Specially protected natural areas presentation. Specially protected natural areas. Specially protected natural areas are land or water areas within which it is completely prohibited. Type of specially protected natural area

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Geography teacher GBOU secondary school No. 418 Tkachenko Natalya Vladimirovna Specially protected natural areas Russian Federation Content: State natural reserves National parks Natural parks State nature reserves Natural monuments Dendrological parks and botanical gardens

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State natural reserves On the territory of state nature reserves completely removed from economic use specially protected natural complexes and objects (land, water bodies, bowels, vegetable and animal world), which have environmental, scientific, environmental and educational significance, as samples of natural natural environment, typical or rare landscapes, places of conservation of the genetic fund of flora and fauna. Kostomuksha Reserve

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National parks National parks are nature protection, environmental education and research institutions, the territories (water areas) of which include natural complexes and objects of special ecological, historical and aesthetic value, and are intended for use in environmental, educational, scientific and cultural activities. purposes and for regulated tourism. In the territories national parks a differentiated regime of special protection is established, taking into account their natural, historical, cultural and other features. Mariy Chodra

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Natural parks Natural parks are environmental recreational institutions under the jurisdiction of the subjects of the Russian Federation, the territories (water areas) of which include natural complexes and objects of significant environmental and aesthetic value, and are intended for use in environmental, educational and recreational purposes. In the territories natural parks various regimes of special protection and use are established depending on the ecological and recreational value of natural sites. Ergaki

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State nature reserves nature reserves are areas (water areas) of particular importance for the conservation or restoration of natural complexes or their components and maintaining the ecological balance. For the purposes of educational tourism, complex reserves are of particular importance, in which tourists are introduced to rare species animal and flora, scenic landscapes. As a rule, setting up tourist camps on the territory of nature reserves is prohibited, only the laying of tourist trails is allowed. Ulyanovsk paleontological reserve

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Monuments of nature Monuments of nature are unique, irreplaceable, valuable natural complexes in ecological, scientific, cultural and aesthetic terms, as well as objects of natural and artificial origin. Land and water areas, as well as single natural objects, can be declared natural monuments.

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Dendrological parks and botanical gardens Dendrological parks and botanical gardens are nature conservation institutions whose tasks include the creation of special plant collections in order to preserve the diversity and enrichment of the plant world, as well as the implementation of scientific, educational and educational activities. The territories of dendrological parks and botanical gardens are intended only to fulfill their direct tasks, while land plots are transferred for perpetual (permanent) use to dendrological parks, botanical gardens, as well as research or educational institutions which manage dendrological parks and botanical gardens.

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Moskvina Elena Aleksandrovna, lecturer

Academic discipline "Fundamentals of environmental law"

GAPOU SO "Ural Polytechnic College - Interregional Competence Center"

Competition of computer presentations “Paper. net"

  • Purpose: Formation of the competence to interpret the normative legal acts regulating legal status specially protected natural areas in the Russian Federation

Note: To systematize knowledge on the topic, draw up a table

Picture table

Type of specially protected natural area


Laws governing activities

Characteristics territory

Prohibited Activities

Specially protected natural areas, in accordance with the Law on the Protection of the Environment, include:

  • State natural reserves;
  • National parks;
  • natural parks;
  • Reserves;
  • Other territories.

State natural reserves

  • these are specially protected natural complexes and objects that are completely withdrawn from economic use and have environmental, scientific, environmental and educational significance, as samples of the natural environment, typical or rare landscapes, places of conservation of the genetic fund of flora and fauna (Article 6 of the Law on Specially Protected natural areas).

On the territory of the reserve it is FORBIDDEN:

  • Any activity that is contrary to the tasks of the state nature reserve and the regime of special protection of its territory, established in the regulation on this state nature reserve.
  • In the territories of state natural reserves, the introduction of living organisms for the purpose of their acclimatization is prohibited.
  • It is forbidden to be on the territory of the reserves individuals without the permission of the reserve employee

  • Within the boundaries of state nature reserves, the natural environment is preserved in its natural state
  • Protect natural areas in order to preserve biological diversity and maintain protected natural complexes and objects in their natural state


  • It is prohibited to carry out any unforeseen federal law"On Specially Protected Natural Territories" activities, and zones in which economic and other activities are limited in order to preserve objects of natural and cultural heritage and their use for recreational purposes.
  • It is forbidden to change the destination land plots within the borders of national parks.
  • Human activity that violates the rules is prohibited fire safety in forests.


  • It is prohibited to change the purpose of land plots.
  • Activities that entail a change in the historically established natural landscape, a decrease or destruction of the ecological, aesthetic and recreational qualities of natural parks, a violation of the maintenance regime for historical and cultural monuments are prohibited.
  • Within the boundaries of natural parks, activities that entail a decrease in the ecological, aesthetic, cultural and recreational value of their territories may be prohibited or limited.

Natural Park

This is a protected vast area of ​​natural or cultural landscape; used for: recreational (for example, organized tourism), environmental, educational and other purposes.


- a protected natural area, in which, unlike nature reserves, not a natural complex is protected, but some of its parts: only plants, only animals, or their individual species, or individual historical, memorial or geological objects.


  • On the territories of state nature reserves, any activity is permanently or temporarily prohibited or restricted if it contradicts the goals of creating state nature reserves or harms natural complexes and their components.

Legal regulation of all specially protected natural areas is carried out:

  • The Constitution of the Russian Federation of 1993
  • Federal Law "On the Protection environment» dated 10.01.2002 No. 7-FZ
  • Federal Law "On Specially Protected Natural Territories" dated March 14, 1995 No. 39-FZ
  • Land Code of the Russian Federation dated 25. 10. 2001 No. 136 - FZ

List of sources used:

Normative legal acts

1 Constitution of the Russian Federation / URL: http:// http://www.constitution.ru/

2 On environmental protection: Federal Law of January 10, 2002 N 7-FZ / URL: http://www.consultant.ru/document/cons_doc_LAW_34823/

3 On specially protected natural areas: Federal Law No. 33-FZ dated March 14, 1995 / URL: http://base.garant.ru/10107990/#help Educational and scientific literature:

4 Environmental law: textbook / ed. S. A. Bogolyubova. -2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Yurayt Publishing House; ID Yurayt, 2014. - 482 s

5 Sarkisov, O.R. Environmental law: textbook. allowance for students. institutions of higher prof. education / O.R. Sarkisov, E.L. Lyubarsky. -5th ed. revised and additional - Kazan: Center for Innovative Technologies, 2014. - 335 p.

6 Environmental law: a textbook for academic baccalaureate / ed. S. A. Bogolyubova. - 5th ed., revised. and additional - M. : Yurayt Publishing House, 2014. - 382 p.

List of illustration sources:

  • Slide #5 / URL: https://goo.gl/SCp3Rx
  • Slide #8 / URL: https://goo.gl/8lEUXh
  • Slide #10 / URL: https://goo.gl/Cs5Ida
  • Slide #11 / URL: https://goo.gl/0VsLhX
  • Slide #13 / URL: https://goo.gl/e2Cm1g
  • Slide #14 / URL: https://goo.gl/ipMvZw
  • Slide #17 / URL: https://goo.gl/MvE7RV
  • Slide #19 / URL: https://goo.gl/7sNKFu
  • Slide #22 / URL: https://goo.gl/hZgFDf
  • Slide #25 / URL: https://goo.gl/5mBrPy

List of video sources:

  • Slide #9 / URL: https://youtu.be/NUnSBQE92OI
  • Slide #18 / URL: https://youtu.be/Sb4pbm816ng
  • Slide #23 /URL: https://youtu.be/ovkzCdTdQSI

slide 2

Description of the presentation

  • Purpose: to study the main types of specially protected natural areas.
  • Tasks:
    • Show role organic world in human life and activity;
    • To form an understanding of the need for nature protection;
    • Identify the purpose of creating specially protected natural areas.
  • Equipment: laptop and video projector, map: "Reserves and national parks of Russia", pictures of reserves, videos about reserves.
  • Lesson type: Combined
  • Conduct form: explanatory and illustrative
  • slide 3

    Lesson Plan

    1. Organizing time.
    2. introduction teachers.
    3. Categories of protected areas.
    4. Joint determination of the location of Russian reserves.
    5. Group work.
    6. Student presentation.
    7. Consolidation.
    8. Homework.
    9. Final word from the teacher.
  • slide 4

    Organizing time

    • Segregate students into groups to study the protected areas of various natural areas Russia.
    • Distribute to each group various sources information on this topic.
  • slide 5

    Introductory speech of the teacher

    • Announcement of the topic of the lesson and purpose.
    • Knowledge update:
      • Why do humans need plant and animal resources?
      • The plant world provides man with food and feed, fuel and raw materials.
      • Meadows, pastures, hayfields are an excellent fodder base for animal husbandry.
      • Thousands of plants - herbs and shrubs - raw materials for the production of medicines.
      • Forests give man, in addition to edible fruits, wood - ornamental and construction, chemical raw materials.
      • Resources of the animal world are, first of all, hunting and trade resources.
  • slide 6

    What are specially protected natural areas?

    • The flora and fauna are most noticeably and severely affected by economic activity person. Even in the last century, as a result of hunting, European bison, Caucasian deer and others were practically exterminated.
    • To protect certain species of plants and animals from complete destruction, specially protected natural areas began to be created.
  • Slide 7

    Specially protected natural areas (SPNA) are designed to preserve typical and unique natural landscapes, the diversity of flora and fauna, and the protection of natural and cultural heritage sites. Completely or partially withdrawn from economic use. What are the main categories of specially protected natural areas?

    • state nature reserves;
    • state natural reserves, including biospheric ones;
    • National parks;
    • monuments of nature;
    • natural parks;
    • dendrological parks and botanical gardens;
    • health-improving areas and resorts.
  • Slide 8

    Categories of the most common protected areas

    • A reserve is a natural area (water area) completely excluded from economic use for the protection and study of the natural complex as a whole.
    • There are 101 nature reserves in Russia, 17 of them are biospheric.
    • The first official state reserve in Russia became the Barguzinsky Reserve in northeastern Transbaikalia (1916).
  • Slide 9


    • Prior to this, examples of unofficial reserves are known: Suputinsky on Far East(1911), since 1913 - Ussuriysky, Sayansky (1916), Kedrovaya Pad (1916).
    • The first Soviet reserve - Astrakhan - was established on April 11, 1919.
  • Slide 10

    Large nature reserves

    Large nature reserves- 40, including giant nature reserves (area over 1 million hectares): Bolshoy Arktichesky, Komandorsky, Putoransky, Ust-Lensky, Taimyrsky, Kronotsky.

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    national park

    national park- this is a territory or water area with intact natural complexes and unique natural objects. There are 35 national parks in Russia.

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    A sanctuary is a territory (water area) that is of particular importance for the conservation or restoration of natural complexes. There are about 3,000 sanctuaries in Russia, federal significance – 69.

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    Monuments of nature

    Monuments of nature are unique or typical, scientifically, culturally and health-improvingly valuable natural objects.

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    Joint determination of the location of Russian reserves

  • slide 15

    slide 16

    Group work

    Assignment: according to a standard plan, using a variety of sources of information, draw up a description of one of the reserves in Russia.

    1. Geographical position of the reserve.
    2. Foundation history.
    3. Physical and geographical features.
    4. Diversity of flora and fauna.
    5. What can be seen.
    • Group 1 - Voroninsky Reserve;
    • Group 2 - Darwin Reserve;
    • Group 3 - Oksky Reserve;
    • Group 4 - Ust-Lensky Reserve.

  • To view a presentation with pictures, design, and slides, download its file and open it in PowerPoint on your computer.
    Text content of presentation slides:
    SPECIALLY PROTECTED NATURAL TERRITORIES LECTURE TOPIC Purpose: Formation of the competence to interpret normative legal acts regulating the legal status of specially protected natural areas in the Russian Federation Note: To systematize knowledge on the topic, complete the table Type of specially protected natural area Definition Laws regulating activities the table is completely withdrawn from economic use specially protected natural complexes and objects of environmental, scientific, environmental and educational significance as samples of the natural environment, typical or rare landscapes, places of conservation of the genetic fund of flora and fauna (Article 6 of the Law on Specially Protected natural areas). State natural reserves State natural reserves Any activity that is contrary to the tasks of a state nature reserve and the regime of special protection of its territory established in the regulations on this state nature reserve. In the territories of state natural reserves, the introduction of living organisms for the purpose of their acclimatization is prohibited. persons without the permission of the reserve employee It is PROHIBITED on the territory of the reserve: Within the boundaries of state nature reserves, the natural environment is preserved in its natural state Protect natural areas in order to preserve biological diversity and maintain protected natural complexes and objects in a natural state National parks human activity It is prohibited to carry out any activity not provided for by the Federal Law “On Specially Protected Natural Territories”, and zones in which economic and other activities are restricted in order to preserve natural and cultural heritage sites and use them for recreational purposes. It is prohibited to change the intended purpose of land plots, located within the boundaries of national parks Human activities that violate fire safety rules in forests are prohibited. Prohibited: The territory of national parks is divided into zones. In accordance with their purpose, for example, 1. protected area 2. recreation area 3. cultural heritage protection zone4. economic zone Natural parks This is a protected vast area of ​​natural or cultural landscape; used for: recreational (for example, organized tourism), environmental, educational and other purposes. Natural park It is forbidden to change the intended purpose of land plots It is forbidden to carry out activities that entail a change in the historically established natural landscape, a decrease or destruction of the ecological, aesthetic and recreational qualities of natural parks, a violation of the maintenance regime for historical and cultural monuments. Within the boundaries of natural parks, activities may be prohibited or limited entailing a decrease in the ecological, aesthetic, cultural and recreational value of their territories. Prohibited: 1. Regulations on nature park approved by the decision of the supreme executive body state power subject of the Russian Federation.2. Within the boundaries of natural parks, there may also be land plots of other owners and users. State natural reserves A reserve is a protected natural area in which. unlike reserves, it is not a natural complex that is protected, but some of its parts: only plants, only animals, or their individual species, or individual historical, memorial or geological objects. On the territories of state nature reserves, any activity is permanently or temporarily prohibited or restricted if it contradicts the goals of creating state nature reserves or harms natural complexes and their components. Prohibited: State nature reserves may have a different profile (complex, biological, paleontological, hydrological (marsh, lake, river, marine) by the Constitution of the Russian Federation of 1993, the Federal Law "On Environmental Protection" dated 10.01.2002 No. 7-FZ, the Federal Law "On Protected Natural Territories” dated March 14, 1995 No. 39-FZ The Land Code of the Russian Federation dated October 25, 2001 No. 136 - FZ Legal regulation of all specially protected natural areas is carried out: botanical gardens Thank you for your attention!

    Attached files

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    The presentation on the topic "Specially Protected Territories of the Russian Federation" can be downloaded absolutely free of charge on our website. Project subject: Geography. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you keep your classmates or audience interested. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the appropriate text under the player. The presentation contains 8 slide(s).

    Presentation slides

    slide 1

    Geography teacher GBOU secondary school No. 418 Tkachenko Natalya Vladimirovna

    Specially protected natural territories of the Russian Federation

    slide 2

    State natural reserves

    On the territory of state natural reserves, specially protected natural complexes and objects (land, water bodies, subsoil, flora and fauna) of environmental, scientific, environmental and educational significance, as samples of the natural environment, typical or rare landscapes, are completely withdrawn from economic use. , places of conservation of the genetic fund of flora and fauna.

    Kostomuksha Reserve

    slide 3

    National parks

    National parks are nature protection, environmental education and research institutions, the territories (water areas) of which include natural complexes and objects of special ecological, historical and aesthetic value, and are intended for use in environmental, educational, scientific and cultural purposes and for regulated tourism.

    A differentiated regime of special protection is established on the territories of national parks, taking into account their natural, historical, cultural and other features.

    Mariy Chodra

    slide 4

    natural parks

    Natural parks are environmental recreational institutions under the jurisdiction of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the territories (water areas) of which include natural complexes and objects of significant environmental and aesthetic value, and are intended for use in environmental, educational and recreational purposes.

    On the territories of natural parks, various regimes of special protection and use are established, depending on the ecological and recreational value of natural sites.

    slide 5

    State nature reserves

    State natural reserves are territories (water areas) that are of particular importance for the conservation or restoration of natural complexes or their components and maintaining the ecological balance. For the purposes of educational tourism, complex reserves are of particular importance, in which tourists are introduced to rare species of flora and fauna, picturesque landscapes.

    As a rule, setting up tourist camps on the territory of nature reserves is prohibited, only the laying of tourist trails is allowed.

    Ulyanovsk paleontological reserve

    slide 6

    Monuments of nature

    Monuments of nature - unique, irreplaceable, valuable in ecological, scientific, cultural and aesthetic terms, natural complexes, as well as objects of natural and artificial origin. Land and water areas, as well as single natural objects, can be declared natural monuments.

    Slide 7

    Dendrological parks and botanical gardens

    Dendrological parks and botanical gardens are nature conservation institutions whose tasks include the creation of special collections of plants in order to preserve the diversity and enrichment of the plant world, as well as the implementation of scientific, educational and educational activities. The territories of dendrological parks and botanical gardens are intended only for the performance of their direct tasks, while land plots are transferred for perpetual (permanent) use to dendrological parks, botanical gardens, as well as research or educational institutions in charge of dendrological parks and botanical gardens.

    Slide 8

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