Formula for calculating the average annual output. Output is measured by the number of products produced per unit of working time or per one average employee or worker per year. There are three methods for determining workings

Output is the amount of output produced per unit of working time or per one average employee or worker for a certain period (hour, shift, month, quarter, year). It is calculated as the ratio of the volume of manufactured products (OP) to the cost of working time for the production of these products (T) or to the average number of employees or workers (H). Let's calculate this indicator in dynamics by years:

Let's calculate this figure by year:

  • 2009: 4241/236 = 19.97 thousand rubles / day
  • 2010: 3986/236 = 16.89 thousand rubles / day
  • 2011: 4193/236 \u003d 17.77 thousand rubles / day

The highest rates were demonstrated in 2009, then there was a decrease by 3.08 thousand rubles/day. By 2011, there is a tendency to increase the output of 0.98 thousand rubles / day, and at the time of the study, the daily output of all employees of the enterprise was 17.77 thousand rubles per day. V = OP/H

This indicator is also calculated in dynamics for three years for ease of comparison:

  • 2009: 4241/28 = 151.5 thousand rubles / person
  • 2001: 3986/26 = 153.3 thousand rubles / person
  • 2011: 4193/31 = 135.3 thousand rubles / person

From the calculations carried out, it can be concluded that the enterprise demonstrated the highest output in 2010, when, with the number of 26 people, the average annual output per employee was 153.3 thousand rubles. In 2011, the number of employees increased by 5 people, but the efficiency of their work decreased by 20 thousand rubles per person per year. This decrease is due to a decrease in the efficiency of the staff due to poor motivation and deteriorating working conditions. In 2011, the average annual output per employee was only 135.3 thousand rubles.

There are also average hourly, average daily, average monthly, average quarterly and average annual output.

Indicator of average hourly production of products (per hour):

Per hour = OP/T hour

where T hour is the number of man-hours worked.

To calculate this indicator, average data on the volume of production per day by one employee are taken. In most cases, workers work 8 hours. When calculating the hourly output, the composition of the worked man-hours does not include intra-shift downtime, so it most accurately characterizes the level of productivity of living labor. Calculation of average hourly output:

  • 2009: 713/8 = 89.125 rubles/hour
  • 2010: 649.6/8 = 81.2 rubles/hour
  • 2011: 573/8 = 71.6 rubles/hour

Thus, there is an annual decrease in the rate of average hourly output, which is an extremely negative trend.

The indicator of the average daily output (In days) of products reflects the average volume of output produced by one worker in one day worked and is calculated by the formula:

In days \u003d OP / T days

T days - the average number of days worked

This indicator is less accurate than hourly output, since when calculating daily output, all-day downtime and absenteeism are not included in the worked man-days. In this case, the numerator is the annual output of one employee, and the denominator is the average number of working days. Calculation of the indicator:

  • 2009: 151.5 / 236 = 642 rubles.
  • 2010: 153.3 / 236 = 649.6 rubles.
  • 2011: 135.3/236 = 573.3 rubles

It should be noted that in accordance with the decrease in the rate of average hourly output at the enterprise, the average daily output also decreased. This is an extremely negative trend, in 2011 there was a decrease in daily output per employee in the amount of 76.3 rubles. compared to the previous year.

If labor costs are measured by the average number of workers, then they get an indicator of the average monthly (average quarterly, average annual) output, per one average worker (depending on which period of time the volume of production and the number of workers refer to - month, quarter, year) according to formula: V \u003d OP / H

where OP is the volume of production (monthly, quarterly, annual) depending on the type of calculated output,

H - the number of people for a given period.

Calculate the average monthly output:

  • 2009: 353.42 / 28 = 12.62 thousand rubles / person
  • 2010: 332.17 / 26 = 12.78 thousand rubles / person
  • 2011: 349.42 / 31 = 11.27 thousand rubles / person

Thus, we can conclude that the enterprise showed the highest output in 2010, when, with a number of 26 people, the average monthly output per employee was 12.78 thousand rubles. In 2011, the number of employees increased by 5 people, but the efficiency of their work decreased by 11.51 thousand rubles per person per month. As already noted, this decrease is due to a decrease in the efficiency of the staff due to poor motivation and deteriorating working conditions. In 2011, the average monthly output per employee was only 11.27 thousand rubles.

2. Production rate
3. Making a decision
4. Product development
5. Working out formula
6. Average annual output
7. Labor output
8. Average output
9. Setting goals
10. Calculation of production
11. Hours production
12. Production methods
13. Strategy development
14. Production volume
15. Performance analysis
16. Development of public policy
17. Performance characteristics
18. Determination of production
19. Production accounting
20. Types of development
21. Level of production
22. Growth in production
23. Actual output

Output is measured by the number of products produced per unit of working time or per 1 average employee or worker per year (quarter, month). This is the most common and universal indicator of labor productivity.

There are three ways to determine output: natural, cost (currency) and labor.

Output in natural or value terms is determined by the formula:

Output \u003d Volume of marketable (gross or sold) products: Average number of employees (or workers)

More clearly and impartially characterizes the productivity of labor indicator of production in physical terms - in tons, meters, pieces and other physical indicators. The advantage of this method is that it gives a clearer and more unbiased result of labor productivity. The disadvantage of this method is that it can be used only in those enterprises that produce homogeneous products. In addition, the output calculated by this method does not allow us to associate the labor productivity of companies in different industries.

The most widely used cost method for determining output. In currency terms, the output can be calculated both in terms of marketable and gross output, and in terms of standard clean products.

The output in value terms, calculated on the basis of marketable or gross output, depends not only on the results of the work of this team, but also on the price of the raw materials and materials used, the volume of cooperative deliveries, etc. This shortcoming is eliminated when calculating the output on the basis of standard clean products.

In a number of industries (clothing, canning, etc.), labor productivity is determined by the standard price of processing. It contains the cost standards for the basic salary with accruals, general business and general production expenses (according to the standards).

The characteristics of output depend not only on the method of measuring the volume of production, but also on the unit of measurement of working time. The output can be determined for one worked man-hour (hourly output), for one worked man-day (daily output) or for 1 average employee per year, quarter or month (annual, quarterly or monthly output). At the enterprises of the Russian Federation, the main indicator is the annual output, in a number of foreign countries - hourly.

The labor method for determining output is also called the method of normalized working time. the output for all this is determined in normo-hours. This method applied in more at individual workplaces, in brigades, at sites, and also in workshops in the production of heterogeneous and incomplete products.

The advantage of the labor input indicator is that it allows one to judge the effectiveness of the costs of living labor at various stages of production. a certain kind products not only for the enterprise as a whole, but also in the workshop, on the site, workplace, i.e. seep into the depth of the performance of one or another type of work, which cannot be done using the output indicator calculated in value terms.

The labor method allows you to plan and take into account labor productivity at all stages of the production process, link and compare the labor costs of individual sections (workshops) and jobs with labor productivity indicators for the whole enterprise, as well as the levels of labor costs at various enterprises in the production of similar products.

Production rate

Production rate, the number of units of production (or work) that must be done (performed) per unit of time (hour, shift, month) in certain organizational and technical criteria by one or a group of workers of the appropriate qualification. N. in. depending on the type of work, it can be expressed in pieces, units of measure of length, area, volume or weight.

Determined by the formula:

Hb \u003d Tr x h: Tn,
where Hb - production rate; Tr - the duration of the period for which the production rate is set (in hours, minutes); h - the number of workers taking a role in the performance of work; Tn - the norm of time for this work or one product (in man-hours, man-minutes).

In the USSR, N. century. usually set in mass and large-scale production, when during the entire shift one work is performed with a constant number of performers. The greatest use of N. century. received in the coal, metallurgical, chemical, food industries, in areas of mass production in mechanical engineering.

N. in. must be technically justified. When they are established, it is envisaged to introduce the latest achievements technique, technology and advanced manufacturing experience. It allows to provide the progressive level of N. of century. Establishment at the technical level of justified N. century. orients socialist enterprises and individual workers to achieve higher than average actual labor productivity.

The production rate is a fundamental indicator, the basis for the planned management of an enterprise. It determines the number of units of production (or the number of operations performed) that must be done (or performed) per unit of time. The calculation of the production rate is done for the 1st or group of workers with appropriate qualifications, with rational and more optimal use of equipment, taking into account the progressive methods of work used for all this.

For mass and large-scale production, characterized by taking into account the labor of special workers employed in preliminary and final work, the norm of time for the manufacture of a unit of production is equal to the norm of piece-calculation time. For piece, serial and small-scale production, when the same worker does the main, preliminary and final work, these time standards will be different.

When calculating the production rate, which expresses the desired result of the activities of workers, natural characteristics are used: pieces, meters, kilograms. The production rate (Nvyr) is the personal division of the duration of one work shift (Vsm) by the time spent on manufacturing a unit of output (Vsht).

For mass production, the production rate will be equal to:

Hvyr = Vcm / Vsht.

If the creation is serial or single, then the value of Vshtk is used as a divisor in the above formula - the norm of time, determined by the method of calculation when calculating the cost of a unit of production.

In this case, the production rate is calculated by the formula:

Nvyr = Vcm / Vshtk.

In those industries where the preliminary step is calculated and normalized separately for each work shift, the production rate should be calculated using the formula:

Hvyr = (Vsm - Vpz) / Tsm, where Vpz - time spent on preparatory and final work.

The formula for calculating the production rate in cases of using automatic and hardware equipment will be somewhat different:

Nvyr = No*Nvm, where No is the service rate, Nvm is the equipment production rate, which is equal to:

Nvm \u003d Nvm theor * Kpv. Here Nvm theor is the theoretical norm for the production of the equipment used, Kpv is the coefficient of useful labor time per shift.

In the case of using repetitive hardware processes, the production rate is equal to:

Nvyr = (Vsm - Vob - In exc) * VP * But / Vop, where V about - the time spent on servicing the equipment, Vot - the norm of time for personal needs of personnel, VP - products manufactured in one period, Vop - the duration of this period .

P \u003d C / Nvyr, or
P \u003d Vsht * C, where C is the rate of this category of work.

Making a decision

IN modern criteria management it becomes more and more natural that the existing management system does not meet the needs of the enterprise as operating system. The existing vertical connections have not been completely replaced by horizontal ones, on which, in fact, the western system acceptance management decisions. IN current time Russian enterprises in the management system do not use the principles of organizing effective management, thus, increasing the efficiency of managerial decision-making in modern economic conditions is a burning and timely topic.

In order to increase the effectiveness of the management system in an enterprise, two tasks should be considered:

1. Justification of the need to create within the enterprise as an operating system a criterion for increasing the “creativity” not only of lower and middle-level managers, but also of ordinary employees by giving them some opportunities in the decision-making process. Their proposals for improving such a system as a whole and other decisions on individual production, financial and management issues can become the basis for the operating strategy being developed by the enterprise.
2. Efficiency decisions taken it is unrealistic to evaluate without the introduction of mathematical apparatus and software.

One of the ways to make a decision is the development of decisions in the dialogue "man-machine" is a repeated alternation of heuristic (performed by a person) and formalized (performed by a computer) steps.

In the process of the “man-machine” dialogue, solutions are jointly designed in the course of the configuration of the production situation (the method of successive optimization) with the gradual introduction of essential facts, i.e., the solution method is not established in advance, but in the process of calculating on a computer.

IN modern systems decision support (DSS) provides an effective connection (symbiosis) between a person and a computer, which involves the introduction of stronger properties of each participant in this process.

The software basis of the DSS is expert systems.

An expert system is a program aimed at solving poorly formalized problems in certain subject areas at the level of expert experts.

When working with expert systems:

Guesses are put forward and tested;
- developing new data and knowledge;
- requests for new data input are formed;
- Formed conclusions and advice.

Poorly formalized problems have the following features:

Cannot be specified exclusively in numerical form;
- goals cannot be represented in the definitions of a well-defined motivated function;
- there is no exact method for solving the problem;
- the initial data are incomplete and diverse.

The knowledge base stores the so-called rules, which are understood as logical and algorithmic expressions (operations).

An inference engine is a program that forms a sequence of logical and computational operations into a method, on the basis of which a result is obtained.

Explanation subsystem - forms a route, i.e. a method in the form of a set of rules that allow the decision maker to understand how the result was obtained.

Knowledge acquisition subsystem - provides a dialogue with professionals, selection and formalization of knowledge.

The subsystem of interaction with the object may be absent, as well as the object itself.

Eat various forms communication between the decision maker and the ES:

Introduction of a tabular language.
- Dialogue in the form of a menu.
- Dialogue in natural language.

The last form of communication is the highest level ES is still rare.

To use natural language, you need a rather complicated parser program that makes functions:

Lexical analysis;
- parsing;
- semantic analysis.

In modern ES, communication with decision makers is carried out using a tabular language (setting a task) and a menu (refinement of a task in the process of its implementation).

The effective implementation of the human-machine dialogue implies the fulfillment of the following criteria:

Ease of communication (human access to the machine);
- mental readiness of a person to communicate with a computer;
- sufficient level of machine mind.

The effectiveness of the decisions made is also unrealistic to evaluate without the introduction of mathematical apparatus and software.

For example, the analysis of the "decision tree". Currently, there are several programs with the help of which it becomes possible not only to build a decision tree, but also to analyze it.

Decision trees are a graphical tool for analyzing decisions in risk conditions. The hierarchical structure of the “classification tree” is one of its more fundamental parameters. The "trunk of the tree" is a problem or a situation that needs to be addressed. The "top of the tree" are the goals or values ​​that govern the person making the decision.

Decision trees are created for use in models in which a sequence of decisions is made, each of which leads to some result. According to the decision tree is determined best strategy- the sequence of decisions that should be made when certain random events. In the process of constructing and analyzing production, monetary and managerial situations, the stages of specifically creating the structure of the model, determining the probabilities of probable outputs, determining the utility values ​​of probable outputs and evaluating alternatives, as well as choosing a strategy, are singled out. At the same time, it must be emphasized that a more fundamental step in the implementation process of the decision tree analysis is specifically the final step in the evaluation of alternatives. It is important to realize that decision analysis does not imply a 100% unbiased analysis of decision making models. Many nuances of decision analysis require personal judgment - this applies to the structure of the model, the definition of probabilities and utilities. In almost all complex models that reflect real situations, there is simply not enough empirical data for a full analysis. But practice shows that even in such cases, analysis with the introduction of decision trees brings undeniable benefits.

Product development

The indicator that determines the amount of products produced per unit of time is called production. Development characterizes the effectiveness of labor. Natural (t, m, m3, pieces, etc.) and cost characteristics are used as meters of the quantity of manufactured products.

Varieties of product development characteristics:

I. Depending on the level of the economic system, according to which the indicator is calculated, the production is distinguished:
- personal (personal development of individual employees);
- local (production at the level of a workshop, enterprise, industry);
- public (at the level National economy generally); it is determined by the method of dividing the state income produced in a given period by the number of people employed in material production.

II. Depending on the unit of measurement of working time, the characteristics of hourly, daily and monthly (quarterly, annual) output are used. These characteristics make it possible to evaluate the effectiveness of labor, taking into account the nature of the use of working time.

Number of workers / Number of employees

2. Average annual output per worker= Volume of TP / Number of employees

3. Average annual output per worker= Volume of TP / Number of workers

4. Wed. number of days worked by one worker= Total man-days worked / Number of workers

5. Wed. working hours = Total man-hours worked / Total man-days worked

6. Average hourly output per worker= Volume of TP / Total number of man-hours worked

7. Labor input = Total number of man-hours worked / TP volume

The table shows that the average number of employees compared to the plan has not changed. As for the average number of workers, it increased by 12.53%, which in absolute terms amounted to 460 people. At the same time, the share of workers in the total number of employees increased by 12.53% compared to the plan.

As for the average annual output per 1 worker, it increased by 4.66%, and per 1 worker it decreased by 1.31%, respectively.

The total number of man-days and man-hours worked increased compared to the plan by 13.51% and 14.92%, respectively. At the same time, the average number of days worked by one worker increased by 2 days or by 0.87%. The average length of the working day increased in relation to the plan by 0.1 hours (1.24%). The average hourly output per 1 worker is underfulfilled by 8.92%. The actual labor input increased by 9.8% compared to the plan.

We will use the method of absolute differences and the following factorial model to carry out factor analysis average annual output per worker:

GVpp \u003d UD x D x P x PV, where GVpp is the average annual output per worker;

UD - the share of workers in the total number of employees,%;

D - the average number of days worked by one worker, days;

P - the average duration of the working day, h;

CV - average hourly output per worker, rub.

ΔGWud = Δ UD´Dpl´Ppl´ChVpl = 0.09´240 ´ 7.85 ´9967.04= 1690011.30 thousand rubles

ΔGVd =UDf´ Δ D´Ppl´ChVpl = 0.70´ 2 ´ 7.85 ´ 99967.04 = 109537.77 thousand rubles.


ΔGVchv = UDf´Df´Pf´ΔChV= 0.70 ´ 240 ´ 7.85 ´ (-889.56) = -1173151.73 thousand rubles


Total: = 793843.62 thousand rubles

Consequently, the average annual output per 1 worker amounted to 793,843.62 thousand rubles, with a small error in the calculations. The average annual output per 1 worker increased by 1,690,011.30 thousand rubles. due to the increase in the share of workers in the total number of industrial and production personnel by 12.53%. There was an increase in the average number of days worked by one worker, due to which the output increased by 117,527.39 thousand rubles. in connection with the reduction of whole-day losses of working time. The average length of the working day increased by 0.1 hours, and the output due to this increased by 167446.27 thousand rubles. The average hourly output per 1 worker decreased by 1,173,151.73 thousand rubles. All this caused an increase in the average annual output per 1 worker.

The average annual output per worker is affected by the number of days worked by one worker per year, the average working day and the average hourly output.

GWr \u003d D x P x CV, where GVppp is the average annual output per worker;

ΔGVd \u003d Δ D´Ppl´ChVpl \u003d 2 ´ 7.85 ´ 9967.04 = 156482.53 thousand rubles.

ΔGVp = Df´ Δ P´ChVpl = 240 ´ 0.1 ´ 9967.04 = 239208.96 thousand rubles.

ΔGVcv = Df´Pf´ΔChV = 240 ´ 7.85 ´ (-889.56) = -1675931.04 thousand rubles


Total: = -1280239.55 thousand rubles.

According to the factor analysis, it can be seen that the average annual output per 1 worker was affected by an increase in the average working day by 239,208.96 thousand rubles. Moreover, there was a decrease in all-day and an increase in intra-shift losses of working time by 156482.53 and 1675931.04 thousand rubles. respectively. What led to the fact that the average annual output per 1 worker decreased by 1280239.55 thousand rubles.


Let's calculate the absolute and relative deviations for the fund wages. Calculations are summarized in the analytical table 6.1.

Table 6.1


Previous year

Reporting year


From the previous of the year

1.VTP, million rubles

2. Average year number of employees

3.GV per 1 worker, mln. rub.

4.FZP of employees, million rubles

5. Average year

wages of employees, million rubles

6.FZP of workers, mln. rub.

Page 1

So, labor productivity

This is the amount of products (volume of work or services) produced by one employee per unit of time (hour, shift, day, month, quarter, year) or the amount of time spent on the production of a unit of output (for the performance of a certain work or service).

Performance can be measured with metrics production and labor intensity.

An indicator that determines the amount of production produced per unit of time is called development

and characterizes performance. The output is determined on the basis of one main worker, one worker and one worker.

When determining the output per one main worker, the amount of output is divided by the number of main workers.

If the output per worker is calculated, the number of products produced is divided by the total number of main and auxiliary workers.

The main indicator used to measure labor productivity is output (B) per worker

per unit of working time, which is determined as follows: the number of manufactured products is divided by the number of all industrial and production personnel (PPP):

where Q is the volume of production for a certain period (month, quarter, year);

Chsp - the average number of employees for the period.

Labor productivity can be expressed as:

1) general indicators

: average annual, average monthly, average daily, average hourly output per worker. These indicators are determined by dividing the volume of production in rubles or standard hours by the number of workers or all industrial and production personnel;

average monthly output

It is the ratio of the volume of products produced per month to the average number of workers:


And monthly

labor productivity is calculated using a single formula.

average daily output

Shows how much output was produced every day during a certain period of time: the volume of output divided by the number of man-days spent on the production of a given volume (time to produce a given volume):


average hourly output

The ratio of the volume of manufactured products to the number of man-hours worked during given period time:


) private indicators

reflect the time spent on the production of a unit of output or show how many products of a particular type in natural terms are produced per unit of time;

3) auxiliary indicators

give an idea of ​​the time spent on the execution of a unit of any work or the volume of work performed per unit of time.

Factors affecting labor productivity: extensive

Those. use of working time; intense

Those. reducing the complexity of manufacturing products through the introduction of new technology, mechanization and automation production processes, improvement of technology and organization of production, implementation of organizational and technical measures aimed at reducing the labor intensity of manufacturing products.

The influence of individual factors on the average output: for the average number of days

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