How to start a clothing manufacturing business. How to open a sewing business from scratch: income, costs


It is very good if you are already familiar with sewing. If not, read it necessary literature Maybe go to some sewing classes. It is important to understand the entire technology, learn a lot about the technological intricacies in order to then evaluate the investment in any equipment.

Find the space you need to organize your sewing workshop. Since it requires huge areas, look for a spacious building. The location will not be particularly important, although, of course, it will be more convenient for your future staff if they live nearby. Alternatively, you can arrange home-based work by installing a software for each seamstress at home and delivering it to them. necessary materials.

You need to buy sewing equipment. This is one of the most costly, but at the same time profitable actions. You will need universal stitching machines, semi-automatic loopers, edge-winding machines and other similar equipment.

Find potential customers and conduct all necessary negotiations with them.

Don't forget about marketing policy. If you yourself have little understanding of it, contact specialized ones or hire a person with the necessary education. Now go for it. And, perhaps, it is your sewing enterprise that in a few years will turn into an industrial giant with a high cash turnover.

Video on the topic

The production of knitted clothing, unless it is a handicraft workshop, requires expensive equipment and large areas, for which not every beginning entrepreneur has the funds. But a small clothing production workshop, unlike a workshop, has a chance to “promote” its own brand and reach the level of the all-Russian market.

You will need

  • - certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur or legal entity;
  • -room with an area of ​​100 square meters;
  • - a set of universal and specialized sewing equipment;
  • - agreement with several suppliers of raw materials (fabrics and accessories);
  • - two teams of workers (10 people each) and a clothing design technologist.


Register as individual entrepreneur or register a legal entity if your company has several co-founders. Rent a room, considering options from only 100 square meters, preferably with the ability to connect electricity on a production scale - with a voltage of 380 volts. The premises must be in such a condition that there is no need to make major repairs - given the likely size of the rent, you cannot afford to spend more on this.

Study the sewing equipment market and decide what types of equipment would be appropriate for you to equip your workshop with. All sewing equipment is divided into universal (sewing machines) and specialized (machines for performing specific operations). You will probably need about 15-20 universal sewing machines, several overcasting machines and a semi-automatic button machine.

Agree on cooperation with several wholesale fabric suppliers - choose those that offer the most complete range and do not require full prepayment. Check in advance each type of purchased raw material (fabric) for compatibility with your equipment. Also pay great attention to the purchase of accessories, try to select the parts that are most suitable for the models of knitted clothing that you produce, do not allow approximation.

Calculate the number of personnel required to service your production. The optimal team consists of five seamstresses, two cutters and a foreman. To develop new clothing models, an experienced design technologist is needed. The services of other specialists (equipment adjuster, accountant) can be used as needed by agreeing with them to work on a part-time basis.

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Business plan

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What is good about a business plan for clothing production? Of course, because, having used it, you can immediately start creating for the benefit of your own enterprise. Moreover, this can be either sewing curtains or creating fashionable clothes and linen. The production of socks is characterized by a good return on investment, which will also not be difficult to organize, guided by this plan. Everything in it is thought out, calculated and laid out clearly and specifically.

When purchasing a business plan for organizing clothing production, you don’t have to fear much competition. This direction has just begun to actively develop in our country and will definitely not lose popularity. Most consumers are interested in purchasing high-quality textile products, well-tailored bed linen and any other items and accessories. That is why there have been and will be orders from such workshops.

The optimal business plan for creating a sewing enterprise will provide you with the opportunity to see the stages of its formation, assess the risks and prospects. Whether it will be a large garment factory with a range of services or a small atelier is up to you to decide. This largely depends on the initial capital, a well-thought-out strategy, and also on your enthusiasm and passion for the business.

By studying the information on opening a sewing production on our website, you will immediately receive a working manual, where everything has already been thought out and calculated. You will only need to plan where your knitwear production or workshop or atelier will be located, how many people will work there. High-quality and fast tailoring is always in demand, which means your idea is simply doomed to success!

Starting your own business in the clothing industry is not only labor-intensive, but also quite expensive. Most of the costs will be on renting suitable premises (its size depends on the scale of the business), as well as on the purchase of special equipment. Competition in this type of business is quite high; many enterprises are engaged in sewing bed linen, curtains, men's and women's clothing, knitwear, etc. When choosing sewing business options for yourself, proceed, first of all, from financial opportunities, as well as demand for a specific type of product.

Depending on what you will specialize in, the type of equipment that you will need to equip your sewing production will also depend. The main type of sewing equipment is industrial sewing machines. If you are planning to open a small sewing workshop at first, then 8-10 pieces of equipment will be enough. The larger the production volumes, the more industrial sewing machines you will need. In addition, the necessary equipment includes cutting machines, installations for wet-heat treatment, etc. And to produce specialized garments, you need to purchase additional equipment.

Sewing equipment is very expensive, so you should clearly determine how many sewing and cutting machines, WTO installations and other types of sewing equipment you will need. In addition, it is necessary to correctly design their installation, taking into account the lighting of sewing workshops. The performance of seamstresses directly depends on how comfortable the environment in the sewing workshop is. Agree, it is difficult to expect greater productivity if workers are working in a poorly lit room, literally sitting on each other’s heads. Don’t forget about organizing jobs in educational sewing workshops if you plan to develop your own workforce rather than look for experienced seamstresses on the side.

If you are opening a small workshop, then purchasing used machines would be appropriate. But pay attention to the sample contract when purchasing such equipment for a sewing workshop; the low cost of the product may be due to the fact that it was made in China or Korea. If these are ordinary universal sewing machines, it’s okay. As for sewing equipment such as a pleated machine or steam equipment for a sewing workshop, it is better to give preference to more reputable manufacturers - for example, Germany.

Emphasize on the most important points organizing a sewing workshop for beginners and experienced businessmen will provide a professional example of a business plan for opening a clothing production with ready-made calculations. From it you will learn what the main functions of the preparatory workshop at a garment factory are and the features of wet-heat treatment technology in garment production. What is the first operation of a sewing shop and why is it so important? You will also find this and other significant information in this document, which will greatly facilitate the process of creating your own business.

Having decided to organize your own business - sewing production - you should determine in advance the ways of selling finished products, regardless of what you plan to specialize in - clothing for newborns, bed linen or knitwear. There are three main implementation options - markets, stores and your own retail network. Before opening your own sewing shop or workshop, carefully consider which of the proposed options is closer to you.

Of course, implementation through our own retail network possible only if the businessman is planning a large-scale project - opening a garment factory. For small businesses, this option is unacceptable. In this case, entrepreneurs have to choose between clothing markets and small retail stores. Each of these options for marketing finished products has its own advantages and disadvantages. For example, when working with department stores, you can set fairly high prices for your products, but you will receive money only after selling your goods. Market traders pay immediately, but they can only be attracted by low prices. They will not purchase expensive goods, as they are accustomed to setting a markup reaching up to 100%.

Russian light industry products are in increasing demand, as domestic consumers are no longer satisfied with low-quality goods made in Turkey and China. The market is saturated with clothes, bed linen, knitwear produced by the hands of hardworking eastern brothers, but their low price does not always compensate for the lack of quality. A businessman planning to open his own sewing enterprise or factory should take this factor into account and ensure high quality products, combined with affordable prices.

But first of all, when organizing a sewing workshop, you need to decide on the type of products that will be produced in your workshop. What can be made in the sewing business? There are the following product groups: children's and adult clothing, household products (curtains, tablecloths, bed linen, etc.), as well as workwear. The production of each group of goods has its own characteristics. As the experience of organizing a business such as clothing production, a sewing workshop shows, sewing workwear involves searching for large wholesalers. Launching mass production of everyday garments requires a large market.

If you want your first steps in the sewing industry to be confident and taken in the right direction, you must, when opening your own business, be sure to rely on a competent example of a business plan for a sewing workshop for the production and sewing of bed linen. It contains a description of all types of activities of a sewing enterprise and provides explanations for each stage of organizing a sewing workshop. This document takes into account everything down to the smallest detail. And all this to ensure that your business does not stall at the very first stages of development.

Organizing a profitable sewing business - a workshop for sewing clothes, linen, knitwear - begins with financial investments in it, sometimes very substantial ones. It is very important to calculate in advance how much money will be required not only for the creation, but also for the initial development of your business, so that it does not stop halfway due to lack of funds.

The amount of costs for opening your own business - a sewing production, a workshop from scratch - depends on how large-scale the event you are planning. A small sewing workshop, whose capacity will be no more than 30-50 items daily, will undoubtedly require small expenses. Renting a space for a mini-sewing workshop will not cost much, and the total cost of creating a business is unlikely to exceed 10-15 thousand dollars.

But if your appetites are much larger, and you expect to open not just a sewing workshop, but a real factory, get ready for the fact that you will need at least 150 thousand dollars, and this may not be the end of it. Of course, you can start small with the expectation that you will subsequently constantly increase production volumes. In any case, all intermediate calculations must be made in advance so as not to get into trouble later.

Sewing production requires fairly spacious space, and rent for premises usually constitutes a significant cost item in the budget. Some businessmen save on this by employing homeworkers who fulfill the production plan while working at home. But saving on renting premises is not always advisable, since in this case transportation and other costs increase. Organizing the work of teams at a sewing enterprise is much simpler, despite the high rent. Depending on the region, it can range from 0.5 to 3 dollars per 1 sq. m. m monthly. For a team of 10 seamstresses to work, an area of ​​at least 100 square meters will be required. m.

Another significant expense item is the purchase of special equipment. The most expensive equipment is industrial sewing machines, installations for wet-heat treatment, and cutting machines. The package of documents for opening a sewing workshop must include a project that describes in detail the arrangement of equipment in the workshop, taking into account its lighting. The development of such a document usually costs about 2 thousand dollars.

Remuneration in the sewing workshop is carried out by agreement, and the salary varies significantly depending on the experience and qualifications of the staff. You can learn more about the various costs of creating a clothing production by studying a competent business plan for a clothing factory. From it you will learn how to officially register clothing production, how to correctly draw up and maintain accounting documents in the clothing business. This document describes the target market of the clothing company and explains the work of the accounting department in the clothing company. You should not look for answers about the work of a sewing workshop on business forums, because all the information has already been collected for you by professionals in a business plan.

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1. Production structure of an enterprise for the production of garments

2. Organization of sewing workshops

3. Organization of remuneration


List of used literature


Deep transformations in the structure and management of the Russian economy, forms and methods of management, which are characterized by a variety of forms of ownership, the importance of the main link of industry and National economy in general - enterprises (firms). For the practical activities of an enterprise (firm), the processes occurring in it regarding production, it is necessary to study objective economic laws and patterns of business management, namely, the organizational and legal forms of the enterprise, methods of organizing production, the market valuable papers, investment activity, enterprise profit, pricing, etc.

Industry Description

Garment industry is a branch of light industry that produces clothing and other garments for household and technical purposes from fabrics, knitted fabrics, artificial and natural leather and fur, new construction materials, as well as a variety of finishing materials and accessories.

The clothing industry produces clothing and hats, bed linen, and towels and scarves. Sewing enterprises mainly specialize in the following groups:

Coats, short coats, insulated jackets;

Raincoats, summer coats, jackets;

Men's suits, women's suits with lining, children's jackets, trousers;

Women's, children's clothing, underwear;

Men's and children's shirts, blouses, underwear;

Special and industrial clothing.

1. Production structure of the manufacturing enterprisesewing products

The production structure of a sewing enterprise is the workshops, sections, departments included in its composition, their number, the space they occupy, the order of their placement and forms of communication for the implementation of the technological process of manufacturing garments. When dividing an enterprise into workshops, the types of equipment and its placement, the nature of the technological process and the range of products produced are taken into account.

Three principles for identifying workshops:

Subject - for example, clothing of one type, a women's coat, then you can introduce a continuous method of work;

Technological - they combine equipment of the same technological purpose, preparatory and cutting shops;

Mixed - has signs of subject and technological principles, an experimental metal shop.

At small and medium-sized enterprises, a shopless production structure is practically used. Such a structure is characterized by complete centralization of all management functions: planning, production preparation, technical maintenance, operational regulation of production, etc. A production structure should be considered correct if it is economical.


The possibility of using one or another form used in sewing enterprises depends on a combination of many production factors: the degree of division of labor, the degree of mechanization of the process, the nature and design of technological equipment, etc.

There are three main forms of production organization:

· Specialization

· Cooperation

· Combination

Specialization-- concentration of activities on a relatively narrow sector, a special direction, individual technological processes and operations or types of products. Specialization of production in industry is implemented in three main forms: subject, detail and technological.

Cooperation-- this is a form of organization of production in which the establishment and use of relatively stable and long-term production and management connections between enterprises, organizations and other structures is carried out, each of which specializes in the production of certain components whole or performing a separate type of work (service).

Combination of production- one of the forms of production organization, based on the combination of fundamentally different technological processes(for example, a metallurgical plant uses foundry, chemical and rolling technologies) at one large enterprise.

Types of production organization:



Single production.

In the clothing industry, the use of one type or another depends on the type of product being manufactured. The production of bed linen is mass production, clothing is serial production, and custom-made clothing is one-off production.

Organization methodsproduction processes:




Flow method of organizing the production process.

It is based on the rhythmic repeatability of the execution time of main and auxiliary operations at specialized workplaces located along the flow of the technological process. With this method you need:

a) divide the production process into operations;

b) each operation requires specialized workplaces;

c) operations must be performed simultaneously at all workplaces;

d) equipment should be located along the technological process;

e) continuity production process, is ensured by the fact that the duration of each operation must be a multiple of the flow cycle;

f) transport must ensure the transfer of products from operation to operation.

The following standards are used for the production line:

5.1.1. Production line cycle (r) is the time interval between the sequential release of two parts:

Tcm - shift duration, (min);

t - permissible loss of time, (min);

N is the number of parts processed per shift.

The principle of synchronization - the execution time of each operation must be equal to or a multiple of the calculated cycle of the production line (r).

Disadvantages of flow organization of production:

a) the need for mass production;

b) makes it difficult to check the quality of products when they are transferred to other workplaces;

c) monotony of work, which not all workers can withstand, and this leads to staff turnover.

Batch production method.

With this method, a batch of products is launched into production. This operation of each unit of the entire batch of products is processed one by one at one workplace, then the entire batch is transferred to another workplace to perform the next operation. This method is mainly used in serial and small-scale production.

The following standards are used to analyze this method:

Lot size (P)


Tpz - preparatory-final time;

tsht is the processing time of the part in all operations;

Kpo - coefficient of time loss for equipment readjustment.


Tp is the operating time of the equipment during which a given batch of parts is manufactured. Typically K will fluctuate from 0.03 to 0.1.

Serial production coefficient:


Nд - number of detail operations performed at workshop workplaces per day (month);

Рм - the corresponding number of jobs per day (month).

When Kser = 20-30 - single type of production;

Xer=5-20 - serial type of production;

Xer= 3-5 - mass type production.

Individual method of organizing production.

This is the production of a wide range of products with a small production volume.

Workplaces and equipment are universal, so it is often necessary to re-adjust equipment. Workers must be highly qualified, large volume handmade, and this leads to high labor intensity and cost of the product.

2. Organizationtion of sewing workshops

Organization of work in the experimental workshop.

Based on the product production plan, the production and technical department draws up a modeling and design plan indicating the product name, size, height, completeness, materials and accessories.

The artist is working on creating sketches of future models.

The artistic council approves the models.

The designer develops a model based on the artist’s sketches, creates patterns, receives materials, and cuts them.

Product samples are made for the enterprise and trading base.

The fabric standardizer determines the fabric consumption for this model.

The technologist develops the technological process taking into account the available equipment and mechanization of individual operations.

Technical documentation is completed for transfer to the sewing workshop.

A pilot batch of the model is being produced in the amount of 10 pieces.

The commission accepts the pilot batch, taking into account the comments, the model is finalized by the designer and technologist.

The pattern group makes copies of patterns for use in workshops. industrial sewing payback labor

The material standardizer sets the norms for the consumption of materials, the norms for waste of materials, the norms for the consumption of accessories, braid, etc.

A group of technologists accompanies the production of the model, instructs workers and craftsmen on the production of new models.

The laboratory's commodity experts test fabrics according to the methods in the standards.

Economists develop cost estimates for the model.

Organization of production in preparatory and cutting shops.

In the preparation and cutting shops the following is carried out:

a) receiving materials from suppliers, unpacking and storing them;

b) preparing materials for cutting: sorting, measuring sizes, sorting by articles, widths, sketching the layout of patterns, drawing up a map for calculating pieces of materials, transferring prepared pieces of materials to the cutting shop.

c) laying out sheets of materials, marking them, dividing the sheeting into parts for further cutting, cutting out parts of garments, numbering the details of the cut, completing and packaging the cut, storing the finished cut, transferring the cut to the sewing workshops. Here waste is collected, sorted and transferred to the consumer goods workshop or externally.

Organization of production in sewing shops.

In the sewing shops, products are sewn and final finishing operations are carried out, then they are packaged and delivered to the finished product warehouse. Sewing includes:

a) checking the quality of the cut and putting it into production;

b) continuous and sequential execution by workers of individual production operations and transfer of products to the next operation;

c) quality control of garments;

d) product labeling;

d) delivery of finished products to the warehouse.

The equipment of the workshop is determined by the design features of the garments, the degree of unification, standardization and typification of parts. The amount of equipment is determined by the type of production: mass, serial, single. The size of sewing workshops also depends on the volume of production. The location of equipment and workshop areas is determined by the technological process of manufacturing the product and the volume of production.

All of the above shop floor planning items affect the quality of clothing, labor productivity, the required number of workers and the cost of the product. The quality of clothing, the demand for it and the entire economy of the enterprise largely depend on the work of the sewing workshop.

In sewing shops, operational accounting of products and workers' output is carried out. The main document for recording products at all stages of sewing production is the route sheet. It indicates the number of products in the batch, what stages of production this batch has gone through, who is responsible for each completed operation, and where the batch of products should be sent next.

Organization of production in finishing shops.

The following stages of work are performed in the finishing shops:

Mechanical cleaning (with a brush);

Trimming thread ends, cleaning chalk threads, final cleaning;

Wet heat treatment;

Sewing on buttons;

Product labeling;

Product quality check by inspector;

Sorting products by model, filling out route sheets.

The product is sent to the finished goods warehouse for storage before being sent to the retail chain.

Organization of auxiliary production.

Organization of repair facilities.

Maintenance and supervision of equipment is performed by shop mechanics directly in the workshop.

Repair shops and areas carry out scheduled preventive maintenance (PPR) according to a schedule drawn up on the basis of a technical inspection of equipment:

Current repairs are carried out in workshops by replacing worn parts, adjusting parts and the machine as a whole;

Major repairs are carried out in a repair area or workshop. In this case, the equipment is completely disassembled, worn parts are replaced, washed, cleaned, lubricated, etc.

Organization of energy management.

Enterprises obtain energy resources (electricity, fuel, gas) from outside. The responsibilities of the energy sector include: transmission and distribution of energy through general factory networks, bringing it to the consumer, organizing communications by radio, telephone, etc., supervising all power plants, their repair, organizing fuel storage.

Organization of transport facilities.

Transport is divided into:

External - connects the enterprise with suppliers of materials, fuel and buyers of finished products;

Inter-shop - movement of goods between workshops, warehouses;

Intra-shop - movement of goods within the workshop.

Vehicles: cars, autocars, elevators, conveyors, etc.

The main task of organizing transport facilities is to ensure the safety and quality of cargo. It is more economically profitable to use motor depot transport, where it is possible to organize repairs and reduce the cost of transportation.

Organization of warehouse facilities.

According to storage conditions, warehouses are divided into:

Open (special areas), they store materials that are not affected by rain, sun, low temperatures(fuel);

Semi-closed (canopies), they are for protection from rain, snow, sun (lumber, pipes, etc.);

Closed (premises):

Unheated ones store spare parts for repairs and metal;

Fabrics, cuts, finished products, accessories.

Warehouses on the territory of the enterprise should be located so that it is convenient to transport goods to them and transfer them from the warehouse to production.

3. Organization of remuneration

Organization of remuneration to the enterprise on the following principles:

Remuneration for employees that objectively reflects the quantity and quality of labor expended and the results of the team’s work;

Providing enterprises and organizations with maximum independence in matters of remuneration;

State regulation of minimum sizes wages.

The wage fund is cash payments to employees of an enterprise at tariff rates, piece rates, salaries, and bonuses.

Salary forms.

Time-based wages.

This is payment for time worked. Earnings are accrued in accordance with the tariff rate or salary for the time actually worked.

Tariff rate - the amount of wages for a first-class worker in a given specialty. There are six levels in total. A worker, depending on his qualifications, is assigned one of six categories.

The tariff schedule is the ratio of tariff rates by category.

Employee's salary:


Тс - tariff rate of the first category;

Kc is the coefficient of the tariff scale for a worker of a given category;

РВ - working time actually worked.

Time-based bonus wages.

The worker, in addition to the time wage, also receives a bonus for quality work done, for fulfilling the plan, etc.

Piece wages.

Earnings are determined by the number of products manufactured:

n is the number of manufactured parts;

SD - wages for the manufacture of one part.

Job salary.

Salaries of specialists and employees are set based on the volume, quality and timeliness of performance of job duties. Managers' salaries are set based on the performance of the entire enterprise team.


An integral part of a market economy is competition - the main mechanism for the formation of economic proportions, aimed at creating the most favorable conditions for the sale of products and maximum satisfaction of needs. Competition is the main prerequisite for the emergence of entrepreneurial risk. The main methods of the business risk management system are long-term analysis, forecast, planning and accounting carried out in the process of developing the plan. To competently develop a plan, knowledge of the economics of the enterprise is required. Several ways to reduce risks are recommended:

You cannot take more risks than your own capital can allow;

You need to think about the consequences of risk;

You can't risk a lot for a little;

The investment decision is made without doubt;

It should not be assumed that there is always only one solution. Perhaps there are other solutions.

WITHlist of used literature

1. I.G. Nikitina, F.V. Mikhailova, P.I. Kalacheva “Economics, organization and planning of clothing production.” Textbook for technical schools of light industry. Light industry, 1978 - 400 pp.;

2. Sklyarenko V.K.Enterprise Economics: studies:additional UMO/V.K.Sklyarenko, V.M.Prudnikov;Ros.ekonom.Acad.Im.G.V.Plekhanov.-M.:INFRA-M,2007. -528s.;

3. “Enterprise Economics” Textbook/Ed. Prof. N.A. Safronova.-M.: Jurist, 2002 - 608 p.

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Selling essential goods that are always in demand is a win-win business. Clothing falls into this category.

To create your own small sewing and knitting workshop, you need to invest up to $15 thousand, which, with competent marketing and sales, will pay off within a year.

Attractive? But before starting this business, you need to very seriously weigh all the pros and cons.

Market analysis

The clothing market in our country today is widely represented by completely different domestic manufacturers, cheap Chinese products or higher quality Turkish ones.

Therefore, it seems that in such conditions it is pointless to start your own knitwear production business. Enormous competition is what really scares us away. But let's see if everything is so bad.

Today, most of the former post-Soviet giant factories stand idle along with all their equipment. Partially they are rented for their intended purpose, partly their space is rented out, and the equipment can be thrown away for scrap metal.

This situation has developed for both economic and political reasons, market participants say. Factories have lost their numerous sales channels, and reorient themselves to new ones market conditions Only a few could.

Today, it is not possible to restore the industry on a large scale due to imperfections tax legislation. At the same time, it is possible to produce clothes in former factories; moreover, the products will be competitive.

You shouldn’t be afraid of competition from sellers of cheap things, because anyone can engage in dumping to attract a buyer, but not for long.

With such a strategy, the business will simply become unprofitable, and the company will quickly leave the market. In addition, in any case, no one will lower the price below the cost of the item.

Therefore build profitable business in the production of knitwear it is possible. The main thing is to plan everything correctly at the very beginning.

Opening a case

Organizing a workshop for sewing knitwear and clothing begins with financial investment. Their size directly depends on the scale of production. And in this matter, it is very important to clearly weigh everything - the costs of workshop equipment, payment for work, purchase of raw materials, taxes and marketing.

To launch a small workshop for the production of knitted clothing, the capacity of which will be up to 50 products per day, the investments required are relatively minor, and the profits, of course, will be corresponding. According to preliminary estimates, they will amount to $15 thousand.

If we talk about a more reputable enterprise, i.e. a full-fledged knitting factory with a capacity of up to 200 units of goods per shift, then the primary investment should be safely multiplied by at least ten, that is, from $ 150 thousand. And it is not a fact that this will be enough.

You need to immediately take into account what to aim for, based on the existing starting capital. You can take small steps - start with a small enterprise and constantly increase production volumes, that is, develop a brand.

We make an estimate

Today, clothing production can be carried out by a legal entity, the opening of which requires a month (or less) and up to $250. But besides this, the sewing and knitting workshop must be inspected by labor safety regulatory authorities at least once a year.

Therefore, in order for everything to be done correctly from the beginning, you can order a sewing workshop diagram from professional technologists with the arrangement of places, electrical wiring diagram, etc.

This costs approximately $2 thousand. A workshop for the production of knitted clothing can be located over a large area. This may be the territory of a factory or warehouse, but it must be suitable for people to stay and work.

For ten jobs, i.e. sewing machines, you need a room with an area of ​​100 m. Renting it (per room such as a warehouse or industrial) costs $500-700 in the regions.

Equipment costs are the largest startup investment. The larger the range of goods you plan to produce, the more specialized equipment you need to have, because each type of product (clothing) requires appropriate equipment.

Therefore, first, especially at the beginning of a business, you need to clearly decide what to produce (this needs to be thought out based on the organization of sales). For example, a product that is in constant demand for every person, regardless of gender - knitted underwear, T-shirts, socks, etc.

To start the production of knitted underwear, you need to have a knitting machine, the cost of which is up to $12 thousand. Special equipment for the production of socks with a capacity of 300 pairs per day will cost $6 thousand.

It is precisely because of the significant cost of equipment that you must first take care of guaranteed sales of products, and only then engage in production.

Industrial sewing machines, installations for wet-heat treatment, cutting machines, automatic and semi-automatic sewing machines are more expensive.

To open a workshop for 10 workers, you need the following sewing equipment: 8 universal single-needle sewing machines, a semi-automatic buttonhole machine, two overlockers and one three-thread overlocker. If you produce jackets and suits, you need a semi-automatic machine for sewing figured buttonholes.

The total cost of the listed new equipment can reach $15 thousand. You can save by buying used equipment, then the cost of it will be up to $5 thousand.

In addition, all workshops must have a large cutting table and a cutting knife. Intermediate narrow tables are usually installed between sewing machines for conveyor type work.

You can also take a simpler route - rent a ready-made workshop with necessary equipment– there are enough closed knitting factories or idle small garment production facilities. In this case, according to workshop owners, monthly rental costs approximately triple, i.e. up to $2500-3750.

We lay straws

To have stable production, you need to take care of stable suppliers of raw materials. After all, if there are failures or delays in the supply of materials, the sewing deadlines will also be violated. Moreover, expenses will increase and income will decrease.

It is necessary to create a kind of pool of wholesale suppliers of all components, thus ensuring maximum independence from external circumstances. The most reliable option is to purchase your own equipment for the production of raw materials.

In case of specialization in knitted clothing necessary equipment for the production of threads by twisting from several one - a ring twisting machine, which is capable of producing threads of different structures. Its cost ranges from $7-8 thousand. Therefore, having solid capital, you can minimize external risks.

Special expenses

One of the most unpredictable, and therefore difficult factors in the knitwear business is working with personnel. Finding truly professional knitters, seamstresses and technologists is now very difficult, and motivating them to work is even more difficult, the owners say.

Salary may be directly related to experience and performance. Although many people are not satisfied with this approach - people want to work for a clearly defined rate.

But this is not in the interests of the business, because the owner of the workshop needs productivity and quality of work, for which he agrees to pay considerable money. On average, today a seamstress earns from $700.

We sell correctly

It's better to start with simple things. The production of multi-component items is technologically complex and requires special equipment. More big problems may arise during the marketing phase.

It’s no wonder that designer items, often technologically sophisticated, cost from several hundred dollars and are sold in small quantities. For a market newcomer, it is better to focus on the mass market - to reach as many potential consumers as possible.

The production assortment should also be small at first so that it can be easily managed - tracking sales, consumer sentiment, and the like.

You need to bet on the most negotiable items. In summer, for example, T-shirts, in winter - raglans. However, to successfully implement this strategy, you must always be on trend, i.e. track fashion trends and keep up with them.

In addition, you need to study your own consumer very carefully and respond sensitively to their requests. For example, in the clothing industry there are two main “seasons”. Usually the style and texture of things according to fashion trends change once a year, and colors - twice a year.

To sell successfully, you need to know this and always be able to offer something to the consumer. However, the consumer also needs to somehow find out the new manufacturer.

In addition, a clear marketing strategy is needed, which depends on the consumer of the product - a wholesale or retail client. The profitability of the business is quite high, since the demand for clothing is constantly at a high level.

According to market participants, the cost per unit of clothing is $5-10, depending on the type and model. 60% of this amount is the cost of direct raw materials (thread, fabric, etc.), 20% is the cost of wages and related expenses. The remaining 20% ​​is the maximum markup of the manufacturer, i.e. his direct income.

Sewing clothing and other textile products will always find its own market. Sewing production is a profitable enterprise, but subject to knowledge of the specifics of the industry. Perfect option when the business owner has experience in sewing and knows all the nuances of this process.

The clothing business began to develop rapidly, the main thing is to find your direction from the many options. With the rise in the dollar exchange rate, high-quality imported clothing becomes inaccessible to most of the population. This is a reason to open your own business and provide customers with domestically made clothes.

How to open a clothing production from scratch: business plan, organizational aspects and practical advice.

Market research

It is important to choose the right direction of production and target audience. To do this you need to conduct a market analysis:

  • search for in-demand products;
  • research of customer expectations for price and quality.

You need to find a free niche that is not represented or poorly developed in your region.

Product range

When starting a sewing business from scratch, you need to find products that can be produced quickly and at the lowest cost. Recently, domestic workshops have been producing outerwear (jackets and coats), dresses and other types of clothing at a competitive price.

What you can sew:

  • clothing for adults;
  • children's and teenagers' clothing;
  • bed linen, etc.

Note! The smaller the range of accessories, the cheaper the product, so to start, you should start with products without expensive accessories. Stylish dresses, skirts, cardigans and other women's products, as well as children's clothing, are in great demand.

Having found a marketable product, you can produce large quantities, which is much cheaper in cost. Large firms tend to focus on tailoring narrow profiles. You should never save on fabrics - they will stop purchasing low-quality goods and production will suffer losses.

Place for a sewing workshop

It is best to open a clothing production not within the city, but on the outskirts. The reasons for this location are cheap labor and rent of premises.

Characteristics of the workshop premises:

  • area from 35 m2;
  • availability of light, heating and ventilation;
  • availability of natural light.

It is necessary that workers can get to the place of production, which means the presence of a convenient transport interchange.

Renting premises for a workshop costs an average of 15 thousand rubles per month.

Business registration

The organization of clothing production begins with visiting authorities and collecting the necessary documents.

How to start a sewing business from scratch:

  • Registration as an individual entrepreneur or LLC and obtaining an extract from the Unified State Legal Entity. The second will require the presence of authorized capital or money for bank account, as well as statutory documents.
  • Registration with tax authorities and selection of OKVED: 18.2 (production of textile clothing and clothing accessories).
  • The choice of taxation system: UTII or simplified tax system.
  • Registration with the Pension Fund.
  • Concluding a rental agreement for premises.
  • Conclusion on compliance from the SES and State Fire Inspectorate.

Equipment and facilities

Sewing production is a business that requires specific equipment. The capabilities of the enterprise, namely the number of copies of the product per day, depend on its quality and functionality.

To launch a small sewing workshop with 40-50 models per day, you need to purchase the following set of equipment:

Table. Set of necessary equipment

A new set of equipment costs from 900 thousand rubles. For a mini-workshop from scratch for 8-10 people, it is reasonable to start with used equipment, which can be bought for 300 thousand rubles. It all depends on the chosen brand of equipment - the price range for one unit of equipment is from 7 to 70 thousand rubles or more.

You also need to purchase other equipment:

  • furniture and tables;
  • lighting;
  • air conditioning equipment;
  • equipment for the room (corner) of the fashion designer;
  • equipment for the manager.

In total, about 150 thousand rubles are needed.


To directly work with sewing equipment, you will need at least 7 seamstress workers. They must have work experience and special education. It is most advisable to hire 2 top-class specialists and 5 beginners. Salaries should depend on output.

To create patterns with gradations in size, you need a fashion designer. This is a valuable employee, so he must have a lot of experience.

Sewing shop staff:

  • seamstresses – 7 people;
  • fashion designer;
  • manager;
  • accountant;
  • cleaning woman.

The total staff is 11 people with a payroll of 140 thousand rubles (plus tax of 52.5 thousand rubles). The owner of the company takes the place of director, but with development it is necessary to hire an employee for this position.


In such a case, you need to establish personal contacts with wholesalers, sellers of clothing markets and stores. To do this, the company needs a manager to negotiate with clients.

It is important to listen to the wishes of potential sellers of your products. They can suggest win-win options that will definitely be in demand.

You need to create your own website with galleries and prices of your company's products. Recently, online trading has gained significant momentum. Wholesale buyers will be able to view products online and place an order. Be sure to plan a budget for advertising your site on Internet resources.

Business plan for clothing production

A well-written business plan is the key to a successful start

To successfully start any business project, you need a pragmatic calculation in the form of a business plan.

Capital investments:

  • Registration – 10 thousand rubles.
  • Sewing equipment – ​​300 thousand rubles.
  • Furniture and repairs – 150 thousand rubles.
  • Materials and fittings – 60 thousand rubles.

Total: 520 thousand rubles

Planned sewing – 45 models per day, according to average price at 360 rubles.

Table. Summary table of expenses and income (averages)

Table. Calculation of profitability and payback

It should be taken into account that production will not reach such speeds immediately, so the payback period needs to be adjusted for 3-4 months. Profitability by 50% depends on the ability to find high-quality materials and accessories at a good price, successful models and a sales market.

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