A tribe that speaks Russian. The African tribe of cannibals speaks the purest Russian. Tribe of Russian-speaking cannibals discovered in Africa

As the researchers noted, the tribe speaks the purest, beautiful Russian language of the nobility of the 19th century, which was spoken by Pushkin and Tolstoy.

During an expedition in Africa, a tribe was discovered that speaks the purest Russian.

These tribes were found in the eastern part of the continent, on the border with Tanzania. According to scientists, these individuals are very dangerous because they perceive people as food. The tribe is armed with nothing but sticks and stones. About this writes the publication "Russian Dialogue".

But the biggest surprise for the discoverers of the tribes was the ability of the population to speak Russian. As the researchers noted, the tribe speaks the purest, beautiful Russian language of the nobility of the 19th century, which was spoken by Pushkin and Tolstoy.

Scientists said that the population of this people is declining. This unique tribe of Russian-speaking cannibals maintains its Chronicle. According to records made there, five years ago there were about a thousand of them, last year a little less than two hundred, and now there are only 72 people left.

Earlier, the priests of African tribes predicted that the Earth would become the arena of the battle of the aliens.

Representatives of these tribes have lived in Mali for about 800 thousand years. These settlements are known for their unique mythology, which has a complex cosmology, and their ideas about the Universe coincide with the data of astronomical science with amazing accuracy.

The tribe of cannibals speaks the language of Pushkin
A cruel tribe of cannibals that communicates in the purest Russian language was discovered by the International Research Expedition "African Ring - 2010". This was reported to Smixer.ru by the scientific leader of the expedition, head of the Department of African Studies at St. Petersburg State University Alexander Zheltov.
“These people are quite dangerous, since all people are perceived as food,” said A. Zheltov. - During the contact of the expedition with them, we kept weapons ready for self-defense. However, the leader of the tribe understood that the conflict with us was not beneficial to him. The tribe is armed with nothing but sticks and stones, and we had hunting rifles - almost every member of the expedition.
Unarmed to travel through wild africa very dangerous, - said the source of the agency.

“The biggest surprise for us was that the native language of the tribe is Russian,” says A. Zheltov. - Moreover, with us on the expedition was an academician, head. Chair of the Institute of the Russian Language Vera Ilyinichna Borisoglebskaya, so she claims that the tribe speaks the purest, beautiful Russian language of the nobles of the 19th century, which was spoken by Pushkin and Tolstoy.
What is this, a joke? If this is a tribe of cannibals, they would have eaten the travelers before they could learn the language.
What if it's not a joke? And, say, the progenitors of the language, with whom Pushkin and Tolstoy "served in the same regiment" ..
I also thought about it. In order to sign the Russian language, which we do not know, one must be a Russian longer than we are.
Cyrillic is the language of Pushkin, it is the Jewish language of thieves, Yiddish. And it was invented only in the second half of the 19th century, after 1880. Draw your own conclusions.
Yeah, creepy picture.
Then it gets even weirder.
Were they able to instill the habit of the Russian language, but didn’t wean them from eating human flesh?
Have you been in a Christian church for a long time?
I have never gone to a Christian church and never go.
I'm talking about their main ritual: communion. They drink the blood of their tribesman and eat his meat, a little man. Cannibalism openly. And it doesn't shock anyone.

What an abomination, I read about it.
I'm talking about this. Christianity is a Jewish church group and Cyrillic is the language of the Jewish (Christian) group of military-historical blacks with civil war in USA. So, language and cannibalism at the level of state religion are from the same group of troops of the red (Soviet) army of Elston-Stalin 1853-1953. Everything is in order, everything is as it should be.

Stalin founded the Russian Orthodox Church in 1943 as the state religion,
and the Cathedral Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow was built
in 1883 and then destroyed by Stalin in 1931.
The history of the temple itself is a fake.
It turns out that in 1931 Stalin destroyed Orthodox church, and in 1943 revived
Orthodox religion? Considering that the Vatican itself was founded in 1929,
and with it all religions, it turns out that there used to be another religion,
and Stalin created (aka revived) something completely new?
Previously, the buildings of temples were not built for prayers, but were
administrative buildings.
Here is the history of the main cathedral of the country:
Cathedral Church of Christ the Savior in Moscow Cathedral Russian Orthodox Church(Volkhonka street, 15-17). Existing facility - completed in the 1990s external reconstruction of the temple of the same name, created in the XIX century.
The temple is a collective cenotaph of the soldiers of the Russian Imperial Army who died in the war with Napoleon - the names of officers who fell in battle are inscribed on the walls of the temple. Patriotic War 1812 and the Foreign campaigns of 1797-1806 and 1814-1815.
The original temple was erected in memory of the Napoleonic invasion, designed by the architect K. A. Ton. The construction lasted almost 44 years: the temple was founded on September 23, 1839, and consecrated on May 26, 1883. The temple building was destroyed in the midst of the Stalinist reconstruction of the city on December 5, 1931. Rebuilt in 1994-1997.
The church was Greek-cephalic.
There was no Greece, a literary hoax. Cephalic, Catholic is Jewish, Negroes from the American Civil War. In translation, a group of blacks - the Red Guards from the Civil War in the United States.
The history of the 19th century among Negroes and Cossacks begins only in 1853. That is, what is written about the Napoleonic wars is a lie.
In 1853-1880. all around Russia there is a war Karusov with the Cossacks. Negroes under the Cossacks, in the red (Soviet) army.
And if the Cathedral of Christ the Savior was built before 1853, and I think it is

judging by his appearance, then the Karusy built it, and the Cossacks with their Negroes only rewrote it for themselves when they rewrote the History of the Karusov under the history of the Cossacks with their Negroes of the Red Army after 1880.
Christ the Savior is the Devil Methuselah - Space Izabavitel
Under the mask of "Napoleon" the Cossacks also recorded the Devil Methuselah Space Izabavitel - Christ the Savior.
Now try to translate what you have written. Given that the Devil Methuselah - Christ the Savior, the First Emperor (Diocletian, Napoleon, the Most Serene) - is God Rus - the Heavenly Host, former God Russia: "Spas", Father of the Russian Army, with which Soviet army blacks and Cossacks from the Civil War in the United States fought throughout the red-occupied Russia in 1853-1953.
Moscow until 1950 was a very closed city, I watched a documentary about it.
Nobody was allowed.
Steel demolished more than 300 objects of the most valuable architecture, redrawn the entire city.
And not for the better.
Stalin planned to build a monumental building on the site of this Temple
500 meters high with Lenin on top, but the war got in the way.
As for the history of the Temple, the fake is on the way!
Recently I wrote about the sugar industry of the Russian Empire,
and logic itself unexpectedly led to the fact that Napoleon and Peter were invented,
to hide the flooded Atlantis, among other things.
But I just wanted to show climate change.
sugar industry Russian Empire and sunken Atlantis.
http://cat-779.livejournal.com/74116.ht ml
So that's where the Russian language came from))))))))))
The language of the Negro Pushkin and relatives of the Negro Pushkin.)))
Yeah ... "thinking on the tree" ...
Oh, Russian land, you are already behind the Shelomyan! .. we are in Africa ..)
It looks like it. Russian literature promotes degradation, not progress.
What do we call the Russian language, the refined language Russian nobility 19th century Russian literature of the 19th century?
Russian = Jewish (Yiddish, Hebrew).
01. when was ivarit created?
The main conductor of the idea of ​​turning the language of the Bible into colloquial Jews was a native of Lushki, Vilna province, Lazar Iegudovich Perelman, known as Ben-Yehuda (born 1850). who was even imprisoned in 1894 for several months - in his weekly "Hazewi", he boldly created a "NATIONAL" language. 1894 is only the beginning of the creation of the modern Hebrew language (Hebrew)
Theoretical substantiation of the nature of neologisms and the transcription of the included foreign words was done by I. Klausner in his pamphlet "Sefat Eber - Safa chajah" (1896) and by Broide in the Jewish Encyclopedia, s. v. Transliteration

. http://armycarus.do.am/publ/iskusstvo_ kultura_i_jazyk/jazyk_i_literatura/kogda _sozdavali_russkij_jazyk_chast_1/8-1-0-8 51
02 But to get the Jewish-German language "Russian" you also need the German language.
Fine. When was the German language created?

The written form of the standard German language (Hochdeutsch) was created at the II Orthographic Conference, held in Berlin from July 17 to July 19, 1901.
IN 1879 Bavaria published its spelling rules German language. In the same year, Austria introduced its own - the "Heiseshe Corps", named after their creator Johann Christian August Heise. In 1880, Prussia introduced its own rules, developed by Wilhelm Wilmann, a confidant and associate of Konrad Düden. The Prussian rules did not differ much from the Bavarian ones. In the same year, Konrad Düden published, based on Prussian and Bavarian rules, the "Complete Spelling Dictionary of the German Language", containing about 27 thousand words. Within ten years, the dictionary spread first in Germany, and then to all German-speaking countries for teaching in schools. In 1892 "Düden" was introduced as the official dictionary of Switzerland..
http://armycarus.do.am/publ/iskusstvo_k ultura_i_jazyk/jazyk_i_literatura/kogda_ sozdavali_russkij_jazyk_chast_1/8-1-0-85 1
Conclusion. That Jewish-German Russian was created only after the creation of the German language. And the German language was created in 1879-1901. The process is not fast. And the Jewish-German Russian (Cyrillic) was created even later, because it is the German language, spelled in Cyrillic letters with errors and without translation.
03. When was the Ukrainian language created?
At the end of the 19th century, in a narrow circle of part of the South Russian intelligentsia and semi-intelligentsia, the fabrication of the “Ukrainian language” begins.
(Southern Russian - it also doesn’t mean that they are Russians. These are the occupying troops of Elston’s red army: Gray slave war crimes in Russia captured by them. And they themselves are in the process of creating their own German language based on English.)
The fact is that the folk dialect used by Shevchenko was quite consistent with lyrical and patriotic poetry, expressing the simple reflexes of the people's soul, but it was unsuitable for writing history; and now in the last twenty years (1891-1911) we notice a terrible haste in composing new words and in adapting this dialect for scientific writings by means of foreign borrowings and the fabrication of neologisms; as a result - an international linguistic mosaic, striking the ear with a rough and heavy syllable
http://armycarus.do.am/publ/iskusstvo_k ultura_i_jazyk/jazyk_i_literatura/kogda_ sozdavali_russkij_jazyk_chast_2/8-1-0-85 2
And the Cossacks there among the Negroes appeared in Africa only in 1881, when the Cossacks still spoke English, they had not even come up with the German language yet. This means that the Jews had nothing to translate in Cyrillic in order to create their own unique language: German written in Cyrillic, that is, just in a different script.
At the time of 1881, the Negroes (slave) already speak that refined language of the Russian nobility, Russian literature of the 19th century, which the Cossacks in Rus'-Prussia they captured had not yet come up with the entire Red Army!
04. What did the Slavs in the Russian Orthodox Church tell me about the renaming of the First Prince of Tsar Rus by them?
- But Rus was not Russian: he was not a SLAV! Russians are WE: SLAVES!

So here are our Russians: Slavs with their Russian language of the Russian nobility and Russian literature of the 19th century: Negroes and Jews with their Jewish-German Yiddish, which was a mixture of German and Slavic.
Conclusion: this refined language of the Russian nobility and Russian literature of the 19th century (terrible Slavic) after 1881 did not come from Russia to Africa, because at that time it was not in occupied Russia, IT WAS NOT CREATED YET! It is under construction.
And these blacks (SLAVE "yans) from Africa claim that their own language and their ancestors spoke it from TIME TIME!
That is, the language of these black cannibals came to Russia captured by the Cossacks in the second half of the 19th century, along with the troops of the Red Army of Elston: Gray SLAVE war crimes.
That's right: you can't invent a language in just 10-20 years. For 20 years, the Cossacks only disfigured the English language in order to make German out of it! But it was ready language, which the Cossacks knew from the cradle.
And this terrible Slavic, which was given to us as Russian (Jewish) in one bottle, this was the language of the Negroes: slave.
That's why the blacks said that it was their language, their own: black blacks and white blacks from the American Civil War: "terrible Slavic."
And the video shows the Russian nobility, Russian writers of the 19th century: relatives of Pushkin and Leo Tolstoy.
It is not for nothing that Dostoevsky, Gippius and Trotsky call Jews and Slavs "white negroes". They are white blacks (slave) - Red Army soldiers from that Civil War in the USA 1853-1903. And this is their language: creepy Slavic.
It was this language among Negroes and Jews (slave) until 1853 -1893, but it’s a pity that they themselves were not on the planet until 1853: they fell from the moon as part of the troops fallen angels Elston-Sumarokov, and as part of the landing troops. Because the Cossacks immediately threw them into battle!
It is the language of people from another planet. He's just not from here. For this reason, we cannot understand it: it is a FOREIGN language, as Negroes are FOREIGN for us:SLAVE
But the picture, of course, is still obtained ... The farther into the forest, the cooler the Christmas trees ..
Elena, then it becomes clear where the language of the Slavs came from, which is given to us either as Yiddish, or as Jewish-German, or as Russian, or as Church Slavonic, which is Hebrew in one bottle?

A language cannot be created from scratch in a few decades. The formation of a language is a very long and complex process.
And the Slavs had a language, because whatever this Russian was, they could not come up with it in 20-30 years. ITS ADAPTED for almost 50 years.
But if you understand, put a video series into your head that the modern Soviet-Jewish Slavs are Soviet military-historical blacks from the Civil War in the United States andwhich before 1853 simply did not exist on the planet !!! , then everything converges.
Even Yiddish (Russian) converges as a mixture of German and slave "Janian: the language of the Kuban Cossacks of Elston with the language of Negroes from the Civil War in the USA. Negroes (slave) were part of the troops of the red army of Elston's Cossacks. And this red army of Elston's Cossacks has an earthly origin - No. She attacks from somewhere above in 1853, and on the entire planet - at once.
The Slavs are Negro Jews (Negro soldiers), Negro Cossacks from the Red Army of Elston Cossacks. The German language of the Cossacks is the English bandit language of the Cossacks, and the language of the Negroes, this is the Slavic language (the Hebrew language of the Russian Orthodox Church), with which we were fooled all the years of Soviet power.
By the way, the Jewish Bolsheviks were against planting this Hebrew (Slavic, Negro) language in occupied Russia under the guise of the Russian language. Actually, because of this, the main conflict between the Jewish Bolsheviks and our future Russian Orthodox Church in 1917 was. And the Russian Orthodox Church took the name "Russian Orthodox" only in 1943. Until 1943 it was a Greek-Jewish church.

Considering that neither those "Greeks with Jews" were invented by writers after the 1880s, the same SLAVEs from the American Civil War remain with their refined language of the Russian nobility (Pushkin, Tolstoy), the language of Russian literature of the 19th century, on who says it wild tribe blacks in Africa. The Cossacks lost their Slavs in Africa in 1881. This is when the Cossacks themselves spoke and wrote in English language, because the Cossacks have not yet invented their German language!

And a failure was created with the language of Russian literature of the 19th century: Pushkin, Tolstoy and comrades, so where did this terrible Slavic language of blacks from the Civil War in the USA come from, which we were forced to learn under the guise of the Russian language of Pushkin and Leo Tolstoy?

He was, only Negroes-slave spoke it.
They began to write it in Cyrillic. That's all.
After that war of the 19th century, Russia became depopulated and the Cossacks began to populate Russia with their blacks (slave),
Cossacks were Army. The same Angels, only not the Karus, but the troops subordinate to the Karus. And the Cossacks in the 19th century also spoke and wrote only in English.
German is the English bandit language of the Cossacks.
And if these Negroes (slave) would speak the language of the Cossacks, there would be no need to send Dal and not only him alone, to write down in all prisons and hard labor the words and expressions of the thieves' language of the slave (white Negroes), with which the Cossacks populated Russia after that " Crimean War of 1853.
And the Cyrillic alphabet, I think, was invented so that the German Cossacks (gentlemen, white people) would not mix with these blacks (slave). Because the Cyrillic alphabet was invented for them, and not for the Cossacks, who were Army and spoke two languages: English and English bandit.
Hence the TsPSh in which the Negroes (slave) were taught their native language "creepy slave" Yang, which they began to write in Cyrillic.
Jews are SLAVE - "white blacks." And their terrible Slavic, Church Slavonic, Yiddish, as a mixture of the English bandit language of the Cossacks with the language of the Negroes, then (after the 1930s) they began to call the Russian language. And until the 1940s, it was called Yiddish, Hebrew and creepy Slavic, Church Slavonic, also known as the Jewish (thieves') language slave "yan:" Fenya ".
There was confusion whether the slave was stupid, or deliberately, when the white blacks began to call themselves Russian Jews and Slavs. Then the "Jewish Slavs" disappeared and only one word remained: "Russians." Although the second word suggests itself there: Russians - who or what? Because the word: "Russians" is an adjective.
Everything is correct. There should be two words: Russian Jews; Russian Slavs; Russian white blacks. Military-historical blacks (slave) - "white blacks, Jews" with whom the Cossacks in the second half of the 19th century settled Russia captured by the red army of Elston's Cossacks: "The Land of the Dead".

How much mysterious and unknown hides the mysterious Africa!

Her richest fabulous nature, amazing animal world and to this day are of great interest to scientists and excite the inquisitive minds of travelers. Inexplicable admiration, along with animal fear, is caused by the customs and customs of the local aborigines belonging to the most diverse tribes inhabiting the black continent everywhere. Africa itself is quite contrasting, and behind the facade of the civilized world often hides the unprecedented savagery of the primitive communal system.

Wild Africa. cannibal tribes

One of the most mystical secrets tropical Africa definitely is cannibalism.

Cannibalism, that is, the eating of people of their own kind, in many African tribes, constantly at war with each other, was originally based on the belief in the miraculous effect of human blood and flesh on such qualities of warriors as courage, masculinity, heroism and courage. Some tribes of cannibals widely used various drugs made from a burnt and powdered human heart. It was believed that such a black ointment based on the resulting ash and human fat was able to strengthen the body and raise the spirit of a warrior before the battle, as well as protect against enemy spells. The true scale of all kinds of ritual murders is unknown, all rituals, as a rule, were performed in deep secrecy.

Wild tribes. Cannibals reluctantly

Cannibalism was in no way connected with the level of development of a particular tribe of aborigines or with its moral principles. It was just that it was very widespread throughout the continent, there was an acute shortage of food, and besides, it was much easier to kill a person than to shoot on a hunt. wild beast. Although there were tribes that specialized, for example, in cattle breeding, which had enough animal meat, and they did not engage in cannibalism. At the beginning of the 20th century, on the territory of modern Zaire, there were huge slave markets where slaves were sold or exchanged for ivory exclusively for food. On them one could see slaves of different sex and age, it could even be women with babies in their arms, although men were in great demand for food, since women could be useful in the household.

Cruelty of morals

Cannibal tribes openly declared that they liked it because of its juiciness, fingers and toes, as well as female breasts, were considered a delicacy.

A special ritual was associated with eating the head. The flesh torn from the head was received only by the most noble of the elders. The skull was carefully kept in special pots, in front of which sacrificial rites were subsequently performed and prayers were read. Perhaps the most inhuman among the natives was the rite of tearing off pieces of human flesh from a still living victim, and some Nigerian tribes of cannibals, distinguished by a special, ferocious cruelty, with the help of a pumpkin used as an enema, poured boiling water into the throat or anus of the captive Palm oil. According to these cannibals, cadaveric meat that had lain for some time and was completely soaked with oil was much juicier and more tender in taste. In ancient times, the flesh of strangers was mainly eaten, first of all they were captives. At the same time, fellow tribesmen often become victims.

Tribes of cannibals. Creepy hospitality

Interestingly, according to the cannibal customs of hospitality, refusal to taste the delicacy offered to guests was perceived as a mortal insult and insult.

Therefore, no doubt, in order not to be eaten and to move freely across the continent from tribe to tribe, as well as as a sign of friendship and respect, African travelers must have tasted this food.

Hanging out in the dense depths of the all-encompassing Internet, you can often come across flashy, blood-chilling articles with loud intriguing headlines, born in incredible quantities by the Western media - about supposedly "real reality" in Russia, about the Russian world and the mores of the Russian-speaking population of the planet. Articles that form the image of a feral and bloodthirsty Russian monster in the minds of the townsfolk.

There are many examples. Even if you take just a couple of three days. This is only one of those that came to the reader's judgment on this site. Either in the starving suburbs of Moscow, hedgehogs are harvested for the winter, then about scourges on Red Square and grandmothers with rifles in the subway, then about unfortunate Crimean strippers dying of hunger, and Russian "gloomy-looking" policemen who love to beat the unfortunate with great pleasure during their working hours, exhausted from hunger and Russian hopelessness old women.

I present to the reader another masterpiece of the information architecture of Western journalism, built by Felbert's Freak Collection under the heading "A tribe of Russian-speaking cannibals was discovered in Africa !!!" and widely distributed in the Ukrainian media.

I leave the text and photo unchanged.

"Akhtung! Members of the ethnographic expedition "African Ring" found in wild forests Tanzania is a tribe of cannibals who speak Russian.

The expedition was carried out on three KamAZ cross-country vehicles through 27 African countries. During the research work, the participants collected and documented information about the most significant values ​​​​of the peoples of Africa - traditions, rituals, customs and other features of the indigenous population of the "black continent".

Researchers found a tribe of Russian-speaking black cannibals in East Africa, near the border of Tanzania in difficult terrain. The primitive tribe is quite aggressive, in the customs of the natives - eating human flesh. The most amazing thing is that these cruel savages, as it turned out, not only speak Russian, but use its purest example of the 19th century. As Alexander Zheltov, a representative of St. Petersburg University, reported, "the tribe speaks the purest, beautiful Russian language of the nobles of the 19th century, which was spoken by Pushkin and Tolstoy."

The men of the tribe are very dangerous, as they perceive all people solely as food. During contact with Russian-speaking cannibals, members of the expedition kept weapons ready for self-defense. However, the head of the tribe understood that the conflict with white people was not beneficial to him. The tribe is armed with primitive weapons, and each member of the expedition had a hunting rifle with them. It is obvious that in the event of a mess, the already shrinking tribe (only 72 people) would have been all killed.

Expedition leader Alexander Zheltov also said that when a tribe of cannibals offered guests to try their signature dish "Enemy's meat fried at the stake", they asked, "Would you like to eat, dear guests?" When the members of the expedition refused, the cannibals lamented: "Oh, how sorry we are, right."

In total, the members of the expedition spent half a day visiting the tribe of Russian-speaking cannibals. All the questions of astonished scientists, why primitive savages speak the Russian language of the 19th century, have not been answered. The leader of the tribe only modestly remarked that "from time immemorial our tribe speaks this powerful, beautiful and great language," A. Zheltov conveys the words of the leader of the tribe.

It is likely that his cultural heritage and offspring were left by the Cossacks, led by Ataman Ashinov, who landed along with the intelligentsia and a religious mission on the coast of Africa in 1889. Or maybe the Russians have been there before and have inherited it. After all, in those wild lands even one king of Africa looked like Alexander Sergeevich, which earned him the nickname "Pushkin".

A COMMENT : Yes, yes... I've heard that somewhere before. And more than once. Most likely, my grandmother told me ... If my memory serves me right, then there, somewhere nearby, two more tribes live. Some speak the purest Ukrainian of the times of Hetman Skoropadsky and Bohdan Khmelnytsky, while others speak Orthodox Hebrew. Those in Hebrew are not cannibals, because, according to the precepts of Moses, "human flesh is not kosher after all." They give everyone a loan at interest and hang noodles on their ears, and those who babble on the "ready move" catch fat representatives of the tribe of the descendants of the sons of Zion and make bacon out of them for export to their historical homeland. Both of these tribes have been secretly feuding with each other for a long time, finding out which of them is older and according to whose projects they were built. Egyptian pyramids. It often comes to open bloody clashes that regulate uncontrolled population growth in the savannah area under their control.

So joke after that in the social. networks that in Russia, from hunger, the last old women are already eating up without salt ... Fighters for planetary justice and the triumph of tolerant democracy from Western media do not doze. They add a little, correct a little, and then they refer to you ... War, you know, they have ... Informational ... Interestingly, Alexander Zheltov, whom they refer to, really exists? Or that fairy tale character? And if there is, does he know that he recently gave an interview to this publisher? And if he did, then in such a form as it is presented? . But the idea itself is very original ... It even smiled a little: Russian-speaking African blacks-cannibals, descendants of the best Russian noble families, who love poetry and dine with fellow tribesmen while reading poems by Pushkin and Lermontov ...

Well, why did they find a Russian-speaking tribe of cannibals? Are there few other Russian-speaking tribes in Africa? Or are they all cannibals too? I do not believe!!! Search better!!! After all, there is a tribe of hedgehog eaters! So there must be some others!

P.S.: Impressed by the above article, under the iron creak of unlubricated convolutions, one lousy little idea was born to me ... Now I’ll try to dig up on the Internet about some African tribe "Tumba-Yumba", speaking the purest Move. If it works, I'll be sure to send it and publish it ...

Vladimir Batkovich
Central information Agency Novorossiya

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