Rather, it spiritualizes and enlightens the personality. It was Fet who, following Pushkin, sang the Russian winter, only he managed to reveal its aesthetic meaning in such a multifaceted way. Fet introduced rural landscape, scenes into poetry folk life, appeared in the poems “grandfather bearded”, he “groans and crosses himself”, or a coachman on a daring troika.

Feta has always attracted the poetic theme of evening and night. The poet early developed a special aesthetic attitude to the night, the onset of darkness. At a new stage of creativity, he already began to call entire collections "Evening Lights", in them, as it were, a special, Fetov's philosophy of the night.

In the “night poetry” of Fet, a complex of associations is found: night - abyss - shadows - dream - visions - secret, intimate - love - the unity of the "night soul" of a person with the night element. This image receives a philosophical deepening in his poems, a new second meaning; in the content of the poem there is a second symbolic plan. Philosophical and poetic perspective is given to him by the association “night-abyss”. She begins to get closer to human life. The abyss is an air road, the path of human life.


Retarded clouds are flying over us

Last crowd.

Their transparent segment melts gently

At the crescent moon

Mysterious power reigns in spring

With stars on my forehead. -

You gentle! You promised me happiness

On a vain land.

Where is happiness? Not here, in a miserable environment,

And there it is - like smoke

Follow him! after him! air way-

And fly away to eternity.

May night promises happiness, a person flies through life for happiness, the night is an abyss, a person flies into the abyss, into eternity.

Further development of this association: night-existence of man-essence of being.

Fet represents the night hours revealing the secrets of the universe. The night insight of the poet allows him to look “from time to eternity”, he sees “the living altar of the universe”.

Tolstoy wrote to Fet: “A poem is one of those rare ones in which it is impossible to add, subtract or change words; it is alive and charming. It is so good that it seems to me that this is not an accidental poem, but that this is the first stream of a long-delayed stream.

Association night - abyss - human existence, developing in the poetry of Fet, absorbs the ideas of Schopenhauer. However, the proximity of the poet Fet to the philosopher is very conditional and relative. The ideas of the world as a representation, of man as a contemplator of being, thoughts of intuitive insights, apparently, were close to Fet.

The idea of ​​death is woven into the figurative association of Fet's poems about the night and human existence (the poem "Sleep and Death", written in 1858). Sleep is full of the bustle of the day, death is full of majestic peace. Fet gives preference to death, draws her image as the embodiment of a kind of beauty.

In general, Fet's "night poetry" is deeply original. His night is beautiful no less than the day, maybe even more beautiful. Fetov's night is full of life, the poet feels "the breath of the immaculate night." Fetovskaya night gives a person happiness:

What a night! Transparent air is bound;

Fragrance swirls over the earth.

Oh now I'm happy, I'm excited

Oh, now I'm glad to speak! …

Man merges with night existence, he is by no means alienated from it. He hopes and expects something from him. The association-night-and expectation and trembling, trembling, repeated in Fet's verses:

The birches are waiting. Their leaf is translucent

Shyly beckons and amuses the gaze.

They tremble. So maiden newlywed

And her dress is joyful and alien ...

Fet has a nocturnal nature and a person is full of expectations of the innermost, which is available to all living things only at night. Night, love, communication with the elemental life of the universe, the knowledge of happiness and higher truths in his poems, as a rule, are combined.

Fet's work is the apotheosis of the night. For the Feta philosopher, the night is the basis of world existence, it is the source of life and the keeper of the secret of “double being”, the relationship of man with the universe, she is the knot of all living and spiritual connections.

Now it is impossible to call Fet only a poet of sensations. His contemplation of nature is filled with philosophical profundity, poetic insights are aimed at discovering the secrets of being.

Poetry was the main business of Fet's life, a vocation to which he gave everything: soul, vigilance, sophistication of hearing, richness of imagination, depth of mind, skill of hard work and inspiration.

In 1889, Strakhov wrote in the article “The Anniversary of Fet’s Poetry”: “He is the only poet of his kind, incomparable, giving us the purest and real poetic delight, true diamonds of poetry ... Fet is a true touchstone for the ability to understand poetry ... ".


Maymin E. A. “A. A. Fet”, Moscow, 1989

Fet A. A. “Favorites”, Moscow, 1985

Journal "Russian literature", No. 4, 1996.

Long enough and at the same time difficult life was with the great Russian poet A.A. Feta. It was his works that became the starting point for the poetry of the 20th century. With excellent lyrics and intriguing prose, Fet conquered his contemporaries. This man not only created works, but also wrote memoirs, and also engaged in translations.

1. For the first 14 and the last 19 years of his life, Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet officially had the surname Shenshin.

2. In 1820, Athanasius was adopted by a famous nobleman.

3. Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet is a lyric poet, translator, memoirist of German origin.

4. Fet was a corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences.

5. In 1834, errors were discovered in the birth records of A.A. Feta, which led to the deprivation of his title.

6. The facts of Fet's biography indicate that in 1844 he graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow University.

7. In 1835-1837, Fet studied at the private German guesthouse Krimmer.

8. Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet wrote his first poems at a young age.

9. At the end of the 19th century, Fet's poetry began to be published in the collection Lyrical Pantheon.

10. Fet spent military service in the Baltic port.

11. In order to regain his title, Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet was forced to serve as a non-commissioned officer.

12. In 1857, Fet married Maria Botkina.

13. The poet was afraid of mental illness.

14. The closest relatives of Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet were patients in a psychiatric hospital.

15. Fet suffered from powerful depressive disorders.

16. Fet died in splendid isolation from a heart attack.

17. Some works of this poet formed the basis of many romances. This is evidenced by the biography of Fet. Interesting facts about this person provide a lot of new knowledge.

18. The poet faced tragic love to Maria Lazich, who died without becoming his wife.

19. Some believe that before the heart attack, the poet tried to commit suicide.

20. Fet owns the famous phrase from "The Adventures of Pinocchio" - "and the rose fell on Azor's paw."

21. Fet's works are understandable even to small children.

22. In addition to the fact that Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet created compositions, he also translated texts.

23. Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet opened a stud farm, as well as a hospital for poor peasants.

24. The legal wife of Fet had family ties with the famous doctor Botkin.

25. With age, Fet lost his sight, and also accumulated many diseases that were not treated at that time.

26. Interesting facts of Fet's biography suggest that he combined a sensual poet and a prudent landowner.

27. After a marriage of convenience, Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet discovered the quality of a businessman in himself and got a little rich.

28. Fet's works had nothing to do with real events.

29. In the works of Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet there was only a bright and positive side.

30. Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet was a close friend of Leo Tolstoy, so they were family friends and saw each other often.

31. Fet managed to translate completely "Faust".

32. Throughout his life, Fet adhered to conservative sentiments.

33. In old age, Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet convinced his wife that she would never see him die. So Afanasy Fet took care of his wife. Interesting facts from the biography confirmed this.

34. On the 50th literary anniversary, the poet was granted the court title of chamberlain.

35.B last days life, Afanasy Fet ordered champagne to be served to him.

36. The poet did not live 2 days before his 72nd birthday.

37. 3 days after the death of the poet, a funeral ceremony was held.

38. Fet was a soldier for 8 years.

39. It was Fet who was the representative of “pure art”. A brief biography, interesting facts - all this confirms the information that this person has always raised burning social issues in his works.

40. Fet's main desire was to receive a title of nobility.

41. Afanasy Fet wrote a farewell note, after which he wanted to cut his throat with a knife.

42. A huge creative heritage left to contemporaries from Fet.

43. Fet married by calculation.

44. There were crazy people in the Fet family.

45. The poet had no children.

46. ​​Interesting facts from the life of A.A. Feta confirm that love, art and nature were the main themes for his work.

47. Fet was called the singer of Russian nature.

48. All his life Fet argued with Nekrasov about poetry.

49. In the poem "Whisper, timid breath ..." Fet did not use a single verb.

50. Facts from the life of Fet say that he was a sophisticated lyricist.

Many people know this name. But what Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet really was - his biography, perhaps, will help shed light on this.

His fate was not easy, but he took a worthy place in classical Russian literature. The article will be a detailed account of the main points of his life.

Brief biography of A. Fet

Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet was born in the family of a retired captain Shenshin and Charlotte Fet. They were combined according to the Lutheran rite, which was not recognized in Russia.

The years of life and death of the poet (1820 - 1892) include many events.

The first collection of poetry was published in 1840. The main direction of Afanasy Afanasyevich's poetry was the lyrical comprehension of beauty and nature.

In 1837 he went to Moscow, to the Boarding House Pogodina. The following year, in 1838, he entered Moscow University, graduating in 1844. The following year he entered the military service.

In 1850 and 1856, the second and third collections of the poet's works were published.

1860 - the Stepanovka farm was bought, which was located in the Mtsensk district. Since that time, he lived without a break, doing housework. In 1877 the farm was sold and Afanasy Afanasyevich bought a house in Moscow.

1884 - he was awarded the A. S. Pushkin Prize.

Briefly about the most important of the biography of A. Fet

Entering the university in law, Athanasius soon transferred to the philological department.

IN student years wrote a lot of poetry. Once he showed the notebook to Pogodin, who gave it to Gogol.

The classic said that Fet is an undoubted talent. Such a high appreciation supported the growing talent of the young man.

In 1844, Afanasy Afanasyevich entered service in the Cuirassier Regiment, which was located in the Kherson province. 1860 buys Stepanovka farm and goes there for many years.

In 1873, the nobility was restored to him and the right to the surname Shenshin was returned. After 1883, the last four collections of the poet's works were published.

When and where was A. Fet born

The poet was born in the Oryol province in 1820. The place of his birth is the village of Novoselki, which is located in the Mtsensk district. Date of birth according to the new style falls on December 5 (November 23 according to the old style).

A. Fet's parents

His mother was born Charlotte-Elizabeth Becker. She left Germany in 1820.

The poet was adopted. His adoptive father was a nobleman Shenshin.

Subsequently, an error was discovered in the birth documents, which prevented Afanasy Afanasyevich from retaining his noble rank. This happened as he lived for fourteen years.

As a result of the revealed forgery, he was deprived not only of his surname, but also of his inheritance, as well as citizenship. Afanasy Afanasyevich devoted his whole life to clearing his honest name.

The real name of A. Feta

The retired captain, nobleman Afanasy Shenshin was the poet's adoptive father and tried to pass on to him not only his surname, but also the nobility.

However, due to an error that was made in the documents in the records of his birth, fourteen years later, the son was deprived of both the Shenshin surname and the nobility.

It is interesting to note that at the time of the birth of the baby, his mother was not officially married to Shenshin. The previous marriage was not dissolved at that time. The surname of Charlotte-Elisabeth Becker's husband was Feth.

It is believed that when recording a baby under the name Shenshin, a bribe was given to the priest so that he would not put in the document real name mother.

This was done in order to hide the fact that the baby was actually illegitimate.

When in 1873 the poet received not only the nobility, but also a surname, he wrote to his wife and asked that the surname “Fet” no longer be pronounced in the family.

The childhood of Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet

The poet's father was not rich. Perhaps, therefore, his childhood is painted mainly in strict, gloomy tones.

The mother had a timid character and showed complete obedience towards her husband.

She practically did not participate in household chores, she was mainly engaged in raising her son. In addition to Athanasius, they had other children.

In childhood, Athanasius played a large role in the surrounding peasant way of life, under the influence of which his personality was shaped.

For his education, his parents hired teachers. At this time, Fet got acquainted with the work of Pushkin, fell in love with his fairy tales.

In 1834, the young man was sent to the Pension Krümmer in Verro for education.

Periodization of creativity

The poet wrote his first poems in his youth. They were published in 1840 in the first collection called "Lyrical Pantheon". From that moment on, he published his poems constantly.

He wrote lyrical poems, loved and endlessly admired nature and beauty. At the same time, he did not choose topics of a practical kind. In his entire life, not even a thousand of his books were sold.

The first collection was dominated by ballads, and Byron's imitation was strongly felt.

When the second book of his poems came out, it already contained masterpieces of his lyrics. The poet prepared the edition, sometimes coming to Moscow.

The third collection is a kind of result of the creative friendship between Fet and Turgenev.

In 1863 a new edition of the poems was published. By this time, Fet turns into a strong and economic landowner. He publishes works written precisely from this position (“Free labor” and others).

Subsequently, the poet for some time departs from literary life.

The main theme of recent collections was the time and memory of the events that were experienced in youth.

Where did A. Fet study

He graduated from the private pension Kümmer, which was located in the city of Verro (now it is in Estonia). The following year, he began his studies at Moscow University at the Faculty of Philosophy.

During all this time, he did not give up his passion for literature. 1844 was the year of graduation from the university.

A. Fet's personal life

The poet experienced a passionate, but tragic and brief love to Maria Lazich. The feeling was mutual, but fate did not allow them to connect.

At this time, Fet lived in poverty, and almost no dowry was given to the girl. If they got married, there would be a poor and unsettled life ahead. They didn't dare to do it.

Mary died early. An unextinguished match fell on her dress, and it caught fire. Fet blamed himself for her death all his life.

The poet remembered Mary all his life and dedicated a number of poems and the poem “Talisman” to her. Here are some of them: “Old letters”, “You have suffered, I am still suffering”, “No, I have not changed. Until deep old age ... ".

Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet married Maria Botkina in 1857. She was in good condition and was older than him. There is information that the marriage was happy. A year later, he retired.

Unfortunately, Afanasy Afanasyevich was not able at that time to achieve the return of the previously lost title of nobility. After that, he bought a plot of land and planned to devote himself to housekeeping.

How A. Fet died

In 1873, Afanasy Afanasyevich managed to fulfill his long-standing desire - he was restored to the title of nobility. At the same time, the surname of his adoptive father, Shenshin, was returned to him.

In their last years the poet was actively involved in charity work.

From 1883 to 1891 he was published in the collections "Evening Lights". In poetry at this time, his main subjects are love and nature.

Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet passed away on November 21, 1892. This happened in his own house in Moscow on Plyushchikha. The cause of death was a massive heart attack.

Researchers have an assumption that shortly before his death, Afanasy Fet attempted suicide.

Where A. Fet is buried

The poet died in Moscow, in his own house. He was buried in his ancestral village, at home, at the end of the nineteenth century.

Where is the tomb of Fet

His grave is located in the ancestral village of Shenshino, which he inherited from his father, Afanasy Shenshin, in the Orel region.

Interesting facts about the life and work of Fet

Fet during for long years sought to regain his nobility. This is one of the reasons that he went to serve in the rank of non-commissioned officer.

In 1853, the guards regiment became his place of service.

During the service, Athanasius did not stop writing poetry. In 1850, the second collection of works was published. The third came out in 1856.

From 1862 to 1871 he continued to publish his creative works. In particular, they included the cycles “From the Village”, “Notes on Freelance Labor”.

The collections include essays, short stories and short stories. Here Athanasius proved himself not only as a poet, but also as a writer.

One of characteristic features Fet's creativity is the delimitation of genres. He believes that the subject of poetry is a romantic direction, and for prose - a realistic one.

Throughout his life, Fet was fond of translation. In particular, he wrote translations of Faust (the first and second parts), as well as some works by Arthur Schopenhauer. Fet planned to translate Immanuel Kant's Critique of Pure Reason, but subsequently abandoned this.

When the first collection of poems was published in 1840, a typo was made in the author's surname: Fet was written instead of Fet.

Afanasy Fet - books worth reading

The bulk of his works are collections of lyric poetry.

Some contemporaries criticized them for being somewhat abstract and personal.

The poet's best poems became widely known. Here is a list of several: “I came to you with greetings”, “Do not wake her up at dawn”, “Wonderful picture” and many others.


The poet had a difficult life. At the same time, he was devoted to poetry and beauty all his life. Although not even a thousand of his books were sold during his life, everything he wrote, given the periodization of his work, took a firm place in classical Russian poetry.

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