Boyarskaya Elizaveta's husband Maxim Matveev - biography, personal life, photo. Are Liza Boyarskaya and her husband Maxim Matveev getting divorced? The whole truth about the personal life of his daughter “D’Artagnan Boyarskaya with her husband and son

The chosen one of the popular actress Liza Boyarskaya is called Maxim Matveev. He is an Honored Artist of Russia. The actor’s biography began in the city of Svetly, which is located in the Kaliningrad region. Date of birth: 07/28/1982.

He graduated from school with a silver medal and planned to become a surgeon. However, chance intervened. In parallel with his studies, Maxim attended a children's creativity studio.

At a performance at a school event, the young man was noticed by V. Smirnov, a theater teacher. Matveev was offered to submit documents to the Sobinov Conservatory in the city of Saratov for the department acting.

Maxim did not notice artistic inclinations in himself, but decided to listen to the teacher. Based on the results of the exams, the selection committee assigns the young man directly to the second year.

Having received his diploma, Matveev decided not to stop. He goes to Moscow, where he enters the Moscow Art Theater School. As a student, he plays in the theater. Chekhov, where he is immediately accepted into the troupe upon completion of training.

For several years, Maxim has been involved in many productions. Critics and the theater community highly appreciate the work of the young artist.

In 2007, Matveev’s cinematic career began. A successful debut took place in Valery Todorovsky’s film “Vise”. Venerable directors drew attention to the actor’s talent.

Soon he appears in the cult film “Hipsters” and many other box-office projects. The actor gains fame and demand in the profession.

At the same time, the artist’s personal life is developing. In 2008, Maxim signed at the registry office. His first wife was a theater colleague. Wife's name is Yana, surname is Sexte. However, the marriage turned out to be fleeting.

A year later, Matveev meets Liza Boyarskaya. A whirlwind romance began between them. The actor honestly talks about his feelings to his wife. The couple divorces, maintaining a warm relationship.

In 2010, the wedding of Maxim and Lisa took place. Soon a son was born into the family. Both are engaged in active professional activities.

Now in track record The artist has more than 30 films and many roles in the theater. Since 2007, Maxim has been participating in the volunteer movement as a clown doctor at the Russian Children's Clinical Hospital. Since 2013, he has become a member of the board of a charitable children's foundation.

Photo of Matveev in his youth.

Liza Boyarskaya: biography, personal life, husband, children

Elizaveta is from Leningrad. Date of birth: 12/20/1985. She was born in star family, becoming the twelfth actress in the list of the famous acting dynasty.

Lisa's parents are People's Artists of the RSFSR Larisa Luppian and Mikhail Boyarsky. The daughter had to prove for a long time that she received roles not through patronage, but thanks to her own creative talent.

From the age of 13, Lisa was interested in jazz and classical dancing. Then the girl graduated from modeling school. Unlike her older brother Sergei, whom her parents saw only as an actor, Lisa was not attracted to the theater. At the age of 15, she accidentally found herself filming, but her first episodic roles did not leave a good impression.

During her school days, she was constantly praised for her ability to perfectly organize events. Therefore, Lisa decided to become a PR manager, or, as a last resort, become a journalist.

However, before submitting documents to the university, the girl suddenly felt a craving for the stage. She is urgently preparing to enter the theater academy. The admissions committee tested Lisa for more than an hour, but she passed the test.

Boyarskaya entered the RGISI in the workshop of Lev Dodin. Despite her famous surname, which for some reason aroused mistrust among teachers, Elizabeth showed talent. She was the best student in the course and was awarded a presidential scholarship.

Today, the actress’s filmography includes more than 60 film roles, a lot of colorful characters in the theater, and many professional awards and prizes. In 2018, Elizaveta Mikhailovna was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR.

Since his youth, the personal life of the Russian cinema star has been under the tireless surveillance of journalists and paparazzi.

Despite her bright appearance and increased attention from the opposite sex, not one scandalous story associated with the name of a popular artist.

Boyarskaya men

The young actress’s first romance began with classmate Danila Kozlovsky. They were the most beautiful couple at the academy, which was called "Romeo and Juliet".

Development Serious relationships Lisa's strict father interfered. Under the influence of Mikhail Boyarsky, who rejected the candidate hand and heart, the couple broke up.

The next contender on the list was Sergei Chonishvili. Between them flashed bright and passionate feelings. However ex-lover did not meet the criteria of Lisa’s father, who was categorically against such an age difference.

The new chosen one, Novosibirsk actor Pavel Polyakov, also turned out to be an unworthy match, according to the pope. The affair with Konstantin Khobensky, which was actively discussed in the press, was pure fiction of journalists.

Only the next relationship with the star of the film “Hipsters” was unanimously approved by the parents.

Boyarskaya Elizabeth's husband - Maxim Matveev

They met on the set of the film “I Won’t Tell,” where they played a couple who was going through a relationship crisis. The actors were so inspired by the script that they rehearsed together and went to flea markets, looking for the right props for the film.

Lisa liked Maxim earlier, after watching “Hipsters.” Therefore, when she found out who was chosen as her partner in the film, she was interested in getting to know each other.

The actors were so carried away by the story of their characters that they did not notice how a romance began between them. The situation was complicated by the fact that Matveev was married at that time.

When filming ended, Maxim began to divorce ex-wife Yana. Only after this they appeared as a couple at the premiere of the film “Admiral”.

The press immediately published publications that Boyarskaya stole her husband from a colleague. In fact, this marriage has long been bursting at the seams. A particularly exciting moment was when Maxim met Lisa’s parents.

However, Matveev turned out to be his daughter’s first gentleman, whom they warmly received. The lovers immediately spoke about their feelings, in response to hearing a blessing from Larisa and Mikhail.

In 2010, on July 28, the actors secretly signed at the registry office. The celebration was celebrated later, receiving congratulations from family and friends.

Maxim Matveev lost weight: before and after photos

After publishing an excerpt from the performance on Instagram, the artist’s subscribers and fans were shocked. Many noticed that in his new image he became a copy of Brad Pitt.

There are several versions of why the actor changed so much:
1. The first, most reliable - initially it was necessary to lose weight for the role of Vronsky. IN this moment The artist is involved in a production of the Tabakerka Theater called Kynaston, where he plays Desdemona.

The female character required an artist transformation. Maxim started losing weight, ate dried fruits, and pumped up his abs to make his body look sculpted.

2. The second assumption is that Matveev is seriously ill. According to some sources, he has problems with the liver and pancreas due to alcoholism.

It is believed that the actor is on the verge of nervous exhaustion. Neither one nor the other is confirmed by doctors. Moreover, he is in excellent physical shape.

3. Latest version- lose 20 kg within a month in a bet with a friend, an expensive Gelendvagen car is at stake. Maxim has a gambling nature, so he could well agree for the sake of such a win.

Boyarskaya divorced her husband

Publications about divorce star couple appear at regular intervals. However, today sources who are part of the close circle of spouses have radically different information.

Some argue that the couple not only did not break up, but are also waiting for an addition to the family. This version is confirmed by the canceled performances of both for the coming months, as the actors intend to take maternity leave.

Another truth is that Lisa and Maxim separated amidst a distanced family life. They are known to live and work in different cities. Matveev in Moscow, Boyarskaya in St. Petersburg.

However, Lisa only laughs about this and says that they are entitled to bonuses from the rocket engine for constant travel.


The son of the star couple was born on April 7, 2012. The boy was named Andrey. The birth of a baby did not prevent the continuation of active professional activity actors. For a long time, Lisa’s parents helped the couple.

Recently, a nanny was hired for Andryusha, who teaches the child English language and reading, takes him to sports and music classes.

All spouses free time dedicated to my son. In September, information appeared that the actress was pregnant again.

And Maxim Matveev is one of the most beautiful acting couples in Russian cinema. The couple does not advertise their personal life too much, but some details of their romance are still known to us - this is exactly what “Lady Mail.Ru” will talk about today.

Elizaveta Boyarskaya, daughter famous parents and an exemplary girl, for a long time she could not meet a man who she would like, and who would also please dad Mikhail Boyarsky. Lisa herself has said more than once in her interviews that her father always harshly criticized all her gentlemen, but the only exception was the young and successful actor Maxim Matveev...

Their love story began with a real office romance. Lisa and Maxim starred together in the film “I Won’t Tell,” where they played a couple on the verge of separation. While the actors were portraying a relationship crisis, mutual sympathy arose between them. The stars spent a lot of time together outside of filming, rehearsed together and even went to get the necessary props for the film.

“We were so captivated by the story that everyone contributed something different. Maxim and I, for example, went around all the flea markets, looking for things that our heroes could give to each other,” Liza Boyarskaya recalls about the first days of meeting her future husband. The situation was complicated only by the fact that at that time Matveev was married to actress Yana Sexta. The media wrote that Yana was shocked by her husband’s betrayal, while the lovers, several years later, claimed that Maxim’s marriage was already “bursting at the seams.” Be that as it may, Matveev decided to separate from his wife and began dating Liza Boyarskaya. They first appeared in public in 2008 at the premiere of the film “Admiral,” where Boyarskaya decided to come with her new boyfriend.

Liza Boyarskaya and Maxim Matveev in the film “I Won’t Tell”

“I got used to the fact that during filming Maxim and I were constantly nearby. And on the very first day, when he was far away, I realized that I was head over heels,” the actress frankly spoke about her feelings in an interview with Hello! magazine. At the same time, Lisa argued that she in no way “took” Maxim away from the family, as the press, which loves such piquant stories, immediately accused her of.

“You know, there are women who are predators, they are looking for a man, they fascinate, they bewitch... - says Boyarskaya. “The way they walk around... From this point of view, I am absolutely not a conqueror, not a hunter.” And yet, Maxim ended up in the network of the beautiful Lisa quite quickly. Their relationship developed so rapidly that the actress soon introduced young man with own parents. Fortunately, strict dad Mikhail Boyarsky liked Maxim.

Matveev himself recalled this exciting moment in one of his interviews: “Lisa’s parents were returning from vacation, we met them early in the morning, at six, and took them home,” he said about important point Maksim. “We were left with the three of them, and so as not to worry for a long time, I told them everything right away.” Lisa's father asked: “Does my daughter love you?” I answered: “Yes.” He said: “Well, then good luck to you”

The lovers also did not delay the wedding - they secretly signed in one of the St. Petersburg registry offices, and then staged a noisy celebration according to all the rules - with a bride price, dancing and table toasts.

Life in two cities

After the wedding, the newlyweds separated - native St. Petersburg resident Lisa continued to play in the theater in the Northern capital, and Maxim lived and worked in Moscow. Of course, this circumstance was not hidden from the press, and the media decided to “separate” them. In fact, Maxim and Liza did not intend to leave; they were quite happy with this life in two cities, and even liked this romance of meetings and farewells.

And yet, soon Lisa and Maxim realized that constantly combining family and career in this way would not work, they needed to choose from something. When Boyarskaya found out that she would soon become a mother, she made the difficult decision to leave her native Petersburg and move to Moscow to be with her husband. And in 2012, their son Andrei was born.

Last spring, viewers already saw the series “Anna Karenina”, and now they will be able to appreciate the full-length version of the film by Karen Shakhanazarov. The TV premiere made Elizabeth and Maxim the most talked-about couple of the season - they found themselves at the epicenter of such heated discussions that not everyone is able to withstand.

For the photo shoot HELLO! Lisa and Maxim chose images that were completely different from the images of Leo Tolstoy’s heroes - Anna and Vronsky. Grotesque, ironic, modern. On the set, they were hooligans from the heart - they also need to take a break from the seriousness of the historical genre. But still “Karenina” does not let them go. More than a year has passed since the end of filming, but both are so absorbed in their characters that it seems they are still passing them through, analyzing them, trying to find something. And they don’t seem to notice that when they talk about Anna and Vronsky, they are talking about themselves.

The television version of Anna Karenina caused a great stir. Did you follow the reaction of the audience and the press?

Well, they didn’t make “Teremok” after all, so the resonance was quite expected.

It would be surprising if the film adaptation of such a work did not evoke a response. Then it would definitely be necessary to give a minus to the entire team of creators, including us, the leading actors. Naturally, I followed the reaction of the audience and the press. It was very valuable to receive feedback from colleagues, whose constructive criticism helps to grow, and whose pleasant comments give strength. Viewers' opinions in all their emotional glory - from flattering to indignant - once again demonstrated the creative potential of our people. I think that this reading of Anna Karenina gave everyone the opportunity to think again about the power of love, about choice, about moral issues. And, of course, compare the images of the characters that the imagination drew when reading the novel and watching other film versions.

It so happened that, without waiting for the end of the show, I flew to Washington on tour, so I didn’t follow the excitement of the discussion. But I didn’t really strive, because I had already seen the series, so I was calm and confident in our work. I'm worried about the movie; I haven't seen it yet. What particularly pleased me was that I heard very good and serious words from my teachers, from literary scholars, and theater critics. This is rare and worth a lot.

Elizaveta Boyarskaya and Maxim Matveev in the film "Anna Karenina"
Work on the Anna Karenina project took Elizaveta and Maxim more than a year. Both admit that for them it was a 100% creative partnership, which was accompanied by a deep immersion in the material

But you also received quite a lot of criticism. Did this bother you?

I am very conscious in my profession and I know that with my work I can give viewers something more than just entertainment. Now this is to teach people to accept themselves and others. In my opinion, the world would be harmonious if people treated each other, their work and environment. So I try to create and show images, characters with all their shortcomings, so that those who watch can become wiser, better and more tolerant. I see myself as a tool for the realization of something greater. And this gives me the strength not to be hurt.

Seven s extra years ago you met on the set of the film “I Won’t Tell.” They worked on Anna Karenina when they were already husband and wife. What has changed over the years, has it become easier for you to act together?

I wouldn't say that, by and large, anything has changed. It's just the experience gained over the years life together. And a certain degree of trust and intimacy. Which, it seems to me, had a positive impact on our interaction on the site.

On the set of “I Won’t Tell,” each of us to a greater extent thought about my role. Of course, we were sensitive partners, we helped each other, but still we solved our acting problems in parallel. And here we initially felt like a single organism, communicating vessels. It was a situation of 100% creative partnership. Maxim and I have been comfortable together for so many years - in personal relationships. We know each other so well! When we analyzed this or that scene of Anna and Vronsky, it was enough for us to say: “Well, you know how this happens?” Family experience helps convey the subtle, deep, but understandable to all couples in love nuances of relationships. Even tactile knowledge of each other, in my opinion, is felt in the frame.

You got roles that you can only dream of. How did you feel when you found out you were approved?

I don’t really agree that Vronsky is just a dream role. I'm generally afraid of the obvious. And there are so many stereotypes about my hero that have been ingrained in us since school! Everyone knows what he is like, what Anna is like... Among these templates, it is very difficult to find something real, to make Vronsky different from the one everyone is used to seeing in him, and at the same time convincing. Therefore, my first reaction was that I was very puzzled. It was necessary to warm up your interest in the hero with something, to ignite yourself.

And what did you light yourself with?

After re-reading the novel, I realized that Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy is much smarter, wiser and deeper than all our school ideas. For me, Vronsky is not a hero-lover at all, he is an absolutely characteristic character. A narrow-minded person, virtually abandoned by his own mother, who had no example of normal things before his eyes. family relations. He is infantile, unable to appreciate the consequences of his actions and the emotions that other people experience. In the most climactic scenes, Vronsky says: “Anna, calm down,” and hangs his head dejectedly. That's all he can do. This is his moral disability. He gives me the impression of a puppy who intuitively goes where he feels good. While discussing the novel with Lisa, I caught myself that at some point Anna began to terribly, incredibly irritate me! To piss off like a man. If someone else were in Vronsky’s place, he would have yelled and hit the table, but made it clear to the woman that there was a man next to her who understood what he was doing and who she could rely on. And he just: “Anna, calm down...”

Unlike Maxim, this was really a dream role for me! It so happened that for the first time he and I auditioned together. And to be honest, I was satisfied with the result. You know, in any profession there is a state when you realize that you did something especially well today. I immediately had the feeling that this story would have a continuation. And when they told me that I was approved, my long joyful cry sounded in response. Such great directors touched this work, such actors and actresses! His train is so grandiose. And in general, this is a story for all times, it is close to any woman and any man. Of course, I immediately thought: “God, this is such a responsibility!” So the first feeling was rather fear. Instant joy, and then immediately - fear. After living with this for a while, I realized that the feeling of responsibility had shackled my arms, legs and mind. And that all this is terrible stupidity, that I need to forget about everything and trust myself and the director. I just have to live this story the way I feel. When I came to this, relaxation set in. Then Maxim and I began to prepare for filming. It was an amazing process of serious immersion. We endlessly re-read the novel itself, and the literature about it, and Tolstoy’s diaries, rehearsed, and studied the texts. Luckily, we had a lot of time to prepare and didn't have to limit ourselves.

And how did you feel about your heroine? “What” is your Anna about?

Anna is a strong, extraordinary, intelligent, very complex lady. Vronsky, having decided to court her, of course, did not suspect which iceberg would break off and float after him. I am sure that she married Karenin for love, but without knowing passion. She gave birth to a child in whom she dotes, she is the pearl of society, everyone is drawn to her, everyone loves her. She's not cold socialite, but a young, smiling woman, open and charming. Anna did not fall into the whirlpool of her relationship with Vronsky, but for a long time resisted his insistence. Next to him she discovered in herself new world feelings - shameless, enchanting, dark, painful. When you realize that you are falling into an abyss, but you feel good in this abyss. She sacrificed her son family well-being, position in society, she had nothing left except this man in whom she disappeared. And in return - “Anna, calm down.” The tragedy is that Vronsky tried to give Anna everything he could, but in her eyes this “everything” is disproportionately insignificant in comparison with her sacrifice and her need for love. In the scale of her temperament, the immensity of her nature, she simply suffocates him with her love.

Are you familiar with such passions? Do similar emotions remain after seven years of family life?

I have enough passion in cinema and on stage! I’ve said this before, but now I’m ready to put two signatures under this phrase of mine. Because... well, it’s unbearable to constantly be in such a situation emotional stress, in misunderstanding, despair, pain, in the feeling of the end of the world! It’s painful to even play with such feelings, let alone live with it... No, God forbid. It’s wonderful to let extreme experiences pass through yourself as an actress, to reach the point of frenzy. And get back to your life. I love well-being, tranquility, mutual understanding, mutual respect. Anna and Vronsky have different weight category emotionally, different attitudes, even different pain thresholds. It is always difficult for such people to be together. And Maxim and I are very close in spirit, we are equal in our emotional manifestations, we do not have territory of insoluble conflicts. We respect, love and appreciate each other. And I would never trade peace, reliability and well-being for some kind of frantic passion.

Maxim Matveev and Elizaveta Boyarskaya met in August 2009 on the set of the film “I Won’t Tell,” and in the summer of 2010 they got married. The wedding was very modest by today's standards. Two years later, the couple had a son, Andrei. Parents never allow the boy to participate in photo shoots and do not take him with them to social events

Maxim, what do you say about this?

Yes, I agree.

Do you still continue to live in two cities?

No, our family is finally reunited. We moved to Moscow quite a long time ago, this is our permanent home, our son goes to the garden here. We come to St. Petersburg to visit our grandparents. And I go to work at the Maly Drama Theater for performances, of which I have quite a lot.

Was it difficult for you to decide to move to Moscow permanently?

No, I have to be where my husband and child are. Moscow, Kaliningrad, St. Petersburg or Saratov - it doesn’t matter. It would be necessary - I would fly to work from there.

Your son Andrey is already five years old. You never showed it to the press. Is this a principled position or a superstition?

I don't understand why this is needed at all. Even in the example of Lisa, judging by her childhood photographs, I see that children have a hard time experiencing increased attention - to themselves, to their parents. This deprives spontaneity, childhood turns into work. I would like to preserve spontaneity in my child. Therefore, I am a principled supporter of a fairly closed life.

IN kindergarten Do you feel increased attention from teachers or other parents?

IN new garden Andrey has only been walking for three months, but we are very happy. There are nice, delicate, easy-to-communicate people around us; we don’t feel any increased attention or special treatment. Several times we came to general events with my parents it was a lot of fun. One of them took place in the pool - the children swam, and we had to support them and cheer them on. Everyone put washcloths on their hands, and there was a general rush of chants. In general, everything is fine in the garden.

I attended your son's recent birthday ex-wife Maxima, Yana Sexte. Are you friends?

We are friends, and we are friends with families! In addition, we are involved together in performances at the Moscow Art Theater.

We also have many mutual friends and all have children of the same age. Of course, we don’t get to see each other that often, but still. Plus the three of us are trustees charitable foundation"Doctor Clown" is a very important story for all of us that unites us.

You said in one of your interviews that Andrey already reads well, teaches foreign languages. What else is he interested in?

It seems to me that his main advantage is that he ordinary child. He can do what everyone at his age can do. He loves when people read to him, but he himself is not very eager to sit down with a book. He speaks wonderfully and logically. He speaks quite well, in my opinion, apparently because Maxim and I still communicate in good Russian. Andrey periodically inserts some unchildish phrases - “I believe that”, “I don’t quite agree”, this always charms. He still knows a little English. He is interested in construction kits, we really like to play Board games together. They are making something with dad - Maxim is handy, he can fix any thing. We cannot boast that at the age of five our son has a black belt in karate and can play Rachmaninoff fluently. But, to be honest, this is not what we strive for. As Maxim rightly said, we want Andryusha to feel like a child for as long as possible, enjoy life and explore this world - as beautiful as it still seems to him. And we can only support him with our love, not prohibit anything - or rather, only what is potentially dangerous or asocial.

Are you able to relax together?

You can relax when you want. I won’t lie - oh, we have so much work, we don’t have any time! It's really a lot of work, but we love it.

It's always difficult to get out of schedule. This is how the circumstances develop: it cannot be moved, it cannot be moved. But last year after “Karenina” we succeeded. I had free month, I asked not to schedule any performances, rehearsals, or filming. And Andryusha and I spent the whole of August in Georgia, Maxim came to us for a week.

Not long ago you two visited Los Angeles. Was this a business trip?

Most likely yes - different kinds business meetings, meeting directors, auditions. We try to go there at least for a short time every year. And of course, for Maxim and I it was an opportunity to be alone, alone with each other, something we hadn’t done for a very long time.

What does an ideal day of rest look like for you?

For me, the ideal way to relax is probably to get a good night's sleep. And so that everyone is sure to be free: Maxim, Andrey, and me. It is best to go somewhere in nature or to a park to enjoy the air, play, communicate, and then sit in a restaurant, hot and flushed. You know, such a slow-paced, busy, relaxed, family day. In the evening, watch a movie together, read a book, then, after a delicious dinner, play board games and go to bed.

Any day can be ideal - both in terms of relaxation and in terms of work. It depends only on us.

Producer: Olga Zakatova. Style: Yuka Vizhgorodskaya. Stylist assistant: Alina Frost. Makeup: Roxana Arakelyan/Dior. Hairstyle: Leonid Romanov/creative partner of L"Oreal Professionnel. We thank the Radisson Royal Hotel, Moscow for their help in organizing the shooting

Yana has been happy in her second marriage for almost 5 years and is raising a daughter with her husband. But she managed to save great relationship and with her first husband, Maxim Matveev. On last week the actress could be seen on Channel One in the series “Particle of the Universe”.

I played American astronaut Megan Wright. From a technical point of view, I have never had a more interesting filming experience. An excellent group of stuntmen worked with us under the leadership of Alexander Stetsenko (stunt director in the films “Viy”, “Dukhless-2”, “Hardcore”, “Freaks”. - Note “Antennas”), they created the illusion of weightlessness in the film using various options fastenings. Six months before the start of filming, Stetsenko met with all the actors (I was the only woman) playing the ISS crew. He said that we can’t remove weightlessness just like that, we need to seriously prepare for this. And then he looked at me: “I have big doubts about Yana.” She asked in surprise: “Why?” In fact, to work out 10 hours on cables, you need to have a strong muscular corset of the back and abs. In women it is not as toned as in men. I needed to build muscle. My husband (composer Dmitry Marin - Antennas note) helped, he worked as a translator at Cirque du Soleil and said that in Moscow their former acrobat Taras Mitin opened the AcroPeople school of acrobatics. I trained there for several months. And today I say: 50% of the success of my filming in zero gravity is Stetsenko, and the remaining 50% is Mitin. The most difficult scenes were the spacewalk scenes, they took a long time, I thought I was just going to die. But I couldn’t admit that it was hard for me - my acting pride got in the way. My wonderful husband helped create the American accent for my heroine (he is fluent in English and French). Since the birth of our daughter (Anna is 3 and a half years old - Antennas note), he communicates with her only in English. So Anya already speaks two languages ​​as native ones. And I myself speak English well. My husband built the melody of the language right on the set - for us the end of the phrase is the main thing, and for the Americans the beginning.

Photo Production company of Valery Todorovsky

I don’t like myself on screen, but I watched “Particle of the Universe” - I really wanted to see how everything would look without cables on the screen. And I saw “The Thaw” too. I’m starring in a new film by Valery Todorovsky (film director - Antennas), but, of course, the role in “The Thaw” is special for me. Lyusya Polynina is a gift of fate. We came up with different images for her in the Mosfilm costume department, fiddled around for several hours, got tired, and suddenly I saw some awkward men’s trousers. "And what's that?" – I asked. It turned out to be Misha Efremov's pants. I chose them for my heroine. They ask me: “Aren’t you afraid of looking ugly on screen?” Yes, I'm not afraid. I probably, happy man. Although on social networks some users are trying to offend me, hurt me... But I don’t pay attention to it. I have a Tabakov school. Oleg Pavlovich always said to himself that he had one complex - usefulness. This is a good lesson for everyone. Since childhood, I have had a protruding left ear. My mother dreamed of having an operation when I grew up. “Yana, let’s fix it,” she suggested. I answered: “Mom, there are millions of people in this world, but there are no people like me - with my protruding ear, freckles... It’s me!” My appearance is my roles. And I admit that it is more interesting to play typical characters than the role of “heroines”. Someone will say about me: beautiful or not, someone – peculiar, but in any case, appearance is my ticket to the cinema. Ex-husband Maxim Matveev often said: “I want to play some freak! Why am I being offered other roles?” And as a child, I was not happy with my appearance. Mom helped. I remember very well the day when I ran home from the yard all crying: “Mom, I’m ugly!” And she did the right thing in not trying to convince me otherwise. After all, I would still see everything in the mirror, but I didn’t have peace with myself then. So she said: “Have you read the story about the ugly duckling? Someday you’ll go out into the yard and see that there are ducks all around, and you’re already a swan.” I was then 13-14 years old. And now I really felt that I had become a swan: I found myself, I know what I’m doing best thing on the ground. Sometimes I try to imagine what else I could do. And I understand: nothing more.

Photo by Persona Stars

Although as a child I dreamed of becoming a nurse. And then my wise mother, with her inherent philosophy and understanding of the world, somehow considered the request that came from me. One day she literally screamed when she read the announcement: “Yana, look, the theater studio is hiring!” It’s like I asked her about this every day. After all, I never said that I wanted to be an actress. True, in the first grade I went to the school drama club, and I was even given an audience award for my role as a crazy nurse. So, at the age of 14, I started studying in the studio at the Riga Youth Theater. There I definitely realized that I would do only this, I met teachers with capital letters. Yaroslav large family- besides me elder sister Katya and twin Inna. So many girls are a madhouse. Dad was a sailor, and when he one day returned from another voyage, we all ran up to him and said in unison: “Dad, mom bought us a dog!” Having learned that the puppy was also a girl, he almost became speechless, and then blurted out: “Well, at least you could buy a boy’s dog!”

My twin and I have a close connection on some energetic level. There were cases when I was already studying in Moscow and realized that something bad was happening to my sister. There were no mobile phones then, and I ran to the telegraph office on Tverskaya, called Riga and became convinced that I was right in my fears. And I always feel the same help from my sister. When we were born, they wanted to name Inna Maya, but then our sister Katya intervened. She already understood all the laws of the yard and said sternly: “What are you doing? One will be a T-shirt, and the other will be panties?”

After school I understood that I would go to theater. I thought I would go to Yaroslavl (my teachers graduated in this city), Moscow was some kind of Olympus for me. But I went to the capital and it so happened that the course at the Moscow Art Theater School was taken by Oleg Pavlovich Tabakov. When he looked and you realized that he was pleased with you, this look literally gave you wings for many years. After graduating from the studio school, I had to return to Riga under an agreement with the local theater. Tabakov said: “I’ll wait for you in three years, just don’t get married and don’t speak Latvian.” I didn’t want to go, because over the four years of study our course had become a family. Getting on the Moscow-Riga train, I thought: that’s it, life is over, a tragedy, but when I was going back three years later, it was also not easy. After the contract with the Riga theater ended, I decided to call Oleg Pavlovich, because during this time the agreements could have changed ". He picked up the phone: "Well, old woman? What do you want?" I: "To work for you." Tabakov: "So you work for me." He was the most brilliant person. Too little time has passed since his departure. We all can't even believe what happened. April 20 will be 40 days. Oleg Pavlovich believed that, no matter what, the theater should work. He himself played on stage on the day of his mother's death. Now we have Mashkov, and we understand that there, in heaven, Oleg Pavlovich did not abandon us, he somehow agreed... When we found out that we would have Vladimir Lvovich, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. After all, we are students of the same teacher, which means Mashkov and I are of the same blood.

I don’t like to talk about personal things, but when they ask about my first marriage, about how we managed to maintain a good relationship, I answer: Maxim is a wonderful person, and so am I. And then two wonderful people met and spent a wonderful part of their lives together. And then everyone was able to cope with the pain that had to be endured, and came out of this difficult situation with minimal losses. But today you understand what a blessing it is that we have become close and dear people to each other. Maxim and I started together in the “Doctor Clown” charity event and continue it now. Yes, it's not easy. Over the years of work, I realized that I don’t need a hospital to cry over children with incurable illnesses: they have relatives. My task is to make the child laugh, so I come into the room and don’t think about the diagnosis, for me it doesn’t exist. Why is our project called “Doctor Clown” and not a magician or friend? Because a clown can afford to be a fool. He, like a child, has no concept of life and death. This is what we teach our new young actors. After all, in this work there is a line that cannot be crossed; everyone who has been involved in charity for many years has their own, unfortunately. sad story. A child can become your own, and it is not you who choose, but he decides so himself. And I had a similar case, unfortunately, this boy had already left... And then I had a question: “Maybe I shouldn’t study?” There was no strength. The psychologist suggested taking a break, I listened to him and didn’t come to the hospital for six months.

Photo “Instagram” by Yana Sexte

I met my husband Mitya at Tabakerka. He came to the first rehearsal, I entered the hall, he stood up, smiled, and I thought: “Yes, eshkin-matryoshkin, that’s it!” I fell in love with him at first sight and now I know that this is possible. And he fell in love too, it was like an electric shock to both of us. The husband’s father, the director of “Tabakerka” Alexander Marin, staged the play, and Mitya then wrote music for it. He specially came from Canada and after the premiere he went there again. It was a difficult moment for me, I thought it would remain there forever. And then he returned, or rather, I returned him. Then the mother-in-law said that her husband said: “Mitya and Yana have become friends.” And she: “Have you become friends? Out of 24 hours a day, they communicate 20 hours a day on Skype – it’s otherwise called.” And when Mitya arrived, everything took off. Today my husband is me. I’m organized at work, but when it comes to life, I’m spontaneous, and Mitya knows where to turn me and how to help me. We come with him to the shooting, so they give my fee to Mitya, I can put this money anywhere.

With the birth of my daughter, I found unimaginable happiness. There may be failures, but when you come home, you see your favorite mordulence running towards you, and you forget about everything. What problems?! You have a healthy child, you don’t need anything else in this life. Although no, we dream of having another child – it doesn’t matter who, a boy or a girl. Anya really wants a sister. God willing, it will come true.

Liza Boyarskaya is an actress and model, the daughter of Mikhail Boyarsky and Larisa Luppian. Continuing acting dynasty Boyarsky, she had to make a lot of efforts to get out of the shadow of her famous parents, but she definitely succeeded! There are dozens of films with her participation, and in MDT she is deservedly called a prima.

Childhood of Liza Boyarskaya

Elizaveta Boyarskaya was born in Leningrad on December 20, 1985. The acting couple, Mikhail Boyarsky and Larisa Luppian, already had a growing son, Sergei Boyarsky. Lisa younger than brother for almost six years.

Attentive viewers must have noticed Lisa has a scar on her left cheek. She received it in infancy. The baby twitched unsuccessfully in her mother’s arms and touched the lamp, which fell and shattered into fragments. One of them injured Lisa's face. Larisa did not lose her composure and quickly took her daughter to the hospital, where the scar was mended. By the way, the actress is not at all embarrassed by the mark and even considers it her highlight, so she does not cover her cheek with foundation unless it is required on the set.

Despite the star status of her parents, at first the girl did not intend to follow in their footsteps. She was attracted by being a journalist and the relatively new specialty of a PR manager at that time, especially since Lisa had the necessary inclinations - at school she easily managed to organize any parties.

She got her first film role by accident. One day the phone rang in the Boyarskys’ apartment. 15-year-old Lisa answered the phone. At the other end of the line they asked if they could hear Mikhail, but the famous musketeer was on set. Then the voice on the phone suggested Lisa to play in a movie. This is how her debut took place - in the thriller “Keys to Death” she played a little drug addict Alice, the daughter of rich parents.

However, the first shooting did not impress young Lisa, and she did not change her opinion about future profession. However, the parents, as the elder Boyarsky later admitted, did not see an actress in their daughter. In their opinion, who should have become the successor of the dynasty was the eldest son. But in their senior year, their daughter gave them a surprise.

At school, Liza Boyarskaya studied mediocrely; she had to improve all subjects with tutors. But outside of classes she led active life– attended a modeling school, studied jazz and classical dancing. And in high school, the girl came to her senses and became one of the most outstanding students. Boyarskaya showed such zeal to enter the journalism department, but a couple of months before the entrance exams, she suddenly realized that this was not her profession at all. The introductory courses at the Faculty of Dreams brought the girl only disappointment, but visiting the opening of the educational theater on Mokhovaya, on the contrary, convinced Lisa to become the ninth certified actor in the family.

There was very little time for preparation. Lisa submitted documents to the St. Petersburg State Academy of Theater Arts (SPbGATI). At the entrance exams, the proud bearer of the legendary surname was not given any concessions, but, on the contrary, instead of the required ten minutes allotted for each applicant, Boyarskaya spent an hour proving that she was worthy of joining the ranks of students. As a result, Lisa was enrolled in the course people's artist Russia, professor and simply outstanding theater director Lev Abramovich Dodin.

Actor career

Liza Boyarskaya plunged headlong into learning the basics of acting. Already as a student, Boyarskaya received her first serious role. The girl performed brilliantly on the stage of the Maly Drama Theater in the play “King Lear”, playing the role of Gonerel, for which she received prestigious award"Golden Soffit"

In 2003 she received the main female role in the drama “Demon of the Afternoon”, then an episode in the series “Cobra. Anti-terror" (series "Prince of Darkness"), where its heroine Nastya was lured into a satanic sect.

Elizaveta Boyarskaya. Temporarily available

In 2004, offers from directors began to arrive more often. During this period, Lisa was busy filming the German-Italian war drama “The Bunker” by Oliver Hirschbiegel, where she appeared in the role of nurse Erna. A year later, the girl received her first big role in Russian cinema - the actress tried on the image of the touching and hopelessly in love with the submarine captain Tanka from the military drama “First After God.”

In the same year, Lisa got another historical role, that of Françoise Faberge, in the drama “One Someone Else’s Life,” which told about the post-revolutionary period. After this, the girl admitted that she was close to historical costume paintings, since she considers herself completely out of date.

In 2006, Liza Boyarskaya tried her hand at the melodrama “You Won’t Leave Me.” In the film, the girl played the young actress Verochka, a rather eccentric person. Since her heroine was a bundle of energy: she constantly said something, sometimes cried, sometimes laughed, Lisa had to constantly “wind up” herself. By the way, it was in this film that Liza Boyarskaya starred with her dad for the first time. As the actress herself admitted, the experience was unusual. For the sake of this role, Lisa made a small sacrifice - she had to change her color from a brunette to a redhead several times. However, this did not bother the girl at all: the actress has repeatedly stated that for the sake of a worthwhile film, she is ready not only to dye her hair color, but also to shave her head.

In 2007, Elizaveta Boyarskaya graduated from the theater academy and was officially invited to work at the Young Studio of MDT - Theater of Europe.

Soon the girl was offered the role of d'Artagnan's daughter in the sequel to The Three Musketeers. Although Elizabeth loves “costume” films, she refused to participate, citing the fact that the script did not quite suit her.

One of the most striking roles, according to Elizaveta, awaited her in the remake of “The Irony of Fate” from Timur Bekmambetov. The girl, who grew up watching the film “Enjoy Your Bath!”, admitted that at first she was afraid of the responsibility and the inevitable comparisons with the heroine of Barbara Brylska. However, she still agreed to participate in the filming. Elizabeth's partners in the film were Konstantin Khabensky and Sergei Bezrukov. According to the script, Sergei plays Nadya’s fiancé, and Konstantin plays a new lover.

Now Lisa is sure that her heroine in “The Irony of Fate” is the ideal St. Petersburg girl of our time. She is a little cold and infernal, at the same time self-confident, proud and sober, not a “glamorous” girl, but not ordinary either, but with a rich inner content. Elizabeth likes this combination of qualities.

Liza Boyarskaya in “Evening Urgant” (2016)

In 2008, a new film was released with the participation of Liza Boyarskaya and Konstantin Khabensky - the blockbuster “Admiral” directed by Andrei Kravchuk. The film told about the life of an outstanding military officer navy, polar explorer, Admiral Alexander Vasilyevich Kolchak, and his beloved Anna Timireva.

After such success on big screen films with her participation are constantly being released: “I Won’t Tell” (2010) with Maxim Matveev, “Five Brides” (2011) with Danil Kozlovsky, “Match” (2011) with Sergei Bezrukov, “Klushi” (2012 .), “Cinderella” (2012), “The Habit of Parting” (2013), “Courier from Paradise” (2013), “Headhunters” (2014) with Philip Yankovsky.

In 2012, Lisa starred in Valery Meladze’s video for the song “Heaven,” playing his lover and appearing in rather revealing images.

Liza Boyarskaya and Valery Meladze in the video “Heaven”

Personal life of Liza Boyarskaya

Liza Boyarskaya lived for a very long time under the same roof with her father and mother, never daring to free herself from parental care.

As a student, Boyarskaya fell in love with fellow student Danila Kozlovsky. At the academy they were immediately dubbed “Romeo and Juliet,” and the tabloids were already anticipating the future details of the star’s romance, but then Lisa’s strict father intervened, declaring that he would not allow his daughter to date a little-known young man. The same fate, according to rumors, awaited Sergei Chonishvili and a native of Novosibirsk, actor Pavel Polyakov.

After two films in tandem with Khabensky in a row (“Admiral” and “The Irony of Fate”), Liza Boyarskaya began to be credited with an affair with the actor, but the rumors turned out to be groundless.

In August 2009, during the filming of the film “I Won’t Tell,” which took place in Kyiv, Boyarskaya met the actor of the Moscow Art Theater. Chekhov, the star of the film “Hipsters” Maxim Matveev. As Lisa herself said, she had seen Maxim before and dreamed of working with him.

A month later, the entire film crew was in full swing discussing the new love affair at work actors. The couple hid their relationship from the public for a long time, since Boyarskaya’s lover was married to another actress, Yana Sexte from “Tabakerka.” But they didn’t last long; soon information about their affair was leaked to the press, and Maxim moved out of his wife’s place into a rented apartment.

Liza Boyarskaya and Maxim Matveev for Glamor

In 2010, rumors spread that Boyarskaya and Matveev had broken up, because at the 63rd Cannes Film Festival the actress appeared together with 24-year-old Grigory Dobrygin (“How I Spent This Summer,” “Black Lightning 2”). The couple held hands, smiled sweetly and took pictures together left and right.

But already in the summer of the same year, Liza Boyarskaya and Maxim Matveev arrived at the Kinotavr film festival in Sochi together. It turned out that Maxim divorced Yana Sexte, and the lovers submitted an application to one of the St. Petersburg registry offices. By show business standards, the wedding turned out to be modest. The newlyweds got married and then celebrated this event in a quiet family circle.

Lisa's father gave the young couple an apartment in St. Petersburg, but they continued to live and work in two cities: Boyarskaya serves in the St. Petersburg MDT, and Maxim - in the Moscow Art Theater. Chekhov. This fact gave rise to many rumors about a “black cat” in the family.

On April 7, 2012, the couple had their first child, a boy, Andrei. Liza Boyarskaya continued to perform on stage until the sixth month of pregnancy, and just 3 months after giving birth she returned to the stage.

As a child, Lisa tries not to “shine” in front of the cameras, because she knows from her own example what it’s like to be the daughter of a celebrity. “Let my son have a normal childhood, without all this tinsel,” says the actress.

Elizaveta Boyarskaya now

In the winter of 2016, viewers saw Elizaveta Boyarskaya in the mini-series “Drunk Firm” - a tragicomedy about the brilliant “hangover man” played by Mikhail Efremov. Lisa played the role of his pregnant daughter, who is in a deplorable financial situation.

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