Family of the Year: Ilyushkin and Kuzmicheva - Otechestvennye zapiski. The head of the Lezhnevsky district, Olga Kuzmicheva, illegally distributed municipal land to her mother

The head of the Lezhnevsky district Olga Kuzmicheva illegally distributed municipal land to her mother The FSB believes that she distributed 5 more land plots to her other close relatives. The court decision established that the head of the administration of the Lezhnevsky district Olga Kuzmicheva, in violation of the law, provided her mother with a land plot of 2788 square meters. m. The court saw, among other things, in the actions of the Lezhnevskaya head of the district a violation of the provisions of the law "On Combating Corruption" - she did not take measures to prevent or resolve conflicts of interest. In accordance with Article 11 of the Federal Law "On Combating Corruption", such inaction is recognized as an offense, entailing the unconditional dismissal of the head of the district Kuzmicheva from her post. This procedure should be initiated by the Deputy Governor of the region for domestic politics Vitaly Ilyushkin, although he is unlikely to do so - he has already been called more than once civil husband Kuzmicheva. However, in accordance with the Federal Law “On Municipal Service”, deputies of the district Council are required to launch such a procedure. And the facts established by the court are as follows. On May 25, 2012, T.A. Kuzmicheva applied to the administration of the Lezhnevsky district with a request to provide her, as a disabled person of the 2nd group, with a land plot of 2788 sq.m for “conducting a personal subsidiary plot”. On June 8, 2012, the Commission for the Consideration of Land Issues, according to the resolution of the head of the administration, Olga Kuzmicheva (she is the daughter of T.A. Kuzmicheva), considered the application and could not refuse - the land was leased to the mother of the Lezhnevskaya head for a period of 49 years. On June 14, 2012, Olga Kuzmicheva signed a resolution “On leasing Kuzmicheva T.A. land" and a lease agreement for 49 years. A year and a half passed and on December 19, 2013, T.A. Kuzmicheva turned to her daughter - (the head of the Lezhnevskaya administration Olga Kuzmicheva) about granting her land ownership. On January 15, 2014, the Commission for the Consideration of Land Issues again failed to refuse. On April 30, 2014, Olga Kuzmicheva signed a resolution “On the transfer of a land plot to the ownership of T.A. Kuzmicheva”, terminated the lease agreement and signed a contract for the sale of a land plot. So the mother received municipal land from her daughter as her own property - at the minimum cost, according to a simplified procedure and without bidding. The court established: T.A. Kuzmicheva was not registered as needing housing; moreover, it turned out that she did not even live on the territory of the Lezhnevsky district. When issuing the land, the commission did not check the facts - apparently, they really wanted to please their boss. And the head of the district administration, Olga Kuzmicheva, realizing that she was giving the municipal land to her mother, did not send any notifications of a conflict of interest, as required by the law "On Combating Corruption", to anyone. The defendants (Lezhnevskaya Mayor's Office and T.A. Kuzmicheva) relied on the statute of limitations, disputing neither the fact of family relations between the head and the landowner, nor the mother's lack of rights to receive land. The defendant submitted to the court a “copy of the sheet”, which allegedly proved that Kuzmicheva was nevertheless registered somewhere in the district. But here's the "trouble": the dates on the copy are hard to read, what document the copy was made from is not indicated, the required information was missing, and the original "sheet" was never submitted. So it was more like falsifying evidence. The court decided: the transfer of a land plot to the ownership of T.A. Kuzmicheva in a simplified manner without an auction was carried out in violation of the law on social protection disabled people, land and anti-corruption legislation. The transaction was declared null and void, T.A. Kuzmicheva is obliged to return the land to the municipality. On September 8, 2016, the court decision entered into force. According to our information, in the documents of the FSB Directorate for Ivanovo region it is said that in addition to providing a land plot to her mother, Olga Kuzmicheva allegedly transferred 5 more land plots on the territory of the Lezhnevsky district to her close relatives. Nothing is yet known about the reclaiming of these plots into the ownership of the municipality. The commentary of the "LISTEN" program on the topic of the scandal is HERE. Recall that there was already a scandal with the name of T.A. Kuzmicheva with the seizure of forest fund lands by her - in the village of Nikulskoye, Ivanovsky district. You can read and watch it HERE.


Company "ADMINISTRATION OF THE LEZHNEVSKY MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF THE IVANOVO REGION" registered on October 30, 2002 by the local authority of the Federal Tax Service - Inspectorate of the Federal tax service in Ivanovo. Full official name - ADMINISTRATION OF THE LEZHNEVSKY MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF THE IVANOVO REGION. The company was assigned OGRN 1023701649861 and TIN 3715001424. Legal address: 155120, Ivanovo Region, Lezhnevo village, Oktyabrskaya street, 32. The main activity is: local government for issue management general". Head of Lezhnevsky municipal district ADMINISTRATION OF THE LEZHNEVSKY MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF THE IVANOVO REGION - Pavel Nikolaevich Kolesnikov. Organizational and legal form - budget institutions. Type of property - municipal property.

general information

Ivanovo region, Lezhnevo village


Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 6 for the Ivanovo Region

State administration and ensuring military security; social Security

Bodies activities government controlled to ensure military security, compulsory social security

Activities of state administration and local self-government bodies on issues of a general and socio-economic nature

Activities of state administration and local self-government bodies on general issues


Kolesnikov Pavel Nikolaevich
Budget institutions

Type of ownership

municipal property

Address and phones



Types of activities according to OKPD2

    Services in the field of national economic and social planning and statistics
    This grouping includes:
    - administrative and operational services related to national economic and social planning;
    - services provided by planning and statistical authorities, provided on various levels management;
    - services of other bodies, bureaus and program units that develop, coordinate nationwide economic and social plans and programs and often monitor their implementation

    State services provided federal authorities executive power, for general questions

    Services related to the institution of the civil service and civil servants
    This grouping includes:
    - public administrative and operational services related to general personnel matters, regardless of their relation to any particular function;
    - services related to the development and implementation general policy on personnel matters and procedures covering selection and promotion, appraisal methods, job descriptions, assessment and classification, management of the implementation of provisions relating to public service, And similar questions

    Organ Services state power subjects Russian Federation to exercise their powers in rural settlements

    State services provided by bodies of state non-budgetary funds, on general issues

October 25, 2017 Making changes to the information about the legal entity contained in the Unified State Register legal entities, due to errors made by the registration authority
- The decision to amend the Unified State Register of Legal Entities due to errors
March 16, 2018 Change of information about the legal entity contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for the city of Ivanovo List of submitted documents:

September 5, 2018 Changing the information about a legal entity contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities
Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service for the city of Ivanovo List of submitted documents:

In the Ivanovo Region, the administrations of the district centers that are part of these districts are being liquidated everywhere.

Two weeks ago, the half-first head of the municipality appeared in the Ivanovo region, appointed to his position by new scheme- Sergey Nizov, head of the Ivanovsky municipal district.

Earlier, let me remind you, the head of the city or district was the chairman local council, because of which he had a split consciousness. Indeed, what kind of head are you if you command only deputies, and all the executive power, and power in general, belongs to the head of the administration. All sorts of bad collisions arose from this, when it began to seem to the chairman of the thought that he really was the head.

Now this matter has been wisely corrected.

Why is Nizov only half the first new full-fledged chapter? And all because of the Lezhnev anomaly.

After the elections to local authorities on September 13, Sergei Nizov, indeed, became the first to be appointed, but not the first under the new scheme.

All people as people, that is, deputies and heads of local administrations, were first elected or waited for the election of others, and only then they began to make appropriate decisions on the appointment of competitions and elections of heads. Of course, after September 13th. But not such people in Lezhnev.

Olga Kuzmicheva, the illegitimate wife of the de facto head of the regional branch of the United Russia party, chairman of the budget committee of Ivanovskaya regional duma, media mogul Vitaly Ilyushkin.

He obviously came up with this scheme.

Kuzmicheva, do not be a fool (otherwise you never know what is there after the elections), having full power in the district, on July 16 organized the decision of the local council to appoint a competition for the selection of candidates for the head of the district on August 21.

And even before the elections, when the entire Ivanovo-type elite was still only dreaming of how it (the elite) would live after the elections, Olga Kuzmicheva on September 4, 2015, in a modest but solemn atmosphere in the small hall of the district administration, took office as head of the Lezhnevsky municipal district.

No wonder Ilyushkin fell in love with her. Or she his. Or hopefully the feeling is mutual.

Lezhnevsky district and its new chapter Kuzmichev not just advanced workers - this is a training ground for working out administrative reform in the Ivanovo region. The essence of this reform is to unite the administrations of districts and administrative centers districts.

The city administration of Lezhnev (the Lezhnevsky urban settlement, although it is formally an urban-type settlement) has actually ceased to exist. She joins the administration of the Lezhnevsky district.

Thus, Lezhnev now does not have its own administration, but there is a single administration of Lezhnev and the Lezhnevsky district, which, respectively, is headed by the head of the Lezhnevsky district, Olga Kuzmicheva. Konkov is pleased with Ilyushkin (well, and Kuzmicheva, of course, too).

In fact, the process of liquidating the administrations of district centers that are part of the districts in the Ivanovo region is now going on everywhere. By the end of the year, liquidation or reorganization procedures in the form of mergers must be completed. But still, the Lezhnevsky district is a leader.

In the context of administrative reform, it will be necessary to solve the problem of merging the administrations of cities and regions, which formally have the same status. For example, Kineshma and Kineshma district. And which administration to which to join. But this is the next step.

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