Lake Sapsho: description, photo. Relaxation on the lake. Lake Chistik, Zharkovsky district, Tver region, Russia Rest in a tent

The fauna in the park is typical of forest fauna. The park's numerous reservoirs (lakes, rivers, swamps) are inhabited by invertebrate animals belonging to 11 types. 21 classes, 51 orders and 112 families. In turn, families include hundreds of genera, each of which includes from one to several dozen species. Numerous subclass: pulmonary mollusks. For the first time, such species as Lumnea fusca and Lumnea dupuei have been registered for the fauna of Russia. The terrestrial fauna of invertebrates, according to preliminary data, is represented by 6 types, 10 classes, over 30 orders, many families, genera and species. The main and most common groups of soil mesofauna are earthworms, millipedes, wireworms, larvae of lamellar weevils, ground beetles, Diptera, Hymenoptera. The fauna of vertebrates is a rather complex complex of species, in origin associated with the neighboring zones of the taiga, western deciduous forests, forest-steppe and steppe. Characteristic is a mixture of several species - representatives of different biocenotic zones. There are 10 species of amphibians, 5 species of reptiles, 228 species of birds, 48 ​​species of mammals. At the moment, the ichthyofauna of reservoirs national park has 36 species of fish belonging to 31 genera and 13 families. The basis of the ichthyofauna of each river basin are cyprinids (53-56%). The most widespread species are roach, bream, dace, chub, rudd, bleak, as well as pike, perch, and ruff. As a result economic activity Since humans, eel, brown trout, and trout have practically disappeared from the ichthyofauna. One of the main reasons for the decline in the number of eel and brown trout in the park’s reservoirs was the decrease in the number of migrating juveniles and adults along the river. Z. Dvina due to the construction of hydroelectric power stations in its lower reaches. It should be noted that the populations of the sculpin goby and the brook lamprey, once numerous and widespread species, have begun to recover, but have practically disappeared as a result of intensive logging, timber rafting along rivers and the use of mineral fertilizers and pesticides in agriculture. Most fish species spawn in spring-summer period(bream, silver bream, tench, crucian carp, rudd, etc. - 22 species in total). There are significantly fewer spring-spawning fish (pike, asp, ide, etc. - 10 species), only 3 fish with autumn spawning (whitefish, brown trout), and only one species (burbot) spawns in winter. The avifauna of the Smolensk Poozerie MP includes 18 species listed in the Red Book Russian Federation(2001), and 26 species included in the Red Book of the Smolensk region. Of these, 10 species: black stork, great merganser, osprey, greater and lesser spotted eagles, common crane, golden plover, great curlew, eagle owl, gray shrike - reliably nest in the park, another 10 species nest: black-throated loon, short-tailed eagle, golden eagle, white-tailed eagle, white partridge, Great Snail, Great Godwit, Clint, Hoary and Three-toed Woodpeckers are probable, but require confirmation by facts. Taxonomically, the avifauna of the “Smolensk Poozerie” is represented by 18 orders and 45 families. In terms of the number of species, the most widely represented are: passerines (95 species), Anseriformes (27), Charadriiformes (26). Falconiformes (23). The avifauna of Poozerie is very heterogeneous in its origin, which is associated with geographical location park, which is located in the contact zone European taiga, western broadleaf forests, in the subzone mixed forests. The bird fauna of Poozerie was formed from species of the taiga complex, inhabitants of deciduous forests, open spaces, wetlands and synanthropes. In terms of ecological structure, among the birds recorded in the national park, the inhabitants of tree plantations and water areas generally predominate (dendrophiles - 1 12 (49.1%) species and limnophiles - 81 (35.5%)). Sclerophiles, birds that nest in cliffs and human buildings, are represented by 19 (8.3%) species, campophiles, or inhabitants of open spaces, - 16 (7.0%). More than two thirds of the bird fauna - 185 species - are nesting. 22-25 pairs nest in the park: white storks, at least 4-5 pairs of black storks. 3-5 pairs of osprey, 5-6 pairs of lesser spotted eagle, at least one pair of greater spotted eagle and short-tailed eagle. 5-10 pairs of gray cranes. 10-15 large curlew. 4-10 pairs of golden plover, 10-15 pairs of great snail, 3-5 pairs of godwit, 200-400 conditional pairs of corncrake. Common nesting species are game species such as capercaillie, black grouse, and hazel grouse. Background species of forest habitats are: chaffinch, big tit, black-headed and brown-headed chickadee, warblers: rattle, chiffchaff, willow warbler, green warbler, black-headed and garden warblers, wood pipit, pied flycatcher, gray flycatcher, robin, wren, fieldfare, white-browed, songbird, blackbird and others. Typical inhabitants of aquatic and near-aquatic habitats are great grebe, mallard, teal, goldeneye, coot, rail, crake, gray heron, great bittern, black-headed and gray gulls, black tern, snipe, black scutum, badger warbler, river cricket, reed oatmeal and others. More than 100 species are found on migration. During periods of seasonal migrations, species nesting in the tundra, forest-tundra, and northern taiga are recorded: barnacle and black geese, white-fronted goose, lesser lesser white-fronted goose, whooper swan, duckling, long-tailed duck, black scoter, common scoter, scoter, long-nosed merganser, Turukhtan, dunlin, gerbil, godwit. About 60 species spend the winter. Marked only in winter: White Owl, bee-eater, pine crossbill, white-winged crossbill. 57 species of birds live in the park all year round, of which about half (29 species) are passeriformes, the rest are woodpeckers, falcons, falconiformes, and galliformes. Of the mammals, 6 species are included in the Red Book of the Smolensk region. A typical representative of ungulates in the park is elk. Significant damage to the elk population can be caused by Brown bear and a wolf. The snow depth practically does not limit the number of these animals within the park, since in rare years and only in some places it is higher than 80 cm, while in spruce forests it is higher than 50-60 cm. The number of roe deer in the park is last years has increased significantly. Limits the living conditions of these animals, first of all, exceeding critical indicators snow cover height (more than 40 cm). Better conditions V winter period for roe deer spruce forests, where the snow depth is noticeably less than in mixed ones. The wild boar in the forests in this area received “permanent registration” relatively recently in the post-war years. The wild boar became fully established in this region in the 1960s. Within the park, wild boars are found everywhere. The number of wild boars in the park increased sharply after warm winter 2006-2007 The number of hares in this area varies noticeably from year to year. They are found everywhere, but are more widely represented in the central and eastern parts of the park. The territory of the park is distinguished by a wide distribution of beaver settlements. Wolves began to actively settle in the territory in the last 5-6 years after poaching pressure decreased. Certain species of predators are widely represented within this territory. Everywhere here you can find a wolf, the number of which varies depending on the season from 3-4 to 5-7 families. Bears are found much more often in the park than in other areas of the region. It lives mainly in the central and eastern regions of the park. The number of individuals varies from 20 to 30 over the years. The bear permanently lives in the territory located between pp. Vasilevka and Zhelyukhovka, in forest areas, located between the Serteika and Sermyatka rivers, as well as north of the river. Serteiki, along the river. Gobze, south of the Vervizhsky moss swamp, in the area of ​​​​lake. Mohan. Other predators within the park include lynx, raccoon dog, polecat, ermine, weasel, and fox.

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There are places in Russia that can safely be called a separate country. This is the Poozerie National Natural Park in the Smolensk region. This is a real wonderland, and one human life not enough to study it, but enough to love it forever.

Lake Sapsho in this region is like the best diamond in the crown. Surrounded by spruce and deciduous forests, it lies like a miniature copy of Baikal in a ring of sandy hills.

Smolensk Poozerie

A real kingdom of pristine nature, consisting of blue clear lakes surrounded by emerald greenery - this is Poozerie, Smolensk region. The national park consists of a series of hills cut by rivers and valleys with 35 lakes, each more beautiful than the other.

The largest and most popular among tourists are lakes Sapsho, Dgo, Chistik, Baklanovskoye, Rzhavets and Rytnoye. They are surrounded by forests that make up 80% of the park and consist of black and gray alder, spruce, pine, birch and aspen.

Among the shrubs that mainly predominate in the undergrowth, the most common are hazel, euonymus and rowan. Coastline is rich in thickets of reeds and reeds, and the water of the lakes is covered with a carpet of water lilies or yellow egg capsules.

Lake Sapsho is the most popular in tourist route those who want to be alone with nature in order to recharge with energy and strength from it.

Description of Sapsho

Lake Sapsho, located in Demidovskoye, is an example of a glacial reservoir. It has been declared a natural monument, which is famous not in itself, but with all the mineral springs that flow from it.

The lake belongs to the river basin. Its mirror has an area of ​​304 hectares with a width of 1.8 km with a maximum depth of 18 meters. During spring floods, the water level in Sapsho rises to 4 m, and ice release occurs later than on other lakes in the Smolensk region.

On average, ice reigns completely here in the second half of April - early May, and the swimming season opens in early July. Sapsho (photo above) in November-December; The thickness of the ice can vary, depending on frost, from 60 cm to 80 cm.

The average freeze-up period on this lake is 160 days. It was once very rich in fish, the catch of which was up to 10 tons per year. Today, unfortunately, it is no longer considered a commercial lake, but fishermen clearly have something to profit from here.

Islands of Lake Sapsho

The lake is rich in islands, which seem to divide it in two. They are very popular among tourists and make Sapsho (lake) more attractive. Recreation on it is concentrated not only on the shore, but also on the islands:

  • Chernetsky, which is located closer to the eastern shore. The name comes from the fact that a monk lived on it for a very long time, a deeply religious man, taciturn, but kind.
  • Island Swing lives up to its name, as it looks as if a hospitable host had opened his arms.
  • Island Scarlet owes its name to the linden, birch and aspen trees growing on it, which in the fall “light up” their leaves with crimson.
  • Long island also lives up to its name, and is indeed significantly elongated in length.

These are the large islands of the lake. Its two “babies” - Oak Island and Love Island - are no less popular among vacationers. In the first one, oaks really predominate among the trees, and Love Island is very popular with couples in love. They dock at its beautiful sandy beach with a boat station where you can rent a boat and travel between the islands of Lake Sapsho.

Flora and fauna

Not only good beaches Lake Sapsho (Smolensk region) is famous for fishing. A holiday here can be combined with getting to know the local fauna and flora.

The lake itself is home to perch, pike, roach, bream, crucian carp, gudgeon, ruffe, bleak, ide, rudd and pike perch. The latter, unfortunately, has become significantly less common in Sapsho. The dense forests around the lake are full of hares, squirrels, wolves, and wild boars. Predators include bears, weasels, stoats, martens and lynxes.

Some of the birds inhabiting Lake Sapsho are included in the Red Book, for example, osprey, black stork, golden eagle and short-eared snake eagle. There are otters and beavers on the shore.

Some birds live sedentary on the lake, but migratory birds are more common. The local forests are well known to mushroom and berry pickers. There is plenty of both here. Rarely does anyone leave without a full basket.

Fishing on the lake

In many ways, fishing in Lake Sapsho is influenced by the spring flood, since during it the neighboring Lake Petrakovskoye becomes very full, which affects the flow of the Sapshanka River. It flows from Lake Sapsho and flows into Petrakovskoye, but changes its flow during floods to the opposite.

During this period, it is good to look for bream in the river, as it rushes there. Experienced fishermen catch it with a dark green, black or gray jig.

Large pike settled between the islands of Rashpashnaya and Dlinny. It should be caught early in the morning using spinners. It is better to throw the bait on the dividing line of the field of water lilies with clean water.

To catch pike perch, you should bring a watercraft with you, not only because it lives in the depths, but because renting a boat at a sanatorium at a boat station is very expensive. They are designed for hourly walks of vacationers. Winter fishing on the lake is as popular as at other times of the year.

Experienced fishermen come to Lake Sapsho more than once. Getting there is not a problem, since it is located just 100 km from Smolensk in the Demidovsky district. There is a regular route "Smolensk - Przhevalskoye" that goes to it. On own car you should drive along the St. Petersburg - Smolensk highway until you turn right to Przhevalskoye (57th kilometer) and another 38 km from the village.

Przhevalskoe village

This settlement is located on the high northern shore of the lake. The famous traveler chose it as his place of residence, amazed by the beauty of these places. Today you can visit his house-museum and learn about the life and travels of this great man.

This was once the estate of L.A. Glinka called Sloboda. Przhevalsky bought it in 1881 to live, hunt and fish in local lakes. A wooden manor was built for him according to his design, which has been perfectly preserved to this day.

In honor of the 125th anniversary of the birth of this great traveler, the village was given a name in his honor. In 1974, mineral springs were found on its territory, and it received the status of a resort facility. In the same year, the construction of a sanatorium began, the main profile of which was the treatment of diseases of the liver, stomach, metabolic disorders, and the salt brines discovered at a depth of 985 m turned out to be several times more effective than sea brines, which also made it possible to solve problems with the musculoskeletal system and cardiovascular problems. vascular system.

Rest in a tent

Fans of wild recreation will love Sapsho - lake. Rest on specially equipped sites, of which there are many, will take place in civilized conditions with a toilet and shower. The parking lots provide space for tents and vehicles, and there are fire pits, outside of which it is strictly prohibited to light a fire.

There are also tables with benches under awnings, where it’s nice to eat while watching surrounding nature. Each site is supplied with firewood and water. Garbage is removed regularly.

This civilized “wild” vacation is paid. For adults it will cost 150 rubles/day per person, children from 7 to 14 years old, students and pensioners - 50 rubles/day, children under 7 years old, WWII veterans and local residents- for free.

Since Poozerie National Park is part of the network biosphere reserves UNESCO, then lighting fires and setting up tents outside the parking areas is subject to a fine of up to 4,000 rubles. When choosing Lake Sapsho, camping with tents should be planned in advance, choosing a suitable site in order to avoid misunderstandings with the park administration.

Base "Sapsho"

Just 1 km from Lake Sapsho there is a base of the same name, which is a two-story cottage that can accommodate 8 people at the same time.

The house has 3 rooms equipped with single and double beds. On the ground floor there is a large dining room, a kitchen equipped with the necessary appliances and utensils, and two bathrooms with showers. Guests are provided with, and at the end of the hiking trail leading to Lake Sapsho, a specially equipped area for picnics and recreation, where there is a fire pit, tables, benches, firewood and a canopy.

On the shore of the lake there is a well-maintained sandy beach and special fishing spots.

Accommodation at the Sapsho base for seven people will cost 6,000 rubles per day per house. This is a wonderful secluded place where you can relax with the whole family.

Guest houses near Lake Sapsho

Travelers, once in the area of ​​Lake Sapsho, do not have to worry about where to spend the night. Here you can stay in one of the guest houses or rent a room from the locals. Recreation centers on Lake Sapsho are located in the village of Przhevalskoye, from which a convenient path leads to the shore.

The “house on the horse yard” is equipped to make guests comfortable. There is a veranda where you can drink tea while admiring the surroundings, a place to play badminton on the green lawn and a rich program for relaxation. Guests are offered horseback riding, yoga classes, collecting medicinal and aromatic herbs, tea from which on cold winter evenings will remind you of the beautiful and hospitable Lake Sapsho.

The new Rodnik hotel, opened in the village of Przhevalskoye in 2014, offers rooms with all amenities or a cozy cottage with a sauna. There is a children's playground, a billiard room, a cafe with national cuisine tennis tables.

5. Characteristics of lakes

natural park forestry recreational

"Smolensk Poozerie" is called the land of blue lakes - there are more than 35 stunning reservoirs of the Ice Age. The most interesting is the central group of reservoirs, located in a large glacial basin and separated from each other by powerful esker ridges. These include lakes Chistik, Rytoe, Sapsho, Dgo, Baklanovskoe, Petrovskoe and Mutnoe. Despite the fact that the lakes are located in one deep basin, in close proximity to one another, almost each of them is characterized by pronounced individual characteristics.

Lake Chistik

Lake Chistik stands out sharply in the system of lakes. The area of ​​the lake is 57 hectares, maximum depth 19.4 m. On all sides it is surrounded by sandy ridges densely approaching the shore; the lake is fed by groundwater, which is one of the main reasons for the unusually high transparency and purity of water. Water transparency in Chistik does not fall below 4-6 m throughout the year. The lack of surface nutrition is extremely a rare event for lakes in the north-west of the country. In this respect, Chistik is unique. Picturesque landscape, rugged topography of the reservoir bottom, pure water attract fishermen and underwater enthusiasts. Although the lake is not distinguished by a large number of fish, large specimens of pike, perch, and burbot are found here. In total, 10 species of fish live in the lake.

Lake Rytoe

Lake Chistik is adjacent to Lake Chistik from the west. Rytoye. It has picturesque, comfortable shores for recreation, and is one of the most stocked lakes in the park. The area is 178 hectares, the maximum depth is 20.4 m, the average is 6.7 m. In terms of origin, the basin of the reservoir is complex; according to the classification, the lake belongs to the mesotrophic type.

Before the formation of the national park on this lake, the Smolensk Society of Amateur Fishermen carried out fish farming and reclamation activities and operated a boat station. Lake Rytoye is distinguished by a high number of fish of this family. Cyprinids (bream, roach, silver bream, rudd). In total, the lake is home to 16 species of fish. Currently greatest number Fishermen visit this particular body of water.

Along the shores of the lake there are 4 sites for picnic recreation, one tent camp and 11 sites for long-term recreation.

Lake Sapsho

The largest body of water in the park is Lake Sapsho. Its area is 304 hectares, the maximum depth is 15.6 m, the average is 7.0 m. In the past, the lake was very rich in fish; pike perch was noted as part of the ichthyofauna. As a result of human economic activity and poaching, the number of fish in this reservoir has decreased significantly, and the lake has ceased to be popular with fishermen. Good food resources make it possible to increase the fish productivity of Lake Sapsho and use it for organizing fishing tourism. There are 19 species of fish in the lake.

Like a string of ships, forested islands stretch along it. Its banks are unobtrusively landscaped (in total there are 7 picnic sites and 2 places for multi-day recreation), here you will not feel lost at the end of the world.

Lake Dgo

The most fishy body of water in the national park is Lake. Dgo. Area 234 hectares, maximum depth 16.0 m, average - 5.2 m. By origin, the lake basin is a glacial gouge.

Lake Dgo is rich in fish, especially noteworthy is the abundance of large specimens of bream, roach, pike, burbot, and rudd. In total, 15 species of fish live in the reservoir.

Lake Dgo stretches for almost five kilometers from north to south. The bottom relief is flat, there are three islands, on one of which there is a monument of pagan culture - a sacrificial stone. On the right bank, in the central part of the lake, there are about 50 burial mounds of the Krivich Slavs?

Oz. DGO is popular among fans fishing, however, the lack of good access roads hinders the flow of fishermen. There are 6 places for multi-day recreation on the shores of the lake.

Lake Baklanovskoye

The most deep lake not only the national park, but the entire Smolensk region is a lake. Baklanovskoe. Area 221 hectares, maximum depth 28.7 m, average - 8.2 m. The topography of the bottom of the reservoir is favorable for fishing. There are about four underwater “cans” with a depth of 0.5 to 2 m, stone ridges, and extensive sandy-muddy reaches. All this makes the lake attractive. Baklanovskoe for tourists and fishermen.

The core of the ichthyofauna consists of roach and perch. The perch population is represented mainly by fast-growing deep-dwelling morphs (cases of catching specimens weighing 1-1.5 kg are not uncommon). A total of 19 species of fish have been recorded in the lake. Due to the abundance of pike, perch and ide, the reservoir is popular among fans of spinning fishing.

On the shore of a lake in a picturesque, remote settlements There is a visitor center of the national park (formerly a very popular recreation center) and a boat station. Along the shore there are 8 places for long-term recreation and a tent camp.

Lake Petrovskoye

Lake Baklanovskoye is connected by a channel to the lake. Petrovsky (Lososno). The area is 94 hectares, the maximum depth is 16.4 m, the average is 7.4 m. The ichthyofauna is generally similar to that of Lake Baklanovskoye, differing in a larger number of bream and a slightly smaller number of perch. In total, 13 species of fish live in the reservoir. There is one place for rest on the southern and northern shores.

Lake Mutnoye

At the bottom of Lake Mutnoe, significant deposits of lake sediments were discovered, which have balneological properties and are used to treat vacationers in the Przhevalsky sanatorium. The ichthyofauna of the lake is not so diverse (9 species of fish live in total), but individual specimens of pike, bream, and tench reach impressive sizes. The banks of the reservoir are muddy, and there is no boat station on the lake, so fishermen need to take a boat with them.

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Dear guests of the national park, we are glad to see you in the Smolensk Poozerie!

So that your holiday is not overshadowed by fines and unpleasant meetings with state inspectors, we ask you to pay attention to the seasonal fishing rules: until June 10, 2019, fishing is allowed only from the shore and only with a fishing rod (1 fishing rod = 1 fisherman). After June 10, fishing is allowed from a boat, both with fishing rods and spinning rods. Underwater fishing will also be open from June 10th.

We inform those who like crayfish fishing that fishing is prohibited in all reservoirs of the national park until June 30 inclusive. From July 1, crayfish fishing is allowed, but only using crayfish traps - any other method of crayfish fishing is prohibited!

The territory of the Smolensk Lake District is densely covered with a network of rivers, rivulets, and channels connecting lakes.

It is remarkable that the rivers of the national park belong to the Western Dvina basin, while the rest of the Smolensk region belongs to the Dnieper and Volga basins. Except for the Gobza River, which with its small area passes through the territory of the park; there are no transit rivers in Poozerie. This eliminates the possibility of pollution of the park’s water bodies from the outside.

About 20% of all lakes in the Smolensk region are concentrated in the national park. All of them are of glacial origin.

Particularly interesting is the group of reservoirs in the central part of the park, lying in one large pre-glacial basin and separated from each other by powerful esker ridges (Rytoe, Chistik, Bolshoye and Maloe Strechnye, Mutnoe, Glubokoe, Dolgoe, Krugloe). Despite their close location, each of them has its own characteristic feature.

According to the fishery classification, the lakes of the national park belong to 4 types:

1. Bream lakes(Sapsho, Baklanovskoe, Petrovskoe, Rytoe, Dgo, Mutnoe, Mokhan). The conditions there are favorable for all stages of bream. The ichthyofauna is dominated by: bream, roach, silver bream, rudd. Tench can be found in well-warmed areas. Pike perch are occasionally caught in Sapsho.

2. Okunevo-roach lakes(Chistik, Petrakovskoe, Krugloe, Dolgoe, Glubokoe) are characterized by insignificant depth and strong development of above-water and underwater vegetation. These conditions are favorable for grass perch and pike, which constitute the main group of fish in lakes of this type.

3. Perch Lakes(Small and Big Strechny). These small drainless lakes are surrounded by sphagnum bogs. The waters are acidic. The ichthyofauna is represented by one species - perch. The food is zooplankton, insect larvae and their own young.

4. Karasyovye lakes scattered throughout the park, they are small in size and have a severe lack of oxygen in winter. Therefore, only crucian carp can exist in them.

The most fishy body of water is the lake Dgo. Area - 234 hectares, maximum depth - 17.5 m, average - 5.2 m. The lake extends from south to north for almost 5 km. There are 15 species of fish. Particularly noteworthy is the abundance of large specimens of bream, roach, pike, burbot, and rudd.

The lake is rich in fish Rytoye. Contrary to the name, it is of natural glacial origin. Area - 178 hectares, maximum depth - 22.5 m, average - 6.7 m. 16 species of fish live. The number of representatives of the carp family (bream, roach, silver bream, rudd) is high.

Attracts fishermen and the lake Baklanovskoe- the deepest in the Smolensk region. Area - 221 hectares, maximum depth - 29 m, average - 8.9 m. The bottom topography is favorable for fishing - there are four “banks” with depths of 0.5-2 m, stone ridges, and extensive sandy-muddy reaches. Water transparency ranges from 4.5 to 0.5 m, which is associated with the processes of “blooming” of the reservoir. There are 18 species: roach, perch, silver bream, bream, pike, rudd, ide, tench, crucian carp, burbot, ruffe, etc. Every year the regional festival “Fishing Kitchen” is held here.

Baklanovskoye is connected by a channel to the lake Petrovsky(Salmon). Its area is 94 hectares, the maximum depth is 16.7 m, the average is 7.5 m. The ichthyofauna of these lakes is generally similar, although in Petrovskoye there are more bream and less perch. 13 species of fish live here.

The most large lake park - Sapsho - It also has the richest ichthyofauna. Its area is 304 hectares, maximum depth is 18.6 m, average depth is 7.3 m. Flowing. Has 6 islands. Along the islands there are shallows warmed by the sun, convenient for fishing. There are 21 species of fish.

Sapsho is connected by a small river to a lake Petrakovsky. The area of ​​the lake is 28 hectares, the maximum depth is 2.7 m. The most large river Elsha National Park. The main types of ichthyofauna: pike, perch, bleak, tench, white and red crucian carp, burbot, roach, ruff, rudd.

Lake Muddy has significant deposits of silt deposits with balneological properties. The area of ​​the lake is 13.5 hectares, depth is 2.5 m, water transparency is 0.5 m. The banks are difficult to access and marshy. The ichthyofauna includes 9 species. Here you can find large specimens of pike, bream, and tench.

On most lakes you can successfully catch pike and perch using spinning rods and live bait gear, from a boat or from the shore using float and bottom fishing rods - bream, bleak, rudd and roach, and in small reservoirs - crucian carp and tench. Other fishing methods are prohibited in the park.

Interesting underwater hunting with a gun in one of the clearest bodies of water in the North-West of Russia - Lake Chistik. Winter fishing is also exciting, especially on the remote forest lakes Dgo and Bukino.

Most favorable seasons for fishing:

  • bream: mid-August - September, December
  • roaches: July - October, December, March
  • pike: May - early June, mid-August - early October, March
  • perch: May - June, August - September, end of November - December.

You can stay on the territory of the national park in the Baklanovo Ecological Center, in guest houses (see website www.. Places of accommodation), in the private sector, at the Chaika base, in the sanatorium named after. Przhevalsky.

Boat rental is possible on lakes Sapsho and Baklanovskoye.

You can purchase fishing gear only in stores. Demidov, Smolensk. In the village Przhevalskoye sells groundbait and groundbait.

Please remember that the national park is a specially protected natural area. Therefore, you can make fires and use open fires (including in barbecues) only in specially equipped places. Fishing is permitted in all reservoirs, except those located in the protected area of ​​the park. Fishermen should know and follow Fishing rules, established for this region, namely Fishing rules for the Volga-Caspian fishery basin, approved by order of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia dated November 18, 2014 N 453

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