Amulet for a child's health. Amulets for children from illness, misfortune, damage and evil. Strongly protecting a child from the evil eye is the sacred duty of parents



Variety of products

Total: The French diet for 14 days will allow you to lose up to 4-8 kg. The advantages of the French diet: varied in products, effective and quite easy. Cons: there are minor contraindications.

4.1 Good diet

The French are rightfully one of the slimmer nations in the world; they don’t go on diets, but know how to eat right! Therefore, the French diet for 14 days is rather a special diet that allows you to eat compatible foods and adjusts the amount of food consumed. The French know not only a lot about food, but also moderation.

The French diet is a 2 week (14 days) eating plan that will allow you to... get rid of 4 to 8 kg excess weight, without harming your health. The diet plan is strictly defined, and you cannot change meal days or replace the dishes listed on the menu!

It is important to know! The diet should not be abused; stick to it for no more than 2 weeks. It can be repeated no earlier than six months later.

Three pillars of the French diet: What, How Much and How Fast!

Firstly, essence The French diet is low carbohydrate intake(no more than 1500 kcal per day), thus, the body will burn the missing calories from its own reserves. The diet is rich in proteins: fish and meat (it is best to choose low-fat varieties) and dairy products are at your disposal. And paired with vegetables, which also fill the French diet, you can delight yourself with delicious and beautiful dishes. Important thing What the French highlight in food is its quality, so the products must be fresh and natural! No semi-finished products!

Secondly, the French diet is not only about what to eat, but also what how much! The French diet menu for 14 days has instructions on the volume of foods eaten, in order to teach not only how to eat properly, but also how to eat a little, enjoying little.

Third, diet idea - eat slowly, having fun and enjoying food, which is not so much in the diet. Chewing thoroughly and not rushing while eating will allow you to establish digestion processes and get full faster, since it is known that the brain takes time to receive a signal from the stomach about satiety.

Basic rules of the French diet for 14 days:

  • Half an hour before meals, it is recommended to drink a glass of water with lemons. If you have increased stomach acidity, then a glass of plain water is enough.
  • The French view eating as an art, so... you need to eat slowly and enjoy your food. This important rule It will allow you to get full faster, food will be absorbed better, and over time you will begin to enjoy the taste of food like real French people.
  • Forget about sugar, alcohol, sweets, flour products, starchy foods and salt - they are prohibited!
  • Do not forget to strictly follow the diet menu - The diet menu cannot be swapped!
  • So that the body does not suffer from a lack of vitamins, it's worth taking vitamins or multivitamin complexes.
  • Throughout the diet, you can drink mineral or boiled water without restrictions, but it is better to refrain from carbonated water and juices.
  • Dinner - no later than 4 hours before bedtime.

As with any other diet, when using the “French diet” you need to remember that there are contraindications!

The French diet for weight loss is actually low-carbohydrate, which means it is poorly balanced, so for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, heart and kidneys, as well as in the presence of any chronic diseases, it is better consult a doctor!

French diet - menu for 14 days:

First week

Breakfast Dinner


Cup of black coffee or teaFresh salad of green lettuce, tomato and 2 boiled eggsBoiled or steamed beef - 100 gr.
Lettuce leaves
Cup of coffee + 1 cracker/toastLow-fat ham - 100 gr.
Lettuce leaves
Cup of coffee + 1 cracker/toastFried on vegetable oil carrot
1 tomato
Mandarin or orange
Hard boiled eggs - 2 pcs.
Lean sausage or ham
Lettuce leaves
Cup of black coffee + toast/cracker1 boiled egg
Fresh carrots
Slice of hard unsalted cheese - 15 gr.
Fruit salad
Kefir/unsweetened yogurt
1 grated raw carrot with lemon juice300 g boiled or steamed fish
1 tomato
Boiled or steamed beef or chicken - 100 gr.
Cup of black coffeeBoiled chicken (no salt)
Lettuce leaves
Boiled or steamed beef - 100 gr.
Tea without sugar200 g boiled beef
Any fruit
Lean sausage or ham

The second week you need to eat exactly the same menu as the first, starting from the first day.

Cooking tips: So that the diet does not seem empty and not tasty, do not forget how the French love various sauces and gravies. For example, lettuce leaves can be seasoned with 2 tbsp sauce. spoons of olive oil, lemon juice and a little spices, or a dressing of natural yogurt and herbs. A meat dishes A yogurt and mustard dressing would be a great garnish.

When cooking pepper meat, you can leave it in a marinade of the juice of half an orange and spices for 200 grams of meat. You can marinate for about 40 minutes, and for a brighter taste you can leave it for 4 hours or even overnight. Then bake in the oven, fry in a pan or grill.

For greater effectiveness of the diet, you can add physical exercise, you shouldn’t exhaust yourself in the gym, but a little exercise in the morning, a walk or walking up the stairs to the office will be enough.

Rules for quitting the French diet!

The rules for leaving the French diet are similar to other diets: for the first couple of weeks you need to eat buckwheat porridge for breakfast, you can eat yogurt or kefir (preferably low-fat). At lunch, continue to eat meat/fish and vegetables. Dinner should also be fairly light - lean meat, salads fresh vegetables, kefir. You need to return to your usual diet gradually, adding 1-2 products per week. If you really want something sweet, it’s better to eat a couple of pieces of dark chocolate or half a marshmallow.

Drink at least 1 liter of water per day and try not to eat 4 hours before bed. Get into the habit of doing exercises (at least 15 minutes a day) or sign up for fitness or Pilates; light physical activity will help you keep your figure in order and keep your muscles toned. In addition, do not forget about cosmetic procedures; you can go for a massage or body wrap, or do the body wrap yourself at home.

The French diet from Pierre Dukan is based on the refusal to eat low-carbohydrate foods. This diet is more suitable for people with excess weight in a volume of 10 kilograms and above. An undoubted advantage is the feeling of satiety that does not leave a person losing weight according to the Dukan method. But let's talk about everything in order.

Another method of losing weight from the French

As general information It also wouldn’t hurt to describe how the French diet works for 14 days; it has nothing to do with Pierre Dukan, and in general its “progenitor” is not known. It’s worth warning right away that it is unlikely to be suitable in its pure form for people suffering from hypertension, since you will have to drink black coffee almost every day. However, it can be replaced with any other non-sweetened drink.

Sample menu.

1 day.

Breakfast. A cup of coffee.

Dinner. Two hard-boiled eggs, cucumber or tomato. Greenery.

Dinner. A piece of boiled chicken breast. Greenery.

Day 2.

Breakfast. Coffee with a slice of bread or cracker.

Dinner. 200 grams of boiled meat (chicken is best).

Dinner. A piece of doctor's sausage and greens.

Day 3.

Breakfast. Coffee.

Dinner. Vegetable stew. For dessert, 1-2 citrus fruits.

Dinner. 2 chicken eggs, doctor's sausage, greens.

Day 4

Breakfast. Coffee is black.

Dinner. 1 boiled egg. Carrot salad (can be with cabbage). A piece of cheese.

Dinner. Fruit salad and a glass of low-fat fermented milk drink.

Day 5

Breakfast. Carrot salad with lemon juice.

Dinner. Boiled fish of a non-fatty variety.

Dinner. Not fatty boiled meat.

Day 6

Breakfast. Black coffee.

Dinner. Boiled chicken and greens.

Dinner. Boiled veal.

Day 7

Breakfast. Not strong black or green tea.

Dinner. Boiled breast. For dessert, any fruit.

Dinner. Doctor's sausage.

The French diet for weight loss in the second week is exactly the same as the first.

The French diet seems to you:


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To protect their children, in ancient times people created special amulets. IN modern world amulets have not lost either their popularity or their powers, so every mother can take advantage of the knowledge of previous generations and protect her children from problems and the evil eye.

Every mother knows how difficult it is to protect her child from all sorts of troubles. To do this, you can create a strong protective amulet, because young children are more susceptible to negative influences than adults. It is much easier to put the evil eye on a child, but removing the curse can be difficult. It's better not to let it happen negative influence, creating a strong defense that will protect the child. It is known that the power of a mother's word can work miracles. However, even a grandmother can start making protection.

There are many protective amulets in the world. If you do not have the opportunity to make an amulet yourself, you can purchase a ready-made one. But it will need to be cleared of foreign energy and be sure to speak to a specific child.

Rowan amulet

Rowan has unique protective properties, so all its parts are used to create amulets. Leaves, twigs and berries will serve as excellent protection for your baby. For example, you can create a cross from twigs, fastened with red thread. Our ancestors often made such amulets by hanging amulets over cribs and cradles. Under the bed you can put a few leaves and berries or a bag with a piece of bark or wood that will protect your baby from any misfortune. Such amulets need to be changed from time to time. After use, all parts of the tree must be thanked for their help, and then burned at the stake. For creating strong amulet take a green or yellow candle, light it and place a few rowan leaves in front of you. Read the words of the conspiracy:

“Mother Rowan, I turn to you with your help, I’m going to protect my child. Rowanushka, protect my child from evil, protect from evil, protect from the evil eye. Let my little blood grow and grow, and know no troubles and sorrows. Let troubles pass him by, and let luck creep under his feet and stay with him. Let all the evil pass him by and not come to our house. As I command, so it will be!”

The charmed leaves should be placed under the baby’s mattress. They will protect your child from diseases, the evil eye and damage. The amulet will also help maintain a restful sleep for the baby and relieve him of headaches and toothaches.

Amulet from a charmed pin

Pins are the most common objects, with the help of which, since ancient times, effective protection against any negative impact has been made. With the help of the simplest pin you can create a talisman for your child. To do this, you need to pin a pin on the back of the clothing and say:

“The pin is sharp, it will take away the thin and dashing from my child (name). The sharp end will pierce evil and create strong protection. Every day and every hour, protect my child, don’t take your eyes off him. Let it be as I said.”

The pin is removed only before washing, and then again spoken for protection. If it turns black or rusty, sprinkle it with salt and then bury it away from the house with the words:

“I’ll bury the evil and won’t pass it on to anyone. I thank the pin for protection, new amulet I create."

You can pin the amulet however you like, but for the little ones the amulet should be placed at the head of the crib or on the back of the mattress. This way you will protect your child from accidental injections.

Children's amulet made of bay leaves

Bay leaves perfectly protect against evil and negativity. Since ancient times, this plant has been considered the strongest amulet. Place dry bay leaves in the corners of the room where children sleep, or place them under their mattresses. You can sew a special bag, decorating it with protective embroidery. To do this, make your own pouch from burlap, linen or cotton, threading natural thread through the neck. Place a few laurel leaves inside and say:

“I call on the protective forces of the laurel, I create a talisman. Whoever the bag is with will be forgotten by evil. Evil thoughts will not come, evil people will not cause harm. Let it be so".

For small children, the bags are placed in cribs or strollers. Older children can carry amulets with them in bags, backpacks or pockets.

Protective amulet made of red thread

Perhaps everyone knows the red thread. It is popular all over the world and can be used as protective amulet for a child. The thread can be purchased at the store or found at home. It should be made of natural material without any synthetic admixture. Creating a talisman is simple: tie a thread on the child’s hand with seven knots, saying:

“I tie a red thread on (name)’s wrist, I tie a protection to it (to her). No one else will wish or cause harm to my (my) (name), will jinx or harm. Happiness comes to my child, and any evil is bypassed. So be it!

You can weave a bracelet from red threads, decorating it with beads. While weaving, say silently or out loud words of protection for your child.


The gentle shimmer of small bells will calm an anxious child and give him good dream and reliable protection. Our ancestors, with the help of such amulets, drove away evil spirits and created a positive energy background in the house. The bells are hung next to the baby's crib and their condition is closely monitored. Blackened, stained or cracked bells are immediately replaced with new ones.

Clean the amulet with salt once a month. To do this, you can use special miraculous Thursday salt. If you don’t have one, then a regular one will do. Above it, read a prayer to the Higher Powers for the granting of protection. The bells are placed in salt overnight or for a day, and then thrown away along with household waste. Make sure that the salt does not spill and remain in the house.

DIY toy amulet

Our ancestors made special dolls that children played with. These amulets have an excellent protection function, which is why guard toys for children are often found in the modern world.

To create a toy, you can take any safe materials: threads, filler, fabric, beads. It is important to sew a soft toy with your own hands and it is advisable not to make a face on it. In ancient times, dolls were made from threads and fabric, which were stuffed with fragrant herbs or hay. Threads were tied around the head, arms and legs, and dresses and hats were sewn. The “empty” face was left so that the amulet could not be inhabited by devilry. It’s easy to speak to the amulet doll:

“I will stand up, cross myself, protect Higher Powers I'll ask. Do not leave my child (name) in trouble, protect him from any evil. Help him wherever he (she) is. Amen".

You can sew a handwritten prayer into the toy itself. She will protect your baby from all adversity.

Protection from the sea

Many people have pebbles and shells in their homes brought from sea ​​coast. They can be used as amulets for a child. You will need a stone with a hole or a small shell. Read the amulet spell:

“I protect my child (name) with salt water. I take troubles away from him, protect him from misfortune. The protective forces around (name) are rising and will take any trouble away from the child. Sea water, mighty and indestructible, overcome any evil.”

In addition to the amulet, you can string beads onto the rope. Speak to each one against illness, the evil eye, damage, whatever you want to create protection from. While tying knots on a shoelace, say:

“I close the protection with knots, I protect my child.”

The amulets are changed approximately every six months or placed in salt water for a day, updating protective functions.

Icons-amulets for children

Icons have always been considered better protection for any person. For children you can purchase small images of the saints in whose name they were baptized in Orthodox Church. Icons will save your child from any evil, the evil eye and damage, ward off trouble and help him avoid trouble. To protect a child from diseases, you can use the image

Young children under seven years of age are especially susceptible to the influences of the biofield.. Parents notice that after visiting crowded places or the presence of strangers in the house, children may become capricious, refuse to eat and cry. This can happen even if friends or relatives praise the baby, because he does not yet have his own protective field. That's why The mother’s task is to protect the baby using special amulets for children.

This effect on a child has long been called the evil eye. and many examples of its existence can be found. A baby can be jinxed even unknowingly, because his biofield is so sensitive that it perceives any influence. This can slow down the child's development, cause growth retardation and the occurrence of certain diseases. That's why every mother should take care in advance to protect the baby, After all, it is very difficult to remove the evil eye and this can negatively affect the child’s health.

The simplest amulets for a child

The simplest amulets for a child Any mother can use it, even if she doesn’t believe in mystical influences. An infant should be protected from prying eyes using a tulle curtain for the stroller. Dress your baby in bright, attractive clothes. The hat should be especially conspicuous so that someone else's gaze is immediately attracted to her. Also recommended pin a small safety pin to your clothing in the solar plexus area, better gilded. To a small child you need to place it at the head of the stroller or crib.

Silver has always been considered a very good amulet. Hang it over your baby's crib and later around his neck silver jewelry , if you are a believer, then let it be a cross. Rock crystal, malachite and chrysolite also protect well from the evil eye. A in the past, children were protected by tying three red woolen threads around their arms. Sometimes it is advised to tie seven knots on them, but this is not necessary.

For an older child Any bright toy can be a talisman. The main thing is that your energy is on it, and the baby liked her. If you are going somewhere where there are a lot of people, let your daughter carry a doll in her hands, and your son - any soft toy. It is believed that this will help protect the baby from the evil eye.

DIY amulets for a child

You can make amulets for a child with your own hands. If they are made by the mother, then their effect will be the strongest. Previously, every woman made a doll herself before giving birth to a baby. In order for such a toy to have protective properties, it needs to be made from scraps of parents’ clothes and when creating it do not use a needle or scissors.

It was also believed that the doll will have strong protective properties, if the woman does not place the unfinished amulet on the table during its manufacture. The amulet doll should not have a face to take on all the negative influences directed at the child. Since ancient times, they were placed in the cradle of a child immediately after his birth. Homemade rags in ancient times, dolls constantly accompanied the child; they were even made for boys. But they were all faceless, so that the toy could not harm the baby.

To protect the baby from other people’s influences, you can make the same sun. To make it, you can take cardboard, wood, yellow threads or scraps. Figure out how to decorate the smiling face of the sun. It is better to hang it above the door to the child’s room. A cockerel in the form of a toy or embroidered on clothes or bed linen baby.

Herbal amulets

Earlier Rowan leaves and berries were used to protect the child from prying eyes, which were located under the bed, thistles, garlic, acorns and hawthorn branches. Plants have long been attributed strong protective properties. Therefore, toys and furniture for the baby were made of wood, and dolls were made of grass.. Laurel leaves have strong protective properties. They are placed in a bag or placed in the corners of the room.


Often It is recommended to read conspiracies to enhance the protective properties of amulets when making them.. But this must be done skillfully; if you are not sure, it is better to do without them. A Believers can simply read a prayer. You can choose any amulet. Its action will depend on your faith in it and your desire to protect your baby.

Red thread on the wrist

A red woolen thread tied on a baby’s hand is an ancient amulet that our ancestors used to protect against evil eyes and negative influences. It is believed that it is the red thread on the wrist that reliably neutralizes. If you want to protect your child even better, tie three threads on his hand at once.

Tulle curtain for stroller

Since ancient times, people have hidden children from prying eyes. A white tulle curtain was hung on the stroller, which did not allow bad energy to pass through and protected infant from the evil eye and damage. Now this tradition is considered a relic by some young mothers. But in fact, it will be better to shield your baby from strangers when you go for a walk with him.

In the old days, women themselves made a doll for their child, which served as a reliable amulet against negative influences. Her mother put all her love into her. The main condition is that this doll must be without a face and made from the clothes of the baby’s parents. You also cannot use scissors and needles in making this doll. This amulet can be placed in the stroller while walking.

A toy passed down by inheritance

Such a thing will also become a reliable talisman. A toy that the baby’s mother or father played with will become a reliable protector. The energy of the entire family strengthens the child’s connection with his ancestors and helps neutralize negative influences.

Natural stones and crystals

Agate has long been considered a reliable protector against energy attacks. This stone is able to protect its owner from negative energy. Based on agate you can make powerful talisman protecting the baby.

The cat's eye is another common talisman. In addition to protection, this stone is also considered a reliable guardian of the hearth.

Products made from tiger's eye and moonstone will also become a reliable amulet for a child.

Video on the topic

Due to their age, gullibility and lack of life experience, children are often exposed to various dangers. It is the responsibility of adults to anticipate possible incidents and protect children from them. What dangers does a child face every day?

The first danger is the house. Oddly enough, but most of the troubles can happen at home, and not somewhere else. A kettle with boiling water left behind, matches lying uncontrollably, an unprotected socket, sharp corners, medicines forgotten on the table, low-priced washing powders, bleaches and other chemicals, knives within reach - all these are sources of danger for a small, unintelligent child. To understand what dangers your child is exposed to every day at home, walk around your apartment and look at it from his height. It’s better to be on the safe side than to blame yourself for the rest of your life.

The second danger is the street. Leaving home also exposes your child to many dangers. To prevent him from becoming a victim of criminals, constantly have preventive conversations with him about the criminals he may encounter. The child must know firmly that he must not talk to strangers or people he barely knows, and he must not go anywhere with them under any pretext. We need to tell them what tricks criminals use to lure, and convince them that sometimes they need to firmly say no or run away.

The third danger is the road. On the street, a child becomes a defenseless participant in traffic. Teach him the rules, think about the safest possible route to school and clubs. When transporting your baby, do not forget to fasten him in a child seat. This, alas, is not an invention of state traffic inspectors, but a real way to protect children from injury and preserve their life and health in an accident. Mothers walking with strollers should be especially careful when crossing the street and not cross the road in front of cars.

The fourth danger is television and the media. Unfortunately, it's no secret that the funds mass media They have long become distributors of violence, pornography, and antisocial ideas that have a destructive effect on the psyche of children. Be careful, control what your child is watching and what he is doing. Don't let him play for hours computer games, otherwise he may develop a persistent addiction.

Universal advice to all parents - your child, talk to him more, be aware of his affairs and experiences, look carefully into his eyes and do not let him be idle.

Video on the topic

Family is wealth. And there are people who are trying to take it away. And it’s not always strangers who decided to destroy the marriage because they fell in love with one of the spouses. Often the parents of the husband or wife interfere in the family, trying to impose their own style of behavior.


To prevent betrayal from destroying your family, be the best for your husband. Become ideal woman, in comparison with which all others lose. Take care of yourself, play sports, visit the hairdresser on time, get a manicure. Monitor your family's diet and prepare healthy meals delicious dishes. Diversify your menu. Nowadays you can find in stores a sufficient range of products for preparing the most delicious food. And on the Internet there is how to cook quickly. Don't limit yourself to cutlets and borscht, pamper your husband and family with dishes of Japanese, Chinese, Arabic and other cuisines.

Become a friend to your spouse. Be interested in his affairs, mood, share your experiences. Don't close yourself off from each other. It is the lack of mutual understanding that most often pushes spouses to cheat. Always support your partner, even if you don't agree with everything. You will say this later, when your spouse stops worrying.

In the event that a family may separate due to the interference of relatives in the lives of two, develop common tactics of behavior. Agree that no one can influence your desire to be together. Remember that you are adults. And the time has passed when mom or dad did not allow you to be friends with someone from the yard. Now you decide with whom to live, communicate, and how to build relationships. Tell this to relatives who are trying to influence your marriage. Explain that even if you make a mistake, this is your experience, and you are ready to learn it. Tell them that if your relatives continue to mind their own business, you will simply stop communicating with them as often as before. Because family is the most important thing for you, and you are not ready to lose it because of someone’s whim.

Always, if you want to protect your family from falling apart, work together with your partner. Only two people can overcome all difficulties. Very often, marriages in which spouses have overcome challenges with honor become very strong; partners value and respect each other and are afraid of losing.

As soon as a newborn appears in the family, all adults try to protect him from falls, bruises, various diseases etc. In addition, most mothers try to make sure that no one jinxes their child, using special amulets for this. Of course, such talismans can be purchased in a store, but only those made with love for the little man do they truly become magical power.

The first amulet for a newborn is “God’s Eye”

This Slavic amulet It's incredibly easy to do. It is enough to take two small sticks or matches, fold them in the form of a cross, wrap them around woolen threads different color. The finished product should either be placed under the pillow or hung above the crib. The four ends of “God’s Eye” will protect the child from any negativity coming from all directions.

Baby doll

This amulet against the evil eye was sewn before expectant mother shortly before the baby is born. The fabric was taken from the worn clothes of the child’s close relatives, as this made it possible to provide him with generic protection. Today you can take a simple piece of ordinary cotton fabric, just bought at the store. The doll is made in the following way: the fabric is twisted as tightly as possible, tied in the middle with a belt to indicate the waist, and tied. The thread is bitten off with your teeth, since scissors cannot be used.

Next, the head is made. To mark it, the upper part of the twisted fabric is also tied with threads. At the end, a scarf is tied to the doll’s head, and she herself is wrapped in a diaper. The amulet is kept close to the child. By the way, in Rus', amulets in the form of diaper dolls were made not only from fabric, but also from straw and wood. In other words, you can take any natural material to make it.

Amulet for a newborn made of amber

A very good amulet made. The stone for it must be purchased between the 3rd and 9th lunar day. On Saturday or Monday after 12 o'clock at night, you need to stand in front of a lit candle, holding amber in your left hand and dry chamomile in your right, and say the following words:

“Lord, save also Your servant, the child (name of the newborn), from all evil, from dashing illness. Just as rivers run, so every disease runs and runs away from my child (child’s name), and just as no one can stop the river, so no one can spoil the health of the child (child’s name). Neither a sorcerer, nor a witch, nor any evil spirit, nor a dashing person, nor an evil person, no matter how much they look askance at my child, no matter what they do, it doesn’t work out, everything falls out of hand.”

After which you should say “Amen” three times, fumigate the room and the mineral with chamomile, and put the finished amulet in the children’s room in a place where no one can get it or see it. The amber amulet will protect your child for 9 years, after which it can be made again.


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    Find time for family

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    Protect the “family territory” from negative citizens

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    Trust each other

    Extra secrets, especially dishonest ones towards each other, have not yet brought any couple closer. Work on trust. Consult with each other, tell how your day went, spend time together, hug each other, sleep in an embrace - all this will help create a trusting relationship between you.

    Accept help and help your relatives yourself

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    And finally: remember that family boundaries also include the relationship between you. Distributing responsibilities and understanding what is possible and what is not will allow you to remain a strong and happy couple no matter what.


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