Apparently richer in composition. Indicate what measures can be used to protect animals. What group of animals does the newt belong to?

1) Remember from botany and zoology courses how plants and animals are adapted to their environment.

Animals adapt to their environment with the help of special covers, wool and feathers, camouflage coloring, the presence of defensive needles and claws, and shells. Biological rhythms and seasonal migrations are also adaptations. Plants form specific forms, various modifications of leaves, stems, roots. Leaf fall is an adaptation to the cold season.

2) What primarily influences the placement of plants and animals?

The distribution of plants and animals is primarily influenced by climate.

Questions in a paragraph

*Think about which continents and countries the plant and animal world our country.

The flora and fauna of our country are very diverse. It is similar to the animal world of the mainland North America(Canada, USA). Also, the flora and fauna of Russia are similar to the flora and fauna of neighboring countries.

*Think about how to explain the small growth of plants in the tundra and the tendency of most plants to spread across the Earth. What tree species form the northern border of the forest in Russia and why?

The low growth of plants is explained by harsh climatic conditions and insufficient nutrition and waterlogging. In these conditions, mosses and lichens grow more often. The trees have dwarf forms. The flat territory and the absence of forests cause increased wind speed, so most plants creep along the ground.

The northern border of forests in Russia is formed by cold-resistant conifers - pines and larches.

Questions at the end of the paragraph

1. Which is richer in species composition– flora or fauna of Russia?

The animal world is richer in species composition.

2. What influences the placement of vegetation?

Vegetation placement is influenced by natural conditions– climate, soils.

3. What are the main types of vegetation in our country?

Main types of vegetation - vegetation arctic deserts, tundra, forests, steppes, deserts.

4. How are animals adapted to life in treeless areas? In the forests?

Animals in treeless areas are, as a rule, small in size, so rodents, birds, and reptiles dominate in deserts and steppes. Animals have camouflage colors. Large animals - often ungulates - run quickly. Forest animals are very diverse. They are adapted to live in tiers in accordance with the layering of plants. Animals have a protective or dismembering coloration, and can run or climb.

A. prohibit going into the forest

b. strict terms and rules of hunting

V. creation of nature reserves, sanctuaries, national parks

d. close all factories

57. Richer in species composition:

A. world of plants

b. animal world

58. Among the representatives of the animal world, the species composition is richer:

A. insects

V. amphibians and reptiles


59Lemmings-representatives of the fauna:

b. tundra

V. steppes

city ​​of deserts

60.The fauna of the steppes includes:

b. roe

V. little bustard


61. Among the main commercial fur animals does not apply to animals:

g. fox

62.For the conservation and breeding of sable, a reserve has been created:

A. Kandalaksha

b. Galichya Mountain

V. Barguzinsky


63.The main forest product is:

A. medicinal raw materials

V. wood

64.In the tundra do not live:

A. lemmings

V. White bears

g. reindeer

65. Territory in which the entire natural complex is protected, and any species is excluded economic activity called:

A. reserve

b. national park

V. reserve

66.Rare and endangered species of tundra:

A. red-breasted goose

V. pink seagull

Siberian grouse

d. white crane (Siberian Crane)

67.Endemics of desert and semi-desert:

A. viper

b. putorak

V. steppe tortoise

g. Cis-Caucasian hamster

68.Rare and endangered forest species (mixed, broad-leaved, monsoon mixed):

A. sandpiper

IN) dappled deer

69. 30. 30Animals whose life is completely dependent on conditions environment:

A. homemade

V. semi-domestic

70. Ungulate animal living in the forest:

A. bear

71. Animals whose life is completely dependent on humans:

A. homemade

V. semi-wild

72. Animals that feed exclusively on other animals:

A. herbivores

b. predatory

V. omnivores

73. Animals that eat plants and other animals:

A. herbivores

b. carnivores

V. omnivores

74. A predatory cat living in our country:

b. cheetah

V. panther

75. An extinct cow, named after the scientist who described it:

A. Kostroma

b. Steller's

V. Kholmogory

76. Wild relative of the domestic pig:

A. capybara

77. Wild ancestor domestic cow:

A. muskox

78. One of the forms of protection of natural areas:

A. deforestation

b. reserve

V. forest planting

79. Orderly among animals:

80. 30. 30Animals whose life is completely dependent on environmental conditions:

A. homemade

V. semi-domestic

81. Ungulate animal living in the forest:

A. bear

82. Animals whose life is completely dependent on humans:

A. homemade

V. semi-wild

83. Animals that feed exclusively on other animals:

A. herbivores

b. predatory

V. omnivores

84. Animals that eat plants and other animals:

A. herbivores

b. carnivores

V. omnivores

85. Predatory cat living in our country:

b. cheetah

V. panther

86. An extinct cow, named after the scientist who described it:

A. Kostroma

b. Steller's

V. Kholmogory

87. Wild relative of the domestic pig:

A. capybara

88. Wild ancestor of the domestic cow:

A. muskox

89.Animals get their own food, defend themselves from enemies, build homes, take care of their offspring are called...

A. homemade

V. indoor

90.Animals that feed only on other animals are called:

A. herbivores

b. predatory

V. omnivores

91. Underline the names of the birds wintering in our area:

sparrow, rook, tit, swan, swallow, heron

92.Indicate the group in which only mammals are listed:

A. chimpanzee, dog, horse

b. cat, chicken, giraffe

in butterfly, dragonfly, ant

g. turtle, crocodile, octopus

93. Determine what kind of animal we are talking about:

This animal can build dams on rivers and streams and lays canals in the forest. He fells thick trees and builds huts for living. He will find an aspen or willow tree, gnaw it from all sides and the tree will fall. The animal carefully separates branches from a fallen tree, floats them across the water to its hut and puts them in large piles. This is how the animal stores food for the winter. _________________________________

94. Animals are:

95. Animals whose life completely depends on humans are called...

A. homemade

V. indoor

96. Animals that eat plants and other animals:

A. herbivores

b. predatory

V. omnivores

97.Animals are:

A. animals, insects, snakes, plants, mushrooms, microbes;

b. birds, animals, fish, lizards, turtles, worms;

V. birds, animals, humans, insects, plants, mushrooms.

98. Underline the names of poultry:

chicken, crane, swan, duck, crow, turkey, pigeon

Specify a group that only lists pets

A. wasp, wolf, beaver, hare

b. goat, turkey, fox, jackal

in sheep, cow, chicken, dog

elephant, rabbit, giraffe, bee

100. Determine what animal it is about we're talking about:

This animal has a lot of enemies, but the animal does not know how to hide from them. His nose and sensitive ears help him out and save him from enemies. quick legs and an inconspicuous fur coat. The animal’s eyes are “slanty” - they see not only forward and to the sides, but also look a little back. This animal does not turn its head in vain because its ears can turn in different directions. In autumn, the animal molts: it turns from gray to snow-white. _______________

What are the names of the animals that people raise and use on their farms?

A. indoor

b. homemade

V. cultural

A. independent

b. forest

V. horse

A. eggs, meat, fluff, feathers

b. meat, skins, wool, eggs

V. eggs, meat, milk, feathers

b. deer, cow, sheep, goat

V. goat, sheep, donkey, horse

Choose the products that a person gets from a cow.

A. milk, cheese, fluff, skins

b. cottage cheese, sour cream, lard, feathers

V. meat, milk, skins, kefir

Find a wild bird.

A. crow

b. chicken

V. turkey

Find pet insects

What ornamental birds do people breed?

A. Vorobyov

b. pigeons

V. crow

Find a pet that a person does not harness to a sleigh.

b. cow

V. horse

What group of animals does the newt belong to?

A. Amphibians.

b. Reptiles.

Why are some animals listed in the Red Book?

A. They don't know how to defend themselves.

b. They are rare and endangered.

V. They are very beautiful.
113. What group of animals does the whale belong to?

A. Reptiles.

V. Mammals.
114. Complete the sentence. What group of animals are we talking about?
The body is covered with skin with dry scales or shell -

A. Amphibian.

b. Reptiles.

V. Fish.
115. Complete the sentence. The body is covered with scales and mucus -

What type of animal does squirrel belong to?

A. Predators.

b. Herbivores.

V. Omnivores

Find an animal that is listed in the Red Book.

Mr. Polar Bear.
118. Find the extra animal.

b. Penguin.

V. Bat.

The city of Chaika.
119. The animal has 6 legs, the body is divided into a head, chest and abdomen.

A. Arachnids.

b. Insects.

V. Reptiles.
120. Choose the names of wintering birds.

A. Martin.

b. Bullfinch.

121. What animals are predatory?
A. hare
b. fox
V. deer
122. What animals are called domestic?
A. all animals that live near humans
b. animals that people breed and use for their needs
V. all animals from which humans obtain food
123. Which power supply circuit is composed correctly?
A. jay - oak acorns - hawk

b. oak acorns - hawk - jay

V. oak acorns - jay - hawk
124. What are the names of the animals that people breed and use on the farm?

A. indoor

b. homemade

V. cultural

What are the names of animals that get their own food, arrange housing, and breed offspring?

A. independent

b. forest

Find an animal from which a person does not get wool.

V. horse

Select the products that a person gets from chickens.

A. eggs, meat, fluff, feathers

b. meat, skins, wool, eggs

V. eggs, meat, milk, feathers

Find a group in which only cattle are named.

A. horse, camel, cow, sheep

b. deer, cow, sheep, goat

V. goat, sheep, donkey, horse

Knowledge test Option 1 1. The species composition is richer in: A. The plant world B. The animal world 2. The most cold-resistant coniferous species: A. Spruce B. Pine C. Larch D. Fir Option 2 1. The main game animals do not include: A. Squirrel B. Arctic fox C. Otter D. Fox 2. Among the representatives of the animal world, the species composition is richer in: A. Insects B. Fish C. Amphibians and reptiles D. Mammals

3. The main product of the forest is: A. Medicinal raw materials B. Wood C. Nuts D. Mushrooms 4. There are no trees in this natural area because there is not enough moisture: A. Taiga B. Tundra C. Steppe D. desert 3. B what part of Russia do light coniferous forests grow: A. On the Russian Plain B. On the West Siberian Plain C. Eastern Siberia 4. In what natural community animals are distributed in tiers: A. In the steppe B. In the taiga C. In the tundra

5. Fur is especially valued on the world market: A. Martens B. Beaver C. Sable D. Squirrels 6. In which natural zone do animals live in herds: A. In the tundra B. In the taiga C. In the steppe 5. In this natural zone not trees grow because it is very cold there: A. taiga B. Tundra C. Steppe D. Desert 6. The kingdom of reptiles is: A. Tundra B. Forests C. Steppe D. Desert

Define…. 1. Plant community with predominance coniferous trees….. 2. Plant community consisting of forbs…. 3. Natural resources that a person uses in economic activities... 4. Resources that contribute to the restoration of human health...

5. Resources that provide a person with food, feed, fuel and raw materials…. 6. Resources that give a person skins, meat, medicines…. 7. Specially protected area with recreational and educational functions with unique objects... 8. Specially protected areas excluded from any economic activity for nature conservation...

Check: Option 1 1. B 2. C 3. B 4. C (D) 5. C 6. C (A) 7. Taiga 8. Natural resources 9. Plant resources 10. National Park Option 2 1. C 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. B 6. D 7. Steppe 8. Recreational resources 9. Animal resources 10. Reserve 10-9 correct “5” 8-7 correct “4” 6-5 correct “3”

  • Remember from botany and zoology courses how plants and animals are adapted to their environment.
  • What primarily influences the placement of plants and animals?

The flora and fauna are often called “wildlife,” thereby emphasizing the role of these components in the biosphere. Exactly Live nature First of all, it personifies for us the beauty of the landscape. Love for living nature enriches our lives, inspires artists, poets, composers, and cultivates humane feelings in people. Caring “for our little brothers” is an indicator of a person’s morality.

It is generally accepted that the most important thing in living nature is vegetation. Even the names speak about it natural areas- taiga, steppes, etc. But the animal world is richer in species composition. In our country there are up to 130 thousand species of animals (of which up to 90 thousand are insects), and higher plants only about 18 thousand. It is interesting that among the representatives flora species predominate herbaceous plants- there are many thousands of them, while there are just over 500 species of trees.

Among representatives of the animal world, insects hold the championship. There are significantly fewer vertebrates, especially terrestrial ones, in the fauna of Russia. Fish are numerous, there are more than 1450 species.

There are very few amphibians and reptiles - only 160 species. The diversity of birds is expressed (including all those that occur during seasonal migrations) by a figure of about 710. Of the mammals, about 350 species live in our country.

The composition and abundance of living organisms is greatly influenced by human activities. As a result, some species have sharply reduced their numbers, and some have even been completely exterminated.

At the same time, there are species artificially introduced into our flora and fauna, for example, the American muskrat, raccoon, mink, etc., and among the plants are the tea bush and bamboo.

The flora and fauna of our country are very diverse. The appearance and composition of the flora and fauna of our country, as well as the entire planet, is determined by two main factors: physical and geographical differences between regions - different regimes of light, temperature and humidity, the nature of the soil, relief features - and geological history territories.

The change in the face of the Earth during geological evolution, its surface and climate, the appearance and disappearance of continental connections were the reason that the processes of speciation proceeded differently in different regions. In the distribution of representatives of certain species of plants and animals, patterns can be traced that are primarily due to latitudinal zonality and altitudinal zonation.

Think about which continents and countries the flora and fauna of our country are similar to.

But all these differences are explained not only modern conditions. Both plants and animals carry in their appearance and distribution features inherited from the distant past. From Central Asia Desert-steppe groups of plants and animals came to us. From Alaska to Far East North American conifers penetrated. The specific features of our Far Eastern flora are combined with the originality of the Manchu-Chinese fauna.

The flora and fauna of Russia were greatly influenced by the Quaternary glaciation.

Main types of vegetation in Russia include vegetation of arctic deserts, tundras, forests, steppes, and deserts.

The vegetation of Arctic deserts does not form a continuous cover. Individual patches of lichens and individual plant stems are replaced by bare areas.

The harsh climatic conditions of the tundra ( low temperatures, large swampy areas, permafrost, strong winds) determine the characteristics of the tundra vegetation cover. Mosses, lichens, and low-growing shrubs predominate here; The absence of forest is also characteristic. Typical representatives of tundra vegetation are moss lichen (“reindeer moss”), green mosses, lingonberries, polar poppies, dwarf birch, and polar willow.

Think about how to explain the small growth of plants in the tundra and their tendency to spread along the ground. What species form the northern border of the forest in Russia and why?

Rice. 60. Typical representatives of woody vegetation of Russia

In the temperate zone, forest vegetation of Russia is widespread, represented by dark coniferous forests from spruce and fir in the north, taiga cedar-larch forests in Siberia, mixed forests from spruce, pine, aspen, birch, etc. middle lane and deciduous forests in the southern regions of this zone.

Using the map (Fig. 60), identify typical representatives of the flora of the forest zone of Russia. Remember from your botany course how taiga plants are adapted to severe frosts.

The steppe zone in its virgin form, unaffected by human agricultural activity, is a sea of ​​grass vegetation. The most common in the steppe are feather grass, fescue, tonkonog, and a host of other flowering plants. Since the steppes are located in an area with insufficient moisture, representatives of herbaceous vegetation tolerate the lack of moisture in the soil well.

In semi-deserts and deserts temperate zone conditions are less favorable for the existence of plants and animals than in the steppe, therefore, as in the Arctic deserts, a continuous cover of vegetation does not form here. Desert vegetation is well adapted to drought: the leaves of many plants have turned into thorns, evaporating a minimum of moisture, the roots are branched and very long. Various types of wormwood and solyanka predominate.

Diversity of the animal world of Russia. The fauna of the Arctic deserts is mainly associated with the sea. Walruses, seals, polar bear, many bird colonies. In the tundra, the number of terrestrial animals increases slightly, although a small number of their species are represented here: lemming, mountain hare, wolf, arctic fox, white partridge, polar owl, reindeer. Huge flocks of migratory birds fly to the tundra in the summer. Waterfowl are especially numerous: geese, ducks, swans.

In the taiga, predators include the bear, wolf, and lynx; from ungulates - elk, wild boar; among rodents the squirrel and chipmunk predominate; Fur-bearing species include marten and sable. IN deciduous forests the number of ungulates increases: deer, roe deer, moose. Birds are more diverse than in the taiga: blackbirds, black grouse, etc.

Rice. 61. Typical representatives of the animal world of Russia

In the steppe the number of birds increases even more. There are many birds nesting on the ground. Some of them feed on plants (quail), others on plants and insects (bustard, little bustard, lark), and others are predators that eat insects and small rodents (steppe kestrel, steppe eagle). There are many rodents in the steppe - gophers, hamsters, voles. By storing large reserves of grain in their burrows for the winter, they cause significant damage to agriculture.

Of the large animals in the steppe, there are ungulates - saigas, which escape from enemies with the help of fast legs.

The fauna of deserts is dominated by reptiles (lizards, snakes), fast-moving ungulates (galled gazelles, saigas, kulans), and rodents (jerboas). Common birds include larks, pipits, desert sparrows, and bustards.

Rice. 62. Game animals of Russia

Plants and animals are perfectly adapted to their habitats. For example, in our forests birch and spruce coexist. Birches promote the growth of shade-loving young spruce trees under their canopy, and then the grown spruce trees are left without light by the birches that helped them grow... Trees in forests, grasses in the steppes, dwarf trees and crooked forests in the tundra - all these are examples of the ideal adaptation of plants to their habitat.

Vary according to appearance and adaptation to the same conditions of animals - flying, running, climbing, swimming.


The white-trunked tender birch tree has long symbolized Russian nature, Russia. The image of the Russian birch has been sung by many wonderful poets and artists.

Birch trees reach a height of 10-25 m (maximum 45), trunk diameter - 25-120 cm (maximum up to 150).

The bark of birch trees (birch bark) is white in many species. This is the only breed in the world with snow-white bark. The lifespan of a birch is from 40 to 120 years. Flowering from 8-15 years, in plantings - from 20-30 years, abundant and almost annual.

Birch is photophilous and grows successfully in various climatic conditions, frost-resistant, tolerates permafrost, drought-resistant, undemanding to soil fertility and moisture, therefore it is found on rocky, poor sandy soils, and peat bogs. The birch goes far to the north and south, rising high into the mountains. It is one of the first to settle in pine-spruce clearings. In the spring, the birch tree is one of the first to awaken in the forest: there is still snow, and there are already thawed patches near it, orange earrings are swollen on the tree... And in the fall, the birch tree is among the first to rush to put on a beautiful golden headdress...

Brown bear

The brown bear is a mammal of the bear family of the carnivorous order. This is a large animal: body length up to 2.5 m, height at withers up to 135 cm, weight up to 450 kg. Most large bears found in our country in Kamchatka and Sakhalin. Limbs with severely blunted claws. The fur is thick and long. The coloring is monochromatic. The bear lives in various forests, preferring taiga forests, especially spruce forests. Prevails in nutrition plant food: pine nuts, hazel, beech nuts, acorns, all kinds of berries, wild fruits, green parts of plants; Bears also feast on fish and insects. Sometimes the bear attacks wild ungulates and livestock. Causes damage to people by visiting oats, corn, orchards, and apiaries.

For the winter it hides in a den and flows into hibernation. In January - February, cubs appear in the mother bear's den, usually two or three.

The most numerous bears are in Kamchatka, Primorye, Yakutia, in the mountains of Siberia, and in the north-west of the European part of Russia. The bear has become a symbol of the animal world of Russia. For a long time, the figure of a bear has been present in various coats of arms. Most a shining example This can be illustrated by the coat of arms of the city of Yaroslavl.

Questions and tasks

  1. What is richer in species composition - the flora or fauna of Russia?
  2. What influences the placement of vegetation?
  3. Name the main types of vegetation in our country.
  4. How are animals adapted to life in treeless areas? in the forests?
  5. Practical work No. 7. Making a forecast of changes in flora and fauna when other components of the natural complex change.

    Analyze the flora and fauna of this natural complex. How have plants and animals adapted to the peculiarities of the relief, climate, and moisture of the territory?

    Who will be the first to respond to changes in natural complex: plants or animals?

    How will the flora and fauna change with changes in other components of the natural complex?

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