Play a draw, go to a nobody's apartment. Continuous spelling of adverbs. Separate spelling of adverbs

1. Commented letter (Ex. 196).

Explain spelling Not.

2. Individual tasks.

Ex. 167, 174 (1-10 sentences), 174 (11-20 sentences).

3. Independent work (Ex. 206).

Read the text. Name the work from which this passage is taken, the author.

Write out the words with Not And neither.

IV. Lesson summary

How to write with Not words without Not are not used?

How do you spell Not with verbs and adverbs?

How do you spell Not with adjectives, nouns and adverbs?

How do you spell Not with participles?


2. Learn the lesson material.

Lesson 30

Particle discriminationNot Andneither

Lesson Objectives:

Reinforcing spelling Not And neither With different parts speech, the development of coherent monologue speech.

During the classes

I. Implementation homework

1. Talk about spelling Not And neither with different parts of speech.

2. Checking progress home ex. 205.

What general title did you choose for these proverbs?

Which of them do you agree with, which do you not?

What proverbs on this topic did you choose?

Explain spelling Not And neither.

3. Vocabulary dictation.

He did not hide his surprise; perplexed; could not meet; harbor hatred; be indignant with indignation; Not wooden house; not cheap cost; undisciplined student; the river is not wide, but cold; be unwell for a long time; not distant, but close; not sixty; unspoken law; unburned fire; underfulfill the plan, not reach the shelf; show distrust; nothing to write; there is no one to run after; not eat enough; shortly before the meeting; real touchy; not disguised by anyone; unmemorable face; messy look; show incorrectness; hating ignorance; feel uncomfortable; nobody came; neither fish nor fowl.

II. Work on the topic of the lesson

Particle discrimination Not And neither(page 95 of the textbook).

Single or double neither included in sustainable turnover: out of nowhere, as if nothing had happened, no matter what, neither fish nor meat, nor alive nor dead, nor two nor one and a half, neither this nor that, neither give nor take.

Combinations should be distinguished: no one(nobody) - not alone(a lot of); never(never) - not once(many times).

III. Check of knowledge. Development of skills and abilities

1. Explanatory dictation.

1) Where did he just not apply! 2) Wherever he applied, everywhere there was a refusal. 3) None of the sunrises is similar to the other ( K. Paustovsky). 4) The boundless sea noise did not stop for a minute. 5) You chase two hares, you won’t catch one (Proverb). 6) No matter how much you have to live in the world, you will never stop being surprised by Russia ( K. Paustovsky). 7) There are men who are more eloquent than women, but not a single man has the eloquence of women's eyes.

2. Task by options.

Option I - ex. 197.

Option II - write down sentences with these phrases by inserting the missing letters:

(N..) saying (n..) to whom (n..) words; (n..) money, (n..) tickets; (n..) I can (n..) help; (n ..) answer (n ..) hello; (n ..) hear (n ..) words; (n ..) who to replace; (n ..) how (n ..) will you help; where (n..) come from.


Without saying a word to anyone; no money, no tickets; I can not help; no answer, no greeting; not a word is heard; no one to replace; nothing to help; out of nowhere.

IV. Independent work. Test

Option I


N..(1) slightly n..(2) has changed.

N..(3) where to go n..(4) it is necessary.

N. .(5) fish n..(6) caught.

N..(7) knew n..(8) rules, n..(9) formulas.

N .. (10) could n .. (11) hear a scream.

Where n .. (12) throw your eyes, ruins are everywhere.

How many n .. (13) called, he n .. (14) looked back.

You can’t .. (15) admire the sunset.

He n .. (16) once n .. (17) was n .. (18) only wounded, but even scratched.

He n .. (19) had n .. (20) what position, n .. (21) received n .. (22) a penny of salary, found, however, funds for entertainment.


2, 4, 6, 7, 10, 11, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 21.

Option II

Note the spellings neither.

1) N .. for what to thank, 2) n .. for which he did not thank, 3) n.. to ask someone, 4) saw n .. someone else, as a classmate, 5) informed n .. to someone other than the dean , 6) one else can, 7) n.. what to buy, 8) n..where to get it, 9) the building was n..nothing but a university, 10) n..nothing else can explain it , 11) n.. once asked, 12) n.. never answered.



Ex. 198 - home control work.

Lesson 31

Spelling of adverbs

Lesson Objectives:

Consolidation of spelling skills of adverbs; the formation of the ability to form adverbs and use them in speech.

During the classes

I. Group work

I group

Syntactic parsing of the sentence:

Come and have lunch with us.


Come to us lunch easily . (awake, non-excited, simple, one-state, o / l [ ], distribution, complete, uncomplicated)

Come- simple ch. predicate, expressed by ch. imperative mood.

Come(For what?) lunch- circumstance of the goal, expressed by the infinitive.

Come(How?) easily- circumstance course of action, expressed as an adverb.

Come(Where?) to us- adverb of place, expressed by a personal pronoun with a preposition.

2 group

Morphological analysis of the adverb is easy.


Easily- adverb.

Come (how?) easily: adverb of manner.

Come (how?) easily (in the sentence it is a circumstance).

3 group

Vocabulary dictation:

Easily, on the move, a little, indiscriminately, firmly, firmly, in mockery, in German, in a rush, side by side, barely, at first, abroad, as before, smaller, exactly the same, shattered, wide open, red-hot, occasionally, completely, from the outside, forever, longer, in a big way, still, hot.

Vocabulary dictation check.

Name the spellings that you followed when writing adverbs.

II. Spelling of adverbs

1. Spelling of adverbs traditionally causes the following difficulties:

Vowels in suffixes at the end of adverbs;

b at the end of adverbs after hissing;

Not And neither in attachments;

Continuous, hyphenated and separate spelling of adverbs.

The rules refer to adverbs formed by the prefix-suffix method. By their formation, these adverbs go back to short forms of adjectives.

In adverbs with prefixes in-, on-, for- letter at the end O.

In adverbs with prefixes from- / is-, to-, s- letter at the end A.

Writing on the board and in notebooks:

Consolidation of this material: ex. 189.

2. Independent work

Option I

Use the suffix -O or -A.

Yellow ..-pale face, red-hot .. hot ball, go around to the left .., go to the right .., start over .., finish the work brighter .., wash white .., quarrel hotly .., turn left .. .

Option II (or ex. 192)

Form adverbs with suffixes from these words -O or -A and with attachments in- / in-, on-, for-, s-, from- / is-, to-.

Think of and write down sentences or phrases with these adverbs.

White, distant, late, dark, oblique, well-fed, single, deaf, fast, lively, simple, dry, naked, rare, hot, light, new.

3. After sizzling w, w, h written at the end of adverbs b.

Exceptions: already, married, unbearable.

4. In negative adverbs written under stress Not-, no accent - no-: no, nowhere.

5. After adverbs hissing at the end written under stress O, without stress - e: hot, fresh, melodious, But more!

III Consolidation

The consolidation of this material can be organized by options or by groups.

1. Exerc. 191.

2. Selective dictation (the teacher dictates sentences, students write out adverbs in hissing).

Near the hotel was a new two-story house, below the doors were wide open ( I. Goncharov). Once, only their monotony was broken by a truly sad incident ( I. Goncharov). Filofey waved his hand backhand several times ( I. Turgenev). Tatyana, by the will of the mistress, was married off to a drunken shoemaker ( I. Turgenev). Deaf, deserted, deserted, the steppe is half-dead all over. The rider got off his horse and silently set to work ( A. Maykov). They endured for a whole month, and when it became unbearable, they suddenly sent me: give me money ( A. Pushkin). And I'm on my back, knocked over by a blow, without memory I fell back into the stream ( A. K. Tolstoy). A minute later, three horsemen rushed at a gallop along the road ( N. A. Ostrovsky).

3. Complicated cheating

Write down in the composition of phrases first the pronouns, and then the adverbs. Explain the spelling of these parts of speech.

(No, no) where there is no housing in sight. (No, no) nothing to measure the expanse of fields. (No, no) when I didn’t assume that (no, no) I wouldn’t be afraid of anything, (no, no) I wouldn’t agree with (what). (No, no) how could not move. Letters to wait was (not, nor) from where.


Adverbs: nowhere to be seen, never imagined, never managed to get under way, nowhere to wait.

Pronouns: I can't measure anything, I won't be afraid of anything, I won't agree with anything.

4. Spelling oh eafter hissing

Think rule of thumb oh e after hissing in suffixes and endings of nouns and adjectives is it common for adverbs as well or not? Justify your answer with examples by completing the table.

oh e after hissing

under stress

No accent

In adverb suffixes

An example of a completed table:

oh e after hissing

under stress

No accent

In suffixes and noun endings

In suffixes and adjective endings

In adverb suffixes

Checking the execution of tasks.

IV. Lesson summary

What part of speech is called an adverb?

Talk about spelling oh ah at the end of adverbs.

Talk about spelling soft sign at the end of adverbs after sibilants.

Tell me about writing no-, no- in negative terms.

Tell us about the spelling of vowels at the end of adverbs after sibilants.


1. Repeat the rules on pages 93, 95.

Lesson 32 (26)

Spelling of adverbs

Lesson Objectives:

Strengthening the skills of writing a hyphen in adverbs; strengthening the skills of continuous and separate writing of prefixes in adverbs.

During the classes

I. Checking homework

1. Poll.

Talk about spelling

Not with nouns, adjectives, adverbs;

Not with participles, negative pronouns.

2. Commented reading ex. 25.

3. Vocabulary dictation:

Open the door wide open, walk away, rush off, close it completely, get married, never argue, nowhere to wait, nowhere to be found, there was no time to go in, nothing for it, spoke melodiously, state in general, move clumsily, go around to the left, start over, close tightly, went to the right, ask again.(42 words)

II. Work on the topic of the lesson

Continuous spelling of adverbs

1. Adverbs are written together, formed by combining prepositions-prefixes, with short and full adjectives, adverbs, collective numerals (except for formations with a preposition according to: two by three), pronouns: rashly, anew, hard-boiled, blindly; utterly, henceforth; four, three; with might and main, why.

Exceptions: on the side, on the world, on the back.

Note: pretext V written separately if the word begins with a vowel: openly.

2. Adverbs formed from nominal forms that are not used without prepositions-prefixes are written together: in the dark, down the drain, shattered, utterly.

3. Adverbs with spatial and temporal meanings are written together: down, up, first.

Note: such adverbs should be distinguished from nouns with a preposition, which, as a rule, have explanatory words: run into the distance(adverb), into the distance sea ​​(noun with a preposition).

4. Adverbs formed from nouns with a preposition-prefix and not having explanatory words in this use are written together: go towards(adverb) to go to a meeting with a writer (noun with a preposition).

Separate spelling of adverbs

1. Adverbial combinations are written separately, which have retained some case forms: under the armpits - under the armpits - from under the armpits.

2. Adverbs formed by repeating nouns with a preposition are written separately: word for word, soul to soul, side by side, point to point, from day to day.

Exception: exactly the same.

3. Separately, adverbs formed by the repetition of nouns are written, and the second is in the instrumental case: fool by fool, honor by honor, eccentric by eccentric.

4. Adverbs formed by the repetition of nouns beginning with a vowel are written separately: alone, tirelessly, point-blank.

5. Adverbs formed by the repetition of plural nouns are written separately: in the legs, in the eyes.

Note: it is necessary to memorize the spelling of nouns with a preposition that have an adverbial meaning: to the point, on the move, apparently, for glory, on the run, marvelously, according to conscience, with the knowledge, on a grand scale, to the conscience.

Hyphenated adverbs

1. Through a hyphen, adverbs formed from adjectives and pronouns are written with the help of a prefix By- suffixes -mu -him, -ski, -tsuki, -i:

Note: a) an adverb is written with a hyphen in Latin(not to be confused with a noun with a preposition): will get excellent in Latin- he knew in Latin; b) if an adverb with a prefix By- formed from an adjective with a hyphen, then the hyphen is written only after the prefix: non-commissioned officer - in a non-commissioned officer's way.

2. Adverbs formed from ordinal numbers with the help of a prefix are written through a hyphen in-/in-: secondly, fifthly. A hyphen is used to write formations such as twenty-fifths.

3. Through a hyphen, adverbs are written, formed by means of repetitions, connections of synonyms, words that are associated associatively: quickly, quickly, unexpectedly, unexpectedly, quietly.

4. Indefinite adverbs with particles are written through a hyphen - something, - either, - some, - something, - the same, - ka: sometime, from somewhere.

5. Technical term on the mountain written with a hyphen.

III. Check of knowledge. Development of skills and abilities

1. Mark cases of continuous spelling of adverbs:

1) Play (in) a draw, 2) enter (in) a draw's apartment, 3) be (on) the alert, 4) act (in) open, 5) act (on) sideways, 6) be (along) aloof, 7 ) (c) sleepy, 8) get (in) a slip, 9) play (on) evil, 10) scream (in) catch-up, 11) be (on) the top of bliss, 12) be (according to) yours, 13) ( apparently, 14) lean (on) side, 15) turn (on) side, 16) tight (tight), 17) from the bay (floundering), 18) (in) mockery 19) (in) installment, 20) (c) half a voice, 21) (c) dense, 22) (c) half a turn, 23) dressed up (c) down and out, 24) (c) loose, 25) visible (invisible).


1, 3, 5-11, 14, 20, 21, 22, 24.

2. Mark cases of separate writing of adverbs:

1) (B) rise high, 2) fly up (to) heavenly heights, 3) (c) never forget friends, 4) (c) computerization age, 5) leave (c) end of the corridor, 6) (c) end get offended, 7) (c) obliquely draw, 8) (c) wear a coat, 9) (at) time to come, 10) (at) time of trial, 11) (c) time to sew a suit, 12) speak (c) stretching, 13) give boots (in) stretching, 14) (in) secret to prepare a surprise, 15) (in) secret lies the answer, 16) to be heard (in) breadth, 17) (to) raise the head to the top, 18) attach ( k) at the top of the door, 19) (on) climb up, 20) climb (on) the top of the mountain, 21) (on) tomorrow there will be a holiday, 22) (on) tomorrow to postpone business, 23) hope (for) good luck, 24) (for) the morning snow fell, 25) make plans (for) the morning.


2, 4, 5, 10, 13, 15, 18, 20, 22, 23, 25.

3. Complicated cheating

Set up (in) combat, sat (in) Turkish, acted (in) a snake, lived (in) any way, chatted (in) friendly, (firstly) spoke (in) Moscow, lie down (somewhere) somewhere, (a little) it dawned a little, knew (in) Latin, leave (good) in good health, did (upside down) inside out, (in) thirty (sixths), (badly) poor.

... By Russian language 10 -11 Class. - M., 2011 Egorova N.V., Dmitrieva L.P., Zolotareva I.V. lesson development By Russian language. 10 Class. - M., "VAKO", 2006 Work programs By Russian language. 5-11 classes ...

    The authors of the longest game of the Tal Memorial were Alexander Grischuk and Hikaru Nakamura. The position of the Russian for a long time was lost, the chess "Rybka" rated it as "-6.26" (which means that White is hopeless). However, Grischuk's daughter Masha, who was present at the game, asserted over and over again: "Dad won't lose."

    After the game of the seventh round of the Tal Memorial with Alexei Shirov, Alexander Grischuk noted that the rook endgame "two against one" that arose on the board had already occurred in his practice. Exactly the same position ("head to head," Grischuk stressed) he played last year at the World Cup in Khanty-Mansiysk. In order to remember this, it took Alexander sixteen minutes of the remaining twenty.

    The fastest not only in the tour, but in the whole Tal Memorial was the match between Shirov and Aronian. The chess players played the Marshall attack variation in the Spanish game, in which they are having a heated discussion not for the first time, and did not find anything better than repeating the moves.

    The Azerbaijani won another victory over Wang Hao. According to Mamedyarov, the Chinese did not make any one gross mistake, but was simply gradually outplayed.

    And yet, if you single out some moment in the game, then it is worth noting the unsuccessful move 22...Bh5, - Shahriyar suggested.

    It was this statement that the American chess player made in his Twitter micro-blog shortly after the end of the game of the ninth round of the Tal Memorial with Alexander Grischuk. What happened in that fight, Nakamura called "one of the most disappointing missteps in my career."

    The fight of the fourth round of the Tal Memorial between Shakhriyar Mamedyarov and Levon Aronian ended in a draw. Both chess players shared with journalists amazing information: During the game, each of them thought they had an advantage.

    The game Grischuk - Wang Hao ended faster than others in the third round of the Tal Memorial. Alexander called the variation of the Slav Defense encountered in it "Chinese", hinting that the move 7...Nb6 is used more often than others by Chinese chess players.

    Such a quick agreement for a draw, obviously, can be explained by the fact that Grischuk called his move 13.Be2 "very stupid".

    In the fourth round of the Tal Memorial, Boris Gelfand and Alexander Grischuk signed a peace agreement after repeating their position twice. Formally, this does not correspond to the "anti-draw" regulations of the competition, and the judges tried to hint to the players that they abide by the rules. But, as Gelfand said, repeating the perpetual check three times without fail is an outrage on common sense.

    Karjakin - Kramnik

    Generational change is inevitable. It is difficult for experienced chess players to fight against young chess maniacs, armed to the teeth with computer-generated variations, possessing excellent memory, accurate counting and a large reserve of strength.

    Levon Aronian noted immediately after the victory over Boris Gelfand in the third round of the Tal Memorial that Black's move 14...Bc7 should be recognized as a big mistake. After that, according to the winner, Black's position is hopeless.

The army team, who have not lost a single match in the first round of the playoffs in the previous three seasons, conceded only one goal in four meetings with the Red-Whites (6:0, 1:0, 3:1, 1:0). For the first time in the history of the KHL, CSKA and Spartak played each other in the playoffs.

From the ship to the ball

“Hopefully, it will play into our hands that the Olympians from CSKA have been very busy the last week. It would be nice if they were taken to concerts even longer,” said the head coach of Spartak the day before the start of the series.

A week after winning the Olympics, army hockey players spent at receptions, awards, concert rallies, and the opening match of the series with Spartak was the first after returning for defenders, forwards, and.

CSKA did not have any problems, the army team threw the opponent 39-22 and sent six unanswered goals to the gates of the “red-whites”. Maxim Shalunov, who scored a double, was the most zealous. "God grant that I continue to do so. Missing Olympic Games I was motivated, let's assume that it is," Shalunov said after the match.

“They didn’t follow the instructions, what was asked of us, and as a result, such a score. We lost because of our mistakes, we lost the match ourselves. little climbed on the gate, there should be more aggression. Bad game, not Spartak's day, but tomorrow is a new match, everything will be different," Spartak defender Alexander Osipov said.

CSKA respects Spartak, but...

"Spartak" before the second match sent a defender and a defender to the reserve, Vsevolod Sorokin and Alexander Kuznetsov came out instead. According to the head coach of Spartak, Koltsov did not get into the squad due to rotation, but rather the defender's effective errors in the first game were the reason for this.

However, even without Koltsov, “Spartak” had someone to make mistakes - in the sixth minute, the defender of the “red-whites” Ville Lajunen lost the puck outside the goal, and Kaprizov found the transfer of Shalunov, who rolled into the center, which was not played by another defender of “Spartak” Vladislav Provolnev.

Shalunov scored in the sixth match in a row, scoring nine goals in these games. “Handsome Max, the main thing is to continue in the same spirit, score. My transfer? I just saw that Shalunov rolls and gave it away. I had two chances, but Spartak goalkeeper Nikita Bespalov played great," Kaprizov, who scored one goal in the last 18 matches at that time, said after the match.

The final score in the second match (1:0) turned out to be much more modest than the day before, but in terms of shots (41-19) and chances, the advantage of CSKA was even more impressive. However, the head coach of the army was dissatisfied with the game of his team. “Of course, we respect Spartak, but you can’t give your opponent so many chances. It’s not enough to just play with discipline, you need to not give your opponent chances, and we gave them enough,” said Igor Nikitin.

Spartak scores the first and last goal

In the third meeting, the army team again scored a quick puck - in the seventh minute, the CSKA captain opened the scoring, after which the puck hit Spartak goalkeeper Nikita Bespalov in the shoulder and parachuted down behind him. In the second period, Lajunen gave CSKA another goal, losing the puck near his goal - he scored.

“Such mistakes are, of course, a disgrace. Because of such mistakes, apparently, Lajunen did not go to the Olympics with the Finnish team,” Yepanchintsev commented on the episode.

CSKA sent the third puck into the goal of Bespalov in the majority in the 31st minute, after which Spartak released goalkeeper Alexander Trushkov. The 21-year-old goalkeeper received significantly less work than his partner: in the first two periods, CSKA threw Spartak 36-9, and in the third - lost 2-11. "We played negligently in the third period, incorrectly, which is why we conceded the first goal in the series," Andronov said.

In the 58th minute of the game, Spartak forward Ilya Talaluev scored Spartak's first goal in the series, stopping Olympic champion Ilya Sorokin's clean streak at 211 minutes 38 seconds and his team's goalless streak against CSKA at 254 minutes. 40 seconds."

In the fourth match of the series, Spartak had more chances than ever to catch on to the game, but every time Sorokin got in the way of the puck, following the meeting, he scored the third game in this series “to zero”. The victory of CSKA in the match and series of the defender in the 31st minute.

“For me, Sorokin’s game is just nonsense, he did incredible things, -. - You can score goals from rebounds, but he caught everything. How did he reflect the throw in the first period? In all matches, we had chances to score, catch, but Sorokin played fantastically. He was the main key to the victory of CSKA. Honestly, no matter how many matches we played with CSKA, with Sorokin's performance, we still could not win."

“Thanks to our goalkeeper Ilya Sorokin, he helped out a lot in this series. In the fourth game, we endured, made it to the end, but realized that there was something to work on. There was resistance in the series from Spartak, but we didn’t play the fool, everyone coped with We made the first gag towards our goal, now we have to step further," CSKA forward Roman Lyubimov summed up the series.

CSKA in the semi-finals of the Western Conference will play against or Helsinki "Jokerit"if the Finnish club beats in the series "Sochi". Matches of the series of the second round of the playoffs, in which the army team will have home court advantage, will be held on March 16, 17, 19, 20, and, if necessary, on March 22, 24 and 26.

40. Expand the brackets:

A) Play (in) a draw;

enter (into) nobody's apartment;

to be (on) the alert;

act (in) openly;

act (on) sideways;

to be (on) odal; (c) sleepy;


play (on) evil;

shout (in) catch-up;

to be (at) the height of bliss;

be (according to) yours; (by) apparently;

tilt (on) side;

turn (on) side;

tight (tight); from the bay (floundering);

(c) ridicule; (c) installments;

(c) half a turn; dressed up (in) to smithereens;

(c) loose; visible (invisible);

b)(B) rise up; soar (to) heavenly heights;

(c) never forget friends; (c) the age of computerization;

leave (to) the end of the corridor; (c) end offended;

(c) draw an oblique; (c) a cape to wear a coat;

(at) time to come; (c) the time of testing; (c) time to sew a suit;

speak (c) stretch; give boots (to) stretching;

(c) secretly prepare a surprise; (c) the secret lies in the answer;

to be distributed (in) expanse; hope (for) good luck;

(k) raise the head up; attach (to) the top of the door;

(to) climb up; climb (to) the top of the mountain;

(on) tomorrow there will be a holiday; (to) put things off tomorrow;

(in) the morning it snowed; make plans (for) the morning;

V) Tuned (according to) combat, sat (according to) Turkish,

acted (according to) the snake, lived (according to) everyone,

chatted (on) friendly, (firstly)

spoke (in) Moscow, lie down (where) somewhere,

(a little) a little dawn, knew (by) atyn,

leave (kindly) say goodbye, did (topsy-turvy) inside out,

(c) thirty (sixths), (badly) poor.

Open parenthesis.

(B) get hungry

(a little,

(c) scope,

(cross) crosswise,

(for) two


(for) rental,

(to) smark,



(bad) poor

(through) chur,

honor (according to) conscience,

(on) side, (on) side,

(in Italian,

To speak French,

warm (according to) summer,

(across) the autumn sky,

to meet (by) friendly,

get settled (according to) marching,

crawl (along) bellies,

spilled (over) the spring river,

cry (for) childish,

(by the certain agreement,

warmed (for) the present,

sleep somewhere (somewhere),

did something (like)

dark (blue) dress,


spoke (in) Latin,

received a (long) long time ago,

looked (in) the depth, (in) the depth of the sea,

I saw (in) gave, (in) gave blue,

keep (in) a secret, return (to) the morning, (to) the morning will not be found.

Rewrite by opening parentheses. Insert missing characters (where necessary).

  1. (In) secretly, he wished (that) the campaign would last without .. of course.
  2. (C) started .. think then answer.
  3. It was ordered pr..move..sya (in) and (to) the left (by) two and (one by one) to the forest.
  4. The sky (slightly) slightly twitched with clouds, the sea (still) was calm.
  5. It was (at) so beautiful all around that everyone gl..deli (with) delight (c) p.
  6. How x .. rosh the forest (c) began .. autumn!
  7. (B) expanse and (c) distance fog .. th ra .. rushed be .. pr .. efficient Kuban fields!
  8. Mother x .. dila (c) ass and (c) p .. red occasionally .. (is) under (foreheads) looking at her son.
  9. The sailors moved (across) the sea a little (in) the waddle, speaking (in) (half) of the voice.

10. Birds .. sch..betali somehow (in) ra..lad

43. Insert the missing letters and signs, open the brackets, changing the form of the word where necessary:

1. Pr..x..dite (at) time (do not) be late.

2. Many people have gathered (at) a meeting (with) him today.

3. Ra..g..the thief passed ..l (in) empty so (n ..) with (than) and in .. rushed.

4. (In) the morning part of the p..lka came out of the village.

6. He on (I) and threatening..zhazh..p..dya hand.

7. (in) far away in..puffing..t lightning and thunder.

8. behaved defiantly.. .

9. (According to) appearance .. to my words, he pr .. gave (n ..) little meaning.

10. (For) how many kilometers (in) the top of the day ..the tourists were (without) rest.

11. When in the k..mnate (little) slightly warmed up, I wrote down my observations.

12. In this forest, every beast ( (not)

13. In the city .. where it was (not) (according to) a festive .. quiet.

14. (Not) rarely he went to s.

15. (In) vain we peered (into) the distance (at) the meeting (we) lifted .. the fog rose.

16. (B) they gave something (something) bl..s.. zero, but (for) so much (n..) it is clear that (n..) it was impossible to look at what it is.

17. (Not) despite (at) the end of September near Moscow it was (according to) summer warmth.

18. Movement (in) with stops..ra..vl..kalo us (not) despite the gr..mad loss of

19. My companion admitted that (n ..) where and (n ..) when (n ..) he saw .. l such a lot of game and d. ) by hearsay (by) truth in .. face .. stucco for hunting and (by) right they can work .. read .. to be widely known ..ness.

1. Adverbs are written together, formed by combining prepositions-prefixes, with short and full adjectives, adverbs, collective numerals (except for formations with a preposition according to: two by three), pronouns: rashly, anew, hard-boiled, blindly; utterly, henceforth; four, three; with might and main, why.

Exceptions: on the side, on the world, on the back.

Note: pretext V written separately if the word begins with a vowel: openly.

2. Adverbs formed from nominal forms that are not used without prepositions-prefixes are written together: in the dark, down the drain, shattered, utterly.

3. Adverbs with spatial and temporal meanings are written together: down, up, first.

Note: such adverbs should be distinguished from nouns with a preposition, which, as a rule, have explanatory words: run into the distance(adverb), into the distance sea ​​(noun with a preposition).

4. Adverbs formed from nouns with a preposition-prefix and not having explanatory words in this use are written together: go towards(adverb) to go to a meeting with a writer (noun with a preposition).

Separate spelling adverbs

1. Adverbial combinations are written separately, which have retained some case forms: under the armpits - under the armpits - from under the armpits.

2. Adverbs formed by repeating nouns with a preposition are written separately: word for word, soul to soul, side by side, point to point, from day to day.

Exception: exactly the same.

3. Separately, adverbs formed by the repetition of nouns are written, and the second is in the instrumental case: fool by fool, honor by honor, eccentric by eccentric.

4. Adverbs formed by the repetition of nouns beginning with a vowel are written separately: alone, tirelessly, point-blank.

5. Separately written adverbs formed by the repetition of nouns in plural: in the legs, in the eyes.

Note: it is necessary to memorize the spelling of nouns with a preposition that have an adverbial meaning: to the point, on the move, apparently, for glory, on the run, marvelously, according to conscience, with the knowledge, on a grand scale, to the conscience.

Hyphenated adverbs

1. Through a hyphen, adverbs formed from adjectives and pronouns are written with the help of a prefix By- suffixes -mu -him, -ski, -tsuki, -i:

Note: a) an adverb is written with a hyphen in Latin(not to be confused with a noun with a preposition): will get excellent in Latin- he knew in Latin; b) if an adverb with a prefix By- formed from an adjective with a hyphen, then the hyphen is written only after the prefix: non-commissioned officer - in a non-commissioned officer's way.

2. Adverbs formed from ordinal numbers with the help of a prefix are written through a hyphen in-/in-: secondly, fifthly. A hyphen is used to write formations such as twenty-fifths.

3. Through a hyphen, adverbs are written, formed by means of repetitions, connections of synonyms, words that are associated associatively: quickly, quickly, unexpectedly, unexpectedly, quietly.

4. Indefinite adverbs with particles are written through a hyphen - something, - either, - some, - something, - the same, - ka: sometime, from somewhere.

5. Technical term on the mountain written with a hyphen.

III. Check of knowledge. Development of skills and abilities

1. Mark cases of continuous spelling of adverbs:

1) Play (in) a draw, 2) enter (in) a draw's apartment, 3) be (on) the alert, 4) act (in) open, 5) act (on) sideways, 6) be (along) aloof, 7 ) (c) sleepy, 8) get (in) a slip, 9) play (on) evil, 10) scream (in) catch-up, 11) be (on) the top of bliss, 12) be (according to) yours, 13) ( apparently, 14) lean (on) side, 15) turn (on) side, 16) tight (tight), 17) from the bay (floundering), 18) (in) mockery 19) (in) installment, 20) (c) half a voice, 21) (c) dense, 22) (c) half a turn, 23) dressed up (c) down and out, 24) (c) loose, 25) visible (invisible).


1, 3, 5-11, 14, 20, 21, 22, 24.

2. Mark cases of separate writing of adverbs:

1) (B) rise high, 2) fly up (to) heavenly heights, 3) (c) never forget friends, 4) (c) computerization age, 5) leave (c) end of the corridor, 6) (c) end get offended, 7) (c) obliquely draw, 8) (c) wear a coat, 9) (at) time to come, 10) (at) time of trial, 11) (c) time to sew a suit, 12) speak (c) stretching, 13) give boots (in) stretching, 14) (in) secret to prepare a surprise, 15) (in) secret lies the answer, 16) to be heard (in) breadth, 17) (to) raise the head to the top, 18) attach ( k) at the top of the door, 19) (on) climb up, 20) climb (on) the top of the mountain, 21) (on) tomorrow there will be a holiday, 22) (on) tomorrow to postpone business, 23) hope (for) good luck, 24) (for) the morning snow fell, 25) make plans (for) the morning.


2, 4, 5, 10, 13, 15, 18, 20, 22, 23, 25.

Complicated cheating

Set up (in) combat, sat (in) Turkish, acted (in) a snake, lived (in) any way, chatted (in) friendly, (firstly) spoke (in) Moscow, lie down (somewhere) somewhere, (a little) it dawned a little, knew (in) Latin, leave (good) in good health, did (upside down) inside out, (in) thirty (sixths), (badly) poor.

4. Individual tasks

Card number 1

Open parenthesis:

(B) starve, (a little) a little, (c) in a big way, (cross) across, (on) two, (first) (badly) poorly, (before) I fall, (in) half a voice, (over) chur, honor (on) honor, (on) side, (in) Italian, (on) side.


Half-starving, a little bit, in a big way, crosswise, in two, firstly, for rent, down the drain, in an embrace, humanly, at the very least, to the point of falling, in an undertone, too much, honor by honor, on the side, in Italian side.

Card number 2

Open parenthesis:

Speak (in) French, warmly (in) the summer, (in) autumn sky, meet (in) a friendly way, get settled (in) marching, crawl (in) plastunsky, a river that has overflowed (in) spring, cry (in) childish, ( under this agreement, warmed (really) for real.


To speak French, warmly in the summer, in the autumn sky, to meet in a friendly way, to settle down in a marching way, to crawl like a plastun, a river overflowing like a spring, to cry like a child, according to a real contract, really warmed.

Card number 3

Open parenthesis:

We’ll spend the night somewhere (somewhere), made something (like), a dark (blue) dress, (firstly) spoke (in) Latin, received (a long time ago) a long time ago, looked (into) the depths, (into) the depths of the sea, saw (in ) gave, (c) gave blue, keep (in) secret, returned (for) the morning, (for) the morning will not be found.


Let's spend the night somewhere, did it somehow, dark blue dress, firstly, spoke Latin, received it a long time ago, looked deep into, into the depths of the sea, saw in the distance, blue in the distance, kept secret, returned in the morning, in the morning there would not be.

IV. Lesson summary

Tell us about the conditions for the continuous writing of adverbs.

Tell us about the conditions for separate writing of adverbs.

Tell me about conditions hyphenation adverbs.


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