Church name Arthur. Orthodox view of the history of King Arthur

The exact origin of the name Arthur is still unknown. different countries it is interpreted differently and considered "one's own". According to the most plausible version, it came from England. “Big bear” or “bear man” - this is what the name Arthur means in English.

The meaning of the name Arthur

Thanks to the legend of King Arthur, it was very common. There is a version that the name Arthur has common roots with the Greek name of the star Arcturus and is translated as "guardian of the bear."

The meaning of the name Arthur: character

Arthur has exceptional intuition. He is well versed in people and superbly manages them. Usually this is a calm, balanced person who lives by the principle: "My hut is on the edge, I don't know anything." But it is worth changing circumstances, and Arthur will show his best qualities: strong-willed character, composure, erudition, resourcefulness and prudence. However, he also has negative traits: hot temper, stubbornness, selfishness and unpredictability. It is better not to enter into conflicts with Arthur. However, despite the complex nature, he still achieves success in life. Usually Arthur chooses professions related to military affairs, medicine, art, and jurisprudence. Arthur marries late. He is a hospitable host, values ​​his family and children.

Orthodox name day Arthur celebrates

Because in Orthodox saints there is no name Arthur, he is usually baptized under other names - usually Artem or Artemy.

Arthur name compatibility

Perfect compatibility with, Lydia, Anna, or. And girls named Veronica, Eugene, and Stella are unlikely to be good companions for Arthur.

Arthur is quite unusual popular name. Most of the popular names in Russian are of Greek or Roman origin, which cannot be said about the name Arthur. The history of the origin of the name Arthur and its meaning in the article below.

Historians claim that the first sources mentioning the name Arthur date back to the seventh century AD. These are written sources of Welsh and Irish origin. The name gained popularity after the appearance of the epic about King Arthur and the knights of the round table.

Linguists believe that the name Arthur comes from the word "arth", meaning "bear" in Welsh. To be more precise, from the word "art-ur", translated as "man bear". So it can be argued that the meaning of the name Arthur is "man bear".

Like many names, the origin of the name Arthur has several theories. The second theory of the origin of the name is the origin from the Greek name of the star Arcturus, which means "Guardian of the bear." So, if you think this theory is true, then The meaning of the name Arthur is "Guardian of the Bear".

These are just two theories on the origin and meaning of the name Arthur, but there are many more. But which of the theories to consider correct is up to you.

The meaning of the name Arthur for a child

Little Arthur grows up as a calm and obedient boy. He resembles his mother both in appearance and temperament. The boy is prone to excessive daydreaming, which can have a bad effect with age. Parents should make an effort to accustom the boy to the determination to act, otherwise infantilism will take over Arthur.

Arthur has certain difficulties in his studies. He doesn't really like studying, but it's more likely due to a lack of motivation. He is a wonderful student so where he himself wants to succeed. The task of any teacher (especially parents) will be to instill a love for learning, or at least for their subject.

Arthur's health is good and does not cause any problems to his parents. The boy is athletic and this has a positive effect on his health. It will be especially useful for him to engage in swimming or martial arts.

Short name Arthur

Arturka, Ar, Ari, Art.

Diminutive names

Artya, Atya, Arturchik, Arturushka, Arturonka, Artyusha, Artyunya, Artyusya.

Patronymic of children

Arturovich and Arturovna. Folk form of abbreviation of patronymic Arturych. There is no established form of abbreviation of the female patronymic.

Arthur name in English

IN English language the name Arthur is spelled as Arthur.

Name Arthur for passport- ARTUR.

Translation of the name Arthur into other languages

in Arabic - ارتور
in Armenian - Արթուր
in Belarusian - Artur
in Bulgarian - Artur
in Greek - Αρθούρος
in Hebrew - ארתור
in Spanish - Arturo
in Chinese - 阿尔图
in Latvian - Artūrs
in Lithuanian - Artūras
in German - Arthur
in Polish - Arthur
in Portuguese - Arthur
in Ukrainian - Artur
in Finnish - Artturi
in French - Arthur
in Japanese - アルトゥール

Church name Arthur(V Orthodox faith) will need to be changed (take another church name at the rite of baptism). They can be christened Artemy, Artem, or by the date of baptism.

Characteristics of the name Arthur

Arthur can be described as a person who likes to like. He has excellent intuition and remarkably feels people, which allows him to successfully influence them. Gallantry and a certain charm can become a characteristic of Arthur. Women like Arthur, and his mannerisms make them go crazy. All these characteristics allow Arthur to achieve a high position, while not possessing any talents.

Arthur does not like to work. He is more inclined towards creativity and until the muse visits him, he will not start working. However, during the hours of inspiration, he can work as wound up for a very long time. In creative professions, Arthur will succeed, but in work that requires daily routine work, he Vital energy completely dry out.

Family for Arthur is one of the most important life prerogatives. He loves family holidays and tries his best to create ideal family. He loves to pamper his children, but his wife will still have to deal with their constant upbringing.

The secret of the name Arthur

Arthur's secret can be called his strong will. Usually volitional qualities he is not peculiar and needs a very powerful stimulus in order to see them. Under certain conditions, Arthur's strong-willed qualities allow him to extricate himself from very difficult life situations.

The second secret of Arthur can be called his dislike for household chores. He can't stand to deal" women's work", and men's housework is a burden to him. However, he knows how to arrange everything in life so that he himself will not do it.

Planet- Neptune.

Zodiac sign- Aquarius.

totem animal- Bear.

Name color- White.

Tree- Oak.

Plant- Apple blossoms.

Stone- Chalcedony.

Characteristics of the birthday boy Arthur:

Presumably the name comes from a Celtic word meaning "bear". This animal was highly revered by the druid priests. Hero of Celtic myths, character of European medieval stories about the Knights of the Round Table ("Arthurian legends", "Arthurian story cycle").

The symbol of personality is men who withstand storms. The main character traits are excitability, susceptibility, morality, sexuality.

Arthur seems to be a normal personality, and his character is not bad. However, there is not one feature that is very important for a man - working capacity. Or rather, the desire to work.

Yes, the Arthurs are not one of those people who earn their daily bread in the lot of their face. Instead of himself, he makes others work. He is not overly ambitious - he just needs a quiet, prosperous life. He does not like to face the storms of life face to face. No, he has the psychology of a reed and a badger - his totemic plant and animal, which usually tend to bend down to the ground during cataclysms or hide in a cozy warm mink. After all, Arthur is too deep in his inner world, so he is afraid of ordinary (real) life.

It needs to be shaken well from time to time so that it does not fall asleep completely in its “hole”. So Arthur's parents need to introduce him to the sport, determine his hobbies and contribute to their development. However, this will not be easy - Arthur's excitability resembles a sleeping queen. In fact, he would like to have many friends, communicate with them, but on the condition that this does not oblige him to anything.

And all because the speed of Arthur's reaction is very weak. In addition, he is afraid of defeat - failure greatly shocks him ... His field of activity is quite extensive. Most of all, Arthur is suitable for the profession of a link between managers and performers, that is, he is an excellent manager. He can also be a good administrator, controller, customs officer...

Many Arthurs reach great success in the field of electronics, as well as medicine, especially non-traditional. Among them there are a lot of good psychics, surgeons, dentists. Success in this area is ensured by his powerful, exceptional intuition. Arthur often uses it, especially in cases where he does not want to use his head.

An analytical mindset, well-developed imagination and memory also help him navigate life well. However, he lacks the usual healthy curiosity. To some extent, this compensates for the sensitivity to everything that is connected with good and evil. Arthur is also impeccable in regard to morality. However, he does not recognize too harsh rules. He is annoyed by their scrupulousness, which often turns out to be out of place.

The name Arthur has no Christian designation. Not listed in saints. Name days are celebrated according to the actual birthday.

Happy birthday to Arthur:

Do not forget to celebrate Arthur's name day and congratulate Arthur on the day of the angel.

Your birthday, which means -

I wish only you, Arthur,

In line for happiness and good luck

Be the first of all candidates!

Succeed in all matters and plans,

To be on the crest of life's wave,

Stay in all beautiful countries,

Look at life from the best side!

Our Arthur

Wide nature!

But if he sees things

Contrary to nature

He becomes sharper

And the blood boil in Arthur!

I believe in him immensely

Neither night nor day

Let's not wake the beast

that slumbers in it

us this adventure

Not to my liking at all.

And to drink for Arthur

It's high time already!

Arthur is a rather complex person!

Mobile and mobile, like a "goat".

He loves adventure, adventure,

It happens sometimes too unrestrained.

But at the same time - to the limit businesslike.

Always, everywhere he strives to be in time:

Arthur is in a hurry, he is in a hurry in his affairs

(Which is why it sometimes makes me laugh)

There are many businessmen among the Arthurs,

Artists, divers and athletes.

Arthur, as a rule, is sociable, handsome.

And, if necessary, he will be courteous,

But, in general, by nature - stubborn,

Perhaps because he is honest and direct.

Arthur narcissistically adores himself

And Arthur knows the price of his qualities very well.

Life with Arthur is not boring, it's interesting.

But what he can throw out is unknown to his wife.

He is often uncontrollable and defiant,

Since our Arthur is always unpredictable

Since childhood, calm and quiet boy begins to show his temper and imbalance in adolescence. The meaning of the name Arthur acquires negative characteristics in the form of cunning and excessive pride. Our hero eschews hard work, and tries to shift its implementation onto other people's shoulders, and he does it very well.

What does the name Arthur mean? strong bear”, To some extent, our hero fits this description. He is self-confident, engaged in self-development, in particular, loves to read. This allows him to be aware and keep conversations on different topics. Our hero devoted husband and a good loving father, although he was a womanizer before marriage.

Name origin

There are no exact roots of the origin of the name Arthur, the first mention is found in Irish legends, and it gained popularity after the legend of King Arthur gained fame. It is believed that this name is of Celtic origin, therefore it is translated as "man-bear".

There is another meaning of the name Arthur, which sounds like “guardian of the bear”, as it comes from the name of the star Arcturus in the Greek version of Genesis. The Latin version of the formation of the name Arthur is the word "artus", which translates as "strength, power." There was also a Latin surname, from which the name Arthur, denoted as "plowman", could also be formed.

Different nationalities use this name and also interpret it differently. Therefore, its interpretation depends on the nationality of the name Arthur. It is widely distributed among Armenians, and is also used by Slavic and Asian countries.

Arthur's childhood

Is born boy with the name Arthur frail, growing sickly. Therefore, it requires special attention and care. The baby does not provide parents with special troubles with his behavior. On the contrary, it can be called:

  • balanced
  • reasonable,
  • obedient child.

But already from childhood, a dislike for work is manifested in the bearer of the name, the boy always finds a person who happily does the work for him, whether he is the same age or older.

With age the characterization of the name Arthur changes, temper and stubbornness appear. Outwardly, our hero often resembles his mother, sometimes adopting her character traits.

Of the hobbies, our hero prefers:

  • drawing,
  • stamp collection,
  • calendars,
  • postcards.

Dreaminess is also characteristic of our hero, he can sit for hours, thinking about travel and distant countries.

The dual nature of a teenager is expressed in calmness and temper. This becomes especially noticeable in a situation where it is really worth flaring up, he behaves quietly and calmly. But in moments not worthy of special attention, the one called Arthur can throw out all his aggression. This behavior of the boy is considered strange by others, it imposes the stigma of intemperance and ardor, although this is not entirely true.

Name characteristic

The meaning of the name Arthur has several interpretations, and our hero can be attributed to each of them, to one degree or another. If he did not develop his talents from childhood, then in adulthood they are unlikely to show up. Our hero does not shine with industriousness, physical labor is not for him.

But it is difficult to call the life of our hero easy, and all because of the presence of stubbornness, irascibility and cunning in the character traits. Such negativity sets the environment against the bearer of the name Arthur, and he rarely succeeds in establishing an imbalance and returning a good attitude. Those who will be flexible in the process of communication and will not participate in conflicts can count on a favorable attitude in the team, but for this, those called Arthurs need to try very hard, sometimes even overstepping their pride.

A negative feature in the meaning of the name Arthur is the rancor of our hero. Even with the passage of time, he remembers grievances, because of which he resumes quarrels and conflicts.

  • Our hero loves rich life and strives for it.
  • Often, Arthur has many comrades, among whom there are few real friends. Often their faces change, one leaves, their place is taken by the next. Basically, this happens when interest in a common cause disappears, then friendship ends.
  • In the meaning of the name Arthur and in his character, with age, an understanding of his wrong actions is manifested, he begins to smooth out the roughness, move away from conflicts.
  • Our hero has a well-developed memory and intuition, but he does not use them much in his work.
  • For Arthur, responsibility, experience for a common cause is alien.
  • He does not like to lead and be responsible, for anything.

Love, family, life

What does the name Arthur mean in the family? good husband and loving father. He loves cleanliness and order, but he does not take part in housekeeping. You can't force him to help his wife, for Arthur this is alien. Much more pleasant to spend time on the road and business trips. Our hero loves to visit and gladly receives them at home.

The love of reading in a man named Arthur reveals in him awareness in all matters. He is especially impressed by interlocutors who can talk on intellectual topics.

In sexual terms, for the meaning of the name Arthur, lust and craving for opposite sex. He understands female psychology, often uses this knowledge in practice. But as soon as Arthur gets married, he turns into a reliable family man.

For him, his home and relatives are a fortress, here he feels relaxed and confident. Only in the family can our hero be submissive and make concessions. At home, the name Arthur shows a sense of duty, so our hero is faithful to his wife and does not cheat on her even in difficult moments of life.

Career and professionalism

Artur Andreevich Gachinsky (Russian figure skater, performing in single skating, master of sports of Russia of international class)

The name Arthur is endowed with mystery and dreaminess. Such characteristics and proper location lead our hero to the professions of a writer, journalist, researcher.

  • He also shows himself well in medicine, undertakes operations that others cannot do.
  • Working in companies and corporations, the characteristic of the name Arthur is modified, here he is a middle link, does not strive for growth in career ladder.
  • For him, a niche that carries less responsibility is comfortable, but at the same time not the lowest, because our hero is not a performer, he likes to give commands.
  • Some bearers of the name Arthur are ambitious individuals who put their career above all else, but there are only a few such men.

The name Arthur is first mentioned in Welsh and Irish sources. And it became widespread thanks to the British epic about King Arthur, from which it gained its popularity. Rarely used in Russia.

The origin of the name Arthur is supposedly Celtic, which means - A big bear. Translated from ancient Greek - this is the guardian of the bear, and another assumption says that the name comes from the surname Artorius - a plowman. There are also versions about the origin of the name, translated from Armenian Arthur - the sword of a brave man, and in Latin - power, strength. In Norway, there is an opinion that this name was given in honor of the god Thor.

IN Orthodox calendar there are no saints with this name, and according to the Catholic name day, they are celebrated on October 6 and November 15. The meaning of the name Arthur suggests that the boy's character will be quite complex, changing throughout his life and even over the years spent at school. Kids are actively developing, while remaining obedient, delighting parents and teachers.

Outwardly and internally, they are more close to their mother, they love to draw. Winter children are more open, emotional, go in for sports, enthusiastic natures. Summer brings secrecy to the character, these children are often closed and do not like to communicate. Over time, stubbornness appears. Many are interested in what nationality boy this name is more suitable for. Currently, the name Arthur is called children and Russian families.

The name Arthur is perfect for a baby born under the sign of Aries, Capricorn or Gemini. Aries will give the character sensuality, his patronage will give directness of judgment and optimism, in some cases it carries some kind of aggression. Gemini will help express the bright inner world of the child, give fun and some inconsistency. For Arthur Capricorn, there will be no obstacles in love and moving forward.

Diminutive names are as follows: Arturchik, Arturik, Artyusha, Artyushka, Art, Artik. Totems are suitable for the owner of this name - a reed and a badger, best color for him it's purple. The symbol of life and prosperity is an oak, and the bear patronizes this name. The best day of the week is Saturday, and the ideal time of the year is winter. This fiery name has such qualities as increased excitability, sexuality and morality. Main characteristic name lies in the fact that Arthur knows how to do everything to make another person work for himself.

Meaning of the name

The meaning of the name Arthur depends on the time of year of birth, this for the most part determines him. later life and aspirations. Winter boys and men are elegant and smart, making excellent diplomats and medical workers. Spring gives a person with this name a great sense of humor and artistry.

Summer gives the owner of the name Arturchik kindness and sincerity, they are always ready to please others. They make great performers. Autumn men are so patient that it is almost impossible to piss them off. Balance and calmness, caution and rigor - these are the bright qualities of Art, born in autumn.


It is important that Arthur has the opportunity to develop freely. His spirit of adventurism can take a person anywhere, and if you do not give him freedom, then he may well go downhill. Art's demeanor is constantly changing, he is able to make unexpected decisions quickly, and any goal set for him will be achieved in the shortest possible time. At the same time, he is able to go over the heads, not being interested in what will happen to those whom he has hooked.

Arturchik does not know such concepts as mercy and compassion, he is not able to feel sorry for anyone, he has resourcefulness and cunning. Likes show. His psyche is mobile, while nervous system weak, loads can adversely affect his condition. Possesses physical strength and high intelligence.

He loves adventures, and keeps memories of them for a long time. Can retell about it many times, each story is supplemented with new details. Boastful and likes to lie sometimes. He puts his own interests in the first place, and family, friends, work are secondary things for Arturchik. Often, during his dissolute life, he loses his health and friends, remaining alone.

The name sounds somewhat intellectual, this quality is inherent in its owner. You can expect anything from Art, he is a rather unpredictable person. Even after resolving the conflict, he can continue to sort things out, which causes others to suspect an imbalance of character.

This can be avoided if the boy is educated with a sense of tact and taught to direct energy in a peaceful direction. It is worth noting that Artyusha lends itself well to education. He has developed Creative skills, and from childhood it is worth accustoming little Artik to expressing his emotions in creativity.

Art does not like noisy companies, and in the company of peers he tries to stay apart. He will not become the soul of the company, not a supporter intimacy, and tries to get rid of annoying people. Life teaches him compromises, or rather, women. Mom teaches the baby to cleanliness, otherwise laziness will win. He will also demand sterility from his wife, since he is rather squeamish.

Arthur easily communicates on intellectual topics, but others feel some arrogance and snobbery of this person. It is difficult to achieve its location, but it is possible if you are interested in art. Conflict with Art is dangerous, in order to avoid this, it is better to turn an uncomfortable situation into a joke. Since one outburst of anger in this person is unlikely to manage everything.


Growing up, Arthur becomes different. He may be known as a kind man and a joker who does not go into his pocket for a word. Unbridled fun and optimism, goodwill and charm are the characteristics that the people around him give to this person. But at the same time, Art becomes a reliable worker, a professional in his field. He quickly climbs the career ladder, becomes a recognized leader.

Resourcefulness and organizational skills, the ability to make others do things allow him to solve problems of any complexity and get out of trouble. But on the other hand, this person can show his selfishness. Him great pride, which cannot be offended. This is especially pronounced in relationships with the opposite sex. Vulnerability and inability to understand people, the betrayal of those whom he considered friends often make him depressed.

In general, the fate of men with this name is good. They create a family, live for the sake of children, travel and reach a high position in society.


Arthur is a sexy man, which often leads to problems with women. He does not disdain casual relationships, easily letting go of relationships. But this is until he creates his own family. The girl for marriage chooses an extraordinary, even slightly extravagant. Marries Art late, for a long time without the risk of tying the knot. Creating a family is not the main task for the owner of this name.

Adult Artik is changing, becomes exemplary family man and husband. But it also has many disadvantages. For example, he will never help his wife with the housework, considering it unworthy. But as Father Arthur will take place completely, he loves his children, cares and protects them. In food, as a rule, he is picky, demanding on cleanliness in the house. But his chosen one will always feel his desirability and equality.

Good wives for Art will be women named Anna, Diana, Valentina, Raisa, Lyudmila, Lyubov. Relations with Olga, Nelly, Nora, Stella may not be very successful. But Artik tries to save the family he created, it rarely comes to divorce.


The main task that Arthur sets for himself, starting professional activity- the achievement of high prosperity. This will allow him to live in peace and not deny himself anything. As a rule, the owner of this name gets what he wants quickly, he achieves not only a position in society, but also significant success in work.

All this is due to his cunning and resourcefulness, as well as natural diplomacy and flexibility. Art easily bypasses sharp corners and stumbling blocks, devotes a lot of time to professional growth and development, self-education.

In addition, the name Arthur gives the bearer the unique properties of safely shifting his work to others, while he is freed from routine chores.

Art will achieve success in such areas as trading activities and marketing, medicine ( main areas - therapy, surgery and dentistry), jurisprudence. Creative inclinations will allow him to become an excellent actor or a famous comedian, he is fascinated by art, sewing, and design. Art has an amazing craving for beauty and a good imagination.

The priority of a person with this name is such areas as military affairs and journalism, art and teaching, sports. He should not choose a job associated with high responsibility, but at the same time Artik does not like to be subordinated. He is often prevented from achieving his goals by such qualities as intransigence, rigidity.

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