NATO aircraft weapons control radar. NATO ground forces air defense. Organization of a joint NATO air defense system

Guided by aggressive goals, the military circles of the imperialist states pay great attention to weapons of an offensive nature. At the same time, many military experts abroad believe that in a future war, the participating countries will be subject to retaliatory strikes. That is why these countries attach special importance to air defense.

For a number of reasons, air defense systems designed to hit targets at medium and high altitudes have achieved the greatest effectiveness in their development. At the same time, the capabilities of means of detecting and destroying aircraft operating from low and extremely low altitudes (according to NATO military experts, the ranges of extremely low altitudes are heights from several meters to 30 - 40 m; low altitudes - from 30 - 40 m to 100 - 300 m, medium altitudes - 300 - 5000 m; high altitudes - over 5000 m), remained very limited.

The ability of aircraft to more successfully overcome military air defense at low and extremely low altitudes led, on the one hand, to the need for early radar detection of low-flying targets, and on the other, to the appearance of highly automated anti-aircraft guided missile systems in service with military air defense. missile weapons(ZURO) and anti-aircraft artillery (ZA).

The effectiveness of modern military air defense, according to foreign military experts, largely depends on equipping it with advanced radar equipment. In this regard, in last years In the arsenal of the military air defense of almost all armies of NATO countries, many new ground-based tactical radars for detecting air targets and target designation, as well as modern highly automated ZURO and ZA complexes (including mixed ZURO-ZA complexes), equipped, as a rule, with radar stations, have appeared.

Tactical radars for detection and target designation of military air defense, which are not directly included in anti-aircraft systems, are intended mainly for radar cover of troop concentration areas and important objects. They are assigned the following main tasks: timely detection and identification of targets (primarily low-flying ones), determination of their coordinates and degree of threat, and then transfer of target designation data either to anti-aircraft weapons systems or to control posts of a certain military air defense system. In addition to solving these problems, they are used to target interceptor fighters and bring them to their base areas in difficult weather conditions; the stations can also be used as control rooms when organizing temporary airfields for army (tactical) aviation, and if necessary, they can replace a disabled (destroyed) stationary radar of the zone air defense system.

As an analysis of foreign press materials shows, the general directions for the development of ground-based radars for this purpose are: increasing the ability to detect low-flying (including high-speed) targets; increasing mobility, operational reliability, noise immunity, ease of use; improvement of basic tactical and technical characteristics (detection range, accuracy of coordinate determination, resolution).

When developing new types of tactical radars, the latest advances in technology are increasingly being taken into account. various areas science and technology, as well as the positive experience accumulated in the production and operation of new radar equipment for various purposes. For example, increasing reliability, reducing the weight and dimensions of tactical detection and target designation stations are achieved by using experience in the production and operation of compact on-board aerospace equipment. Electrovacuum devices are currently almost never used in electronic components (with the exception of cathode ray tubes of indicators, powerful transmitter generators and some other devices). Block and modular design principles involving integrated and hybrid circuits, as well as the introduction of new structural materials (conductive plastics, high-strength parts, optoelectronic semiconductors, liquid crystals, etc.) have found wide application in the development of stations.

At the same time, quite a long operation on large ground-based and ship-based radars of antennas that form a partial (multi-beam) radiation pattern and antennas with phased arrays has shown their undeniable advantages over antennas with conventional, electromechanical scanning, both in terms of information content (quick overview of space in a large sector, definition of three coordinates of targets, etc.), and the design of small-sized and compact equipment.

In a number of models of military air defense radars of some NATO countries (,), created recently, there is a clear tendency to use antenna systems that form a partial radiation pattern in the vertical plane. As for phased array antennas in their “classical” design, their use in such stations should be considered the near future.

Tactical radars for detecting air targets and targeting military air defense are currently being mass-produced in the USA, France, Great Britain, Italy, and some other capitalist countries.

In the USA, for example, in recent years the following stations for this purpose have entered service with troops: AN/TPS-32, -43, -44, -48, -50, -54, -61; AN/MPQ-49 (FAAR). In France, mobile stations RL-521, RM-521, THD 1060, THD 1094, THD 1096, THD 1940 were adopted, and new stations “Matador” (TRS 2210), “Picador” (TRS2200), “Volex” were developed. III (THD 1945), Domino series and others. In the UK, S600 mobile radar systems, AR-1 stations and others are produced to detect low-flying targets. Several samples of mobile tactical radars were created by Italian and West German companies. In many cases, the development and production of radar equipment for the needs of military air defense is carried out by the joint efforts of several NATO countries. The leading position is occupied by American and French companies.

One of the characteristic trends in the development of tactical radars, which has emerged especially in recent years, is the creation of mobile and reliable three-coordinate stations. According to foreign military experts, such stations significantly increase the ability to successfully detect and intercept high-speed, low-flying targets, including aircraft flying using terrain tracking devices at extremely low altitudes.

The first three-dimensional radar VPA-2M was created for military air defense in France in 1956-1957. After modification, it began to be called THD 1940. The station, operating in the 10-cm wavelength range, uses an antenna system of the VT series (VT-150) with an original electromechanical irradiating and scanning device that provides beam sweep in the vertical plane and determination of three coordinates of targets at ranges up to 110 km. The station's antenna generates a pencil beam with a width in both planes of 2° and circular polarization, which creates opportunities for detecting targets in difficult weather conditions. The accuracy of altitude determination at the maximum range is ± 450 m, the viewing sector in elevation is 0-30° (0-15°; 15-30°), the radiation power per pulse is 400 kW. All station equipment is placed on one truck (transportable version) or mounted on a truck and trailer (mobile version). The antenna reflector has dimensions of 3.4 X 3.7 m; for ease of transportation, it can be disassembled into several sections. The block-modular design of the station has a low total weight (in the lightweight version, about 900 kg), allows you to quickly roll up the equipment and change position (deployment time is about 1 hour).

The VT-150 antenna design in various versions is used in mobile, semi-fixed and shipborne radars of many types. Thus, since 1970, the French mobile three-dimensional military air defense radar “Picador” (TRS 2200) has been in serial production, on which an improved version of the VT-150 antenna is installed (Fig. 1). The station operates in the 10-cm wavelength range in pulsed radiation mode. Its range is about 180 km (according to a fighter, with a detection probability of 90%), the accuracy of altitude determination is approximately ± 400 m (at maximum range). Its remaining characteristics are slightly higher than those of the THD 1940 radar.

Rice. 1. Three-coordinate French radar station “Picador” (TRS 2200) with a VT series antenna.

Foreign military experts note the high mobility and compactness of the Picador radar, as well as its good ability to select targets against the background of strong interference. The station's electronic equipment is made almost entirely of semiconductor devices using integrated circuits and printed wiring. All equipment and equipment are placed in two standard container cabins, which can be transported by any type of transport. The station deployment time is about 2 hours.

The combination of two VT series antennas (VT-359 and VT-150) is used on the French transportable three-axis radar Volex III (THD 1945). This station operates in the 10 cm wavelength range in pulse mode. To increase noise immunity, a method of working with separation in frequency and polarization of radiation is used. The station's range is approximately 280 km, the accuracy of altitude determination is about 600 m (at maximum range), and the weight is approximately 900 kg.

One of the promising directions in the development of tactical three-coordinate PJICs for detection of air targets and target designation is the creation for them of antenna systems with electronic scanning of beams (beam), forming, in particular, a partial radiation pattern in the vertical plane. Azimuth viewing is carried out in the usual way - by rotating the antenna in the horizontal plane.

The principle of forming partial patterns is used in large stations (for example, in the French Palmier-G radar system). It is characterized by the fact that the antenna system (simultaneously or sequentially) forms a multi-beam pattern in the vertical plane, the rays of which are located with some overlap above each other , thus covering a wide viewing sector (almost from 0 to 40-50°). Using such a diagram (scanning or fixed) provides an accurate determination of the elevation angle (height) of detected targets and high resolution. In addition, using the principle of forming beams with frequency separation, it is possible to more reliably determine the angular coordinates of the target and carry out more reliable tracking of it.

The principle of creating partial diagrams is being intensively implemented in the creation of tactical three-coordinate radars for military air defense. An antenna that implements this principle is used, in particular, in the American tactical radar AN/TPS-32, mobile station AN/TPS-43 and the French mobile radar Matador (TRS 2210). All these stations operate in the 10 cm wavelength range. They are equipped with effective anti-jamming devices, which allows them to detect air targets in advance against a background of strong interference and provide target designation data to anti-aircraft weapons control systems.

The AN/TPS-32 radar antenna feed is made in the form of several horns located vertically one above the other. The partial diagram formed by the antenna contains nine beams in the vertical plane, and radiation from each of them occurs at nine different frequencies. The spatial position of the beams relative to each other remains unchanged, and by electronically scanning them, a wide field of view in the vertical plane, increased resolution and determination of target height are provided. A characteristic feature of this station is its interface with a computer, which automatically processes radar signals, including “friend or foe” identification signals coming from the AN/TPX-50 station, as well as control of the radiation mode (carrier frequency, radiation power per pulse, duration and pulse repetition rate). A lightweight version of the station, all equipment and equipment of which are arranged in three standard containers (one measuring 3.7X2X2 m and two measuring 2.5X2X2 m), ensures target detection at ranges of up to 250-300 km with an accuracy of altitude determination at a maximum range of up to 600 m .

The mobile American radar AN/TPS-43, developed by Westinghouse, having an antenna similar to the antenna of the AN/TPS-32 station, forms a six-beam diagram in the vertical plane. The width of each beam in the azimuthal plane is 1.1°, the overlap sector in elevation is 0.5-20°. The accuracy of determining the elevation angle is 1.5-2°, the range is about 200 km. The station operates in pulse mode (3 MW per pulse), its transmitter is assembled on a twistron. Features of the station: the ability to adjust the frequency from pulse to pulse and automatic (or manual) transition from one discrete frequency to another in the 200 MHz band (there are 16 discrete frequencies) in the event of a complex radio-electronic environment. The radar is housed in two standard container cabins (with a total weight of 1600 kg), which can be transported by all types of transport, including air.

In 1971, at the aerospace exhibition in Paris, France demonstrated a three-dimensional radar of the Matador military air defense system (TRS2210). NATO military experts highly appreciated the prototype station (Fig. 2), noting that the Matador radar meets modern requirements, and is also quite small in size.

Rice. 2 Three-coordinate French radar station “Matador” (TRS2210) with an antenna that forms a partial radiation pattern.

A distinctive feature of the Matador station (TRS 2210) is the compactness of its antenna system, which forms a partial diagram in the vertical plane, consisting of three beams rigidly connected to each other with scanning controlled by a special computer program. The station feed is made of 40 horns. This creates the possibility of forming narrow beams (1.5°X1>9°)> which in turn makes it possible to determine the elevation angle in the viewing sector from -5° to +30° with an accuracy of 0.14° at a maximum range of 240 km. Radiation power per pulse is 1 MW, pulse duration is 4 μsec; signal processing when determining the target's flight altitude (elevation angle) is carried out using the monopulse method. The station is characterized by high mobility: all equipment and equipment, including a collapsible antenna, are placed in three relatively small packages; deployment time does not exceed 1 hour. Serial production of the station is scheduled for 1972.

The need to work in difficult conditions, frequent changes of positions during combat operations, long duration of trouble-free operation - all these very stringent requirements are imposed when developing a radar for military air defense. In addition to the previously noted measures (increasing reliability, introducing semiconductor electronics, new structural materials, etc.), foreign companies are increasingly resorting to unification of elements and systems of radar equipment. Thus, in France, a reliable transceiver THD 047 has been developed (included, for example, in the Picador, Volex III and others stations), a VT series antenna, several types of small-sized indicators, etc. A similar unification of equipment is noted in the USA and Great Britain .

In Great Britain, the tendency to unify equipment in the development of tactical three-coordinate stations manifested itself in the creation of not a single radar, but a mobile radar complex. Such a complex is assembled from standard unified units and blocks. It may consist, for example, of one or more two-coordinate stations and one radar altimeter. English tactical tactics are designed according to this principle. radar complex S600.

The S600 complex is a set of intercompatible, unified blocks and units (transmitters, receivers, antennas, indicators), from which you can quickly assemble a tactical radar for any purpose (detection of air targets, determining altitude, controlling anti-aircraft weapons, controlling air traffic). According to foreign military experts, this approach to the design of tactical radars is considered the most progressive, as it provides higher production technology, simplifies maintenance and repair, and also increases the flexibility of combat use. There are six options for completing the complex elements. For example, a complex for a military air defense system may consist of two detection and target designation radars, two radar altimeters, four control cabins, one cabin with data processing equipment, including one or more computers. All equipment and equipment of such a complex can be transported by helicopter, C-130 plane or by car.

The trend towards unification of radar equipment units is also observed in France. The proof is the THD 1094 military air defense complex, consisting of two surveillance radars and a radar altimeter.

In addition to three-coordinate radars for detecting air targets and target designation, the military air defense of all NATO countries also includes two-coordinate stations for a similar purpose. They are somewhat less informative (they do not measure the target’s flight altitude), but their design is usually simpler, lighter and more mobile than three-coordinate ones. Such radar stations can be quickly transferred and deployed in areas that need radar cover for troops or objects.

Work on the creation of small two-dimensional detection and target designation radars is being carried out in almost all developed capitalist countries. Some of these radars are interfaced with specific ZURO or ZA anti-aircraft systems, others are more universal.

Two-dimensional tactical radars developed in the USA are, for example, FAAR (AN/MPQ-49), AN/TPS-50, -54, -61.

The AN/MPQ-49 station (Fig. 3) was created to order ground forces USA specifically for the mixed complex ZURO-ZA "Chaparral-Vulcan" military air defense. It is considered possible to use this radar for target designation of anti-aircraft missiles. The main distinguishing features of the station are its mobility and the ability to operate in the front line on rough and mountainous terrain. Special measures have been taken to increase noise immunity. According to the principle of operation, the station is pulse-Doppler; it operates in the 25-cm wavelength range. Antenna system (together with the identification station antenna " friend - stranger» AN/TPX-50) is installed on a telescopic mast, the height of which can be automatically adjusted. The station can be remotely controlled at distances of up to 50 m using a remote control. All equipment, including the AN/VRC-46 communications radio, is mounted on a 1.25-ton M561 articulated vehicle. The American command, when ordering this radar, pursued the goal of solving the problem of operational control of military air defense systems.

Rice. 3. Two-coordinate American radar station AN/MPQ-49 for issuing target designation data to the military complex ZURO-ZA “Chaparral-Vulcan”.

The AN/TPS-50 station, developed by Emerson, is light in weight and very small in size. Its range is 90-100 km. All station equipment can be carried by seven soldiers. Deployment time is 20-30 minutes. In 1968, an improved version of this station was created - AN/TPS-54, which has a longer range (180 km) and “friend-foe” identification equipment. The peculiarity of the station lies in its efficiency and the layout of high-frequency components: the transceiver unit is mounted directly under the horn feed. This eliminates the rotating joint, shortens the feeder and therefore eliminates the inevitable loss of RF energy. The station operates in the 25-cm wavelength range, pulse power is 25 kW, and the azimuth beam width is about 3°. Total weight does not exceed 280 kg, power consumption 560 watts.

Among other two-dimensional tactical early warning and target designation radars, US military experts also highlight the AN/TPS-61 mobile station weighing 1.7 tons. It is housed in one standard cabin measuring 4 X 1.2 X 2 m, installed in the back of a car. During transportation, the disassembled antenna is located inside the cabin. The station operates in pulse mode in the frequency range 1250-1350 MHz. Its range is about 150 km. The use of noise protection circuits in the equipment makes it possible to isolate a useful signal that is 45 dB lower than the interference level.

Several small-sized mobile tactical two-dimensional radars have been developed in France. They easily interface with ZURO and ZA military air defense systems. Western military observers consider the Domino-20, -30, -40, -40N radar series and the Tiger radar (TRS 2100) to be the most promising stations. All of them are designed specifically for detecting low-flying targets, operate in the 25-cm range (“Tiger” in the 10-cm range) and are coherent pulse-Doppler based on the principle of operation. The detection range of the Domino-20 radar reaches 17 km, Domino-30 - 30 km, Domino-40 - 75 km, Domino-40N - 80 km. The range accuracy of the Domino-30 radar is 400 m and azimuth 1.5°, weight is 360 kg. The range of the Tiger station is 100 km. All marked stations have an automatic scanning mode during target tracking and “friend or foe” identification equipment. Their layout is modular; they can be mounted and installed on the ground or any vehicles. Station deployment time is 30-60 minutes.

The radar stations of the military complexes ZURO and ZA (directly included in the complex) solve problems of searching, detecting, identifying targets, target designation, tracking and controlling anti-aircraft weapons.

The main concept in the development of military air defense systems of the main NATO countries is to create autonomous, highly automated systems with mobility equal to or even slightly greater than the mobility of armored forces. Their characteristic feature is their placement on tanks and other combat vehicles. This places very stringent requirements on the designs of radar stations. Foreign experts believe that the radar equipment of such complexes must meet the requirements for aerospace on-board equipment.

Currently, the military air defense of NATO countries includes (or will receive in the near future) a number of autonomous anti-aircraft missile systems and air defense systems.

According to foreign military experts, the most advanced mobile military air defense missile system designed to combat low-flying (including high-speed at M = 1.2) targets at ranges up to 18 km is the French all-weather complex (THD 5000). All its equipment is located in two all-terrain armored vehicles (Fig. 4): one of them (located in the control platoon) is equipped with the Mirador II detection and target designation radar, an electronic computer and target designation data output equipment; on the other (in the fire platoon) - a target tracking and missile guidance radar, an electronic computer for calculating the flight trajectories of targets and missiles (it simulates the entire process of destroying detected low-flying targets immediately before launch), a launcher with four missiles, infrared and television systems tracking and devices for transmitting radio commands for missile guidance.

Rice. 4. French military complex ZURO “Crotal” (THD5000). A. Detection and targeting radar. B. Radar station for target tracking and missile guidance (combined with the launcher).

The Mirador II detection and target designation station provides radar search and acquisition of targets, determination of their coordinates and transmission of data to the tracking and guidance radar of the fire platoon. According to the principle of operation, the station is coherent - pulse - Doppler, it has high resolution and noise immunity. The station operates in the 10 cm wavelength range; The antenna rotates in azimuth at a speed of 60 rpm, which ensures a high rate of data acquisition. The radar is capable of detecting up to 30 targets simultaneously and providing the information necessary to classify them according to the degree of threat and then select 12 targets for issuing target designation data (taking into account the importance of the target) to the radar of firing platoons. The accuracy of determining the range and height of the target is about 200 m. One Mirador II station can serve several tracking radars, thus increasing the firepower of covering concentration areas or troop routes (the stations can operate on the march) from air attack. The tracking and guidance radar operates in the 8-mm wavelength range and has a range of 16 km. The antenna forms a beam 1.1° wide with circular polarization. To increase noise immunity, a change in operating frequencies is provided. The station can simultaneously monitor one target and direct two missiles at it. An infrared device with a radiation pattern of ±5° ensures launch of the missile at the initial part of the trajectory (the first 500 m of flight). The “dead zone” of the complex is an area within a radius of no more than 1000 m, the reaction time is up to 6 seconds.

Although the tactical and technical characteristics of the Krotal missile defense system are high and it is currently in mass production (purchased by South Africa, the USA, Lebanon, Germany), some NATO experts prefer the layout of the entire complex on one vehicle (armored personnel carrier, trailer, car) . Such a promising complex is, for example, the Skygard-M missile defense system (Fig. 5), a prototype of which was demonstrated in 1971 by the Italian-Swiss company Contraves.

Rice. 5. Model of the mobile complex ZURO "Skygard-M".

The Skygard-M missile defense system uses two radars (a detection and target designation station and a target and missile tracking station), mounted on the same platform and having a common 3-cm range transmitter. Both radars are coherent pulse-Doppler, and the tracking radar uses a monopulse signal processing method, which reduces the angular error to 0.08°. The radar range is about 18 km. The transmitter is made on a traveling wave tube; in addition, it has an instantaneous automatic frequency tuning circuit (by 5%), which turns on in the event of strong interference. The tracking radar can simultaneously track the target and its missile. The reaction time of the complex is 6-8 seconds.
The control equipment of the Skygard-M ZURO complex is also used in the Skygard ZA complex (Fig. 6). A characteristic feature of the complex’s design is the radar equipment that can be retracted inside the cabin. Three versions of the Skyguard complex have been developed: on an armored personnel carrier, on a truck and on a trailer. The complexes will enter service with military air defense to replace the Superfledermaus system of similar purpose, widely used in the armies of almost all NATO countries.

Rice. 6. Mobile complex ZA "Skyguard" of Italian-Swiss production.

The military air defense systems of NATO countries are armed with several more mobile missile defense systems (clear-weather, mixed all-weather systems and others), which use advanced radars that have approximately the same characteristics as the stations of the Krotal and Skygard complexes, and decisive similar tasks.

The need for air defense of troops (especially armored units) on the move has led to the creation of highly mobile military systems of small-caliber anti-aircraft artillery (MZA) based on modern tanks. The radar systems of such complexes have either one radar operating sequentially in the modes of detection, target designation, tracking and gun guidance, or two stations between which these tasks are divided.

An example of the first solution is the French MZA “Black Eye” complex, made on the basis of the AMX-13 tank. The MZA DR-VC-1A (RD515) radar of the complex operates on the basis of the coherent-pulse Doppler principle. It is characterized by a high rate of data output and increased noise immunity. The radar provides all-round or sector visibility, target detection and continuous measurement of their coordinates. The received data enters the fire control device, which within a few seconds calculates the pre-emptive coordinates of the target and ensures that the 30-mm twin gun is aimed at it. anti-aircraft installation. The target detection range reaches 15 km, the error in determining the range is ±50 m, the station's radiation power per pulse is 120 watts. The station operates in the 25 cm wavelength range (operating frequency from 1710 to 1750 MHz). It can detect targets flying at speeds from 50 to 300 m/sec.

In addition, if necessary, the complex can be used to combat ground targets, while the accuracy of determining the azimuth is 1-2°. In the stowed position, the station is folded and closed with armored curtains (Fig. 7).

Rice. 7. Radar antenna of the French mobile complex MZA “Black Eye” (automatic deployment to combat position).

Rice. 8. West German mobile complex 5PFZ-A based on a tank: 1 - detection and target designation radar antenna; 2 - “friend or foe” identification radar antenna; 3 - radar antenna for target tracking and gun guidance.

Promising MZA complexes made on the basis of the Leopard tank, in which search, detection and identification tasks are solved by one radar, and the tasks of target tracking and control of a coaxial anti-aircraft gun by another radar, are considered: 5PFZ-A (Fig. 5PFZ-B , 5PFZ-C and Matador 30 ZLA (Fig. 9).These complexes are equipped with highly reliable pulse-Doppler stations capable of searching in a wide or circular sector and highlighting signals from low-flying targets against the background of high levels of interference.

Rice. 9. West German mobile complex MZA “Matador” 30 ZLA based on the Leopard tank.

The development of radars for such MZA complexes, and possibly for medium-caliber ZA, as NATO experts believe, will continue. The main direction of development will be the creation of more informative, small-sized and reliable radar equipment. The same development prospects are possible for radar systems of ZURO complexes and for tactical radar stations for detecting air targets and target designation.

The Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA), funded by the US Department of Defense, released a report ahead of the start of the NATO summit on what measures need to be taken to protect the Baltic states from Russia. First of all, the so-called Suwalki corridor, which separates the Kaliningrad region from the territory of Belarus.

The authors of the report note, in particular, the significantly increased capabilities of the Russian armed forces to maneuver on the battlefield and the ability to conduct disinformation campaigns. The Russian armed forces hone these skills in numerous exercises - one of the most large-scale exercises was the Zapad-2017 maneuvers, which were also carried out on the territory of Belarus and the Kaliningrad region.

According to CEPA analysts, the aggravation in the Baltic states (and a hypothetical attack by Russia through the Suwalki corridor) will also be accompanied by an aggravation of all conflicts in the post-Soviet space, from Donbass and Transnistria to Nagorno-Karabakh.

However, other than Russia’s desire to “create a land bridge” across Suwalki and thus strengthen its political influence in the region, there are no other clear motives for such a scenario (fraught with a full-scale nuclear war, taking into account the provisions of Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty) is not given in the report. It should be noted that the author is General Ben Hodges, who was until recently the commander of NATO Allied Forces in Europe.

As measures to contain Russia, it is proposed, firstly, to strengthen the defensive component in the Baltic states and to redeploy M1097 Avenger short-range missile defense systems closer to the Suwalki corridor and the Kaliningrad region. Secondly, to provide operational capabilities to NATO units in the region, create forward logistics points and fuel depots so that they can quickly transfer additional troops to the Baltics from Germany and Poland.

Thirdly, it is proposed to reduce the time it takes to respond to potential threats to Russia, as well as strengthen the exchange of intelligence between NATO member countries, as well as between NATO and non-alliance partner countries such as Finland, Sweden and Ukraine. At the same time, the importance of restoring the competencies of the alliance member countries in the field of proficiency in the Russian language and understanding of regional problems is emphasized. It is also proposed to instruct units of the Forces special operations NATO countries stationed in the Baltics to train local law enforcement agencies in tactics to counter Russia’s subversive actions.

Plus, they propose to place a full-fledged field headquarters on the division’s staffs on the borders with Russia, instead of rotating every 90 days, which should “send a signal of containment of Russia.” In addition, it is proposed to establish a new NATO Close Operations Command (REOC), as well as give more powers to the multinational NATO division in the northeast, in Szczecin, Poland, in order to “transfer the decision-making initiative in the event of a Russian attack to the commanders of units located directly in the Baltics."

Alarming and sometimes alarmist notes regarding NATO’s potential capabilities to confront Russia in the Baltic states have already become the usual leitmotif of a significant part of publications on the topic of Russian-American relations in the Western media. Thus, the American press complains that NATO troops in the event of a conflict with Russia may lose the first phase of the war due to bad roads and bureaucracy. While the main parts of the North Atlantic Alliance will reach the eastern borders, Russian army will occupy the entire Baltic region, which became clear from the analysis of the latest exercises of the Saber Strike alliance forces.

Thus, US heavy equipment returned from exercises to its place of permanent deployment in Germany for four months by rail, and the soldiers of the unit at this time were left without means of transportation. At the same time, it is clarified that the equipment had to be unloaded and loaded again, since the rails on the railways in the Baltic states are wider than those in Western Europe. The movement was slowed down by the detention of American military personnel by Hungarian border guards due to improper coupling of armored personnel carriers with wagons.

The increase in NATO military activity in the EU can already be observed. The international military exercises of the Saber Strike 2018 alliance began in Latvia. About three thousand soldiers from 12 countries take part in them, including the USA, Canada, Great Britain, Germany, Spain, Latvia, Albania and others. According to the Latvian Ministry of Defense, the purpose of the maneuvers, which will last until June 15, is to improve the quality of cooperation between alliance members and NATO regional partners.

Atlantic Resolve,” for which the Pentagon received four times more funds in 2017 – $3.4 billion – is supposed to expand the presence of NATO troops, in particular the United States, on the “eastern flank” to “deterrify” and contain Russia. At the end of the past 1,750 soldiers and 60 aircraft units of the 10th Combat Aviation Brigade have already arrived in Germany to counter Russia, from where units have been distributed to Latvia, Romania and Poland.NATO plans include strengthening troop groups along the entire western border of Russia - in Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia , Poland, Bulgaria and Romania.

According to the European press, NATO also intends to increase the contingent of the rapid reaction force, located mainly in Eastern Europe - representatives of 23 EU states signed a declaration of intent to take part in "permanent structural cooperation on security and defense issues", with the final decision on the composition grouping will be adopted in December this year. In particular, it is assumed that the operational group will be staffed by 30 thousand military personnel, it will also include several hundred combat aircraft and ships. It is worth noting that on this moment international rapid response teams stationed in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland are under the control of Germany, Great Britain, the USA and Canada.

According to a number of European military analysts, the increase in the degree of anti-Russian sentiment on the eve of the start of the 29th NATO summit is an attempt to torpedo Trump’s policy of increasing the share of European expenditures in the alliance’s budget structure - since at the moment the main financial burden of the military bloc is borne by the United States. The current American administration is inclined to change this order. Immediately, however, the bogey of a “Russian threat” once again appears on the horizon, which can seize all nearby countries and spread its “authoritarian influence”...

Not long ago, the head of the operational department of the Russian General Staff, Lieutenant General Viktor Poznikhir, told reporters that the main goal of creating an American missile defense system is to significantly neutralize Russia’s strategic nuclear potential and almost completely eliminate the Chinese missile threat. And this is not the first sharp statement by Russian high-ranking officials on this matter; few US actions cause such irritation in Moscow.

Russian military officers and diplomats have repeatedly stated that the deployment of the American global missile defense system will lead to a disruption of the fragile balance between nuclear states that developed during the Cold War.

The Americans, in turn, argue that global missile defense is not directed against Russia, its goal is to protect the “civilized” world from rogue countries, for example, Iran and North Korea. At the same time, the construction of new elements of the system continues at the very Russian borders - in Poland, the Czech Republic and Romania.

Experts' opinions on missile defense in general and the US missile defense system in particular vary widely: some see America's actions as a real threat to Russia's strategic interests, while others speak of the ineffectiveness of the American missile defense system against the Russian strategic arsenal.

Where is the truth? What is the US missile defense system? What does it consist of and how does it work? Does Russia have a missile defense system? And why does a purely defensive system cause such a mixed reaction among the Russian leadership - what's the catch?

History of missile defense

Missile defense is a whole range of measures aimed at protecting certain objects or territories from damage by missile weapons. Any missile defense system includes not only systems that directly destroy missiles, but also complexes (radars and satellites) that provide missile detection, as well as powerful computers.

In the public consciousness, a missile defense system is usually associated with countering the nuclear threat posed by ballistic missiles with a nuclear warhead, but this is not entirely true. In fact, missile defense is a broader concept; missile defense is any type of defense against enemy missile weapons. This can also include active protection armored vehicles from ATGMs and RPGs, and air defense systems capable of destroying tactical ballistic and cruise missiles enemy. So it would be more correct to divide all missile defense systems into tactical and strategic, and also to separate self-defense systems against missile weapons into a separate group.

Rocket weapons first began to be used en masse during World War II. The first anti-tank missiles, MLRS, and German V-1 and V-2 appeared, killing residents of London and Antwerp. After the war, the development of missile weapons accelerated. It can be said that the use of missiles has radically changed the methods of warfare. Moreover, very soon missiles became the main means of delivering nuclear weapons and turned into the most important strategic tool.

Having appreciated the experience of the Nazis in the combat use of V-1 and V-2 missiles, the USSR and the USA almost immediately after the end of World War II began creating systems capable of effectively combating the new threat.

In the USA in 1958 they developed and adopted anti-aircraft missile system MIM-14 Nike-Hercules, which could be used against enemy nuclear warheads. Their defeat also occurred due to the nuclear warhead of the anti-missile missile, since this air defense system was not particularly accurate. It should be noted that intercepting a target flying at enormous speed at an altitude of tens of kilometers is a very difficult task even at the current level of technology development. In the 60s, it could only be solved with the use of nuclear weapons.

A further development of the MIM-14 Nike-Hercules system was the LIM-49A Nike Zeus complex, its testing began in 1962. The Zeus anti-missile missiles were also equipped with a nuclear warhead; they could hit targets at an altitude of up to 160 km. Successful tests of the complex were carried out (without nuclear explosions, of course), but still the effectiveness of such a missile defense system was very much in question.

The fact is that in those years the nuclear arsenals of the USSR and the USA were growing at an unimaginable pace, and no missile defense could protect against an armada of ballistic missiles launched in the other hemisphere. In addition, in the 60s, nuclear missiles learned to release numerous decoys, which were extremely difficult to distinguish from real warheads. However, the main problem was the imperfection of the anti-missile missiles themselves, as well as target detection systems. The Nike Zeus program would cost the American taxpayer $10 billion to deploy, a huge sum at the time, and did not provide sufficient protection against Soviet ICBMs. As a result, the project was abandoned.

At the end of the 60s, the Americans began another missile defense program, which was called Safeguard - “Precaution” (originally it was called Sentinel - “Sentinel”).

This missile defense system was supposed to protect the deployment areas of American silo-based ICBMs and, in the event of war, provide the ability to launch a retaliatory missile strike.

Safeguard was armed with two types of anti-missile missiles: heavy Spartan and light Sprint. The Spartan anti-missile missiles had a radius of 740 km and were supposed to destroy enemy nuclear warheads while still in space. The task of the lighter Sprint missiles was to “finish” those warheads that were able to get past the Spartans. In space, warheads were to be destroyed using streams of hard neutron radiation, more effective than megaton nuclear explosions.

In the early 70s, the Americans began the practical implementation of the Safeguard project, but only built one complex of this system.

In 1972, one of the most important documents in the field of nuclear arms control, the Treaty on the Limitation of Anti-Ballistic Missile Systems, was signed between the USSR and the USA. Even today, almost fifty years later, it is one of the cornerstones of the global nuclear safety system in the world.

According to this document, both states could deploy no more than two missile defense systems, the maximum ammunition capacity of each of them should not exceed 100 missile defense systems. Later (in 1974) the number of systems was reduced to one unit. The United States covered the ICBM deployment area in North Dakota with the Safeguard system, and the USSR decided to protect the capital of the state, Moscow, from a missile attack.

Why is this treaty so important for the balance between the largest nuclear weapons states? The fact is that from about the mid-60s it became clear that a large-scale nuclear conflict between the USSR and the USA would lead to the complete destruction of both countries, therefore nuclear weapon became a kind of deterrence tool. Having deployed a sufficiently powerful missile defense system, any of the opponents could be tempted to strike first and protect themselves from the “response” with the help of anti-missiles. Refusal to defend their own territory in the face of imminent nuclear destruction guaranteed an extremely cautious attitude of the leadership of the signatory states to the “red” button. This is also why the current deployment of NATO missile defense is causing such concern in the Kremlin.

By the way, the Americans did not begin to deploy the Safeguard missile defense system. In the 70s, they acquired Trident sea-launched ballistic missiles, so the US military leadership considered it more appropriate to invest in new submarines and SLBMs than to build a very expensive missile defense system. And Russian units still protect the skies of Moscow today (for example, the 9th Missile Defense Division in Sofrino).

The next stage in the development of the American missile defense system was the SDI program (Strategic Defense Initiative), initiated by the fortieth US President Ronald Reagan.

It was a very large-scale project new system US missile defense, which was absolutely contrary to the 1972 Treaty. The SDI program provided for the creation of a powerful, layered missile defense system with space-based elements, which was supposed to cover the entire territory of the United States.

In addition to anti-missile missiles, this program provided for the use of weapons based on other physical principles: lasers, electromagnetic and kinetic weapons, railguns.

This project was never realized. Its developers faced numerous technical problems, many of which have not been resolved to this day. However, the developments of the SDI program were later used in the creation of the US national missile defense, the deployment of which continues to this day.

Immediately after the end of World War II, the USSR began creating protection against missile weapons. Already in 1945, specialists from the Zhukovsky Air Force Academy began work on the Anti-Fau project.

The first practical development in the field of missile defense in the USSR was “System A”, work on which was carried out in the late 50s. A whole series of tests of the complex were carried out (some of them were successful), but due to the low efficiency, “System A” was never put into service.

In the early 60s, the development of a missile defense system began to protect the Moscow Industrial District; it was named A-35. From that moment until the collapse of the USSR, Moscow was always covered by a powerful anti-missile shield.

The development of the A-35 was delayed; this missile defense system was put on combat duty only in September 1971. In 1978, it was upgraded to the A-35M modification, which remained in service until 1990. The radar of the Danube-3U complex was on combat duty until the beginning of the two thousandth. In 1990, the A-35M missile defense system was replaced by the A-135 Amur. The A-135 was equipped with two types of anti-missile missiles with a nuclear warhead and a range of 350 and 80 km.

The A-135 system should be replaced by the newest A-235 “Samolet-M” missile defense system; it is currently at the testing stage. It will also be armed with two types of anti-missile missiles with a maximum destruction range of 1 thousand km (according to other sources - 1.5 thousand km).

In addition to the above-mentioned systems, work was carried out in the USSR at different times on other projects for protection against strategic missile weapons. We can mention Chelomeev’s Taran missile defense system, which was supposed to protect the entire territory of the country from American ICBMs. This project involved installing several powerful radars in the Far North that would monitor the most possible trajectories of American ICBMs - through the North Pole. It was supposed to destroy enemy missiles with the help of powerful thermonuclear charges (10 megatons) mounted on anti-missiles.

This project was closed in the mid-60s for the same reason as the American Nike Zeus - the missile and nuclear arsenals of the USSR and the USA were growing at an incredible pace, and no missile defense could protect against a massive strike.

Another promising Soviet missile defense system that never entered service was the S-225 complex. This project was developed in the early 60s; later, one of the S-225 anti-missile missiles found use as part of the A-135 complex.

American missile defense system

Currently, several missile defense systems are deployed or are being developed in the world (Israel, India, Japan, the European Union), but all of them have a short or medium range. Only two countries in the world have a strategic missile defense system – the USA and Russia. Before moving on to the description of the American strategic system PRO, a few words should be said about the general principles of operation of such complexes.

Intercontinental ballistic missiles (or their warheads) can be shot down at different parts of their trajectory: at the initial, middle or final stages. Hitting a missile during takeoff (Boost-phase intercept) looks like the simplest task. Immediately after launch, an ICBM is easy to track: it has a low speed and is not covered by decoys or interference. With one shot you can destroy all warheads installed on an ICBM.

However, interception at the initial stage of a missile’s trajectory also has significant difficulties, which almost completely neutralize the above advantages. As a rule, strategic missile deployment areas are located deep in enemy territory and are reliably covered by air and missile defense systems. Therefore, it is almost impossible to approach them at the required distance. In addition, the initial stage of a missile's flight (acceleration) is only one or two minutes, during which it is necessary not only to detect it, but also to send an interceptor to destroy it. It's very difficult.

Nevertheless, intercepting ICBMs at the launch stage looks very promising, so work on means of destroying strategic missiles during acceleration continues. Space-based laser systems look most promising, but operational systems of such weapons do not yet exist.

Missiles can also be intercepted in the middle section of their trajectory (Midcourse intercept), when the warheads have already separated from the ICBMs and continue to fly in outer space by inertia. Mid-flight interception also has both advantages and disadvantages. The main advantage of destroying warheads in space is the large time interval that the missile defense system has (according to some sources, up to 40 minutes), but the interception itself is associated with many complex technical issues. Firstly, the warheads are relatively small in size, have a special anti-radar coating and do not emit anything into space, so they are very difficult to detect. Secondly, to further complicate the work of missile defense, any ICBM, except for the warheads themselves, carries a large number of false targets, indistinguishable from real ones on radar screens. And thirdly: anti-missiles capable of destroying warheads in space orbit are very expensive.

Warheads can also be intercepted after they enter the atmosphere (Terminal phase intercept), or in other words, at their last stage of flight. There are also pros and cons here. The main advantages are: the ability to deploy a missile defense system on its territory, the relative ease of tracking targets, and the low cost of interceptor missiles. The fact is that after entering the atmosphere, lighter false targets are eliminated, which makes it possible to more confidently identify real warheads.

However, intercepting warheads at the final stage of their trajectory also has significant disadvantages. The main one is the very limited time available to the missile defense system - on the order of several tens of seconds. Destroying warheads at the final stage of their flight is essentially the last line of missile defense.

In 1992, American President George W. Bush initiated a program to protect the United States from a limited nuclear strike - this is how the non-strategic missile defense (NSMD) project appeared.

Development modern system national missile defense began in the United States in 1999 after President Bill Clinton signed the corresponding bill. The declared goal of the program was to create a missile defense system that could protect the entire US territory from ICBMs. In the same year, the Americans conducted the first test within the framework of this project: a Minuteman missile was intercepted over the Pacific Ocean.

In 2001, the next occupant of the White House, George W. Bush, said that the missile defense system would protect not only America, but also its main allies, the first of which was named Great Britain. In 2002, after the Prague NATO summit, the development of a military-economic feasibility study began for the creation of a missile defense system for the North Atlantic Alliance. The final decision to create a European missile defense system was made at the NATO summit in Lisbon, held at the end of 2010.

It has been repeatedly emphasized that the purpose of the program is to protect against rogue countries like Iran and North Korea, and it is not directed against Russia. Later, a number of Eastern European countries joined the program, including Poland, the Czech Republic, and Romania.

Currently, NATO missile defense is a complex complex consisting of many components, which includes satellite systems for tracking ballistic missile launches, ground and sea detection systems missile launches(radar), as well as several systems for destroying missiles at different stages of their trajectory: GBMD, Aegis (“Aegis”), THAAD and Patriot.

GBMD (Ground-Based Midcourse Defense) is a ground-based complex designed to intercept intercontinental ballistic missiles in the middle section of their trajectory. It includes an early warning radar that monitors the launch of ICBMs and their trajectory, as well as silo-based interceptor missiles. Their range is from 2 to 5 thousand km. To intercept ICBM warheads, the GBMD uses kinetic warheads. It should be noted that at the moment GBMD is the only fully deployed US strategic missile defense system.

The kinetic warhead for the rocket was not chosen by chance. The fact is that to intercept hundreds of enemy warheads, a massive use of anti-missile missiles is necessary; the activation of at least one nuclear charge in the path of the warheads creates a powerful electromagnetic pulse and is guaranteed to blind missile defense radars. However, on the other hand, a kinetic warhead requires much greater guidance accuracy, which in itself represents a very difficult technical task. And given that modern ballistic missiles are equipped with warheads that can change their trajectory, the effectiveness of interceptors is further reduced.

So far the GBMD system can “boast” 50% accurate hits- and then during exercises. It is believed that this missile defense system can only work effectively against monoblock ICBMs.

Currently, GBMD interceptor missiles are deployed in Alaska and California. Perhaps another area for the deployment of the system will be created on the Atlantic coast of the United States.

Aegis (“Aegis”). Usually, when people talk about American missile defense, they mean the Aegis system. Back in the early 90s, the idea was born in the United States to use the ship’s Aegis BIUS for missile defense needs, and to adapt the excellent “Standard” anti-aircraft missile, which was launched from a standard Mk-41 container, to intercept medium and short-range ballistic missiles.

In general, the placement of missile defense system elements on warships is quite reasonable and logical. In this case, the missile defense becomes mobile, gaining the opportunity to operate as close as possible to the areas where enemy ICBMs are deployed, and, accordingly, to shoot down enemy missiles not only in the middle stages, but also in the initial stages of their flight. In addition, the main flight direction of Russian missiles is the Northern Arctic Ocean There is simply nowhere to place anti-missile silos.

In the end, the designers managed to place more fuel in the anti-missile missile and significantly improve the homing head. However, according to experts, even the most advanced modifications of the SM-3 anti-missile missile will not be able to intercept the latest maneuvering warheads of Russian ICBMs - they simply do not have enough fuel for this. But these anti-missile missiles are quite capable of intercepting a conventional (non-maneuvering) warhead.

In 2011, the Aegis missile defense system was deployed on 24 ships, including five Ticonderoga-class cruisers and nineteen Arleigh Burke-class destroyers. In total, the American military plans to equip 84 US Navy ships with the Aegis system by 2041. Based on this system, the Aegis Ashore ground system has been developed, which has already been deployed in Romania and will be deployed in Poland by 2019.

THAAD (Terminal High-Altitude Area Defense). This element of the American missile defense system should be classified as the second echelon of the US national missile defense system. This is a mobile complex that was originally developed to combat medium and short-range missiles; it cannot intercept targets in outer space. The warhead of the THAAD missiles is kinetic.

Part THAAD complexes located on the US mainland, which can only be explained by the ability of this system to fight not only against medium- and short-range ballistic missiles, but also to intercept ICBMs. Indeed, this missile defense system can destroy warheads of strategic missiles at the final stage of their trajectory, and does so quite effectively. In 2013, a national American missile defense exercise was held, in which Aegis, GBMD and THAAD systems took part. The latter showed the greatest efficiency, shooting down 10 targets out of ten possible.

One of the disadvantages of THAAD is its high price: one interceptor missile costs $30 million.

PAC-3 Patriot. "Patriot" is a tactical-level anti-missile system designed to cover military groups. The debut of this complex took place during the first American war in the Persian Gulf. Despite the extensive PR campaign of this system, the effectiveness of the complex was considered not very satisfactory. Therefore, in the mid-90s, a more advanced version of the Patriot appeared - PAC-3.


The most important element of the American missile defense system is the SBIRS satellite constellation, designed to detect ballistic missile launches and track their trajectories. The deployment of the system began in 2006 and should be completed by 2019. Its full complement will consist of ten satellites, six geostationary and four in high elliptical orbits.

Does the American missile defense system threaten Russia?

Will a missile defense system be able to protect the United States from a massive nuclear strike from Russia? The clear answer is no. The effectiveness of the American missile defense system is assessed differently by experts, but it certainly cannot ensure the guaranteed destruction of all warheads launched from Russian territory.

The ground-based GBMD system is insufficiently accurate, and only two such systems have been deployed so far. The ship's Aegis missile defense system can be quite effective against ICBMs at the accelerating (initial) stage of their flight, but it will not be able to intercept missiles launched from deep within Russian territory. If we talk about intercepting warheads in the mid-flight phase (outside the atmosphere), then it will be very difficult for SM-3 anti-missile missiles to deal with maneuvering warheads of the latest generation. Although outdated (unmaneuverable) units may well be hit by them.

Domestic critics of the American Aegis system forget one very important aspect: the deadliest element of the Russian nuclear triad are the ICBMs located on nuclear submarines. A missile defense ship may well be on duty in the area where missiles are launched from nuclear submarines and destroy them immediately after launch.

Hitting warheads during the mid-flight phase (after they have separated from the missile) is a very difficult task; it can be compared to trying to hit another bullet flying towards it with a bullet.

At present (and in the foreseeable future), the American missile defense system will be able to protect US territory from only a small number of ballistic missiles (no more than twenty), which is still a very serious achievement, given the rapid spread of missile and nuclear technologies in the world.

If you have any questions, leave them in the comments below the article. We or our visitors will be happy to answer them

Said Aminov, editor-in-chief of the website “Vestnik PVO” (PVO.rf)

Key points:

Today, a number of companies are actively developing and promoting new air defense systems, the basis of which is air-to-air missiles used from ground launchers;

Considering the large number of aircraft missiles in service with different countries, the creation of such air defense systems can be very promising.

The idea of ​​​​creating anti-aircraft missile systems based on aircraft weapons is not new. Back in the 1960s. The United States has created the Chaparral short-range self-propelled air defense system with the Sidewinder aircraft missile and the Sea Sparrow short-range ship-based air defense system with the AIM-7E-2 Sparrow aircraft missile. These complexes became widespread and were used in combat. At the same time, the Spada ground-based air defense system (and its ship-based version Albatros) was created in Italy, using Aspide anti-aircraft guided missiles similar in design to the Sparrow.

These days, the United States has returned to designing “hybrid” air defense systems based on the Raytheon AIM-120 AMRAAM aircraft missile. The SLAMRAAM air defense system, which has been in development for a long time and is designed to complement the Avenger complex in the US Army and Marine Corps, could theoretically become one of the best-selling missiles on foreign markets, given the number of countries that have AIM-120 aircraft missiles in service. An example is the already popular American-Norwegian air defense system NASAMS, also created on the basis of AIM-120 missiles.

The European MBDA group is promoting a vertical launch air defense system based on the French MICA aircraft missile, and the German company Diehl BGT Defense is based on the IRIS-T missile.

Russia also does not stand aside - in 2005, the Tactical Missile Armament Corporation (KTRV) presented at the MAKS air show information on the use of the RVV-AE medium-range aircraft missile in air defense. This missile with an active radar guidance system is designed for use from fourth-generation aircraft, has a range of 80 km and was exported in large quantities as part of the Su-30MK and MiG-29 family of fighters to China, Algeria, India and other countries. True, there has been no information recently about the development of the anti-aircraft version of the RVV-AE.

Chaparral (USA)

The Chaparral self-propelled all-weather air defense system was developed by Ford on the basis of the Sidewinder 1C (AIM-9D) aircraft missile. The complex was put into service American army in 1969, and has been modernized several times since then. In combat conditions, Chaparral was first used by the Israeli army on the Golan Heights in 1973, and was subsequently used by Israel in 1982 during the Israeli occupation of Lebanon. However, by the beginning of the 1990s. The Chaparral air defense system was hopelessly outdated and was withdrawn from service by the United States and then Israel. Nowadays it remains in operation only in Egypt, Colombia, Morocco, Portugal, Tunisia and Taiwan.

Sea Sparrow (USA)

Sea Sparrow is one of the most popular ship-based short-range air defense systems of the NATO navies. The complex was created on the basis of the RIM-7 missile, a modified version of the AIM-7F Sparrow air-to-air missile. Tests began in 1967, and from 1971 the complex began to enter service with the US Navy.

In 1968, Denmark, Italy and Norway reached an agreement with the US Navy on joint work for the modernization of the Sea Sparrow air defense system within the framework of international cooperation. As a result, a unified air defense system for surface ships of NATO countries, NSSMS (NATO Sea Sparrow Missile System), was developed, which has been in mass production since 1973.

Currently, a new anti-aircraft missile RIM-162 ESSM (Evolved Sea Sparrow Missiles), the development of which began in 1995 by an international consortium led by the American company Raytheon, is being offered for the Sea Sparrow air defense system. The consortium includes companies from Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Spain, Greece, Holland, Italy, Norway, Portugal and Turkey. The new missile can be launched from both inclined and vertical launchers. The RIM-162 ESSM anti-aircraft missile has been in service since 2004. The modified RIM-162 ESSM anti-aircraft missile is also planned to be used in the American land-based air defense system SLAMRAAM ER (see below).

RVV-AE-ZRK (Russia)

In our country, research work (R&D) on the use of aircraft missiles in air defense systems began in the mid-1980s. At the Kleenka research and development project, specialists from the State Design Bureau Vympel (today part of KTRV) confirmed the possibility and feasibility of using the R-27P missile as part of the air defense system, and in the early 1990s. The Elnik research project demonstrated the possibility of using an air-to-air missile of the RVV-AE (R-77) type in a vertical launch air defense system. A prototype of the modified missile under the designation RVV-AE-ZRK was demonstrated in 1996 at the Defendory international exhibition in Athens at the stand of the State Design Bureau "Vympel". However, until 2005, no new mentions of the anti-aircraft version of the RVV-AE appeared.

Possible launcher of a promising air defense system on an artillery cart of the S-60 anti-aircraft gun GosMKB "Vympel"

During the MAKS-2005 air show, the Tactical Missiles Corporation presented an anti-aircraft version of the RVV-AE missile without external changes from the aircraft missile. The RVV-AE missile was placed in a transport and launch container (TPC) and had a vertical launch. According to the developer, the missile is proposed to be used against air targets from ground-based launchers that are part of anti-aircraft missile or anti-aircraft artillery systems. In particular, schemes for placing four TPK with RVV-AE on the cart of the S-60 anti-aircraft gun were distributed, and it was also proposed to modernize the Kvadrat air defense system (export version of the Kub air defense system) by placing a TPK with RVV-AE on a launcher.

Anti-aircraft missile RVV-AE in a transport and launch container at the exposition of the State Design Bureau "Vympel" (Tactical Missile Weapons Corporation) at the MAKS-2005 exhibition Said Aminov

Due to the fact that the anti-aircraft version of the RVV-AE is almost no different from the aviation version in terms of equipment and there is no starting accelerator, the launch is carried out using a main engine from a transport and launch container. Because of this, the maximum launch range decreased from 80 to 12 km. The anti-aircraft version of the RVV-AE was created in collaboration with the Almaz-Antey air defense concern.

After MAKS 2005, there were no reports about the implementation of this project from open sources. Now the aviation version of the RVV-AE is in service with Algeria, India, China, Vietnam, Malaysia and other countries, some of which also have Soviet artillery and air defense missile systems.

Pracka (Yugoslavia)

The first examples of the use of aircraft missiles in the role of anti-aircraft missiles in Yugoslavia date back to the mid-1990s, when the Bosnian Serb army created an air defense system on a TAM-150 truck chassis with two guides for Soviet-developed R-13 infrared-guided missiles. This was a "makeshift" modification and appears to have never had an official designation.

A self-propelled anti-aircraft gun based on the R-3 missile (AA-2 "Atoll") was first shown in public in 1995 (Source Vojske Krajine)

Another simplified system, known as Pracka ("Sling"), was an infrared-guided R-60 missile on an improvised launcher based on the carriage of a towed 20 mm M55 anti-aircraft gun. The actual combat effectiveness of such a system seems to have been low, given the disadvantage of a very short launch range.

Towed homemade air defense system "Sling" with a missile based on air-to-air missiles with an R-60 IR homing head

The start of the NATO air campaign against Yugoslavia in 1999 prompted the engineers of this country to urgently create anti-aircraft missile systems. Specialists from the VTI Military Technical Institute and the VTO Air Test Center quickly developed self-propelled air defense systems Pracka RL-2 and RL-4, armed with two-stage missiles. Prototypes of both systems were created on the basis of the chassis of a self-propelled anti-aircraft gun with a 30-mm double-barreled gun of the Czech type M53/59, more than 100 of which were in service with Yugoslavia.

New versions of the "Sling" air defense system with two-stage missiles based on the R-73 and R-60 aircraft missiles at an exhibition in Belgrade in December 2004. Vukasin Milosevic, 2004

The RL-2 system was created on the basis of the Soviet R-60MK rocket with a first stage in the form of an accelerator of a similar caliber. The booster appears to have been created by a combination of a 128mm rocket engine jet system salvo fire and large tail fins mounted crosswise.

Vukasin Milosevic, 2004

The RL-4 rocket was created on the basis of the Soviet R-73 rocket, also equipped with an accelerator. It is possible that boosters for RL-4

were created on the basis of Soviet 57-mm aircraft unguided missiles of the S-5 type (a package of six missiles in a single body). An unnamed Serbian source, in a conversation with a representative of the Western press, stated that this air defense system was successful. The R-73 missiles are significantly superior to the R-60 in terms of homing sensitivity and range and altitude reach, posing a significant threat to NATO aircraft.

Vukasin Milosevic, 2004

It is unlikely that RL-2 and RL-4 had a great chance of independently conducting successful firing at suddenly appearing targets. These SAMs depend on the air defense command posts or forward observation post to have at least some idea of ​​the direction of the target and the approximate time of its appearance.

Vukasin Milosevic, 2004

Both prototypes were created by VTO and VTI personnel, and there is no publicly available information on how many test runs were carried out (or if any were carried out at all). The prototypes remained in service throughout the NATO bombing campaign in 1999. Unofficial reports suggest that the RL-4 may have been used in combat, but there is no evidence that RL-2 missiles were fired at NATO aircraft. After the conflict ended, both systems were withdrawn from service and returned to VTI.

SPYDER (Israel)

Israeli companies Rafael and IAI have developed and are promoting SPYDER short-range air defense systems on foreign markets based on Rafael Python 4 or 5 and Derby aircraft missiles, respectively, with infrared and active radar guidance. The new complex was first presented in 2004 at the Indian arms exhibition Defexpo.

Experienced launcher of the SPYDER air defense system, on which Rafael tested the Jane's complex

The SPYDER air defense system is capable of hitting air targets at a range of up to 15 km and at altitudes of up to 9 km. SPYDER is armed with four Python and Derby missiles in a TPK on a Tatra-815 all-terrain chassis with an 8x8 wheel arrangement. Launch rockets inclined.

Indian version of the SPYDER air defense system at the Bourges air show in 2007 Said Aminov

Derby, Python-5 and Iron Dome missiles at Defexpo-2012

The main export customer of the SPYDER short-range air defense system is India. In 2005, Rafael won the corresponding Indian Air Force tender, with competitors from Russia and South Africa. In 2006, four SPYDER air defense missile launchers were sent to India for testing, which were successfully completed in 2007. The final contract for the supply of 18 SPYDER systems for a total of $1 billion was signed in 2008. It is planned that the systems will be delivered in 2011-2012. The SPYDER air defense system was also purchased by Singapore.

Singapore Air Force SPYDER air defense system

After the end of hostilities in Georgia in August 2008, evidence appeared on Internet forums of the presence of one SPYDER air defense missile system battery among the Georgian military, as well as their use against Russian aviation. For example, in September 2008, a photograph of the warhead of a Python 4 missile with serial number 11219 was published. Later, two photographs dated August 19, 2008, appeared of a SPYDER air defense missile launcher with four Python 4 missiles on the chassis captured by the Russian or South Ossetian military Romanian made Roman 6x6. Serial number 11219 is visible on one of the missiles.

Georgian SPYDER air defense system

VL MICA (Europe)

Since 2000, the European concern MBDA has been promoting the VL MICA air defense system, the basis of which is the MICA aircraft missile. The first demonstration of the new complex took place in February 2000 at the Asian Aerospace exhibition in Singapore. And already in 2001, tests began at the French training ground in Landes. In December 2005, the MBDA concern received a contract to create the VL MICA air defense system for the French armed forces. It was planned that these complexes would provide object-based air defense to air bases, units in combat formations of the ground forces and be used as ship-based air defense. However, to date, procurement of the complex by the French armed forces has not begun. The aviation version of the MICA missile is in service with the French Air Force and Navy (the Rafale and Mirage 2000 fighters are equipped with them), in addition, MICA is in service with the Air Forces of the UAE, Greece and Taiwan (Mirage 2000).

Model of the shipborne PU air defense system VL MICA at the LIMA-2013 exhibition

The land version of the VL MICA includes a command post, three-dimensional detection radar and three to six launchers with four transport and launch containers. VL MICA components can be installed on standard off-road vehicles. The complex's anti-aircraft missiles can be equipped with an infrared or active radar homing head, completely identical to the aviation versions. The TPK for the land version of the VL MICA is identical to the TPK for the ship version of the VL MICA. In basic configuration shipborne air defense system The VL MICA launcher consists of eight TPKs with MICA missiles in various combinations of homing heads.

Model of the VL MICA self-propelled PU air defense system at the LIMA-2013 exhibition

In December 2007, VL MICA air defense systems were ordered by Oman (for three Khareef project corvettes being built in the UK), and subsequently these systems were purchased by the Moroccan Navy (for three SIGMA project corvettes being built in the Netherlands) and the UAE (for two small missile corvettes contracted in Italy project Falaj 2) . In 2009, at the Paris Air Show, Romania announced the acquisition of VL MICA and Mistral complexes for the country's Air Force from the MBDA concern, although deliveries to the Romanians have not yet begun.

IRIS-T (Europe)

As part of the European initiative to create a promising short-range aircraft missile to replace the American AIM-9 Sidewinder, a consortium of countries led by Germany created the IRIS-T missile with a range of up to 25 km. Development and production is carried out by Diehl BGT Defense in partnership with enterprises in Italy, Sweden, Greece, Norway and Spain. The missile was adopted by the participating countries in December 2005. The IRIS-T missile can be used with wide range fighter aircraft, including Typhoon, Tornado, Gripen, F-16, F-18 aircraft. The first export customer for IRIS-T was Austria, and later the missile was ordered by South Africa and Saudi Arabia.

Model of the Iris-T self-propelled launcher at the exhibition in Bourges 2007

In 2004, Diehl BGT Defense began developing a promising air defense system using the IRIS-T aircraft missile. The IRIS-T SLS complex has been undergoing field tests since 2008, mainly at the South African Overberg test site. The IRIS-T missile is launched vertically from a launcher mounted on the chassis of a light-duty off-road truck. Detection of air targets is provided by the Giraffe AMB all-round radar developed by the Swedish company Saab. The maximum destruction range exceeds 10 km.

In 2008, a modernized PU was demonstrated at the ILA exhibition in Berlin

In 2009, Diehl BGT Defense presented a modernized version of the IRIS-T SL air defense system with a new missile, the maximum engagement range of which should be 25 km. The rocket is equipped with an improved rocket engine, as well as automatic data transmission and GPS navigation systems. Tests of the improved complex were carried out at the end of 2009 at the South African test site.

Launcher of the German air defense system IRIS-T SL 25.6.2011 at Dubendorf Miroslav Gyürösi airbase

In accordance with the decision of the German authorities, the new version of the air defense system was planned to be integrated into the promising MEADS air defense system (created jointly with the USA and Italy), as well as to ensure interaction with the Patriot PAC-3 air defense system. However, the announced withdrawal of the United States and Germany in 2011 from the MEADS air defense system program makes the prospects of both MEADS itself and the anti-aircraft version of the IRIS-T missile that was planned to be integrated into it extremely uncertain. The complex can be offered to countries operating IRIS-T aircraft missiles.

NASAMS (USA, Norway)

The concept of an air defense system using the AIM-120 aircraft missile was proposed in the early 1990s. the American company Hughes Aircraft (now part of Raytheon) when creating a promising air defense system under the AdSAMS program. In 1992, the AdSAMS complex entered testing, but this project was not further developed. In 1994, Hughes Aircraft entered into a contract to develop the NASAMS (Norwegian Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile System) air defense system, the architecture of which was largely the same as the AdSAMS project. The development of the NASAMS complex together with Norsk Forsvarteknologia (now part of the Kongsberg Defense group) was successfully completed, and in 1995 its production began for the Norwegian Air Force.

The NASAMS air defense system consists of a command post, a Raytheon AN/TPQ-36A three-dimensional radar and three transportable launchers. The launcher carries six AIM-120 missiles.

In 2005, Kongsberg received a contract for the full integration of the Norwegian NASAMS air defense systems into the NATO joint air defense command and control system. The modernized air defense system under the designation NASAMS II entered service with the Norwegian Air Force in 2007.

SAM NASAMS II Norwegian Ministry of Defense

In 2003, four NASAMS air defense systems were delivered to the Spanish ground forces, and one air defense system was transferred to the United States. In December 2006, the Dutch Army ordered six upgraded NASAMS II SAM systems, with deliveries beginning in 2009. In April 2009, Finland decided to replace three battalions of Russian Buk-M1 SAM systems with NASAMS II. The estimated cost of the Finnish contract is 500 million euros.

Currently, Raytheon and Kongsberg are jointly developing the HAWK-AMRAAM air defense system, using AIM-120 aircraft missiles on universal launchers and Sentinel detection radar in the I-HAWK air defense system.

High Mobility Launcher NASAMS AMRAAM on Raytheon FMTV chassis


Since the beginning of the 2000s. In the United States, a promising mobile air defense system is being developed based on the AIM-120 AMRAAM aircraft missile, similar in its characteristics to the Russian medium-range missile RVV-AE (R-77). The lead developer and manufacturer of missiles is Raytheon Corporation. Boeing is a subcontractor and is responsible for the development and production of the command post for air defense missile control.

In 2001, the US Marine Corps entered into a contract with Raytheon Corporation to create the CLAWS (Complementary Low-Altitude Weapon System, also known as HUMRAAM) air defense system. This air defense system was a mobile air defense system, which was based on a launcher based on an army all-terrain vehicle HMMWV with four AIM-120 AMRAAM aircraft missiles launched from inclined guides. Development of the complex has been extremely delayed due to repeated cuts in funding and the Pentagon’s lack of clear views on the need to acquire it.

In 2004, the US Army ordered Raytheon Corporation to develop the SLAMRAAM (Surface-Launched AMRAAM) air defense system. Since 2008, testing of the SLAMRAAM air defense system began at test sites, during which interaction with the Patriot and Avenger air defense systems was also tested. At the same time, the army eventually abandoned the use of the lightweight HMMWV chassis, and the latest version of SLAMRAAM was tested on the FMTV truck chassis. In general, development of the system was also sluggish, although it was expected that the new complex would enter service in 2012.

In September 2008, information appeared that the UAE had submitted an application to purchase a number of SLAMRAAM air defense systems. In addition, this air defense system was planned for acquisition by Egypt.

In 2007, Raytheon Corporation proposed to significantly improve the combat capabilities of the SLAMRAAM air defense system by adding two new missiles to its armament - the AIM-9X short-range infrared-guided aircraft missile and the longer-range SLAMRAAM-ER missile. Thus, the modernized complex should have been able to use two types of short-range missiles from one launcher: AMRAAM (up to 25 km) and AIM-9X (up to 10 km). Due to the use of the SLAMRAAM-ER missile, the maximum range of destruction of the complex increased to 40 km. The SLAMRAAM-ER missile is being developed by Raytheon on its own initiative and is a modified ESSM ship-based anti-aircraft missile with a homing head and a control system from the AMRAAM aircraft missile. The first tests of the new SL-AMRAAM-ER missile were carried out in Norway in 2008.

Meanwhile, in January 2011, information appeared that the Pentagon had finally decided not to purchase the SLAMRAAM air defense system for either the army or the Marine Corps due to budget cuts, despite the lack of prospects for modernizing the Avenger air defense system. This apparently means the end of the program and makes its possible export prospects doubtful.

Tactical and technical characteristics of air defense systems based on aircraft missiles

Name of the air defense system Development company Anti-aircraft missile Homing head type SAM engagement range, km Damage range aviation complex, km
Chaparral Lockheed Martin (USA) Sidewinder 1C (AIM-9D) - MIM-72A IR AN/DAW-2 rosette scanning (Rosette Scan Seeker) - MIM-72G 0.5 to 9.0 (MIM-72G) Up to 18 (AIM-9D)
SAM based on RVV-AE KTRV (Russia) RVV-AE ARL From 1.2 to 12 From 0.3 to 80
Pracka - RL-2 Yugoslavia R-60MK IR n/a Up to 8
Pracka - RL-4 R-73 IR n/a Up to 20
SPYDER Rafael, IAI (Israel) Python 5 IR 1 to 15 (SPYDER-SR) Up to 15
Derby ARL GOS From 1 to 35 (to 50) (SPYDER-MR) Up to 63
VL Mica MBDA (Europe) IR Mica IR GOS To 10 From 0.5 to 60
SL-AMRAAM/CLAWS/NASAMS Raytheon (USA), Kongsberg (Norway) AIM-120 AMRAAM ARL GOS From 2.5 to 25 Up to 48
AIM-9X Sidewinder IR GOS To 10 Up to 18.2
SL-AMRAAM ER ARL GOS Up to 40 No analogue
Sea Sparrow Raytheon (USA) AIM-7F Sparrow PARL GSN Up to 19 50
ESSM PARL GSN Up to 50 No analogue
IRIS - T SL Diehl BGT Defense (Germany) IRIS-T IR GOS Up to 15 km (estimated) 25

Foreign military experts note that if previously the main weapons of anti-aircraft missile units and air forces of NATO countries were long- and medium-range air defense systems developed in the USA, now in addition to them all greater distribution receive short-range air defense systems () and " ().

Rice. 1 Control position of the Nike-Hercules air defense system. In the foreground is a target tracking radar, in the background is a target detection radar.

Long and medium range air defense systems

The NATO command plans to use these complexes for air cover of large industrial facilities and troop concentration areas.

All-weather air defense system long range"Nike Hercules"(USA) is designed to combat subsonic and supersonic aircraft flying mainly at medium and high altitudes. However, as reported in foreign press, as a result of the tests, it was found that this complex in some cases can be used to combat tactical ballistic missiles.

The fire unit (battery) includes: anti-aircraft guided missiles; five radars located at the control position (low-power detection radar, target tracking radar, missile tracking radar, radio range finder, high-power radar for detecting small targets); control point for launching missiles and guiding them to the target; up to nine stationary or mobile launchers; power supplies; auxiliary equipment (transport and loading, control and testing, etc.). The control position of the Nike-Hercules air defense system is shown in Fig. 1.

In total, a division can include up to four batteries. According to foreign press reports, the Nike-Hercules complex has been repeatedly modernized in order to increase the reliability of its elements and reduce operating costs.

All-weather long-range air defense system "Bloodhound" Mk.2(UK) designed to combat subsonic and supersonic aircraft. Composition of the fire unit (battery): missile defense; Target illumination radar (stationary and more powerful or mobile, but less powerful “Firelight”); 4-8 launchers with one guide each; missile launch control point. Bloodhound Mk.2 batteries are organized into squadrons.

Information about air targets is transmitted directly to the target illumination radar from its own detection radar or from a radar from the general detection and warning system deployed in a given area.

The Bloodhound air defense systems are in service with units and units of the British Air Force, which are based in the territories of this country and. In addition, they are equipped with the air forces of Sweden, Switzerland and Singapore. Serial production of these systems has been discontinued, and to replace them, a new air defense system is being developed in the UK and France.

All-weather medium-range air defense system "Hawk"(USA) designed to combat subsonic and supersonic aircraft flying at low and medium altitudes.

Rice. 2. Medium and short-range air defense systems: a - self-propelled launcher of Hawk anti-aircraft guided missiles (based on the XM-727 tracked transporter); b - air defense missile system guidance and control post with a launcher in position; c - anti-aircraft missile system mounted on a tracked armored personnel carrier; d - launcher of the Krotal air defense system (left) and target tracking radar (right)

The fire unit (battery) includes: missile defense systems; Detection radar operating in pulse mode; Detection radar operating in continuous radiation mode; two target illumination radars; radio rangefinder; command centre; six PU (each has three guides); power supplies and auxiliary equipment. Low and high power radars are used to illuminate the target (the latter is used when shooting at small air targets).

The Air Force is also armed with a self-propelled version of the Hawk air defense system, created on the basis of the XM-727 tracked transporters (Fig. 2, a). This complex includes conveyors, each of which has a control unit with three guides. While on the move, these transporters tow on trailers all the radar and auxiliary equipment necessary for deploying the battery.

The foreign press reports that the improved Hawk air defense system has now been put into service in the United States. Its main difference from the basic version is that new rocket(MIM-23B) has increased reliability, more powerful combat unit and a new engine. Ground control equipment was also improved. All this, according to American experts, made it possible to increase the range of the air defense system and the likelihood of hitting a target. It is reported that the US NATO allies are planning to launch licensed production of all the necessary hardware and equipment to modernize their existing Hawk air defense systems.

Short-range air defense system

These are mainly designed to combat low-flying aircraft in the defense of air bases and other individual facilities.

Clear-weather air defense system "Tiger Cat"(Great Britain) is designed to combat subsonic and transonic low-flying aircraft (can also be used to fire at ground targets). It was created on the basis of the ship version of the ZURO, which has been repeatedly modernized in recent years.

Composition of the fire unit: missile defense; guidance and control station with a binocular sight, radio command transmitter, computer and control panel; PU with three guides; SAM launch preparation software unit; generator; auxiliary and spare equipment (Fig. 2, b).

The Tiger Cat complex is highly mobile. All equipment of the fire unit is placed on two Land Rover vehicles and two trailers towed by them. Combat crew of five people. It is possible to place this air defense system on various armored vehicles. Recently, the ST-850 radar has been included in the complex, which, according to British experts, will allow it to be used in any meteorological conditions.

According to foreign press reports, the Tiger Cat air defense system is also in service with the air forces of Iran, India, Jordan and Argentina.

Clear-weather air defense system "Rapier"(UK) designed to combat subsonic and supersonic low-flying aircraft.

Composition of the fire unit: missile defense system, removable visual tracking unit, air target detection radar (includes an identification system and a radio command transmitter), an integrated launcher (four guides), a removable litany unit. Calculation of five people.

The complex is highly mobile. All equipment of the fire unit is located on two Land Rover vehicles and two trailers towed by them. It is possible to place air defense missile systems on tracked armored vehicles (Fig. 2, c).

The main version of the complex is clear weather. However, to operate the complex in any weather conditions, a special radar was created and tested. The first air defense systems, which include this radar, have already entered service with some units of the RAF ground defense regiment. The Rapier air defense system is also in service with the Air Forces of Iran and Zambia.

All-weather air defense system "Krotal"(France) is designed to combat subsonic and supersonic low-flying aircraft.

Composition of the fire unit: target tracking radar, launcher with four directing radio command transmitters, infrared tracking device and auxiliary equipment. The three fire units are controlled from the command vehicle, where the pulse-Doppler radar for detecting air targets is located. The detection range of a typical target is reported to be 18.5 km. The radar, equipped with a special computer, detects up to 30 air targets simultaneously, but in auto-tracking mode it can only work on 12 targets. All equipment of the fire unit is placed on an armored vehicle (Fig. 2, d).

The US Department of Defense, in the process of the ongoing arms race, is doing a lot of work to improve existing and create new air defense systems, for example, the SAM-D type (being developed for the US ground forces) and the SLIM type (for the US Air Force).

Complex SAM-D (Surface to Air Missile-Development) all-weather, long range; designed to combat subsonic and supersonic aircraft at all altitudes (excluding extremely low ones). In the early 80s, they are planned to replace the Nike-Hercules air defense systems in service.

American experts believe that the data sampling method used in the radar with time multiplexing of channels will make it possible to simultaneously aim several missiles at different targets or select one target from a group.

Work on the air defense missile system is at the stage of testing experimental samples of missile defense systems and launchers. Testing of the guidance system has begun. At the same time, experts are looking for ways to simplify and reduce the cost of air defense systems.

It will be all-weather with a range of up to 1300 km. It is intended to combat mainly supersonic air targets in the US air defense system. According to preliminary calculations, the maximum flight speed of the SLIM complex missile defense system (Fig. 3) will correspond to the number M = 4 - 6. The guidance system is combined. Possible methods of combat use: from fortified ground or underground structures and from carrier aircraft. Launch and guidance can be carried out either from an aircraft equipped with a detection and control system, or from the ground.

The American press reported that preliminary theoretical calculations for the creation of the SLIM air defense system have now been completed in the United States.

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