Hyphenated writing of adverbs: rules, examples. Adverbs - hyphenated and continuous

The following types of adverbs are written with a hyphen:
  1. Adverbs formed from a combination of the prepositions by and full adjectives or possessive pronouns and ending in -om, -emu, -ki, -ski, -i: in a fighting way, in a good way, in a kind way, in a snake way, in my opinion, in our way, in a mountain way, in a way Turkish, ancient Egyptian, childish, bearish.
By analogy with formations like in Russian, it is written with a hyphen and an adverb in Latin.
Adverbs of the analyzed type are sometimes formed from adjectives that are written with a hyphen. In such adverbs, a hyphen is placed only after: in the social democratic way (social democratic), in the New York way (New York), in the Sun Yat-sen way (Sun Yat-sen, Sun Yat-sen).
The prefix is ​​written together in adverbs formed from short adjectives (equally, little by little), from comparative degree adjectives (more, newer) and from some non-possessive pronouns (therefore - from this, because - from that, therefore - from this, why - from what).
A hyphen is not placed in the phrase one at a time: They did not disperse immediately, but one at a time, two at a time (N. Aseev).
  1. Adverbs formed from ordinal numbers using the prefix v- (vo-): firstly, secondly, thirdly, fourthly, etc. By analogy: lastly.
  2. Adverbs formed by repetition of the same word (a little, just about, barely, a long time ago, a lot, a lot), the same root, complicated by various prefixes and suffixes (a long time ago, just, apparently, not - apparently, little by little, little by little, tightly, after all, first of all, etc.), synonyms (unexpectedly, unexpectedly, well, thoughtlessly, unexpectedly, quietly, at the very least, duty-free , any-expensive, sewn-covered).
But prepositional combinations, close in meaning to adverbs, which include repeating nouns, are written separately: side by side (to live), face to face (to talk), from hour to hour (to appear), once from rizu (not easier), trail in trail (step), hand in hand, honor by honor, soul to soul, etc.
Adverbs criss-crossed, willy-nilly, are written exactly with a hyphen.
  1. Indefinite adverbs with the prefix some or the suffixes -something, -something, -something: somehow, somewhere, sometime, somewhere, somewhere, somewhere.
  2. Professionalism is on point (give out coal).
  1. The soil goes in the faces to the mountain (S. Orlov). 2. Engines were apparently launched into the sky (JI. Martynov). 3. In our opinion - breakfast, in theirs - lunch (S. Vasiliev). 4. [Vronsky] even began to wear a hat and a blanket over his shoulder in the Soednevekov style (JI. Tolstoy). 5. The apartment is quiet in the morning (I. Kremlev). 6. The village was full of military men (I. Kremlev). 7. Grandfather spoke with a strong accent not only in Russian, but also in pre-Church Slavonic and even Latin (V. Shverubovich). 8. The wind blows like autumn, the leaves whisper like autumn (S. Yesenin). 9. The city little by little expanded in all directions (A. Chekhov). 10. Dry last year’s leaves hung here and there on gnarled branches (S. Krutilin). 11. Where-iQ, when-ir, long, long ago, I read one poem (I. Turgenev). 12. A rough, criss-cross notch was still oozing resin on the pine tree (K. Simonov).
Prepared a lesson

Russian language teacher and


MBOU "Vishenskaya Secondary School"

Kalimbet Anna Viktorovna


7th grade Russian language

Lesson topic: Spelling adverbs. Hyphen in adverbs

Lesson type: lesson to consolidate knowledge

Didactic objective of the lesson: skill formation correct spelling adverbs



Repeat the conditions for hyphenated writing of adverbs;

Teach children to find adverbs in the text;

To develop the skill of correctly writing adverbs;

Repeat hyphenation in nouns, adjectives, pronouns.


To promote the development of thinking, including students in active mental activity and imagination;

Contribute to the formation of cognitive interest of students, the formation of life attitudes.


Increase interest in learning the Russian language.

Forms of training: frontal, group, individual.

During the classes:

Ι. Organizing time

ΙΙ. Checking homework

ΙΙΙ. Work on the topic

Task to review the previous topic

- What topic are you studying?

What do you already know about spelling adverbs?

Find adverbs:

Correct answer:

Find adverbs:

The day passed (in)empty.

Correct answer:

Correct answer:

Correct answer:

Correct answer:

Well done!

ΙV Communication of the topic and objectives of the lesson

We remembered many adverbs, we remembered the rules for writing them. But we do not yet know the spelling of all adverbs.


Somewhere, somewhere, somewhere, somewhere;

In a new way, in my opinion, as before;

Wolf-like, German-like, friendly;

Firstly, secondly, sixthly;

A little bit, little by little, tightly, barely.

How are these adverbs written? How would you define new topic– the topic of today’s lesson, the goals of our lesson.

Topic: “Hyphen in adverbs”

Write down the date, type of work, topic in a notebook.

Let's turn to the adverbs again, look carefully, maybe pronounce them.

Do you have answer options when adverbs are written with a hyphen? With the help of what, in what way is the adverb formed?

-This, -either, -something. Some.

These parts of the word have already been encountered when studying indefinite pronouns. They are written with a hyphen

Notebook entry: Hyphenated:

1) something...

2) ... something


4)… something

5) repetition of words with the same root or synonyms.


There are also suffixes: OMU, EMU, I, and the prefix PO. If they exist, then the adverb will be written with a hyphen.

The same is true with the prefix B (VO) - if the suffixes IH, YH appear, they are written with a hyphen. If these suffixes are not present, then they are written together, as always.

So we have found out all the conditions for hyphenated writing of adverbs.

Let's compare our observations and findings with the textbook. S. (reading the rules).


1) CFU-…;


3) adding words or stems;

4) PO-…, if there are suffixes -OMU, -EMU;

5) V-, VO-..., if there are suffixes -IH, -YH

Distributive dictation: distribute these words into three groups. Write them down in your notebooks.

(Students offer their options. As a result, the words are divided into three groups: nouns, adjectives, adverbs. In the process of completing the task, students can consult in a group both about the distribution into groups and about spelling. Based on the results of the work, a check is carried out. )

Yellow (blue), south (west), sofa (bed), chess (checker), floor (lemon), north (east), moon (move), railway (road), anything),dark green bushes; came from somewhere; here and there; light blue sky; somebody; bright yellow rye; anyone; do something; he walked barely; repeat exactly; crawl on one's bellies; Firstly.

IV . Consolidation of knowledge and skills

    Exercise 118

2. Creative work. Replace the sentences with phrases with adverbs like: verb + adverb. (slide 5)

    He acted like a comrade. (Acted in a comradely manner)

    Acted like a friend. (Acted like a friend)

    I decided to cut my hair as before. (Get my hair cut as before)

    I decided to dress like the old days (Dress like the old times)

    It turned out as you expected. (It turned out your way)

3. Vocabulary dictation with commenting

Write the adverbs in four columns:1 – with prefixBy- and suffixes -to him, -and, as well as the prefixin - and suffixes –s(s);

2 – pronominals with suffixes and prefixes written with a hyphen;

3 – formed by repeating identical or similar words in meaning;4 – with separate or continuous spelling m. Explain the spelling of words.

Childishly, apparently invisibly, three times, alone, here and there, thirdly, in good health, stronger, in a businesslike way, somehow, exactly, to the point, in the last, in humanly, willy-nilly, little by little, side by side, somewhere, never, just about, at a loss, in an embrace.

4. Write it downadverbs in two columns: 1 – with continuous writing;2 – with separate writing. Explain the spelling. Make up several sentences using these adverbs. Do parsing proposals.

In the morning, in the dark, with nine of us, without looking back, until you drop, in the dark, from a young age, to match, on the sly, outside, married, familiar, at both (look), abroad, by heart, upstairs, not by hand, on tiptoe, according to conscience , in the dark, on guard (to stand), from under the arm, inside out, by chance, in a bite.

5. Creative dictation

Make up sentences with these words so that they are used as adverbs written together, and as combinations of a preposition and a noun.

(On) the face, (at) the beginning, (at) the truth, (at) the meeting, (at) a lot, (from) the shoulder, (at) the end.

The whole society was present, in full force.

6. Verification work


B) bright (red), (a little)
D) (from) the beginning, (c) in front

A) barely...barely;
B) in... in front;
B) firstly;
D) without...holding.

A) in...distance;
B) on… back;
B) from... in front;
D) in a new way.

A) advise (in) a friendly way;
B) move (further) further;
B) tie tightly;
D) speak (in) German.

A) spoke (in) Turkish;
B) (across) the spring sky;
B) (c) fifths
D) (like) winter cold.

V . Reflection

Let's test your knowledge. Are you satisfied with the result? Evaluate the work in the lesson by continuing the phrases:

    What new things did you learn during the lesson? What have you learned?

    When are adverbs written with a hyphen?

    Today I found out...

    I managed…

    It was difficult…

    It was interesting….

    Now I can...

VI . Homework.

Homework is differentiated, multi-level, but the level is not communicated to students, because... It is assumed that the student will make a choice himself, assessing his level of knowledge.

VII . Lesson summary



Find adverbs:

(At) the beginning of the journey everything was fine.

(In)the beginning I had a hard time understanding this game

Correct answer:

At the beginning of the journey. The path has a beginning. It's a noun.

(When?) At first I had a hard time understanding... This is an adverb.

Find adverbs:

The day passed (in)empty.

We returned to an empty room.

Correct answer:

The day was (how?) wasted, i.e. in vain. This is an adverb.

We entered an empty room. To the room (what?) empty. It's an adjective.

Find the adverbs: Alexey wrapped himself in a cloak, courageously suppressing his excitement.

Explain the spelling of the adverb: Courage...o

Correct answer:

Courageously from adj. “courageous.”

Find the adverbs: I answered not confidently, but confusedly.

Explain the spelling of the adverb: (not) confidently, but confusingly

Correct answer:

Not confidently, but confusedly (there is a contrast).

Find adverbs: He feels good.

Explain the spelling of the adverb: (not) bad.

Correct answer:

Not bad - it is written smoothly, there is no denial.


1. In which line are both words written with a hyphen?

A) visible (invisible), (c) easy;
B) do (in) your own way, a little (little by little)
B) bright (red), (a little)
D) (from) the beginning, (c) in front

2. The adverb is written separately:

A) barely...barely;
B) in... in front;
B) firstly;
D) without...holding.

3. An adverb is written through a hyphen:

A) in...distance;
B) on… back;
B) from... in front;
D) in a new way.

4. Indicate a line with a continuous spelling of the adverb:

A) advise (in) a friendly way;
B) move (further) further;
B) tie tightly;
D) speak (in) German.

5. Which example does not include a hyphen:

A) spoke (in) Turkish;
B) (across) the spring sky;
B) (c) fifths
D) (like) winter cold.

6. In which line are all words written with a hyphen?

A) Topsy-turvy (inverted), (in) Chinese, (in) straight;
B) unexpectedly (unexpectedly), (c)right, exactly (in)exactly;
B) visible (invisible), (first) first, (in) three;
D) (c) thirdly, a long time ago, firmly.

Each part of speech in the Russian language is unique in its own way: some words are declined, others are conjugated. But there are also those who do not want to change in any way, preferring to be unchangeable. It is to such parts of speech that an adverb belongs, which even in writing tries not to lose its originality: an adverb is written with a hyphen, together and separately. What is an adverb from the point of view of the science of language?

Adverb as part of speech

Any part of speech can be characterized in terms of grammar, morphology and syntax.

  1. The grammatical meaning of the adverb. Being an independent part of speech, an adverb denotes or is a sign of action if it refers to a verb (to talk loud, do Fine,slowly move), or a sign of another sign, if the adverb is associated with an adjective, as well as with another adverb ( too much serious, very b quickly, completely dark). We ask questions to this part of speech depending on what category of meaning the adverb belongs to.
  2. Morphological features of the adverb. As mentioned above, an adverb never changes, it has no gender, number, case, it is not inflected or conjugated.
  3. Syntactic role of the adverb. In a sentence, an adverb is most often an adverb. Tatyana answered questions (how?) loudly and confidently. Loudly and confidently are adverbs that are adverbs in this sentence.

Classes of adverbs by meaning

Adverbs can indicate:

  • to the course of action, then they answer the question: how? how? - loudly, whispering, close, friendly;
  • measure and degree: in what degree? how much? - a little, very, too much, completely;
  • in place: where? Where? Where? - from afar, back, in front, from above;
  • for a while: how long? since when? How long? When? - late, always, in the spring, already;
  • for the reason: Why? from what? for what reason? - blindly, involuntarily;
  • on target: For what? For what? - out of spite, intentionally, on purpose.

Basic ways of forming adverbs

Most often, adverbs are formed in a suffixal or prefix-suffixal way:

  • from full or long - debt O, good - good O, new - With new A, dry - before dry A;
  • from nouns using prefixes: on century, V depth (in addition, some nouns with prepositions have the meaning of adverbs: with a running start, in addition, tirelessly);
  • using the prefix and prefix-suffix method, adverbs are obtained from numerals and pronouns: V two, on two, in-second oh, by to that By-mo to him(with the help of prefixes, adverbs are formed from other adverbs: it is impossible - before impossible, outside - in outside).

Hyphen in adverbs

As can be seen from the examples, adverbs are written together, separately, or with a hyphen. Let's take a closer look at the hyphenation of this part of speech.

So, when is a hyphen written in adverbs? Firstly, if an adverb is formed from possessive pronouns and from adjectives by simultaneously attaching the prefix po- and the suffixes -om, - him, -i. For example, do it your way, your own way, your way, live in a new way, dress like summer, act like a friend, like a comrade, whistle like a robber.

Read in Russian, French, Turkish, Bulgarian - by analogy with these adverbs, the word in Latin is written with a hyphen: speak in Latin. Sometimes an adverb is formed from a complex adjective that has a hyphenated spelling: Orekhovo-Zuevsky, non-commissioned officer. In the adverb thus obtained, the hyphen is written only after the prefix: in Orekhovozuevsky, in non-commissioned officer.

Secondly, a hyphen will be written in adverbs formed from numerals using the prefix v- (vo-) and the suffix - them (s): first - firstly, seventh - seventh, third - thirdly. Words such as thirty-fifth, one-hundred-twenty-eighth are also joined by hyphens.

Thirdly, a hyphen is placed between parts in adverbs that have the prefix “something” and the suffixes “something”, “something”, “then”, “somehow”: “somehow”, “someone”, “somewhere”, “somewhere”, “ever”, “where” - that’s good, after all.

Fourthly, an adverb can be formed by repeating the same word or the same root, as well as synonymous words associated associatively. In such cases, a hyphen is written between adverbs: quietly, quietly, a little, little by little, crosswise, not today or tomorrow, unexpectedly, at the very least, as soon as possible.

Issue na-gora - this technical term has historically been assigned a hyphenated spelling: na-gora.

When is a hyphen not written in adverbs?

Adverbs are written together because, therefore, therefore, why, since they are not formed from possessive pronouns and adverbs with the prefix po- and suffixes -o, y: second - every second, minute - every minute, small - little by little, long - for a long time.

Adverbs formed from repeated nouns are written separately if there is a preposition between them: honor by honor, face to face, side by side, one on one. The exception is the word exactly.

Adverbs derived from nouns by repetition will be written separately if there is no preposition between them, and the second word is in the instrumental case: eccentric by eccentric, honor by honor, fool by fool.

A combination formed by words with the same root, one of which is a verb, and the other an adverb in -mya, is also written separately: roar roar, pour pour.

If you have any doubts about writing adverbs, then a spelling dictionary will come to your aid.

Homonymous combinations

In some cases, in order to write an adverb correctly, you must be able to distinguish it from homonymous combinations of prepositions with adjectives and pronouns, which are always written separately. You can differentiate an adverb from homonymous forms using a question.

  1. It's nice to go skiing on_ winter forest. Through the forest which one? winter - before us adjective with a preposition, we write it separately.
  2. You dressed for winter today. Got dressed How? how? in winter - having the prefix po- and the suffix - him, which means we write a hyphen in this adverb.

If you are still tormented by doubts, you can use one more technique: an adjective and pronoun can be removed from a sentence without violating its meaning, but this cannot be done with an adverb.

  1. We drove along the old road (We drove along the road). The old word can be removed - we have an adjective with a preposition.
  2. Everything is the same with us. It is impossible to remove it from a sentence in the old way - we have an adverb formed in the prefix-suffix way, which means that the word is written in the old way with a hyphen.

The role of adverbs in the Russian language is great: they give our speech concreteness and imagery. The spelling of many of them does not obey logic, so learning adverbs is an excellent exercise for developing memory, especially spelling.

    Here are examples of adverbs:

    1). With separate writing: as a joke, for laughter, alone, tirelessly, until midnight, for two.

    2). With continuous writing: rashly, blindly, five times, twice, close, out of spite, on purpose, early in the morning.

    3). Spelled with a hyphen: in a scientific way, in a spring way, in different ways, somewhere, somewhere, a little, barely.

    The adverb is the youngest part of speech, so it clearly shows traces of its predecessors (for example, nouns with prepositions), and also therefore the most confusing spelling rules are associated with it.

    Most adverbs are written together. Examples: for a long time, recklessly, unbearably, occasionally.

    A group of adverbs is written with a hyphen. Examples: in Italian, firstly, somehow, someday, barely.

    They are written separately, openly, under the arms, on the go.

    Adverbs that are written together can be seen in the table below:

    Separate spelling of adverbs can be seen in this table:

    Rules and examples of adverbs that are written with a hyphen are indicated in this table:

    Here are some more examples:

    Adverbs that are written together: early in the morning, not without reason, by surprise, by hand, by heart, in advance, in two.

    Adverbs that are written with a hyphen: barely, a long time ago, first of all, somewhere, once, somewhere, somehow, somewhere, ever.

    Adverbs that are written separately: alone, without knowledge, abroad, in our hearts.

    Hyphenated such adverbs (with the prefix -po-) will be written (written) that are formed from adjectives using the suffixes -mu-, -emu-, -tski-, -ski-, -ii-, as well as adverbs that are formed from numerals with prefixes -в-/-в-.

    These are adverbs such as still, in Russian, in summer, firstly, thirdly and others:

    Examples separate writing adverbs can be the following: without asking, without tiredness, as well as the following adverbs:

    Also apart adverbs are written to death, to death, behind the scenes, to the eye, to glory.

    Together The following adverbs are written: from afar, to the top, to the bottom, hastily, finally, in reality.

    Also below there is a small list of adverbs, some of which are written seamlessly, and others apart:

    Among the adverbs that are written seamlessly, many words have been noticed that are not used freely, that is, without a prefix, for example:

    to pieces, by surprise, in the dark, half asleep, early in the morning, by hearsay, in a hurry, in the heat of the moment, on an empty stomach, at random, completely.

    Adverbs formed from short and full forms adjectives. You need to look carefully at the word and see in it these forms of the generating word, for example: with hot a, c young y, with blind at, before red ah, before white ah, for dead O.

    Apart adverbs are written - children of forms of nouns with a preposition, in which this connection is still noticeable, that is, you can insert a question or an adjective, a pronoun between the preposition and the word, for example:

    to a dead end, downhill, behind the scenes, to match, at a loss, after midnight, under the nose, abroad, in the morning, at the root, at retail, on the sly, alone, on their feet, under the hammer, on the run.

    With a hyphen, according to the well-known spelling rule, adverbs are written with the prefix po- and the suffixes -mu/-emu, -sk-i/ tsk-i, -i, -i, for example:

    murmurs like spring, shines like summer, dress like an evening, greet like a friend, pat on the shoulder like a friend, treat like a human, like a miner, like a Cossack, like a fox, like a wolf, like Latin.

    Examples of adverbs that are written together:

    Easily, for good reason, ahead of time, early in the morning, early, late, recently, long ago, obvious, for a reason, not without reason, not for long, often, frankly, unusual, unusual, excellent, good, bad, satisfactory, great.

    Examples of adverbs that are written separately:

    Out of town, before noon, uphill, on the run, the other day, in our hearts, as a keepsake, alone, face to face, side by side, without looking back, at any cost, as if nothing had happened, to match, in the dark.

    Examples of adverbs that are written with a hyphen:

    Somehow, somewhere, sometime, summer-style, winter-style, spring-style, autumn-style, firstly, somewhere, cat-like, criss-cross, quickly-quickly, exactly- exactly, once upon a time, unexpectedly.

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