For a cannon shot. Not suitable for a cannon shot Why IT specialists should not be allowed into politics at a cannon shot Sergei Golubitsky

On cannon shot not suitable

adj., number of synonyms: 1

Moving away (26)

  • - see gun 1...

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  • - CANNON, cannon, cannon. adj. to the gun. “When there is cannon thunder and fire, ride a mad horse.” Pushkin. || Designed for a cannon...

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  • - Razg. Express At a respectful distance. Having received orders to be sent to study, commanders sometimes use this convenient circumstance to get rid of useless officers...
  • - whom. 1. to whom. Razg. Express...

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  • - who where, to whom, to what. Razg. Hold someone at a considerable distance from smb., from smb., from sth. BMS 1998, 105; BTS, 183; ZS 1996, 201; F 1, 99...

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  • - adj., number of synonyms: 1 cannon foundry...

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  • - adj., number of synonyms: 2 not allowing close fenced off...

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  • - adj., number of synonyms: 3 kept at a respectful distance kept at a distance did not let...

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  • - adj., number of synonyms: 6 was not in the suit, fell out of harmony, did not fit, did not fit, did not match...

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  • - adj., number of synonyms: 2 who measured everyone with his own yardstick, who measured everyone with a common yardstick...

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  • - adj., number of synonyms: 2 was just right...

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  • - ...

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"not suitable for a cannon shot" in the books


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If you need to spend the night with trouble, then Estonia did not manage to do this. Obama, contrary to expectations, arrived only in the morning. However, there was no doubt that with him it would be wiser in any case. And most importantly, safer. After all, that’s why he arrived in Tallinn on his way to Wales for the NATO summit, to make the Baltic states happy in just a day. After all, judging by the lamentations of its leaders, they need so little for complete and unconditional happiness. Three or four companies, a dozen or two tanks, heavy weapons, airplanes. And, of course, everyone gets a military base.

Today, Estonian President Ilves, as the host, has the right of first request and separate conversation. With his neighbors Berzins and Grybauskaitė, Obama planned a common format. Previously, he used to call them to his place in Washington. The whole company at once. Now, like frost, the Voivode patrols his possessions. The very one in the history of post-war America, desperate to save his reputation at home, is trying to save those who were tamed before him. He feels at home here too.

The day before, a military transporter delivered Obama's official car, known as Cadillac One, as well as a special helicopter to the Estonian capital. Estonia was not even trusted with the delivery of the US Supreme Commander to the Amari air base near Tallinn. Soldiers of the 173rd are stationed here airborne brigade U.S.A. So today, not only did their regiment arrive, they got the opportunity to hear first-hand about what they were actually doing here.

In general, one could hardly expect any rhetorical discoveries from this visit. That's not what it was designed for. Obama's task was to perform traditional geopolitical hits, essentially on the front lines. With live broadcast on a huge screen in the center of Tallinn, so that even in Moscow it can be seen. His presence is a signal for her, the American presidential administration said the day before.

This is really brave on his part: to approach Russia almost within a cannon shot. Moreover, without tanks. They will come later. And it doesn’t matter whether the NATO summit agrees with this or not. Washington, it seems, has already decided everything for itself. Will officially announce this in Wales. The US President should have saved his epoch-making statements for Cardiff. This is where the alliance gathers. But here in Estonia, Obama is just warming up. This is a visit, rather, for medical purposes.

Before any significant event in Europe, Obama always flies somewhere to physiologically adapt to the Old World. The last time he came to his senses was in Poland. It is logical that now there should have been something Baltic. Moreover, this is where the worst fear settled.

Question to the founding editor of the Baltic World magazine Dmitry Kondrashov.

— Will it be easier for Estonia and the Baltics after Obama?

No, it won't. I have the feeling that Obama has found a place, one of the few in the world, where they are happy to see him. To recharge with positive energy, kind words, kind feelings. See the warm eyes of Estonians political leaders. This visit can only have a political meaning as a declarative one. Although, we understand that the weight of the Baltic states in the EU when making decisions is quite insignificant.

“But at the same time, these are the republics that are named among the countries to which NATO’s military presence will be expanded. What role is assigned to the Baltic states in the alliance? Is she still an irritant or is she already advanced?

I believe that the role of the irritant remains. I cannot say that this is some kind of serious military step. Because if you look at the theater of military operations in the Baltic states, you can see that any group that is located there simply becomes a hostage. This is precisely what was shown by the actions of the German troops, who were able to leave with difficulty when Soviet army came in 1944.

Despite the fact that Obama rushed to Estonia to help, it turned out that he himself still needed to be protected. The visit is subject to emergency security measures. Closed borders, deserted streets, about two thousand local police officers, hundreds of US intelligence agents. Estonia has probably never been so safe. So maybe Obama can stay here. Then tanks won't be needed either.

> Chronology

Chapter III. Cannons

Chapter III. Cannons
Cannon shot
By shot we mean the ejection of a projectile from the gun channel by the pressure of gases located behind it in a completely enclosed space, formed during the explosion of gunpowder or other substance. Those exceptional results that the construction technique artillery pieces reached in last years World War is still quite fresh in everyone's memory. With the help of modern long-range artillery guns, the highest speeds of 1,500 - 1,600 m/sec ever imparted to the body by human will have been achieved. Thus, these tools of the named ooze were the most powerful machines of all existing ones.
* Ballistics is the science that studies the movement of artillery shells and bullets. It is divided into two branches: internal and external ballistics. The first considers the phenomena occurring in the barrel bore during a shot, and the second considers the phenomena occurring with a projectile or bullet after it leaves the barrel bore. (Editor's note)
Theoretically, there is no difficulty in calculating a cannon whose projectile could fly to the Moon. According to the laws of internal ballistics*, the following quantities play a role: the length of the barrel bore as the length of the path along which acceleration can be produced, the average pressure inside the bore as the force with which the powder gases push the projectile forward, the lateral load of the projectile as the mass located above ( or in front of) every square centimeter of the cross-section of the caliber and resisting the action of acceleration by its inherent inertia. It follows that in order to achieve the highest possible speed when leaving the barrel bore, it should be taken as long as possible, the average pressure in it should be the highest, and the lateral load should be the smallest (Fig. 23).
The length of the barrel cannot be made arbitrarily large because, due to the cooling of the powder gases as a result of their expansion and contact with the cold walls of the barrel, a situation soon occurs in which the falling pressure force of the powder gases is completely absorbed by the friction experienced by the projectile as it passes through the barrel bore.
In practice, the gun designer is given rather tight limits in all these directions.
The properties of an explosive are determined primarily by its chemical composition, and secondly by the method of its mechanical processing. Gunpowder of the same chemical composition can burn in completely different ways depending on what shape it is given during processing. Gunpowder can be made in the form of powder flour, or, as it is otherwise called, pulp, grains, plates, cubes, rods or tubes. The theoretical properties of an explosive are determined mainly by the following concepts: their calorific value; their specific gas volume, their explosion temperature, the volume of powder gases formed during the explosion, and the pressure of these gases.
Likewise, the average pressure of powder gases, which is the second most important factor, which plays a role during a shot, is contained within fairly narrow limits. Rice. 2 Ideal pressure curve of powder gases, constructed under the assumption that the entire charge ignites instantly and the gas expands adiabatically. In reality, the pressure does not reach its highest value at the very beginning, but only later and, moreover, does not reach its theoretical value.
In this case, the charge density, which shows how many kilograms of explosive can be placed in the space of one liter of the explosion chamber, is equal to unity. Usually for artillery pieces it reaches values ​​of only 0.4 - 0.7, and for guns 0.70 - 0.8. In any case, the charge density can never exceed the density or, in other words, the specific gravity of the explosive itself, because we cannot fill the explosion chamber with more gunpowder than can enter it in the form of a solid monolithic mass.
According to Berthelot, the specific pressure of an explosion is the ideal pressure that would arise in a space with a volume of 1 liter. during an explosion it contains 1 kg. explosive.
The lateral load, which is the third most important factor, as well as the shape of the projectile, does not affect the shape of the path in vacuum. The only thing that plays a role here is the speed when leaving the barrel bore.
Due to the importance of some of the values ​​encountered, including for the missile problems discussed below, we present them grouped in the following table 1 Table 10 Name of explosive Black powder Flake powder Pyroxylin Nitroglycerin powder Long-range gunpowder Mercury fulminate Calorific value in cal./kg. 685 630 1 100 1 290 ~ 1 400 410 Specific gas volume in l. 285 920 859 840 ~ 999 314 Explosion temperature, °C 2,770 2,400 2,710 2,900 ~ 3,300 3,530 Volume of explosive gases in l. 3 177 9 008 9 386 9 763 12 957 4 374 Specific gravity 1.65 1.56 1.50 1.64 1.6 4.4 Gas pressure in am., at charge density = 0.1 336 542 1061 1098 983 468 = 0.2 708 1217 2343 2351 2174 966 = 0.3 1123 2077 3931 3947 3650 1501 = 0.4 1587 3211 5912 5640 5523 2072 = 0.5 2112 4779 5802 7829 7982 2686 = 0.6 2708 7082 12000 10560 11350 3347 = 0.7 3393 10800 17020 14 080 16240 4 052 = 0.8 4201 17 870 21810 21 520 24030 4952 = 0.9 5126 86 250 38 500 25270 3831 0 5683 = 1.0 6236 - - 35 010 - 6603 =1 .6 29,340 - - - - 14560 = 2.4 - - - - - 43,970
The true greatness of these figures in all its convincingness appears, however, only when we complete the flight curve of this projectile and, for comparison, plot on the same scale the highest mountain peaks and altitude records achieved so far (Fig. 24). The projectile would have risen to 46,200 m when fired at the farthest distance, and it could have risen to approximately 70,000 m with a vertical shot upwards! How does Everest compare to this - one of the highest mountain peaks with a height of 8,884 m! And in only 3 minutes. 20 sec. this projectile would have flown its path 150 km long. Rice. 2 Flight curve of an ultra-long-range gun projectile.
The shape of the path of a projectile flying in vacuum is almost exactly parabolic. Calculating the paths of artillery shells in the atmosphere is one of the most complex and difficult problems in external ballistics. Therefore we cannot go into any detail here. As an interesting numerical example, we present in the following table 11 data calculated on the basis of exact formulas characterizing the flight of a projectile of an ultra-long-range gun firing at 126 km. Table 11 Ultra-long-range gun Flight inclination to the horizon in degrees. Flight range in km. Highest height in km. Projectile speed in m/sec. Flight duration in seconds Shot moment 54 0.00 0.03 1500 0.0 53 3.45 4.67 1300 4.3 50 10.83 14.00 1060 14.3 45 19.70 23.72 930 27 ,3 40 26.80 30.33 860 38.2 25 43.07 41.04 720 62.1 Moment of passage through highest point 0 63,84 46,20 650 94,5 25 83,55 41,60 714 120,0 40 99,06 31,20 840 150,5 50 115,99 16,60 950 173,3 53 122,00 6,12 945 191,0 58 126,00 0,00 860 199,0
Modern achievements of artillery. Ultra-long-range guns
To assess the possibility of producing a horizontal shot into outer space, let us add that, according to the studies of the most advanced ballisticians, in this case it is indifferent how the air mass will be located along the path of the projectile. Because of this, when calculating the total deceleration experienced by a projectile fired into outer space, we could introduce into our calculation, instead of the true one, the so-called homogeneous isometric atmosphere with a height of 7,800 m. Such an atmosphere from top to bottom would have the density of air at sea level and its 7,800 m high column would contain the same mass of air as a column of the true atmosphere of the same cross-section.
Of course, for a long time all the warring states have strived to build the longest-range cannons possible. The reason for this is clear: the stronger the destructive effect of grenades and the greater the range of their impact, the more to a greater extent could be considered military power its army is not inferior to or superior to the military power of the enemy.
For comparison with the problem of a gun shooting at the moon, it makes sense to provide an overview modern achievements artillery in the form of a summary table 1 In addition, in this regard, it would not be amiss to provide some information from the history of the development of long-range guns, which can serve as the closest prototype of a gun capable of sending a projectile to the Moon, since until now achieving the highest speeds of departure from the barrel bore is feasible precisely with with their help.
Nevertheless, the result achieved by the German designers of ultra-long-range guns, Professor Rausenberger and Professor Eberhart during the World War, apparently can be considered unsurpassed to this day. As is known, the maximum range of the gun they designed was 135 km.
There are indications in the press that already in 1895 the French artillery department carried out experiments with a 16.5-centimeter cannon with a length of 100 calibers, and a projectile exit speed of 1,200 m/sec was achieved. In Germany, the first impetus for the practical development of long-range artillery was the shooting experiment carried out by Krupp, during which a grenade from a 24-centimeter gun, against the expectations of its designer, flew 48 km instead of 32 km. In addition, in England and other countries, a number of projects for ultra-long-range guns were described in special artillery magazines, which apparently remained on paper. Much more noteworthy is the fact that French artillery, since 1924, has had guns that fire heavy grenades weighing 180 kg at a distance of 120 km, with a nitroglycerin powder charge weighing only 160 kg. The speed at which the projectile leaves the barrel is only 1,450 m/sec. Likewise, the barrel length of this gun, equal to only 23.1 m with a caliber of 21.1 cm, should be considered very insignificant.
However, it is in highest degree It is likely that this enormous achievement of ultra-long-range artillery* has not yet exhausted the capabilities of German designers. One might think that if World War lasted another year, they would have achieved projectile launch speeds of 1,700 - 1,800 m/sec and at the same time a range of 200-250 km. The following considerations support this assumption. A somewhat longer trunk could undoubtedly be built. The chemistry of explosives, according to Stettbacher, had the opportunity to increase the calorific value of the most powerful nitroglycerin powders at that time (reaching 1,290 cal/kg with a 40 percent nitroglirin content) even higher - almost to the limiting value for explosive gelatin (1,620 cal/ kg with 92 percent nitroglycerin content and 8 percent pyroxylin content). At the same time, it was possible, through the softening effect of the admixture of hexanitroethane and similar chemical substances eliminate dangerous property pyroxylin to instantly explode and create the slow-burning gunpowder needed for the intended purpose.
To do this, the 36 m long barrel, which weighed 142 g, had to be made of three pieces: from a pipe with a diameter of 38 cm, from a rifled barrel with a caliber diameter of 21 cm inserted into it, and from an unrifled nozzle. To prevent this composite trunk from bending, parts of it were suspended from a bridge-like form. Despite this, under the influence of the incredible force of the explosion of a charge of nitroglycerin powder weighing 180 - 300 kg, which ejected a projectile weighing about 100 kg from the barrel bore at a speed reaching 1600 m/sec, the barrel trembled like a swaying reed for two minutes after the shot by the wind. Table 12 Data Types of guns rifle field gun naval gun long-range gun coastal gun English long-range gun Caliber in cm 0.79 7.5 21.0 21.0 40.64 50.8 Caliber section in cm2 0.49 44, 2 340.4 346.4 1297.10 2026.8 Channel length in calibers 101.50 26.7 50.0 150.0 50.00 100.0 Channel length in m 0.80 2.0 10.5 33.6 20.30 50.8 Barrel length in calibers 116.52 28.7 55.0 171.0 52.50 105.0 Barrel length in m 0.90 2.2 11.0 36.0 21.40 53, 7 All barrels in kg. 1.00 310.0 15450.0 142000.0 113100.00 550000.0 Projectile weight in kg 0.01 6.5 125.0 100.0 920.00 2,000.0 Departure speed in m/sec 900.00 600.0 940.0 1600.0 940.00 1340.0 Range in km. 4.00 9.0 26.0 130.0 40.0 160.0 Kinetic energy at departure in tonmeters 0.413 119.3 5629.0 15360.0 41440.00 183000.0 The same in kgm 413 383.9 364, 0 108.0 366.00 333.0 Average traction force in kg. 516 59700.0 534 850.0 457140.0 2 039 400.00 3 602 400.0 Average pressure in am. 1053 1350.0 1544.0 132.0 1572.00 1 777.0 Average time of flight of the barrel in seconds 1/563 1/150 1/46 1/23 1/23 1/13 Average power in hp. 3100 238600.0 3359500.0 473200.0 12780000.00 32780 000.0 Average power per barrel weight from hp/kg. 3100 769.7 217.4 33.35 115.63 58.24
The problem of shooting a cannon at the moon
* Also called "super artillery". (Editor's note)
a) Columbiad "Cannon Club"
Only after reporting the above information about cannons can we finally move on to discussing the problem of firing a cannon at the Moon. At the same time, we will make a critical assessment of the extent to which the bold project, described in detail by Jules Verne in his famous novel From the Earth to the Moon, corresponds to modern views of ballistics. It seems certain that Jules Berne, before writing this novel, took advantage of the advice and guidance of the most prominent experts of his time, and did not, as is often assumed, report absolutely fantastic figures like many of his followers.
Chapter III describes how Barbican's message affected the public. Chapter IV reports the conclusion of the Cambridge Observatory regarding the astronomical part of the undertaking. We present briefly the questions and answers (with the conversion of all quantities into metric measures.
In the first chapter of his novel, Jules Berne introduces the reader to the “Cannon Club” as a society of fanatical artillerymen, whose members “enjoy respect in direct proportion to the square of the range of the guns they have invented.” The second chapter describes an extraordinary general meeting at which the President of the Barbican Club, in order to console the members that there is no longer the possibility of war on Earth, and to inflame their ballistic pride, makes them an offer to fly to the Moon in cannonball. The climax of the speech is its end, in which Barbicane expresses confidence in the knowledge of the members of the cannon club that there are no limits to the strength of guns and the power of gunpowder, after which the speaker ends his speech with these words: “Having considered the question from all sides and carefully checked all his conclusions, I made a strictly scientific conclusion that any projectile sent to the Moon with an initial speed of 12,000 yards per second must certainly reach this luminary. That’s why, dear colleagues, I called you to a meeting - I suggest you do this little experiment.” 12,000 yards equals approximately 11,200 m. As we can see, Barbican correctly grasped the essence of the matter.
What is the exact distance of the Moon from the Earth? - Answer: It fluctuates due to the eccentricity of the lunar orbit. The smallest possible distance between the centers of these two luminaries is 357,000 km. Subtracting from here the Earth's and Moon's radii (6,378 km and 1,735 km), we obtain the smallest distance between the closest points on the surfaces of these bodies, equal to 348,900 km
Is it possible to transfer a core from the Earth to the Moon? - Answer: Yes, if you give him an initial speed of 11,200 m/sec.
When is the Moon in the most favorable position for this? - Answer: When it is at perigee (i.e. closest to the Earth) and at the same time at the zenith of the gun
How long will it take a projectile, sent with sufficient initial speed, to cover this distance and, therefore, at what exact moment must this projectile be launched in order for it to fall on the Moon by a certain date? - Answer: The projectile will take 97 hours to travel. 13 min. 20 sec. It is for this period of time that it will be necessary to fire before the moment at which the projectile should fall on the Moon.
Where should the Moon be at the moment the shot is fired? - Answer: At a distance of 64° from the zenith, because that is how much it will have time to move in these 97 hours. more than that (here we also take into account the deviation that the core will receive due to the rotation of the Earth).
5 At what point in the sky should the gun be aimed? - Answer: At the zenith; therefore, the gun should be installed in an area at the zenith of which the Moon can ever be located, i.e. in the area between 28 north and south latitudes.
Chapter VII begins the debate regarding the core. It cannot be said that they were conducted in a particularly businesslike manner. The feeling of inspiration plays a decisive role in them. The magnitude, i.e. the outer diameter of the core (initially we are talking only about a round core, but not about an oblong projectile) is determined by the condition due to which it could be visible during its movement, as well as at the moment of falling on the Moon. The President of the Cannon Club, Barbican, hopes, with the help of a huge mirror that is to be built and installed on the highest mountain in America, to achieve 48,000-fold magnification and thereby discern a body with a diameter of 9 feet on the surface of the Moon. Therefore, the diameter of the core should be 9 feet (108 US inches of 25 mm = 2.70 m). Such an increase, of course, is unthinkable, but in this case it does not play a significant role. It is enough to fill the core with gunpowder, which would immediately burst into flames when the projectile hits the lunar surface. This would be reliable evidence that the projectile hit the Moon, and, moreover, such a flash is much easier to see than the projectile itself. Note that the American Professor Goddard proposes to supply his rockets with gunpowder for just such a flash
As can be seen, Jules Berne strives to sculpt the simplest case in order to present the whole matter to the reader in the most understandable form possible. He wants to shoot at the Moon moving in its orbit, taking it somewhat forward, just as a hunter shoots at a hare from a slowly moving cart, when he also has to take into account the speed of this cart. The projectile must fly from the Earth to the Moon in almost a straight line. In reality, as can be established by constructing velocity parallelograms for all points on the path, the projectile will describe a curve with one inflection point, similar to the Latin letter S (Fig. 25), this will occur due to the combined effect of the rotation of the Earth and the shock from the shot on the projectile . Rice. 2 The path of the projectile that the Cannon Club intended to send to the Moon. Z is the direction in which the shot was fired at the moment when the Moon was at point A. C is the position of the Moon in which the projectile will overtake it. B is the path of the projectile. S-S is the boundary of the sphere of gravity between the Earth and the Moon. (The drawing is made schematically, not to scale).
First, it is proposed to cast a solid cast iron core. But this frightens Major Elfiston. Barbican then proposes to make the core hollow inside, so that it would weigh only 2.5 tons. Finally, everyone comes to the general decision to build a hollow aluminum core weighing 20,000 pounds or 10 tons. The walls of this core should be 12 inches thick. At the end of the debate, members of the assembly are confused by the question of the cost of the “experience”, because aluminum was valued by Jules Verne at the then price of $9 per pound. At present, a kilogram of this metal costs less than fifty dollars, so the question of its price in this case could not now play any significant role.
The meeting continues.
J. T. Maston, the indomitable secretary of the Cannon Club, from the very first words demands that the cannon be at least half a mile long (that is, at least 800 m, since 1 mile = 1.61 km). Accused of a passion for exaggeration, Maston vigorously seeks to refute this. And indeed, he is not so far from the truth. If Barbican had followed his advice, the core would undoubtedly have flown to the Moon more accurately. The Chairman draws attention to the fact that usually guns are 20 - 25 times longer than their caliber, in response to which Maston tells him straight to his face that he could just as easily shoot at the Moon with a pistol. Finally, everyone agrees on the length of the gun being 100 times greater than its caliber, i.e. equal to 900 feet or 270 m. As we will see later, this length is actually insufficient. It is proposed to make the walls of the cannon six feet thick, which value is accepted without objection. A cannon that occupies a vertical position must be cast directly in the ground from cast iron. J. T. Maston calculates that it will weigh 68,040 tons. Here Barbican apparently assumes that the earth surrounding the gun will compress it so much that it will not explode when fired. This is quite probable if we imagine that the muzzle of the weapon is placed in a very hard and homogeneous rock, such as granite, porphyry, etc. (Fig. 26). Then the barrel cast from metal will, in fact, be only the inner lining of a real stone barrel, the strength of which is extremely high and cannot be assessed by us with any accuracy.
Glad VIII describes a meeting of the Cannon Club committee discussing the issue of the cannon itself. The task at hand is clear - it is necessary for a core weighing 10 tons to convey a speed of 11,200 m/sec upon departure. The diameter of this channel is also known, since the core must have a diameter of 270 cm. The question comes down to how long the gun needs to be built and how thick the walls need to be made so that it can withstand the pressure of the powder gases when fired. Rice. 26 Vertical section of Barbican's Columbiad.
After this, the members of the committee are given a lot of worries by the huge volume of such a quantity of gunpowder. It turns out that 800 tons of gunpowder will fill the barrel of the planned gun by half, as a result of which it will be too short. Finally, he manages to get out of the difficulty by deciding to use pyroxylin instead of gunpowder. The club meeting ends with the confidence that the amount of gunpowder filling the gun barrel for 54 m will produce an explosion of the same force as the 800 tons of gunpowder originally proposed by Barbican. In this way the necessary starting speed at 11,200 m/sec.
Chapter IX is devoted to the issue of gunpowder. Jules Berne makes his heroes argue as follows: 1 liter of gunpowder weighs 900 g and releases 4,000 liters upon explosion. gas In ordinary cannons, the weight of one charge of gunpowder is 2/3 of the weight of the projectile, but in large guns this fraction is reduced to 1/1. Here Maston expresses the idea that if this theory is really correct, then if the gun is of sufficient size, gunpowder will not be required for firing at all. But the meeting again becomes serious and after it has been decided to use coarse Rodman powder, the moment approaches when it will be necessary to determine the amount of gunpowder. Here the committee members, looking at each other helplessly and not being able to make an exact calculation, propose at random various quantities. Committee member Morgan suggests taking 100 tons of gunpowder, Elphiston advises taking 250 tons, and the ardent secretary demands 400 tons. And this time he not only did not deserve the reproach of exaggeration from the chairman, but the latter finds this figure insufficient and demands its doubling, as a result of which the ratio of the weights of the cannonball and gunpowder becomes equal to 1:80.
Regarding the role of air resistance, we find in Jules Verne in Chapter VIII only a casual remark, “that it will be insignificant.” It is our duty to investigate this issue more precisely, because we have already had occasion to verify more than once that the calculations of the enthusiastic members of the Cannon Club are somewhat unreliable.
Since the total length of the gun barrel is 270 m, of which 54 m is accounted for by the pyroxylin charge, the core will move inside it for 216 m. Over this length, it must be given all the kinetic energy of 64 billion kgm, with which it must be present at the moment of departure from the barrel. This number is obtained based on the weight of the projectile of 10,000 kg and the required speed of its departure from the barrel bore of 11,200 m/sec. And from here we, in turn, get that the average pressure in the barrel bore will be 5,175 atm, the flight duration in the barrel will be 1/26 sec, and the work performed by such a shot will be 22.2 billion hp.
At the moment of the shot above Barbican’s core, in the muzzle of the gun there is a column of air 216 m high and 2.70 m in diameter. This entire mass of air cannot go anywhere to the side and will be compressed like a steel spring by a projectile rising at tremendous speed. Since the speed of the projectile in the gun channel significantly (at the end, more than 30 times) exceeds the speed of sound, this air will not even be able to escape upward from the muzzle hole, because there will not be enough time for this. In short, here the situation will be as if in front of the taking off cannonball there is a cap or cover of this compressed air, which will dissipate to the sides only after the projectile leaves the barrel of the gun. Speaking in the language of technology, we will say that the projectile must impart its own speed to the entire mass of this air column before leaving the gun and, in addition, perform the work of compressing the same air.
We will distinguish between two types of air resistance, namely the resistance of the air column located in the gun channel, and the resistance of the entire atmosphere that the projectile is destined to fly through upon leaving the gun muzzle.
* Here the author undoubtedly exaggerates the amount of air resistance in the muzzle of a gun, assuming that all air particles in the muzzle acquire the full speed of the projectile. In fact, no more than half of the air contained in the barrel can acquire such speed. (Editor's note)
The volume of the air column located in the muzzle will be equal to 1,237 m3; its weight at the rate of 1.2 kg for each cubic meter will total 1,500 kg, i.e. approximately 1/6 of the weight of the projectile. In order to give this mass a speed of 11,200 m/sec, it is necessary to perform additional work equal to almost exactly 1/6 of the originally found amount of 63.78 billion kgm. So, therefore, to overcome the resistance of the air in the muzzle of a gun, and to compress this air, it will be necessary to expend approximately 14 billion kgm more work than was calculated before air resistance was taken into account *. Let us remember that the average pressure of the powder gases located behind the projectile turned out to be a little more than 5,000 atm and that this number will undoubtedly be significantly exceeded at first, and later, as the projectile gets closer and closer to the muzzle opening, on the contrary, it will not will even be achieved. Due to this, it can happen that even before the projectile leaves the muzzle of the gun, the ever-increasing pressure of the air it compresses will exceed the continuously decreasing pressure of the powder gases located behind the projectile, as a result of which the projectile, while still in the muzzle, would be inhibited.
The situation is worse with the resistance of the air above the gun. True, from the moment the projectile leaves the muzzle it will quickly decrease and by the end of the first second it will be only 1/5 of its initial value. But at the same time, with a projectile departure speed equal to 11,200 m/sec, and with its shape coefficient p=1/6, the air resistance will be about 230 at. As a result, Barbican's hollow aluminum projectile would be like a soap bubble pushed against a storm by a billiard cue.
Fortunately, this resistance (the column of air in the muzzle of a gun), to overcome which we will need as much as 14 billion kgm, can be avoided if we figure out how to pump the air out of the gun immediately before firing. But then, of course, we must provide the muzzle opening with a cover that is light, but at the same time strong enough so that the external pressure of the atmosphere does not press through it. Then the cannonball, flying out of the muzzle hole with undiminished speed, would quite easily break this lid from the inside, spending only a few tens of kilograms on it.
And besides, such a projectile would in no case be able to penetrate the entire thickness of the earth’s atmosphere, since for this its lateral load of 10,000 kg / 57,256 cm2 = 175 g/cm2 is completely insufficient. If fired at a speed of 11,200 m/sec, this projectile would, however, acquire a force of 6.4 million kg per 1 kg of its weight. But at the same time, per 1 cm2 of its cross section it would acquire a kinetic energy of only 1.12 million kgm, i.e. two 60% of the kinetic energy that would have to be absorbed by air resistance alone if parabolic speed were maintained. From here it is clear that the famous projectile of the Cannon Club, if it had not ended ingloriously in the barrel of a cannon, would have been “stuck” in the air within the first second of its flight. Far from being able to reach the Moon, this projectile, even if it did not melt, would actually be able to describe only a ridiculously short arc over the Earth. Jules Berne cites an objection of this kind in his novel, but does not develop it further. Apparently, he wanted to hint to his knowledgeable readers that he knew why Barbican's Columbiad was in fact impracticable.
Due to the insignificant strength of its walls, this projectile, even in the muzzle of the gun, would be crushed into a cake by the enormous pressure of the powder gases pressing on it from behind and the powerful resistance of the column of air located in the muzzle in front of it. It is even quite possible that, as a result, he simply would not be able to fly out of the barrel. We have to think about this last possibility because Barbican does not mention anything about guide rings, which in this case are necessary not so much because of the rifling, but because of the stretchability of aluminum. Such rings would play the role of piston rings for our automobile engines. Barbican overlooked the fact that aluminum has a coefficient of expansion three times greater than cast iron.
From the point of view of modern ballistics, first of all, it is necessary to calculate, taking into account air resistance, the required speed upon departure from the barrel bore for a given caliber with an allowable lateral load and a certain projectile shape. In this case, we obtain two families of curves diverging like a fan. Some of the curves of both these families intersect with each other, but the other part does not intersect. The intersection points of the first part give us a solution to the problem posed at finite speeds of departure from the barrel bore. The second part of the curves indicates that for the corresponding lateral load and shape of the projectile there is no speed at all, no matter how high, at which the projectile under the influence of the excess kinetic energy imparted to it (over the voltage of the gravitational field) could overcome the corresponding air resistance. The most advantageous solutions are compared in Table 1 Lateral load 2.0 kg/cm2 1.5 kg/cm2 1.0 kg/cm2 0.75 kg/cm2 0.5 kg/cm2 0.33 kg/cm2 Departure speed V km/ sec km/sec km/sec km/sec km/sec km/sec For the shape coefficient р=1/2 14.65 16.80 27.70 - - - For the shape coefficient р=1/3 13.15 13.95 16.75 21.90 - - For the form coefficient p=1/6 12.05 12.40 13.15 14.10 16.85 27.50 For the form coefficient p=1/12 11.55 11.57 12, 06 12.55 13.15 14.65 For a 30 cm caliber, departure speed - 1,060.35 706.90 353.45 - - Kinetic energy at the moment of departure for p = 1/6 in tonmeters per 1 cm2 - 8,309,400 6 230 700 5 120 400
b) The problem of a shot at the Moon from the point of view of modern ballistics
It is true that it is very easy to make a theoretical calculation of the gun needed for the intended purpose. Based on the magnitude of the kinetic energy of the projectile at the moment of its departure from the barrel, equal to 8,646,500 kgm/cm2, and taking the average pressure of the powder gases at 6,000 atm, we obtain the required barrel length of 1,441 m. Wanting to limit ourselves to that indicated by Jules Verne in his novel with a barrel length of 216 m, we would have to use a powder gas pressure of exactly 40,000 atm. Accepting, in accordance with the experience gained in the construction of long-range guns, that highest speeds projectile departure from the bore are obtained with a barrel length of 150 calibers, we come to the conclusion that for a gun capable of sending a projectile to the Moon, a caliber of 144 cm would be sufficient. If, with a particularly smooth barrel, we could increase its length to 208 calibers, then a caliber of exactly 1 m would be sufficient for the purpose. However, in practice, all these calculations remain completely useless, due to the fact that such a high average pressure can neither be achieved with modern explosives nor withstand our best grades of steel , suitable for making a barrel.
From here we see that, for example, with a technically feasible lateral load of 1 kg/cm2, a speed at departure from the barrel bore of 13,150 m/sec (instead of 11,182 m/sec in airless space) would be sufficient to throw a projectile with shape coefficient p = 1/6 to the Moon. Achieving this speed depends only on the lateral load and the aspect ratio, but not on the caliber. The whole question comes down to whether it is possible to impart this speed to the projectile when it leaves the barrel. The answer to this question can only be given by calculation.

Thus we see that the result is negative. In other words, with the help of our modern technical means, the possibility of sending a projectile from a cannon to the Moon is completely excluded. However, one should not particularly regret this, because even if it were possible, then in such a projectile people would never be able to travel to our satellite, as Jules Verp describes. This is explained by the fact that the acceleration at the moment of the shot would have to exceed 300,000 m/sec. This value is approximately 1,000 times greater than the acceleration that, at best, a person can endure without the risk of being instantly crushed. And sending an artillery shell into space without passengers at the expense of several million rubles would make little sense. Indeed, what would be the benefit of increasing the number of billions of iron-nickel meteors soaring through space per steel projectile?

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