Frequent washing. What should a woman wash and how to properly perform hygiene care. Hygiene after sex in men

Cervical cancer is a pathology that is very difficult to treat. Therapeutic procedures are very expensive, but even laid out large sums, unfortunately, do not always give a positive effect. The third stage is the penultimate stage of the development of the disease, the tumor germinates and can go to the pelvic organs.

Stage 3 cervical cancer develops very quickly. A tumor can go from stage 1 to stage 3 in just one year. But on average, these figures range from two to fifteen years. Often the tumor is not immediately recognized. High mortality from this type of oncology depends only on the late diagnosis of the disease. In 40% of cases, the exact conclusion is already placed at 3 or 4 stages.

The presence of papilloma virus in the body indicates that the risk of oncology is very high.

The most common symptoms of cervical cancer are:

  1. Severe pain in the lower abdomen.
  2. Often disturbed by renal colic, painful urination.
  3. Vaginal discharge with blood between periods.
  4. Very strong swelling.
  5. Sudden weight loss, lack of appetite.
  6. Lethargy and fatigue.
  7. Temperature rise to 37.5.

All these symptoms indicate the presence of a tumor. It is simply impossible not to notice them, and to ignore them is stupid. The disease can quickly spread to the pelvic organs, as well as to the intestines and bladder. All patients usually experience problems with urination.

How is pathology diagnosed?

To diagnose grade 3 cervical cancer, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive examination, including identifying a possible hereditary predisposition, diseases that have been transferred, early or complicated births. All this information is collected by the gynecologist.

Factors provoking the disease:

  • early onset of sexual activity and promiscuity;
  • pregnancy under 16, a large number of abortion;
  • reduced immunity;
  • Availability bad habits, smoking, alcohol;
  • hormone therapy for a long time.

The third stage is divided into several stages, which are due to the nature and characteristics of the tumor:

  1. 3A stage. The tumor has spread to the pelvic area, there are problems with the kidneys.
  2. 3B stage. The third part of the vagina is affected, but not extended to the pelvic area.
  3. 3B stage. The walls of the small pelvis are completely affected.

The first thing a patient needs to undergo is an examination by a gynecologist. The examination is carried out very carefully so as not to damage the already weakened walls of the uterus. This will help determine exactly where the seal is and what size it is. But with such an examination, the diagnosis may be erroneous. If the doctor has the opportunity to use a mirror, then the accuracy of the diagnosis increases by 10-15%. During the examination, a cytological smear is taken. Cancer cells in this case are detected in 75-80% of cases, but this is only at stage 3. If the tumor is just beginning to develop, then it is likely that the analysis will not show anything.

The most important analysis for making an accurate diagnosis is a biopsy. This process allows you to accurately determine the presence of oncology and find out the stage of development. In addition, it is possible to understand whether organs that are located next to the affected one are infected or not.

How is the treatment carried out?

Treatment takes place only early stages cervical cancer. Stage 3 is already inoperable. The thing is that the tumor at this stage spreads to all nearby tissues and organs. The operation can only aggravate this process.

Treatment is done only to stop the spread of cancer cells to other organs. Treatment is chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Treatment should be carried out only in a complex, since otherwise the effectiveness is reduced.

Along with radiation therapy and chemotherapy, immunotherapy is used, which contributes to the renewal of the immune system. As a result of such treatment, the immune system begins to fight the tumor, which significantly reduces the further progression of the disease. This method has not yet proven its effectiveness, but in some cases the treatment had positive result. According to scientists, innate immunity, its ability to cope with the disease, plays an important role in this process.

Survival prognosis

At stage 3, cancer has already spread to the walls of the vagina, so treatment often does not bring an effective result. As for life expectancy when oncology is detected, most often patients do not live even 5 years. It depends on the fact that the disease has already spread to most tissues and is only progressing. Women die from infection and complications that occur when cervical cancer invades nearby organs. The survival rate is very low, only 35%.

Although the prognosis for survival is low, you should always hope for a positive result. Treatment with radiation therapy in most cases gives a positive effect. The development of the disease stops and there is no longer a risk of damage to other organs. Accurate forecast how long you live will not give even the most experienced doctor. In most cases, the outcome of treatment depends on the body's ability to fight the disease on its own.

Very often, women go to the doctor when it is too late to apply any treatment, so life expectancy is low. This primarily depends on the fact that the disease does not have pronounced symptoms on initial stage development. Unfortunately, the gynecologist can not immediately detect the tumor. Sometimes he allows medical error makes a misdiagnosis. These are all indicators of high mortality from cervical cancer.

Operable are only those cases that are in stage 1 and in the initial stage 2. But at the same time, the stage of cancer development is not the main indicator. It all depends on the nature of the tumor itself. First of all, very an important factor is the absence or presence of metastases in regional lymph nodes, as well as the ability of the body's immune properties as a whole.

With grade 3 cervical cancer, the disease progresses only in the first years after radiation therapy. Subsequently, women live ordinary life. Oncology of the cervix has become much younger in the last 20 years. Previously, such a diagnosis was made only for older women, at the moment, even young girls can receive such a diagnosis. This type of cancer ranks first in the world in terms of mortality.

The main indicator of how long a woman with cervical cancer can live is the stage of detection of the disease.

According to scientists, the average survival rate for cervical cancer is 55%. This survival prognosis is very low.

How to be?

Before you start thinking about how long you have left to live, you should think about immediate treatment. The effectiveness of the entire healing process directly depends on many indicators, such as the age of the patient, the stage of the disease, concomitant and previous diseases, as well as the attitude towards a positive result and the desire to live.

Unfortunately, even with different modern ways Diagnosing a tumor is often detected already in the later stages. This prevents the use of modern methods of treatment and allows the use of only supportive therapy, which stops the further spread of cancer cells.

The fourth stage is considered the last in the disease. Patients in the fourth stage of cancer can no longer be helped. In this case, you just have to wait. Do not ignore the care of loved ones. It helps a lot in healing. It is not worth hiding the disease from relatives. Then for them it will become more with a strong blow, than now.

To avoid the occurrence of this disease, it is worth visiting the gynecologist's office regularly. Monitor your lifestyle and take preventive measures. Before the age of 35, it is worth getting vaccinated against cervical cancer. It is worth noting that studies have shown that 100% of diseased uterine tumors have a human papillomavirus. Therefore, the presence of HPV in a patient indicates that the risk of the disease is very high.

Cancer diseases are considered incurable and shorten life by several decades. As for cervical cancer, the statistics here do not correspond to reality. The question of life expectancy is very individual. At the 3rd stage of development, the chances of living 5 years are small. Only 30-45% of women survive the next 5 years.

Women often talk and share their experience on hair care, skin care and the use of cosmetics, but, unfortunately, a very important and necessary topic of intimate hygiene is rarely discussed. Following certain washing rules is extremely important not only for cleanliness and freshness, but also for eliminating unpleasant health problems. Here are the basic rules for maintaining impeccable intimate hygiene.

Habitual soap and gel are not suitable for washing the vagina

Most cleansers are designed to maintain the skin's natural pH balance of 5.5. The normal pH value of a healthy vagina is between 3.8 and 4.5, so using everyday soap can disrupt its natural flora and cause harmful bacteria to thrive. Plus, most detergents contain fragrances that can cause irritation. With special responsibility, you need to approach the purchase of cosmetic intimate hygiene products and dwell on special gels for this.

Wash only the outer intimate area

The vagina has the ability to “cleanse” itself, so there is no need to wash it inside. The most sterile place in a woman is the uterine cavity. Actually, washing inside the vagina can even be harmful. A woman should only wash the outer intimate area: the vulva, vaginal lips and clitoral area.

Daily washing

Every woman should wash her private parts warm water once a day. The main requirement for washing is to carry out the procedure in running water at a temperature of 30 degrees. It is recommended that you wash your vagina after every bowel movement to avoid transferring bacteria from one place to another. During menstruation, wash twice a day. If it is not possible to clean women's places (in nature, on the road, at work), use sanitary napkins.

Do not use sponges or gloves

Sponges and gloves can cause minor injuries to the soft and delicate skin of the vagina. When washing intimate parts, it is enough to use your hand.

Correct jet direction

When washing the intimate area, do not let the jet run straight into the vagina. Let the water flow down from the top of the intimate area. The most common cause of vaginal imbalance is foam that gets inside. If this happens rarely, the danger is not great, but constant cases contribute to the destruction of microflora, which leads to dysbacteriosis.

Always use a soft towel

The towel that is used after washing should be soft and completely dry. A woman is obliged to change it every 3 days. Remember that the towel is personal item so don't let anyone else use it.

Use toilet paper correctly

Wipe down areas after using the toilet toilet paper from the vagina to the anus. Thus, harmful bacteria will not spread, and you will protect yourself from infection. Bladder and more serious problems.

Washing before and after the act

Make sure you wash your intimate area before and after making love. This is important because you do not allow to multiply harmful bacteria. In addition, it is desirable that the partner also maintains his intimate hygiene.

Washing during pregnancy

Pregnant women need to be especially careful. Immediately after going to the toilet and having sex, clean your private parts with warm water from front to back. It is best to use an intimate gel with plant extract, which does not dry, but refreshes and deodorizes. For such purposes, a gel with extracts of bitter almonds is considered the most suitable. Of course, on late term washing is problematic, so many women use sanitary napkins.

Do not forget that the intimate area needs to be looked after more carefully than other parts of the body. The art of washing is not difficult if you follow all the rules.

How to wash properly, the girl is usually told by her mother, but for some reason we forget about these rules, and we remember only when we get any disease of the intimate sphere. Therefore, every girl (woman) needs to know how to wash herself properly and what is the best way to do it.

How to properly wash a girl (woman)?

Here are some tips to help you maintain intimate hygiene properly:

  1. What is the best way to wash a woman? The ideal option will become a special gel for intimate hygiene with a neutral level of acidity (pH). Such gels will not dry out the vagina, keep its acidic environment, which will protect the genitals from the growth of bacteria. Also gels for intimate hygiene moisturize the vaginal mucosa. You can not wash yourself with soap, it violates natural environment vagina and creates an alkaline, and bacteria multiply very well in it. Washing yourself with soap, you risk infecting and acquiring a disease of the genital organs.
  2. You need to wash only with clean hands and only warm water. A huge amount of microbes settles on the hands during the day, so before washing your hands, you need to wash your hands thoroughly. Cold water is not suitable for washing, there is a high risk of getting serious inflammation. And they, as we know, require a long and unpleasant treatment. Movements must be made from the pubis to the anus, in no case vice versa - otherwise you risk infecting from the anus.
  3. Do not direct the jet of water directly into the vagina. This will wash away the protection the body needs and allow infectious agents to get inside. Some experienced women will say that this rule is stupid, because they wash the vagina during douching. Firstly, such a procedure is therapeutic in nature, that is, it is carried out when the problem has already appeared. Secondly, douching is carried out with medicinal compositions. And thirdly, this procedure is prescribed by a doctor, although now many have begun to refuse it, recognizing the harm of washing the vagina. So rinsing the vagina with running water is not worth it, only harm yourself.
  4. In no case should you wash the genitals with sponges or washcloths, your hands will perfectly cope with this function. And with a washcloth, you risk damaging the mucous membrane, which will enable infectious agents to enter your body. If you already use a washcloth to treat the bikini area between epilations, do it carefully so as not to hurt the genitals.
  5. Towel for intimate organs should be separate, always clean and soft. A hard towel can scratch the mucous membrane, which, as mentioned above, is dangerous to health. Wipe the intimate organs should be gently, gently wetting them. The cleanliness of the towel must be maintained very carefully - it should be washed as often as possible (boiled ideally) and ironed with a hot iron to reduce the risk of bacteria getting from it to the genitals.
  6. How often should you wash? Gynecologists advise doing this at least once a day, and preferably twice - in the evening and in the morning.
  7. Few people care about the question of whether it is necessary to wash before sex; not a single woman will miss this procedure. But not everyone knows whether it is necessary to wash after sex. Experts answer this question unambiguously: no matter how much a woman wants to fall asleep, it will be right to wash herself after sex, and this should always be done.

How to wash pregnant women?

Pregnant women are advised to more carefully monitor their health and the cleanliness of the genitals as well. Ideally, it is recommended to wash yourself after every urination or bowel movement, but working women will find it difficult to do so. Therefore, it is recommended to wash your hands thoroughly and use disinfectant wipes, and thoroughly wash your hands in the morning and evening. All other rules for this hygiene procedure are the same as for a woman who is not expecting an addition. True, pregnant women have difficulty in the very implementation of the process, so you need to choose a comfortable position. With a short period, you can wash yourself as usual, but when the tummy is already large, it is better to wash yourself while sitting on the edge of a low bench or lying down.

More frequent washing is necessary - up to 5 times a day. Do not forget about hygiene standards on the eve of sexual intercourse, as well as after it. To understand how important proper hygiene of the genitals is, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with some aspects of its norms, as well as possible complications from neglecting it.

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Few are aware that the lack of intimate hygiene adversely affects the reproductive function of partners.

  • A woman who does not carry out all the necessary hygiene measures during menstruation may later suffer from inflammatory processes in the uterine cavity. The most common among them is endometritis. It is he who provokes the development of adhesive disease and directly leads to. During the "critical days" menstrual blood feeds on pathogenic microorganisms, transporting them to the uterus and provoking a pathogenic process.
  • The basic rule of intimate hygiene for men is mandatory hand washing before going to the toilet. Touching your genitals with dirty hands, you risk infecting them with the most unpleasant diseases, which can also lead to infertility. Hand hygiene is especially important in in public places and public toilets.
  • Thrush is another common companion of a woman who neglects adequate hygiene. The candidiasis virus is easy to "catch" in public places: a bath, sauna, beach or pool. Therefore, a woman must strictly monitor the cleanliness of the genitals after visiting such places.
  • A rash on the genitals may appear due to the development sexually transmitted diseases, and its frequent provocateur is precisely incorrect intimate hygiene. One of the most common diseases associated with the manifestation of acne on the external genitalia is syphilis. It can occur in both men and women.
  • Human papillomavirus (HPV). The disease can be sexually transmitted, so it often manifests itself in those who do not consider it necessary to wash themselves after sexual intercourse, as well as use contraceptives with a new or random partner.

How to properly care for the genitals?

Key rules for intimate feminine hygiene:

  • Ideally, try to wash yourself after every trip to the toilet. If you do not have such an opportunity, purchase special wet wipes for intimate hygiene at the pharmacy;
  • Mandatory washing must be done after waking up and before going to bed. The jet of water and the movement of the hand should be directed from front to back, but in no case vice versa. The water must be warm. Do not use hot water: she is able to wither delicate skin intimate area. Too much cold water can provoke colds of the reproductive system;
  • Do not use traditional soap to cleanse the intimate area, which can disrupt the acid-base balance in the vagina. Our experts recommend choosing gels for intimate hygiene, carefully studying the composition. Opt for products without SLS, fragrances and dyes. The gel should include soothing herbal extracts and lactic acid;
  • During menstruation, try to wash yourself at least 4-5 times a day. The rules of personal hygiene also include monitoring the cleanliness of the tampon and pads on critical days. Do not forget about the timely change of funds;
  • After washing, gently blot the genitals with a soft towel, do not rub the skin and do not press it with force;
  • Use daily pads, especially in the ovulatory phase of the cycle, which is characterized by abundant mucous discharge;
  • If you have thrush and other diseases of the genital area, refrain from sexual intercourse during treatment. The optimal caring gel with a certain Ph level should be selected for you by a doctor, guided by a smear study and the results of other tests;
  • For the prevention of certain diseases, it is recommended to use douching with herbal decoctions.

How to monitor the health of the genitourinary system for men?

  • Check your penis regularly for abnormal changes. If you find a rash, discharge and neoplasms, immediately consult a doctor;
  • Be sure to wash your hands before going to the toilet. After that, wash the glans penis with special soap and warm water so that pathogens do not penetrate under it. If this is not possible, use wet antibacterial wipes for men's hygiene;
  • When taking a shower, pay special attention to cleansing the penis and perineum;
  • Do not take too hot a bath: this significantly harms the reproductive function;
  • Avoid sexual intercourse during menstruation with a partner: for her, this is fraught with infection of the uterus, for you - an inflammatory process of the urethra, if pieces get under the head of the penis. We also strongly recommend that you do not intimacy in the first months after childbirth, when a woman inevitably continues to bleed;
  • Just like women, you must be sure to wash the genitals twice a day, morning and evening;
  • Use specialized soap for men's intimate hygiene. Be careful with aromatic products: they can cause irritation and inflammation.

The main thing is not to "overdo it"

Excessive intimate hygiene refers to the abuse of cleansing procedures. Some women are so preoccupied with pathogenic bacteria that they prefer a harsh antiseptic soap to a soft intimate gel. This is fundamentally wrong: even relatively neutral baby soap can upset the acid balance in the vagina.

  • Frequent douching and washing, especially with the use of harsh soap, kill the beneficial and nutritious microflora in the vagina, reducing the level of barrier function and causing a number of uncomfortable sensations;
  • Washing with hot water and antiseptic soap can irritate and dry out the delicate skin of the vulva;
  • Incorrectly selected soap can cause infection of the internal genital organs. Our gynecologists say that at least half of urgent consultations could be avoided if women chose the right means for washing;
  • Intimate gel should not contain a high concentration of alcohol, fragrances, dyes and sulfates. Its Ph-level should correspond to the acid-base balance of the genitals, i.e. reach 3.5-4 marks.

An important component of proper hygiene is its observance by both partners. By following simple rules, you will avoid frequent visits to doctors and the development of unpleasant diseases of the genital area. The doctors of our clinic will select the best care for your intimate area even after past illnesses.

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    The more times a day the better. But at least 2 times (morning, evening).

    And also look at the circumstances:

    1. during critical days, the frequency should be increased, hygiene products should be changed every 2-3 hours, and at the same time try to wash (in extreme cases, wet sanitary napkins for intimate hygiene);
    2. before and after intimate relationships(do not mention why this is important); some kind of prevention for yourself and your partner
    3. after visiting the toilet (it is advisable to wash yourself, or the same wipes for intimate hygiene)

    Caution should be exercised in the choice of intimate hygiene products: replace ordinary soap with special remedy with a pH level that works well. And use it no more than once a day, so as not to disturb the microflora of the intimate zone. In other cases, fit warm water(better boiled).

    And also pay attention to hygiene, in case of a violation of the microflora (thrush, bacterial vaginosis, vaginosis). Wash yourself more often, it is better not to use pads that do not allow you to breathe, and of course, visit a doctor and follow the treatment.

    If possible, then at least three. Morning, afternoon and evening. Usually women and girls do this in the mornings and evenings, but during the day we are most active, we move, we sweat, especially in summer, the discharge is noticeable on daily pads, and in fact they most often do not completely absorb, basically they only flavor a little, which means that a smell is also possible unpleasant, and the formation of bacteria and germs, which is worse.

    A woman needs to wash herself after every toilet. This is the best hygiene. You can just water without detergents. And at least once you need to wash with detergent. Only few people follow it.

    The frequency of this hygiene procedure should be at least once a day. Ideally twice - in the morning and in the evening. And in famous days and even more often.

    By the way, about the frequency of personal hygiene of the genital organs, it is worth thinking about the guys. They also want to wash themselves at least once a day. Usually it happens 1-3 times a week, on a shower and bath day.

    A woman needs to wash herself at least twice a day, in the morning, in the evening, since almost everyone works, it won’t work anymore. And this must be taught to girls from a young age, then it will be a vital necessity. , this procedure, and in the evening, before going to bed, it's just nice for yourself.

    Recently there was the same question, but about children. So, gynecologists advise washing girls once a day with clean running water, if we are talking about soap, then generally once every three days, so as not to disturb the microflora and not to kill beneficial bacteria.

    It may be strange for us, of course, but it is also necessary to preserve beneficial bacteria. In general, of course, the more often, the more pleasant it is for yourself.

    To observe feminine hygiene, you need a toilet for the external genitalia 2-3 times a day, always in the morning and evening, in the afternoon - if possible. During menstruation - as often as possible. The choice for intimate hygiene is wide in the form of soaps, gels. Better not simple soap, which washes out beneficial microflora, which has a slightly acidic composition, and soap has an alkaline composition, so problems such as thrush are common. You need to wash from the pubis to the anus. Water temperature about 30 degrees Wipe with wet movements. In good organizations, there are women's hygiene rooms where there is a bidet. In places of work where women work in shifts and around the clock there should be showers.

    The more often, the better and without soap. When you get used to rinsing and washing your hands with every visit to the toilet, it is already very difficult to wean. The feeling of freshness is so attractive, like a drug. It's just a little more difficult for working women to do this.

    Undoubtedly, it depends on the time of the year (of course, in the summer it can be more often) and on the days in the month, women understand what I mean. And so it is standard, not less than two times. And the fact that 1 time per day is a must.

    The issue of personal and intimate hygiene is very important, and not only for women - men should also understand the importance of this aspect. And the fact that children need such hygiene does not need to be told to any mother - she herself is aware.

    For a woman, it is necessary to perform these procedures at least once a day - this is Necessarily and no doubt.

    It is desirable - twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, and with special means for intimate hygiene or at least clean water.

    During critical days - even more often, as needed.

    In the case of an active sexual life - similarly.

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