Who are angels. Who are the guardian angel, the angel of death, the fallen angel? Qualities of an angel. The language of angels. How angels treat people

It is known that the wider the consciousness of a person, the freer it is. A person who has reached high spirituality gains the opportunity to leave his world, travel through other realities and return to his dimension.

- Does this mean that over time, any person will be able to travel between worlds?

Cosmos - a great variety of universes, a great variety of spaces, times and energy layers - awaits guests. Can people reach inner freedom, which will allow them to travel to other worlds, depends on their wisdom, on which path of development they choose. Each new incarnation gives a person new knowledge, new experience. Whether he uses his strengths and abilities in order to return to the earthly world free again, or whether he wishes to remain the incorporeal essence of the Cosmos, the human soul decides. Now only a few highly developed entities desire new incarnations.

- Is it possible to acquire the ability to travel to other worlds already in this life?

Such a possibility exists, as your scientists would say, "theoretically." People have insights, new abilities suddenly open up after shocks, non-trivially understood experience.

On Earth, in addition, ancient methods of spiritual development are known, and with their help truly amazing results are achieved. Some people are helped to visit other worlds by their Guardians and Guides. This is done in order to show a person the whole infinity of existences and thereby help to realize oneself and make the right choice.

I had to delve into my memory, ask relatives and friends, go to several libraries to find what I need. And I wanted to know what our ancestors thought . Maybe they knew more about them? In anticipation of the changes that the predictors of the past, scientists and modern clairvoyants prophesy to us, Angels become not just invisible helpers. But also true guides to the new world.

Ideas about guardian angels are preserved in fairy tales and legends different peoples. It was believed that God assigned a guardian angel to every person. The angel protects the child while still in the mother's worm and accompanies him on all paths of life, trying to guide him on the true path and protect him from sin. When a person does good deeds, the Guardian Angel rejoices and smiles, and when bad deeds, he cries.

No wonder we have a saying in Rus': "A quiet angel has flown." They pronounce it when suddenly, unexpectedly, among a noisy human life there is a sudden silence, and a light breeze sweeps across their faces. So, somewhere nearby, a baby was born. The people believed that an angel brings an infant soul from heaven and is present at the birth of a child.

There are many signs associated with Guardian Angels. When putting a son or daughter to bed, they always unbuttoned his shirt collar so that the Guardian Angel could freely look at a pure soul.

It was believed that watches his ward directly from the sky, from the window of God's tower. These windows were the stars. Looking at a person from a star, the Guardian Angel sees his whole life, every deed and writes them down in a heavenly book. And when the time comes for a person to leave earthly life, the Angel closes the heavenly window - we see how a star falls. This Guardian flies for the soul of the deceased. Hence the belief: if you see a shooting star and, before it goes out, you have time to make a wish, it will certainly come true, because the Angel on this path does not refuse anyone and nothing and brings all requests to the Lord when he returns to him with a human soul.

Somewhere it was believed that after the death of a person, his Guardian Angel stays in the house of the deceased for another forty days. Therefore, traditionally Christians celebrate the fortieth day, seeing off the Angel with the soul of a person to heaven.

Many signs are connected with the fact that the location of the Guardian Angel was considered to be a place behind the right shoulder. Do not sleep on your right side, so as not to sleep an angel. Get up on the right foot so that the day is successful. Seeing an angel in a dream was considered a sign of the greatest happiness and joy. Since the angels fulfilled the will of the Lord, many prayers and conspiracies called for help not from God himself, but from his “power”, that is, the Angels.

You and I, dear readers, have talked a lot in books about what they do guardian angels how to communicate with them, how to hear their voices in your mind, where they lead us and how they help us become better. But they spoke as if each of the people already knows and does not doubt his Guardian Angel and that he is such. Trusts his strength and wisdom. Knows how to ask him for help.

But I think from time to time every reader has a question: Who do we call guardian angels? Can a person of non-Christian faith have such a bright helper? Where do angels live? Do they have flesh and their own life, besides helping people? Having plunged into the stories about the Guardian Angels that our ancestors left us, I realized that it was worth talking about it.

Angel's comment

It's time to talk to people about us. But for a long time we did not know how to do it. A person gives everything unusual in his life some kind of status, and then it is difficult for him to see that this is just a convenient picture, but in fact everything is more complicated or simpler or not quite the way he imagined for many years. In anticipation of the event you name Quantum transition many people are already ready to learn a little more about us.

Traditionally, the idea of ​​​​the Guardian Angel is as follows.

For God, Angels are like rays for the sun. He created them to help and serve people. Angels come in answer to prayer. The purpose and meaning of their existence is to fly when a person sincerely prays and help him with all the forces that the Creator Angel bestows. Every person in this material world has a special connection with God through his Guardian Angel. And in everyone lives a divine spark that allows you to ask the Angels for help and expect their intercession.

If what you are asking for is good, does not harm others, and does not conflict with your life plan, the Angels will answer the call. But they do not interfere in the affairs of our world as long as a person does not make a request.

There is a lot encrypted in this representation. Yes, indeed, those whom you call Guardian Angels come from afar and have more strength and wisdom than people at this stage of development. Yes, we know more about the Absolute, God, Creator, Cosmic Law and our world is a special world. Yes, the meaning of our existence is to help people and others sentient beings in their development. And each of us has our own "work" - those beings whom we help personally. We can say that the Guardian Angel is a profession. It is chosen by the best of the best from many worlds and galaxies. We are different. There are people among us.

This is one look at your difficult question...

Let us turn to the experience of our ancestors. Indeed, for them, communication with spirits, with the departed, with Teachers from other worlds was not an out of the ordinary event. They didn't see it as something unusual, scary, or bad. Guardian angels avoid revealing the secrets of the universe, not because they consider it necessary to put obstacles in the way of a person, but because modern man thinks he doesn't need miracles. Today we rarely believe, and our Keepers look with sadness at how the last crumbs of precious knowledge are being lost, and pride and childish stubbornness triumph instead of knowledge. But there was a time when people knew, believed and understood that there are other spaces nearby, beings, laws and their existence is sacred.

In the mythologies of almost all countries and peoples, information about parallel realities and the possibilities of penetrating into other worlds is fixed.

From the dialogues on the channel

A normal life does not mean a full and happy life. Our subconscious seeks to find a way to point us to unconscious aspirations and desires. For this, the border between our world and the world where your double lives can be opened.

Life can be lived in different ways, the choice is up to the person. The Guardian can only help to realize that there are many paths, but only one of them is true.

The Keeper can also send a Guide to a person - a higher being who helps the chosen ones to visit other realities. The guide is by no means sent to everyone and does not appear at the first call. The need for it must be urgent. Moreover, it turns out to be necessary not for your capricious intellect, but for your spirit, which needs innermost knowledge.

From the dialogues on the channel

- Are the beings we call angels, archangels, seraphim, different in nature from all other spirits?

No, these are just pure spirits, actually spirits are those who have achieved the highest degree development and combine all perfections.

The word "angel" is usually associated with the idea of ​​moral perfection, but it is often applied to all good and bad beings who have never incarnated in a human body. So, they say: "bright angel" and " dark Angel”, “angel of light” and “angel of darkness”. We use the word "angel" only in a positive sense.

- Have the angels gone through all the stages of development?

They are more perfect than most people, both living and in between incarnations. Your world exists not so long ago, and long before it appeared, many spirits had already reached a high level of perfection.

-Are there demons in the sense of inherently evil spirits?

Demons are represented as beings extremely malevolent; however, if they really existed, they would be the creations of God. But God, who is undividedly good and just, could not create creatures predestined for evil by their own nature.

The word "demon" should be understood as undeveloped spirits that will someday be able to purify themselves. They are spirits that curse the trials they are undergoing. Because of their rejection of the light, they are tested longer than they should be. But they will reach perfection when it is their will.

As for Satan, this is a very strong allegorical image created to personify evil. To strike the imagination, a person needs images and symbols, and he depicted disembodied beings with those attributes that remind of his own self-worth and shortcomings. People often represent angels as a radiant figure with white wings, a symbol of purity. Satan is depicted with horns, hooves and other signs of the beast, symbols of low passions. But still, these images should not be taken quite literally.

Based on materials from the book: Ageeva Olga - "Kryon - Dialogue with Angels".

The word "angel" means "messenger". Incorporeal spirits have such a name because they proclaim to people the will of God. An angel is one whom the Lord can send with a commission and who will exactly fulfill that commission.

Angels are everywhere. But mostly in heaven, around the Throne of God. Where God most reveals to them His glory, and through them His will in relation to people.

The Holy Fathers of the Church call them the second lights, as if a reflection of the Divine light.

They are the second lights! How can we understand this? With what to compare, so that it is accessible to our mind? ..

Being in close proximity to God, the Angels are filled with admiration, God's greatness, His holiness, wisdom and the greatest love of the Creator of the universe for his creation.

Some divine light wide river flows freely through them.

This is the image of true holiness. Heavenly Forces received the light of God. They refracted it in themselves and, reflecting and splitting it into many beautiful rays, spread it around themselves, giving it to people capable of perceiving it. And in this reflected radiance of the Divine light, a radiance that is not diminished, not darkened, but multiplied and joyful radiance that brings life, we come to know God!

If it were not for the Angels, we would never, even to a small degree accessible to a person, be able to feel and perceive the Divine light.

We ourselves are not able to see and feel the glory of God - we need intermediaries who will transform it in such a way that it becomes accessible to us too.

And the Angels are these intermediaries for us.

Angels differ from each other both in enlightenment and in varying degrees of grace.

The highest hierarchy of those directly close to God is made up of Angels bearing names: Seraphim, Cherubim and Thrones. Seraphim, according to their name, have hearts flaming with love for God, and excite others to ardently love their Creator. Seraphim means "flaming".

Cherubim have the fullness of knowledge and the abundance of wisdom. They are illuminated by abundant rays of God's light. They are given to know everything to the extent that created beings can know.

Thrones - these Angels are so exalted and so illumined by grace that the Lord dwells in them and through them manifests His justice.

The second, middle hierarchy consists of Angels bearing the names: Domination, Strength and Power. The Angels of Dominance teach people to dominate their will, to be above all temptation, and also to resist those evil spirits who swore to destroy a person. Forces are Angels filled with divine strength. These are the spirits through which the Lord performs His miracles. God has given them the ability to send down the grace of miracles to the saints of God, who work miracles while living on earth. Authorities - Angels who have the power to tame the power of demons, repel the enemy's temptations. In addition, they strengthen good ascetics in their spiritual and bodily labors.

The third, lower hierarchy also includes three ranks: Principles, Archangels and Angels.

Beginnings - the rank of Angels, who are entrusted with managing the universe, protecting individual countries and peoples and managing them. These are the Angels of the People. Their dignity is higher than the Guardian Angels of individual people. From the book of the prophet Daniel, we learn that the care of the Jewish people was entrusted to Archangel Michael (see Dan. 10:21). Archangels are the great heralds of the mysteries of God, of everything great and glorious. They strengthen the holy faith in people, enlightening their minds to the knowledge and understanding of the will of God.

Angels (the last, ninth rank of the hierarchy) are bright spiritual beings who stand closest to us and have special care for us. I will talk about them in more detail later. And now briefly about the Archangels.

From Holy Scripture we know that there are seven archangels, that is, senior angels who rule over all the others.

In the book of Tobit (Tov. 12:15) we read that the Angel who talked with him said: "I am Raphael, one of the seven ... Angels." And the Revelation of John the Theologian speaks of seven spirits that are before the throne of God (see Rev. 1:4). The Holy Church refers to them: Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Selaphiel, Yehudiel and Barahiel. Tradition includes Jeremiah among them.

1. Archangel Michael - the first of the supreme Angels, the champion of the glory of God. He is often depicted in military attire with other angels faithful to God. Or one is depicted in the clothes of a warrior with a sword or a spear in his hand, trampling underfoot a dragon or an ancient serpent - the devil.

So he is depicted in memory of the fact that once in heaven there was a great confrontation between the Angels - servants of God and evil spirits- angels who fell away from God and became servants of Satan.

Sometimes he is depicted with a copy, the top of which is decorated with a white banner with a cross. This is a special difference between the Archangel Michael and his army, which means moral purity and unwavering loyalty to the Heavenly King.

2. Archangel Gabriel - the herald of the fate of God and the servant of His omnipotence. It is sometimes depicted with a branch of paradise or with a lantern, inside of which a candle burns, in one hand and with a mirror in the other. A candle closed in a lantern means that often the fates of God are hidden until the time of their fulfillment, but after fulfillment they are comprehended only by those who carefully look into the mirror of their conscience and the words of God.

3. Raphael is depicted with an alabaster vessel filled with healing oil. The name Raphael means "mercy, help to all who suffer."

4. Uriel - the Archangel of God's light and fire - is depicted with a lightning bolt down. He illuminates with the fire of fiery love, enlightens the minds of people with the revelation of useful truths. It can be said about him that he is a special patron of people who have devoted themselves to the sciences.

5. Selaphiel - Archangel of prayer. Depicted either with a rosary in his hands, or in a prayerful pose with his hands clasped in reverence to his chest.

6. Yehudiel - "Praise of God." Depicted with a golden crown in one hand and a whip of three cords in the other. The crown is to encourage people who strive for the glory of God, and the scourge is to protect them in the name of the Holy Trinity from enemies.

7. Barahiel - Archangel of God's blessings, during earthly life sent to those who work to receive heavenly, eternal blessings.

These are the Archangels.

And now for the Angels.

Among the host of Angels is the Guardian Angel of each of us. And so, all of us, my dears, should strive to get to know our Guardian Angel as best as possible, to know enough to feel his presence near us. And for this we need to know about it as much as possible.

Our Church teaches that God created angels in His own image. These are incorporeal, intelligent, purest beings, similar to the spirit. They are generously endowed by God with natural gifts: intelligence, the ability to know and love both their Creator and people, and to be a living example of God's perfections. They are faithful servants of God, doers of His will. Not only are they able to understand and converse with each other, but they also understand the language of our souls, and therefore we can turn to them in our prayers. And this is the guarantee of close direct communication available to each of us with our Guardian Angel.

As the Holy Gospel says, the Son of God came to earth to serve people, to save them. And Angels are sent to earth with the same purpose - to serve people.

According to the teachers of the Church, man was created in order to make up for the number of fallen angels. Therefore, we must enter the Cathedral of Angels. And for this, think, my dears, how pure and holy our life must be. How else here, on earth, should we prepare ourselves in advance for cohabitation with the Angels, for entering their bright and holy assembly. To that cathedral of theirs, which we are now celebrating so solemnly!

But for this we must acquire both angelic thoughts and feelings. We are required to clear a place for love, prepare our hearts to receive supernatural love, the love that God expects from us.

And it's easy! Live according to the gospel commandments - and you will achieve what you need. And they are not impossible. And in this matter the Angels again help us, enlightening our minds with the knowledge of the Holy Gospel. Realizing the importance of our close union with the Angels, let us set ourselves, my friends, a goal so that each day we live does not separate us, but brings us closer to the Angels, especially to our Guardian Angel.

There are several points of view on who angels are. In Islam, for example, it is said that angels are asexual beings created from light. In Buddhism, angels are the embodiment of certain forces, the result of God's cosmic meditation. In Christianity, angels are spiritual beings created by God. Some people believe that angels are the souls of innocent children who died in infancy. Angels are addressed in difficult moments life, they are praised, they are worshipped. Angels are depicted on various household items and on holy icons. Who are they? Why did God create angels and what is their effect on people?

Firstly, angels were created by God long before the appearance of man. The universe was not created by God in one day. All along, God needed someone with whom He could interact at least on some level. Therefore, God created angels as servants and helpers. angels were the only source of inspiration for God, helping Him in the difficult work of creating the world of creation and praising Him for everything He created.

The second reason the creation of angels was that when communicating with a person, God needed a certain intermediary for a certain period. We are all born with the ability. However, God cannot directly intervene in a person's life until we reach the maturity of the individual and we ourselves do not entrust our lives to Him. Up to this point, God answers us only when we ourselves make some conditions of our own free will and turn to Him for help. And what to do if a person is in danger, but he does not want to turn to God? What to do when God wants to say something to a person, but he does not hear Him? In this case, the intermediaries for God are angels. Through them He can communicate His desire to people. In addition, it was also easier for a person to receive instructions through a spiritual being that has a certain external image and able to express emotions on the face, rather than in deep prayer, connecting directly with God and receiving His voice through the heart.

Third reason the creation of angels is the will of God. Angels are the servants of man. Since angels know the physical and spiritual world well, they can be helpers and advisers for a person, fulfilling his desires and helping him physically.

The word "servant" is sometimes perceived by us as something negative. The reason for this is that we are created by God as free beings, and our relationships with people repeat the relationships that have formed in our family - the relationship of brothers and sisters, the relationship of parents and children, the relationship of grandparents and grandchildren, and so on. Therefore, the natural relationship "master-servant" is not very clear to us. It will be easier to explain them on the example of the relationship of man with animals, which were also created to serve man. Of course, this is a rather rough comparison, since angels are an order of magnitude higher than animals, and relationships with them can be much richer and deeper. But in physical world there are no more creatures that could be lower than a person in level, and which could be used as an example.

For animals, for example, for a dog, it is natural to bring joy to its owner, one can even say that the goal of their whole life is the well-being of the owner. They want to be the first and the best for the owner, deserving his praise and admiration and receiving awards from him. When the owner gives an order, the dog immediately runs to fulfill it. She was created for this, so it is in these relationships that she feels love. Something similar happens in the relationship between man and angels. Angels are happy to serve man and carry out his orders. Feeling the joy and gratitude of a person, angels feel their value and significance.

Unfortunately, after his fall, man lost his position as a master and found himself far below the angels in spiritual development. Sin settled in the human soul and his desires became chaotic and selfish. Therefore, the original relationship between angels and humans was lost. Man began to exalt the angels and bow before them. Both we and the angels themselves suffer from such relationships. We cannot use the spiritual power and abilities of angels to the fullest, and angels cannot receive the natural approval and love they need.

We need to restore loved ones and hearts. Then we will be able to take our proper position as hosts for the angels and with their help gradually restore our pure, original nature and get rid of sin and evil. In this way, we can return joy and happiness to the angels and to the entire world of creation.

The word "angel" means "messenger". deliver messages to us from the Divine Mind of our Creator. They are like a gift to us from God, so that we always remember our Divine nature., remaining kind and loving, discovered and developed their talents - for the good of this world - and guarded themselves from any harm. Angels guide us with other people, in matters of health, career and even finances.

They are next to us in order to embody the Divine Plan of Universal Harmony. Our angels help us to calm down, because even one peaceful person gives rise to a whole world. harmonious people , which in itself equates to the harmonization of the world.
That is why angels are always so eager to fulfill our requests - in any way, wishing us serenity. We cannot disturb them or take away their time when we ask for "small" favors. They understand perfectly well: small problems lead to big stresses. That's why for our angels, the greatest pleasure is to help us, as fully as possible, overcome the obstacles in our path and reach the goal, while maintaining peace of mind, peace and tranquility in the soul.

, undoubtedly, contribute to our inner growth and lead to spiritual breakthroughs, but the angels are convinced that thanks to calmness, our biorhythms and Creative skills will be more open to the creative ideas of the universe, and our bodies will serve us longer and function in a healthy way. Thus, with each new day, our relationships with the world, with others and with ourselves will flourish more and more, and we ourselves will begin to turn into a radiant example of Divine love.

Regularly, though not often, I receive letters rebuking me for worshiping angels. The authors tend to focus my attention on the fact that we should only honor God.

I always answer these letters in the same way, with love.

We often make the mistake of assuming something about another person before we have checked all the facts. Everyone who has read my books - at least one of them, listened to my audio programs or attended my seminars, knows: I always put the emphasis on the fact that everything is - only God! Angels do not seek to take his place and do not expect worship.

God is everywhere. The Divine lives within everyone - me, you, the angels. Regardless of the fact that not everyone wants to admit it. For example, some of my listeners who have had problems with official religion don't even want to hear about it! This happens if a woman in childhood or adolescence was abused by her father; she may begin to reject all paternal figures - including God. (God, of course, is a bisexual force, that is, both Mother and Father at the same time, but I prefer to use the masculine pronoun "he" in relation to him to avoid using the ridiculous construction He / She.) Or, it happens, someone from professing the official religion harmed another believer, who after that may begin to deny everything that is somehow connected with faith, even spiritual mentors and guardian angels. Or it may happen that to someone the very idea of ​​the Divine seems absurd, so he or she simply stops thinking about everything that has to do with spirituality. There are people who feel guilty about the lifestyle they lead, and therefore they are very afraid that God will punish them; it is easier for them to block in themselves any possibility of awareness Higher Power- they are so calm: “Suddenly God will try to start controlling me and force me to give up my usual way of life?”

Some students and readers ask me if it's okay to talk directly to God or angels, isn't that blasphemy? In response, I always insist that people follow their own beliefs. Moreover, if God, the ascended masters and angels are really one, then why should direct contact with them be considered something reprehensible? Isn't that how you receive the gift that Heaven gives you? You don't team up with the angels in a rebellious plot against God! Angels - just like your higher self - will never defy God's will, so there is almost no chance for you to make a mistake.

The angels know everything about us - both what we would prefer to hide from them, and the beautiful that we do not even suspect. God, being totally loving, knows nothing but love. The Creator may tell you that your consciousness is closed to him and you are dreaming bad dream but He cannot tell you what its meaning is.

Angels are the bridge between truth and the nightmarish illusions of our problems. They help us return from this nightmare to a waking state of happiness, health, harmony and abundance. They work in union with the higher self of each of us and with the soul with which we are connected in Spirit., for example, with Jesus, Moses, Kuan Yin, the Holy Spirit, Buddha, Yogananda and many others. Angels do not evaluate our beliefs. On the contrary, they work with our real thoughts, thus reaching us.

Who are the Angels? Mythical or biblical creatures? Let's look at them from a different angle. Thin world densely populated different types spiritual beings. All of them have different competences and specializations.

Far from all our questions are solved by Soul Mentors. They gladly delegate part of their powers to our other assistants - the Angels.
So, let's start from the very beginning.

This is the second article in a series of materials about Angels.
Part 1 -
Part 2 - [You are here] - Who are the Angels and where do they live
Part 3 -
Part 4 -

Sal Rachele, mystic, channeler and clairvoyant, provides a model for how the multidimensional universe works. It states that our universe is made up of densities. They are also called levels. Each level has its own rules and principles.

The density distribution depends on vibration level specific entities, objects: the higher the vibration, the higher the density.

There are higher densities and lower ones. Higher densities are physically less dense than lower densities. We can say that they are more rarefied. The words “higher” and “lower” here speak only of the height of vibration frequencies. "Higher" is not necessarily better than "lower" - it's just more comprehensive.

There are only 12 such densities. From 1 to 6 are the lowest densities in terms of vibration level, from 7 to 12 are the highest densities in terms of vibration level.

Where Angels Dwell

For every density there is different shape or body. For example, the human body is created as a form of being in 3rd and 4th density.

To make it clear - on the example of the Earth:
1st density- the kingdom of minerals, the world of stones.
2nd density- world of plants.
3rd density- animals and what we call the lower human instincts - survival and reproduction.

4th density- the highest aspects of a person: self-consciousness, imagination, creativity, metaphysics, etc.
4th density people create their reality with their thoughts. Many have psychic abilities. The third eye opens.

5th density- the level of the etheric body of light. Vibrations are such that physical body no longer affected by environmental pollution. A 5th density body is capable of flying through the air, passing through walls. And this form gradually becomes invisible to 3rd density humans.
5th density Earth is similar to 4th density Earth, but everything on it shines and glows. There are no diseases. There is no death. No aging. Unites all beings great love. There is no competition and greed. There is cooperation. The main goal of all beings is the education and enlightenment of others and the exploration of the universe.
And the ascension process referred to Lately- this is the process of movement of consciousness from the 3rd density - through the 4th - to the 5th.

6th density- Soul level. The Soul Body is no longer tied to the space of the Earth and is able to move forward and backward in time. At this level, there are ethereal cities, crystal temples, castles in the air, mythical creatures such as flying horses. And from this level, a passage opens to the Angelic spheres.

7th density is the density of the Oversoul. The Oversoul is a group of souls or a soul family, consisting of several individual souls that have merged into one. The individual souls have gone through the experience of many incarnations and brought it into the experience of the Oversoul. Some souls choose to become spirit guides or volunteers when they return to 7th density. For example, indigo, crystalline and rainbow children are 7th density souls who came to our plane specifically to help 3rd and 4th density souls and also the planet.

8th density- Realm of Angels. It is also called the lower heavenly worlds.
9th density- the level of the Archangels. They are more powerful than Angels, more experienced.
10th density– Creator gods, i.e. those beings who create the universes.
11th density- vibration of the Universal Gods.
12th density- vibration of the deity - the Great Central Sun.

We're talking about inhabitants 8 density– . The spiritual world inhabited by Angels is located next to ours, only in a different dimension. We can say that our world and the Subtle World are radio stations that operate on different frequencies.

The higher we climb spiritual world the less the words mean. In the celestial realms, everything simply IS—with great variety and depth. And there, in the heavenly oceans, Angels soar.

The old-fashioned image of Angels sitting on clouds and playing harps is just a tiny part of the big picture.

Angels are special kind spiritual beings, this is the army of our helpers. They provide a direct link between our world and the spiritual.

Angels have access to many levels and dimensions of the Universe at the same time. They can communicate with many people at the same time. How? They create their own holographic images and therefore can appear in different places at the same time.

Angels have a subtle radiant vibration. They create an aura of Light wherever they appear. And people can feel their presence.

Many small children, especially these days, see Angels and even talk to them. But “smart” adults take this for fiction and often stop this communication - “Don’t invent!”, “Don’t fantasize!”, “Stop talking nonsense!” etc.

Angels have their own hierarchy - they are divided by rank. The rank of an Angel depends on the degree of his competence - the more experience, the higher the rank. The higher the rank, the greater strength he possesses.

The Angels are our lifelong support group. In the process of planning our next incarnation, we are compiling detailed plan new life. We have Guides or guides or guides who will guide and guide us through the physical world.

And in this plan we also include those who will protect and guard us throughout our lives - the Angels. Depending on the complexity of the plan we have drawn up, we can choose different Angels for different difficult situations and our needs. However, personal guardian angels never leave us.

Angels help people of all faiths, and they do not belong to any religion. Throughout life, we can turn to them with specific requests, and not only to those whom we have included in our life plan.

Initially, all people can contact the Angels. And all people are equally worthy of their help.

In order to receive the help of the Angels, you just need to ask. Without our permission, they can NOT interfere in our lives. Angels help us as much as we allow them to.

P.S. Do you notice the presence of angels in your life? Write in the comments about it!

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