How General Lev Rokhlin died. Lev Rokhlin is a rebellious general. "iron lion" Committee for the Salvation of Russia

In his last years, Lev Rokhlin conducted active political propaganda, calling on Yeltsin to voluntarily resign from office. But the president had absolutely no plans to leave his seat despite his own colossal unpopularity among the people. The coalition was preparing a plan for Yeltsin’s impeachment, as stated by Security Committee employee V. Ilyukhin.

Rokhlin had many like-minded people. According to General Lebed, media tycoon Vladimir Gusinsky allegedly offered the deputy money to organize an assassination attempt on the president. Lev Yakovlevich refused. He believed too much that any decision could be reached in an honest and legal way. Shortly before the general’s death, ominous words were addressed to him: “We will sweep all these Rokhlins out of the way!”

Then this murder happened. It was supposed to end the campaign against Yeltsin. Further accusations and pressure on the general’s wife to force her to take the blame only confirms that the Kremlin was involved in the murder of the deputy. Tamara Rokhlina herself never admitted her guilt.

However, she does not believe that her husband could have been removed by the civil services (“Yeltsin’s people”). Explains what happened as banal theft. Allegedly, the general’s guards or people associated with them stole money from the deceased, which was prepared to finance the anti-presidential campaign.

Who killed General Lev Rokhlin and why?

09.23.2011 170 59

Around mysterious death General Lev Rokhlin there are a lot of gossip, rumors, and versions. This is understandable: the military general, who was a political competitor to the Kremlin, was killed under very strange circumstances. After a short time, the unknown Putin becomes director of the FSB, and then occupies the Kremlin. Are these events connected and who is behind the murder of General Lev Rokhlin, who intended to remove Yeltsin from power? This will be discussed in the article.

We also bring to your attention “CONFESSION OF GENERAL ROKHLIN”

The recording was made shortly before the murder.

July 3, 1998, at 4 a.m., on own dacha In the village of Klokovo near Naro-Fominsk, the chairman of the All-Russian movement “In support of the army, defense industry and military science” (DPA), State Duma deputy General Lev Yakovlevich Rokhlin, was shot dead.

Immediately the media hastened to voice everyday versions: “the killer is Tamara Rokhlina’s wife” (“NG”, 4/07/1998), “he was killed by his 14-year-old son” (!) and “the fingerprints on the PSM pistol coincided with the fingerprints of his wife "(Izvestia, 07/4/1998, - in fact, the traces were washed away!), "the gold scam" (Kommersant-daily, 07/4/1998), "the half-Jew became friends with the near-Black Hundred public" (" Today", 4/07/1998), etc.

Lev Yakovlevich loved common man and strived for him to become the master of his life, his country and the future of his children. That’s why he enjoyed fantastic popularity in civilian life and among the troops, where he was lovingly called Dad. He organized the Movement in Support of the Army, Defense Industry and Military Science (DPA), openly calling on Yeltsin to voluntarily resign as president. In response, the whole country heard: “We will sweep away these Rokhlins!..”.

His wife Tamara Pavlovna was immediately accused of murdering the rebellious general. She was put in a pre-trial detention center for a long year and a half. For what? If there is evidence, take the case to court. But the sick woman was left to rot in crowded, stuffy cells, while at home her sick son Igor, a lifelong disabled person of group I, suffered without affection and care. Do you want to see him? Write a “confession” and we will spare you. But she stood her ground: “I didn’t kill.” The 18-month prison pressure did not break her spirit.

Who hid the killers?

Besides, did he pull the trigger of a pistol at the general’s temple on that fateful morning? Fearing the truth and revelations, the authorities made the “domestic process” closed from the public and the press.

In his last word At the trial on November 15, 2000, this tormented woman made a sensational statement about her support for her husband’s desire to “peacefully throw off the Kremlin temporary workers from the neck of the muzzled people.”

Leva believed, she said, that such actions were consistent with the UN Charter, which even approved the uprising of the people against a tyrannical state. Whether my husband was right or wrong in considering Yeltsin and his government tyrannical and anti-people, let the Russian people judge. I personally supported him. In the face of my inevitable death, I now declare once again - I believe that my husband, General Lev Rokhlin, was right.

My husband was killed, but not by Yeltsin’s services and people, but by his own guards. Now this is obvious to me. A huge amount of money, collected from all over Russia by Lyova’s like-minded people to finance the action to liberate the country, disappeared from the dacha immediately after the murder of her husband. And his security guard Alexander Pleskachev is soon announced in a new capacity as a “new Russian” with a Moscow residence permit, the position of head of economic security, and even studies at a higher educational institution and does not hide from the court that the General Prosecutor’s Office helped him in everything. Chance helped the enemies of my husband: the common criminal Pleskachev and his accomplices did a vile deed “for them.”

There are plenty of reasons for such statements. Three “bodyguards” (the general’s security guard, a soldier - the dacha guard and the driver) were unable to answer the lawyers’ basic questions. For example, “What were you doing on the night of the murder, and how could it happen that you did not hear two shots that rang out in the rooms of the dacha?”

All three dodged, got confused and lied so much that their involvement in the murder of the DPA leader became more and more obvious. The defendant’s arguments that three unknown masked men killed her sleeping husband, and then beat her and threatened to kill her if she did not “take the blame,” remained unrefuted.

I followed this process from beginning to end, was at the court hearings and once wrote that the “Family,” which already did not expect the repentance of the sovereign defendant, was taken aback and regarded her speech as a rebellion. There is no doubt for me that it was on her order that the judge of the Naro-Fominsk City Court, Zilina, sentenced Tamara Pavlovna to 8 years in prison. At the same time, she did not provide any evidence of her involvement in the murder of her husband.

Already in the “zone,” this unbroken woman, with the help of lawyer A. Kucherena, filed a complaint with the Strasbourg Court of Human Rights, which caused a stream of caustic comments in the media. However, having examined the case “Rokhlina v. Russia”, he recognized the correctness of her complaint and decided to recover from Russian authorities in favor of the plaintiff 8 thousand euros as compensation for moral injury for illegal criminal prosecution.

After all the protests, on June 7, 2001, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation issued a verdict: the sentence against the convicted T.P. Rokhlina was canceled as illegal, unfounded and unfair, and she was released on her own recognizance. Return all materials of the case to the Naro-Fominsk court for re-examination by another panel. This decision could be interpreted unambiguously: the general’s widow is innocent, we must look for his real killers.

On the same night when General Rokhlin was killed, there was an attempt on the life of his associate, head of the Profit law firm, Yuri Markin, who was involved in the theft of oil in a number of large companies. Soon, not far from Klokov, in the forest near the village of Fominskoye, 3 badly burnt corpses of men of strong build, 25-30 years old, were found bullet wounds(“Nezavisimaya Gazeta”, 7/07/1998). The Russian press has repeatedly quoted the statement of Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko on November 18, 2000, that he “warned General Rokhlin two days in advance about the impending assassination attempt.” A day before the murder, FSB surveillance of Rokhlin’s house was suddenly lifted (Novye Izvestia, 07/8/1998). Deputy head of the FSB Central Election Commission B. Neuchev then stated: “We have every reason to assert: the death of General Rokhlin is not related to his political activities” (“Arguments and Facts”, 07/13/1998). November 27, 1999 Mikhail Poltoranin in an interview “ Komsomolskaya Pravda“made a sensational confession: “I know who killed Rokhlin. It wasn’t my wife who did this...” In her last word at the trial on November 15, 2000, Tamara Rokhlina openly spoke out in support of her husband’s plans to “peacefully throw off the Kremlin temporary workers from the neck of the muzzled people.”

According to Rokhlina, “a huge amount of money collected from all over Russia by her husband’s like-minded people to finance the action to liberate the country disappeared from the dacha immediately after the murder.” In 2001, when on behalf of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin offered her a pardon in the Mozhaisk colony; the general’s widow rejected this deal with her conscience, considering it a betrayal of the cause for which her husband fought and gave his life. In the early 2000s. For the first time, versions were heard in the media about the involvement of newly elected President Vladimir Putin in the elimination of Lev Rokhlin. And in his 2010 book, Poltoranin named all the participants for the first time, which he spoke about at a press conference: “I could not say directly that Putin organized the murder of Rokhlin, they would immediately sue and demand evidence. However, the entire totality of reliably established events and facts surrounding this murder show that this is by no means my “guess” or a free “assumption”. The decision to kill, I know for sure, was made at the dacha in their narrow circle by four people - Yeltsin, Voloshin, Yumashev and Dyachenko. They first wanted to entrust Savostyanov, the head of the Moscow FSB, but then settled on a security officer “with cold fish eyes”, capable of anything... And it is hardly a coincidence that almost immediately after the murder of Rokhlin, the head of the then FSB Kovalev was roused from bed at night and hastily , in just 20 minutes, they were forced, in accordance with the Presidential Decree, to transfer their powers to the newly appointed V. Putin. And this concerned the most powerful intelligence service in the world! For what merit? And is all this by chance? General Rokhlin was shot on July 3, 1998. And on July 25, the unknown Putin was appointed director of the FSB by President Yeltsin...

According to Poltoranin, real power in the country is in the hands of the “bokhanat” led by the ruling tandem Medvedev-Putin. In his book, Poltoranin touched upon the newly minted Russian oligarchs who have amassed fabulous fortunes from the plunder of public property; in particular, Yeltsin’s banker Abramovich owns numerous enterprises, mines and mines, including the most profitable of them in Mezhdurechensk, and even the entire port of Nakhodka. Moreover, all companies of this oligarch pay taxes on income at their place of registration in Luxembourg. Putin, well aware of this, pretends that everything is in order. It's not surprising that others do the same. Russian oligarchs, who long ago prepared “landing sites” for themselves in the West, as did senior government officials. According to Poltoranin, Putin and Medvedev have become even greater servants of the oligarchy than Yeltsin: “Both the president and the prime minister keep their money in Western banks... When they come to the G8 or G20, they are directly and unceremoniously threatened the loss of their money if they do not do what is beneficial to the West.

Lieutenant General and State Duma deputy Lev Rokhlin, who at one time refused the title of Hero of Russia for “ civil war in Chechnya,” developed such vigorous opposition activity in 1997-1998 that it frightened both the Kremlin and other oppositionists. “We will sweep away these Rokhlins!” - Boris Yeltsin said in anger, and deputies from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation contributed to the removal of the rebel from the post of head of the parliamentary defense committee.

The military general who stormed Grozny during the first Chechen campaign got into the State Duma on the lists of the quite official movement “Our Home is Russia.” But he quickly disagreed with the weak party in power (Rokhlin called the head of the NDR Chernomyrdin among his associates nothing more than a “spider”), left the faction and created the Movement in Support of the Army, Defense Industry and Military Science (DPA).

The organizing committee of the movement included former minister defense Igor Rodionov, former commander of the Airborne Forces Vladislav Achalov, ex-head of the KGB Vladimir Kryuchkov and a number of equally notable retirees who have significant influence and connections among the security forces.

Then there were trips to the regions, a personal plane helpfully provided by one of the leaders of the military-industrial complex, meetings with governors, packed halls in major cities and the most remote military garrisons.

“I went on several business trips with Rokhlin - to Kazan and other places,” recalled General Achalov, “I heard speeches, saw how he was perceived. He expressed himself extremely harshly. It is unthinkable to hear such a thing from a federal deputy today. And everyone was afraid of him then - not only the Kremlin, but also the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, the Liberal Democratic Party...

“There were times when we gathered in a very narrow circle at his dacha, there were literally five or six of us,” Achalov continued. — Of course, initially there were no plans for an armed seizure of power or an armed uprising. But then the life situation pushed me towards this. Because the leapfrog in the state was gaining momentum, growing simply catastrophically quickly. You remember 1998, right? Since the spring, the boy Kiriyenko was prime minister, and in August there was a default. So imagine what would have happened if Rokhlin had not been killed in July. The option of involving the army was not at all excluded.

Achalov did not talk about any additional details. He mentioned, however, that Rokhlin “could rely on the Volgograd 8th Corps in any matter.” Rokhlin has commanded this corps since 1993. With him he went through the “first Chechen war.” And even when he became a deputy, he paid very special attention to him: he regularly met with officers, personally supervised the issues of rearmament and equipment of the corps, turning it into one of the most combat-ready formations.

“Two years after Rokhlin’s death, I talked with the officers of this Volgograd corps, they told me something, and, based on these stories, something could really work out there,” the head of the “Union of Officers” Stanislav Terekhov, also assures us. at one time part of Rokhlin’s entourage.

The Rokhlin movement, whose founding congress was held in 1997 in Moscow, so quickly acquired such a scale that military units there were proposals to begin a mass action to accept at officer meetings parts of the obligations of allegiance to General Rokhlin with a call on him to lead the movement of military personnel, workers of the country's military-industrial complex and other citizens of Russia, in accordance with constitutional norms Russian Federation, to save the state from destruction.

Rokhlin’s supporters believed that if these legal actions of citizens took on a massive scale and affected up to 70 percent of the personnel of the most important parts of law enforcement agencies, social movements and organizations, then the country would have objective preconditions for a vote of no confidence in the policies of the country’s leadership in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Having such organized support of the people, Federal Assembly will be able to, without experiencing pressure from outside executive power, remove the president from power and carry out new presidential elections. Lev Rokhlin could become the president of Russia, because time itself should have nominated a leader who would lead the policy of restoring the destroyed country. In this sense, Lev Yakovlevich Rokhlin is a man with Jewish surname, Jewish blood and a true patriot of Russia - sent to the country by God himself - his reign would not have had those dubious deviations that plague the reign of President Putin, who is ultimately forced to act in the interests of restoring a destroyed country. However, Lev Rokhlin, unlike the majority, Russian politicians, there was no one standing except honest people. He was not a protege of any of the bandit clans.

Rokhlin was killed, and the “democratic” press, unable to come up with a single significant accusation against the general, tried to do everything to banish his name from people’s memory. Let's remember Lev Rokhlin with a kind word.

On June 6, Lev Rokhlin would have turned 65 years old. But, unfortunately, he did not live to see this time. However, his memory lives on, and his experience of fighting against the regime has begun to gain popularity these days.

The future general Lev Rokhlin was born into the family of a political exile, a hero of the Great Patriotic War Yakov Rokhlin, and was the third child in the family. In 1948, when little Lev was not even a year old, his father was arrested and sent to the Gulag, where he disappeared. Mother, Ksenia Ivanovna, had to raise three children alone.

10 years later, the family moved to live in Tashkent, where, after graduating from school, Lev went to work at an aircraft factory, and then he was called up from the ranks Soviet army. In 1970, he became a graduate of the Tashkent Higher Combined Arms Command School, graduating with honors, however, like everyone else educational establishments. After that there was military service in Germany, in a group of Soviet troops. After graduating from the Frunze Academy, he served in the Arctic, as well as in the Turkestan, Leningrad and Transcaucasian military districts.

During 1982-1984 he fought in Afghanistan, where he was wounded twice and then evacuated to Tashkent. He held the position of commander of a motorized rifle regiment, but in 1983 he was removed from it due to an unsuccessful operation and was appointed deputy commander. But less than a year had passed before Rokhlin was reinstated. After this he also commanded a regiment and a division. In 1993, he graduated with honors from the General Staff Academy, and in the same year he was appointed commander of the Volgograd 8th Guards Corps and concurrently the head of the Volgograd garrison.

In 1994-1995 he was commander of the 8th Guards Corps in Chechnya. It was under his leadership that a significant number of operations to capture Grozny were carried out, including presidential palace. Lev Rokhlin - the hero of the first Chechen war. He refused to accept the title of Hero of Russia, citing the fact that he had no moral right to receive awards for killing citizens of his own state. He managed to survive the war in Chechnya, even though his life was threatened countless times deadly danger. Here is one such example. The combined regiment of his corps was forced to hold the line against attacks by ten times superior enemy forces. In total, in this battle the regiment repulsed 11 attacks in a row.

Rokhlin was not attracted by either career achievements or political activity. He received all his awards and medals not for his ability to guess the wishes of his superiors or for being deep in the rear. No, he selflessly served his state and took a direct part in military operations.

The war in Chechnya proved that, above all, the Russian army needs protection. But the military general, who was far from the government, did not immediately manage to understand that she needed to be protected first of all from the authorities. But soon, however, this realization came.

In 1995, the party “Our Home is Russia” decided to take advantage of his authority, and then his active political activity began. At first he took third place on the lists of the “Our Home is Russia” party, and in December of the same year he was elected to the State Duma from this party. In January 1996, he became a member of the NDR faction, and was also elected to the post of chairman of the State Duma Committee on Defense. It is noteworthy that even during this period of time, being a member of the party and a deputy of the Duma, Rokhlin never campaigned for the party itself. All his speeches boiled down to the problems of the army and the state as a whole.

After a short period of time, the general realized that it was the government that was destroying the army, and doing it deliberately. Therefore, in 1997, he first left the “Our Home is Russia” movement, and then the NDR faction.

In the same year, Rokhlin became the organizer of the Movement in Support of the Army, Military Industry and Science, the organizing committee of which included Vladimir Kryuchkov (former head of the KGB), Vladislav Achalov (ex-commander of the Airborne Forces), and Igor Rodionov (former Minister of Defense). This organization was designed to revive and protect the Russian armed forces. But it was difficult to do this under the conditions that existed then. The main task of the Movement was to strictly observe the Constitution and ensure citizens of all the rights and freedoms prescribed in it, as well as carry out democratic reforms.

Despite the fact that the DPA acted exclusively as an organization of the army and the military-industrial complex, in fact this movement turned into a national front that entered into opposition to the Yeltsin regime. And Rokhlin himself turned from a simple military general into one of the most famous politicians in Russia.

This movement caused a great resonance among the government elite. He was called communist, and Rokhlin himself was called a provocateur who was pushing the army towards a military coup.

Rokhlin is rightfully recognized as the most active leader of the opposition forces of the late 90s of the last century. There was information that the general was preparing a military coup against the Yeltsin regime. Vladislav Achalov also spoke about this a few weeks before the “sudden” death of the general.

Everyone who supported Rokhlin's candidacy for the post of chairman of the defense committee very soon regretted it. From the parliamentary rostrum, the general was not afraid to say that the high military command was mired in corruption, while citing specific facts and naming names. He also publicly accused Boris Yeltsin of being to blame for the collapse Russian army and high treason. Therefore, for such statements, at the end of May 1998, Rokhlin was removed from the post of defense chairman.

However, removal from office could in no way affect the general’s determination. It should be noted that his movement at that time included many famous scientists, Cossacks, and leaders of miners’ strikes. In addition, he was supported by many church ministers and civilians. It is noteworthy that at the same time, under the influence of reflections on the historical fate of Russia, General Rokhlin decided to be baptized.

Organizations that were disillusioned with the policies of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation began to go over to the side of the DPA. At the same time, the movement was not very popular among the younger generation, since the armed forces were very much discredited by wars and corruption among the generals. Soon his organization became the basis of the non-communist opposition. The power factor in it was the military and security officers, who were highly organized and had strong connections in the security forces. And if at that time there was a force in the country that could organize and carry out an armed uprising, it was only Rokhlin’s party. The general himself came to the conclusion that it would not be possible to overthrow the existing regime using parliamentary methods.

His political activities in 1997-1998 were so active that they caused panic not only in the Kremlin, but also among other opposition forces. But at the same time, not everyone who knew the general closely believed that he was preparing a military coup. So, for example, N. Bezborodov argued that the military would hardly have been able to decide on an open rebellion against the authorities, because the old generation of officers was brought up in complete submission to the authorities. And most likely, its representatives may commit suicide due to the inability to feed their family, but never take up arms against an undesirable regime. According to the same Bezborodov, Rokhlin was an extremely naive person who believed that politics was completely honest and correct.

It was the political career of the rebel general that became the reason for his death: in early July 1998, Rokhlin was killed at his own dacha in the Moscow region. During the investigation, the prosecutor's office was increasingly inclined to the version that the general was killed by his wife Tamara with his own award weapon. The reason for the murder was family quarrel. But how could one believe that a woman who had tirelessly raised children all her life and followed her husband to military garrisons was capable of doing such a thing? After her husband was killed, the woman spent four years under investigation in a detention center, but her guilt was never proven. Later, when the Rokhlin case lost its relevance, Tamara Pavlovna was released, and the investigation itself was stopped.

Besides official version about the involvement of Rokhlin’s wife in the murder, there were also a certain number of unofficial ones: political, involvement of the special services. If everything is more or less clear with the version about the political background of the tragedy, then it is necessary to dwell in more detail on the involvement of the special services. There is information that in the past, the KGB and GRU had special departments whose tasks included the direct destruction of people who were unfit or dangerous for the authorities.

As for the Rokhlin case, there is strong evidence that there were strangers in the house. Firstly, proof of the presence of strangers is Entrance door, which was closed before the murder, and for some reason turned out to be open after. Plus, not far from the general’s dacha in a forest belt, three burnt bodies were found. According to local residents, the day before there was nothing like that there. This means that they appeared in this place after the murder...

In addition, it is also known that there were two shots, and no one heard anything. The first shot was allegedly fired from a height of two meters from the floor on the first floor. Of course, it can be assumed that Tamara Rokhlina tried to get a pistol from the cabinet, while standing on a chair, and carelessly shoot. But all my friends claim that this could not have happened, because the woman knew how to handle weapons well. And even more ridiculous is the assumption that after the first shot she could have gone up to the second floor and shot her husband.

The fact that no fingerprints were found on the pistol, not even of Tamara Pavlovna, also raises certain suspicions. But at least the general’s fingerprints should have remained on it....

Thus, it still remains unclear who is the general’s killer? Despite such an array of versions, the investigation could not find evidence and establish the truth. But at the present time this is unlikely to succeed - after all, not only material evidence has been lost, but also the memory of witnesses cannot store the details of the tragedy for such a long time.

It should also be noted that after Rokhlin, the opposition could no longer find an equivalent informal leader. And this is not surprising, since such popularity among the military and civilian population no one else had. And there are no such military generals in Russia anymore who would enjoy real authority among the civilian population.

Rokhlin's death is another shining example how easily and with impunity you can get rid of opposition leaders who are objectionable or pose a danger to the government. Another similar example is the death of Viktor Ilyukhin, which occurred “accidentally” precisely during the period of time when he had in his hands compromising information regarding representatives of Gorbachev and Yeltsin’s inner circle. On their orders, data was fabricated about what exactly Soviet troops guilty of the mass executions of Polish prisoners of war near Katyn. After Ilyukhin died, all the materials he collected also disappeared. It is noteworthy that after the death of General Rokhlin, information regarding the “uranium deal” with America, which he was going to present, also disappeared from his house State Duma.

Somehow one notices a certain pattern in these two tragic cases...

The fate of General Rokhlin should become an example for those false patriots who are developing populist ideas regarding the emergence of large quantity enemies of Russia, without taking any concrete steps. Combat General Lev Rokhlin gave his life for the country and its armed forces. We should not forget what he managed to do for Russia, but try to increase it and bring to life everything that the rebel general fought for and gave his life for.

On June 6, Lev Rokhlin would have turned 65 years old. But, unfortunately, he did not live to see this time. However, his memory lives on, and his experience of fighting against the regime has begun to gain popularity these days.

The future general Lev Rokhlin was born into the family of a political exile, hero of the Great Patriotic War, Yakov Rokhlin, and was the third child in the family. In 1948, when little Lev was not even a year old, his father was arrested and sent to the Gulag, where he disappeared. Mother, Ksenia Ivanovna, had to raise three children alone.

Ten years later, the family moved to live in Tashkent, where after graduating from school, Lev went to work at an aircraft factory, and then he was drafted into the Soviet army. In 1970, he became a graduate of the Tashkent Higher Combined Arms Command School, graduating with honors, like all other educational institutions. After that, he served in Germany, in a group of Soviet troops. After graduating from the Frunze Academy, he served in the Arctic, as well as in the Turkestan, Leningrad and Transcaucasian military districts.

During 1982-1984 he fought in Afghanistan, where he was wounded twice and then evacuated to Tashkent. He held the position of commander of a motorized rifle regiment, but in 1983 he was removed from it due to an unsuccessful operation and was appointed deputy commander. But less than a year had passed before Rokhlin was reinstated. After this he also commanded a regiment and a division. In 1993, he graduated with honors from the General Staff Academy, and in the same year he was appointed commander of the Volgograd 8th Guards Corps and concurrently the head of the Volgograd garrison.

In 1994-1995 he was commander of the 8th Guards Corps in Chechnya. It was under his leadership that a significant number of operations were carried out to capture Grozny, including the presidential palace. Lev Rokhlin - hero of the first Chechen war. He refused to accept the title of Hero of Russia, citing the fact that he had no moral right to receive awards for killing citizens of his own state. He managed to survive the war in Chechnya, even though his life was in mortal danger countless times. Here is one such example. The combined regiment of his corps was forced to hold the line against attacks by ten times superior enemy forces. In total, in this battle the regiment repulsed 11 attacks in a row.

Rokhlin was not attracted by either career achievements or political activities. He received all his awards and medals not for his ability to guess the wishes of his superiors or for being deep in the rear. No, he selflessly served his state and took a direct part in military operations.

The war in Chechnya proved that, above all, the Russian army needs protection. But the military general, who was far from the government, did not immediately manage to understand that she needed to be protected first of all from the authorities. But soon, however, this realization came.

In 1995, the party “Our Home is Russia” decided to take advantage of his authority, and then his active political activity began. At first he took third place on the lists of the “Our Home is Russia” party, and in December of the same year he was elected to the State Duma from this party. In January 1996, he became a member of the NDR faction, and was also elected to the post of chairman of the State Duma Committee on Defense. It is noteworthy that even during this period of time, being a member of the party and a deputy of the Duma, Rokhlin never campaigned for the party itself. All his speeches boiled down to the problems of the army and the state as a whole.

After a short period of time, the general realized that it was the government that was destroying the army, and doing it deliberately. Therefore, in 1997, he first left the “Our Home is Russia” movement, and then the NDR faction.

In the same year, Rokhlin became the organizer of the Movement in Support of the Army, Military Industry and Science, the organizing committee of which included Vladimir Kryuchkov (former head of the KGB), Vladislav Achalov (ex-commander of the Airborne Forces), and Igor Rodionov (former Minister of Defense). This organization was designed to revive and protect the Russian armed forces. But it was difficult to do this under the conditions that existed then. The main task of the Movement was to strictly observe the Constitution and ensure citizens of all the rights and freedoms prescribed in it, as well as carry out democratic reforms.

Despite the fact that the DPA acted exclusively as an organization of the army and the military-industrial complex, in fact this movement turned into a national front that entered into opposition to the Yeltsin regime. And Rokhlin himself turned from a simple military general into one of the most famous politicians in Russia.

This movement caused a great resonance among the government elite. He was called communist, and Rokhlin himself was called a provocateur who was pushing the army towards a military coup.

Rokhlin is rightfully recognized as the most active leader of the opposition forces of the late 90s of the last century. There was information that the general was preparing a military coup against the Yeltsin regime. Vladislav Achalov also spoke about this a few weeks before the “sudden” death of the general.

Everyone who supported Rokhlin's candidacy for the post of chairman of the defense committee very soon regretted it. From the parliamentary rostrum, the general was not afraid to say that the high military command was mired in corruption, while citing specific facts and naming names. He also publicly accused Boris Yeltsin of being to blame for the collapse of the Russian army and high treason. Therefore, for such statements, at the end of May 1998, Rokhlin was removed from the post of defense chairman.

However, removal from office could in no way affect the general’s determination. It should be noted that his movement at that time included many famous scientists, Cossacks, and leaders of miners' strikes. In addition, he was supported by many church ministers and civilians. It is noteworthy that at the same time, under the influence of reflections on the historical fate of Russia, General Rokhlin decided to be baptized.

Organizations that were disillusioned with the policies of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation began to go over to the side of the DPA. At the same time, the movement was not very popular among the younger generation, since the armed forces were very much discredited by wars and corruption among the generals. Soon his organization became the basis of the non-communist opposition. The power factor in it was the military and security officers, who were highly organized and had strong connections in the security forces. And if at that time there was a force in the country that could organize and carry out an armed uprising, it was only Rokhlin’s party. The general himself came to the conclusion that it would not be possible to overthrow the existing regime using parliamentary methods.

His political activities in 1997-1998 were so active that they caused panic not only in the Kremlin, but also among other opposition forces. But at the same time, not everyone who knew the general closely believed that he was preparing a military coup. So, for example, N. Bezborodov argued that the military would hardly have been able to decide on an open rebellion against the authorities, because the old generation of officers was brought up in complete submission to the authorities. And most likely, its representatives may commit suicide due to the inability to feed their family, but never take up arms against an undesirable regime. According to the same Bezborodov, Rokhlin was an extremely naive person who believed that politics was completely honest and correct.

It was the political career of the rebel general that became the reason for his death: in early July 1998, Rokhlin was killed at his own dacha in the Moscow region. During the investigation, the prosecutor's office was increasingly inclined to the version that the general was killed by his wife Tamara with his own award weapon. The cause of the murder was a family quarrel. But how could one believe that a woman who had tirelessly raised children all her life and followed her husband to military garrisons was capable of doing such a thing? After her husband was killed, the woman spent four years under investigation in a detention center, but her guilt was never proven. Later, when the Rokhlin case lost its relevance, Tamara Pavlovna was released, and the investigation itself was stopped.

In addition to the official version about the involvement of Rokhlin’s wife in the murder, there were also a certain number of unofficial ones: political, involvement of the special services. If everything is more or less clear with the version about the political background of the tragedy, then it is necessary to dwell in more detail on the involvement of the special services. There is information that in the past, the KGB and GRU had special departments whose tasks included the direct destruction of people who were unfit or dangerous for the authorities.

As for the Rokhlin case, there is strong evidence that there were strangers in the house. Firstly, evidence of the presence of strangers is the front door, which was closed before the murder, and for some reason turned out to be open after. Plus, not far from the general’s dacha in a forest belt, three burnt bodies were discovered. According to local residents, nothing like this had happened there the day before. This means that they appeared in this place after the murder...

In addition, it is also known that there were two shots, and no one heard anything. The first shot was allegedly fired from a height of two meters from the floor on the first floor. Of course, it can be assumed that Tamara Rokhlina tried to get a pistol from the cabinet, while standing on a chair, and carelessly shoot. But all my friends claim that this could not have happened, because the woman knew how to handle weapons well. And even more ridiculous is the assumption that after the first shot she could have gone up to the second floor and shot her husband.

The fact that no fingerprints were found on the pistol, not even of Tamara Pavlovna, also raises certain suspicions. But at least the general’s fingerprints should have remained on it....

Thus, it still remains unclear who is the general’s killer? Despite such an array of versions, the investigation could not find evidence and establish the truth. But at the present time this is unlikely to succeed - after all, not only material evidence has been lost, but also the memory of witnesses cannot store the details of the tragedy for such a long time.

It should also be noted that after Rokhlin, the opposition could no longer find an equivalent informal leader. And this is not surprising, since no one else had such popularity among the military and civilian population. And there are no such military generals in Russia anymore who would enjoy real authority among the civilian population.

Rokhlin's death is another striking example of how easily and with impunity it is possible to get rid of opposition leaders who are objectionable or pose a danger to the government. Another similar example is the death of Viktor Ilyukhin, which occurred “accidentally” precisely during the period of time when he had in his hands compromising information regarding representatives of Gorbachev and Yeltsin’s inner circle. On their orders, data was fabricated that it was Soviet troops who were guilty of the mass executions of Polish prisoners of war near Katyn. After Ilyukhin died, all the materials he collected also disappeared. It is noteworthy that after the death of General Rokhlin, information regarding the “uranium deal” with America, which he was going to present to the State Duma, also disappeared from his house.

Somehow one notices a certain pattern in these two tragic cases...

The fate of General Rokhlin should become an example for those false patriots who are developing populist ideas regarding the emergence of a large number of enemies of Russia, without taking any concrete steps. Combat General Lev Rokhlin gave his life for the country and its armed forces. We should not forget what he managed to do for Russia, but try to increase it and bring to life everything that the rebel general fought for and gave his life for.

November 23, 2010: large-scale, mass dismissal by Medvedev of the top generals of the Russian Ministry of Defense.

By Medvedev’s decree, the following were dismissed “to the reserve”: first deputy. Chief of the Russian General Staff, Lieutenant General A. Burutin; Vice Admiral S. Kuzmin; Rear Admiral A. Litenkov; castle of the 58th Army, Major General Yu. Rukovichnikov; Major General V. Voronchikhin; Admiral V. Gladkikh; Major General V. Kuzheev; Major General V. Skrobotov; Rear Admiral V. Trofimov; Rear Admiral Yu. Uvarov; deputy Commander of the Space Forces for Armaments A. Ivanov; deputy Chief of Staff of the Leningrad Military District for Intelligence A. Mordvin; Head of the armored service of the North Caucasus Military District V. Gulin and MANY other.

At the same time, the enrollment of cadets in higher military schools and colleges has been completely stopped. The scale of dismissals of general officers is such that we can talk about liquidation by Medvedev of the Russian Ministry of Defense. Deputy killed this summer. the head of the GRU, Major General Yu. E. Ivanov (born in 1958) and the commander of the Airborne Forces, General Shamanov, confined to a hospital bed after a “car accident”, add specific details to this picture.

Medvedev’s decision to allow the American missile defense system into Russian territory precisely coincided with the dismissals of the generals. This is understandable: not a single Russian military man would approve or allow SUCH a betrayal.

The plague of Bnite-Britishism among top officials is decimating the Russians.

Former Minister of the Government of the Russian Federation Poltoranin gave a press conference to the Interfax Agency.

http:// expertmus . livejournal . comEarlier it was reported that he personally accused Putin of murdering General Rokhlin, who was preparing a popular uprising against Yeltsin. Poltoranin also said that Yeltsin’s elections in 1996 were rigged, Yeltsin lost them.

The decision to kill the general was made at the dacha in their narrow circle by four people: Yeltsin, Voloshin, Yumashev and Dyachenko. The order to kill the potential leader of the uprising was given to Putin personally. Poltoranin also said that Russia is actually in the hands of the Jewish Masonic lodge Bnait B'rith and 70% of the entire Russian economy has ALREADY been transferred to the hands of foreigners.

On November 10, 2010, a presentation took place at Biblio-Globus. books by the former first deputy prime minister of Russia, Minister of Press and Information Mikhail Poltoranin“Power in TNT equivalent. Chronicle of Tsar Boris".

The beginning of the book was an interview that Oleg Kashin took with Poltoranin last year, who managed to publish it in only one media: “Russian Life” on April 22, 2009.

Putin could not miss this publication and Poltoranin’s shocking testimony about the murder of General Rokhlin, who “was preparing an armed rebellion, was going to remove Boris Yeltsin from power and transfer it to the “National Salvation Committee”: “He wanted to put Luzhkov at the head of the committee, and Luzhkov about this, Of course I knew."

As you know, on September 28, 2010, Dmitry Medvedev dismissed Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov, who had held his post for 18 years, with the wording “loss of trust,” and Putin even expressed support for the way the Moscow mayor was fired ( Here's Why The Kremlin HAD To Fire Mayor Luzhkov).

But a few hours before his resignation, Luzhkov sent a letter to Medvedev in which he accused him of maintaining an undemocratic political system, the existence of censorship and ostentatious rhetoric in defense of democracy, far from reality.

According to Orel Bron, a professor at the University of Toronto, “in a country where the allies of Putin and Medvedev have become enormously rich at the expense of the vast masses of the population, and in a city that ranks second in the world in the number of billionaires, accusing only one person of corruption - Luzhkov, is at least hypocrisy" ( The Globe and Mail).

In his interview, Poltoranin also calls the existing regime “unconstitutional since 1996, when Yeltsin lost the elections. “Nobody elected Yeltsin, they simply usurped power. And now they have destroyed the parliament, they have made some kind of gathering from the Federation Council, fir-trees, instead of parties there are organized criminal groups of officials. All this is unconstitutional. And there is no point in dreaming of changing power through a constitutional means.”

This is precisely why he explains his support for Rokhlin, whom he personally took to the Imperial Bank for sponsorship and from whom, a few days before the murder, he heard: “They ordered me”: “Valya Yumashev called Rokhlin and said that Boris Nikolaevich is offering you the position of Deputy Minister of Defense . Rokhlin replied: “Tell your Yeltsin to fuck off...”

By the way, Rokhlin was the first to publicize fraud at the state level with the supply of weapons to Armenia in the amount of about $ 1 billion, which Serdyukov recently admitted to in Azerbaijan (according toWikiLeaks).

In 1998, the general responded to the whole country: “We will sweep away these Rokhlins!”

According to closed surveys of military sociologists in garrisons, the degree of popularity of Lev Rokhlin among officers was the highest among other well-known political leaders (Nezavisimoe military review", 07/09/1998).

The Russian press has repeatedly quoted the statement of Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko on November 18. 2000 that he “warned General Rokhlin two days in advance about the impending assassination attempt.”

A day before the murder, the FSB surveillance of Rokhlin’s house was suddenly lifted for some reason (“Novye Izvestia”, 07/08/1998).

On July 3, 1998, at 4 o’clock in the morning, at his own dacha in the village of Klokovo near Naro-Fominsk, the chairman of the All-Russian movement “In support of the army, defense industry and military science” (DPA), State Duma deputy General Lev Yakovlevich Rokhlin was shot dead (see video :http://video. yandex. ru/users/ rublev- museum / view /8/).

On the same night that General Rokhlin was killed, there was an attempt on the life of his associate, the head of the Profit law firm, Yuri Markin, who was involved in the theft of oil by a number of large companies.

Soon, not far from Klokov, in the forest near the village of Fominskoye, 3 badly burnt corpses of strong-built men 25–30 years old with bullet wounds were found (Nezavisimaya Gazeta, 07/07/1998). Most likely, they destroyed the entire capture group of this “operation”, eliminating witnesses.

The deputy head of the FSB TsOS B. Neuchev immediately hastened to declare: “We have every reason to assert that the death of General Rokhlin is not related to his political activities” (“Arguments and Facts”, 07/13/1998).

Immediately the media hastened to voice everyday versions: “the killer is Tamara Rokhlina’s wife” (“NG”, 4/07/1998), “he was killed by his 14-year-old son” (!) and “the fingerprints on the PSM pistol coincided with the fingerprints of his wife "(Izvestia, 4/07/1998; in fact, the traces were washed away!), "gold scam" (Kommersant daily ", 4/07/1998), "the half-Jew got along with the near-Black Hundred public" ("Segodnya", 4/07/1998), etc.

On November 27, 1999, Mikhail Poltoranin, in an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda, made a sensational confession: “I know who killed Rokhlin. It wasn’t my wife who did this...”

In her last word at the trial on November 15, 2000, Tamara Rokhlina openly spoke out in support of her husband’s plans to “peacefully throw off the Kremlin temporary workers from the neck of the muzzled people.” According to Rokhlina, “a huge amount of money collected from all over Russia by her husband’s like-minded people to finance the action to liberate the country disappeared from the dacha immediately after the murder.”

In 2001, when on behalf of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin offered her a pardon in the Mozhaisk colony; the general’s widow rejected this deal with her conscience, considering it a betrayal of the cause for which her husband fought and gave his life.

In the early 2000s. For the first time, versions were heard in the media about the involvement of newly elected President Vladimir Putin in the elimination of Lev Rokhlin. And in his 2010 book, Poltoranin named all the participants for the first time, which he spoke about at a press conference:

“I couldn’t say directly that Putin organized the murder of Rokhlin; they would immediately sue and demand evidence. However, the entire totality of reliably established events and facts surrounding this murder show that this is by no means my “guess” or a free “assumption”.

The decision to kill, I know for sure, was made at the dacha in their narrow circle by four people: Yeltsin, Voloshin, Yumashev and Dyachenko. At first they wanted to entrust Savostyanov, the head of the Moscow FSB, but then they settled on a security officer “with cold fish eyes”, capable of anything...

And it is hardly a coincidence that almost immediately after the murder of Rokhlin, the head of the then FSB, Kovalev, was raised from bed at night and hastily, within just 20 minutes, forced, in accordance with the Presidential Decree, to transfer his powers to the newly appointed V. Putin.

And this concerned the most powerful intelligence service in the world! For what merit? And is all this by chance? General Rokhlin was shot on July 3, 1998. And on July 25, the unknown Putin was appointed director of the FSB by President Yeltsin...

Thus, simultaneously with the presentation of his book, Mikhail Poltoranin actually openly came out with a sensational exposure of the current regime.

According to Poltoranin, real power in the country is in the hands of the “bokhan” led by the ruling Medvedev-Putin tandem. The tandem, however, has completely fallen under the hostile Russia of B’nai B’rith and is carrying out its instructions and will.

The authorities are hiding from the people that, in accordance with these guidelines, no more than 35 million people should remain in Russia. "For servicing production natural resources" The West, with the exception of some valuable specialists and scientists, does not need more.

Recalling that Yeltsin appointed him in 1992 as the first head of the state commission on state archives and secret documentary materials, Poltoranin noted that all his statements are supported by irrefutable documentary data, many of which are presented in the book for the first time.

Thus, according to these documents, at the end of Gorbachev’s perestroika, the USSR owed the West $35 billion. However, Gaidar fraudulently convinced Yeltsin that this debt amounted to $110 billion: http:// expertmus. livejournal. com/47950. html Russia officially recognized this amount, having borrowed funds from the IMF to pay off this colossal debt and falling into financial bondage to the West, more precisely to B’nai B’rith.

Meanwhile, the debt of foreign countries, mainly developing ones, Soviet Union was more than $120 million.Our website already provided information that back in February 1989, the Masonic lodge “B’nai B’rith” opened in the capital of the USSR: http:// expertmus. livejournal. com/42906. html

In his book, Poltoranin touched upon the newly minted Russian oligarchs who have amassed fabulous fortunes from the plunder of public property; in particular, Yeltsin’s banker Abramovich owns numerous enterprises, mines and mines, including the most profitable of them in Mezhdurechensk, and even the entire port of Nakhodka.

Moreover, all companies of this oligarch pay taxes on income at their place of registration in Luxembourg.

Putin, well aware of this, pretends that everything is in order. It is not surprising that other Russian oligarchs, who long ago prepared “landing sites” for themselves in the West, as well as senior government officials, do exactly the same.

According to Poltoranin, Putin and Medvedev have become even greater servants of the Western oligarchy than Yeltsin: “Both the president and the prime minister keep their money in Western banks... When they come to the G8 or Twenty, they are directly and unceremoniously they threaten to lose their money if they do not do what is beneficial to the West.

They will begin to be stubborn, and everyone in Russia will find out about their bank accounts. And if people turn a blind eye to this, then their travel abroad will be blocked, the whole world will learn about the abuses and crimes of Russian leaders, and they will be brought before an international court. In short, they will do what happened to Saddam Hussein in Iraq.”

It is curious that the “all-knowing” Zhirinovsky (“our Zhirik,” as Mikhail Shvydkoy affectionately calls him) in a number of his speeches has already named some of the facts indicated by Poltoranin: http:// expertmus. livejournal. com/53948. html

However, Putin himself denies in every possible way both his $40 billion fortune and his 50% stake in the company.Gunvor, about which the British wrote The Guardian . However, according toWikiLeaks, American diplomats convey information about Putin that he actually has illegal income that is carefully hidden abroad, in particular, mention is made of “a Swiss oil trading company surrounding itself in secrecy.”Gunvor».

In the dispatches of ex-Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, for example, it is noted that when choosing Dmitry Medvedev as a successor to the presidency, Putin was guided precisely by the desire to preserve illegal acquisitions, for fear of being investigated.

Strictly speaking, it is not clear how long you can play cat and mouse with people if Putin’s cousin Igor Aleksandrovich headed Surguttruboprovodstroy LLC on December 6, 2010, which is closely associated with Stroytransgaz OJSC, controlled by Vladimir Putin’s longtime acquaintance Gennady Timchenko, owningGunvor(“Kommersant” No. 231 (4531 dated 12/14/2010).

Financial analysts note with surprise that for some reason Putin’s relatives gravitate not towards state-owned, but towards commercial banks: Putin’s cousin Mikhail Shelomov owns approx. 4% of Rossiya Bank and approx. 12.5% ​​of the Sogaz company, godfather eldest daughter Putin Masha to Sergei Roldugin - 4% of Rossiya Bank, and his cousin Vera Putina took a fancy to the St. Petersburg Ganzakombank. And at a meeting of the Russian government, fellow citizens “have the good fortune” to see senior officials closely knit together by family and kinship ties)

The question is: how long? According to Poltoranin, “70 (!) percent of the Russian economy is already in the hands of foreigners; everything valuable and useful is being sucked out of the country and pumped abroad.

If things go like this, all that will remain in Russia are rusty pipes, waste from hazardous industries, poverty, destitution and unbearable living conditions for the majority of people who were blatantly deceived and robbed and who have been working for someone else’s uncle for a long time.”

His conclusion: “the current general indifference is ruining the country, if people do not show activity and protest, we will be finished.” Of course, the part of our society that is most susceptible to the reigning lies in the echelons of power, namely the younger generation, is no longer able to restrain itself and openly declares its rights to normal life for yourself and your children.

True, some “jingoists,” publicists and observers of various lines are doing their best to dissuade Russian youth from participating in active actions, warning against falling into the trap of interethnic provocations skillfully placed by political strategists. But why didn’t any of them come to Manezhnaya Square, or to Evropeysky, or to Sennaya and explain to our guys what was REALLY happening in the country?!

Translator Silvio Berlusconi Valentino Valentini once said in an interview La Stampathat once while hunting in Russia together with the Italian Prime Minister, Putin killed a deer with a gun, took out a huge knife, cut the deer open chest, removed the heart and handed it to Berlusconi.

Whose heart does Putin hold now? Who was the gun pointed at? Over whose head was another iron rod raised?

“I prefer to see chaos and civil war in Russia - a tendency to reunite it into a single, strong, centralized state.” Henry Kissinger. Magazine "Russian Bulletin", special issue No 33 – 36, p. 5. 1995, Moscow.

Kissinger heads the most influential Masonic Order, the B'nait B'rith, the Sons of the Covenant, which actually shapes and directs all global politics in the right direction for Israel.

The Bnight-Britism syndrome – and the Russian generals.

May 2010 ARI. RUnews, General Gleb Shcherbatov . When generals of the Airborne Forces, FSB and GRU, or some particularly serious military personnel, especially from intelligence, “tragically die”, these are events of a slightly different kind. For example, on the night from July 2 to July 3, 1998, General Rokhlin “tragically died.” According to investigators, he was shot by his wife; according to another version, Rokhlin planned a military coup and was killed for this.

On April 28, 2002, the Mi-8 helicopter on which General Lebed was flying crashed into a power line. According to the investigation, there was heavy fog and the pilot lost control, but according to another version, Lebed was also up to something there. Whether to believe the investigation or this other version is up to everyone to decide for themselves.

On September 14, 2008, General Troshev died in a plane crash over Perm. The investigation this time had many versions, the first of which was about “a fire in the engines,” and the last one was “about drunken pilots.” Hence, when even the investigators are not unanimous in their opinion, it is completely unclear who to believe.

The year 2009 was even richer in strange deaths of generals. So, in February 2009, “from heart attack“General of the FSB of the Russian Federation Alexander Rogachev died - right behind the wheel of his car. Subsequently, investigators found the general with a gunshot wound to the head, but who knows - maybe after the shot the general felt ill with his heart, after all, investigators cannot blatantly lie?

On June 21, 2009, General K.P. Petrov, who was behind the so-called COB, died in Moscow. I can no longer remember what the investigators said about this, but supporters of General Petrov unanimously claim on their forums that Petrov was poisoned.

In November of the same 2009, GRU officer Anton Surikov, who, according to some sources, was a colonel, according to others, a general, died in a strange way. Surikov went to a cafe to drink coffee and, although the cafe was not where citizen Litvinenko drank coffee at one time, nevertheless, after drinking coffee, Surikov felt ill and died. Some bloggers wrote then that Surikov was Medvedev’s man and his candidate for the post of head of the GRU of the RF Ministry of Defense, but it is not possible to verify how reliable this information is and the information automatically goes into the category of “another version.”

However, it was not only the grandmother who spoke about the fact that General Shamanov, for example, was also part of Medvedev’s team. He was appointed to the post of commander of the Airborne Forces with great difficulty, and when he was appointed, a whole information campaign began to discredit him, which we wrote about at the time (The target of the compromising evidence is the commander of the Airborne Forces. What is it for? ).

Fortunately, for Shamanov’s health information attacks did not affect him, especially since he is not known to be interested in diving, and probably only drinks coffee at home. However, his colleague from the Airborne Forces, Colonel Polyansky, did not survive 2009. He died back in January. As the investigation established, the colonel shot himself. Moreover, the general, obviously, had forgotten his pistol shooting skills, because the first time he hit the floor, and only the second time did he hit himself.

LUCH 2010

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