Kingdoms of nature presentation. The kingdoms of wildlife and their representatives: rich diversity and interconnectedness. And we know the big world

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Lesson topic: Diversity of wildlife. kingdoms of living organisms. Features alive

Examination homework Option 1 a c a c d d c a a , b , d yes Option 2 b c d c c d c a a , b , d no

What does biology study? What does ecology study? What is an experiment? What is observation? Questions:

Lesson Objective: To learn common features living organisms, distinctive features representatives of different kingdoms of wildlife

KINGDOM OF LIFE NATURE Plants Animals Bacteria Fungi











PARAGRAPH PLAN Kingdoms of living organisms Differences between living and nonliving Cellular structure Chemical composition Metabolism Irritability Growth Development Reproduction

Select true statements Living organisms have cellular structure Living organisms grow, feed, reproduce. All living organisms form a hydrosphere All living organisms are divided into 4 kingdoms: bacteria, fungi, plants, animals. Many bacteria are pathogens. Animals and plants feed on ready-made organic substances. Plants are able to create organic substances from inorganic ones. Animals grow throughout their lives.

HOMEWORK Paragraph No. 3, questions of R.t. No. 10, 12

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Mushrooms as a kingdom of wildlife. Mushrooms of our forest. 6th grade

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lesson in the 5th grade "Kingdoms of wildlife".

The purpose of the lesson: to familiarize students with the kingdoms of living organisms, the activation of cognitive activity. Tasks: 1. to expand the knowledge of schoolchildren in the subject; give an idea of ​​the different...


This presentation covers all five kingdoms of wildlife. The material provided can be used within any educational and methodological system in biology lessons in the sixth grade or in the classroom around the world in primary grades, because it is not limited to specific textbooks.

The presentation can be used by the teacher as a teaching aid in order to make the lesson bright due to illustrations and unusual information, as well as by any student for self-study kingdoms of wildlife, as the presentation contains accessible theoretical information, presented plain language supplemented with diagrams and illustrations.

Not included with presentation. guidelines. A small number of thematically designed and well-structured slides is compensated by their content - all the necessary data is presented, illustrations are attached.

1. General scheme diversity of the environment:

  • bacteria;
  • viruses;
  • plants;
  • mushrooms;
  • animals.

2. Diagram showing their relationship:

  • unicellular microorganisms;
  • multicellular organisms.

3. Kingdom of bacteria.

4. The simplest.

5. Diversity of animals.

Using the material of this presentation, the teacher will clearly explain to the students what the kingdoms of wildlife are. Bright design of the presentation guarantees an interesting, high-quality lesson.




  • Date of creation of the material: February 26, 2013
  • Slides: 6 slides
  • Presentation file creation date: February 26, 2013
  • Presentation size: 1380 Kb
  • Presentation file type: .rar
  • Downloaded: 1798 times
  • Last downloaded: 10 February 2019 at 13:58
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There is practically no place on Earth where bacteria are not found. Especially a lot of bacteria in the soil. One gram of soil can contain hundreds of millions of bacteria. There are much fewer bacteria in the air high in the mountains than on the streets of big cities. Up to 100 bacteria can be found in 1 gram of ice in Antarctica. By the end of the first day, 12 types of bacteria live in the body of a newborn child. The vast majority of bacteria are colorless. Only a few are colored purple or green color. Bacteria (from the Greek "bacterion" - stick) - relatively simply arranged microscopic unicellular organisms

In the central part of the bacterial cell is a circular DNA chain, which is the carrier genetic information. Nucleoli were not found in bacteria. The cytoplasm contains a large number of ribosomes.

Bacteria are divided into two groups according to the method of respiration Anaerobic (decompose organic matter without the participation of oxygen) Anaerobic (decompose organic matter without the participation of oxygen) Aerobic (in the process of respiration they use oxygen to oxidize organic matter) Aerobic (in the process of respiration they use oxygen to oxidize organic matter)

Spore formation adverse conditions, for example, with a lack of water, many bacteria go into a dormant state. The cell loses water, shrinks somewhat, and remains dormant until water reappears. Some species survive periods of drought, heat, or cold in the form of spores. The formation of spores in bacteria is not a way of reproduction, since each cell produces only one spore and total individuals does not increase.

When a spore is formed, the cell shrinks, rounds off within the existing cell wall and releases a new thick wall inside the old one. Under favorable conditions (in humid conditions), the spore germinates. The spores are very resistant: they withstand prolonged drying, boiling for several hours, dry heating up to 140C. Some spores can withstand temperatures of -245C. They are also resistant to the action of toxic substances, remain viable for a long time. So, anthrax sticks remain viable, remaining in the form of spores for 30 years.

Hello friends of nature. Today I want to tell you what kingdoms of wildlife and their representatives exist and rule on our earth. They interested me with their rich diversity, since nature has created all its diversity for many millions of years.

It turns out that this is not one kingdom, but several, and they cannot live without each other, because in nature everything is interconnected. Do you know representatives of the kingdom of wildlife?

How beautiful our earth is at any time of the year, on which everything is so rationally arranged that all living organisms on it depend on each other to one degree or another.

Sometimes we do not even think about it and do not pay attention. About what kingdoms of nature exist, how they are called and how many there are, I will try to tell you.

These tiny microorganisms - microbes and bacteria exist everywhere you look. But they can only be seen under a microscope because of their small size. And so, looking into the lens of a microscope, you can find bacteria of different structures.

There are in the form of a ball, and there are straight bacteria - like a stick, some are curved, while others have bizarre shapes. Their diversity is so rich that it would be difficult to list them all here.

Speaking of bacteria, all of them can be divided into:

  1. Useful, which are in every living being and help not only to properly digest food, but also protect against various diseases.
  2. Harmful, which cause various poisonings and disorders of the digestive system and other organs.

In addition, bacteria and microbes still exist in this kingdom, the first of which, as I said above, can be both beneficial and harmful. But microbes are only harmful.

This is how this realm of good and bad microorganisms is arranged in a nutshell.

Kingdom of viruses

So, for example, the hepatitis virus can live in the human body without damaging liver cells for many years. Currently known:

After reading this name of the kingdom, you probably thought about Forest mushrooms? Of course, you thought right, but there are still a lot of mushrooms in the world that grow not only in the forest in the clearing, but also on the river and seabed.

More than 100 thousand species of mushrooms are known to our science today. It turns out that the most common yeast is. And well-known forest mushrooms are edible and inedible.

Molds are also ubiquitous and sometimes difficult to get rid of.

They are very harmful, as they lead to crop losses, diseases of people and animals. But among them there are useful mushrooms such as penicillium. Isn't it - a familiar name, apparently you guessed that the antibiotic penicillin is obtained from it.

Almost everyone who has their own household plot, bushes of currant or gooseberry grow. And everyone strives in the spring to process them from powdery mildew. This plant disease is caused by powdery mildew fungi.

Well, who does not know this fabulous kingdom, which is so rich and diverse?

We are pleased with their representatives both at home and on the street. Blooming every spring various plants, giving you and me flowers exuding a delicate aroma.

About 400 thousand species of plants on our planet. The table below explains the species into which the plant kingdom is divided.

And I would also add medicinal and poisonous plants. Hope you don't mind it?

This numerous kingdom plays a huge role on our earth, as it enriches the air with oxygen and is food for many animals. And we are growing their representatives in our country house:

  1. fruits and berries,
  2. fruits and vegetables,
  3. flowers and roses,
  4. trees and shrubs.

Trees give us a cool shade in hot weather, and in cold weather they warm our homes. Without life on earth will cease to exist.

animal kingdom

Microscopic amoeba and huge blue whale What do they have in common, you ask? One is big and the other is quite tiny. And yet they are in this one kingdom. And why? Yes, because they feed, reproduce and breathe on their own.

Approximately 2 million species in the animal kingdom live on our planet. Unicellular or multicellular living organisms, they all exist and have been evolving for more than one million years.

Representatives of all these 5 kingdoms live and prosper, mutually complementing each other.

It is impossible to imagine a wolf predator grazing in a clearing and chewing grass. Or a curly-haired lamb hunting a long-eared hare. After all, this is impossible in nature. So all the kingdoms of the living world cannot exist without each other.

Living organisms, dying, are processed by bacteria. Viruses kill the host and feed the bacteria. Bacteria in turn provide nutrition to plants. Plants produce oxygen and feed animals. The cycle of living beings in nature is an indisputable proof of their interconnection.

Take a look at all this diversity of the kingdom of nature, which are presented here as a small but visual diagram, and everything will become clear to you.

I hope you liked my short overview of the kingdoms of wildlife and their representatives, and you learned a lot of useful things from it. Write about it in your comments, I would be interested to know about it. And that's all for today. Allow me to say goodbye and see you again.

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