Who is a lynx and where does it live? Common lynx: where the animal lives and lives. Lynx - description and external characteristics

The most “northern” cat, contrary to popular belief, does not attack its prey by jumping from a tree, but hunts by carefully creeping up to it.


Russian name - lynx
English name-Northern Lynx
Latin name-Felis (Lynx) lynx
Order - carnivores (Carnivora)
Family - cats (Felidae)
Genus - cats (Felis)

Status of the species in nature

In many European countries The lynx has become a very rare animal. Despite protection, some of its geographical races are endangered. The species is listed in the IUCN Red List. In Russia, especially in Siberia, lynx are still quite common.

Species and man

Once upon a time the lynx lived on much larger territory than at present. Hunting and deforestation have led to a significant reduction in its range. The lynx has been coveted for a long time hunting trophy, since the fur of this animal was highly valued in the fur market. In some areas, lynx meat is considered a delicacy. Today the lynx is treated differently. In Europe, the lynx was very widespread, then practically disappeared. 20 years ago, they began to settle this predator in the places where it once lived, catching it in the territories of other states, and releasing it in the least populated areas. On the territory of Russia, this animal remains quite numerous, and in some places where the lynx is common, it can cause some harm to hunting farms specializing in breeding deer, roe deer, or pheasants. In general, like other predators, the lynx plays an important selection role in wildlife.

This cat is not afraid of being close to humans; where it is not being pursued, it can appear on the outskirts of villages and even cities.

Small lynx cubs are easily tamed, but with age they run wild, so this rather large cat cannot be kept at home.

Distribution and habitats

The lynx is the most “northern” cat. The distribution area of ​​the common lynx covers forest and mountainous areas of Europe, Siberia, Central and, partly, Asia Minor. This is a forest animal that prefers dense dark coniferous taiga, although it is also found in mixed forests. Due to the destruction of forests on the plains, the southern border of the range has shifted 200–300 km to the north over the past few centuries.

Appearance and morphology

Lynxes are unique, unlike any other representatives of the cat family. Almost all cats have an elongated body, shortened legs; the lynx, on the contrary, has a relatively short body and high, strong legs. Thick hair on the shaggy thick paws even grows between the pads of the toes. The body length of the lynx is 82–105 cm, the tail is 20–31 cm, the weight is 8–15, rarely up to 20 kg. Males are slightly larger than females. The head has elongated hair on the sides of the muzzle, forming “whiskers,” and characteristic tufts on the tops of the ears. The tail is short, as if chopped off at the end. The wool is very thick and soft, especially in winter. The color of the top of the body and head is dominated by reddish and ashy tones, the bottom is white, and small spots are scattered throughout the body. Summer fur is shorter and coarser than winter fur, more intensely colored, with more clearly defined spots. The tail always has a dark tip, and the ear tufts are also dark. U northern lynxes The color is more uniform and dull; lynxes living in the south, on the contrary, have a bright color, with pronounced spotting.

Of the sense organs, the lynx has the best developed vision and hearing. Lynx is able to distinguish colors and their degree of brightness. This predator can hear a hare gnawing on a twig from 100 meters away. The sense of smell is weak, but a lynx can find its prey using a fresh trail.

Lifestyle and social behavior

Lynx is a territorial animal. Wide migrations are unusual for it: where there is a lot of prey, this animal lives completely sedentary. The average area of ​​a lynx's territory in Europe ranges from 15 to 25 thousand hectares, with some males reaching 30 thousand hectares or more. The females' home ranges are smaller and overlap those of the males. If there is a lack of food, lynxes leave their homes, go on wanderings and can appear even far away in the forest-steppe. Most often, such migrations of predators occur during periods of depression in the number of white hares, which form the basis of the lynx’s diet.

Within the boundaries of the territory, each animal has several favorite routes, resting and hunting places, where it appears most often. Connected by a system of constantly used passages, these places, like the boundaries of the site, are marked with urine, which the lynx sprays on tree trunks.

Lynx dwellings are located in the most secluded places: remote areas of forest with windbreaks, overgrown islands among swamps. The den itself is made under the roots of fallen trees, sometimes in a low-lying large hollow, in the voids between stones. For temporary roosts, the predator chooses places with good review: leaning tree trunk, large stone.

During transitions, the animal moves with measured steps of 40–50 cm in length, and while running it easily overcomes obstacles. The height of the snow cover up to 50 cm does not interfere with the movements of the lynx, but when more snow falls, the predator begins to use the paths of other animals, old ski tracks, roads, and ice on rivers. On winter routes, the lynx brood follows its mother in single file, as if stepping one step after another.

Nutrition and feeding behavior

Like all felines, the lynx is a specialized predator. Its diet is based on medium-sized animals: small ungulates (roe deer, musk deer, goral, deer and their cubs), hares and grouse (grouse, grouse, hazel grouse). The lynx regularly catches small rodents and birds. Before carrion, this cat is a small hunter; she prefers the meat of animals killed by herself.

Contrary to popular belief, the lynx never jumps onto its prey from a tree, although it is an excellent tree climber. This animal prefers to silently, with extraordinary caution, sneak up on her, and then attack with large leaps. Less often, he patiently watches for potential prey in ambush near the trail.

The lynx eats quite a bit - it daily norm- about one and a half kilograms of meat with bones. Typically, an adult animal catches and eats a hare once every 2–4 days; a brood of this amount of food is only enough for one day. A lynx stays near a killed roe deer for about a week, and near sika deer- even longer. The predator buries the uneaten remains of its prey with snow or earth and grass, but does it so sloppily that its “burial” is very quickly taken away by smaller predators - sable, weasel. The wolverine follows the lynx, as a more successful hunter, and sometimes drives it away from freshly caught game. The lynx itself often chases foxes, not allowing them to hunt in their area.


The lynx hunts at dusk; only young animals go hunting during the day. During the mating season, animals can be active around the clock.


Reproduction and raising of offspring

The rutting season for lynxes occurs in February-March. A female in heat can be followed by several males, between whom fierce fights occur from time to time. The den in which the kittens should appear is usually lined with bird feathers, ungulate hair, and dry grass is added to this. Pregnancy lasts 63–70 days. Newborns (usually 2–3) appear from late April to early June depending on geographical latitude terrain. The weight of kittens at birth is 250–300 grams, they are blind, and the auditory openings are covered with skin. All care for the offspring falls entirely on the female; the male does not take part in raising the cubs. The mother licks the kittens, keeps the nest clean, leads them away from the nest large predators. For the first two months, lynx cubs feed almost exclusively on milk. By this age, the formation of their milk teeth has completed, and they begin to pick at the meat brought by their mother, but milk feeding continues for several more months. At the age of 3 months, kittens leave the den and follow their mother everywhere.

The general color tone of the young is light brown, spotting is expressed only on the paws. The “adult” fur pattern develops only by the age of nine months; the “sideburns” and tufts on the ears are fully developed only in one and a half year old lynx cubs. The family remains until the next rut, and the kittens continue to stay in one group even after the adults, ready for mating, drive them away. If a female does not give birth to cubs this year, the entire previous brood lives with her for several more months. Lynxes become sexually mature at 1.5–2 years.


There are cases when lynxes lived for more than 20 years; in nature, life expectancy is less: 10–15 years.

Keeping animals at the Moscow Zoo

Lynxes have been kept at the Moscow Zoo since its founding. These long-legged beauties invariably attract the attention of visitors while walking in their enclosures, which are located on the Old Territory in Cat Row next to the Giraffe Pavilion. True, seeing a lynx is not as simple a task as it seems. Our cats, and a couple of lynxes now live in the zoo, go out in the late afternoon, in the early twilight. The animals prefer to spend the first half of the day in shelters - niches - and on balconies, each in their own enclosure. There, curled up comfortably on hay mats, they sleep peacefully, only opening their eyes from time to time and lazily looking around the property. What are they interested in? Someone might think that visitors are wrong. Even the keepers, who clean the enclosure and bring food every day, are treated more than coolly by our lynxes. They recognize you, but they are in no hurry to express warm feelings. With much greater pleasure, cats watch the noisy sparrows entering the cage in the hope of profiting for free. Feathered guests are at mortal risk, because this big cat hunts them with pleasure and very skillfully. To prevent our pets from getting bored, employees from time to time place various toys in the enclosure. Like for domestic cats, only larger in size. However, our female plays best with... ordinary pumpkins! He happily chews them into small crumbs. The male treats most of the proposed entertainment with lukewarmness. Some time ago, keepers began training with our lynxes using a special technique. From the outside, it resembles a game - a person, standing next to the enclosure, offers his ward an object attached to a long stick - a target (from the English target - goal, target). In our case it was a rubber ball. The animal had to easily touch the ball with a certain part of the body, for which it received encouragement. Then the same target was presented indoors. The animal had to repeat its actions, going inside to do this. The purpose of these classes was not to train the cat, but to make it easier for the keepers to work with it, who find it much easier to explain to the animal what actions are required of it.

In 2017, lynxes gave birth to kittens

What kind of animal is a lynx? Where does it live? What does a lynx eat in the forest? If you are interested in knowing the answers to these questions, then this article is for you.


A lynx is the same cat, only the size of a large dog. Her legs are long and her body is short. For humans, this animal is not at all dangerous, although there are myths that the lynx rushes at people. She sheds in spring and fall. When several of these animals meet, then they greet each other with their noses, as if kissing. From the outside this picture looks very nice. This animal lives not only in the taiga, it is often found in forests that are located in the mountains, forest-steppe or forest-tundra.

People love to catch these mammals not for food, but for their fur, which can be sold very profitably, since it is very rare and expensive. Even mink cannot compare with this fur. Therefore, hunters very often try to catch them, but this rarely succeeds, since lynxes are very cautious and sense danger a mile away.


These animals are different types, but the most common is the common lynx. Its diet is varied, but mostly small rodents. She can climb trees well and long jump about 3-4 meters. What makes this animal different from a small cat is that it can swim remarkably well, even better than many dogs. Lynxes live in forests that are closer to the north. Of course, there should be no predators stronger than the lynx, but there are many weak or sick animals living there.

What can you profit from in the forest?

What does a lynx eat in the forest? Hares are its main food. In a day, lynxes can cover about 30 kilometers. They have tassels on their ears, which were not given to them for beauty. Thanks to them, the lynx learns about the danger in advance. This is a very careful animal that can walk in the snow without even leaving a trace. They hide in caves or in hollows. Lynxes are wonderful hunters, but only in the evening, and during the day they rest and gain strength. IN autumn time young individuals go hunting with their parents and learn all the wisdom from them. Scientists have found that the lynx eats very little. That is, one hare is enough for them for a day.

What does a lynx eat? First of all, she eats those animals that she can defeat and overcome. These may be defenseless white hares, as mentioned above, although when there is snow, they are not easy to catch - these helpless animals are good at camouflage. They catch hares every day, but eat them once every 3 or 4 days, this is enough for them not to starve for several days. Lynxes also hunt weak roe deer, birds such as hazel grouse or black grouse, as well as mice and rats. Sick and helpless animals also attract them.

If you can’t have lunch in the forest...

When there is a lot of snow on the ground, the lynx can catch few of them, so it goes to houses where there are pets. She usually does this procedure late in the evening so that no one can see her, and steals sheep or goats.

Something that a predator definitely won’t refuse

Scientists have studied well how and what the lynx eats, and what animals. She usually only consumes those victims whom she killed herself, and she does not recognize carrion. Even if she is very hungry, she is unlikely to touch the animal’s corpse.

What else would be a tasty morsel for the lynx and how does the hunting process happen?

In Altai, this animal is larger and eats elk, roe deer, and deer. Lynxes do not hunt in packs, like wolves, but alone. She will not live in places where there is no food, but will wander until she sees that in this place she can profit from something. At the same time, the lynx does not like to lead a wandering lifestyle. Only when she knows that in a certain area there are many animals that she can hunt, then she settles there for a long time. In the evening, the lynx goes hunting, climbs a tree with a clear view, and watches to see if there is prey nearby.

Seeing a potential victim from above, the lynx descends to the ground and sits in ambush, waiting. She never jumps on her prey from above, but hunts only below, usually attacking from behind. The lynx knows how to hide so well that the poor animals never see where it might come from. If she does not see the victim in advance, then she will sit in ambush from several hours to several days. The lynx hunts even when it is not at all hungry - it is in its blood. The main thing is to catch the prey. She sets up an ambush a little higher up the slope so that future prey is clearly visible.

If a well-fed lynx catches a victim, then it will not even hide it for a rainy day. She will simply leave her where she killed her and leave. This bloodthirsty cat will not spare any animal. According to statistics, the lynx kills about two hundred hares a year. During the winter snowy period, she kills roe deer every day, but eats only the most delicious meat, she simply leaves everything unnecessary and does not stock up.

Lynx in the taiga

Sometimes representatives of this species of cat live in what does a lynx eat in the taiga, in those forests where there are many dense trees?

In such areas the climate is very difficult, which is why the animals there have a hard time. Over time, of course, they adapt. The snow there is very deep, so winter time It is difficult for animals to move. But in the taiga there is a lot of food, both in summer and winter. However, in the cold, not all animals are able to get food for themselves. In the taiga, lynxes are not found in such large numbers, but they are still found.

They settle only in dark and remote places, where you can often find a hare and other animals, which is acceptable for a lynx. Many animals living in the taiga have poor vision, but lynxes have excellent vision. Thanks to this, cats easily hunt various birds that live in the taiga. There are also deer and roe deer, which the lynx eats with pleasure. This is what lynx eat in the taiga.


Lynxes also have the habit of hunting foxes. And not because they eat them, but in order to get rid of competitors who also love hares. If she doesn't get the fox out of the way, then it will chase the lynx to steal its prey. The lynx has very few enemies, but they still exist.

There are even those who feed on lynx in the forest or taiga. In those places where there are many wolves, the lynx does not live, since these are its first enemies. If they see this cat, they will catch up with it in any case, since it can run no more than 80 meters, then it begins to choke. Wolves run longer, so it doesn’t cost them anything to catch up with a predator. Although, as noted, this a rare event. If you meet a wolverine on the way, then the lynx is definitely out of luck. Wolverine chases her into a tree, eventually pulling her out of there and killing her with ease. They are the same in strength, only the lynx is not well adapted to taiga conditions, so it will not immediately find where to run and where to hide.

Who else eats lynx? There was one recorded case where a lynx was killed, now scientists are trying to track whether this is a coincidence or reality. No one noticed tigers anymore so they could attack big cats.


As you can understand, the lynx’s diet is varied. Almost any living creature can become its victims, from small rodents to large animals, even domestic ones. And she is not always hungry, but she is simply a predator, and this must be taken for granted. Although people don’t like lynxes because of this. A large male can eat up to three kilograms of meat per day if he eats regularly.

If he hasn’t eaten for many days, then he can eat 6 kilograms. Lynx plays very important role in the forest, since it kills not only useful animals, but also the sick and weak. It is necessary to take care of these representatives of the feline genus, since today they are considered almost extinct.

This animal is a representative of the cat family. Many people are interested in the question of where the lynx lives; the easiest way to find it is in the taiga. Currently, not much information is known about the types of lynx and its habits. This is explained by the neatness and caution of the animal. Getting to him is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. According to the description, the common lynx, like any other, can use paths made by humans during the winter months. This type of wild cat is of interest to many animal lovers.

Lynx lives approximately 17 years, the average for each type of lynx varies.

Lynx - description and external characteristics

The lynx is one of the most beautiful felines, its length depends on the variety. On average, sizes range from 60 to 140 centimeters. There are tassels on the ears. In the area of ​​the beard the animal has longer hair than in other places. Because of this, a sideburn effect is created. The animal is distinguished by large vertical pupils and a small muzzle. The beauty of the animal is determined by its silky and thick fur.

This animal can be found in European countries, and the lynx can also be seen in China, Georgia and Greece. More than half of the representatives of this species live on the western continents, in the United States of America and Canada.

In the territory Russian Federation the beast can be seen in taiga forests. Depending on the habitat, both the physical and external characteristics of the animal differ.

What does a lynx eat?

This animal's favorite food is hares. The lynx can also prey on dogs, birds, small rodents, deer, partridges, and foxes.


Red Lynx has a polygynous reproductive system, in other words, males can have relationships with several females throughout their lives. The gestation period of the offspring is a little more than 2 months, the eyes of small lynx cubs open on the 10th - 11th day of life, and the female feeds them with her milk for 60 days. After this, for six months, the mothers of the cubs teach them everything they will need to survive independently. In some species, both males and females participate in raising offspring; some species of this animal differ in that only the mother raises the cubs. Female red lynx become sexually mature after a year of life, males - after 2 years.

Types of lynx

The lynx, like any representative of the cat, is an excellent tree climber. She feels much more comfortable on the branches than on the ground. Experts explain this by the structural features of the lynx.


The European lynx is comparable in size to a large dog. The tail has a chopped end, the body itself is dense. The European lynx has large, long legs, which allows it to easily climb trees.

The jungle cat, or in other words, the swamp lynx, has its own distinctive features. This species of cat is extremely rare, its numbers are becoming smaller and smaller every year. For this reason, it was listed in the Red Book. The main reason population decline is a feature of where this lynx lives. The cold winter months lead to a decrease in population and extinction of the species.

Their weight depends on the sex of the animal, the weight range is quite large, a lynx can weigh from 4 to 17 kilograms.

This cat breed develops good speed in thickets, and also jumps high. This is explained by strong powerful paws. It is extremely rare to see a swamp lynx in the wild. Another feature of this animal is that they have excellent vision at night.


Spanish lynx has many names, Pyrenean, Iberian and others. Many are concerned about the question of where a representative of this breed lives. Currently, most of these animals are located in the territory national park, the Iberian lynx was originally found in the forests and mountains of Portugal and Spain. The Spanish lynx was once one of the subspecies of the Eurasian lynx. However, experts have found that these two representatives of the cat family evolved separately.

The Spanish lynx is known for its fur becoming thinner during the winter months. Its dimensions are not the largest, height is about 50 centimeters, length 80 - 90 cm. The mass of the Spanish lynx lies in the range of 12 - 22 kilograms.

The Perenean lynx has fur of a brown or yellow hue, the spots can be very different shapes and size. One of their main features is that the jaw is longer than that of other representatives of this class, and the muzzle is quite narrow. These structural features allow the Perenean lynx to make powerful bites; the victim dies in a maximum of 2 - 3.


Another representative of the cat family is the red lynx. It is also called red or orange. Currently, the red lynx lives in North America. If we compare the sizes of a domestic lynx and a red one, the second will be approximately 2 times larger. The red lynx's body can be up to 110 centimeters in length, not including the 10 - 20 centimeter tail. Weight is about 10 kilograms. Distinctive feature red lynx - long and large paws; a red lynx can be recognized by the whiskers on its face.

The bobcat has a variety of habitats and can be found in subtropical forests, hot deserts, wetlands and mountains. In some cases, bobcats can be found even in the suburbs. In case of any threat, this animal climbs a tree, where it feels very comfortable. The red lynx prefers to live where there is as little snow as possible. This is explained by the fact that its paws are not adapted to move on snowy terrain.


Despite the large number of cat species, only the Siberian lynx can be found in the northern regions of the Russian Federation. Human activities in these regions have greatly affected the Siberian lynx population.

The wool of the Siberian lynx is highly valued on the market, which has also led to the fact that this representative of the cat breed is currently in the Red Book. The Siberian lynx has a unique structure that allows it to survive in cold climates. In addition to the fact that the animal is excellent at climbing trees, it also runs fast, swims well, and jumps high and far. Most often, the animal is found in coniferous forests, but their representatives can be found in forest steppes. Some have met lynxes in the Arctic Circle.


The desert lynx is understood as a wild representative of the cat family; another name for this animal is caracal. Translated from Turkish, the name of this animal means black ear.

The best chance of meeting a caracal live in the wild is in desert areas; the animal is often found in Africa and Asia Minor. Currently, there are about 9 subspecies of the desert lynx.

This type of cat has a relatively thin body no more than 85 centimeters long. Another one characteristic for caracals - high ears that are positioned vertically. Hard hairline allows the animal to easily move through the sand mixture. Many people are concerned about the question of how much a lynx weighs, this breed weighs on average 12 kilograms. Males weigh slightly more than females.

Keeping at home

The lynx is an unusually beautiful animal, and some people do not refuse to have such an animal at home. The animal has wonderful grace and habits that make it possible to admire this representative of the cat family for hours. However, before you get a pet lynx, you should get to know them better.

In wild habitats it is extremely rare to encounter a representative of this species. Its main activity occurs at night or in the evening, but in spring the caracal often walks during the day. Also, the animal sometimes shows daytime activity in the winter months, which is explained by a lack of food. For this reason, the animal spends time intended for rest searching for food.

The home of this animal appears to be a crevice in the rock, but the caracal can settle in empty holes that, for some reason, were abandoned by a fox or other animal.

This representative of the cat breed very rarely remains hungry, this is explained by his innate talents for hunting. A powerful body and excellent hearing allow this animal to overtake its prey without much difficulty. A caracal can easily catch a bird from a flock that was about to take off. The lynx eats only animals or birds. This includes antelope, fox and even ostrich.

Many fans of this animal are interested in the question of how much a lynx costs. Its cost can be compared with the cost of a foreign car or a new domestic car. This is explained by the small number of caracals. In the vastness of the global network there are various prices, which range from 450 thousand to 1 million rubles.

Previously, lynxes were kept indoors so that the predator would help them protect the territory. It is possible to keep such an animal in an apartment, but in order to do so you will have to make some sacrifices. The tray should be significantly larger than that of domestic cats. The caracal needs to be trained; it is recommended to immediately teach it to relieve itself while walking. Fresh air This animal needs it every day, just like dogs. If you follow all the rules for training an animal, your furniture and home will remain safe and sound.

Enemies in the wild

The main danger to the lynx is humans. The fur of this animal is very valuable in the market, and this animal can also encroach on livestock. When an animal meets a man, he tries to hide from him in a tree. Very rarely, the lynx was the first to attack a person. If the animal was wounded, it will not run away; the animal tries to jump on the hunter and kill him.

Another danger for this animal is wolves. If the lynx is young, it does not climb a tree, but tries to run away from the pack, which always ends in the death of the feline. An experienced animal will sit on a tree until the flock stops besieging it.

The lynx is a popular animal, due to its beauty. Many people visit the zoo because of their interest not only in elephants and tigers, but also in lynxes, among others. However, even in such conditions it is problematic to see it. Daytime The animal prefers to spend time in a niche; they mostly come out only in the early evening. They treat people indifferently and do not show any warm feelings towards the zoo workers. This animal will be much more interested in a sparrow that accidentally flies into the enclosure. The representative of felines loves birds, for birds to fly into the enclosure of a lynx - deadly danger. Female animals like to play, like any other cats, with round objects, in this case pumpkins. Males are more cold-blooded in this regard and practically do not play.

  • This animal has one inexplicable habit of hiding meat and not returning for it.
  • The ears of this animal are able to catch the quietest sound, be it the breathing of a person or a wolf.
  • The animal's high jump can reach 6 meters.
  • The Eurasian species can live in conditions of -55 degrees Celsius.
  • The beast really does not like foxes and, if possible, destroys them. Experts explain this by the principle of hunting foxes, who love to feast on other people's prey. For this reason, when a feline sees a fox near its prey, it lets it get closer and then rushes at the thief. The lynx will never eat it; the animal leaves the killed fox in place and leaves.

The common lynx (you can see a photo of the animal in our article) is a mammalian predator belonging to the cat family. Usually the size of this cat does not inspire much fear: the fact is that this animal is no larger than an average dog. The length of the predator's body does not exceed a meter, and its weight does not exceed 18 kg. Appearance This creature has a very extraordinary: an arrogant and concentrated look, graceful ears crowned with long tassels, and hard rumps (“whiskers”) framing the face of this cat.

Awkward cat

All other parts of the lynx's body are not so graceful. Moreover, at first glance, the predator may seem awkward and awkward: the hind legs are too long, and it seems as if there is no tail at all! But the forelimbs are wide and massive for such a relatively small animal. But it was no coincidence that Mother Nature awarded this wild cat such a disproportionate body structure. All this helps the animal survive in harsh northern conditions.

Table of ranks

This creature with tufts on its ears, like many other animals, has its closest relatives - its own subspecies. The classification of the common lynx includes several subspecies:

  • Altai;
  • Amur;
  • Baikal;
  • European;
  • Caucasian;
  • Carpathian;
  • Turkestan;
  • Yakut

It is worth noting that the lifestyle and description of each of these subspecies are practically no different from each other. By the way, the lynx genus is listed in the International Red Book as an endangered species, but more on that later.

Common lynx. Description

Thanks to the strong front paws, the height of the lynx's body at the shoulders can reach 65 cm. The thick and massive legs have sharp claws. They are released at the time of attack on their prey or during active tree climbing. Wide paw pads are designed to maintain balance in deep snow. This is especially necessary for lynx during the hunting season. As mentioned above, thanks to the awkward body structure, the cat is perfectly adapted to life in the harsh taiga forests.

The common lynx (photo presented in the article) has a large and rounded head, on which the so-called “whiskers” are visible. The head is crowned with triangular ears with tassels at the ends. These brushes are not just decoration, they are a kind of “antenna”. It is she who helps the cat hear even barely audible sounds. If these tassels, for example, are cut off, the lynx’s hearing will immediately become dull. Therefore, those who like to keep lynxes as pets should not do this under any circumstances. The color of most of these cats is rusty-red, with dirty gray spots on their limbs. The belly is white.

Where does this wild cat live?

Well, since this cat is wild, it lives in forests, and in the northern ones. You can meet this creature all over the planet. Lynx lives in Canada, the United States of America, and almost the entire territory of the Russian Federation: the Amur region and Altai region, Rostov and Ryazan region, North Caucasus and Yakutia. Common lynx is perhaps the most northern species of all representatives of its genus. For example, in Scandinavia it is found even beyond the Arctic Circle! This cat can also be found on the territory of Ukraine, but only within tall and large taiga-type forests. The animal loves the deaf forested areas, for example, in the north of Polesie and in the Carpathians. Unfortunately, only single specimens of representatives of this genus of cats have survived there.

The same can be said about European territories. The lynx was once widespread throughout Europe, but by the middle of the 20th century this animal was completely exterminated in many countries of Western and Central Europe. Currently, successful attempts have been made to revive the population of these cats. For example, the common lynx began to actively reproduce in the second half of the 80s of the last century. Currently, its habitat in this area covers the northern regions of the Right Bank: Volsky, Khvalynsky, Baltiysky, Voskresensky, Petrovsky.

What does a lynx eat?

As mentioned above, the common lynx is a typical predator of the cat family. The favorite delicacy of these cats are hares, but the predator is not averse to dining on small rodents (gophers, voles, beavers), and even capercaillie). IN special cases lynx can attack young deer, roe deer, wild boar and moose. The animal leads a 24-hour lifestyle, so it hunts both during the day (early morning) and at night (late in the evening).

When there is sufficient food, the common lynx leads, and when there is a shortage of food, it wanders from place to place. In one day, the cat easily covers a distance of 30 km, catching the above-mentioned hares, grouse birds, small rodents and small ungulates. By the way, occasionally these animals can even attack domestic dogs and cats, as well as foxes. However, the main diet of lynxes consists of white hares.

Why is lynx so difficult to see in the wild?

Once upon a time a doctor biological sciences N. N. Drozdov said that the lynx is “a creature that is difficult to see in freedom. It’s rare that anyone in nature manages to get valuable photo and video footage of this cat.” The professor was right, lynxes hunt secretly: early in the morning and at sunset (almost twilight). These cats, like tigers, prefer to do everything alone and in a pre-marked territory. Males are practically indifferent to their territories and easily tolerate intrusion by other males. At the same time, both individuals try to avoid each other. Females are not as peaceful as males. If two individuals meet on someone’s territory, a bloody battle cannot be avoided. That is why this animal is so rarely caught on camera.

How does this cat hunt?

The common lynx lies in wait for its prey, hiding near a tree or next to a well-trodden path. When the prey approaches the required distance, the hungry cat makes a lightning-fast jump onto its back, gnawing its prey. According to Professor Drozdov, in the north of America these creatures hunt almost everything that can move. However, even here, hares remain the favorite delicacy of these cats.

It is curious that in Scandinavia, lynxes love to bully. In areas with a cold climate, the carcasses of animals killed by lynxes (for example, deer) stiffen quite quickly, so the cat needs to feast on their meat as soon as possible. Otherwise, her muzzle will literally freeze to the prey! By the way, these cats are afraid of people and always try to avoid meeting them. But there is no need to abuse this, because driven and wounded lynxes become very dangerous and ferocious creatures!

Common lynx in the Red Book

This species of lynx is considered a pest predator. The animal destroys commercial game even at the moment when it does not want to eat at all! From the point of view of hunting, the common lynx is classified as a commercial fur-bearing animal, which greatly reduces its population. In this regard, the entire genus of lynx is listed in the International Red Book, while the common lynx is listed in the Red Book of the Moscow Region. Why did the common lynx appear in this book?

The Red Book of the Moscow Region (photo not shown in the article) includes 20 species of various mammals. Among them are 3 special families: bears, mustelids and cats. Our common lynx belongs to the latter family. The Red Book includes certain species of animals according to completely various reasons. If we talk about the common lynx, the sharp decline in its numbers is due to the illegal actions of hunters-poachers, who, using various cunning methods, track and lure the animal, after which they shoot it for fur and, of course, tasty meat.

The fact is that lynx meat is tender, tasty and reminiscent of veal. IN Ancient Rus' such meat was famous for the highest useful qualities and was served on the table exclusively during princely and boyar feasts in the form of an exquisite delicacy. At present, according to already established traditions, it is not customary to eat the meat of predatory animals. But this does not stop poachers: one of their trophies is still the common lynx. The Red Book of the Moscow Region is the law, and it must be observed equally by everyone!

Common lynx or Eurasian lynx is a small cat of the lynx genus, for which about ten subspecies are known. The species lives in the north of Eurasia, its range begins in Scandinavia and continues to the island of Sakhalin and Kamchatka. The lynx is found in China, Iran, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Nepal, Turkey, and Siberia.

In the center and west of the European continent, lynxes were exterminated in the middle of the last century. Now the population is being restored with success in the Carpathians (Poland, Romania, Czech Republic, Serbia, Slovakia, Herzegovina). So, on the territory of Romania it has already grown to 2000 individuals.

The lynx is a large cat with a body length of 80-130 cm, a height at the withers of about 70 cm. The length of the animal’s tail ranges from 11 to 25 cm. The weight of males is 18-30 kg, and that of females is less, 8-21 kg. . The largest individuals live in Russia in Siberia. The weight of local male lynx reaches 38 kg, and even 45 kg. Limbs are strong and long. The ears are decorated with black tufts of hair. The fur on the muzzle is long and gray white. Summer fur is short, colored reddish or Brown color. In winter, it becomes thick and silky, and the color changes to silver-gray or grayish-brown. Belly and neck are white all year round. On the main background there are dots and stripes of black color. Dark brown stripes are located on the forehead. Lynxes that live in the south of their range are more spotted than those living in the north. The lynx's gait is such that the hind paws follow the footprint of the front paws.

The diet of the common lynx includes small and large mammals, birds. She hunts hares, rabbits, squirrels, martens, foxes, roe deer, chamois, deer, and wild boars. It can feed on carrion, but prefers ungulates, especially in the winter, when small prey becomes less available. The predator also attacks domestic animals. An adult lynx eats about 2 kg of meat daily.

The common lynx is the northernmost species of the cat family. In Scandinavia it can be found even beyond the Arctic Circle. In Russia, the lynx lives in dense coniferous forests as far as Kamchatka and Sakhalin. The species is also found in the Carpathians, the Caucasus, Central Asia, and in countries such as Georgia, Estonia, Finland, Sweden, Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, Spain, Serbia, Macedonia, Slovenia, Slovakia, Belarus, Croatia, Albania, Greece, Lithuania, Latvia, Ukraine, Armenia, Azerbaijan , Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan. Populations are small throughout.

Previously, the species was widespread throughout Europe, but in the middle of the last century it was exterminated in the center and west of the continent. Now the population is gradually increasing.

Males of the common lynx are on average 10 kg larger than females, which is the main manifestation of sexual dimorphism in this species of cat.

For life, the common lynx chooses deaf coniferous forests and taiga. Can live in forest-steppe, mountain forests, forest-tundra. This animal swims well and climbs rocks and trees. The lynx is characterized by a nocturnal and twilight lifestyle. At other times she sleeps in secluded places.

Adult individuals live in separate areas with an area of ​​about 20 km2. Males always have more territories than females. During the day, the lynx covers approximately 10-20 km. Prefers to hunt from ambush.

The lynx is a very cautious animal, but is not afraid of people. It can live in secondary forests, young forests, and when there is a lack of prey, it visits neighboring villages and even cities. Lynxes rarely attack people; they become dangerous only when wounded, when they can cause serious wounds to a person.

Lynxes are often called harmful predators, but their role in nature is equal to the importance of wolves: they destroy mainly sick and weak animals.

Mating season in the common lynx it lasts from January to April. The duration of pregnancy is 67-74 days. Childbirth occurs in secluded places that are protected by tree branches and roots. The female makes a bedding in it from dry grass and animal fur. 1-4 kittens are born, blind and helpless, weighing 240-420 g. The fur of the babies is gray-brown. Adult coloration appears at the age of 3 months. Their eyes open at 2 weeks. Breastfeeding lasts about 5 months, solid food appears in the diet from 6 weeks. The kittens spend the first 9 months of their lives near their mother until the next mating season begins. Females reach sexual maturity at 2 years, males at 3 years. Under natural conditions, the common lynx lives up to 15 years. In captivity, it lives up to 20 years.

Natural enemies common lynx are Gray wolves and wolverines, who can catch and kill them. Therefore, from places where many wolves live, lynxes leave. These cats are also hunted Amur tigers. In the south of the range, the danger for the predator is Snow Leopard and leopard.

  • The industry uses lynx fur. It is thick, silky and tall, with guard hairs up to 5 cm long on the back, about 7 cm on the belly, the underfur is abundant and soft. The skin is colored from a reddish to bluish tone, the pattern is spotted. Lynx fur has always been highly valued. And since the middle of the last century, its price began to grow rapidly, and over the course of 20 years it increased from $73 to $1,300. This is due to the fashion for long-haired fur, among which lynx fur was the best and most popular.
  • The main role of this predator is to regulate the natural balance of animals, since the predator exterminates weak and sick individuals.
  • The tender meat of lynx resembles veal in taste, but it is practically not consumed as food. It was popular only in Ancient Rus', where it was considered a delicacy and served as a decoration for the richest feasts.
  • The lynx is a symbol of completeness and visual acuity. It adorns the coats of arms and flags of many cities and countries.

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