What does the female name of the world mean. Famous people with the name Mira. Relations with partners

Synonyms for Mir. Mirra, Mirina, Miroslava, Maria, Amira, Emir.
origin of the name Mir. The name of the World is Russian, Slavic, Japanese, Muslim, Greek.

The name of the World has different versions of origin. According to the first version, the name of the World came from Ancient Greece as the feminine form of the male Greek name Myuron (Miron), which comes from "myuron", which translates as "myrrh", "peace", "fragrant resin". This was the name of the myrrh plant, from which myrrh, myrrh, myrrh were made - an aromatic resin valued in antiquity as a fragrant smoking substance. Therefore, the name of the World with this version of origin has a second spelling and pronunciation - Mirra. From this it follows that the names of the World and Mirra are identical, but only in this interpretation.

According to the second version, the name of the World is a Slavic name. Related names - Mirina, Miroslava, and, accordingly, male names - Miroslav, Mirobog, Mirogost, Mironeg, Mirolub, Mironog, which has a common root "world", meaning "peace", "lad".

According to the next version, the name of the World - Japanese name, translates as "treasure".

Also, the name of the World is a short form of various names, both female (Lyubomir, Miroslava, Damira, Radomira, Revmira, Miropia, Esmira, Palmira, Krasnomir, Vladimir, Lubomir, Dobromir, Velimira, Elmira, Gulmira, Zamira), and male ( Velimir, Bolimir, Ostromir, Jaromir, Radimir, Tikhomir, Ratmir, Radomir, Miraks, Miroslav, Kazimir, Novomir, Ladimir and others). According to the most common version, the name Mira is one of the spelling and pronunciation options for the female name Mirra.

According to the next version, the name of the World is a form of the name Maria.

In the third version, the name of the World is an Arabic name that means "food, food", and it is also a short form of the Arabic name Amir (Emir), meaning "princess", "princess".

The name of the World is used not only mainly among the descendants of the Slavs, but also this moment this name is becoming popular in the US, Canada and Europe.

Mira has a beautiful theatrical-luxurious appearance. However, behind this appearance lies a sensitive soul. Mira has an analytical mindset, she instantly notices and remembers the smallest details. A good memory has helped Mira since childhood. Mira's physical condition largely depends on her mood.

Mira, born in winter, becomes emotional woman, similar to a whirlwind. "Autumn" Mira is cheerful and witty. Mira, born in summer, prefers the company of men. But Mira, born in spring, is a romantic at heart. The girl dreams of eternal love and has been looking for it all her life.

Mira has a strong will. She learns easily. She is especially good at foreign languages. As future profession she can choose the field of an interpreter or a stewardess. She will also make good progress in the field of trade and service. Not devoid of peace and acting qualities. She has a serious chance to become a famous singer or actress, because the girl really has talent.

Thanks to the excessive excitability of Mira, a girl can be successful in entrepreneurial activities. She is cunning and selfish. In achieving success, Mira is helped by the fact that she is little influenced by others and knows how to get out of any situation.

Mira is a big coquette. She is charming but living together with it for most men will be too heavy. Mira combines in an amazing way solidity, sedateness on the one hand and eternal youth on the other. She takes on the appearance of a righteous woman, but morality is just empty words for her. Wanting to attract, Mira can say anything.

All her life she strives to be loved, but most often she chooses those who are not able to understand her subtle soul. future husband Mira will marry a charming woman, who, however, will be surrounded by a considerable number of witty and handsome male admirers. This is the weakness that Mira's spouse will have to learn to forgive.

Mira is ironic, maybe a mocker. She reacts violently to what is happening. Strives to attract appearance attention to yourself. In communication with other people for Mira lies the meaning of life. Among the acquaintances of the World, she strives to shine, because in her soul she is very vain.

Mira's name day

The world does not celebrate a name day.

Famous people named Mira

  • Mira Awad (Auad) ((born 1975) is an Israeli singer and actress of Arab-Bulgarian origin. She participates in the production of the Chamber Theater dedicated to the Arab-Israeli conflict, she also participated in other projects, including film and television. She began collaborating with Noa (Ahinoam Nini), a popular Israeli folk singer, in 2002. In 2009, Mira and Noa performed at the Eurovision Song Contest with the song "Einaih" ("Your Eyes"), also known as "There Must Be Another Way , finishing in 16th place.)
  • Mira Banyats ((born 1929) real name - Mirjana T. Banyats; one of the most famous Serbian actresses. Belongs to the first generation of actors who graduated from the theater school in the city of Novi Sad (1950). She played in the theaters of the cities of Sremska Mitrovica ( 1949-1951) and Banja Luka (1953-1955) and for a long time at the Serbian National Theater in Novi Sad (1951-1970).In the 1970s she moved to Belgrade and became a member of the theater Atelier 212. Her most successful achievements - images of women from the people, often performed with humor.In addition to roles in the theater, for which she received several awards, she also played many roles in film and television.Her most notable roles were in the films of Goran Paskalevich.First appearance on big screen- in the film "The Battle of Kosovo" (1964). She received the "Dobricin prsten" award (the highest award for lifetime theatrical achievement in Serbia) in 2001 and the "Pavle Vuisic" award in 2008. Awarded the Golden Arena Award at the Pula Film Festival in 1976 for the performance of the best female role in Branca Bauer's film "Salash u malom ritu". She also received the "October Theater Award" (2000) and "Joakim Vuyich" awards. During World War II she spent a year in the First Proletarian Brigade.)
  • Mira Karpovich ((born 1986) full name- Miroslava Karpovich; Russian actress theater and cinema, model)
  • Mira Meir ((born 1923) is an Israeli poetess and writer. Books for children brought her particular popularity. Mira Meir is the editor of the department of children's and youth literature at the Sifriat ha-Poalim publishing house. In 1974 she won the Aharon Zeev Prize for her book "I like to draw".)
  • Mira Nabelkova ((born 1956) Slovak linguist. In 1991-2000 she organized the annual international Coloquium of Young Linguists with the support of the Slovak Linguistic Society and the Institute of Linguistics and was the editor of the VARIA series - annual collections of reports of the Coloquium. In 1991-1999 she was a member of the scientific council of the Institute Linguistics of the Academy of Sciences In the last year of teaching at the University of T. G. Masaryk in Brno, she received the Silver Medal of the University for her contribution to the development of Czech Slovak studies. Scientific interests Keywords: lexical semantics, word formation, lexicography, syntax, sociolinguistics (problematics of language contacts of the Czech and Slovak languages).)
  • Mira Katherine Sorvino ((born 1967) American actress)
  • Mira Tselekhover-Aleksiun ((born 1941) surname Tselechover - from her stepfather, Aleksiun - from her husband; Polish artist of Jewish origin)
  • Mira Furlan ((born 1955) Croatian actress and singer. Best known for her roles as Minbari Ambassador Delenn in the sci-fi series Babylon 5, and Daniel Russo in the TV series Lost.)
  • Mira Anna Maria Luoti ((born 1978) since the end of 2002, the founder and one of the vocalists in the Finnish pop group PMMP, poetess)
  • Mira Nanda (Indian writer, historian and philosopher of science, visiting fellow at Jawaharlal Nehru University (2009), Fellow in Religion and Science at the John Templeton Foundation (2005-2007). PhD in Science and Technology Studies from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Mira Nanda's views are sharply criticized by Konrad Elst, who accuses her of "hating Hinduism".)
  • Mira Mikhelevich ((1919 - 2006) pseudonym - Maria Mikhelevich; Russian translator. Member of the Union of Writers of the USSR (1978) and the Union of Writers of Moscow. Translator of Bulgarian literature. Cavalier of the Order of the Madara Horseman (1998, Bulgaria).)
  • Mirabai or Mira Bai ((1499 - 1547) the great Indian saint and poetess, the most prominent representative of Krishna poetry in Hindi literature. She wrote in Braj, Rajasthani and Gujarati languages. The main theme of Mirabai's work is a description of her self-forgetful love for Krishna.)
  • Mira Koltsova ((born 1938) Soviet (Russian) dancer, choreographer, choreographer, teacher, film actress. People's Artist of the USSR (1989), artistic director of the Beryozka State Academic Choreographic Ensemble. Performed leading role in comedy music feature film directors Venyamin Dorman and Genrikh Oganesyan "Girl's Spring". Owner a large number awards, titles, orders, including the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, III degree (2007) - for a great contribution to the development of domestic choreographic art and many years creative activity, the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (1998) - for services to the state, a great contribution to strengthening friendship and cooperation between peoples, many years of fruitful activity in the field of culture and art, the Order of St. Catherine, the Order of the Peacemaker (Pax Tecum) , the Order "For the Glory of the Fatherland", the Order "For Contribution to Culture", the Order "Commonwealth". People's Artist of the RSFSR (1978), Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1971), People's Artist of Ukraine (2004), People's Artist of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania (2012). Honorary citizen of the city of Miami (USA), honorary veteran of the Moscow region. He has medals, commemorative badges, orders: the medal “For Valiant Labor. In commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin”, medal “Veteran of Labour”, medal “Friendship” (Vietnam), medal “For outstanding contribution in the development of Chinese-Russian relations" (PRC) (2009), a commemorative badge "For outstanding contribution to the development of Russian culture and cooperation" (2005), the golden order "Service to Art" (International Academy of Culture and Art, 2007), a medal and an international the award of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Brothers Cyril and Methodius (Moscow Patriarchy and the Slavic Fund of Russia, 2001), the badge "Honorary Border Guard". Member of the Union of Theater Workers (since 1979), professor at the Moscow state university culture and arts (2002), laureate of the "Soul of Dance" prize in the nomination "Knight of Dance" (awarded by the Ballet magazine, 2001), academician of the International Academy of Culture and Art (2010), academician of the International Academy of Patronage (2010), laureate of International festivals "Spring Friendship art festival" (Korea), nominal Star on the Glory of the Fatherland Square in Moscow (2011).)
  • Mira Nair ((born 1957) American film director of Indian origin)
  • Mira Ardova ((born 1940) nee - Kiseleva, in some sources - Mika Ardova; Soviet and Russian actress. Occasionally acted in films, in particular in a small role in the film Stars and Soldiers by Miklos Jancho (1967). In 1976 starred in the film by Alexander Zarkhi "The Tale of an Unknown Actor" as the wife of Vadim Goryaev, played by Igor Starygin.)

Version 2. What does the name of the World mean

The meaning of the name Mir is "peace" (Slavic).

Mira is an overly excitable woman, her increased activity allows her to succeed in entrepreneurial activities. Cunning and selfish. Ironic, reputed to be a mocker. He reacts violently to what is happening.

She does everything to be noticed: she wears extravagant bright things, flirts with men. She needs constant communication. Not amenable to influence, skillfully out of any situation. Has a strong will. Mira is a charming woman, but living together with her is not as attractive as she is.

The world is easily given the study of languages, she can be an excellent translator, stewardess. Successfully works in trade, service sector. Can become a talented actress or singer. Under her theatrical and luxurious appearance hides a very sensitive and sensitive soul. She has an analytical mindset, able to notice and remember the smallest details. She has an enviable memory, which allows her to early years do not cram, but only listen to the teacher in the lesson.

Mira amazing ability combine solidity and sedateness with eternal youth, cheerfulness. Morality for her is nothing but empty words for old ladies. She pretends to be a righteous woman, but under the influence of the desire to attract attention, she can create who knows what.

Sex for Mira is the meaning of all life. She dreams of being loved, but in the end chooses a lover who is not able to understand her subtle soul. Mira is vain, longing for an environment where she could shine. Her husband will possess a charming woman, but Mira's entourage are witty and handsome men. The husband should learn to forgive her some weaknesses.

Mira's health mainly depends on her mood: when she is in a good mood, she feels good, but if sad thoughts take over her, she begins to mope and her health deteriorates. She needs to take care of her breathing.

"Winter" World - whirlwind, hurricane. Energetic, smart, emotional...

"Autumn" - more sedate, but always cheerful and witty. The name is well suited to patronymics: Oskarovna, Abramovna, Viktorovna, Borisovna, Efimovna, Danilovna.

"Summer" - extravagant, charming, prefers the company of men.

"Spring" is romantic, dreams of eternal love, but spends her whole life searching for it. Fickle, windy.

The name of the World comes to patronymics: Dmitrievna, Efremovna, Aleksandrovna, Lazarevna, Leonidovna, Semenovna.

Numerology Of The Name Mira

Name number: 7

The number 7 is happy, romantic, wise, original, self-sufficient. He has a cautious, prudent mind, but at the same time he loves risk. In everything, he prefers to be guided by his own opinion. He always succeeds in his chosen field of activity. Has developed analytical thinking, patience, perseverance, willpower.
The number 7 is introverted. His motto is "Understanding"

The meaning of the letters in the name Mira

M- if you look at people who have the letter "M" in their names, you can say that they are scattered and disorganized, but in reality everything is not so. Whatever they need, they will never forget. They prefer to do quality work.

They make excellent leaders who always take into account the interests of others.

AND- fine spiritual organization, romanticism, kindness, honesty and peacefulness. The fair sex pays a lot of attention to their appearance, while men focus on internal qualities. They manage to achieve great success in science and work with people. Very economic and prudent.

R- people with the letter "R" in their names have extraordinary thinking. They are very responsible, you can rely on them in any situation. They have a well-developed intuition, they are extremely negative about lies. Constantly striving for leadership, but in family relationships they rely on their partner.

A- the alphabet begins with it, and it symbolizes the beginning, the desire to achieve success. If a person has this letter in his name, then he will constantly strive for physical and spiritual balance. People whose name begins with "A" are quite hardworking. They like to take the initiative in everything and do not like routine.

Name as a phrase

  • M- Think
  • AND- And (Unification, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, "Together with")
  • R- Rtsy (Rivers, Speak, Sayings)
  • A- Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)

The name of the World in English (Latin)


When filling out a document in English, you should write first the first name, then the patronymic in Latin letters, and only then the last name. You may need to write the name of the World in English when applying for a passport, ordering a foreign hotel, when placing an order in an English online store, and so on.

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The name of the world, what does it mean? Does the name of the world affect the fate of the bearer, or does it all depend on parental upbringing? The answers to these questions vary, sometimes even contradictory. And yet, almost every one of us at least once in his life met a person whose name does not suit him: "Well, she is the world of pure water!".

Have you ever called people you barely know by the "wrong" name? And this is absolutely natural, since each of us subconsciously identifies the image of a person with the well-known and significant signs of a particular name.

And in order to understand who is who, we tried to collect the most complete information about the names - their origin, meaning, name days, talismans, platnets-patrons of the name and the signs of the zodiac inherent in them on the site you know.Ru.

About the name of the World: Meaning, origin

  • Meaning of the name Mira: fragrant
  • Origin of the name Mira: latin arabic slavic english belarusian indian

The name of the World has different versions of origin. According to the first version, the name of the World came from Ancient Greece as a feminine form of the male Greek name Myuron (Myron), which comes from "myuron", which translates as "myrrh", "miro", "fragrant resin". This was the name of the myrrh plant, from which myrrh, myrrh, myrrh were made - an aromatic resin valued in antiquity as a fragrant smoking substance. Therefore, the name of the World with this version of origin has a second spelling and pronunciation - Mirra. From this it follows that the names of the World and Mirra are identical, but only in this interpretation.

According to the second version, the name of the World is a Slavic name. Related names - Mirina, Miroslava, and, accordingly, male names - Miroslav, Mirobog, Mirogost, Mironeg, Mirolub, Mironog, which has a common root "world", meaning "peace", "lad".

According to the next version, the name of the World is a Japanese name, translated as "treasure of the future."

Also, the name of the World is a short form of various names, both female (Lyubomir, Miroslava, Damir, Radomira, Revmir, Miropia, Esmira, Palmira, Krasnomir, Vladimir, Lubomir, Dobromir, Velimir, Elmira, Gulmira, Zamira), and male ( Velimir, Bolimir, Ostromir, Jaromir, Radimir, Tikhomir, Ratmir, Radomir, Miraks, Miroslav, Kazimir, Novomir, Ladimir and others). According to the most common version, the name Mira is one of the spelling and pronunciation options for the female name Mirra.

According to the next version, the name of the World is a form of the name Maria.

In the third version, the name of the World is an Arabic name that means "food, food", and it is also a short form of the Arabic name Amir (Emir), meaning "princess", "princess".

Mira has a beautiful theatrical-luxurious appearance. However, behind this appearance lies a sensitive soul. Mira has an analytical mindset, she instantly notices and remembers the smallest details. A good memory has helped Mira since childhood. Mira's physical condition largely depends on her mood. A girl can get sick if sad thoughts take over her. Mira, born in winter, becomes an emotional woman, like a whirlwind. "Autumn" Mira is cheerful and witty. Mira, born in summer, prefers the company of men. But Mira, born in spring, is a romantic at heart. The girl dreams of eternal love and has been looking for it all her life.

Mira has a strong will. She learns easily. She is especially good at foreign languages. As a future profession, she can choose the field of an interpreter or a flight attendant. She will also make good progress in the field of trade and service. Not devoid of peace and acting qualities. She has a serious chance to become a famous singer or actress, because the girl really has talent.

Thanks to the excessive excitability of Mira, a girl can be successful in entrepreneurial activities. She is cunning and selfish. In achieving success, Mira is helped by the fact that she is little influenced by others and knows how to get out of any situation.

Mira is a big coquette. She is charming, but life together with her for most men will be too hard. Mira combines in an amazing way solidity, sedateness on the one hand and eternal youth on the other. She takes on the appearance of a righteous woman, but morality is just empty words for her. Wanting to attract, Mira can say anything.

She strives all her life to be loved, but most often chooses those who are not able to understand her subtle soul. Mira's future husband will marry a charming woman, who, however, will be surrounded by a considerable number of witty and handsome male admirers. This is the weakness that Mira's spouse will have to learn to forgive.

Mira is ironic, maybe a mocker. She reacts violently to what is happening. Strives to draw attention to himself with his appearance. In communication with other people for Mira lies the meaning of life. Among the acquaintances of the World, she strives to shine, because in her soul she is very vain.

Numerology Of The Name Mira

  • Name number: 7
  • Heart number: 2
  • Personality number: 5
  • Happiness number: 7
  • Lucky numbers for the name of the World: 7, 16, 25, 34, 43, 52, 61, 70, 79, 88, 97, 106, 115
  • Lucky days of the month: 7, 16, 25

The meaning of the letters of the name Mira

The letters of the name play an important role in shaping the character of a person. For example, the first letter of the name indicates the first task that its owner needs to solve in life and is associated with a certain element.

In contrast to the first letter, there is the last letter of the name. The last letter of the name shows our weakest point, reveals the place of our greatest vulnerability in life. This is our Achilles' heel, which must be covered and protected.

  • m - diligence and pedantry, caring, shyness
  • and - impressionability, realism, subtle spirituality, peacefulness
  • R - constant pressure, emotionality, self-confidence, dogmatism
  • a - strength and power

Peace Talismans

  • Lucky season: Spring
  • Lucky days of the week: Tuesday and Sunday
  • Unlucky days of the week: Friday and Saturday
  • Lucky Color: Purple
  • Mascot Plant: Dandelion
  • Stones-talismans named after the World: Opal, Ruby, Iron, Metals, Jasper, Diamond, Carnelian, Tourmaline, Topaz, Zircon
  • Spirit Animal: Falcon
  • Tree: Alder

Astrology named after Peace

According to astrology, a correspondence was revealed between the planet - the ruler of the name and a certain quality of character.

For the name of the World, the ruler is the planet Mars, which endows the name with a number of advantages and disadvantages.

Benefits from Mars: Courage, courage, love of action, knowledge, speed of reaction, vitality

Disadvantages that Mars name gives: Destructive instinct, unbridledness, impatience, self-centeredness, selfishness

  • Name astrological color: Blue
  • Cardinal direction: East
  • Astrological stone: Morion, Charoite, Granite, Amethyst
  • Representing Animal: Turtle, Squirrel, Camel, Owl

In addition, each letter of your name also corresponds to a particular planet, which in turn have a direct impact on the fate of a person. Therefore, if the name has repeated letters, then the influence of the planet that corresponds to this letter is greatly enhanced. Such planets are called dominant and one should pay attention to its position (strong or weak, in which sign of the Zodiac it is located).

Dominant Planet for the World:

And an important role belongs to the planet that controls last letter name - final. The final planet in some cases affects the duration of life and the nature of death.

Last planet named: Sun

Planetary number and meaning of the name of the World

For the name of the World, the planetary number is 3 and governs this name Mars.

All names - triples require their owners to show activity, violent practical activity, involve them in the mystery of struggle, battle in life. The key planet of these names is Mars, so you need to pay attention to the position of this planet in your horoscopes. If Mars is kind and strong, you will naturally fit into the program of your name, you will be able to gain protection and become invulnerable in life.

Zodiacal and Sacred number of the name of the World

For the name of the world zodiac number - 1 Aries.

The owner of the name - Aries is involved in the struggle, active actions. In the worst case, there may be a field of war around him, into which those around him will be drawn. At best, he will become a trailblazer and a fearless knight protecting others. In the collective unconscious, images of militant and active people are associated with these names.

Sacred number for the name of the World - 7 , which corresponds to the zodiac sign - Scales

Names - Libra creates a field of balance and justice. They involve in solving various dual situations that require a choice and the ability to objectively evaluate everything. Such names call for calmness and observance of the measure in everything, for peace and harmony in relations with others.

The name of the World is widespread not only in Russia, it is actively used in many foreign countries and gaining popularity in the US and Europe. A girl named by this name will strive to become the best in everything she undertakes, a bright and eventful life awaits her.

  1. The name has ancient Greek roots and is a female counterpart. It is formed from the word "μύρον", which means "myrrh" - church oil used in rituals. Also, according to this version, the name has a translation - "fragrant resin".
  2. The name comes from Japanese and translates as "treasure of the future."
  3. Mira is a Slavic name, which is derived from the word "peace" and carries the meaning "peaceful", "okay".
  4. The name is of Arabic origin and means "food" or "food".
The name of the World has four variants of origin

Name Forms

The name of the World does not have a short form, but it is itself a short version for many female and male names: Damira, Zamira, Lubomir, Radomira, Miropia, Velimir, Kazimir, Dobromir, Jaromir, etc. All these names are related to the name of the World, because they have a common root "world".

You can find a variant of the spelling of the name of the World with a doubled letter "r". These names are identical and have general meaning.

There is a spelling of the name Mira with two letters "r"

Diminutive variations of the name Mir: Mirochka, Mirusya, Mirusha, Mironka.

Church variant: Miropia.

Name transliteration: MIRA (MIRRA).

The name of the girl Mira in the passport will be written as MIRA

Patronymics, most successfully combined with the name of the World: Andreevna, Vladimirovna, Kirillovna, Ilyinichna.

  • Mira (Mirra);
  • meera;
  • you can use the translation of the word "peace" into foreign languages ​​and create a nickname based on them (world, peace, quiet, etc.)

Table: the name of the World in foreign languages

Name days and patron saints

The name of the World is not in the Orthodox church calendar, therefore, girls are baptized under the name that is most similar in sound - Miropia. The patron saint will be the martyr Myropia of Chios.

The Holy Martyr Myropia of Chios, during the time of the persecution of Christians, retired to the island of Chios, where she asceticised in fasting and prayer and buried the bodies of the martyrs of Christ, for which she was seized and subjected to cruel tortures, from which she died

Characteristics and influence of the name

Mira knows her worth, she is a bright, beautiful, purposeful woman. She has an unusual, but very attractive appearance, in addition, the girl is smart and hardworking, she always achieves her goals. She communicates coldly and strictly with others, is quite demanding of them, but, first of all, of herself. Mira is a true perfectionist, she tries to succeed in everything and become the best, she gets very upset because of failures. The girl loves to be different from others, to stand out with outrageous actions and appearance. Often such a desire gives a woman problems and scandals. The excessive self-confidence of the girl leads to the fact that they are afraid to make acquaintances with her, although Mira herself is quite kind to others, always comes to the rescue.

slim, graceful,
real goddess,
Fragile and tender
Outwardly serene.
Mira, that's a beauty
And all the men like it
Always, like a gentle swan,
Fresh as spring morning.


A woman with the name of the World may lack lightness and a sense of humor, sometimes she is too serious and meticulous. The girl has many talents, she is responsible, you can rely on her. Mira has a good memory, she remembers even the smallest details. The girl is quite cunning, trying to benefit from any business.

Mira has few friends, but the ones she does have are devoted and loyal to her.

By virtue of her nature, a woman does not have many friends. All her comrades are loyal and trusted people in whom she is confident. But even with friends, the World does not fully open up, keeps her emotions in herself. It is very important for a girl to feel harmony and peace of mind, to understand that all her actions are correct and deliberate.

How the name affects the character of the child

The girl, named after the World, begins to walk and talk early. She does not like to sit still, does not waste time on empty talk, is too independent and serious. Sometimes he surprises his parents with his overly clever reasoning. She has few friends, the girl chooses them carefully, likes to communicate with them, but only on business.

Little Mira is a serious and independent child

IN primary school It's easy for the world, she attends classes with pleasure, gets good grades. Teachers love her for diligence, commitment, attentiveness and discipline. In the middle classes, the girl often becomes the headman, takes an active part in school evenings. Mira has an interest in music, drawing, acting.

It is better not to find the world,
Everyone should know this
There is no better world
Not in the country, and not in the world.



Mira has well-developed musical abilities

With age, independence does not decrease in a girl, but such qualities as self-confidence and selfishness appear. Mira chooses her friends who obey and bow before her. For purposefulness and commitment, the girl is often envied by her classmates, but teachers appreciate and respect her. It is very difficult for the world to force to do something, she herself knows what and when she needs it. She is not subject to the opinions of others, guided only by her own thoughts.

Hobbies and talents

Mira has a lot of talent. She is plastic, feels music well, has an ear for music. If in childhood a girl is sent to a vocal circle, she will have a chance to become a popular singer. The same situation will develop with any sport, the main thing is to take the child to the section in time, and then the results will not be long in coming. Perseverance and diligence will lead the World to victories.

The desire to win and perseverance will help Mira achieve success in any sport.

The girl loves animals very much, some fluffy pet always lives in her house. Mira takes care of him, spends a lot of time with his pet.

Mira loves animals very much.

Profession and career

Mira has every chance to realize herself in her chosen profession, because the girl has huge force will and perseverance. Her memorable appearance, talent and good memory allow her to become a successful actress or singer. In any creative field, Mira will be able to achieve heights, whether it be choreography, art history, design, art or music. Also, the woman has the ability to languages, which will help her in her work as a flight attendant or translator.

Mira has great opportunities to become a popular singer or actress

Mira will excel in organizing and running her own business. The girl is active and smart, if desired, she knows how to win people over, which will help her in communicating with business partners. She is a competent leader who is attentive to her wards, can do part of the work on her own.

A woman knows how to earn big money in any field of activity, but they are not her goal. She is much more important than self-realization and the opportunity to prove to herself that she is the best in her business. Therefore, Mira rarely has large financial savings, she does not save money, she often spends it on spontaneous purchases.


At Mira since childhood good health She is an energetic and cheerful child. With age, the situation does not change, the girl always has a lot of strength and vigor. She often goes in for some kind of sport, monitors her well-being, adheres to proper nutrition.

Depression can cause serious illness in Mira

In case of illness, Mira tolerates it easily, recovers quickly enough. But the mental state of the girl completely depends on her mood and life situation. A series of failures can cause depression in a woman, which can develop various serious diseases.


Thanks to her bright and beautiful appearance, Mira is not deprived of the attention of the opposite sex. From a young age, people around her look at her. The girl knows how to flirt, quickly wins the hearts of men. However, having found her only one, a woman stops noticing everyone else. She is faithful and devoted to her chosen one, demands the same in return. Mira is monogamous, even after a break in relations, she cannot start building new ones for a long time.

Remember, the earth is spinning
Peace, just for you
Flowers in the dew only for you
which you love so much.
You will eclipse the light of the sun,
You turn men's heads
And the voices are a magical sound
Transforms everything around.



Mira is monogamous, having fallen in love, she ceases to notice the men around her

The girl is looking for a serious, reasonable, calm man who will take care of her. Together they will be a very bright and beautiful couple. The woman is very jealous, but she never shows it to her chosen one. She strongly binds to a man, his betrayal is very difficult and painful. Important for a girl intimate life, if she does not receive satisfaction in it, then she can break off the relationship.

Family and marriage

Mira tries not to expose her family life for public viewing. Although the relationship in the family is quite warm and sincere. She is a good wife, her husband can be sure of her - she will never change or betray. However, after a few years of marriage, Mira may begin to make her husband feel jealous by flirting with strangers. The fact is that a girl needs to constantly feel her attractiveness and irresistibility. By doing so, she also tries to refresh the senses.

Mira flirts with strangers to make sure she's attractive.

Oddly enough, but Mira does not try to become a leader in family life, she likes to take care of her husband, but does not command him in any way. She knows how to cook deliciously, is not too lazy to clean the house, tries in every possible way to create a cozy atmosphere. With her children, a woman tries to establish friendly relations, does not resort to rigor in education.

Mira is a good wife and mother

Table: name compatibility

Male namePercent CompatibilityThe nature of the relationship
Alexander56% Alexander is afraid to be the first to approach Mira, she seems too inaccessible and mysterious to him. If a girl takes the first step, then they can get a fairly harmonious relationship. A man does everything to make his chosen one cheerful and happy. Their romance almost always ends in marriage. In family life, partners keep all grievances and claims in themselves. In public, spouses do not show emotions towards each other, their relationship is boring, built around living together.
Alexei38% Love or passion rarely arises between Mira and Alexei. The girl does not like predictable men, and Alexei is just that. A man is not satisfied with the behavior and character of a woman. If a couple turns a blind eye to each other's shortcomings, then they will start a romance. But in their family life there is neither happiness nor care. Each of them lives his own life, not paying attention to the feelings and emotions of his chosen one. Rather, their marriage is similar to the life of neighbors, rather than a couple in love. If the spouses are satisfied with this alignment of things, then the union will last for quite a long time.
Andrey23% Mira and Andrei are absolutely not made for each other. A man does not like emotional and temperamental women, which is Mira. He is used to choosing calm and balanced partners. A woman is interested in a man, but for a very short period, after a short time she becomes bored with him. A romance is possible between them for several months, but no more. If they manage to get married, it will not bring happiness to any of the spouses. The couple will often quarrel, only a divorce can help them.
Dmitriy24% None of the pair of Dmitry and Mira wants to take the first step towards getting to know each other. They are afraid of each other, it seems to them that the chosen one will definitely refuse. If feelings are stronger than fear and someone still comes up first, then they begin to communicate. With each date, both realize that this is not the person they need. Ultimately, the couple ends communication. However, if one of them has a mercantile interest in marriage, then the wedding can take place. But their marriage will be filled with quarrels, disagreements and scandals. Treason on both sides is not ruled out. The result of all this, of course, is divorce.
Eugene71% Mira reaches out to Eugene from the first meeting, she becomes more cheerful and joyful in his presence. A man likes such a determined girl, but still he will have to take steps towards the development of relations himself, otherwise they risk ending at the stage of flirting. Often the novel ends in marriage, in which unpleasant discoveries can await the girl. Mira can find out that her husband is cheating on her, after which she immediately files for divorce.
Sergey71% A man and a woman are interesting to each other, they have fun together. Most often, Sergey takes on the role of leader. In most cases, their relationship ends with a wedding. But family life does not bring them joy. It is filled with jealousy, reproaches and a series of disappointments in the chosen one. Most of Sergei and Mira's marriages end in divorce.
Oleg76% Oleg and Mira are able to create a strong and loving couple. The girl is constantly in search of interesting and bright events, dragging her chosen one with her. Often in this pair, the man is younger than the woman. She makes him many surprises and gifts, and the young man gives her the opportunity to feel needed and desired. Such relationships often end in a marriage that can last a lifetime. But provided that the spouses cherish family values and respect your partner's sense of freedom.
Igor72% This union can be quite loving and happy. For Igor, the World is the ideal of beauty, and the girl likes the care and loyalty of a man. Partners quickly become interested in each other, but for a long time they cannot gather the strength to tell their chosen one about it. To legitimize relations between Igor and Mira are decided only after for long years novel. Marriage will bring harmony and happiness to lovers in their personal lives.
Mark56% Mira has an optimistic outlook on life, knows how to cope with difficulties. It is these qualities that "catch" Mark in her, who does not have such features and is unsure of himself. A man wants a relationship with this girl because he believes that she will be able to guide him on the right path, help and support him. The world is not satisfied with such a consumer attitude, therefore, it often becomes the initiator of parting. Marriage is also possible in this couple, but only if the man takes on the responsibility of providing for the family.
Nikita38% Partners understand the incorrectness of their choice after several dates, when they manage to get to know their chosen one better. The girl leads in this pair, tries to bend the man, if he gives in to her, then the relationship can continue. But Nikita should understand that for the rest of her life her husband will suppress his individuality and manage it at her own discretion, and Mira - that she will never have support and support in family life.

Table: matches for a name

Interpretation of the meanings of each of the letters in the name

The letters that make up a person's name leave an imprint on his character:

  1. Letter M. A caring, friendly, sometimes shy person.
  2. Letter I. Spiritual, subtle, sensitive personality, always ready to help and support.
  3. Letter R. A self-confident, deep, effective woman who wants to constantly move forward.
  4. Letter A. The girl is trying to create something new, to find spiritual and physical comfort.

According to the interpretation of the letters in the name, Mira is a benevolent, self-confident and sensual girl.

Characteristics of the name in accordance with the season in which the person was born

Mira, born in winter, has enviable perseverance and determination. The girl does not throw words into the wind, she always fulfills the promise. In love, she is passionate and faithful, she gives herself completely to her chosen one, for her there are no other men except her lover.

Winter Mira is devoted and faithful in love

Spring Mira too self-confident, never listens to the opinions of others. The girl is slightly frivolous, positively looks at the world. Men like her, but it’s hard for them because she has a complex character.

Spring Mira - self-confident and charming girl

Summer endows Mira with an infantile, melancholy, vulnerable character. The girl passes all her own and other people's problems through her soul, but she rarely shows her true emotions and experiences to anyone. From the side, the woman looks indifferent and impenetrable. In relationships with men, too jealous.

Letnyaya Mira is very sensitive to the problems of others

Autumn Mira has a persistent and stubborn character, but at the same time, there is softness and kindness in it. The girl is going through problems and life difficulties for a long time. Often a woman with the name of the World, born in autumn, is a deeply religious person. AriesThe sign of Aries endows the World with such unpleasant qualities as frivolity, touchiness, frivolity and inattention. The girl cannot be trusted with important matters; she needs constant supervision in her work. However, a woman has an enviable determination, thanks to which she is able to achieve any of her desires. TaurusMira-Taurus is a greedy, selfish, self-confident person. She is only concerned about her own personality, she does not tolerate criticism in her address, she has many complexes, but she never talks about them. The girl has a consumer attitude towards others, she is used to only taking, without giving anything in return. A woman cannot build a career or family life, as her character repels all the people around her from her. TwinsCharm, kindness and cheerfulness - these are the main components of the personality of the Twin Worlds. The girl likes to have fun, communicate with friends. She is not accustomed to work, is not able to become a good wife. The main thing for her is to be surrounded by cheerful and optimistic people with whom you can have fun. CancerThe girl constantly strives for movement, she is overly active and energetic. Mira-Cancer is looking for new ways to develop his own personality, is in an eternal search for new experiences. A woman values ​​her freedom and independence, is not serious about building relationships, so she is unlikely to be able to enter into a happy marriage. a lionMira-Lion is a strong and callous person. She has perseverance and purposefulness, is able to solve all her problems without the help of outsiders. The meaning of her life is the conquest of new heights, on the way to which the girl does not hesitate to resort to deceit or betrayal. In relations with men, he will always take a leadership position. VirgoThe sign of Virgo endows the World with secrecy and isolation. At first glance, the girl looks calm and balanced, but inside her there are many complexes and fears that she does not admit even to herself. Also, a woman tries to suppress all sorts of emotions and feelings in herself. She remembers all grievances, but never avenges them. ScalesMira, born under the sign of Libra, is an eternal child. She does not take anything seriously, has a superficial attitude to her duties, does not like to work, is irresponsible and unprincipled. She vitally needs a companion who will help the girl in everything and protect her from rash words and deeds. ScorpionMira-Scorpio is afraid of everything, does not know how and does not like to communicate, hides her emotions and feelings from everyone. It is difficult to approach her, she does not trust anyone, eschews close relationships, is closed even with relatives. A woman feels comfortable only in solitude, among her worries and doubts. SagittariusMira-Sagittarius cannot live without fun, entertainment and risk, she must always be in the center of events and everyone's attention. The girl lacks attentiveness and seriousness, she is not adapted to adult life. A woman does not take responsibility for her actions, she always needs the help of others. CapricornThe girl has a hard, impetuous, tough and stubborn character. She has a non-stereotypical way of thinking, she is kind and cheerful. Anyone will envy her purposefulness, Mira-Capricorn goes to her goal to the last. He never asks for help, he decides everything on his own. He loves attention to his person very much, if it is not there, the woman suffers and is sad. AquariusMira, who was born under the sign of Aquarius, is a very positive person. Optimism is present in all spheres of a girl's life, who is also ready to help anyone without demanding anything in return. She will never betray or deceive, you can rely on her. A woman cannot stand lies and flattery, she tries to surround herself positive people. A man is looking for one who will live for her, and not for his desires. FishMira-Pisces loves communication, is smart, eloquent, has talents. She is popular with others, optimistic and joyful about life. Men have a hard time with her, because a woman lacks constancy and seriousness.

Photo gallery: famous personalities with the name of the World

Mira Awad - Israeli singer and actress of Arab-Bulgarian origin Mira Katherine Sorvino - American actress Mira Furlan - Croatian actress and singer Mira Anna Maria Luoti - founder and one of the vocalists in the Finnish pop group PMMP, poetess Mira Duma - Russian journalist, columnist in glossy magazines, a frequent guest of social events, one of the trendsetters of street-fashion

Mira has an interesting appearance, loves attention. She is hardworking and purposeful, demands a lot from herself and those around her. The girl likes to stand out from the crowd, to be the best in everything. She can become successful in the creative field or create own business. There are always a lot of admirers around a woman, but if she is in a relationship, all of them do not matter to the girl. Mira is a faithful and sincere partner, for her chosen one she will become a loving and caring wife.

Dear friends, hello! Do you want to name your daughter Mira? Are you interested in the meaning of the name Mir and its origin? All parents know that the name for their child must be chosen very carefully. Many believe that the character of a person, his fate and destiny will depend on this.

If we take the Old Slavonic interpretation (Miroslav), then Mira - “ calm, peaceful " Human.
There is an opinion that Mira is a derivative of Mirra - (an ancient Hebrew name), which means "a branch of a myrtle tree."

Another version says that the name came from ancient greece- “Miron”, where “Miro” is a ritual oil that was used for church rites. As a result of this, Mira is “fragrant”.
According to the Japanese interpretation, Mira is translated as "treasure of the future."

You can affectionately call your daughter Mirusya, Mirka, Mirochka, Mirushka, Mironka, Mirusha.

What is the nature of Mira?

In childhood, a child with this name will be very sensitive, impressionable, responsive. In everything, the daughter will love order and cleanliness. Growing up to the World will come very early. She will be characterized by poise, firmness, determination, which is now rarely seen in modern children.

Mira has such a character - a serious, reasonable girl. From an early age the child will be very reliable . The girl will have few girlfriends and friends, but they will be faithful. She will be drawn to older children. If there is no suitable company nearby, then she can always find something to do. Loneliness will not burden the World.

For a girl named Mira, the following characteristics are suitable: smart, hardworking, peaceful. Despite the fact that she does not have special ambitions, in life she will "go far" and achieve everything she wants.

The world needs balance and harmony in everything. no exception and love relationship. She will not waste herself on trifles, and all outbursts of anger and other experiences will hold back internallyAnd .

A girl with that name is quite stubborn, assertive, but she does not show any aggression. Most often, on the contrary, she is merciful, ready to sacrifice herself for the sake of others.

To create a family, Mira chooses a partner with a serious character - noble and cultured. She is faithful, strongly attached to her chosen one, loves only him alone. She will be perfect wife and hostess. However, the girl rarely shows her feelings, especially in public. She loves the Children of the World, but often there are haystacks with them, she tries to make them always obey her.

Of the shortcomings of character, excessive seriousness can be noted. Mira is very tolerant, obedient. Thanks to this, she can be entrusted with any work, as she will never let herself be doubted, she will hand over everything on time, without delay. At work She is responsible, diligent .

A person with this name can easily learn foreign languages. The girl will have an excellent memory, as well as an analytical mindset. Such girls make excellent translators, talented actresses.

  • If your girl is “winter”, then the name of the World will mean a whirlwind, a hurricane. It will be an emotional, energetic, intelligent child.
  • "Autumn" Worlds are characterized by cheerfulness, wit, sedateness.
  • "Summer" girls will prefer male company. They are always charming.
  • "Spring" Worlds are very romantic, mysterious. She will grow up as a fickle woman with a windy character.


From birth, the child is very energetic. This will continue throughout life. Mira - woman in good shape, she rarely gets sick, and if she gets sick, then in a mild form.

Thanks to this, the girl can be given to almost any sport, where she will always strive for victories and often win.

What patronymic name is more compatible with the name of the World

An ideal middle name for Mira can be: Dmitrievna, Danilovna, Leonidovna, Viktorovna, Borisovna, Semenovna, Lazarevna, Abramovna.

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