The characteristic of children is a horse with a pink mane. Research work "The role of speech characteristics in creating images of heroes in V.P. Astafiev's story "The Horse with a Pink Mane"

The story of V.P. Astafiev “The Horse with a Pink Mane” is considered autobiographical. It is believed that in this story, describing the boy Vitya, Viktor Astafiev wrote about himself and about the life lessons that he received in childhood from his relatives.

Vitya is an orphan, his mother drowned, his father lives somewhere separately, and the boy is raised by his grandparents. But he doesn't need anything. This is an immensely beloved child, honest and naive, like all children of his age. It is enough to read how he describes the way of life of the neighboring large family with whose children he is friends.

Father Levonty, who received money twice a month and drank it on the same day, arranged a feast for the whole family on that day. The rest of the time the family was almost starving, the children stole, wallowed in the mud, rarely washed.

And it all seemed little boy very romantic, but my own strict grandmother is not. Grandmother does not like that the boy is always wandering around doing nothing. She considers the company of Levontievsky loafers to be bad. In addition, the boy is already big and she is trying to instill in him a desire and show the possibility of earning own money and assistance to adults.

She asks her grandson to collect strawberries, promising to buy his dream with this money - a gingerbread horse with hooves, a mane, a tail covered with pink icing. Vitya, who was on fire to fulfill his grandmother's request and diligently fulfilled it, to his misfortune told the Levontievsky about his agreement. Having eaten their strawberries in the clearing, they began to shame Vitya so that he would give them the one he had collected himself.

For the first time, the boy faced a choice: deceiving his grandmother, cheating, or losing the authority of his peers. And the boy chose the first. One of my friends suggested filling the basket with grass, and sprinkle strawberries well on top so that grandmother would not notice the deception.

The boy was ashamed, but he did not find the strength to confess to his grandmother that he was deceiving her. And the pangs of conscience that he experienced during that day, when he had to wait for his deceit to be decided, were the strongest punishment for the child.

He felt how a huge lump of lies was growing, like one little lie, attracting a second one to itself, and they grow into such big deception with which you can not understand what to do. The boy wanted to run away, to hide from the wrath of his grandmother with his grandfather. His grandfather always supported him and loved him very much. But he knew that this was not an option. That if you run away from a lie, then it will not go anywhere.

Torn apart by fear of reprisals and pangs of shame, the boy fully felt the brunt of his misdeed. He realized how ashamed his grandmother was, who, having sold a tuyeska with grass, herself almost became a scammer and did not suffer from his act. And the heaviest punishment for this deceit was the “horse with a pink mane”, which was waiting for the boy in the morning, and whose bitter taste he would forever remember as the taste of shame and untruth.

The story "The Horse with a Pink Mane" by Astafyev V.P. was written in 1968. The work was included in the writer's story for children and youth " Last bow". In the story "The Horse with a Pink Mane" Astafiev reveals the theme of growing up a child, the formation of his character and worldview. The work is considered autobiographical, describing an episode from the childhood of the author himself.

Main characters

Main character(narrator)- an orphan, the grandson of Katerina Petrovna, on his behalf the narration in the story goes.

Katerina Petrovna- Grandmother of the protagonist.

Sanka- the son of a neighbor Levontiy, "more harmful and meaner than all the Levontievsky guys."

Levonty- a former sailor, a neighbor of Katerina Petrovna.

Grandmother sends the main character with the neighbors, Levontievsky guys for strawberries. The woman promised that she would sell the berries collected by her grandson in the city and buy him a gingerbread horse - "the dream of all village kids." “He is white-white, this horse. And his mane is pink, his tail is pink, his eyes are pink, his hooves are also pink. With such a gingerbread "I will immediately honor so much attention."

The father of the guys with whom the grandmother sent the boy for berries, neighbor Levontiy, worked on "badogs", harvesting the forest. When he received money, his wife immediately ran around the neighbors, distributing debts. Their house was without a fence or a gate. They didn’t even have a bath, so the Levontievskys washed with their neighbors.

In the spring, the family tried to make a fence out of old boards, but in the winter it all went to kindling. However, to any reproaches about idleness, Levontiy answered that he loved the “settlement”.

The narrator liked to visit them on the days of Levontiy's pay, although his grandmother forbade eating at the "proletarians" . There the boy listened to their "crown song" about how a sailor brought a little monkey from Africa, and the animal was very homesick. Usually feasts ended with Levontius getting very drunk. The wife and children ran away from home, and the man “beat the remnants of glass in the windows, cursed, rattled, cried” all night. In the morning he fixed everything and went to work. A few days later, his wife went to the neighbors with requests to borrow money and food.

Having reached the rocky ridge, the guys "scattered through the forest and began to take strawberries." The Levontievsky elder began to scold the others for not picking berries, but only eating them. And, indignant, he himself ate everything that he managed to collect. Left with empty dishes, the neighbors went to the river. The narrator wanted to go with them, but he had not yet collected a full vessel.

Sasha began to tease the main character that he was afraid of his grandmother, calling him greedy. Indignant, the boy fell for Sankino "weakly", poured the berries on the grass, and the guys instantly ate everything they had collected. The boy felt sorry for the berries, but, putting on despair, he rushed with the others to the river.

The children spent the whole day walking. They returned home in the evening. So that the grandmother would not scold the main character, the guys advised him to fill the bowl with grass and sprinkle berries on top. The boy did just that. Grandmother was very happy, did not notice the deception and even decided not to pour the berries. To prevent Sanka from telling Katerina Petrovna what had happened, the narrator had to steal several rolls for him from the pantry.

The boy regretted that his grandfather was at the lodge “five kilometers from the village, at the mouth of the Mana River”, so that he could run away to him. Grandfather never cursed and allowed his grandson to walk until late.

The protagonist decided to wait until the morning and tell everything to his grandmother, but woke up when the woman had already sailed to the city. Together with the Levontievsky guys, he went fishing. Sanka caught fish, lit a fire. Without waiting for the fish to finish baking, the Levontievsky guys ate it half-baked, without salt and without bread. After bathing in the river, everyone fell into the grass.

Suddenly, a boat appeared from behind the cape, in which Ekaterina Petrovna was sitting. The boy immediately rushed to run, although his grandmother yelled menacingly after him. The narrator stayed with his cousin until dark. His aunt brought him home. Hiding in the pantry among the rugs, the boy hoped that if he thought well of his grandmother, "she would guess about it and forgive everything."

The main character began to remember his mother. She also drove to sell berries in the city. Somehow their boat capsized and their mother drowned. Upon learning of the death of her daughter, the grandmother spent six days on the shore, "hoping to appease the river." She was "almost dragged home", and after that she was sad for the deceased for a long time.

The main character woke up from the rays of the sun. Grandfather's sheepskin coat was thrown over him. The boy was delighted - grandfather arrived. All morning, the grandmother told everyone who visited them how she sold berries to a “cultured lady in a hat” and what a dirty trick her grandson had committed.

Going into the pantry for the reins, grandfather pushed his grandson into the kitchen to apologize. Crying, the boy asked his grandmother for forgiveness. The woman “still uncompromisingly, but already without a thunderstorm” called him to eat. Listening to the words of his grandmother about “into what a bottomless abyss” his “roguery” plunged, the boy burst into tears again. Having finished scolding her grandson, the woman nevertheless put in front of him white horse with a pink mane, saying that he would never deceive her again.

“How many years have passed since then! My grandfather is not alive, my grandmother is not alive, and my life is declining, but I still can’t forget my grandmother’s gingerbread - that marvelous horse with a pink mane.


In the work “The Horse with a Pink Mane”, the author portrayed an orphan boy who looks naively at the world. He does not seem to notice that the neighbor's guys take advantage of his kindness and innocence. However, the case of the gingerbread horse becomes for him important lesson that under no circumstances should you deceive your loved ones, that you need to be able to be responsible for your actions and live according to your conscience.

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V.P. Astafiev is one of the writers who had a difficult childhood in the difficult pre-war years. Growing up in the countryside, he was well acquainted with the peculiarities of the Russian character, the moral foundations on which humanity has been based for centuries.

His works, which made up the cycle "The Last Bow", are devoted to this topic. Among them is the story "The Horse with the Pink Mane".

Autobiographical basis of the work

At the age of seven, Viktor Astafiev lost his mother - she drowned in the Yenisei River. The boy was raised by his grandmother, Katerina Petrovna. Until the end of his life, the writer was grateful to her for her care, kindness and love. And also for the fact that she formed in him true moral values, which the grandson never forgot. one of important points of his life, forever engraved in the memory of the already matured Astafiev, and he tells in his work “The Horse with a Pink Mane”.

The story is told from the perspective of the boy Viti, who lives with his grandparents in a taiga Siberian village. His daily routine is similar to each other: fishing, playing with other children, hiking in the forest for mushrooms and berries, helping with the housework.

The author pays special attention to the description of the Levontius family, who lived in the neighborhood. In the story "The Horse with a Pink Mane" it is their children who will play an important role. Enjoying unlimited freedom, having little idea of ​​what true kindness, mutual assistance and responsibility are, they will push the main character to commit an act that he will remember all his life.

The plot starts with the grandmother's news that the Levontievsky children are going to the hill for strawberries. She asks her grandson to go with them, so that later she can sell the berries he has collected in the city and buy a gingerbread for the boy. A horse with a pink mane - this sweetness was cherished dream every boy!

However, the trip to the ridge ends with a deceit, which Vitya goes for, who has not collected strawberries. The delinquent boy is trying in every possible way to delay the disclosure of the misconduct and the subsequent punishment. Finally, the grandmother returns from the city with lamentations. So the dream that Vitya would have a wonderful horse with a pink mane turned into regret that he succumbed to the tricks of the Levontievsky children. And suddenly the repentant hero sees the same gingerbread in front of him ... At first he does not believe his eyes. He is brought back to reality by the words: "Take it ... You look, ... when you will tell your grandmother ...".

Many years have passed since then, but V. Astafiev could not forget this story.

"Horse with a pink mane": the main characters

In the story, the author shows the period of growing up of the boy. In a country devastated by the civil war, everyone had a hard time, and in a difficult situation, everyone chose their own path. Meanwhile, it is known that many character traits are formed in a person in childhood.

Acquaintance with the way of life in the house of Katerina Petrovna and Levonti allows us to conclude how different these families were. Grandmother loved order in everything, so everything went according to her own, predetermined course. She instilled the same qualities in her grandson, who was left an orphan early. So the horse with a pink mane was supposed to be his reward for his labors.

A completely different atmosphere reigned in the neighbor's house. Lack of money alternated with a feast, when Levontius bought various things with the money he received. At such and such a moment, Vitya liked to visit his neighbors. Moreover, the tipsy Levontiy began to remember him dead mother and slipped the best piece to the orphan. Grandmother did not like these trips of her grandson to the neighbors' house: she believed that they themselves had many children and often had nothing to eat. And the children themselves did not differ in good manners, which is good, they could have a bad influence on the boy. They will really push Vitya to cheat when he goes with them for a berry.

The story "The Horse with a Pink Mane" is an attempt by the author to determine the reason for what a person who commits bad or good deeds in life can be guided by.

Hike to the slope

The writer describes in some detail the road for strawberries. The Levontieff kids are behaving unreasonably all the time. Along the way, they managed to climb into someone else's garden, pull the bow and put it on whistles, fight with each other ...

On the ridge everyone began to pick berries, but the Levontievsky ones did not last long. Only the hero conscientiously folded the strawberries into a tuesok. However, after his words about the gingerbread caused only ridicule among the "friends", wanting to show his independence, he succumbed to the general fun. For some time, Vitya forgot about his grandmother, and that until recently, his main desire was a horse with a pink mane. The retelling of what amused the children that day includes the killing of a defenseless siskin and the massacre of fish. Yes, and they themselves constantly quarreled, Sanka especially tried. It was he who prompted the hero before returning home what to do: fill the tuyesok with grass, and lay a layer of berries on top - so the grandmother will not know anything. And the boy followed the advice: after all, nothing will happen to Levontievsky, but he will not do well.

Fear of punishment and remorse

Research human soul at the decisive moments of life - a task that is often solved fiction. “A horse with a pink mane” is a work about how difficult it was for a boy to admit his mistake.

The next night and the whole long day, when the grandmother went to the city with the tuesque, turned into a real test for Vitya. Going to bed, he decided to get up early and confess everything, but did not have time. Then the grandson, again being in the company of the neighboring children and constantly teased by Sasha, fearfully awaited the return of the boat on which the grandmother had sailed away. In the evening he did not dare to return home and was delighted when he managed to lie down in the pantry (Aunt Fenya brought him home after dark and distracted Katerina Petrovna). He could not sleep for a long time, constantly thinking about his grandmother, pitying her and remembering how hard she had experienced the death of her daughter.

Unexpected denouement

Fortunately for the boy, at night his grandfather returned from the lodge - now he had help, and it was not so scary.

Lowering his head, pushed by his grandfather, he timidly entered the hut and roared at the top of his voice.

His grandmother shamed him for a long time, and when she finally ran out of steam and silence fell, the boy timidly raised his head and saw an unexpected picture in front of him. A horse with a pink mane “jumped” on the scraped table (V. Astafiev remembered this for the rest of his life). This episode was one of his highlights. moral lessons. The kindness and understanding of the grandmother helped to form such qualities as responsibility for one's actions, nobility and the ability to resist evil in any situation.

The story of V.P. Astafiev "The horse with a pink mane" is considered autobiographical. It is believed that in this story, describing the boy Vitya, Viktor Astafiev wrote about himself and about the life lessons that he received in childhood from his relatives.

Vitya is an orphan, his mother drowned, his father lives somewhere separately, and the boy is raised by his grandparents. But he doesn't need anything. This is an immensely beloved child, honest and naive, like all children of his age. It is enough to read how he describes the way of life of a neighboring large family, with whose children he is friends.

Thus, Boxer is a painfully ironic character. However, Boxer lacks the intelligence and nerve to realize he is being used. The Boxer represents the peasant or working class, a faction of humanity with a large aggregate - enough to overthrow a manipulative government - but who are not uneducated enough to carry propaganda to their hearts and believe implicitly in the government's cause.

She is lazy and indifferent, but she takes part in the battle under the barn. Woman from two horses on a farm. She is "a strong mother mare approaching average life who never got her figure after her fourth foal." Clover is Boxer's faithful companion, as well as a mother figure to other animals. Like Boxer, Clover is not smart enough to read, so she takes Muriel away to read the altered Seven Commandments. Clover represents those people who remember the time before the revolution and therefore half understand that the government lies about its success and adherence to its principles, but is helpless to change anything.

Father Levonty, who received money twice a month and drank it on the same day, arranged a feast for the whole family on that day. The rest of the time the family was almost starving, the children stole, wallowed in the mud, rarely washed.

And all this seemed very romantic to the little boy, but his own strict grandmother did not. Grandmother does not like that the boy is always wandering around doing nothing. She considers the company of Levontievsky loafers to be bad. In addition, the boy is already big and she is trying to instill in him a desire and show the possibility of earning his own money and helping adults.

Nine puppies that Napoleon confiscates and isolates in the attic. Napoleon returns them to the brutal, elitist dogs that act as his guards. Dogs are the only animals other than pigs that are given special privileges. They also act as executioners, ripping out the throats of animals that profess treachery.

Owner of Pinchfield, a small farm adjacent to Homestead Farm. He is a hard-nosed man who is known for his frequent legal troubles and demanding business style. He cheats animals out of his wood by paying for them with counterfeit banknotes. Frederick introduces Adolf Hitler. Rumors of torture with exotic and cruel animals taken in by Frederick at his farm are meant to reflect horror stories from Nazi Germany. Frederick's timber purchase agreement represents the Nazi-Soviet non-aggression pact, and his subsequent betrayal of the pact and invasion of the Animal Farm represents the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union.

She asks her grandson to collect strawberries, promising to buy his dream with this money - a gingerbread horse with hooves, a mane, a tail covered with pink icing. Vitya, who was on fire to fulfill his grandmother's request and diligently fulfilled it, to his misfortune told the Levontievsky about his agreement. Having eaten their strawberries in the clearing, they began to shame Vitya so that he would give them the one he had collected himself.

The owner of a farm-estate and a drunkard. His animals overthrow him in the Rebellion. When he tries to get his property back, they defeat him, steal the gun, and drive him away again. Jones dies in a home for alcoholics in another part of the country. He represents such a corrupt and deadly wrong government that leads to discontent and revolution among the population.

Piglet with "a wonderful gift for composing songs and poems." Under Napoleon's government, Maimus sits with him and Skripler on the barn platform during meetings. Her personality is superficial and a teenager. She took a seat near the front and began flirting with her white mane, hoping to draw attention to the red ribbons she was braided on. Molly is the only animal that didn't fight at the Battle of the Cowshed, but hid in her stall. She eventually leaves the farm and last time visible, adorned with ribbons, eating sugar and allowing her new owner to stroke her nose.

For the first time, the boy faced a choice: deceiving his grandmother, cheating, or losing the authority of his peers. And the boy chose the first. One of my friends suggested filling the basket with grass, and sprinkle strawberries well on top so that grandmother would not notice the deception.

The boy was ashamed, but he did not find the strength to confess to his grandmother that he was deceiving her. And the pangs of conscience that he experienced during that day, when he had to wait for his deceit to be decided, were the strongest punishment for the child.

Molly represents a class of nobles who, unwilling to submit to the new regime, fled Russia after the revolution. Jones is a "special pet." He is a spy, gossip and "smart talker". He is also the only animal not present at the old major's meeting. Moses disappears for several years during the reign of Napoleon. When he returns, he still insists on the existence of Saharqand Mountain. Moses represents a religion that gives people hope for better life in heaven. His name connects him with the Judeo-Christian religions specifically, but it can be said that he represents a spiritual alternative in general.

He felt how a huge lump of lies was growing, like one little lie, attracting another one to itself, and they grow into such a big lie that it is impossible to understand what to do with. The boy wanted to run away, to hide from the wrath of his grandmother with his grandfather. His grandfather always supported him and loved him very much. But he knew that this was not an option. That if you run away from a lie, then it will not go anywhere.

The pigs don't like Moses' stories about Mount Saharqanda, just as the Soviet government opposed religion, not wanting its people to subscribe to a belief system outside communism. Although the Soviet government aggressively suppressed religion, the pigs at the animal farm left Moses to come and go as he pleased, and even give him a ration of beer when he returned from his long absence. Muriel can read quite well and helps Clover decipher the changes to the Seven Commandments.

Muriel is not opinionated, but she is a subtle, outspoken influence due to her willingness to help bring problems to light. One of the leaders among the pigs, Napoleon is a "large, rather fierce Berkshire boar" that is for sale. He is the only boar on the Berkshire farm. He "doesn't talk much" and has a "reputation for his own way". Napoleon banishes Snowball from the farm and gains the upper hand. Napoleon gives special privileges to pigs and especially to himself. John's clothes are dressing and smoking a pipe.

Torn apart by fear of reprisals and pangs of shame, the boy fully felt the brunt of his misdeed. He realized how ashamed his grandmother was, who, having sold a tuyeska with grass, herself almost became a scammer and did not suffer from his act. And the heaviest punishment for this deceit was the “horse with a pink mane”, which was waiting for the boy in the morning, and whose bitter taste he would forever remember as the taste of shame and untruth.

Over time, Napoleon becomes a figure in the shadows, more and more covering himself and making several public speaking. Eventually, Napoleon holds a conciliatory meeting with nearby human farmers and effectively takes over Mr. Napoleon, representing a type of dictator or tyrant who shies away from the common good, instead seeking more and more power to create his own regime. Orwell reflects Napoleon's greed for power with a name that invokes Napoleon Bonaparte, the most successful French leader, who became "Emperor" and brazenly invaded Russia before defeating Russia.

The formation of personality in the story of V.P. Astafiev "The horse with a pink mane"

According to Viktor Petrovich Astafyev himself, his distant rural childhood, spent in Siberia, despite early death mother, it was a bright and happy time. The description of this period of life has become the main content of the author's works created for children.

In addition to his laurels in the show world, Major is highly respected among his fellow animals. His age is twelve, which makes him the eldest among them, and he also claims to have had over four hundred children. He is the one who calls the meeting in the first chapter to discuss his strange dream. Basic requirements "understand the nature of life on this earth, as well as any animal living now." A few months after his death, the pigs separate his skull and place it at the base of the flagpole next to the gun.

The central theme of Astafiev's stories is the moral maturation of a person, the formation of personality, the formation of character. This requires an understanding of goodness, justice, a sense of responsibility for one's actions, nobility towards the weak. This is the path the protagonist of the story goes.

He is an orphan boy who lives in a village with his grandparents. It is characterized by a naive perception of what is happening. The child does not see the dark, cruel sides of life. So, describing the family of Uncle Levontius, he pays attention only to joyful and bright moments. After pay, the drunken uncle Levontiy arranged a holiday for the children, he would steal everyone with gingerbread and sweets, and in the evening he cursed and smashed the windows. His wife, Aunt Vasena, had to borrow money and food from neighbors in a few days. The narrator likes Uncle Levonty because he “once sailed the seas.” Levontievsky children are called "eagles" in the work. They “threw dishes at each other, floundered”, fought, teased, stole vegetables, fruits and berries in neighboring gardens. However, the narrator enjoys spending time with them, playing, fishing. The boy does not feel the hardships of the life of this family, only sweets and fun times remain in his memory.

The major symbolizes two historical figures. First, he represents Karl Marx, the father of Marxism. Marx's political hypotheses about class consciousness and the division of labor worked much better in theory than in practice, especially when corrupt leaders twisted them for their own personal gain. Secondly, the major introduces Vladimir Lenin, chief of the three authors of the Russian revolution and education Soviet Union. Lenin died in the Soviet Union, leaving Trotsky and Stalin vying for their leadership.

Owner of Foxwood, a large unkempt farm adjoining Homestead Farm. He is a simple man who prefers to pursue his passions in order to save his land. He also says he plans to emulate a livestock farm's low rations and long work hours. Pilkington can be thought of as allies. Wickedly, as Friedrich Hayek points out in The Road to Serfdom, communist principles had strong adherents among many of the allied peoples as well. Pilkington's reluctance to save the Animal Farm from Frederick and his men parodies the Allies' initial hesitation to enter the war.

Grandmother promised to buy the narrator a gingerbread and a horse with a pink mane if he picks berries. He and the children of Levontius went together into the forest. In this episode, they are opposed to each other, because they relate differently to their own actions. The Levontievsky guys swore, fought, teased each other. They look like their father, adopted his habits. Children are aggressive, pugnacious, cruel, irresponsible. The narrator, on the other hand, "took the berries diligently and soon covered the bottom of the neat tueska of a glass for two or three." He acts as if his grandmother was watching him. But the fear of appearing weak, greedy and cowardly makes the hero succumb to Sanka's persuasion and deceive his grandmother.

The poker game between Napoleon and Pilkington at the end of the book suggests the start of a power struggle that would later become cold war. A pig that Napoleon tops off with his taster to prevent anyone from trying to poison him. The sheep are true to the principles of the livestock farm, often breaking into the chorus of "Four legs are good, two legs are bad" and then "Four legs are good, two legs are better!" Sheep - true to the typical symbolic meaning of "Sheep" - represent those people who have little understanding of their position and are therefore willing to blindly follow their government.

The narrator is tormented by remorse. “Grandma cheated. What will happen? he thinks. The boy is tormented, does not sleep all night, is going to tell his grandmother everything. His regrets and mental suffering form a sense of responsibility for his own actions. The reader understands that the boy will never do this again.

The next day, the narrator and Sanka were fishing and saw a grandmother returning in a boat floating along the river. Sanka suggests to a friend: “Dig into the hay and hide. Petrovna is afraid that you might drown. That's how she wails - you'll get out here! But the narrator refuses to deceive the grandmother again. The last lesson was understood by the boy and benefited him.

He is smarter than Napoleon, but he lacks Napoleon's depth. He is also a brilliant speaker. In his absence, Snowball becomes an abstract idea of ​​evil. The animals blame him for misfortunes, including the destruction of a windmill, and entertain the thought that he is hiding out on one of the neighboring farms, plotting revenge. Napoleon uses the animals' fear of Snowball to create new propaganda and change history to make it appear that Snowball has always been a spy and a traitor. Napoleon encourages the fear of animals to grow or snowball from him so that he becomes so great that he is almost palpable.

Grandmother still bought a gingerbread for her grandson. Her trust was the best lesson for the hero. He remembered the long-awaited horse with a pink mane for the rest of his life and learned that it was impossible to deceive.

In the story "The Horse with a Pink Mane" the author's protest against cruelty and indifference sounds. Astafiev shows how evil drowns out the voice of conscience and displaces good from the human heart.

Snowbell's title may also refer to Trotsky's call to encourage a revolution outside the Soviet Union that would "snowball" into an international revolution of the proletariat. Snowball can generally be said to represent a belief system outside of communism that the government demonizes to levitate its own system. The most famous of the hog pigs, Sklear has "very round cheeks, twinkling eyes, agile movements and a piercing voice". He is also a "brilliant talker", talented in the art of argument.

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  • horse with pink mane analysis
  • essay horse with pink mane
  • essay on the exam based on the story of Astafiev, a horse with a pink mane

V.P. Astafiev is one of the writers who had a difficult childhood in the difficult pre-war years. Growing up in the countryside, he was well acquainted with the peculiarities of the Russian character, the moral foundations on which humanity has been based for centuries.

His works, which made up the cycle "The Last Bow", are devoted to this topic. Among them is the story "The Horse with the Pink Mane".

Autobiographical basis of the work

At the age of seven, Viktor Astafiev lost his mother - she drowned in the Yenisei River. The boy was raised by his grandmother, Katerina Petrovna. Until the end of his life, the writer was grateful to her for her care, kindness and love. And also for the fact that she formed in him true moral values, which the grandson never forgot. One of the important moments of his life, forever engraved in the memory of the already matured Astafyev, he tells in his work “The Horse with a Pink Mane”.

The story is told from the perspective of the boy Viti, who lives with his grandparents in a taiga Siberian village. His daily routine is similar to each other: fishing, playing with other children, hiking in the forest for mushrooms and berries, helping with the housework.

The author pays special attention to the description of the Levontius family, who lived in the neighborhood. In the story "The Horse with a Pink Mane" it is their children who will play an important role. Enjoying unlimited freedom, having little idea of ​​what true kindness, mutual assistance and responsibility are, they will push the main character to commit an act that he will remember all his life.

The plot starts with the grandmother's news that the Levontievsky children are going to the hill for strawberries. She asks her grandson to go with them, so that later she can sell the berries he has collected in the city and buy a gingerbread for the boy. A horse with a pink mane - this sweetness was the cherished dream of every boy!

However, the trip to the ridge ends with a deceit, which Vitya goes for, who has not collected strawberries. The delinquent boy is trying in every possible way to delay the disclosure of the misconduct and the subsequent punishment. Finally, the grandmother returns from the city with lamentations. So the dream that Vitya would have a wonderful horse with a pink mane turned into regret that he succumbed to the tricks of the Levontievsky children. And suddenly the repentant hero sees the same gingerbread in front of him ... At first he does not believe his eyes. He is brought back to reality by the words: "Take it ... You look, ... when you will tell your grandmother ...".

Many years have passed since then, but V. Astafiev could not forget this story.

"Horse with a pink mane": the main characters

In the story, the author shows the period of growing up of the boy. In a country devastated by the civil war, everyone had a hard time, and in a difficult situation, everyone chose their own path. Meanwhile, it is known that many character traits are formed in a person in childhood.

Acquaintance with the way of life in the house of Katerina Petrovna and Levonti allows us to conclude how different these families were. Grandmother loved order in everything, so everything went according to her own, predetermined course. She instilled the same qualities in her grandson, who was left an orphan early. So the horse with a pink mane was supposed to be his reward for his labors.

A completely different atmosphere reigned in the neighbor's house. Lack of money alternated with a feast, when Levontius bought various things with the money he received. At such and such a moment, Vitya liked to visit his neighbors. Moreover, the tipsy Levontiy began to remember his dead mother and slipped the best piece to the orphan. Grandmother did not like these trips of her grandson to the neighbors' house: she believed that they themselves had many children and often had nothing to eat. And the children themselves did not differ in good manners, which is good, they could have a bad influence on the boy. They will really push Vitya to cheat when he goes with them for a berry.

The story "The Horse with a Pink Mane" is an attempt by the author to determine the reason for what a person who commits bad or good deeds in life can be guided by.

Hike to the slope

The writer describes in some detail the road for strawberries. The Levontieff kids are behaving unreasonably all the time. Along the way, they managed to climb into someone else's garden, pull the bow and put it on whistles, fight with each other ...

On the ridge everyone began to pick berries, but the Levontievsky ones did not last long. Only the hero conscientiously folded the strawberries into a tuesok. However, after his words about the gingerbread caused only ridicule among the "friends", wanting to show his independence, he succumbed to the general fun. For some time, Vitya forgot about his grandmother, and that until recently, his main desire was a horse with a pink mane. The retelling of what amused the children that day includes the killing of a defenseless siskin and the massacre of fish. Yes, and they themselves constantly quarreled, Sanka especially tried. It was he who prompted the hero before returning home what to do: fill the tuyesok with grass, and lay a layer of berries on top - so the grandmother will not know anything. And the boy followed the advice: after all, nothing will happen to Levontievsky, but he will not do well.

Fear of punishment and remorse

To explore the human soul at the decisive moments of life is a task that fiction often solves. “A horse with a pink mane” is a work about how difficult it was for a boy to admit his mistake.

The next night and the whole long day, when the grandmother went to the city with the tuesque, turned into a real test for Vitya. Going to bed, he decided to get up early and confess everything, but did not have time. Then the grandson, again being in the company of the neighboring children and constantly teased by Sasha, fearfully awaited the return of the boat on which the grandmother had sailed away. In the evening he did not dare to return home and was delighted when he managed to lie down in the pantry (Aunt Fenya brought him home after dark and distracted Katerina Petrovna). He could not sleep for a long time, constantly thinking about his grandmother, pitying her and remembering how hard she had experienced the death of her daughter.

Unexpected denouement

Fortunately for the boy, at night his grandfather returned from the lodge - now he had help, and it was not so scary.

Lowering his head, pushed by his grandfather, he timidly entered the hut and roared at the top of his voice.

His grandmother shamed him for a long time, and when she finally ran out of steam and silence fell, the boy timidly raised his head and saw an unexpected picture in front of him. A horse with a pink mane “jumped” on the scraped table (V. Astafiev remembered this for the rest of his life). This episode became one of the main moral lessons for him. The kindness and understanding of the grandmother helped to form such qualities as responsibility for one's actions, nobility and the ability to resist evil in any situation.

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