Our planet is our Earth! methodological development (grade 9) on the topic. Scenario for the extracurricular activity “The Earth is our common home” In the sky, on the earth, in the water –

Summer environmental holiday with the participation of children of all age groups. During the holiday, teachers act as forest animals and act out the skit “Forest Dwellers in Danger”



Summer environmental holiday for Environment Day

TOPIC: “The Earth is ours common Home»

Kamaeva Natalya Nikolaevna

Teacher of MBDOU d\s "Teremok" combined type

G. Ardatov, Republic of Mordovia

Target : To develop in children a cognitive interest in the natural world, to cultivate in children a desire to help animals in trouble. Give children joy from participating in the holiday. Develop logical thinking, attention, speech.

Adult characters:Presenter, Bibabo dolls: owl, butterfly, bear, wolf, fox. Screen. The boy is a bully.

Children enter the hall to the song “Don’t tease the dogs”

Leading: Dear Guys! Today I invite you to a holiday dedicated to Environmental Protection Day (June 5th) and it’s called “Earth is our common home,” and I have this ball in my hands. What is this, who knows?

This is our planet Earth, which is a huge ball. Look how colorful and variegated it is.

Blue color is water, oceans, seas, lakes,

Yellow – desert (sand)

Green – vegetation: meadows, forests,

Brown - mountains, White - ice.

But, probably, only in the summer can you see our land so colorful, and this is what we sing about in our song, listen here

SONG “Colorful Summer” (with soundtrack)

Children read poetry

Our planet Earth is very generous and rich:

Mountains, forests and fields are our dear home, guys!

There is a huge house on earth

The sun, rain and thunder live in it,

The cheerful sound of the stream.

You live in that bright house

And all your friends.

Wherever the roads lead,

You will always be in it.

The nature of my native land

This house is called.

I'm talking about

That the whole earth is our common home,
Our good home, spacious home,

We all live in it from birth.
I'm also talking about this,

That we must save our home.
Let's prove that it's not in vain

The Earth hopes for us

Leading : There are many living creatures on planet Earth. Which ones?

There are many different types of fish and sea animals in the oceans and seas, on land (continents) there are plants (trees, shrubs, grasses), various animals live - animals, birds, insects, and people also live.

Guys, you must be true friends of nature.

And here is the most beautiful place in my domain - a flower meadow. Like? Look how many colorful flowers there are.

But I’ll tell you a secret that among this diversity you can find 2 similar flowers, let’sLet's play this game "FIND A PAIR"

Leading: But in the clearing there was only one flower left without a pair, let me take it in my hands and read you a riddle:

He cooks nets like a fisherman, but never catches fish (spider)

Song “Once upon a time there lived a spider” (with soundtrack)

Leading. What other animals live in our forest? Now we will find out if you know the forest inhabitants. Listen to more riddles.

Clubfoot, clumsy, Walks in a golden fur coat,

Loves honey, doesn't like cold, The gossip has a fluffy tail,

I got used to snoring until the morning. Very cunning eyes.

What kind of animal is this?(Bear). What is her name ? (fox)

A fur coat with needles, he is a gray robber,

Curls up - he is prickly, There is no faith in him.

You can't take it with your hand. Who is this?(Hedgehog). Everything clicks with teeth. Who is this? (WOLF)

It wiggles its ears, It’s not a bird on a branch,

Jumping under the bushes, The animal is not big.

Little gray coward. The fur is warm, like a hot water bottle,

His name is (Bunny). Who is this? (Squirrel)

Leading . And here are my funny squirrels and bunnies.

Dance "Squirrels and Bunnies"

Leading: Guys, what other animals do you know, name....

How are animals different from us humans? (Animals may have horns, hooves, a tail....)

And what a person has, let’s show his nose, ears, forehead, elbows, knees, socks...Rhythmic gymnastics “At the giraffe...” (according to Zheleznova)

Dramatization: “Forest Dwellers in Danger”
Bibabo animals appear behind the screen (adults play):

The bear is limping badly.
Fox - holding his nose. Wolf - holding his stomach,
An owl flaps one wing normally, but barely, barely, the other.
Butterfly - holding its wing, barely crawling.
They all moan and greet the children in pitiful voices.

Leading: What's happened? Why are you moaning? Owl, I don't see you
wait, please tell me.
Owl: It became completely impossible for us to live near people. We came to ask you for help. Misha, tell me what happened to you?
Bear: I stepped on a broken bottle. The heron pulled out this fragment, but its paw still hurts.

Fox: How unlucky I am! I went out onto the lawn where the boy was resting, and there were tin cans lying around. One jar smells so good of fish! I put my nose in the jar and got scratched badly!
Wolf: And I'm sick with my stomach. The bad boy scattered fertilizer, but I thought it was salt, I ate a little... Now my stomach hurts.
Butterfly: But the boy stepped on me, damaged my wing, and now I can’t fly.
Owl: And this hooligan shot at me with a slingshot, my wing hurts.

ALL: Save! Help!
Leading : Poor animals! Now we will help you, heal your wounds. (calls children who will heal the animals).
For the bear - plantain, bandage, iodine.
For the fox, lubricate his nose with ointment. For the wolf - a potion for the stomach.
The butterfly and the owl need to straighten their wings,
The animals thank the children for their help.

Leading: Where can we find this robber?
To have an urgent conversation with him,
Tell me how to always behave
Without causing disaster or harm to nature!
A bully appears. In the hands of a slingshot. Seeing the animals, he aims at them.
Hooligan: Oh, where are you? Now I'll show you! Will I hit it or won't I hit it?

Leading: Wait boy! Are you barging into our party and want to offend our guests? We won't let you do this!
Hooligan: Holiday... What other holiday?
Leading : A holiday dedicated to our Earth, the protection of nature, including forest inhabitants! And you don’t seem to know how to behave in nature.
Hooligan: What do you need to know?
Leading : Tell us why you came to the forest?
Hooligan: Rest...
Leading : When going to the forest, you probably took food with you...
Hooligan: Of course I took it...
Leading : Where did you put the empty dishes?
Hooligan : How to where? I threw it away, why do I need it?
Leading : You have no use for it, but the animals suffered. The bear injured his paw on a bottle, and the fox injured his nose on a jar. Guys, what should you do with bottles, cans and other garbage?
Children : Collect everything in a bag and then throw it in the city trash bin.

Leading : And the leftover food had to be placed on a stump so that the animals (deer, elk) would not get hurt when pulling the food out of the jar.

Leading : Tell me, please, when you walk through the forest, do you look at your feet?
Hooligan: No, why!
Leading: There are a lot of bugs in the grass, insects that can be crushed.

Hooligan : And I like to catch insects and butterflies with a net...

Leading: Guys, tell me: is it possible to catch butterflies?

No, of course, look what a beautiful pattern the butterflies have on their wings,

And you hurt their wings and now the butterflies won’t be able to fly.

Let's now ask the guys to help us

Guys, here is your next task: match the butterfly with the same second wingGAME “HELP THE BUTTERFLYS”

Leading : Thanks guys for your help! Try never to harm insects, our Earth and nature need them.

Leading : Here you see?! Because of one of your walks, so many troubles happened.
Hooligan : This is me out of boredom, out of ignorance. I didn't know I was doing any harm, I was just having fun. If only I had been to your party earlier.

Please forgive me for causing a lot of trouble!
I promise to leave a good mark on Earth,
I will protect nature, protect from evil deeds.

Leading : Well, guys, shall we forgive him? Are you animals, excuse me, boy?
Animals: Yes, forgive me!

Owl :But remember, if you came to the forest for a walk,

Fresh air breathe,

Run, jump and play

Just don’t forget too much.

Fox: What you shouldn’t make noise in the forest:

Even sing very loudly.

The animals will be scared

They will run away from the forest edge.

Wolf: Don't break oak branches,

And never forget -

Remove the trash from the grass!

Bear : And don’t light fires!

There is no need to pick flowers in vain!

Wolf : Don’t shoot with a slingshot!

You didn't come to kill!

Butterfly : Let the butterflies fly,

Well, who are they bothering?

Owl : There is no need to catch everyone here.

Stomp, clap, hit with a stick.

Bear : You are just a guest in the forest.

Here the owner is oak and elk,

Take care of their peace.

ALL: After all, we are not your enemies!

Children senior group read poetry:

KSUSHA. Let's be friends with each other
Like a bird with the sky, Like a field with a plow,
Like the wind with the sea, grass with the rains,
How the sun is friends with all of us!

KARINA. Everyone, everything, everyone in the world is needed,

And midges are no less necessary than elephants.

You can't do without ridiculous monsters

And even without predators - evil and ferocious.

Egor We need everything in the world - We need everything in a row -

Who makes honey and who makes poison!

MASHA. And, if we are not very friendly with someone.

We still really need each other!

EGOR And if someone seems superfluous to us,

This, of course, will turn out to be a mistake.

Everyone, everything, everyone in the world, in the world is needed.

And all children should remember this!

KATE. Let's strive for this
So that both animals and birds love us,
And they trusted us everywhere,
Like your most loyal friends!

YANA. Let's save the planet.

There is no other like it in the world.

Let's scatter clouds and smoke over it,

We won’t let anyone offend her.

IGOR We will take care of birds, insects, animals

This will only make us kinder.

Let's decorate the earth with gardens and flowers.

You and I need such a planet!

Daniel. Let's start with our own yards,

We'll collect the trash quickly.

Everyone should protect nature:

Earth, sun, air, water!

VLAD. We tried, we worked -

We have become friends with nature!

This is our huge house -

It will be light and clean in it!

MATVEY Nature has many days

The days are not in vain

And take care of her

We need it today, not tomorrow.

ALL: We appeal to the people - take care of nature!

SONG “Forest Song” (magazine of music/hands No. 8/2007)

1. It’s good for the cuckoo on the forest edge, 2. For the majestic pine trees and fragrant herbs,

Squirrels and hedgehogs are not crowded in the forest! And it’s not crowded for flowers to grow in the forest!

And the big bear, and the little mouse - Little jackdaws and funny bunnies -

There is enough space for everyone in the forest! There is enough space for everyone in the forest!

CHORUS: The forest will reveal a hundred of its wonders to us,

We will remember everything we see here!

The forest will give us a hundred of its wonders.

We won't hurt anyone in the forest!

Leading. You solved riddles well and showed that you love native nature.

I am very pleased when children know and take care of nature: trees, flowers, birds, ants, frogs. And now, I think you can easily answer my questions about what can be done in nature and what cannot be done

D. And “It’s possible and it’s not possible.”

Is it possible to litter in the forest? (No)

Can I play in the sandbox? (Yes)

Can you walk on sand barefoot? (Yes)

Can you throw sand? (No)

Can you drink from a puddle? (No)

Can you swim in the water? (Yes)

Is it possible to leave trash in the river? (No)

Can you breathe fresh air? (Yes)

Can you walk in a hurricane? (No)

Extracurricular event on ecology "Our planet is our Earth!"

- attract the attention of spectators and event participants to environmental problems;
- show the connection between living organisms and the environment;
- instill love for the small Motherland;
- develop cognitive and creative activity.

Teacher: Today we are gathered here for an unusual birthday. You will find out who the birthday boy is today by solving the riddle:
“No beginning, no end.
No back of the head, no face.
But everyone knows, both young and old,
That she is a huge ball.
The situation on earth is such that modern man I just have to be environmentally conscious. It is necessary to convey to everyone the idea that only by protecting nature will humanity preserve life itself on Earth. Nature has been and continues to be man's nurse, the source of his existence. And our task is to save nature. Nature is generous, but it does not forgive mistakes.
World Earth Day was proclaimed by the UN Secretary General in 1971 and has been celebrated annually since then. IN different countries A wide variety of events and promotions are organized on this day. These include conferences, exhibitions, area clean-ups and tree planting.
The music is “Waltz of the Flowers”

Presenter -1 : Once upon a time, having gathered my last strength,
God created a beautiful planet
Gave her the shape of a big ball
And he planted trees, flowers and
Herbs of unprecedented beauty.
Many animals began to live there
Snakes, elephants, turtles and birds
Here's a gift for you, people own it
Plow the land, sow the grain
From now on I bequeath to you all -
You take care of this shrine.

Presenter-2: Everyone says Earth. And everyone sees and understands it in their own way. For an astronaut, among the stars and constellations, she is a planet.

Presenter -1: For a sailor it is the shore. For a soldier - the image of the Motherland, the value that he defends. For a farmer, the Earth is what he puts his sweat and his love into. So what is it - Earth?

Presenter-2: The earth has always captivated man with its eternal rebirth, the cycle of springs and winters, the infinity of horizons.

Presenter -1: All the riches of the Russian landscape
They are given to us in full possession.
Silver yarn of blizzard winters,
Green lace of spring,
Painted leaf fall wings
Above the bottomless blue lakes.
All is yours…

Presenter-2: Our little planet is kind to us. But not everyone appreciates this.

Presenter -1: Modern civilization puts enormous pressure on nature. In their triumphal march, people often leave behind territories covered with salt marshes, flooded with swamps, dug by quarries, and unsuitable for living and farming.

Presenter 1: Let's talk about ecology
We talk about this with tears
How many forests is the area cutting down?
You and I don’t know about this.
And you and I know that
That flowers disappear like shadows.
So, come on, friends, without embellishment,
Let's talk about this today.
The earth is in danger! (sounds of thunder)

- I am Earth! I'm in trouble!
Look at me, people:
I'm burning in the smoke of fire.
They blow me up, dig me, burn me.
They don't care for me at all
Bottles, cans, boxes.
I'll soon die from sadness
Hear my dear voice
I'm crying rain tears
I'm suffocating, I'm not silent
I scream like earthquakes.
I'm angry with the sound of thunder.
I want to be clean and healthy
Wake up, people!
Call upon the countries to save me from death!

Song: “Earth in the Porthole”

Teacher: Now we will spend a little quiz, dedicated to the Day Earth.

Spring wreaths are woven from it, and when it fades, it flies to all directions of the world. (Dandelion).

What trees are called evergreen? Why? (Spruce, pine).

What trees have white bark? (Birch, aspen).

What berries are red, white, yellow, black? (Currant).

Girls in love love to use this flower to tell fortunes. (Chamomile).

What gas is needed for plant respiration? (Oxygen).

This is the very first flower to emerge from under the snow. (Snowdrop).

Which flower is called the queen of flowers? (Rose).

What tree's leaves flutter even without the wind? (Aspen).

How can you tell how old a tree stump is? (by annual rings)

What is this herb that even the blind know? (Nettle)

- Tree, symbol of our homeland?(Birch)

Which medicinal herbs treat a cold? ( Linden, mint, oregano)

What bird breeds chicks in winter? (Crossbill)

What role do birds play in nature? (Destroy pests)

Name the wintering birds? ( Sparrow, magpie, dove)

With the arrival of which birds do we determine the beginning of spring? (Rooks)

Who changes their fur coat 2 times a year? (Hare, squirrel)

What animals hibernate in winter? (Bear, hedgehog)

Name a forest animal that looks like a cat (Lynx)

What animal is called elk? (Elk)

(finish the sentence)

Try not to use foam because... (it does not decompose in nature)

Don't throw away unnecessary paper because... (it can be recycled)

You cannot make fires in unauthorized places.

For a long time people did not think about the fact that wealth flora are not eternal, that plants need careful treatment, replenishment and protection.
If I pick a flower,
If you pick a flower,
If everything: both me and you
If we pick flowers -
All the clearings will be empty
And there will be no beauty!
Presenter -2: Cutting ice, changing river flow,
You insist that there’s too much to do,
But you still ask for forgiveness
By these rivers, dunes and swamps,
At the most gigantic sunrise,
At the very the smallest fry,
But you don’t want to think about it,
Now you have no time for that yet.
Airfields, piers and platforms,
Forests without rivers and rivers without water.
Less and less - surrounding nature.
More and more for the environment!

Presenter-1 : The coming generation is taking up the sad baton from us. The word ecology rings like an alarm bell today. It's time to think about the question: will future generations of earthlings survive? Will children of the 21st century be able to swim in the river, the sea, walk in the forest, see the stars and inhale the scent of flowers?

Student: The depths of our Earth, the depths of our Earth,
How big they are! How good they are!
Everything has been exhausted: both granite and diamond,
We only live once on Earth.
For posterity, leave at least a little warmth,
So that their life is not aimless.
The generosity of our Earth, the generosity of our souls,
Save, save, don’t rush to waste!

Presenter -2 : Rivers are polluted with petroleum products and phenol.
It is estimated that 100 species of plants and animals disappear per day.
Forest area is decreasing by 15 million hectares
Billions of tons of soil turn to dust
Over five years, the air temperature has increased by 2.9 degrees.
the number is decreasing fresh water.
60% of diseases are derived from a state of environmental stress.
We breathe poisoned air and eat vegetables and fruits poisoned by “fertilizers.”

Pupil: The gray ocean is ringing alarm bells. He harbors a grudge deep down,
Black, rocking spots on a steep, angry wave,
People have become strong, like gods and the fate of the Earth is in their hands,
But the terrible burns on the sides of the globe are darkening
We have mastered the planet a long time ago, this century is moving forward.
There are no white spots on Earth, can you erase the black ones, man?

Student : I have the Red Book in my Hands. Everyone knows that rare endangered species of plants and animals are included in it. Some of them remained in single copies. We would really like for books like this to never come out again.

Pupil: So that the forests can bloom,
And gardens and rivers,
Take care of all living things
You are in this world.
Love nature
Every blade of grass
Let's be friends with the birds,
Take care of the blade of grass.
Don't leave trash, friend.
In a clearing in the forest,
Don't pollute the rivers
Let's declare a fight to the bottle.
Don't bring home a hedgehog
Don't touch the butterfly.
Schoolboy, always remember -
There aren't that many of them.

Student: What do you mean without herbs and birds,
And without love for the buzzing bee.
Without cranes over the coniferous thicket.
Without pretty fox faces?
When you understand, you will finally
Cutting into dead rocks
O man, the crown of nature,
That without nature is your end.

Presenter-1 : The Earth dies if you kill it, the Earth comes to life if you revive it. The point of today's activity is to give it feasible loads; taking from her - giving to her, inflicting wounds - healing. See it not as a temporary, but as a permanent springboard for life.

Presenter-2 : Remember: every broken twig, every plucked flower, every caught butterfly is a small wound inflicted on nature. And if this wound is inflicted by you, another by your comrade, a third, fourth, fifth by someone else, then what will happen to nature. Nature has a hard time healing even the smallest wounds. We must not forget that everything on Earth is interconnected; to protect plants and animals, remember to combat air pollution.

(Leshy comes on stage, Baba Yaga, Vodyanoy and Kikimora are talking)

Goblin: Come on, you forest scum,
Get out here quickly.
(looks around)

Kikimora is coming.

Goblin: Well, Kikimora is beautiful
Look us in the eyes.
(turns head)
Oh, yes, it's Yaga!
There is no more dangerous enemy.
Gorynych himself is in front of her
So, not the Serpent, but nonsense

(to Vodyany)
Hello, my friend, Vodyanoy.
Long time no see. (
Is the news good or bad?
Report everything as it is.
Better bitter, but true
What is pleasant, but flattery.

Kikimora: Everyone scolds us: “ Devilry, evil spirits." Yes, we, if you like, are the cleanest force in the world now because we protect nature from evil people and poachers. Come on, Vodyanoy, read out the report on our work for the past month.

Water: November 5 – 4 botanical natural monuments were found (centuries-old oak trees, age 250-300 years)
November 8 – the river bank was cleared of debris. We collected 2,000 plastic bottles, 350 plastic bags, about 100 disposable cups, about 120 beer and beverage cans and countless other trash.
November 20 – cleared the forest of debris. We collected 1,500 plastic bottles, 270 plastic bags, broken glass no account. We had a conversation with vacationers about the rules of behavior in nature.

Baba Yaga: Give me your word.
At night I'll stand by the window
And I stand all night without sleep...
I'm always worried about Nature:
“How is she, poor thing?”

Kikimora giggles

Leshy: In short.

Baba Yaga: We, forest dwellers, cannot live from people. After all, they are the ones who catch butterflies to collect butterflies, collect herbariums, and call themselves tourists... They threw up trash, broke trees, burned grass. There is nowhere to hide the hut on chicken legs. There are so many cars, we can’t breathe.

Water: Yes, and I have a headache: the frogs are croaking, rallying, clean water require. There is nothing to eat, there is no trace of fresh fish, and we still live on the Volga. Yes, there are only bottles and beer cans in it... Oh, poor people, we are poor...

Kikimora: Yes, people have butchered our Nature: there are no forests, no animals, no fish, soon there will be no water. One trash heap!

The Garbage Heap walks around the stage, rubbing his hands, giggling, scattering trash.

Kikimora: Look how happy he is.

Goblin: So here is the question on the agenda of the 21st century:

When will people turn their face to nature and begin to protect it?

A student is coming.

Baba Yaga: Yes, here he comes, dear.
You chavoy are not yourself.
Neither rosy nor alive.
Eat aspen bark and cheer up for the time being.
Tea is not some kind of chemistry, tea is a natural gift.

Goblin: That's enough, grandma, he's not sick,
Move over the hill. (
addressing a student)

Tell me, dear, how your class is involved in nature conservation.

Schoolboy: Well, we decided to make birdhouses for the birds.

Goblin: Well done. How many have you already done?

Schoolboy: No, they just made up slogans.
“Fly to us, our friend woodpecker,
We are all pleased with your arrival.” Do you like it?

Goblin: Why does a woodpecker fly? And he will take care of his birdhouse himself.

Schoolboy: Hmm, right...And we will also draw different birds on plywood, and under each bird we will write a signature in verse. Great?!

Goblin: Great...It's a pity that birds can't read.(waves hand, leaves)

Schoolboy: Where are you... (runs after him)

Goblin: Make a birdhouse. Otherwise, while we are talking and setting up stands, all the birds will fly past the village. ( are leaving)

Kikimora: Problem...And how to attract people to practical environmental protection activities?(to all) What proposals will there be?

The goblin returns.

Baba Yaga: So maybe we should pay 5 rubles for each tree planted?

Goblin: Well, girlfriend, you are cunning
In the sense of the meanness of the gut
You are a favorite for me today
Well, I don't like you in the morning.

Water: But where can we get money to thank schoolchildren for their good deeds?

Kikimora: Hee hee. We will open the company “Forest Aroma”. We will sell air for dollars. People can't breathe at all


Baba Yaga: They began to live according to a new fashion,
They turned on the water supply.
The river has gone crazy -
I went home myself!

Kikimora: And, it happened, with a chime
To its green shores
The girls went for water
Along the street pavement.

Baba Yaga: We came close to the river,
They bowed low to the river:
Hello, the river is our mother!
Give us some water!

Kikimora: And now another ignoramus
I wanted some fresh water:
Moved one hand -
And the water runs like a river!

Baba Yaga: The rivers and seas are becoming shallow,
Don't waste water people.
And then a few years will pass,
And now there is no water.

Kikimora: Our Tanya is crying loudly -
She dropped a ball into the river.
Why is she crying?
The water corrodes the ball.

Baba Yaga: Leshy loved it very much
There are leaves.
And the leaves are full of toxins -
Kidneys failed.

Come to school in the morning
Change your boots, you.
There is some benefit to you in this.
And the school will be clean!
If suddenly, walking through school,
Did you see the papers there?
Don't be shy, pick it up
Take it to the trash can!
Take care of the earth, people!
Our Motherland and the place where we live,
And our village, which we all love,
Our native street, where we grow up

Presenter - 1 : Now listen to the order for admission into the ranks of the World Conservation Society:
Give your land sensitive tenderness,
Help the winds to blow freshness,
And help the grain to ripen into an ear,
Help the forests to be dense,
It’s sad to be sad over the willow tree above the steep slope,
Help the river be deep.
Help the flowers lay out their carpets,
Help the birds fly around their wings,
Do everything lovingly, so that it goes well.
Help everything the Earth is red with.
Let spring ring in people's hearts!
Don't walk on earth unnoticed!
Don't let the world become crippled!

Take care of the beauty of your native land,
The rustle of leaves, spring flowers,
We can compare the Bykovsky district to paradise,
After all more beautiful place for me no!
People, take care of all this,
Take care of everything that God has given you!
So that this native land,
Every resident would be proud!

Presenter-2: Listen up, man! (metronome sound). Think about it, man!

Earth : I am the Earth. I am the Earth. I am the Earth!
My fatigue is boundless!
Do not ask for my groan...
At least someone will hear the beating
Tired heart at its zenith?
People of my planet!
People of my planet!
I'm dying...

Presenter-2: Our holiday is over. I hope that, having learned a little more about the complex and diverse life of nature, you will learn to respect all living things that surround us, to those whose lives directly depend on humans, and therefore on you and me. In conclusion, we say: “For fish - water, for birds - air, for animals - meadow, steppe, mountains. The whole Earth belongs to man!”

Presenter -1: Let's remember that our planet is our common home, this land is both yours and mine. Be kind to each other and do not harm either nature or people! And we are not saying goodbye to you, because there is still so much unknown and unknown ahead.

Teacher: The works of naturalist writers: V. Bianchi, E. Charushin, G. Snegirev, M. Prishvin, N. Sladkov, K. Paustovsky and others will help you get to know and love, and most importantly, protect your native nature. Let them give you the joy of communicating with nature. Goodbye, see you next time!

The song “How wonderful this world is” is played.

Municipal educational institution

"Pobedinskaya secondary school"

Ecological holiday scenario


Earth is our common home

1st HOST

Good afternoon, inhabitants of our beautiful planet! Good afternoon Today is our holiday - Mother Earth Day!

The song “I love my Earth” plays, music. E. Ptichkina, words by V. Kharitonov

2nd HOST

What kind of holiday is this – Earth Day? And why is he? To make it clear to all of us, I invite you to take a journey around our wonderful planet! (slides about nature) All this is our home planet. There is so much beauty and wonder on it: endless expanses, and mountains stretching into the sky, and blue-blue seas. And the inhabitants on it are countless, and each of them is small miracle! But people often forget about this, and then the chimneys smoke, shots sound, and animals die. This wonderful holiday exists to remind people of the beauty of our Earth!

1st HOST

Sour rain knocks on the roof,
The singing of birds has not been heard for a long time.

All living things die.
Tsar! Our island is disappearing!!!


And after them in turn
The fish sends a bow to the king.


All the dirt is poured into the sea,
Everything dies from it.
If you don't get caught in the net,
So you will choke on waste.
Living here has become very bad,
We must swim from here quickly.

The goldfish leaves.

TSAR What should I do, what should I do?
How not to destroy the island?

2nd Buffoon

And to save your island,
I decided to go to the sage!


My dear sage,
Finally, tell me
So as not to destroy the island,
What should I do? What do i do?


Shut down the drilling rig!
Build a sewage treatment plant here.
Limit fishing
Increase the forest area!
Plant more trees
Keep an eye on the trash
So that air and water -
They were always clean!


Since the king was very wise,
Our island remains wonderful!

2nd Buffoon

The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it -
A lesson to good fellows!

3rd Buffoon

He flies over the entire planet:
“Take care of this Earth!”

4th Buffoon

The king shouts to all the people:


We all need to take care of nature!
If we don't take care of her,
We will destroy ourselves!


I flew on a mortar,

I saw a lot from above.

There is no order anywhere!

In the sky, on the earth, in the water -

There is garbage, smoke, infection everywhere...

I’ll be honest right now,

I was shocked by what I saw.

Poor you, Mother Earth!

Adults and children know -

We are not guests on the planet.

We must love our home.

Maintain order in it.

For those who want to ignore this:

On a shovel, and even in the oven.

1st HOST

It should also be noted that every year the forest area decreases by 2%.

According to International Union Nature conservation, since 1600, 94 species of birds and 63 species of mammals have become extinct on earth.

Currently, there are more than 2 million species of wild animals on the globe.

Over the past 56 years, 42 species of mammals have disappeared.

100 species of animals are at risk of extinction.

It is no longer possible to restore extinct species. Taken under state protection rare species animals, they are listed in the Red Book.

2nd HOST

A garbage avalanche threatens not only nature, but also people’s lives. For each of the 6 billion inhabitants of our planet, there is an average of about 1 ton of garbage per year. Accumulated debris and household waste people throw it away anywhere, especially in rural areas: on the street, on the road, in the field, in the ravine, in the forest. Well, near cities, “wild” landfills not only disfigure the landscape, but also pose a threat to health. Smoke and the smell of decomposition disturb people living nearby. Rainwater washes toxic substances out of waste. This leads to pollution and contamination of open water bodies and groundwater. Many people often experience misrepresentation that Nature itself is capable of eliminating the consequences of harmful influences. However, it is not.

The paper will remain in storage for more than 2 years until it completely decomposes.

tin can - more than 90 years,

plastic bag - more than 1000 years.

Each person throws out 2.5 kg in one day. garbage,

During one trip to nature, a vacationer leaves 200-300 grams of garbage.

1st HOST

Our planet is very polluted, but we have not yet realized the danger of living in a huge landfill. We live on it for now, but will our children be able to live on it?

To the music, participants go on stage and read a poem

Our planet Earth is very generous and rich:

Mountains, forests and fields are our dear home, guys!

Let's save the planet

There is no other like it in the world.

Let's scatter clouds and smoke over it,

We won’t let anyone offend her.

We will take care of birds, insects, animals.

This will only make us kinder.

Let's decorate the whole earth with gardens and flowers

You and I need such a planet.

Ecological holiday for primary schoolchildren



    To form environmental consciousness and a sense of respect for planet Earth, for one’s small Motherland.

    Orientation of schoolchildren to the implementation of environmental rules of conduct in environment- as norms of life.

1. Teach children to see and hear, to peer inquisitively into the world, to observe this world.
2.Summarize, consolidate and deepen students’ knowledge about nature acquired in lessons about the surrounding world.
3. Contribute to the formation of knowledge about ecology.
4.Develop the emotional and sensory sphere of schoolchildren’s personality.

Decor: environmental posters, drawings, paper flowers, globe layout, projector, computer, screen, presentation.

Progress of the event

Leading: Dear guests! We are glad to welcome you to our environmental holiday “Let the world be beautiful!” Spring the time of awakening of all living things. Perhaps that is why the spring months are full of holidays dedicated to Mother Nature!

(1) March 21 - Internationalforest day and day spring equinox, which divides the year in half and is considered the beginning of the warm season in the Northern Hemisphere.

(4) April 22 - International Earth Day, celebrated in Russia since 1992. According to tradition, on this day everyone takes part in the improvement and landscaping of their yards and streets, in variousenvironmental events.

The main ideas of the holidays are to remind people of the need to protect our common home - planet Earth from various pollution, to take care of cleanliness, and to preserve forests, water bodies, flora and fauna.

The presenter comes out to the music of J. Light “The Lonely Shepherd”.


There is just a temple

There is a temple of science

And there is also a temple of nature -

With scaffolding reaching out

Towards the sun and winds.

He is holy at any time of the day.

Open to us in hot and cold weather.

Come in here

Be a little hearty

Do not desecrate his shrines.

Leading . Look around: how beautiful, amazing world We are surrounded by forests, fields, rivers, seas, oceans, mountains, sky, sun, animals, birds. This is nature. Our Russian nature, full of poetry and charm, it touches and excites every person who loves his Motherland, and has a beneficial effect on his soul. The beauty of Russian nature is an inexhaustible source of inspiration for poets, artists and composers. Many poems, paintings, and musical works were born thanks to love for her.

Student : Once upon a time, having gathered my last strength,
The Lord created a beautiful planet.
Gave her the shape of a big ball
And planted trees and flowers there
Herbs of unprecedented beauty.

Many animals began to live there
Snakes, elephants, turtles and birds.
Here's a gift for you, people, own it
Plow the land, sow the grain

From now on I bequeath to you all -
You take care of this shrine.


There is a huge house on Earth under a blue roof,
The sun, rain and thunder, forest and sea surf live in it.

Birds and flowers live in it, the cheerful sound of a stream,
You and all your friends live in that bright house.

Wherever the roads lead, you will always be there.
by nature native land this house is called.

The song “Spring Winds” sounds.

Leading . The nature of our planet is very beautiful. It’s always nice to listen to birds singing in the spring, to see the rays of the sun at dawn, to watch the first snowflakes fall in winter...

Student: Nature is the house in which we live,
And forests rustle in it, rivers flow and splash.
Under the blue sky, under the golden sun,
We want to live in this house forever.

Nature is a home in which day after day

Flowers and bread are growing, children are laughing all around.

And this house and laughter are one, one for all,

There is no other house in the whole world.

The song “We want the birds to sing...” is played.

Everything in nature is correct and wise,

She is amazing perfection.

What a beautiful sunny morning

Blue makes heaven happy!

Dance "CLOUDS"

(children dance with blanks of white clouds in their hands to the melody “Clouds are white-maned horses”)

The music “Clouds” sounds, two students come out from both sides with blanks of black clouds the size of whatman paper and cover the students with white clouds)

Presenter. Dear Guys! Our planet is in danger. Look, clouds have come over our clouds and covered them. What's happened?

Student : We cut the ice,

We change the flow of rivers,

We reiterate that there is a lot to do...

But we will still come to ask for forgiveness

By these rivers


And swamps

At the most gigantic sunrise,

In the smallest fry...

For now about this

I don't want to think.

We have no time for that now




and platforms,

Forests without birds

And rivers without water...

Less and less of the surrounding nature...

More and more - the environment.

(picture of a forest on the screen)

Forest: People need me. I give oxygen, clear the atmosphere of harmful substances. I give shelter to my many inhabitants: bears, wild boars, foxes, moose, hares, squirrels. But in Lately It became difficult for me. People cut down my trees, burn fires, pave roads, and mercilessly shoot animals. I am trampled heavily by city dwellers and my primroses are torn in the spring. Forest insect pests also bother me. I am sick, and people treat me with various chemicals, but such drugs make me even worse. After all, when I am sprayed, not only pests die, but also my protectors - ants and birds. And if they didn’t pollute me, didn’t destroy anthills, cut down trees correctly, saved seed trees, I would restore myself and protect myself from pests.

(tourists come out)

1st tourist : Today we came for a walk,
Fortunately, the forest is just a stone's throw away!
We bought everything:
Food, matches, lemonade.
2nd tourist : Fresh air will excite

Our healthy appetite.

We’ll eat everything we took,
Let's look at nature.
And packages, jars, bottles
We'll scatter it in the clearing.
3rd tourist . Let's throw all the bottles into the river -
Let the parcels float into the sea!
There is no trash can - take it to the bushes!
We are on first terms with nature!
Forest, is it nobody's?
Tourists in unison . Nobody's!
4th tourist . Let's settle down quickly!
We can't be bothered here:
Burn and pour, hack and hit!
We are kings! Be silent, Nature!
Everything here is ours – the forest and the waters!

Teacher: When we do thoughtless things, we sometimes don’t notice that nature is sending us a signalSOS.

Mother Nature :"Dear Guys! People on Earth are different - good and evil, attentive and inattentive, caring and indifferent, selfish and generous. What people did to me with Nature is terrible!

Human! Think about it! What are you without me, without Nature? Without air? Without water, birdsong, the scent of meadows, the rustle of leaves? And I give all this to people - Nature. I don’t ask for any payment in return, I only expect from you, people, a careful, kind attitude in yourself.”

Children appear on stage in costumes of a hare, fox, bear, and hedgehog.

FOX: If you came to the forest for a walk,

Breathe fresh air.

Run, jump and play

Just don't forget,

That you can't make noise in the forest,

Even sing very loudly.

The little animals will be scared

They will run away from the forest edge.

HARE: Don’t break the oak branches,

Never forget

Remove trash from the grass

There is no need to pick flowers in vain!

Do not shoot with a slingshot:

You didn't come to kill!

Let the butterflies fly

Well, who are they bothering?

Hedgehog: There’s no need to catch everyone here,

Stomp, clap, hit with a stick.

You are just a guest in the forest.

Here the owner is the oak and the elk.

Take care of their peace,

After all, they are not our enemies!

Help the forest animals

Prepare feeders for them.

BEAR: And then any animal

Whether it's a weasel or a ferret,

Yozhlesnoy, river fish

He will say: “You are my friend! Thank you”

Teacher : You can save the forest, the field, the river, and everything that surrounds us, if you learn a number of simple rules of behavior in nature. Let's teach our unfortunate tourists, how to behave in the forest.

Rule one.

Do not cut down trees in the forest, do not break branches and bushes. Remember: the trees are in pain, they stop growing, and they die for a long, painful time, but they can’t talk about it.

Rule two.

Do not pick forest and wildflowers. It is our long-standing habit of picking flowers that has led to the extinction of many plant species.

Rule three.

- in the forest, try to walk along paths, one person leaves a trail in the forest, a hundred people leave a path, and a thousand leave a desert.

Rule four.

You cannot take eggs from nests, dig holes or disturb forest animals. If you see small chicks or baby animals in the forest, do not take them with you. Animals in nature are not lost or abandoned, they live their own lives, their parents will not abandon them.

Rule five.

Don’t pick mushrooms, even inedible ones. Anyone who does this does not respect the forest, does not understand it and does not love it. Mushrooms are the orderlies of the forest.

Rule six.

- Don't destroy anthills. Know that ants reliably protect forests from pests. By ruining an anthill, you are ruining your friends' house!

Rule seven.

Don't light a fire in the forest. Campfires are wounds in the soil. It takes 15-20 years for them to heal. Remember: most forest fires are caused by humans.

Rule eight.

Don't listen to music in the forest, as it disturbs birds and animals. Because of the noise, animals and birds leave their nests and holes. You need to appreciate and protect the silence of the forest, be able to listen to the sounds of the forest, birdsong, the conversation of the wind, the murmur of a stream.

Rule nine.

Don't leave uncollected trash. Remember that abandoned paper will rot in 2 years, broken glass will last 30 years, a tin can will last at least 70 years! Plastic bag will lie for a very long time, since there are no bacteria on Earth that can destroy it.

Student: Nature has for humans great importance, after all, this is our common home and only people themselves can correct their mistakes.

Song "Forest March"

Tree, grass, flower and bird

They don't always know how to defend themselves

If they are destroyed,

We will be alone on the planet.

Teacher: Fewer and fewer untouched corners of nature remain. Every year the Red Book is replenished and replenished with endangered representatives of the animal and plant world. Our misunderstanding and rejection of the world as it is leads to death or, at best, to the suppression of living nature.

Mother Nature : I am nature. I am a great master.

Eternal master of life. I can,

Man, I’ll give you a gift for your complicity -

It's all in my power! –

Mushroom in the forest; chamomile in the meadow;

The sky at the hour of sunrise and sunset, the willow tree over the river...

And finally, sun-baked, reddish

Ear of bread! What a crowning achievement...

Student : The blue ball is spinning and spinning -

This is the Earth where you and I live.

Blue – rivers, seas, oceans...

Mountains, plains, thick fogs.

Well, green – meadows and fields.

Our colorful planet Earth.

The white caps at the pole are ice floes,

The sultry deserts are colored yellow.

Looks fragile, little crumb,

And it fit in our palms.

Student : I look at the globe - globe,

And suddenly he sighed as if alive.

And the continents whisper to me:

“Take care of us, take care of us!”

Sad deep river,

Losing our shores.

“Take care of us, take care of us!”

The deer stopped his run:

“Be human, human.

We believe in you - don't lie,

“Take care of us, take care of us!”

I look at the globe - the globe,

So beautiful and dear,

And lips whisper: “I won’t lie,

I will save you, I will save you"

Students: We live in the same family,

We should sing in the same circle,

Walk in the same formation, fly in the same flight.

Let's save the daisy in the meadow,

A water lily on the river and a cranberry in the swamp!

ABOUT! How nature is tolerant and kind to us!

But so that her dashing fate does not befall her,

Let's keep the sturgeon on the rods,

Killer whale in the sky,

In the taiga wilds of a tiger.

We are destinedbreathe everything air alone,

Let's all unite forever!

Let's give our soulslet's save it together ,

Then we ourselves will survive on Earth!

Teacher : Let's decorate the Earth together

Plant gardens, plant flowers everywhere.

Let's respect the Earth together

And treat it with tenderness, like a miracle!

We forget that we have only one -

Unique, vulnerable, alive.

Beautiful: be it summer or winter...

We have only one, one of our kind!

Student: Let's protect anyone from adversity

Big and trusting

The ball is blue.

Come on guys

In spite of the weather

Let's hug the planet

With your own round dance!

Let's dispel it over her

And clouds and smoke,

To insult her

We won't give it to anyone!

The song “Children of the Earth” is playing

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