Women of the Amazon tribes. Wild tribes of the Amazon. Always be in the mood

Amazons are often mentioned in books and films. But who are they really, why are they called that and do they even exist? Let's try to figure it out.

What does the term "Amazon" mean?

In past centuries, Amazons were called warlike women who were able to fight and do without male protection. They say that the Amazons took men captive to continue their family line. This, of course, is very similar to an unreal fairy tale.

However, if they talk about the Amazons after so many centuries, it’s not in vain.

There are several opinions about the meaning of the word "Amazon". Some believe that it means “breastless” - teenage girls in tribes had their right breast burned out with hot coals. This was done so that the breasts would not interfere with fighting. But this source is rather doubtful, because this is not mentioned in any chronicles.

Others argue that the word "Amazon" comes from Iranian and means "warriors" or "untouchables." One way or another, but the meaning of this word is different sources close enough.

Where did the Amazons come from?

Where do these come from? interesting Amazons appeared, where did they live? Many scientists worked on this issue, and no matter how much they wanted to, they still disagreed. Some people believe that the Amazons led a nomadic lifestyle, constantly changing their habitat.

Other scientists suggest that the Amazons had their own kingdom somewhere in the Crimea, or on the coast Mediterranean Sea. And some scientists prove that the Amazons came from Asia or the Caucasus. Unfortunately, it is impossible to prove this or that point of view.

Therefore, one can only guess about their place of birth and habitat. One thing is certain: the Amazons lived only with women, men were used to procreate.

What is the essence of the Amazons?

So what was the essence of these militant women? The Amazons were excellent at wielding weapons, fought equally with men, and were famous for their steadfastness and belligerence. They conquered new lands and had no pity or sympathy.

Men were not recognized, so they lived far away from them. If the Amazons gave birth to a boy, they simply killed him. IN in rare cases they gave it to the father and sent the would-be parent home. These women are an excellent example of matriarchy, where the dominant role of women is obvious.

From a very young age, girls were taught horse riding, the art of wielding weapons, and fighting techniques. After all, for the Amazons, war has always been considered commonplace, even the meaning of their existence. Detachments from the Amazons were considered elite, and anyone, even the most experienced commander, considered it an honor to fight in an alliance with the Amazons. However, female warriors rarely made allies, only in case of danger to their tribe.

The Amazons did not do household chores or cook food. Some historians believe that in the tribes of female warriors there were men present, either as slaves or as servants involved in cooking and other household chores. The Amazons fought and diligently raised girls, future female warriors.

From the point of view of psychology and philosophy, women and men differ not only in physical characteristics, but also in behavioral norms. Amazons contain both types of behavior: male and female. On the one hand, Amazons are women who are characterized by love, raising children and maintaining comfort and order in the house. On the other hand, the Amazons are women who have been trained from childhood to kill, wield weapons well, and ride superbly.

The main weapon of the Amazons is considered to be sagaris. This is a kind of ax with two blades. It appeared among the Scythians, hence the name. Sagaris was common on the island of Crete, symbolizing the natural feminine principle. In addition to the axe, the Amazons loved to use a bow and arrow.

There are many historically proven facts, such as excavations indicating the amazingly perfect possession of these weapons by the Amazons. Amazons rarely went into battle on foot. Almost always they drove saddled horses, which they rode beautifully.

Thus, the Amazons preferred universal set Scythians: ax and bow with arrows. They also had other weapons, which they were fluent in. This and metal plates, and spears, and tips.


It is known that since 600 BC in Athens, women did not have the right to vote. In many states, such as Sparta, women simply did household chores and raised children. In addition, in Sparta they were not very happy about the birth of girls; preference was given to boys, as future warriors.

Perhaps this was precisely the impetus for the birth of the Amazons - independent, self-sufficient, strong and fearless women who wanted to participate in battles and vote on an equal basis with men. Soon, after the first mention of the Amazons, it became clear: not only men are capable of standing up to defend their Motherland; well-trained, physically fit women can cope with this very well.

Herodotus was the first to announce the existence of Amazons in the Iliad. And in European legends, Ephor gave his own version of the origin of these female warriors. He wrote that some of the men went to Europe, where they were killed. Their wives, sisters and children were left alone.

They were forced to take control of the country themselves. Pompey wrote that the Amazons are simply the wives of the Scythians who lost their husbands. And in order not to disappear, they were forced to take control and protection upon themselves.

As you can see, according to many authors, the appearance of the Amazons is associated with constant wars in which all capable men died. In order to survive, women learned to fight and horse riding. And then, over time, legends about women who fight better than men, began to “grow” with new details that vividly describe the cruel nature of the Amazons, hatred of men, desire to fight, kill and take prisoners.

Amazons and art

Amazons are depicted in paintings, poems, adventure novels and films are written about them. The Amazon movement in literature, painting and filmography is very popular.

In paintings, these female warriors are mostly depicted with a spear or sword, riding a horse. This is the main image of the Amazons in painting. The Amazon theme reached its peak of popularity in the 7th century BC, when warrior maidens were actively depicted in both sculpture and painting.

Amazons were also depicted in sculpture, namely reliefs and statues. As in painting, the Amazons in sculpture were depicted with weapons and on horseback. There are even plot sculptures, such as “The Battle of the Amazons and Thisus”, “Amazons and Thisus”.

Arkady Krupnyakov wrote an entire novel, which is proudly called “Amazons”. This book is entirely dedicated to these women. But, besides this book, there are many interesting literary works in which the Amazons take part.

Many films have also been made on this topic. “Tarzan and the Amazons”, “Amazons on the Moon”, “Amazons and Gladiators” - and this is far from full list films, not to mention television series, in which the Amazons take pride of place.

It is also interesting that the Amazons even left their mark in astrology. Asteroids such as Hippolyta, Clymene, and Asteria were named in honor of the most famous female warriors.

Amazons and mythology

Legends and myths about female warriors exist among all tribes of the world. They differ only in some minor details.

IN Greek mythology Amazons hold a certain place of honor. Many other legends tell about these women.

According to Greek mythology, the Amazons take their origin from the naiad Harmony and the god of war Ares. The very first of the Amazons is known as Lysippe. These women had their own patroness - the goddess Artemis, whom they revered in every possible way, worshiped and prayed to her, built temples in honor of her, and erected statues. According to legend, the Amazons fought on the side of the great Troy during the famous Trojan War.

Every schoolchild probably knows about the exploits of Hercules. For example, in the thirteenth labor of this mythical hero there was a task: to obtain the Amazon belt for the ransom of Princess Hippolyta. Hercules accomplished this feat, but not without difficulty, that’s why he was a feat. This myth shows how difficult it was to defeat and outwit the Amazon, which once again proves the strength of these women.

The myth of Theseus and the Amazons tells of Theseus, who once ruled the great Athens. He, along with Hercules, went to the land of the Amazons, and brought from there Antiope, the princess of the Amazons. However, the Amazons did not share Theseus’s opinion that the princess would be fine with him.

Therefore, the Amazons went after Antiope, to rescue her from “captivity,” and at the same time to take revenge on the Greeks. As you know, Athens has never been distinguished for its combat training. Their society preferred to invest all its efforts in science, painting, rhetoric, oratory, literature, and painting. Therefore, with the arrival of the Amazons, they were unable to fight back.

The Athenians had to take refuge within the city walls. However, this did not help them. The Amazon tribe was well armed, in addition, each representative of the tribe had excellent command of weapons. As a result, the Acropolis was besieged. The Athenians made several attempts to drive out the Amazons who were besieging the city. However, they did not succeed.

It is interesting that in the decisive battle between the Amazons and the Athenians, Antiope herself was on the side of her husband and fought against her own tribe. As it turned out, the princess fell in love with her husband very much, so she could not oppose him. But the decisive battle ended tragically for both sides. The beautiful Antiope died, Theseus threw down his weapons, bending over his young wife. The Amazons, full of grief and sadness for the untimely death of the young princess, went home.

There is a myth about how the Amazons came to the aid of the great Troy. It is known that after Achilles killed the eldest son of the Trojan king, Hector, life for the Trojans became restless. After all, the famous Achilles was invulnerable, and in all of Troy there was no hero who could resist Achilles.

It was obvious that the Trojans would lose the battle with the Greeks. But unexpectedly for everyone, the Amazons decided to come to the aid of Troy. In shining armor and with excellent weapons, the warriors attacked the Greeks. One after another, the Greeks fell on the battlefield, and it would seem that they would never defeat the great Amazons. But then Achilles appeared and mercilessly killed the queen of the Amazons. Taking off her helmet, the warrior was struck by her beauty, and with great sadness carried away the queen’s body.

The ancestor of the Amazons is rightfully considered to be the goddess of fertility and hunting, Artemis, who appeared on the island of Crete. Over time, she “moved” to Greece, where she “settled”. The goddess is considered to be prodigal, in every sense of the word. It was from Artemis that all female warriors originated.

According to Herodotus, it was Dionysus and Ares that the Amazons worshiped throughout their existence. Diodorus, known as the Sicilian historian, claimed that warrior maidens took part in the hunt of Artemis.

According to some other myths, the Amazons were sisters of the rain nymphs called the Hyades. One of the famous Ephesian legends tells how the Amazons decided to ask for protection from Dionysus himself. However, they failed to receive the desired patronage.

But according to Euripides, everything happened the other way around, and the Amazons became the honored companions of Dionysus. However, these are just myths. Homer describes that the Amazons repeatedly attempted to kill the Phrygians.

"Amazon Company"

This concept comes from back in 1787. Empress Catherine II intended to visit Crimea. Potemkin Grigory Aleksandrovich issued an order to create, in honor of this significant event, a company that should consist only of women. The number of representatives of the fair sex should have been a hundred.

Where did Potemkin get this idea? It’s just that Catherine the Second once heard from the prince that somewhere in distant Greece there were unprecedented warriors who were superior to the most experienced men in their art of warfare. Therefore, Grigory Aleksandrovich Potemkin decided to surprise the Empress, thus creating an army that he nicknamed the “Amazonian company.” The prince's idea was appreciated. Catherine the Second showered Potemkin with unprecedented honors.

Who was responsible for creating this army? Greek, by origin, Prime Major of Balaklavashelf, famous Chaponi. And he graciously gave command of the company to his young, nineteen-year-old wife of noble blood. The wives and daughters of famous commanders, princes and majors, of the same origin, formed the army.

Raspberry skirts, green velvet jackets, on the headwhite turbans with ostrich feathers - all this completely won the heart of Catherine the Second. And the older girls had guns with three cartridges. However, after the empress's departure, the company did not last long and was soon disbanded.

Expensive pleasure turned out to be necessary for several days. After all, why do we need a company in which newly minted“Amazons” do not know how to hold a weapon, not to mention horsemanship and moral qualities.

Mentions of Amazons

The first mention of female warriors was noted by scientists from Homer's epic poem about the famous Trojan War, the Iliad. Homer notes that during the battles, women took part in the battles and fought like men, even better.

After Homer, other ancient authors began to write about the Amazons. For example, Herodotus, the ancient Greek historian, called militant women “killing men.” In addition, Herodotus described many very interesting stories about the Amazons.

Some compilers of the biography of Alexander the Great talked about the meeting of the great commander with the queen of the Amazons. It is also interesting that there were rumors that the queen of warring women and the great commander allegedly had a child. However, this information is called into question, because there is no evidence of the veracity of the information.

In "Diary" Trojan War» Dictys of Crete also mentions the Amazons as women capable of waging war. The famous diary details the participation of the Amazons and their role in the War of Troy.

Apollodorus of Athens also mentions female warriors in his “Historical Library”. Namely, his chronicles well describe the Amazons’ campaign against Athens.

Diodorus Siculus gives valuable information about the military campaign of the Libyan Amazons, who passed through Egypt, Arabia, conquered Syria and left behind many erected temples and sanctuaries and founded new cities.

If we carefully analyze all the sources that mention the Amazons, we can conclude that each of the sources provides its own specific material, which is contradictory. This is clearly visible in the naming of the Amazons and the localization of their tribes. What explains this?

The antiquity of the events, the diversity of the material used, the unique opinion of each historian, lyricist and political scientist. Disagreements and differences of opinion, although small, do not convey accurate information. However, despite this, it is possible to draw a conclusion and summarize all the information about these mysterious women.

Sarmatians - descendants of the Amazons

Many legends and myths have been preserved about the Sarmatian tribe, who considered themselves descendants of the great Amazons. Their customs were different from those of the Amazons. The Sarmatians did not live as a purely female tribe; there were also men there. However, this did not stop them from raising all the girls as real warriors and protectors.

The same horse riding lessons, elements of mastering a variety of weapons. In order to get married, girls of the Sarmatian tribe had to defeat their enemies three times. After this, the girl was considered fully prepared for marriage.

It is interesting to note that after marriage, women of the Sarmatian tribe stopped riding and using weapons until the tribe had to fight with someone. As in the legends about the Amazons, women and this tribe had their right breast burned out in childhood.

In the footsteps of the great Amazons

Wherever they looked for these unknown female warriors. Historians have found confirmation of the presence of Amazons in the Caucasus, Russia, Asia, Greece, and Turkey. This suggests that the era of the Amazons spread to all corners of the planet, or that their tribe was truly nomadic. One way or another, thanks to records in chronicles, paintings, sculptures and other remnants of the past, one can judge the existence of these women.

In the mid-16th century, Spanish conquistadors became interested in rumors of a civilization supposedly hidden in the depths of the South American continent. Since their interest in the treasures of Mexico and Peru had been exhausted, the conquistadors decided to find a tribe of mysterious Amazons.

It took the brave souls about ten months to get from Peru deep into the continent, because the colossal size of the rivers and jungles leading to the mysterious civilization created a rather impassable barrier. In addition, the advance of the conquistadors was complicated by hostile native tribes, as well as unfavorable weather. Only in 1544 did the first sufficiently reliable information begin to appear. Francisco de Orellana led this reckless journey.

However, skirmishes with the natives, a grueling road, and terrible weather conditions did not stop him from subsequently admiring the clashes with the Amazons themselves, for the sake of whom he went on this crazy journey. He described the Amazons as tall, white, portly women who only covered certain areas. It was not possible to capture any of the Amazons. And this despite the fact that the Spaniards had a whole arsenal of weapons, while the Amazons firearms there wasn't at all.

This further confirms their excellent combat training. A prisoner of one of the native tribes spoke about the Amazons as fierce women who fought well and mercilessly killed men. He talked about how Amazons burn out their right breasts to improve their use of bows and arrows.

And also once a year they enter into relationships with men to procreate. The Amazon boys are killed, and the girls are left and raised according to their own rules and customs.

After one of the voyages of Christopher Columbus, the first stories about the Amazons appeared. In 1493, while returning, Columbus learned from the local natives that not far from the island of Hispaniola, there was an island that was entirely inhabited only by women.

At certain times of the year, these strange women brought men to the island, who were later sent away. These women were excellent warriors, they had shiny armor and other weapons, they shot a bow perfectly and rode horses beautifully.

Throughout his subsequent voyages, Columbus desperately tried to find this mysterious island inhabited by women. Unfortunately, he was never able to find it. In essence, this island remained undiscovered by anyone. But, despite the fact that there were only rumors about him, unsubstantiated, this did not stop people from talking about female warriors for many years.

One of the Spanish authors was sure that the Amazons kept incredible treasures that could enrich the world. But perhaps this assumption of his was caused by the conquistadors’ pathological obsession with treasure. In fact, throughout their entire existence, they were engaged only in searching for treasures.

In addition to the Spaniards, the Portuguese also tried to discover the land where the Amazons lived. However, they faced the same failure as the Spaniards.

It should be noted that when Orellan and Columbus tried to collect information about the Amazons from the local tribes of natives, they had to communicate through translators. However, local dialects are so diverse that the likelihood of translation errors is quite high. In addition, other than rumors, none of the famous travelers brought reliable evidence confirming the existence of “one-breasted” Amazon women.

The Northern Black Sea region is also famous for its historical tradition of the Amazons. Myths and stories about the Black Sea region, told by Herodotus and other scientists, historians and philosophers, clearly indicate that the world of the Amazons once reigned here too.

There are rumors all over the world about the various locations of the Amazons: in Brazil, the jungles of America, the Caucasus, Greece, Turkey, Asia, Russia, Ukraine. And this is not the entire list of places where evidence of the existence of the Amazons was found.

Amazons in Russia

During excavations near the city of Rostov-on-Don, the capital of the Amazons, the city of Tanais, was found. Not far from this place, archaeologists found a female burial, where there was a sword next to the bodies of the women. Women's jewelry was found nearby. This indicates the existence of female warriors in Russia at a certain period.

In addition, many tales of the Slavic peoples tell about the Amazons and their great exploits, as well as some creepy stories there are in these tales: heads on the fences of great heroes, brutal bloody battles. It is interesting to note that at first, when they found the first reminders of the Amazons on the outskirts of Russia and Ukraine, archaeologists did not in any way connect weapons and mass remains of women with the image of women with weapons. After all, in a world where men rule wars, howling women look ridiculous, even the thought of it.

Some scientists associated the presence of weapons in burials with rituals, cults, and some kind of ritual use, but not with a weapon of resistance and murder. However, some time after the excavations, a multinational group appeared in Russia from Western Europe, as well as from the United States.

This group actively promoted the presence of women capable of martial arts and horse riding. After this, Russian and Ukrainian scientists began to seriously think about the once existing Amazons.

At one of the excavations, archaeologists found the remains of a teenage girl, approximately fourteen years old. This happened at the beginning of the 20th century. At first, scientists thought that a guy was buried, because next to him, in the grave, lay a weapon. However, after conducting an examination, scientists were able to establish the gender: it was clearly a girl.

The bones of her lower limbs were twisted, a clear indication of constant horse riding. The body was shaped like that of a real modern athlete, which indicates excellent physical and combat training, and possession of weapons. In addition, a good selection of various weapons, including arrows, was found in the grave.

Amazons in the Caucasus and Asia

Traces of the great Amazons were also found in the distant Caucasus. Large burials of Amazons with a variety of jewelry and weapons were found near the Caucasian rivers Lesken and Cherek. The era of the life of the Amazons in the Caucasus can be safely attributed to the era of the decline of the great commander Alexander the Great.

Further history testifies to the active settlement of Amazons throughout Asia and Russia. Excavations show that Amazon burials were found in different regions of Turkey, Russia, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, and Czechoslovakia.

In African Dogomea, a rather interesting legend has been recorded, which tells of the existence of two villages there: women’s and men’s. It is noteworthy that the residents of both villages did not know about the existence of each other. After chance meeting two representatives from different villages, they had a child.

Since then, women and men began to live together. New Guinea also has its own ancient traditions. For example, one of them tells the story of a man who was swallowed by a huge turtle, thanks to which he ended up in a village where there were no men. They managed to get closer to one woman, and soon they had a child. Other inhabitants of the village also wanted children. This is how a male and female village appears.

None of the legends emphasizes the aggressiveness of the Amazons. So were they aggressive at all?

“Amazons. Socio-political side"

From the side of sociology and politics, it can be judged that the origin and era of the Amazons well reveals the political and social side. After all, the era of the Amazons - shining example the era of the heyday of matriarchy, the desire of women to protect their land, their descendants, while men disappear in war and are often unable to govern the state.

The period of matriarchy in history is remembered not only by chronicles and legends, but also by works of art that have survived to our times. These are figurines of women, paintings, poems, chants, legends and myths. It is interesting that women have always been depicted in art with bare breasts.

This is a sign of fertility, the importance of procreation, responsibility and great reverence.

Amazon Graves

The fact that makes us believe that the Amazons once existed is proven by the found graves of female warriors. A Russian scientist known as Count Bobrinsky conducted active research into burial mounds in Ukraine in the late 19th century.

There were many burials, and all the excavated mounds contained rich variety weapons, armor and armor. In addition, almost all the burials contained women. The first grave that the scientist discovered supposedly dates back to the 4th century BC.

It contained two skeletons, one of which occupied a high position in society. The second skeleton turned out to be a man, he was lying at the feet of a woman. Various gifts were generously laid out around the first skeleton: weapons, jewelry, household items.

The male skeleton had no weapons, and the gifts were quite stingy: two bronze bells and two decorative pipes. The remaining burials discovered by Bobrinsky were filled with the same composition or with just women, identically laid out.

In the Pokrovka area, many burials were found, about a quarter of which belonged to women. Some of the bodies of women found dating back to the Iron Age indicate their high position in society. This suggests that they hunted, protected their fellow tribesmen, and also performed many rituals for their families.

It should be noted that it was under Pokrovka that women were buried first, placing them in the center of the pit. This indicates a true matriarchal society where women were the central figure.

Many strictly female burials have also been found in the steppes of Sarmatia. This region was once called by Herodotus the center of the surviving Amazon heritage. The graves contained mostly bows and arrows, confirming rumors that the Amazons were excellent archers, as well as swords, axes, plates and other weapons.

Despite the large volume of Amazonian graves found by archaeologists around the world, some scholars have been skeptical of the judgments of Amazonian supporters. This part of the scientists believed that the burials could contain a purely ritual meaning. However, the facts contradict the idea that burial was a ritual.

After all, the weapons found in the graves and the curved leg bones of the female skeleton testify to a lot. This suggests that these women were taught to ride horses from childhood. In addition, many of the skulls have traces of wounds, indicating that the Amazons received them using a variety of weapons. And one skeleton had an arrow in its leg, which was firmly embedded in the bone and safely reached our time with its owner.

Modern Amazons

The existence of the Amazons left a deep mark that easily carried through the centuries. Now you can often encounter modern “Amazons”. They, of course, do not live separately, do not lead warriors and do not kill men. However, more and more women are appearing who want to devote themselves to a male profession, easily coping with the affairs of men.

Many people actually use the male sex only to continue their kind. However, they cope quite well even without men. The so-called “Amazons” have gained great popularity in modern Europe.

Modern Amazons, according to the ideas of our society, are masculine women, strong in spirit and quite physically developed. In fact, Amazons can easily be called a strong woman who does not depend on anyone.

Amazons: myth or reality

Of course, various myths and legends do not in any way prove the real existence of female warriors. But excavations, which have been actively carried out around the world since the 20th century, prove that such women still existed. Perhaps they were not as their legends and myths describe them, but the fact that there were women who were fluent in all types of weapons and rode horses perfectly remains a fact.

Various ideas about their man-hatred and the murder of the boys that were born to them, these are perhaps sayings that are becoming more and more new information, passed down from generation to generation.

Excavations show that in Russia and Ukraine, in various parts of Asia, in the Caucasus, and in Turkey there were settlements of such incredible women. Facts, intertwined with myths and legends, give us interesting information, which is still better to pre-sort.

It is impossible to say for sure whether the Amazons existed or not, since there are no facts that would fully confirm the existence of female warriors. However, it is also wrong not to believe that the Amazons once lived.

After all, history is revealing more and more evidence of the existence of Amazons, which it would be absurd to leave unnoticed.

It is known from many legends, works of ancient authors and myths about the once existing warlike Amazon women.

The question is whether there were actually tribes of female warriors - still causes a whole lot of controversy among researchers and scientists.

Amazon tribes, according to myths, lived on the Black Sea coast, close to the Iris and Fermodon rivers. Homer wrote about the wars of the Phrygians and Bellarophon with the Amazons.

To this day, heated debate among scientists about the reality of their existence continues.

The Amazons in ancient Greek sources are mentioned as warlike tribes of women who lived in Asia Minor or on the banks of Maeotis (now Sea of ​​Azov). They preferred to live separately, without men, avoided marriage, and were distinguished by their remarkable physical strength, belligerence and courage. Artemis was considered the patron goddess, since she embodies the image of a female warrior, the Amazons worshiped her, and also revered the god of war - Artes. Armed raids were considered the main occupation of female warriors. To continue their own family, they entered into relationships with men living in neighboring tribes. They gave born boys to their fathers, or killed them, and girls were developed spiritually from childhood, taught physical exercise, literacy, possession of weapons.

Amazon is translated from ancient Greek as “breastless woman.” Oral traditions say that the Amazons early age they burned the right breast so that it would not interfere with their archery.

But, according to some scientists, the brave warriors received the name “Amazon” a little later. It was finally established for them only in South America.

When the Spaniards entered the territory of the tribe, which, as it turned out, was subordinate to the Amazons, they fought in the front ranks against the Spaniards and showed courage, courage, and simply outstanding art of war. The Spaniards really wanted to capture at least one woman from the Amazon tribe in order to demonstrate her to the Catholic Spanish Majesties, but they never managed to do this. How they failed to conquer the country. This country was called “Amazonia”, and the river flowing nearby was called “Amazon”. The name "Brazil" appeared in some sense later, and it was taken on the basis of the old Celtic legends about the island "O Brasil". An “island of happiness” inhabited only by women.

Disputes about whether Amazons existed in real life are still ongoing. Supporters of the existence of brave warriors cite as an argument the fact that there are images of Amazons on many ancient creations. Their opponents argue that the Amazons are mentioned only in legends and myths, which over time become overgrown with only fiction and rumors.

Soviet scientists in 1928, during excavations in Zemo-Akhval on the Black Sea coast, made a sensational discovery. Scientists excavated a prehistoric burial; a “prince” was buried in it, fully armed and in full armor; a double ax lay nearby. And this discovery was made in the area of ​​the supposed place where the Amazons settled. A detailed study of the skeleton demonstrated that these were the ashes of a woman. Perhaps she was the queen of the Amazons.

In Ukraine in 1971, another burial of a woman was found. She was also buried with royal honors. And close to her lay the skeleton of a little girl, very luxuriously decorated. There were gold treasures and weapons in the grave with her. And two more men who clearly died violently.

Near the town of Pokrovka, during excavations in Kazakhstan, in 1993-1997, numerous graves of other warriors were found. And again we see that next to the skeletons lay arrowheads and daggers. The age of the burial was determined; it turned out to be two and a half thousand years.

In 1994, during one of the excavation seasons, they found the grave of a very young girl. She was approximately 14 years old. The bones of her legs were distorted from constant riding. Judging by the set of weapons placed in the grave, the conclusion was that the girl had excellent combat skills. A dagger with a small handle found next to her was made specifically for a girl’s hand. And judging by the large number of arrowheads, it was concluded that she was buried with a full quiver.

Supporters real story The Amazons believe that myths contain some historical information. And this information undoubtedly indicates the real existence of the Amazons, who were once located near the Fermodon River.

One famous Scythian legend says that one day a warlike unknown tribe appeared on the lands of the Scythians. The tribe's warriors raided local villages and constantly stole livestock. Having killed several warriors in a skirmish, the Scythians wanted to scalp them, but were surprised to realize that they were all women. And such proud Scythians did not stop fighting with the female sex. And they began to avoid fighting. Gradually, both the Scythians and the Amazons moved to peaceful coexistence, if you can call it that.

Clear evidence of the veracity of myths and legends about the Amazons are the numerous burials of girls and women with military weapons.

Exists beautiful story about warlike women who kept everyone in fear ancient world and they fought on the spot not only with their beauty, but also with their weapons. They are called Amazons. Is this story a myth or reality, and who are the Amazons? We will find the answer in the deep past.

Who are the Amazons?

For the first and only time, warlike beauties are mentioned. Their patroness was. These ladies are credited with extensive possessions, starting from the lands near the Feromont River and ending with the Syrian and Thracian lands. The Amazon tribes at that time stood out among the rest with their iron weapons and military cavalry. But their most significant feature is that there was not a single man in their army. On the contrary, the women of this tribe did not respect the stronger sex; they considered them effeminate and frail. Beautiful warriors needed men only for procreation. In stories about who the Amazons are, there is often an opinion that they captured men, with whom they then conceived offspring. However, it is possible that brave maidens for this purpose married young men from neighboring tribes, and having achieved what they wanted, expelled them from their community. Some sources indicate that men were still in the Amazon tribes, but did not participate in hostilities, but only did housework. Only those Amazons who killed at least three enemies had the right to become a mother. If boys were born into their tribe, then according to the first version they were immediately killed, according to the second - they were given to their fathers. In order to understand who the Amazons are, you should find out the meaning of their name. Literally translated Greek word amazes is "breastless". According to ancient legends, each wild amazon for greater convenience when using a bow and other weapons, she deprived herself of her right breast. Some historians believe that they called these women breastless because they were not feminine in the full sense of the word.

Amazons in myths

These ladies were first mentioned in one of the So, according to the myths of Ancient Hellas, the valiant hero was tasked with delivering the belt of Hippolyta, the queen of the Amazons. In order to get this thing, Hercules had to kill all the warlike maidens. That, however, did not prevent them from appearing in the stories about Theseus. In accordance with this legend, this hero was quite friendly with Hercules and even took part in a campaign against the Amazons with him, from where he brought himself a wife - their queen Hippolyta herself. Desperate women immediately rushed to fight for their mistress. But in the end they themselves killed her: Hippolyta took the blow intended for her husband.

Myth or reality?

The legends about who the Amazons are do not explain the main thing - whether they really existed or were a figment of the imagination of the ancient Greeks. Some believe that the story about them is just a fairy tale, as evidenced by their appearance in myths. Others believe that the Amazons are a fictional tribe that could exist in the territories of modern Turkey, Greece, Asia or even Russia. Until now this issue is unresolved.

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What does the term "Amazon" mean?

In past centuries, Amazons were called warlike women who were able to fight and do without male protection. They say that the Amazons took men captive to continue their family line. This, of course, is very similar to an unreal fairy tale.

However, if they talk about the Amazons after so many centuries, it’s not in vain.

There are several opinions about the meaning of the word "Amazon". Some believe that it means “breastless” - teenage girls in tribes had their right breast burned out with hot coals. This was done so that the breasts would not interfere with fighting. But this source is rather doubtful, because this is not mentioned in any chronicles.

Others argue that the word "Amazon" comes from Iranian and means "warriors" or "untouchables." One way or another, the meaning of this word according to various sources is quite close.

Where did the Amazons come from?

Where did these interesting Amazons come from and where did they live? Many scientists worked on this issue, and no matter how much they wanted to, they still disagreed. Some people believe that the Amazons led a nomadic lifestyle, constantly changing their habitat.

Other scientists suggest that the Amazons had their own kingdom somewhere in the Crimea, or on the Mediterranean coast. And some scientists prove that the Amazons came from Asia or the Caucasus. Unfortunately, it is impossible to prove this or that point of view.

Therefore, one can only guess about their place of birth and habitat. One thing is certain: the Amazons lived only with women, men were used to procreate.

What is the essence of the Amazons?

So what was the essence of these militant women? The Amazons were excellent at wielding weapons, fought equally with men, and were famous for their steadfastness and belligerence. They conquered new lands and had no pity or sympathy.

Men were not recognized, so they lived far away from them. If the Amazons gave birth to a boy, they simply killed him. In rare cases, they gave it to the father and sent the would-be parent home. These women are an excellent example of matriarchy, where the dominant role of women is obvious.

From a very young age, girls were taught horse riding, the art of wielding weapons, and fighting techniques. After all, for the Amazons, war has always been considered commonplace, even the meaning of their existence. Detachments from the Amazons were considered elite, and anyone, even the most experienced commander, considered it an honor to fight in an alliance with the Amazons. However, female warriors rarely made allies, only in case of danger to their tribe.

The Amazons did not do household chores or cook food. Some historians believe that in the tribes of female warriors there were men present, either as slaves or as servants involved in cooking and other household chores. The Amazons fought and diligently raised girls, future female warriors.

From the point of view of psychology and philosophy, women and men differ not only in physical characteristics, but also in behavioral norms. Amazons contain both types of behavior: male and female. On the one hand, Amazons are women who are characterized by love, raising children and maintaining comfort and order in the house. On the other hand, the Amazons are women who have been trained from childhood to kill, wield weapons well, and ride superbly.

The main weapon of the Amazons is considered to be sagaris. This is a kind of ax with two blades. It appeared among the Scythians, hence the name. Sagaris was common on the island of Crete, symbolizing the natural feminine principle. In addition to the axe, the Amazons loved to use a bow and arrow.

There are many historically proven facts, such as excavations indicating the amazingly perfect possession of these weapons by the Amazons. Amazons rarely went into battle on foot. Almost always they drove saddled horses, which they rode beautifully.

Thus, the Amazons preferred the universal set of Scythians: an ax and a bow with arrows. They also had other weapons, which they were fluent in. These include metal plates, spears, and tips.


It is known that since 600 BC in Athens, women did not have the right to vote. In many states, such as Sparta, women simply did household chores and raised children. In addition, in Sparta they were not very happy about the birth of girls; preference was given to boys, as future warriors.

Perhaps this was precisely the impetus for the birth of the Amazons - independent, self-sufficient, strong and fearless women who wanted to participate in battles and vote on an equal basis with men. Soon, after the first mention of the Amazons, it became clear: not only men are capable of standing up to defend their Motherland; well-trained, physically fit women can cope with this very well.

Herodotus was the first to announce the existence of Amazons in the Iliad. And in European legends, Ephor gave his own version of the origin of these female warriors. He wrote that some of the men went to Europe, where they were killed. Their wives, sisters and children were left alone.

They were forced to take control of the country themselves. Pompey wrote that the Amazons are simply the wives of the Scythians who lost their husbands. And in order not to disappear, they were forced to take control and protection upon themselves.

As you can see, according to many authors, the appearance of the Amazons is associated with constant wars in which all capable men died. In order to survive, women learned to fight and horse riding. And then, over time, legends about women who fight better than men began to “grow” with new details that vividly describe the cruel nature of the Amazons, hatred of men, desire to fight, kill and take prisoners.

Amazons and art

Amazons are depicted in paintings, poems, adventure novels and films are written about them. The Amazon movement in literature, painting and filmography is very popular.

In paintings, these female warriors are mostly depicted with a spear or sword, riding a horse. This is the main image of the Amazons in painting. The Amazon theme reached its peak of popularity in the 7th century BC, when warrior maidens were actively depicted in both sculpture and painting.

Amazons were also depicted in sculpture, namely reliefs and statues. As in painting, the Amazons in sculpture were depicted with weapons and on horseback. There are even plot sculptures, such as “The Battle of the Amazons and Thisus”, “Amazons and Thisus”.

Arkady Krupnyakov wrote an entire novel, which is proudly called “Amazons”. This book is entirely dedicated to these women. But, besides this book, there are many interesting literary works in which the Amazons take part.

Many films have also been made on this topic. “Tarzan and the Amazons”, “Amazons on the Moon”, “Amazons and Gladiators” - and this is not a complete list of films, not to mention television series in which Amazons take pride of place.

It is also interesting that the Amazons even left their mark in astrology. Asteroids such as Hippolyta, Clymene, and Asteria were named in honor of the most famous female warriors.

Amazons and mythology

Legends and myths about female warriors exist among all tribes of the world. They differ only in some minor details.

In Greek mythology, the Amazons hold a certain place of honor. Many other legends tell about these women.

According to Greek mythology, the Amazons take their origin from the naiad Harmony and the god of war Ares. The very first of the Amazons is known as Lysippe. These women had their own patroness - the goddess Artemis, whom they revered in every possible way, worshiped and prayed to her, built temples in honor of her, and erected statues. According to legend, the Amazons fought on the side of the great Troy during the famous Trojan War.

Every schoolchild probably knows about the exploits of Hercules. For example, in the thirteenth labor of this mythical hero there was a task: to obtain the Amazon belt for the ransom of Princess Hippolyta. Hercules accomplished this feat, but not without difficulty, that’s why he was a feat. This myth shows how difficult it was to defeat and outwit the Amazon, which once again proves the strength of these women.

The myth of Theseus and the Amazons tells of Theseus, who once ruled the great Athens. He, along with Hercules, went to the land of the Amazons, and brought from there Antiope, the princess of the Amazons. However, the Amazons did not share Theseus’s opinion that the princess would be fine with him.

Therefore, the Amazons went after Antiope, to rescue her from “captivity,” and at the same time to take revenge on the Greeks. As you know, Athens has never been distinguished for its combat training. Their society preferred to invest all its efforts in science, painting, rhetoric, oratory, literature, and painting. Therefore, with the arrival of the Amazons, they were unable to fight back.

The Athenians had to take refuge within the city walls. However, this did not help them. The Amazon tribe was well armed, in addition, each representative of the tribe had excellent command of weapons. As a result, the Acropolis was besieged. The Athenians made several attempts to drive out the Amazons who were besieging the city. However, they did not succeed.

It is interesting that in the decisive battle between the Amazons and the Athenians, Antiope herself was on the side of her husband and fought against her own tribe. As it turned out, the princess fell in love with her husband very much, so she could not oppose him. But the decisive battle ended tragically for both sides. The beautiful Antiope died, Theseus threw down his weapons, bending over his young wife. The Amazons, full of grief and sadness for the untimely death of the young princess, went home.

There is a myth about how the Amazons came to the aid of the great Troy. It is known that after Achilles killed the eldest son of the Trojan king, Hector, life for the Trojans became restless. After all, the famous Achilles was invulnerable, and in all of Troy there was no hero who could resist Achilles.

It was obvious that the Trojans would lose the battle with the Greeks. But unexpectedly for everyone, the Amazons decided to come to the aid of Troy. In shining armor and with excellent weapons, the warriors attacked the Greeks. One after another, the Greeks fell on the battlefield, and it would seem that they would never defeat the great Amazons. But then Achilles appeared and mercilessly killed the queen of the Amazons. Taking off her helmet, the warrior was struck by her beauty, and with great sadness carried away the queen’s body.

The ancestor of the Amazons is rightfully considered to be the goddess of fertility and hunting, Artemis, who appeared on the island of Crete. Over time, she “moved” to Greece, where she “settled”. The goddess is considered to be prodigal, in every sense of the word. It was from Artemis that all female warriors originated.

According to Herodotus, it was Dionysus and Ares that the Amazons worshiped throughout their existence. Diodorus, known as the Sicilian historian, claimed that warrior maidens took part in the hunt of Artemis.

According to some other myths, the Amazons were sisters of the rain nymphs called the Hyades. One of the famous Ephesian legends tells how the Amazons decided to ask for protection from Dionysus himself. However, they failed to receive the desired patronage.

But according to Euripides, everything happened the other way around, and the Amazons became the honored companions of Dionysus. However, these are just myths. Homer describes that the Amazons repeatedly attempted to kill the Phrygians.

"Amazon Company"

This concept comes from back in 1787. Empress Catherine II intended to visit Crimea. Potemkin Grigory Aleksandrovich issued an order to create, in honor of this significant event, a company that should consist only of women. The number of representatives of the fair sex should have been a hundred.

Where did Potemkin get this idea? It’s just that Catherine the Second once heard from the prince that somewhere in distant Greece there were unprecedented warriors who were superior to the most experienced men in their art of warfare. Therefore, Grigory Aleksandrovich Potemkin decided to surprise the Empress, thus creating an army that he nicknamed the “Amazonian company.” The prince's idea was appreciated. Catherine the Second showered Potemkin with unprecedented honors.

Who was responsible for creating this army? Greek by origin, prime major of the Balaklava regiment, famous Chaponi. And he graciously gave command of the company to his young, nineteen-year-old wife of noble blood. The wives and daughters of famous commanders, princes and majors, of the same origin, formed the army.

Raspberry skirts, green velvet jackets, white turbans with ostrich feathers on her heads - all this completely won the heart of Catherine the Second. And the older girls had guns with three cartridges. However, after the empress's departure, the company did not last long and was soon disbanded.

The expensive pleasure turned out to be necessary for several days. After all, why do we need a company in which the newly minted “Amazons” do not know how to hold a weapon, not to mention horsemanship and moral qualities.

Mentions of Amazons

The first mention of female warriors was noted by scientists from Homer's epic poem about the famous Trojan War, the Iliad. Homer notes that during the battles, women took part in the battles and fought like men, even better.

After Homer, other ancient authors began to write about the Amazons. For example, Herodotus, the ancient Greek historian, called militant women “killing men.” In addition, Herodotus described many very interesting stories about the Amazons.

Some compilers of the biography of Alexander the Great talked about the meeting of the great commander with the queen of the Amazons. It is also interesting that there were rumors that the queen of warring women and the great commander allegedly had a child. However, this information is called into question, because there is no evidence of the veracity of the information.

The Diary of the Trojan War by Dictys of Crete also mentions the Amazons as women capable of waging war. The famous diary details the participation of the Amazons and their role in the War of Troy.

Apollodorus of Athens also mentions female warriors in his “Historical Library”. Namely, his chronicles well describe the Amazons’ campaign against Athens.

Diodorus Siculus gives valuable information about the military campaign of the Libyan Amazons, who passed through Egypt, Arabia, conquered Syria and left behind many erected temples and sanctuaries and founded new cities.

If we carefully analyze all the sources that mention the Amazons, we can conclude that each of the sources provides its own specific material, which is contradictory. This is clearly visible in the naming of the Amazons and the localization of their tribes. What explains this?

The antiquity of the events, the diversity of the material used, the unique opinion of each historian, lyricist and political scientist. Disagreements and differences of opinion, although small, do not convey accurate information. However, despite this, it is possible to draw a conclusion and summarize all the information about these mysterious women.

Sarmatians - descendants of the Amazons

Many legends and myths have been preserved about the Sarmatian tribe, who considered themselves descendants of the great Amazons. Their customs were different from those of the Amazons. The Sarmatians did not live as a purely female tribe; there were also men there. However, this did not stop them from raising all the girls as real warriors and protectors.

The same horse riding lessons, elements of mastering a variety of weapons. In order to get married, girls of the Sarmatian tribe had to defeat their enemies three times. After this, the girl was considered fully prepared for marriage.

It is interesting to note that after marriage, women of the Sarmatian tribe stopped riding and using weapons until the tribe had to fight with someone. As in the legends about the Amazons, women and this tribe had their right breast burned out in childhood.

In the footsteps of the great Amazons

Wherever they looked for these unknown female warriors. Historians have found confirmation of the presence of Amazons in the Caucasus, Russia, Asia, Greece, and Turkey. This suggests that the era of the Amazons spread to all corners of the planet, or that their tribe was truly nomadic. One way or another, thanks to records in chronicles, paintings, sculptures and other remnants of the past, one can judge the existence of these women.

In the mid-16th century, Spanish conquistadors became interested in rumors of a civilization supposedly hidden in the depths of the South American continent. Since their interest in the treasures of Mexico and Peru had been exhausted, the conquistadors decided to find a tribe of mysterious Amazons.

It took the brave souls about ten months to get from Peru deep into the continent, because the colossal size of the rivers and jungles leading to the mysterious civilization created a rather impassable barrier. In addition, hostile native tribes, as well as unfavorable weather conditions, complicated the progress of the conquistadors. Only in 1544 did the first sufficiently reliable information begin to appear. Francisco de Orellana led this reckless journey.

However, skirmishes with the natives, a grueling road, and terrible weather conditions did not stop him from subsequently admiring the clashes with the Amazons themselves, for the sake of whom he went on this crazy journey. He described the Amazons as tall, white, portly women who only covered certain areas. It was not possible to capture any of the Amazons. And this despite the fact that the Spaniards had a whole arsenal of weapons, while the Amazons had no firearms at all.

This further confirms their excellent combat training. A prisoner of one of the native tribes spoke about the Amazons as fierce women who fought well and mercilessly killed men. He talked about how Amazons burn out their right breasts to improve their use of bows and arrows.

And also once a year they enter into relationships with men to procreate. The Amazon boys are killed, and the girls are left and raised according to their own rules and customs.

After one of the voyages of Christopher Columbus, the first stories about the Amazons appeared. In 1493, while returning, Columbus learned from the local natives that not far from the island of Hispaniola, there was an island that was entirely inhabited only by women.

At certain times of the year, these strange women brought men to the island, who were later sent away. These women were excellent warriors, they had shiny armor and other weapons, they shot a bow perfectly and rode horses beautifully.

Throughout his subsequent voyages, Columbus desperately tried to find this mysterious island inhabited by women. Unfortunately, he was never able to find it. In essence, this island remained undiscovered by anyone. But, despite the fact that there were only rumors about him, unsubstantiated, this did not stop people from talking about female warriors for many years.

One of the Spanish authors was sure that the Amazons kept incredible treasures that could enrich the world. But perhaps this assumption of his was caused by the conquistadors’ pathological obsession with treasure. In fact, throughout their entire existence, they were engaged only in searching for treasures.

In addition to the Spaniards, the Portuguese also tried to discover the land where the Amazons lived. However, they faced the same failure as the Spaniards.

It should be noted that when Orellan and Columbus tried to collect information about the Amazons from the local tribes of natives, they had to communicate through translators. However, local dialects are so diverse that the likelihood of translation errors is quite high. In addition, other than rumors, none of the famous travelers brought reliable evidence confirming the existence of “one-breasted” Amazon women.

The Northern Black Sea region is also famous for its historical tradition of the Amazons. Myths and stories about the Black Sea region, told by Herodotus and other scientists, historians and philosophers, clearly indicate that the world of the Amazons once reigned here too.

There are rumors all over the world about the various locations of the Amazons: in Brazil, the jungles of America, the Caucasus, Greece, Turkey, Asia, Russia, Ukraine. And this is not the entire list of places where evidence of the existence of the Amazons was found.

Amazons in Russia

During excavations near the city of Rostov-on-Don, the capital of the Amazons, the city of Tanais, was found. Not far from this place, archaeologists found a female burial, where there was a sword next to the bodies of the women. Women's jewelry was found nearby. This indicates the existence of female warriors in Russia at a certain period.

In addition, many fairy tales of the Slavic peoples tell about the Amazons and their great exploits, and there are also some terrible stories in these fairy tales: heads on the fences of great heroes, brutal bloody battles. It is interesting to note that at first, when they found the first reminders of the Amazons on the outskirts of Russia and Ukraine, archaeologists did not in any way connect weapons and mass remains of women with the image of women with weapons. After all, in a world where men rule wars, howling women look ridiculous, even the thought of it.

Some scientists associated the presence of weapons in burials with rituals, cults, and some kind of ritual use, but not with a weapon of resistance and murder. However, some time after the excavations, a multinational group appeared in Russia from Western Europe, as well as from the United States.

This group actively promoted the presence of women capable of martial arts and horse riding. After this, Russian and Ukrainian scientists began to seriously think about the once existing Amazons.

At one of the excavations, archaeologists found the remains of a teenage girl, approximately fourteen years old. This happened at the beginning of the 20th century. At first, scientists thought that a guy was buried, because next to him, in the grave, lay a weapon. However, after conducting an examination, scientists were able to establish the gender: it was clearly a girl.

The bones of her lower limbs were twisted, a clear indication of constant horse riding. The body was shaped like that of a real modern athlete, which indicates excellent physical and combat training, and possession of weapons. In addition, a good selection of various weapons, including arrows, was found in the grave.

Amazons in the Caucasus and Asia

Traces of the great Amazons were also found in the distant Caucasus. Large burials of Amazons with a variety of jewelry and weapons were found near the Caucasian rivers Lesken and Cherek. The era of the life of the Amazons in the Caucasus can be safely attributed to the era of the decline of the great commander Alexander the Great.

In African Dogomea, a rather interesting legend has been recorded, which tells of the existence of two villages there: women’s and men’s. It is noteworthy that the residents of both villages did not know about the existence of each other. After a chance meeting between two representatives from different villages, they had a child.

Since then, women and men began to live together. New Guinea also has its own ancient traditions. For example, one of them tells the story of a man who was swallowed by a huge turtle, thanks to which he ended up in a village where there were no men. They managed to get closer to one woman, and soon they had a child. Other inhabitants of the village also wanted children. This is how a male and female village appears.

None of the legends emphasizes the aggressiveness of the Amazons. So were they aggressive at all?

“Amazons. Socio-political side"

From the side of sociology and politics, it can be judged that the origin and era of the Amazons well reveals the political and social side. After all, the era of the Amazons is a vivid example of the heyday of matriarchy, the desire of women to protect their land, their descendants, while men disappear in war and are often unable to rule the state.

The period of matriarchy in history is remembered not only by chronicles and legends, but also by works of art that have survived to our times. These are figurines of women, paintings, poems, chants, legends and myths. It is interesting that women have always been depicted in art with bare breasts.

This is a sign of fertility, the importance of procreation, responsibility and great reverence.

Amazon Graves

The fact that makes us believe that the Amazons once existed is proven by the found graves of female warriors. A Russian scientist known as Count Bobrinsky conducted active research into burial mounds in Ukraine in the late 19th century.

There were many burials, and all the excavated mounds contained a rich variety of weapons, armor and armor. In addition, almost all the burials contained women. The first grave that the scientist discovered supposedly dates back to the 4th century BC.

It contained two skeletons, one of which occupied a high position in society. The second skeleton turned out to be a man, he was lying at the feet of a woman. Various gifts were generously laid out around the first skeleton: weapons, jewelry, household items.

The male skeleton had no weapons, and the gifts were quite stingy: two bronze bells and two decorative pipes. The remaining burials discovered by Bobrinsky were filled with the same composition or with just women, identically laid out.

In the Pokrovka area, many burials were found, about a quarter of which belonged to women. Some of the bodies of women found dating back to the Iron Age indicate their high position in society. This suggests that they hunted, protected their fellow tribesmen, and also performed many rituals for their families.

It should be noted that it was under Pokrovka that women were buried first, placing them in the center of the pit. This indicates a true matriarchal society where women were the central figure.

Many strictly female burials have also been found in the steppes of Sarmatia. This region was once called by Herodotus the center of the surviving Amazon heritage. The graves contained mostly bows and arrows, confirming rumors that the Amazons were excellent archers, as well as swords, axes, plates and other weapons.

Despite the large volume of Amazonian graves found by archaeologists around the world, some scholars have been skeptical of the judgments of Amazonian supporters. This part of the scientists believed that the burials could contain a purely ritual meaning. However, the facts contradict the idea that burial was a ritual.

After all, the weapons found in the graves and the curved leg bones of the female skeleton testify to a lot. This suggests that these women were taught to ride horses from childhood. In addition, many of the skulls have traces of wounds, indicating that the Amazons received them using a variety of weapons. And one skeleton had an arrow in its leg, which was firmly embedded in the bone and safely reached our time with its owner.

Modern Amazons

The existence of the Amazons left a deep mark that easily carried through the centuries. Now you can often encounter modern “Amazons”. They, of course, do not live separately, do not lead warriors and do not kill men. However, more and more women are appearing who want to devote themselves to a male profession, easily coping with the affairs of men.

Many people actually use the male sex only to continue their kind. However, they cope quite well even without men. The so-called “Amazons” have gained great popularity in modern Europe.

Modern Amazons, according to the ideas of our society, are masculine women, strong in spirit and quite physically developed. In fact, Amazons can easily be called a strong woman who does not depend on anyone.

Amazons: myth or reality

Of course, various myths and legends do not in any way prove the real existence of female warriors. But excavations, which have been actively carried out around the world since the 20th century, prove that such women still existed. Perhaps they were not as their legends and myths describe them, but the fact that there were women who were fluent in all types of weapons and rode horses perfectly remains a fact.

The various ideas about their man-hatred and the murder of the boys they gave birth to are perhaps tales that are increasingly acquiring new information, being passed on from generation to generation.

Excavations show that in Russia and Ukraine, in various parts of Asia, in the Caucasus, and in Turkey there were settlements of such incredible women. Facts, intertwined with myths and legends, give us the most interesting information, which is still better to sort it out first.

It is impossible to say for sure whether the Amazons existed or not, since there are no facts that would fully confirm the existence of female warriors. However, it is also wrong not to believe that the Amazons once lived.

After all, history is revealing more and more evidence of the existence of Amazons, which it would be absurd to leave unnoticed.

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