Year of birth of Alexander Leonidovich Myasnikov. Dr. Alexander Myasnikov: personal life, career. Alexander Leonidovich Myasnikov about free medicine

Alexander Leonidovich Myasnikov is a representative of the fourth generation of the ancient medical dynasty, chief physician of the capital's polyclinic No. 71. For his many years of experience, he worked in foreign private clinics, and saved the lives of people during the war in Africa. Now, in addition to his main medical activities, he broadcasts the program “About the Most Important” on the Russia channel, and is also known as the author of a number of popular books on medical topics.

Childhood and youth

Alexander is a native Leningrader, born into a family of hereditary doctors. The famous Myasnikov dynasty dates back to the nineteenth century, in the town of Krasny Kholm, Tver province. It was there that the zemstvo doctor Leonid Alexandrovich, Alexander's great-grandfather, began his professional career.

With his own money, he organized a hospital for the poor in Red Hill, and after the revolution opened the first in Soviet Russia eye clinic.

In his footsteps went his grandfather, Alexander Leonidovich, who became a prominent cardiologist and academician, and the father of our hero, Leonid Alexandrovich, professor, doctor of medical sciences. Alexander's mother, Olga Khalilovna, a Crimean Tatar by nationality, also devoted her whole life to medicine and even at the age of ninety amazed those around her with her cheerfulness and optimism.

Little Sasha in early childhood dreamed of becoming a driver and traveler, but his further fate was predetermined. Despite the fact that the father left the family when his son was barely six years old, he insisted that the boy continue the family dynasty and become a doctor.

Medical career

After school, Alexander entered the Pirogov Metropolitan State Medical Institute, which he successfully graduated in 1976. Then, for four years, he completed residency and postgraduate studies at the Institute clinical cardiology, which bears the name of his illustrious grandfather.

After that, as part of a group of geologists, he, unexpectedly for his relatives, went to the engulfed in flames. civil war Mozambique and worked there as a doctor for six years.

Over the years, Myasnikov has gained unique experience medical practice in the field, having carried out a huge number of operations and saving the lives of hundreds of people.

Returning to Moscow, Alexander got a job as a cardiologist in a scientific medical center, while simultaneously holding an important position in the International migration service. After some time, he again went abroad and settled in New York for seven years, where he completed a residency at a local university and confirmed his international qualifications, receiving a medical degree. general practice.

Returning to Moscow again, he first headed a branch of one of the private American clinics, and then became the head physician of the Kremlin Hospital, the main medical institution in Russia.

A television

Alexander Leonidovich gained wide popularity and boundless love of millions of Russians thanks to his participation in the TV show “On the Most Important Thing”, which he has been conducting since 2013.

Alexander Myasnikov in the program "About the most important thing"

Prior to that, he acted as a medical expert in the "Doctor Called" program on the REN-TV channel.

Thanks to television, Dr. Myasnikov has the opportunity to convey to the audience the main points of his concept of a long, fulfilling life and helps them to properly monitor their health.


Alexander is the author of many articles on medical topics and more than a dozen books.

Alexander Myasnikov about his book "How to live over 50: an honest conversation with a doctor"

His first book is How to Live Over 50: An Honest Conversation with a Doctor. Moreover, he wrote it after people from the publishing house came to him. Without much desire, but the promise had to be kept, Myasnikov began to dictate texts to the recorder while he was riding in a train or plane. The deciphered notes formed the basis of the book, which was a huge success and sold 300,000 copies.

After this, the doctor was seized by a writer's excitement - he liked this business, and he began to print the text of his future bestsellers himself: "The Esophagus", "Ghosts", "A Guide to the Use of Medicine" and many others.

The doctor is convinced that people need to be educated about the work of the body, about how the world of medicine works, and also to make it clear that there is no miraculous panacea for all diseases.

Myasnikov tries to write books in an understandable, accessible language for everyone, talking simply about complex things, avoiding purely medical terms. It uses the most up-to-date sources verified by clinical trials.

Personal life of Alexander Myasnikov

Alexander Leonidovich does not like to talk much about his privacy, usually turning the conversation into a professional area. It is known that he met his second wife Natalya Myasnikov at a secular party, being in an official first marriage.

Since then, more than thirty years have passed, during which the loving spouses traveled half the world, experienced many different life situations together, gave birth and raised their son Leonid, who was traditionally named after his grandfather and continued the family dynasty.

At birth, Alexander was left-handed, but later retrained. His son is also left-handed, while, as Myasnikov admits, this does not interfere with his life in any way.

Myasnikov also admitted that he has illegitimate daughter Pauline. The wife managed to forgive the betrayal. The doctor's family communicates with Polina, the girl has a good relationship with her half-brother.

Alexander Myasnikov now

To date, Myasnikov has been heading the Moscow Clinical Hospital No. 71 for the eighth year. The doctor also has a personal website where anyone can ask him a question.

Doctor Myasnikov - about how not to get sick

The topic of health concerns each of us. After all, this is the main thing that a person needs. However, those doctors with whom we have to deal cannot or do not want to explain the current state of affairs to their patients correctly and in an accessible way. In addition, advertising of medical services and medicines, which abounds in means mass media, can completely confuse people. And here the books of Alexander Myasnikov can come to the rescue.

Their author is an authoritative doctor who managed to convey to each reader the necessary information for him. medical information which is unlikely to be obtained from other sources. At the same time, the books of Alexander Myasnikov are able to encourage a person, sometimes even cheer him up. But the most important thing is that everyone who takes the works of the author into his own hands is filled with confidence that everything will be fine with his health.

famous dynasty

Myasnikov Alexander Leonidovich (year of birth - 1953) became the representative of the fourth generation of doctors. His great-grandfather - Leonid Alexandrovich - served as a zemstvo doctor in Krasny Kholm, Tver province. His hometown remembers him as the founder of the first hospital. Grandfather - Alexander Leonidovich - was an academician of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences. This world-famous scientist worked a lot on the issues of such pathologies. cordially- vascular system like hypertension, coronary insufficiency and atherosclerosis. He paid much attention to infectious diseases, as well as diseases of the biliary tract and liver. He was also part of a group of doctors who observed Stalin in last days his life. In memory of A. L. Myasnikov, the following are named after him:

Institute of Clinical Cardiology;
- scientific association engaged in research of arterial hypertension;
- the main street of the Belokurikha resort, located in the Altai Territory.

The name of A. L. Myasnikov is also known by students of medical universities, who still study from his textbooks. The famous academician passed on his love for healing to his son. Leonid became a professor. Unfortunately, he died very early, at the age of 45.

It is interesting that in the Myasnikov family from generation to generation there is an alternation of names. So, if the father's name was Alexander, then the eldest son was Leonid, etc. That is why the grandson of A. L. Myasnikov is his full namesake.

Biography of the famous doctor

The future doctor Myasnikov Alexander Leonidovich was born in Leningrad. In 1976, he successfully completed his studies at the 2nd. Then he entered the Institute of Clinical Cardiology named after his grandfather A. L. Myasnikov, where he completed residency and postgraduate studies. In 1981, the grandson of the famous academician defended his Ph.D. thesis, and he did it ahead of schedule.

Further, Alexander Myasnikov was sent to People's Republic Mozambique. Here, in South Africa, he worked as a doctor for a group of geologists who explored deposits in the most inaccessible areas of the country. However, these works had to be stopped due to the outbreak of hostilities. Since 1983, Myasnikov continued to work in the Zambezi province. There he was appointed to the post of general practitioner. Then he returned to his homeland, but a year later he was sent to Angola as a senior group of consulting doctors who worked in the Prenda government hospital. His service in Africa continued until 1989.

Returning to his homeland, Myasnikov worked as a doctor at the All-Union Cardiology Research Center. In parallel with this, he was a member of the medical department at international organization on migration issues. From 1993 to 1995 Alexander Leonidovich was in France, where he performed his duty as a doctor at the Russian Embassy. At the same time, he collaborated with the most famous medical centers located in Paris.

Since 1996, Myasnikov has been working in the USA, where he had to confirm his medical degree. In America, Alexander Leonidovich completed his postgraduate studies at the Medical Center state university New York, specializing in general practitioner. In 2000, in the United States, Dr. Myasnikov was awarded the highest category. In the same country, he became one of the members of the American College of Physicians and the American Medical Association.

Having received the highest professional recognition in foreign countries, the successor famous dynasty nevertheless returned to Moscow. In 2000, he opened his own clinic, the work of which was debugged in accordance with all international standards. This American Medical Center still treats famous businessmen and politics. Since 2009, Alexander Myasnikov has been the chief physician of the Kremlin Hospital. Here he worked until 2010. Recently, however, the renowned doctor has returned to public health. Today, the place where Myasnikov Alexander Leonidovich works is the 71st hospital of the capital. At the same time, the famous doctor is a member of the Public Chamber of Moscow.

Personal life

Alexander Myasnikov has been married for more than three decades. With my future wife he met at a party where she came with her fiancé. By that time, Alexander Leonidovich was already legally married, but love at first sight literally struck him down. The successor of the famous dynasty divorced his wife and took the chosen one away from the groom. Since that time, they have never parted. Nearby, the husband and wife of the Myasnikovs were on all foreign business trips of the famous doctor. Today, the couple has a son, Leonid. The family of Alexander Myasnikov is sure that he will become a glorious successor to the dynasty of doctors. In the meantime, Leonid is still a teenager. He studies in France and lives there in a boarding school.

Alexander Myasnikov considers himself a happy person. He had a personal life. Beside him is the woman he loves. The son is growing - the successor of the family. The doctor also has a dacha in the Moscow region, where he loves to relax

Host of popular programs

You could hear stories about health from Alexander Leonidovich Myasnikov in the TV show “Did you call the doctor?”, Which aired from 2007 to 2012. Since 2010, the famous doctor has been writing a health section for radio listeners of V. Solovyov's Vesti FM program. From 2013 to the present, the TV show “About the most important thing with Dr. Myasnikov” has been broadcast on the Russia 1 channel. It is very popular with those viewers who want simple and comprehensive answers regarding their health.

The TV show “About the most important thing with Dr. Myasnikov” tells quite easily about the problems of the human body, without losing its medical focus. At the same time, the most diverse and at the same time hot topics. They cover sports and nutrition, mental health, beauty treatments, and more. Viewers note that the program hosted by the famous doctor is not boring and very informative. Myasnikov builds the broadcast in such a way that entertaining and informative blocks, oral stories and diagrams constantly alternate. But the biggest advantage of the program is the competent presentation of the idea of ​​the importance of health to the average viewer, as well as the education of trust and respect for medicine.

Revelation Book

In 2013, the readers were presented A new book from the series "Health". Its author is Alexander Myasnikov. “How to live longer than 50 years: an honest conversation with a doctor about medicines and medicine” - this is the name of the work of a famous doctor. This book is a real revelation. It tells Alexander Myasnikov how to live longer than 50 years in the conditions that modern medicine dictates to us. He, a famous doctor, the grandson of the doctor who treated Stalin, a specialist who practiced in Africa, France and the United States, the head physician of the largest hospital in Russia, managed to derive a formula for maintaining health and survival in our country.

The book is written in an engaging way. It is due to the ease and accessibility of the information presented in it that the reader's view of the treatment of the most common pathologies changes radically. So, in his work, Dr. Myasnikov tells about this common ailment, and how is it done in the West? The problem of heart attacks is also raised in the book. The task of an honest conversation with a doctor is to help the reader take control of the health situation, regardless of financial condition and country of residence. What is the successor of the famous dynasty talking about?

Talking about drugs

Today, each of us, turning on the TV or radio, as well as opening any magazine, will certainly find out that a new magical remedy has appeared that can cure everything. possible diseases. Such information is nothing more than a marketing ploy by businessmen seeking to make considerable profits from human diseases and weaknesses. However, Dr. Myasnikov believes that for the sake of health, we should simply give up sausage and exercise at least an hour a day.

Talk about the heart

The main muscle of our body, first of all, does not like tobacco. For the heart, this is enemy number one. A sedentary lifestyle is also harmful to health, which, unfortunately, is typical for modern man. In the list of risk factors that provoke the development of vascular and heart diseases, there is also insufficient consumption of vegetables and fruits. Dr. Myasnikov claims that every day we need to eat at least half a kilo of these useful products. In addition, in his opinion, the heart does not like ice cream, sausage and unhealthy fats. At the same time, it loves olive, sunflower and other vegetable oils.

Dr. Myasnikov talks a lot about hypertension. How to treat this ailment, because the heart malfunctions when the pressure rises? First of all, the representative of the famous dynasty recommends reducing salt intake. Russians put it in their dishes every day in an amount of about 12 g instead of the standard 5 g. This warning is especially important for those who are already over 50.

In his publications, Dr. Myasnikov often talks about hypertension. How to treat such a common disease today? To do this, you need to move as much as possible. And you need to do this, even overcoming your laziness and desire to lie down. In addition, do not drive yourself into depression and succumb to stressful situations. All this, according to Myasnikov, simply "eats us up." Often people worry about their future and the future of their loved ones. You shouldn't do this. Tomorrow has not yet come, and it is impossible to think about it in black colors.

About nutrition

We are all well aware of the phrase that a person digs his own grave with a spoon and fork. And Dr. Myasnikov confirms the correctness of such words. According to his recommendations, the daily diet should focus on fish, vegetables and fruits. Seafood can be replaced with vitamin D. This fish oil capsule is sold under the name "Omega-3".

Of great benefit in reducing the risk of hypertension will be the daily use of at least one clove of garlic, because it contains a lot of flavonoids. These components are very useful for the heart. Flavonoids are found in large quantities in dark chocolate. That is why one piece of this product can be an alternative to a clove of garlic. Nuts will help to restrain the growth of cholesterol in hypertensive patients and even lower it. That is why those who complain about blood vessels and the heart should use daily this product in the amount of 70 g. In addition, to solve problems with high blood pressure You should categorically stop smoking and reduce alcohol consumption as much as possible.

Talk about vessels

According to reviews a large number viewers, they listen with interest to what Dr. Myasnikov says about hypertension. How to treat this ailment if the condition does not improve even after long-term medication?

Alexander Leonidovich claims that often in our country a situation arises when a hypertensive person does not take the medicines prescribed by the doctor or takes them in the wrong doses. Of course, in such cases, the patient's condition will not improve.

Another reason for the development of the pathology of the vascular system, Dr. Myasnikov considers excessive salt intake. Sodium, which is part of it, "pulls" the water in the body onto itself. As a result, there is an excess of fluid, leading to arterial hypertension.

Myasnikov considers obesity to be the third cause of weak blood vessels. It is unlikely that an overweight person does not have hypertension. And here's the elimination of ten extra pounds will reduce arterial pressure in vessels within 5-20 mm Hg. Art.

Problems with blood vessels also arise due to diabetes. This disease is very dangerous, as it simultaneously leads the body to the death of the kidneys.

The use of folk remedies

As you know, many people suffering from excessive pressure constantly use medications contributing to its reduction. However, unfortunately, the majority of patients are faced with the occurrence of side effects from medicines. That is why Dr. Myasnikov recommends paying attention to recipes traditional medicine that have received recognition in scientific circles. The famous doctor recommends the use of infusions and herbs that can affect arterial hypertension.

How does it work?

In a simple and accessible form, Dr. Myasnikov conveys to ordinary person information about herbal therapy. Its action becomes possible with the help of special substances. These natural components affect special cellular receptors that affect energy capacity and regeneration. In this case, the damaged cells are replaced with new ones. As a result, the body is restored, and the person becomes healthy again.

monastery tea

It is this remedy that Dr. Myasnikov recommends for hypertension. The fact is that monastery tea is a rare collection containing unique medicinal elements and herbs. The effectiveness of this tool has been proven not only scientifically.

Numerous patient reviews also tell about its positive effect on the body. To bring the pressure back to normal, you only need to follow the instructions attached to the tool. At the same time, says Dr. Myasnikov, you can get rid of such pathologies as hepatitis, prostatitis, diabetes and osteochondrosis. But still, the main focus of monastic tea is the treatment of hypertension.

Alexander Leonidovich Myasnikov - a famous doctor, TV presenter and author of books on medicine, was born in Moscow on September 15, 1953. In the family of Alexander, three generations were inextricably linked with medicine, and they reached impressive heights in this field - his grandfather was an academician of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, whose textbooks are still known to all students of medical universities, and his great-grandfather was a zemstvo doctor.

Alexander's father studied at the naval school, but then transferred to the medical school for health reasons. The mother was also pushed to medicine by an accident - as a student at the Aviation Institute, she broke her leg and already in the hospital she fell in love with the profession of a doctor, took her documents and entered the medical one.

Alexander Leonidovich himself said that he never had a question of choosing a profession - he absorbed it not even with milk, but with his mother’s blood - having an academician-in-law, she agreed to distribution after graduating from medical, being pregnant with Alexander, in the village of Zaitsevo, where she worked as a local doctor.

Parents of Alexander Myasnikov

With grandfather

In 1976, Alexander graduated from the Second Moscow Medical Institute. N. I. Pirogov, and from 1976 to 1981 he was doing residency and postgraduate studies at the Institute of Clinical Cardiology named after his grandfather, A. L. Myasnikov.

To be taken seriously future profession Alexander Leonidovich is pushed not only by the achievements of his grandfather - in student years, as Alexander recalls, he comes to practice at the hospital where his mother works, who, for an insignificant, in his opinion, mistake, reprimands him so severely that he will remember all his life - in principle, there are no trifles for a doctor.

In 1981, Alexander defended his Ph.D. thesis in cardiology.

After completing his studies as part of the Red Cross mission, he worked for 8 years in African countries - from 1981 to 1989. First he was a doctor accompanying a group of geologists in Mozambique, then he worked in the Zambezi, and later became a senior doctor in a government hospital in Angola.

In Africa, he has to face real danger more than once - after all, the work took place in the conditions of a real war.

The sick, as Alexander Leonidovich says, had to be sorted from the dead.

Upon his return from Africa, Alexander Leonidovich works in cardiology at the All-Union Cardiology Research Center, and since 1993 he has been a doctor at the Russian Embassy in Paris for three years.

Then he is waiting for medical education in the United States. In 1996, he received a diploma in general practice and a job as a doctor in a New York hospital, where he remains until 2000.

Brooklyn 1997

When getting a job in an American clinic, there was a curious incident - with a sufficiently large place for the competition, Alexander was questioned for a long time by the head of the program, dissatisfied with his knowledge of the language. Then Alexander said:

“Do you need a talker or a quick-witted person? Ask the other 10 applicants for this place if they know the code for the lock that the toilet is locked to? But they have long wanted to go there. And I know!” - and calls the order of numbers, peeped a little earlier at the hospital worker.

The head of the program laughed and accepted Alexander out of competition.

In 2000, Alexander Leonidovich received the highest medical category in the USA.

Nevertheless, life in the USA once seemed unpromising to him - and he returned to Russia. Since 2000, he has been the head of the American Medical Center LLC, later the American Clinic.

From 2009 to 2010, Alexander has been working as the head doctor of the Kremlin Hospital, and since 2009 he has appeared on television as the host of the program “Did you call the doctor?”, And since 2013 “About the most important thing”.

He has written more than 10 books on medicine. Alexander writes even in places that are somewhat inappropriate for this - during flights, on the road, and even in lines.

Myasnikov's personal life: wife and children

All his life, Alexander Leonidovich pays special attention to his family - not only devotes a lot of time to her, but also honors her history, the memory of her relatives. However, in public, he is not particularly willing to talk about his personal life.

Alexander has been married to his wife Natalya for over 30 years.

Wife Natalia

With a smile, she says that she "deviated from the norm" - she graduated from the Historical and Archival Institute, instead of also being a doctor.

The couple has a son, Leonid, who from childhood was fond of medical literature and this moment continues the traditions of the family - he is educated as a pharmacist in France.

Photo 1998

Myasnikov also has a daughter, Polina, who is fond of drawing and writing stories. Alexander does not share the details of his personal life and there is no information on the network who her mother is, but it is known that his wife warmly accepts Polina.

The Myasnikov family is very attentive to the hobbies of children, so the collection "Polina's Tales" was published.

The position of Alexander in relation to his relatives, as a doctor, is interesting - in an interview he said:

“A doctor should not treat relatives, because he will feel sorry for them. You need to treat with the brain, not with the heart.”

In this video, Alexander Myasnikov talks about his life:

Even at home, the Myasnikovs have several pets - an alabai named Margosha, two St. Bernards and a huge Maine Coon cat Aramis.

Alexander Leonidovich himself is extremely difficult to call a homebody, and his leisure is more suitable for a brutal man than for an intellectual.

The motto of Alexander Myasnikov is “Move, move, move!”.

As he puts it himself: "I hate the sofa." For many years, every day, Alexander devotes himself to sports for several hours a day - training with a barbell, boxing, wrestling, gymnastics. He likes to ride horses and snowmobiles.

Alexander devotes a lot of time to traveling - he was in Siberia, Tibet, China.

in Iceland

In the land of the Hobbits

In Siberia

in Vietnam

At the same time, the trips are also somewhat extreme in nature - leaving for the taiga for two weeks, the participants of the campaign take only guns with them. As Alexander says: “If you want to eat, you will become a hunter.” Several times in the taiga they had to shoot back from aggressive bears that woke up early. He also loves rafting on mountain rivers.

Alexander Leonidovich welcomes healthy eating and agrees with the phrase that "we dig our own grave with a spoon and a fork." The only thing he does not limit himself to is coffee.

From 2011 to the present, Alexander Myasnikov has been the head of Clinic No. 71 in Moscow, continues to work on TV and is a member of the Public Chamber of Moscow.


Hospital event №71

With mom

Alexander Myasnikov is a hereditary doctor, the medical history of his family has four generations. A doctor on television, Myasnikov is a wonderful doctor in real life as well.

Myasnikov has a trusting appearance and valuable knowledge and experience, thanks to which he became the host of the “About the Most Important” program. The program has become one of the most popular, partly due to the personality of the presenter, partly because of the valuable advice.

Myasnikov works as the chief physician of the 71st hospital. As for his personal life, Alexander carefully stores information about her, trying to avoid any manifestations of publicity.

Alexander Myasnikov: the secret of longevity

When it comes to the life of hereditary doctors, it is always interesting what their diet is, what they actually use to maintain health and for long years. In reality, the famous doctor is faithful to his own recipes for youth. Every day he eats a kilogram of vegetables and half a kilo of fruits, tries to drink more fluids. If possible, he excludes red meat from the menu, but he treats coffee drinks with special reverence. Alexander drinks coffee without any restrictions and believes that bad habit turns out to be beneficial, because coffee can protect against liver cancer and save from myocardial infarction.

The doctor also respects everything connected with the bath, considering her visit necessary for relaxation and cleansing of the body.

Myasnikov is characterized by an active lifestyle, in his free time he enjoys hunting in a friendly company.

Wife of Alexander Myasnikov

On the love front of the popular doctor, calm did not always reign, there were shocks.

The story of meeting his current wife Natalya is similar to the plot from interesting novel. They met at one of the events of a secular type, as in that song "Vernissage". Myasnikov came with his wife, and Natalya with her fiancé, the wedding with whom was, as they say, on the nose.

When the eyes met, Natalya and Alexander experienced a strong feeling, shortly after which Myasnikov divorced, and Natalya canceled the marriage.

Today, Alexander and Natalya have been married for forty years, and according to them, they are absolutely happy.

The couple tries to be together at various events, whether it be business trips, social meetings or gatherings with friends. Spouses rest exclusively together, as well as travel for business purposes.

In an interview, Dr. Myasnikov assures that he became a popular doctor only thanks to his wife, who supported him in difficult life periods.

Natalia literally directed her husband's career in the right direction, bringing it to a television program. At the same time, she herself worked at TASS.

Children of Alexander Myasnikov

During the marriage, Alexander and Natalya had one child, the boy was named Leonid, like Grandfather Alexander. This is a late child, during the bearing of which the spouse experienced various health tests. The couple has no other children.

The birth of Leonid was a true gift for the popular doctor and inspired him to draw up a detailed family tree. Interestingly, the first doctor was Alexander's great-great-grandfather, who served as a zemstvo doctor and enjoyed great respect among the villagers.

Today, Leonid is studying in France and dreams of continuing his medical dynasty.

Dr. Myasnikov: biography

A detailed biography of Alexander Myasnikov is interesting and full of events and medical success in his career.

Myasnikov has two diplomas of graduation from medical institutes. His career began with an internship at the Institute of Cardiology, named after his grandfather, after which he successfully defended his personal Ph.D. thesis and went to Mozambique as a doctor for a group of geologists.

After - he became a prominent consultant to specialists in charge of government members in Angola.

Returning to Moscow, he took up the position of a cardiologist, at the same time he was elected a medical officer of the department in the International Organization related to migration.

In 1996, Alexander fulfilled his planned dream by receiving a diploma from a medical university in New York, and the American Committee on Medicine awarded Myasnikov the proud title of doctor of the highest category with due honors.

After New York, the eminent doctor returned to Moscow again, where he was offered the position of chief physician of the Kremlin Hospital. Perhaps this is the most deafening page in its significance in the biography of the doctor. He held this position during 2009 and 2010.

Health maintenance books written by Alexander Myasnikov, a well-known cardiologist, TV and radio host, are always popular with readers over 60. Our mothers and fathers value the advice of Dr. Myasnikov for its simplicity, accessibility and optimism. The book of his mother, gerontologist, candidate of medical sciences Olga Myasnikova, will also appeal to older readers - after all, she writes about what is familiar to everyone, using her own life as an example.

You know, in order to stay young longer, you need to ... not have enough time! Yes, that's how I've lived my whole life. She worked three jobs, got so tired that, when she came home, she fell on the bed in her clothes and immediately fell asleep. She was constantly sewing and knitting. I felt that I was always needed and should, so there was no time to whine and get bored.

The habit of always finding things to do and worries formed with me early childhood. Since childhood, I loved to read, read avidly. Reading has become a passion, a necessity. Probably, thanks to this, I graduated from high school with a gold medal. And already when I was studying at the institute, I first of all bought books with a small scholarship of 25 rubles. And now, when I am 88 years old, I constantly read. I re-read my favorite authors - Bunin, Tolstoy. I love journalism. I always buy a lot of different newspapers and magazines. And I read, I read, I read. Because I want to stay up to date with everything that happens in modern life. But I don't want to forget what happened many years ago.

Why is it so important to keep a lively interest in life? Because the aging process begins when the growth and development of the body ends. So, already in 30-35 years there is a decrease in the intensity of biological processes. The process of physiological aging does not begin simultaneously in different tissues and organs and proceeds with different intensity.

In the process of aging, sensory functions are among the first to deteriorate. Hearing begins to decline at about age 65. Vision is also reduced - people over 60 rarely see well without glasses. This decrease is usually caused by a decrease in the function of the pupil, lens, retina, and optic nerve. Color perception getting worse.

The functions of perception of smell and taste also decrease. One reason for the deterioration of taste is a decrease in the number taste buds mouth by 36%, the performance of the remaining receptors also decreases. Due to changes in the perception of smell and taste old man easily frustrated about some of the things associated with these functions. For example, he will complain that the foods have no taste.

The speech of an elderly person is slower, and the pauses are longer and more frequent, the pronunciation becomes slurred, often due to pathological changes in the brain.

In old age, homeostasis is less effective. Psychological adaptability also decreases with age. Wounds heal more slowly. Breathing and heartbeat become less frequent. Temperature losses are less recoverable. Sleep changes.

According to World Organization health care, a process called “population aging” is observed all over the world, that is, an increase in the number of elderly and old age. Of course, diseases overtake a person in old age, and many of them cannot be cured, but it is possible to improve the quality of life and its duration. To live long, while maintaining health and creative activity, is the natural dream of every person. Therefore, an elderly person should be active!

Yes, an elderly person gets tired faster, but our research revealed one interesting pattern: as soon as someone starts helping the elderly, they stop doing anything on their own, even the existing low mobility decreases. Therefore, I advise: everything that you can do yourself, do it, do not resort to the help of loved ones!

An elderly person, a woman, should have a hobby, passion, a constant occupation that takes her full attention. Reading, drawing, sewing, knitting. For example, I have been knitting all my life. Napkins, shawls, blouses, tablecloths. Both crochet and knitting. She started knitting when she separated from her first husband. There was no alimony, it was necessary to clothe and feed three - mother, son and myself. When I was still the chief doctor in the village, I was given a German Singer sewing machine. She sewed on it. I could only look once at a picture or at a model in some magazine - and immediately sew it. Any pattern from memory! It took up my time outside of work.

Why is it important for an older person handmade? This is fine motor skills of the hands, which well supports speech, thought processes, imagination, memory, Creative skills. And also on the hands there are biologically active points associated with the work of the brain, therefore, massaging the hands of a child in childhood, we stimulate the work of the brain and all body systems.

Previously, when there was not yet so much technology, older people knitted, embroidered, sewed, etc. a lot. And few of them suffered from senile dementia, sclerosis and other disorders. So fine motor skills hands it is better to continue to develop all your life, then in old age you will have a young mind. You can choose something to your liking: for example, play on musical instruments, collect various small models, do needlework. These activities will bring you not only benefits, but also a positive mood.

It's no secret that we forget a lot as we age. We are scattered. For a long time it was believed that there was nothing to be done about the deterioration of memory in the elderly. But let's remember cardiologists and neurosurgeons operating before old age, academicians making discoveries in old age. They were spared by the general share? Not at all. The brain is just as trainable as the muscles. Accordingly, if you do not relax, give the brain a load, then the symptoms of memory impairment in older people can be significantly reduced. The process of gaining new knowledge, memorizing unfamiliar words and terms is an excellent training. In order not to memorize meaningless information, it is worth trying to take up the study of foreign languages.

It is also useful to learn poetry or solve crossword puzzles. For example, I really love crossword puzzles, every time I try to check myself: what do you remember? what do you know? And I am very happy when I manage to unravel a lot of words and meanings.

And I'm learning the Quran. Prayers for breakfast, for death, for birth. Very difficult - Arabic. I am Crimean Tatar by origin. I have always loved the history and culture of my people. From childhood, I heard how my mother sang beautiful songs in the Tatar language, saw how she danced. And she repeated everything after her.

But in first grade, she decided to change her name. My parents named me Ulker, which means the North Star. I came to study at a Russian school in Simferopol and called myself by the Russian name Olga - I really liked this name and was a little consonant with my own. And now the teacher calls: “Olya Aliyeva who?”. Everyone is silent, and I am also silent - I forgot that it was me. Then I remembered.

But back to our healthy and beautiful image life in old age. According to many scientists, bird voices have a healing effect on humans. The singing of birds calms, amuses, sets in a romantic mood, heals the soul, balances all the processes occurring in the body. Scientists have noticed that among people living surrounded by birds, there are many centenarians. This is explained by the fact that in this case all biological processes in the human body will be synchronized with the singing of birds.

Therefore, I personally advise you to wake up early, especially in the country, in nature - and listen to the birds. But in the city you can also hear bird trills early in the morning. They create the right mood in the morning. After the bird concert, you won't want to whine and think about the bad!

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