Family of Ekaterina Volkova. Actress Volkova about divorce and resuscitation of her little daughter. Do you communicate outside of work?

On the screen, Ekaterina embodies the image of an ideal wife. AiF correspondent Health” talked to the actress and found out what she’s like at home with her husband and daughter.

At work - like at home

Anna Anisimova, “AiF.Health”: Ekaterina, the series “Voronins” has been running for the eighth year. You've probably already become close to your on-screen family?

I always say that I have two families: the real one and the Voronins. During this time I got married, my partner on the set - Egor Dronov- got married. We had children. We became close - and that's good.

- Do you communicate outside of work?

Yes, sure. We even go on vacation together. Well, it’s very convenient and fun. You can’t always predict the work schedule of other colleagues, but our breaks are always the same. So, when we return to the site, it feels like we were never separated at all.

A still from the TV series “Voronin”. Photo: Still from the film

The daughter is nearby

- Aren’t your daughter and husband jealous of your work and colleagues?

At first, my husband was incredibly jealous and freaked out. It so happened that he always ended up on the site when they rented a bedroom. And then he became friends with Yegor and stopped taking our harmless kisses seriously.

As for Lisa, she loves coming to my work. Just recently she was on set with her daughter Yulia Kuvarzina. The girls played, rode in a car, got stuck in the elevator, but, interestingly, during the command “Motor!” walked on tiptoes.

- That is, your daughter has been in the cinema since childhood...

And not only. I often take Lisa with me to the theater for rehearsals. In May we released a new play, and there were two runs at once. It’s difficult even for an adult to sit for so long, but my daughter did it. I'm very proud of her!

- Is she really interested in watching productions for adults?

Yes! Fairy tales are fairy tales, and we also watch adult plays and even discuss them together. But most of all, Lisa loves the behind-the-scenes life. She helps with props and carries outfits around the dressing rooms. She really likes it.

Carrot and stick

- Doesn’t your daughter dream of becoming an actress?

Moments. Today we are dentists, tomorrow we are actresses and dancers. But for now our main work is kindergarten.

- What kind of future do you see for her?

There is in front of me shining example from my family. My parents didn’t put a spoke in my wheels. Of course, they planned one thing, but in fact it turned out completely different. So we will build on Lisa’s desires, so as not to ruin her destiny. Our daughter is creative - and it shows. But it’s too early to guess. When she goes to school, we'll see if she's doing well. exact sciences or not?

-Are you a strict mother?

I educate with both the carrot and the stick. I can shout! With Lisa, of course, you need to be stricter, because she twists ropes. But now it’s much easier for me to find relationships with her mutual language- we have learned to negotiate.

Ekaterina Volkova, Andrey Karpov and their daughter Lisa. Photo:

Violent passions

- Ekaterina, your Vera from “The Voronins” is an understanding, forgiving woman. What are you like at home?

Me and my husband Andrey (with a professional dancer Andrey Karpov the actress met on the set of the TV show “Dancing with the Stars.” - Ed.) are very temperamental people. We can kiss and hug each other, and then quarrel a minute later. We always express our opinions, shout, argue, slam doors. And now it’s especially difficult for us - we are doing renovations in our own house. I say this: “If you and your husband survived the renovation, then you are no longer afraid of anything.”

- Are you and Vera often compared?

Sometimes men on the street or in a store say to me: “Yes, you perfect wife! And I think they would have said this better to my husband. (Laughs.) In general, of course, I like Vera: she is wise and patient. There's definitely a lot to learn from her.

Andrey Karpov and Ekaterina Volkova. Photo:

With new forces

- Let's get back to your repair. How is the process going?

Now we are at the finish line. This is our first home of our own, so we really wanted to manage the space correctly.

- Are you planning a garden, beds?

We haven’t gotten to the landscape yet, but I’ll tell you honestly: beds are not my thing. Perhaps we will come up with something interesting and plant parsley and carrots. But for now we’re not thinking about that, but about the dog! Andrey really wants her to live in a large enclosure. We have even already decided on the breed - we settled on Akita Inu. Dogs of this breed are very beautiful, smart and hardy.

- So the summer has flown by. Did you manage to relax with the whole family?

We didn't plan a vacation, but we still managed to escape to Greece. My husband and I thought that Lisa simply needed sea and sun. And we also had a great time and returned to Moscow with renewed vigor.

Actress Ekaterina Volkova and her husband Andrei Karpov celebrated their family's 7th anniversary in early April. On this day, the actress was in Kamchatka, but congratulated her loved ones - her husband and.
“And today we have a holiday! Our family is 7 years old. On the one hand, it’s already 7, and on the other, only 7. As Andryukha told me today: “Well, in 7 years we haven’t killed each other, that’s already good, but. ..we still have everything ahead." I love you my hearts, Andrey and Lizunya. You even have the same squint. Our rare weekends together, even now, I’m in Kamchatka, and my kittens are at home, waiting for me. I’m flying out soon!"

A new show starts on the STS TV channel "Mr and Mrs Z", where the 35-year-old actress and her husband will serve as hosts.

To debunk the most popular myths, they will resort to the help of specialists and conduct visual experiments, be it a method for instantly getting rid of spider veins or an experiment with the effect of snake venom on human blood.

Ksenia Bugrimova, head of entertainment direction at STS TV channel: “We will show the collapse of the most persistent health legends and give viewers invaluable advice that can change their lives for the better. In a modern, educational and fun way, we will prove that health savvy is the hottest trend this spring.”

In the first issue star couple will tell you why you can’t tolerate a headache, when honey becomes poison, and whether allergies really last a lifetime. To find out the answers to these questions, the presenters, together with a doctor, will visit a Moscow family and conduct experiments at the cosmetology center.

Ekaterina Volkova: “I was always interested to know what it was like to host a show with Andrey: it’s one thing to solve domestic problems, and another thing to film together every day. In addition, we were entrusted with a very entertaining project that will be useful not only to the audience, but also to our Karpov-Volkov family.”

Before filming the project, the couple appeared together in the popular sitcom “Voronin”, where Andrei played the role of gynecologist Vera, the heroine of Ekaterina Volkova. In the show “Mr. and Mrs. Z,” the actress will replace Voronina’s usual jeans and T-shirts with glamorous dresses. The new image of the actress will be complemented by a representative car, which will become the main means of transportation for presenters around Moscow. Not only doctors and laboratory staff will help them in the television investigation, but also ordinary people, where the star couple will come to visit.

Andrey Karpov: “In life, Katya and I argue about different topics, including which medications to use in certain cases. But in Lately All discussions are about our house, which we are building outside the city. As a rule, the option I originally proposed remains and is implemented. But I’m sure that Katya will not agree with my opinion.”

Ekaterina Valerievna Volkova is a real symbol of a caring mother and loving wife, because it was the image of Vera Voronina that made her famous and beloved by fans. Katerina is not only a talented theater and film actress, but also acts as a television presenter, theater director and singer.

One of the actress’s greatest loves is the theater, since she has been performing on the stage since her youth. Ekaterina is an example of how you can set a goal for yourself - to become a theater and film actress - and achieve everything on your own.

After filming the series “Voronin”, a large army of fans began to be persistently interested in such physical parameters as height, weight, age. How old is Ekaterina Volkova is a question that can be answered quite realistically by studying materials on the Internet.

Ekaterina was born in 1982, so the talented actress just turned thirty-five years old. According to her zodiac sign, the girl is stubborn, persistent, punctual, and artistic Capricorn.

The eastern horoscope endows Volkova with such a sign as the Dog, with its inherent artistry, loyalty, perseverance, and resourcefulness.

Ekaterina Volkova: the photo in her youth and now is the same photo, and the girl looks so young that they didn’t even want to cast her for the role of the mother of the Voronin family three times. Katya’s height is one meter and sixty-seven centimeters, and her weight is set at fifty-six kilograms.

Biography of Ekaterina Volkova (actress)

The biography of Ekaterina Volkova (actress) is known to everyone, since she has quite a lot of fans. Little Katyushka was born in the Estonian and then Soviet city of Talin.

The father, Valery Volkov, was a Soviet diplomat, but the family was not very rich, but dad loved his children madly and did everything to ensure that his family lived comfortably.

Mother - Irina Volkova - had nothing to do with the world of theater, cinema, or the diplomatic sphere; she worked as an ordinary teacher at school, and then became a housewife.

Her brother, Leonid Volkov, is several years younger than her sister, but Katya almost never talks about him, so as not to violate his personal space. Leonid works, he is married to the woman he loves and has two children with a three-year age difference.

Ekaterina constantly sang and recited funny rhymes all around, including in the hairdressing salon where her beloved aunt worked. By the way, the parents were against the fact that the girl would connect her life with the world of theater and cinema, since they considered that profession to be frivolous.

When the girl was in the last grades of school, her family moved to the capital so that Katya could enter higher education. educational institution. It is worth noting that the parents finally gave in, however, they said that after acting, the daughter should receive a second “normal” higher education.

After graduating from the prestigious Sliver with honors, Ekaterina Volkova did not get into any famous theater. The girl participated in the productions of the State Film Actor Theater “The Nutcracker and the Mouse King”, “The Barber of Seville”, “The Promised Land”, “Valentine and Valentina”.

Filmography: films starring Ekaterina Volkova

The young actress made her debut in the films “Who’s the Boss?” and “Love is Like Love,” but so far only in episodes. After this, the filmography was replenished with such works as “Captain’s Children”, “ Women's stories"", "Verdict", "Crazy Angel", "People of Shpak", "Pathfinder", "Moms", "Reflections", "Voronins", "Lessons of Survival".

In parallel with filming in the series, Lisa participated in the television programs “Fort Boyard”, “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?”, “Escape”, “Dancing with the Stars”, “One Hundred to One”, “Perfect Repair”, “My Hero”.
She produces theatrical performances, sings songs in duets with world celebrities, appears in photo shoots for magazines.

Personal life of Ekaterina Volkova

The personal life of Ekaterina Volkova is a rather closed subject; she does not like to let strangers into her personal space, so as not to ruin her little family happiness.
Journalists do not forgive Catherine for this little whim; they constantly publish gossip and false information. These rumors sometimes hurt the heart and soul of the young and talented actress; she constantly says that she has no loved ones except her husband Andrei.

It is worth noting that the actress had problems in her personal life, since her husband met his first love again and completely surrendered to his newly flared up feelings. Katya did not panic, but tried to find allies in the fight against the homewrecker and found them in the person of her future mother-in-law.

After this, the guy participated in the television project “Dancing with the Stars,” and Katerina thought that he became too close to his star partner. Was loud scandal, but Andrei said that his beloved wife simply made a mountain out of a mountain.
As a result, the guy acted very, very wisely; he ended all relations with the mysterious partner in the dance show.

The most interesting thing is that a few years later Andrei found himself in the same situation, since he was already married and raising his beloved daughter. The conflict arose because he was jealous of his wife and her on-screen husband in the TV series “Voronin” because of explicit scenes, but, thank God, everything was resolved amicably, so the divorce did not follow.

Family of Ekaterina Volkova

Ekaterina Volkova’s family is the subject of her pride and joy, since she was always loved and loved her loved ones. Katya was a welcome child in a fairly wealthy family. She had younger brother, who did not always understand, but constantly protected her from all problems.

It is worth noting that many envious people believe that Volkova is a typical representative of the golden Soviet youth, since her father had a high position in society, and the girl had the opportunity to travel and wear slightly more expensive clothes. However, this is not true, because the baby was only supported and gently guided.

Katya grew up under the supervision of her beloved grandmother, who worked in kindergarten teacher Volkova claims that she is grateful to her for seeing acting and musical talent and helped develop it. Katya considers her grandmother to be her guardian angel with a huge soul.

Children of Ekaterina Volkova

Ekaterina Volkova's children are still present in small numbers, since she has one beloved and playful daughter, to whom her mother cannot devote maximum amount attention due to busyness in the filming process. However, Katya tries to do everything in the world, although sometimes she simply collapses from fatigue.

The birth of the baby was incredibly difficult for Catherine, because birth process lasted a long ten hours. Volkova claims that she would never have managed it if her beloved husband had not been nearby, who was terrified of blood, but supported his beloved woman.

By the way, Volkova is already hinting that she and her husband will definitely give birth to a second baby; most likely, this will happen soon.

Ekaterina considers her children to be the stage children from the series “Voronin”, who reached a certain age and left the cast, but still consider Volkova their mother.

Daughter of Ekaterina Volkova - Elizaveta Karpova

Ekaterina Volkova’s daughter, Elizaveta Karpova, was a long-awaited and desired baby; she was born in 2011, almost immediately after the wedding of her beloved parents.

Lisa is an incredibly active, creative, inquisitive child, she is developed much beyond her age. She has already given interviews for real several dozen times, talking about her mom and her roles. The little girl does this professionally with her characteristic liveliness of facial expressions, artistry and calmness.

Liza Karpova's day is planned literally minute by minute; she not only studies brilliantly, but also studies rhythmic gymnastics, dancing and figure skating. At the same time, she loves to roller skate and bicycle, and also travel with her parents.

The girl claims that her parents simply adore her and fulfill her every whim, although they can punish her if she doesn’t obey for almost the whole day. Lisa refuses to watch the sitcom “Voronins” because in them she recognizes her mother’s behavior in real life, and this is not interesting for her to watch.

Elizabeth does not want to become an actress or singer, because she does not consider this a frivolous profession; she claims that she will become a professional dentist or play in the theater.

Ekaterina Volkova's husband - Andrey Karpov

Ekaterina Volkova’s husband, Andrei Karpov, appeared in the life of his beloved woman in 2010, and introduced young people famous actress Daria Sagalova was completely by accident. Andrey realized that Katya was his destiny, so he invited her to romantic trip and proposed marriage in the capital of France.

The wedding took place in 2011, and then the young people had a baby, in whom the parents doted on. It is worth noting that the young man is a comprehensively developed personality; he managed to graduate from the Institute of Engineering and Architectural Studies.

Andrei Karpov worked as an architect, but at the same time he was fond of dancing and took part in the television show “Dancing with the Stars” in five seasons. The media guy invited Katya to become participants in the TV show “The Wedding Planner”; he even danced tango with her on the first date.
It is worth noting that Andrei and Katya also had a dark streak in their lives when the guy started dating his ex-girlfriend. At the same time, Volkova was supported by the mother of her chosen one, the wedding took place to the delight of the young people, their relatives and friends.

Since 2016, the tabloid press has constantly discussed the possibility of a breakup between spouses. The reasons given were Andrei’s jealousy of his stage “husband” in the TV series “Voronin” Yegor Dronov, with whom he has to play real passion and love. Katya even married her film partner, of course, not for real, but it happened in the same wedding dress, as in reality.

Scenes of jealousy stopped only after Catherine introduced her partners and proved that Yegor is married and happily married, he is raising two kids, so he has no desire to do all sorts of stupid things and lose his family.

Photo by Ekaterina Volkova in Maxim magazine

Photos of Ekaterina Volkova in Maxim magazine appeared quite recently, since it was quite difficult for the woman to undress in front of the cameras. At the same time, our beauty Ekaterina Volkova photo Maxim 2016 showed that her body is incredibly beautiful, toned, and also completely natural, there is nothing silicone in it.

It is worth noting that the star of the sitcom “Voronin” did not manage to strip naked; she appeared before her fans in luxurious lace lingerie of pinkish and bluish shades. At the same time, Ekaterina Volkova often posts photos in a swimsuit on Instagram and in social networks, the most famous was done in 2014 in hot Egypt, where she and her family happily splashed in the Mediterranean Sea. After this, photographs appeared repeatedly from resorts in Egypt and Turkey, Dubai and Greece, Jurmala, and simply from swimming pools.

Ekaterina follows fashion, so her swimsuits are either bright, sometimes plain, sometimes separate, sometimes one-piece, sometimes with cutouts, sometimes similar to the ones her daughter wore.

Ekaterina Volkova in underwear in “Voronin” photos almost never appeared in the series. It is worth noting that this is a youth sitcom and is watched by children in prime time, so they decided not to show underwear on the screen.

It is worth noting that the beautiful, smart and incredibly bright Ekaterina Vilkova appeared in lingerie in Maxim magazine once. She amazed her fans not only ideal forms, but also truly royal lingerie.

At the same time, the shooting took place near a window with beautiful tulle curtains, which emphasized the romantic mood of the young and promising actress.

Instagram and Wikipedia Ekaterina Volkova

Instagram and Wikipedia of Ekaterina Volkova have existed for quite some time for a long time, this makes it possible to use exclusively verified information. From the Wikipedia article, which is dedicated to Catherine, you can learn about what children's and teenage years actresses. Really clarify information about education, personal, family and creative life young actress, and also clarify facts about filmography and work in the theater.

It should be noted that Katya has an official profile on VK, in which she independently posts information about her work and personal life, talks with her fans and enjoys likes.

More than 765,000 people have subscribed to Ekaterina Volkova’s Instagram profile. At the same time, you can familiarize yourself with photographs and video materials that are related to creativity and family life. Katya constantly posts photos of her beloved husband and charming daughter on her page.

Ekaterina Volkova gained real fame after playing the role of a mother of many children in the Voronin seraglio. In addition, she continued to play in performances of her favorite theater, at one of which dancer Andrei Karpov noticed her. He is a teacher at a dance school. This is not his main activity; in addition, Andrey works as an architect. Plus, he studied at the Moscow Art Theater studio in the production department. For Ekaterina Volkova’s husband, dancing is his hobby, which often takes up a lot of his time.

Meeting your spouse

The young actress and dancer met in the theater, thanks to Ekaterina’s friend, which the guy himself talked her into. After this meeting, he began to regularly come to performances with her participation. After some time, Andrei invited the girl to give her a rumba lesson, which brought the couple very close. Since then, they tried to spend time together as much as possible. As Catherine herself admitted, in Andrey she felt a kindred spirit. The relationship between the couple developed well, and Andrei soon realized that Ekaterina is the only girl with whom he sees himself in the future and would like to live with her all his life.

Ekaterina Volkova heard a proposal from her future husband in the capital of lovers - Paris, and it became the most romantic event in her life.

Birth of first child

This happened in 2010, a year after their first meeting happened. A year later, the young family became parents and had a beautiful daughter, Elizabeth. The birth turned out to be long, but the husband was there all the time and supported the young wife. With the birth of the child, family relationships became even stronger.

Andrey tries his best to help the young mother and raise her daughter. Ekaterina said that her husband was the first to guess about the upcoming replenishment. It seemed to her that she was simply very tired at work, because she had to work a lot. As soon as a break of several days was announced on the set, Ekaterina Volkova’s husband and his wife went to Montenegro. Andrei Karpov created all the conditions for his wife to rest and regain the strength she will soon need for the baby.

Ekaterina Volkova’s husband is five years younger than his wife. True, the girl herself says that this is not felt at all, she often feels younger. The young family now lives very happily, raising their beloved daughter. Ekaterina Volkova’s husband says that they are already thinking about another child. Katya herself dreams of becoming the mother of twins, because this role is familiar to her from the series where she plays the main role.

Popular actress Ekaterina Volkova spoke about her personal life. The star of the series “Voronins” reported how she suggested her husband to divorce and explained why their daughter ended up in intensive care.

In 2013, Ekaterina Volkova’s husband, dancer and architect Andrei Karpov, took part in the show “Dancing with the Stars.” His partner was the famous actress, star of the TV series “Kitchen” Elena Podkaminskaya. According to Catherine, this time was difficult for her - she was terribly jealous of her husband, suspecting him of being infatuated with the miniature artist.

“My husband just said: “Lena and I, Lena and I.” He was simply fixated on winning. Even to Paris, the city of our love, where Karpov once proposed to me, he, forgetting about me, flew to Lena at the rehearsal. My husband celebrated his birthday with her there. And he didn’t even talk to me properly on the phone. I was jealous. Then I saw a million photos of Lena on his tablet...” Volkova complained.

The actress, who saw Andrei and Elena flirting, was so worried that she began to feel as if she was losing her husband. “One day I told him: “Let’s get a divorce!” My husband calmly replied: “Go ahead.” And he left to rehearse with Lena. And I... In despair, I almost did something terrible,” Ekaterina Volkova is quoted as saying by “7 Days.”

Suffering pushed the actress to take a radical step, which her daughter Lisa did not allow her to take. “It was so painful that I began to think about taking a pack of pills and ending everything once and for all. Some kind of eclipse came over me. A terrible night. And in the morning, such a warm and so gentle Gusena came up to me and hugged me. I was only two and a half years old then. And I thought: “This is the meaning of my life. What nonsense - all these bad thoughts of mine!” said the artist.

As a result, Catherine reconsidered her views on the situation. “Andrey is trying, he wants to win, he and Lena are a team. And Gusena and I began to come to competitions and root for him. And we were probably more happy than anyone when he and Lena won. But still, I was even more happy when the project is over. Liberation has arrived! Fortunately, everything is in the past. On this moment Lena and I, when we meet at events, say hello and communicate, but she and Andrey do not. They went in different directions,” Volkova stated.

After a while, a misfortune happened in the actress’s life. The daughter was admitted to intensive care. She was diagnosed with peritonitis. “It turned out that children now have a common mutation - the appendix is ​​bent incorrectly, towards the back. Lisa was operated on, then there was intensive care. At first Gusena slept all the time, this is called medicated sleep. Then, when she slightly came to her senses, I began to take her for a walk around intensive care unit, because even through the pain we had to walk with our legs and not lie still,” said Ekaterina. Fortunately, the girl was soon transferred to a regular ward, and then discharged altogether.

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