Soldier's joys. Daily routine in the army Are there days off in the army?

Serving in the army can soon turn from a painful duty into a rather attractive occupation.

The Ministry of Defense is developing a large-scale program to humanize the lives of soldiers. Minister Anatoly Serdyukov spoke about some of its details at a meeting with the leaders of public human rights organizations and committees of soldiers’ mothers.

What surprises await current and future conscripts? The RG-Week correspondent counted at least ten such innovations.

1 Soldiers will no longer be free labor

Of course, no one will cancel digging trenches in the army. But the “communication” of conscripts with brooms and brooms will be sharply limited. The generals want to transfer everything that is not directly related to military service to the jurisdiction of civilian organizations.

Such functions, in particular, include cooking in soldiers' canteens, cleaning barracks and office premises. This year alone, 184.6 thousand privates and sergeants will be transferred to the “civilian” camp. And in four and a half years, all garrisons will be served by civilian food plants. Apparently, cooks and waitresses will have to travel with soldiers to field training and exercises.

2 Army conscripts will get up and go to bed an hour later

Now the soldiers get up at 06.00 and go off at 22.00. The Minister of Defense proposes to make the daily routine more democratic: allowing people to get up and go to bed an hour later. The Ministry of Defense hopes to find an additional 60 minutes of soldier sleep by using time to clean up the area. However, as a rule, a full company and platoon are not sent to clean the streets. Therefore, in any case, commanders will have to “compact” the schedule. At the same time, no one will cancel mandatory events like exercises, morning routine and classes. Afternoon tasks, such as maintaining equipment, preparing for guard duty, or cleaning weapons, do the same. This means that you will have to save minutes on something else.

3 Soldiers will be provided with an hour of afternoon nap

The need for additional rest in the Ministry of Defense is explained by the high physical activity on conscripts. In the new daily routine, at least 4 hours are allocated to sports every day. Running, overcoming obstacles, push-ups and pull-ups become the same indispensable attributes of army life as shooting, driving combat vehicles and parachute jumping. To prevent the fighters from collapsing in the evening, they will be allowed to sleep during the day. The Ministry of Defense does not specify whether the officers will sleep. Most likely no.

4 Conscripts will be given two days off a week

The official day off for soldiers is Sunday. They can go on leave on Saturday, but only after a park and maintenance day and a so-called sports festival. The pleasure of trying on a dress uniform after a 3-kilometer cross-country race is small, so many soldiers prefer going to a soldier’s teahouse to going to the city (if there is one nearby). Many would gladly lie on the bed in the barracks during the day, but before this was prohibited. Perhaps now conscripts will be allowed to sleep at odd hours.

5 Soldiers will be allowed to wear civilian clothes on leave

Previously, conscripts sent civilian clothes home after changing clothes at the military unit. For the last few years, it has been given to the parents of soldiers right at the assembly point.

Now everything can change. If the conscripts are given the go-ahead, they will store their civilian clothes in the company store, receive them before discharge, and hand them over after returning to the unit. Soldiers are unlikely to be allowed to dress up in a denim suit to run to the garrison teahouse. But even now it is not forbidden to use a tracksuit at competitions or for a Sunday game of football and volleyball.

6 Unused soldiers' days off will be taken into account as vacation

But what if a conscript serves tens of kilometers from the city and is forced to carry out all dismissals at the unit? Part of the weekend may be credited to him when applying for vacation. After the reduction of soldier's service to a year, this type of incentive disappeared from commander practice. Now, perhaps, it will be restored for disciplined fighters. True, conscripts should not expect compulsory 10-day military leave. Automatically adding to it all unused days off - too. In any case, a conscript will not be allowed to spend more than three months at home during a year of service. But the best soldiers will probably be given a chance to go on leave at least once during their service.

7 More conscripts will serve close to home

So far, only a few have been granted this right. As a rule, these are those who have serious problems in family. For example, one of the parents is sick or a wife and a small child remain at home. Nobody has canceled the extraterritorial principle of military service in Russia, but they want to approach the distribution of recruits without unnecessary rigidity. There is an opportunity to leave a Siberian to serve in Siberia, a Uralian - in the Urals, and a guy from Smolensk or Tula - in Central Russia, - they will do so. But they are also not going to form battalions of only fellow countrymen into defense mines.

8 Soldiers will be allowed to use their phones more often

Strictly speaking, this is already being done. The Minister of Defense officially allowed conscripts to take mobile phones into the army. Commanders do not recommend wearing a “pipe” to training, but in their free time from duty, soldiers can call their family and friends at least every day. In addition, they want to equip telephone call points in all units. The Ministry of Defense claims that over time, soldiers will also be able to communicate with loved ones via the Internet.

9 Ordinary conscripts will receive a pay increase

Now a soldier is given several hundred rubles a month - the specific amount depends on his position. The money is small, but the soldier’s expenses are small: cigarettes, juice and a bun at the teahouse, various little things. A conscript in the army is fully supported by the state. Nevertheless monetary allowance they want to promote the privates. Army financiers are now thinking about this.

10 A special coordinating body will deal with issues of conscription service

It is proposed to be created by human rights activists and leaders of committees of soldiers’ mothers. Anatoly Serdyukov is not against it. We will not open America here. For example, in the German parliament there is a deputy who is responsible for communication with the Bundeswehr and defends the interests of conscript soldiers there.

direct speech

Anatoly Serdyukov, Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation:

We want to create a work regime in which five days a week a soldier would engage in physical training, combat training, and master weapons and equipment. And Saturday and Sunday will be days off for him. Of course, if a service member violates the rules of military service or performs his duties poorly, he may be barred from discharge for a period of time.

On April 1, Russian citizens will be divided into two categories: for some it will be a day of jokes and pranks, and for others it will be the beginning spring conscription. For obvious reasons, for the latter, the date is much more relevant and important, because many of them will soon be recruited into the army. We suggest that potential service members do not suffer or become discouraged, but instead prepare themselves morally, physically, and mentally.

Disgusting men continue the series of soldier articles from our reader, who this moment undergoing military service in the ranks Russian army. Before this, he had already talked about the living and inexhaustible. This time he decided to cover one of the most pressing and important topics for a fighter. We will talk about the daily routine of a soldier in the domestic armed forces.

Soldier's daily routine: morning and afternoon

  • 6:00-6:30 (on Sundays and holidays at 7:30) - getting up, exercising, morning toilet, putting things in order.
  • 7:00-7:30 - morning examination appearance(shaved, cut, length of nails, cleanliness of uniform and shoes) and the contents of pockets and bedside tables.
  • 8:00 - formation on the parade ground, breakfast.

After breakfast and until lunchtime, a “puff” sets in ( drill, maintenance of vehicles attached to the company) or “rassos” (lectures, free time). What exactly will happen on a given day largely depends on the imagination of the responsible officer assigned to the daily duty to control the soldiers.

Soldier's daily routine: lunch and afternoon

  • 14:00 - lunch.
  • 14:30 - formation in front of the barracks, finishing the new daily outfit.
  • 15:00-19:00 - hectic work activity or no less stormy image of it.
  • 19:00 - dinner.
  • 19:30-20:45 - “free time” (shower, exercise in the sports corner, reading).
  • 21:00 - performance of military rituals: evening walk (in any weather, marching, chanting a song), evening verification (roll call), physical examination and thermometry.
  • 21:30 - lights out.

Such a monolithic daily routine has a huge number of advantages: from feeling cheerful and ready to work in the morning, to increasing the duration daylight hours. But there is also a gigantic minus: constantness is fatally boring. In such monotony, literally after a couple of months I already felt like Ivan Denisovich from Solzhenitsyn’s story, or the hero of Tom Cruise from “Edges of Tomorrow.” Only the slogan “Live. Die. Repeat" distorted into "Rise. Lights out. Repeat".

Days of the week

But at the same time, the Russian army, as every soldier knows, will never let you get truly bored, and the days of the week are still different from each other.


“Commander’s day”, which means that all the officers are assembled and “wanking off” the personnel gives them special pleasure. For example, crowds of commanders come running to carry out a stand-up with a game of “three creaks”.


RKhBZ Day (Radio Chemical Biologist Defense), when all soldiers are required to carry a gas mask and an OZK (general protective suit). The senior officers, in turn, sometimes get into a special mood and conduct training on how to properly put on all this junk.


Friday is “park day,” which means cleaning and maintenance of vehicles and military equipment that are assigned to the unit.


Saturday time is called PCD, that is, park and economic day (also known as “a completely shitty day” in soldier’s decoding). On this day, before lunch, everyone is engaged in a thorough cleaning of the barracks, the surrounding area and the territory of the unit on a truly army scale. Any surfaces are wiped with bleach, floors are washed with soap and foam, and all furniture is taken outside, where, at the whim of the commanders, it can be completely repainted in “statutory” colors.


Sunday is a long-awaited day off: the soldier is expected to get up an hour later and have free time throughout the day (as far as this is generally possible in the army, of course).

At this pace, week after week flies by, slowly bringing the coveted demobilization closer. Therefore, I dare to give advice to everyone who will soon be called up: learn to live according to the regime now, start doing morning exercises or jogging. This will save you a surprising amount of the time it takes for your body to adapt to a sudden change in your lifestyle.

The daily routine in the army is what you will do in the army day after day for a whole year. The routine begins with the rise of sergeants (deputy platoon commanders, squad commanders). Each company has sergeants, we already wrote in one of the articles how to get the rank of sergeant, they get up 10-15 minutes earlier than their personnel. The sergeant goes to the senior (officer) in the company, who gives them instructions on morning routine day.

Only after this, at 06:00, and in some units at 06:30, the command “Company rise” is heard in the company position. It is served by the orderly every morning.

After getting up, all personnel leave for morning physical exercises (MPE). Only the duty service remains in the company, as well as 1-2 soldiers from among those released from the Federal Defense Forces to restore order in the sleeping quarters (cockpits).

Typical daily routine in the Russian army in 2017, hourly.

Morning physical exercises usually take place at the sports stadium of the military unit, or, in its absence, at the parade ground. After charging, you arrive at the barracks and make your bed, which should be perfectly made. If this is not done, then your bed may be “exploded” - this is when a sergeant major or sergeant comes and turns over the mattress along with the bedding, so it is better to do everything right the first time.

After the morning toilet, the company is formed, and the morning inspection begins. The morning inspection (aka physical examination) is an examination of the appearance of each soldier (shavenness, clean hair, length of hair), as well as the presence or absence of bruises and abrasions on the soldier’s body that could appear at night. One of the important criteria for the morning inspection is the cleanliness of the soldier's shoes. Shoes are checked not only in the morning, but also throughout the day; the soldier is obliged to monitor their cleanliness (this good quality will be useful to you in civilian life).

What do soldiers do during the day according to their daily routine?

After breakfast, according to the daily routine in the army, the soldiers go to divorce. The divorce usually starts at 09:00. Morning check-in includes: checking the availability of personnel, getting up State flag, performance of the anthem of the Russian Federation.

Additionally, during this period of time, tasks are set from the commander for the current day, the company personnel are separated for classes (theoretical, practical) or work related to the maintenance of weapons and military equipment. They are usually sent to the combat vehicle fleet for their maintenance.

Also, during this period, according to the daily routine, the construction and installation of a new daily outfit takes place. I’ll tell you what it is and how it all happens in the next article.

Evening daily routine in the Russian Army

Let's move on to the evening routine in the army. After finishing classes and work, the personnel moves (again in formation and again with song) to the dining room for dinner, having first cleaned their shoes and brought their appearance into a neat state.

After dinner comes the so-called time for personal needs. At this time, the soldiers prepare their uniforms and appearance for the next day (they are hemmed, they have their hair cut).

Next in the daily routine is watching the information program “Time” on Channel One. After watching the news, an evening walk follows, during which the company/platoon drill takes place, and the soldiers also learn drill songs.

After the evening walk, the evening roll call begins. Evening roll call is when the entire personnel of a military unit is lined up and each soldier is checked to see if he is in the ranks by last name. Additionally, the daily plan for tomorrow is brought to the attention of the soldiers, the order is announced, who will be assigned where on the daily duty duty for the next day, and the articles of the OVU of the RF Armed Forces and the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation are also communicated.

General evening verification important element daily routine in the army. Especially in school.

At the end of the evening verification, it is time for personal hygiene (evening toilet). Soldiers brush their teeth, wash their feet, etc., at the same time, each soldier undergoes a physical examination for any injuries over the past day. Read our separate article about hazing in the army.

And only after all this, the most long-awaited command for every soldier, “Company clear out,” sounds. And, in theory, if there is no alarm or night training, the soldiers sleep until the morning. Well, in the morning everything starts anew, and so almost every day all year.

Of course, such an army daily routine does not happen every day. For example, on Saturday, almost half a day, soldiers are engaged in restoring order during park and economic day (PCD), on Sunday, soldiers have a day off (so to speak), during which events such as viewing patriotic feature films, an hour of soldier's writing and a lot of cultural events.

It is also worth noting that daily routine in the army before the oath different from what will happen after the oath. Before taking the oath, soldiers spend almost all their time practicing drill techniques and studying regulations. There will be a separate article about the oath.

It looks something like this standard daily routine in the army. If I missed something, please correct me and add it.


Forum Soldier's Mom

Conscript Soldier - Site about the life of conscripted soldiers in the Russian Army

Daily routine in the army: will there be any changes in 2017?

Conscription into the armed forces forces anyone young man change many of your habits. He has to live in a team with other soldiers, respecting all its rules and laws, and comprehend all the intricacies of army science through many hours of drill, physical, and fire training. But the most difficult thing for many recruits is the need to strictly adhere to the daily routine in the army. The slightest violation of it can lead to the most unpleasant consequences, so you need to know exactly what and how to do at certain times of the day in order to avoid such problems.

Daily routine by the hour

The Army schedule is designed to support 24/7 combat readiness soldier. By observing it, a warrior will be able to defend his country at any time of the day. Even at night, fighters are able to instantly respond to a combat or training alarm quite adequately, since following the routine makes it possible to obtain a fairly serious margin of safety.

In addition, life according to a schedule teaches soldiers of the Russian army to value literally every minute, to spend it with maximum benefit for themselves and for others, and not to waste time.

Read also: Characteristics of a student at the military registration and enlistment office

The day in the armed forces is scheduled literally minute by minute. Every soldier knows the routine and in the process of completing the young soldier’s course, which is necessarily carried out before the oath, learns to unconditionally follow it, adapts to such a life according to the schedule. What do fighters do during the day? To answer this question, below we present the main points of the routine of any military unit.

Rise and fall

A soldier who is chronically sleep-deprived is unlikely to be able to lead effectively. fighting. That is why the main requirement for the daily routine is eight hours of sleep. In our huge country, the rise and end times are set in accordance with the hour or climatic zone, but in most of the territory the fighters for a long time We went to bed at 22:00 and got up at 6:00.

In 2013, this item of the schedule was slightly changed. Now the soldiers sleep half an hour more, since the “rise” command sounds to them at 6:30.

In 2017, unit commands are allowed to postpone the rise by an hour on weekends and holidays. This was done in order to allow fighters to fully rest and recover as much as possible after physical exertion.

Physical exercise and time for personal hygiene

Immediately after the rise, the unit goes for physical exercise, which, depending on the type of troops, can last from 15 to 30 minutes. Usually it includes running in formation, as well as warm-up complexes, which allow you to finally wake up and prepare the body for new achievements. In the Airborne Forces or Marine Corps The exercise also contains strength exercises to maintain excellent physical shape.

The changes that were made in 2013 made it possible for unit commanders not to carry out physical exercises on weekends (now there are two of them - Saturday and Sunday), as well as on holidays.

Meal in the army daily routine

Every soldier and officer in the Russian army is provided with three meals a day. For this purpose, there are special standards establishing which products should be used for cooking throughout the week or month. But this is a topic for a separate article, so we will ignore it.

If we talk about breakfast, lunch and dinner in the daily routine, then the time for them is determined in accordance with the same climatic and time zones. The main requirement is that the interval between meals during the day should not be more than 7 hours.

Many recruits have a very difficult time getting used to such a schedule and for quite a long time are forced to fight hunger, reducing all conversations to culinary topics. However, after a month and a half they get used to three meals a day and army food, and after a year they begin to gain weight.

Formation is an integral part of the schedule in the army.

To check the availability of personnel, as well as to set tasks for a certain period of time, several formations are provided in the military daily routine:

  • morning briefing, at which the unit command receives reports from platoon and company commanders on completed tasks and incidents that occurred during the night;
  • divorce carried out immediately after lunch. It allows you to check the presence of soldiers and officers in their places, as well as set tasks for the second half of the day;
  • evening verification, carried out immediately before lights out.

In some units there is also a formation before the end of the working day. It concerns mainly officers and makes sure that none of them goes home before the allotted time.

Other events included in the daily routine

Among other things, the army daily routine may include a number of other activities, which include:

  • morning inspection, which checks the soldiers’ compliance with personal hygiene rules, as well as the condition of their military uniform;
  • classes in drill, physical, fire training, as well as according to the requirements of the charter;
  • maintenance of military equipment, as well as putting weapons in order;
  • self-training;
  • various sporting events;
  • personal time that a fighter can spend on putting his uniform and appearance in perfect order, reading, communicating with family by phone or other purposes;
  • cleaning the territory assigned to a particular unit.

The strict daily routine in the army accustoms both conscripts and contract soldiers or officers to iron discipline. It, in turn, is the main condition for the combat effectiveness of the armed forces of any state.

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Daily routine in the army

So the army usually gets up at 6:30 am. At the same time, you need to be able to get dressed and line up very quickly. Usually the sergeant major gives no more than 45 seconds. After checking the personnel, the entire company goes for morning exercises, which take place at the stadium. Usually this is a run of 2-3 kilometers, and different physical exercise, push-ups, pull-ups, squats and the like. Typically charging takes about 30-40 minutes. Then, after returning closer to 7:30, you need to have time to make the beds, align the stripes, wash and go to the toilet. At the same time, if someone did not have time to make his bed, then the rest will wait for him. So don't slow down.

In the army you need to shave every day in the morning, always with foam or shaving cream. In addition, you need to make a piping on your neck every morning. You need to do it perfectly evenly, otherwise you may get hit in the neck. By the way, only those who are good at it should be trusted to make piping. Then at 7:45 the entire company lines up for the morning inspection. The deputy platoon commander will check that everyone is shaved and trimmed. And if you serve in the internal troops (now the National Guard), then they will check the files. They are still being filed, so it is better not to serve there. They can also check the documents of each military personnel.

At 8:00 usually the whole company goes for breakfast. You can read about what they feed in the army in a separate article on this site. The entire company is given about 20 minutes to eat. Learn to eat quickly because while you are a young soldier, you will get food at the end of the line and you will have 3-4 minutes to eat. By the way, I recommend eating the most delicious food first (meat, cutlets, sausages) and only then finishing the rest. Because at any moment the command to “finish eating” may sound.

After eating at 8:30, the military personnel go to the parade ground and engage in drill training. Both general drill training and individual training. Closer to 9:00 the morning divorce takes place. This is when the entire unit forms on the parade ground and sings the anthem and raises the flag. After 9:00, the company or platoon commander assigns everyone to objectives. Usually for different jobs. Some wash cars, some work at the landfill. It all depends on the specific part. At 14:00 the company goes to lunch. By the way, I always recommend that you stand on the right side in formation, since usually people always enter the dining room from the right. By the way, in almost every article I will write all sorts of secrets that will make your military service easier, so don’t forget to add the site to your favorites.

After lunch, the list of military personnel joining the squad is finalized. And the rest go to work until dinner. And in some parts there is even a quiet hour. But there are not so many such parts. Dinner in the army is usually between 19:00 and 20:00. After dinner, usually, if you don’t have to work, then it’s personal time. You may be given Cell phones, you can watch TV, clean your uniform, shoes. It all depends on the specific part, as rules and customs are different everywhere.

In the army at 21:00 everyone sits down to watch the “Time” program. And at 21:30 they go for an evening walk along the parade ground. They march as drills and sing war songs. For example, the song “Katyusha”. At 22:00 evening verification. Each soldier is checked against a list. After checking, everyone goes to wash. A physical examination is usually performed at 10:20 p.m. If you notice a bruise or scratch, you will have to write an explanatory note. At 22:30 there is a “lights out”. Everyone goes to bed. You need to lie down very quickly, within 10 seconds. If someone didn’t have time, then everyone gets up and tries to lie down again. In the army, if one messes up, then everyone suffers. By the way, 2 bunk beds are very popular in the army. If it is possible to occupy the tier below, lie down there. Since it will be easier for you to fit on the first tier. And the main thing is not to squeak the bed. Because if 3 creaks are heard in the company, they can raise the whole company and try to lie down again quickly and without noise. This is roughly how an ideal day in the army goes. Of course, on some days you may be alarmed at night. On some days you will be in daily outfits, which I will write about in a separate article.

Read also: How to cancel an entry in a work book

Daily routine in the army: 2 comments

How often are mobile phones issued in the army? I heard that they usually give out phones only on Sundays for 1 hour. Is this true or not?

By general rules Phones are issued once a week on Sunday afternoons for 1-3 hours. But in some units they can give out phones every day after dinner for 1 hour, if there are no problems in the company.

Daily routine in the army is the basis of discipline

Thanks to popular series and television programs, service in the Russian army today attracts young people more than five to ten years ago. Guys dream of trying on new uniform and shoot from modern weapons. In addition, the armed forces still make men out of young men, strengthening their will and character. This is helped by a well-thought-out and streamlined daily routine in the army. Life according to a schedule teaches concentration and rational use every minute.

The daily routine in the army was created in order to maintain constant combat readiness. If this schedule is followed, then the soldiers are always ready for battle because they have slept and been fed. Even if the order comes at night, the personnel will have a physical safety margin. Over the course of months, this resource has been helping to develop a daily routine in the army.

Wake-up and bedtime times in each military unit are set in accordance with the tasks performed and the climate zone. The main requirement: at least eight hours must pass between the “Hang up” and “Rise” commands. Therefore, the daily routine in the army, as a rule, begins at six in the morning and ends at ten in the evening.

In 2013, the daily routine in the army changed. The soldiers were allowed to sleep half an hour more. Lights out are still at ten in the evening, and rise at half past seven in the morning. In addition, the afternoon rest has been increased to one hour. To prevent soldiers from having problems with the gastrointestinal tract, work, drill and combat training should not be carried out after lunch for an hour.

In the daily routine of each military unit, four to eight hours are allocated for rest. Rest during the day is distributed so that soldiers have the opportunity to recover from physical exertion and put their uniform in order.

The Charter regulates the so-called “rest days”. These are weekends and holidays. In 2013, the army began to provide two days off.

On the eve of weekends and holidays, the daily routine includes going to bed an hour later than usual. The next day you are allowed to sleep an hour more, and in some parts there is no exercise.

Soldiers and officers are provided with three meals a day. The daily routine in the army provides for intervals between breakfast, lunch and dinner of no more than seven hours.

A typical army day for a conscript soldier begins with the command “Rise.” Then it is carried out morning work-out. Exercises in the army consist of running in formation, warm-up and strength exercises.

After exercise, the servicemen make their beds, wash themselves and line up for the morning inspection. During the inspection, compliance with hygiene standards and the condition of the uniform are checked. After the morning inspection, the unit departs in formation for breakfast.

The biggest structure of the day is the morning divorce. During the divorce, the commander of a military unit or his deputy receives reports on the availability of personnel and sets tasks for the commanders.

After a divorce, they usually take combat training classes. Officers, sergeants and foremen explain to soldiers the provisions of the regulations, teach them how to use and maintain weapons and equipment. Combat training continues until lunch.

After lunch, the military rest for an hour, then line up for divorce. This formation can be local (by battalion and company). At the check-out, commanders check that everything is in place and set tasks for the second half of the day.

The afternoon in the army is usually devoted to equipment maintenance, weapon cleaning, sporting events and self-training.

After dinner, soldiers are given an hour of personal time. This is necessary in order to put your uniform in order.

Mandatory activities before going to bed are watching TV news, an evening walk and checking. The evening walk is carried out in formation, and the singing of songs is obligatory. Military psychologists believe that this helps to unite the team and improve mood.

During the evening roll call, commanders check that everything is in place. If someone is not in the ranks for an unexcused reason, this is already an emergency.

The army daily routine, which is carried out impeccably every day, accustoms soldiers to discipline, without which no army in the world can operate.

30778 for the summer school period

06:10 – 07:00 Charging

07:10 – 07:20 Morning inspection

07:20 – 07:50 Breakfast

07:50 – 08:20 Information, training (by day of the week)

08:20 - 08:30 Divorce for classes and work

08:30 - 09:20 1st class hour

09:30 - 10:20 2nd class hour

10:30 - 11:20 3rd class hour

11:30 - 12:20 4th class hour

12:30 - 13:20 5th class hour

13:30 - 14:20 6th academic hour

14:20 - 14:30 Preparing for lunch (cleaning shoes, washing, etc.)

14:30 - 15:00 Lunch

15:20 – 15:30 Afternoon divorce

15:30 - 17:20 Cleaning weapons, working with equipment, etc., in general, improving the educational and material base (educational and material base)

17:30 - 18:20 Self-preparation

18:30 - 19:20 Educational (or mass sports) work

19:20 - 19:30 Preparing for dinner

19:30 - 20:00 Dinner

20:00 - 21:00 Personal time

21:00 - 21:30 Watching TV news

Army everyday life: how a soldier’s daily routine works

On April 1, Russian citizens will be divided into two categories: for some it will be a day of jokes and pranks, and for others it will be the beginning of the spring conscription. For obvious reasons, for the latter, the date is much more relevant and important, because many of them will soon be recruited into the army. We suggest that potential service members do not suffer or become discouraged, but instead prepare themselves morally, physically, and mentally.

Disgusting men continue the series of soldier articles from our reader, who is currently serving in the Russian army. Before this, he had already talked about the living and inexhaustible vocabulary of soldier's jargon. This time he decided to cover one of the most pressing and important topics for a fighter. We will talk about the daily routine of a soldier in the domestic armed forces.

Soldier's daily routine: morning and afternoon

  • 6:00-6:30 (on Sundays and holidays at 7:30) - getting up, exercising, morning toilet, putting things in order.
  • 7:00-7:30 - morning inspection of appearance (shaved, cut, length of nails, cleanliness of uniform and shoes) and contents of pockets and bedside tables.
  • 8:00 - formation on the parade ground, breakfast.

After breakfast and until lunch, there is either a “tightening” (combat training, maintenance of vehicles attached to the company) or “dissolving” (lecture classes, free time). What exactly will happen on a given day largely depends on the imagination of the responsible officer assigned to the daily duty to control the soldiers.

Soldier's daily routine: lunch and afternoon

  • 14:00 - lunch.
  • 14:30 - formation in front of the barracks, finishing the new daily outfit.
  • 15:00-19:00 - hectic work activity or no less stormy image of it.
  • 19:00 - dinner.
  • 19:30-20:45 - “free time” (shower, exercise in the sports corner, reading).
  • 21:00 - performance of military rituals: evening walk (in any weather, marching, chanting a song), evening verification (roll call), physical examination and thermometry.
  • 21:30 - lights out.

Leave in the army for soldiers is like a sip fresh air. Every private will be happy and excited to get out of his military unit - walk around the city, take a break from service, eat his favorite food, meet friends, if possible. And, accordingly, all recruits are interested in how to get this coveted ticket to freedom? It's worth looking into this question.

What does the law say?

In the Charter of the Internal Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation there is an article numbered 240. It states that everyone undergoing military service upon conscription has the right to one dismissal per week - in the event that no disciplinary sanctions have been imposed on him.

But at the same time, dismissals in the army are regulated so that the combat readiness of the regiment does not decrease. Accordingly, only 30% of military personnel can be released from the unit - this is exactly the percentage set.

When do they give leave in the army? In general, after the serviceman has been sworn in to the Military Oath. This is what the statute says. And, by the way, on holidays it is allowed to release soldiers for a day (more precisely, up to 24 hours). And on regular Saturdays and Sundays - until the evening check. Those. until 19:00 (usually). However, it is, of course, better to show up early - around 18:30.

How are things really going?

If you look at it this way, then 30% of those released are not so little. But after carrying out simple calculations, you can understand: each private has a chance to get out of the unit only approximately once a month. If he serves with dignity, he will not receive reprimands from his superiors and will not violate military discipline. And, in principle, the notorious thirty percent system is fair. After all, a discharge letter in the army is a cherished gift for everyone, but only the worthy should receive it.

And one moment. In the army there is a second definition of the word “dismissal”. And its meaning is even more pleasant for ordinary people. After all we're talking about about demobilization! This, by the way, is called demobilization (colloquial form). And the interpretation of this word sounds like this: transfer from military service to the reserve.

The very first “day off”

So, how often dismissals are given in the army was mentioned above. Now - a few words about the very first day off of every private.

And it comes on the day of the military oath. More precisely, after this celebration. True, unfortunately, in most units the soldier is released only with his parents or guardians. This seems strange, considering that adult boys and accomplished men are called up for service (after all, the conscription age is from 18 to 27 years), and not little boys. But, they say, this is a guarantee that the soldier will definitely return to his unit. They also let them go with their wives. And always - on the security of your passport. What’s also strange is that this has never happened before. But now, if a soldier wants to receive a leave of absence on the day of the oath, and not an outfit, then people need to come who will hand over their passport to the company commander in exchange for the private. These are the rules now. By the way, since the oath is taken on Saturday, the next day, Sunday, privates can also go into the city (but under the same conditions - with responsible persons).

What can you do and what can you not do?

This is also important to mention. When a private knows that this Sunday he will go for a walk outside the unit, he is already in anticipation of what he has planned to do. One is visited by his beloved girlfriend, another is visited by friends, the third will spend time with other comrades in the barracks. But what can a serviceman do when free and what not?

Firstly, it is prohibited to consume drinks containing alcohol and drugs. If, upon returning to the unit, it is noticed that the soldier has violated this rule, he will face a reprimand, possibly a fine, and certainly a ban on leave until the end of his service. You still cannot swim in the sea or other public bodies of water, or drive (even if you have a license).

You should avoid patrols and military police. Even if a private behaved appropriately and did not violate anything, there is a possibility of receiving a reprimand or reprimand - it happens. Now many people act as follows: if someone comes to see a soldier on leave, the private asks him to take civilian clothes with him. Then the serviceman changes into it and walks around calmly, without the risk of being noticed. This is not prohibited; even company commanders advise doing so. By the way, if a private goes on leave in uniform, then under no circumstances should he take off his jacket, even if it is very hot, his hat, etc. This is considered a violation of the rules. And before asking for leave, you need to get your uniform in order, even if you plan to change clothes. If the company sergeant major sees stained ankle boots, a dirty collar lining, a torn sleeve or another sign of untidiness, he may refuse. And plus will reprimand for such an appearance.

"Weekend" while studying

When talking about leave in the army, it is worth noting another important nuance that many people forget about.

Now the system is like this: first, soldiers are assigned to a training unit. There they serve for 2.5-6 months (the period depends on the specialty). And after that they are distributed into units. So, they are rarely released from “training,” as it sounds in military jargon. Although it all depends on the unit and the company commander. “How can we come to an agreement,” that’s usually the consolation given to those wishing to get out of the checkpoint. But, in any case, no one will prohibit meeting with loved ones at the checkpoint - only the private will still have to approach the commander and ask for time off, plus this is only possible on a day off. The soldier and his visitors are even allowed to sit on the territory of the unit.

How to get permission to leave?

But then, when they are assigned directly to the service, it becomes easier. And the question regarding how to get leave from the army can really be resolved. Many people believe that it is the parents, wives, girlfriends and other relatives of the soldier who should call the unit commander and negotiate. No, on the contrary, this is not welcome. Unit chiefs, commanders and other senior military officials have more important concerns than conversations with concerned relatives. A soldier must sort this out. But the foreman’s question, “Why are you retiring?” should be answered with as much reason as possible. The likelihood of getting permission will be greater if you say that, say, a girl is coming that day, and she has to travel 1000 kilometers. But of course we need to talk real reasons, because it is possible that they will decide to check the words of the private and invite the one he mentioned to the checkpoint. And the army doesn’t like lying most of all. And they are severely punished for it.

Early departure from service

This should also be briefly mentioned. As already described above, “dismissal” is not only a day off, but also leaving service for the reserve. So, in the fourth paragraph of Article 51 of the Federal Law “On Military Duty and military service”, details information regarding the reasons why a private may leave the army early. All of them, to put it mildly, are unpleasant.

The first is if the soldier’s father or brother died. Moreover, either in connection with the performance of military duties, or while in the service. Or if death occurred as a result of injury, contusion, or wound.

The second reason a private may leave his service is if his immediate family (wife, parent, sibling, guardian, etc.) requires constant care. When a soldier is the guardian of a minor brother or sister, this is also considered a reason for early dismissal from the army. Or if his child remains disabled under three years of age. And one more reason (good or not - different for everyone) for early completion of service is the birth of a second child while the military man was in the army.

Information for the soldier

So, the answer to the question of whether there are dismissals in the army is, in principle, clear - there are. But how can one earn it, how can an ordinary person end up in that thirty percent?

Firstly, you must follow all the rules. Did they tell you to hand over your phones? You need to do this, and not hide the second one in your pocket. If they find it during an inspection, it won’t seem like much. They announced that there should be no foreign things in the bedside tables? This means that you only need to put in there what is supposed to be there. Mug, razor, shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste - nothing extra.

It is important to be neat, careful and respectful of your superiors - do not argue, do not ask unnecessary questions, do not be rude. And no matter how difficult it may be to get up early and constantly engage in physical activity because you are not used to it, you need to do it. It is important to understand that there is no other way out. As they say, this is an army, not Kid `s camp. You should also listen carefully to the lectures in the study section. In general, behave like a man. This way you will be able to gain trust and even respect from your elders. It would seem - nothing supernatural. But nowadays, many people are too accustomed to physical and personal comfort, so it is often difficult for them to follow the above-mentioned recommendations.


Many people, even those who are familiar with the basic information regarding such “days off,” are still interested in the question: exactly how many days off do they give in the army? There is no 100% figure. Some people are released several times a month. For some, never at all (if this is a secret unit or the regiment is constantly in full combat readiness). No one can say for sure how many days off there are in the army, but everyone has the right to a day off, and if you are a good soldier, you will be able to go outside the unit regularly. By the way, private soldiers are often given telephone numbers in advance of the day off so that they can inform their loved ones about the dismissal - maybe someone will want to come.

Most people plan their day in advance, deciding what time they will get up in the morning and what they will do at certain times. In the army there is also a clear daily routine that must be followed. Characteristic difference The difference between the military and the so-called civilian daily routine is that the time of military personnel is managed by the unit commander, who directly approves the daily routine of the military unit.

Daily routine for conscripted military personnel

Strict adherence to the daily routine by military personnel is one of the key factors of military discipline, and its violation entails disciplinary action. It is worth noting that depending on the type of troops and the specifics of performing tasks, the daily routine of the unit may differ, but not significantly. For conscripted military personnel, the daily routine establishes a plan for carrying out and completing the necessary activities, and also allocates time for study and personal needs. The daily routine on weekdays differs from weekends, but we’ll look at what exactly that is next.

Example of a daily routine

To understand what we are talking about, we suggest you visually familiarize yourself with an example of the daily routine of conscript military personnel:
5.50 – rise of squad commanders and their deputies;
06.00 – general rise;
06.10 – morning exercises;
06.40 – morning toilet, as well as making the beds;
07.10 – inspection of soldiers;
07.30 – breakfast;
07.50 – preparation for classes;
08.00 – listening to radio broadcasts;
08.15 – informing personnel, training;
08.45 – sending personnel to informative classes;
09.00 – classes (5 lessons of 1 hour with 10-minute breaks);
13.50 – shoe shine;
14.00 – lunch time;
14.30 – personal time;
15.00 – self-study classes;
16.00 – maintenance of weapons and military equipment;
17.00 – change of clothes, shine shoes;
17.25 – summing up;
18.00 – time for sports and educational events;
19.00 – hygiene;
21.00 – watching information television programs;
21.40 – evening verification;
22.00 – lights out.

How the daily routine may differ on different days of the week

Depending on the day of the week and due to additional events, the daily routine may change.
In many units, on Mondays before classes, there is a general meeting on the parade ground, at which the unit commander or his deputy sums up the results of the past week and also sets tasks for the next one.
Friday is called “park day” (maintenance and cleaning of vehicles and military equipment), which is also allocated separate time in the daily routine.

Maintenance of equipment by military personnel during a park day

In addition, there are bath days in which time is allocated for washing personnel. Typically, the unit commander allocates two days a week for washing, but in some cases, for example, after housework, servicemen can also be given a shower. Bath days got their name from the fact that previously soldiers actually washed in baths, but now in practice all baths have been replaced by showers. However, all military personnel, out of habit, continue to call these days bath days.

The transition to shower systems in barracks is now being actively practiced, thanks to which military personnel can take a shower every day. Therefore, leaving bath days in the routine is a matter of time.

Daily routine of a contract soldier

In military units, military personnel undergo not only compulsory service, but also voluntary service - contract service. A characteristic difference between contract soldiers and conscripts is that they serve in the unit only at the time established by regulations. In other words, for them, like for civilians, service resembles a regular working day. Military personnel spend the night outside the unit: in dormitories, in rented apartments or in their own apartments.

The daily routine of military personnel under a contract must be drawn up taking into account the regulations of service time in order to fully ensure the fulfillment of the tasks of service and combat training and not exceed the standard 40 hours per week regulated Labor Code RF. If a serviceman is involved in service beyond the established weekly norm, he is required to provide him with rest time, based on his desire and interests of military service.

The regulations of service time and the daily routine of contract servicemen are approved directly by the unit commander and must provide the following regulatory guarantees:

  • 24-hour duty (outside daily duty) is allowed only by order of senior command and in special cases;
  • according to the regulations, the serviceman is allocated time for lunch, physical training and independent study;
  • if a serviceman is called to duty on one of the days of rest, then he has the right to take time off on another day of the week;
  • on rest days (Saturday, Sunday, holidays) a special, softer daily routine is established;
  • The contract worker must be given two days off per week, although in practice this does not always work out, especially if the unit is short-staffed. In this case, they are paid for overtime or given time off (according to the serviceman’s report).

An example of service time regulations for contract military personnel:

arrival for duty from Monday to Friday – 08.45;
departure from service from Monday to Friday – 17.45;
lunch – from 14.00 to 15.00;
classes – from 09.00 to 13.00;
physical training classes – on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 15.00 to 17.00;
preparation for classes - from Monday to Friday - from 15.00 to 17.00;
communicating orders, setting tasks for the week (summarizing the results for the month) - on Fridays from 16.00 to 16.45;
preparation for duty by those on duty in a company (battery) or division is carried out on the day of entry from 13.00 to 17.00;
briefing of duty officers is carried out on the day before joining the outfit, from Monday to Friday at 16.00;
The duty shift supervisor is briefed on the day before going on combat duty, from Monday to Friday.

In general, the daily routine of contract soldiers differs from the routine of conscripts, but not significantly. In the unit, only lunch is provided for contract soldiers, since they have breakfast and dinner at home.

Officer's daily routine

The daily routine of an officer in the Russian army is almost the same as that of an ordinary soldier. It differs in that the officer must monitor compliance with the daily routine by his subordinates, and also, if necessary, organize additional events.

To understand what we are talking about, let's look at one day in the life of an officer.
Since military personnel get up at 6:00 a.m., the officer needs to arrive at the unit 10 to 15 minutes earlier. Immediately after getting up, the officer must carry out exercises, which last for 30 minutes. After this, while the personnel are busy in the morning toilet, the officer has about an hour of time to plan the day, fill out logs and other daily activities. Also, at this time, a meeting can be held with commanders of units at different levels.

The officer then accompanies the unit to breakfast.
After breakfast, immediately before classes, it is necessary to assemble the personnel and inform them about the plan of action for the day, or bring necessary information. This happens separately only if there is no general divorce on the parade ground.

During classes (most often from 9 to 13.50) the officer is busy with official business: checking internal order, organizing the work of the internal team, working with documentation, conducting classes with personnel, and much more. Upon arrival of military personnel from training sessions, they must be taken to lunch.

Next, the officer monitors the military personnel’s compliance with the daily routine until the evening check, which is usually carried out twenty minutes before lights out. After checking the presence of all the soldiers, the officer tells the soldiers to clear out at 10 p.m. and can be free until the next day.

This is the approximate daily routine of an officer, but it is worth noting that it may vary depending on the day of the week and additional instructions from management. Currently, contract servicemen (sergeants) can replace officers when accompanying the company to lunch, as well as during other events.

Daily routine in the classroom

Let's start with the fact that after conscription, some military personnel end up not in combat units, but in training units (popularly “training camps”), where they gain the necessary knowledge and skills before entering military service. combat unit. The training period usually lasts from 3 to 6 months, after which the young soldiers are disbanded in parts. The daily routine in the training unit is approved by its commander. The main difference between the daily routine of the training unit and the usual one is that, as a rule, more time is allocated for training sessions and military personnel are trained in more specialized areas. In all other respects, the daily routine of the training section is not much different. Monitoring compliance with the routine in the training unit is very strict, since newly arrived military personnel must be shown that the daily routine is the basis of discipline for all military units.

Upon completion of training, a serviceman, depending on the direction of training, can receive a narrowly focused specialty, for example:

  • Driver of a tank, infantry fighting vehicle, armored personnel carrier
  • Operator-gunner, gunner and similar specialties
  • Truck crane operator, transport-loading machine operator and others
  • Various specialties in engineering, airborne, radio engineering, air defense and artillery troops

Also, after completing the training unit, a number of junior commanders join the troops. Often with the rank of junior sergeant. They are specially trained to manage the unit, work with personnel and all the skills necessary for a commander.

Daily routine at a military school

Most often, young guys who dream of becoming officers enter military universities. Most of them just come after school and have no idea what actually awaits them. The daily routine is the first difficulty that they encounter from the very beginning of training, since they will now have to get up at 6.00, and “fight back” at 22:00, and not at what time their body is accustomed to. The first weeks are especially difficult to get involved in “ new life“, since not everyone is ready to live according to a schedule, but there is nowhere to go.

Formation on the parade ground of the Novosibirsk Higher Military Command School

Senior cadets are most often allowed to live on the so-called “free exit”, that is, after self-training, they go to the dormitory until the next morning, which is reminiscent of the daily routine of contract soldiers.
To understand how the daily routine at a military school differs from the routine of a regular military unit, we suggest looking at the example of one of the military schools and comparing it with the army one, which was given earlier.

General rise – 6.00.
Toilet – from 6.00 to 6.10.
Morning exercises – from 6.10 to 7.00.
Making beds, washing - from 7.00 to 7.20.
Morning inspection - from 7.20 to 7.30.
Breakfast – from 7.30 to 8.15.
Operational information – from 8.15 to 8.45.
Preparation for classes, departure for classes - from 8.45 to 9.00.
1 hour – 9.00 – 9.50;
2 hours – 10.00 – 10.50;
3 hours – 11.00 – 11.50;
4 hours – 12.00 – 12.50;
5 hours – 13.00 – 13.50;
6 o’clock – 14.00 – 14.50.
Hand washing – 14.50 – 15.00.
Lunch – from 15.00 to 15.30.
Afternoon. Listening latest news– from 15.30 to 16.00.
Maintenance of weapons and equipment - from 16.00 to 16.50.
Self-study - from 16.50 to 18.30.
Educational and sports events – from 18.30 to 19.20.
Dinner – from 19.30 to 20.00.
Time for personal needs is from 20.00 to 21.00.
Watching informational and political television programs - from 21.00 to 21.20.
Evening walk - from 21.20 to 21.35.
Evening verification – from 21.35 to 21.50.
Evening toilet – from 21.50 to 22.00.
Lights out at 22.00.

As you can see, the daily routines of a military school and other military units are very similar.

In conclusion, I would like to add that by following the daily routine in the army, after demobilization it will be much easier to plan your time, since it really becomes a habit, making a person more disciplined and organized. Many note positive changes in the lives of young guys after the army thanks to the routine. Here they learned to complete assigned tasks on time and became independent and responsible. It is easier for those who have served in the army to get a job and join the community. new team, this is especially true for law enforcement agencies, where preference is given to candidates who have completed military service.

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