Singular nouns Russian. Nouns used only in singular form. or plural

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Nouns that only have the form singular

Dear Guys! Today we will continue our acquaintance with grammatical category numbers. You will see that some nouns cannot be used in the plural. Be sure to remember lexical groups words that have only the singular form, and use them correctly in speech.

As you know, most nouns have both singular and plural forms, i.e. vary by numbers: mother, notebook, fox, lamp, etc. Look at the pictures, pay attention to how you can use the ending to change the number of a noun.

Cake Cakes

Among the nouns there are those that have only a singular form. Look at the pictures and compare the captions under the pictures. Please note that sometimes a singular noun is used to denote many identical objects: strawberries, milk, etc.

strawberry strawberry The noun strawberry does not have a plural form.

Remember! Nouns that have only a singular form include words with the meaning: substances (cotton, milk); qualities, actions (whiteness, fear); groups of people (youth, students).

This is interesting. In modern Russian, the words shores, eyes, hands, feet, eyebrows have a plural form. In the Old Russian language there was a so-called dual number, which denoted paired objects: two eyes, two hands, two banks. If we determine the number of these words from the point of view of history, we must say that these words have the form of a dual number.

Training apparatus. Highlight the nouns that have only the singular form. But two more days passed, and Petka entered into a complete agreement with nature. The high school student Mitya had a dark-yellow face, like a second-class carriage, the hair on the top of his head stood up straight and was completely white... When he rang the bell at his door late at night, the first sound after the bell was the sonorous barking of a dog, in which one could also hear the fear of a stranger and joy that it is going well. (According to L. Andreev.)

Check yourself. Nouns that have only singular form Divide the words into two groups: singular only. h., all the rest Blackberry, nose, escape, rake, silver, corn, youth, wool, shirt, bedspread, star.

Speak correctly! Remember which syllable is stressed in these words: beets, silage, cotton

Trainer Write 10 nouns that can only have a singular form and make 2 - 3 sentences with them.

Trainer Make up common sentences in which the subjects are the words blueberry, foliage, silver, flight, uprising, and the predicates are verbs in the past tense.

Important conclusion There are nouns that can only have a plural form or only a singular form. For example, the words scissors, burners, gates have only a plural form. And the words willow, nettle, sorrel, raspberry, youth, etc. have only a singular form.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Technological map of the lesson “The riddle of the plural” (Nouns that have only a plural form).

Technological map of the lesson “The riddle of the plural” (Nouns that have only the plural form)....

A Russian language lesson in the 6th grade of a special (correctional) school of the VIII type on the topic “Nouns that have only a singular or only a plural form” is one of the lessons...

What words in Russian are used only in the singular?

    Only used in the singular:

    • real nouns: oil, sour cream, milk, zinc, and others;
    • abstract nouns: evil, joy, sadness, and so on;
    • collective nouns: childhood, teaching and much more;
    • proper names: Minsk, Azerbaijan as an example.
  • Here's something else I found and would like to add:

    used only in singular

    majority real nouns(buckwheat, salt)

    most abstract nouns (sadness, joy)

    most collective nouns (children, trifle)

    most proper names.

    Of course, most words in the great and mighty have both singular and plural. But there are also nouns that are used only in the singular or only in the plural.

    In this case, we are interested precisely in those nouns that can and are used only in the singular. These are the following words:

    • milk, butter, good, kindness, evil, anger, all twelve months (January, February, March, etc.).
  • The following words are used only in the singular in the Russian language:

    • the youth,
    • pampering,
    • iron,
    • unity,
    • disgusting,
    • humanity,
    • kerosene,
    • white,
    • astonishment,
    • highway,
    • dressing table,
    • fear,
    • nap,
    • foliage
  • The Russian language provides both singular and plural forms for most words. But there are also words that do not have a plural number, but are used only in the singular. These include the following categories of words:

    1) Names of real nouns. For example: tea, honey, buckwheat, milk;

    2) Collective nouns. For example: children, relatives, trifles;

    3) Proper names. For example: Moscow, Luna, Belgorod;

    4) Such abstract concepts as, for example: evil, friendship, resentment;

    5) Cardinal directions (south, north, west, east), names of months (June, March, April).

    As a rule, most of the nouns denote objects that can be counted and can be combined with a cardinal number, for example lake-lake, house - houses. But there are other words that are not used in the plural, these are words that denote substances or material, for example the entire periodic table or individual words butter, milk, sugar, water, oil, etc. they are not used in the plural.

    I would like to draw your attention to the fact that ignorance of this rule (or neglect?) is much more common than we would like. Moreover, even sites that claim to teach are guilty of this. For example, on the website it is written that the word shoes has a plural form, which is absolutely not true, moreover, quite recently they declined it, it turned out, God forgive me, shoes, shoes, etc.

    Basically in Russian, words have two forms - plural and singular.

    In the singular form, a noun refers to one thing.

    In plural form - several objects. For example, nightingale - nightingales, certificate - certificates.

    But there are also words that have only a singular number.

    These include:

    • real nouns. For example, oil, sugar, cement, etc.;
    • abstract (abstract) nouns - good, grief, fun;
    • collective. Teaching, brotherhood.

    As well as most proper names. Caucasus, Ural, Voronezh.

    In the Russian language, most nouns have a singular or plural form. But there are a number of nouns used only in the singular. To make them easier to remember, we will distribute the nouns used in the singular into groups:

    1) collective nouns (words denoting a collection of living beings or inanimate objects as a whole): midges, relatives, babies, professors;

    2) the names of some material nouns that cannot be counted: honey, tea, milk;

    3) abstract concepts: friendship, service, sadness, hatred, evil;

    4) names of months and cardinal directions: June, north, south (In the sentence We will go to the south - a morphological error);

    5) some proper names: Ural, Venus, Mars;

    6) words: burden, udder, crown, flame.

    Yes, the Russian language is rich, not every foreigner will understand such subtleties. In the singular, words are used to express people's feelings and emotions - grief, panic, fear, sadness. Sometimes our household items are salt, sugar, etc. Also words such as coat, coffee. If you search, you can find more.

Subject: Nouns used only in singular form. or plural

Target: introduce nouns that have only a singular or only a plural form.


    to form students’ knowledge about nouns that have only a singular or only a plural form; learn to use nouns in speech that have only a singular or only a plural form.

    develop visual memory, thinking, speech of students;

    cultivate interest in Russian language lessons.

During the classes

    Org. moment

    Repetition of covered material

1. Oral survey:

What is a noun?

What case did we repeat in the last lesson?

What questions does R.p. answer to a noun?

2. Work at the board.
Place plural nouns. in R.p.

Two hundred (grams), a pair (socks), a lot (rivers), leave without (boots), meeting (teachers).

    Learning new material

1.Introduction to the topic of the lesson. Writing in notebooks.

Guys, tell me what two forms of number are nouns. (Nouns can have a singular form or a plural form.)

Group these nouns (book, lessons, flower, tree) depending on their number and fill in the missing number form. How many columns will there be? (Two columns: singular and plural).

Let's check what happened. (Book - books, lesson - lessons, flower - flowers, tree - trees).

We suggest baking for tea cookie. Yeast you won't need it. Beat two eggs with a glass Sahara . Add half a glass sour cream And kefir . Add some soda and pour in flour. Knead dough and roll it out. Cut out the shapes and bake them. Sprinkle the finished cookies with grated chocolate. Serve to tea, milk , cream. Bon appetit!

Write the highlighted words in nominative case into our columns depending on their number.

Did everything work out for you?

The nouns kefir, sugar, cookies, sour cream, soda, flour, dough, chocolate, tea, milk cannot be put in the plural form, and the nouns yeast and cream cannot be put in the singular form.

2.Work from the textbook (orally)

Read the text of the textbook on page 111. Does this information coincide with our conclusions? (Yes, it matches).

We must remember how to write vocabulary words kefir, cookies, sour cream, chocolate. (On the desk).

Guys, read the topic of our lesson today. (Nouns used only in singular or only in plural).

Why do we need to know this? (To speak and write such words correctly, to be literate people).

But if you still need to say about sour cream or milk in the plural, then how can you get out of the situation? (Students offer their own options.)

Look at the picture of the textbook on page 111. (The picture shows packs of milk, kefir, cottage cheese, sour cream. Students come to the conclusion that they can be said by the phrase: several packs of milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, kefir).

What meanings do nouns have that have only a singular form?

1. Names of many identical persons and objects:

2. Names of substances, materials, food products:

3. Plant names:

4. Names of qualities and properties:

5. Names of actions and states:

6. Proper names of individual items

p.112, exercise 184 (1)


    Reinforcing the material covered

1. Work in notebooks and at the board (in writing).

p.112, exercise 184 (1)

    D/z p.112, exercise 184 (2).

    Lesson summary

What did we work on in class today?

1. youth, children, students, foliage.

2. gasoline, honey, milk, kerosene.

3. Plant names: peas, cabbage, carrots, rye.

4. Names of qualities and properties: whiteness, youth, darkness, freshness.

5. reading, walking, wondering, swimming.

6. : Moscow, Volga, Ryazan, Oka.

Meanings for nouns that have only singular form:

1. Names of many identical persons and objects: youth, children, students, foliage.

2. Names of substances, materials, food products: gasoline, honey, milk, kerosene.

3. Plant names: peas, cabbage, carrots, rye.

4. Names of qualities and properties: whiteness, youth, darkness, freshness.

5. Names of actions and states: reading, walking, wondering, swimming.

6. Proper names of individual objects : Moscow, Volga, Ryazan, Oka.

Meanings for nouns that have only singular form:

1. Names of many identical persons and objects: youth, children, students, foliage.

2. Names of substances, materials, food products: gasoline, honey, milk, kerosene.

3. Plant names: peas, cabbage, carrots, rye.

4. Names of qualities and properties: whiteness, youth, darkness, freshness.

5. Names of actions and states: reading, walking, wondering, swimming.

6. Proper names of individual objects : Moscow, Volga, Ryazan, Oka.

Additional tasks.

1.Copy and guess riddles. Write down the answers in two columns.

Units Pl.

Well, who's ready with his two swords

Cross over a piece of paper? Scissors.

On this side and on this side

There are horses and elephants in cages.

But they can't resist

So as not to fight with each other. Chess.

First you fly down the mountain towards them,

And then you pull them up the hill. Sled.

White like snow. In honor of everyone.

It got into my mouth and disappeared there. Sugar.

Wooden horses gallop through the snow,

And they don’t fall into the snow. Skis.

The white pebble melted and left marks on the board. Chalk.

The red maiden sits in prison, and the scythe is on the street. Carrot.

White stone from the mountain
Always on the table.
Who doesn't eat it?
He doesn't know the taste. Salt.

    Fill in the column of the explanatory dictionary. Write down the resulting sentences in your notebook.

Agricultural implement with rare

teeth for raking hay.

Metal tool for

pulling out nails.

Cutting tool with two sharp


Tool for clamping machining

required material.

    Write the games you know in two columns.

Board games Outdoor games

Mark the nouns that have only one number.

    Write the phrases in two columns: 1) with nouns that have only a singular form; 2) with nouns that have only a plural form.

Birch firewood, early frosts, beeswax, painted railings, oak furniture, road dust, replaced glasses, bought a watch, precision scales, toilet soap, lilacs bloomed, cloudy weather, choice wheat, the holidays began.

Units Pl.

    Write the phrases in two columns: 1) with nouns that have only a singular form; 2) with nouns that have only a plural form.

Leather shoes, small money, blue ink, snow-white linen, carefree laughter, chestnut curls, strong friendship, happy name days, extra troubles, cauliflower, French perfume, linden honey, hot pepper.

Units Pl.

There are many minerals in the bowels of the earth: (...). 2. The grocery store received the necessary products: (...). 3. In the summer we picked berries in the forest: (...).

    Complete the sentences using nouns that have only the singular form.

    Positive human qualities: kindness, …., …. ; negative qualities: rudeness, …., …. .

    In the garden we sowed carrots, …., … and planted potatoes, …., …. .

    Write down the nouns in the following order:

    Used only in the singular;

    Used only in the plural;

    Used in singular and plural.

Territory, sled, grove, vacation, oil, chess, relatives, ticks, twilight, name, teacher, bottom, cream, hay, sugar, gate, ink.

    Guess the riddles. Write them down along with the answers.

Two ends, two rings, carnations in the middle. (Scissors)

Without legs, but they walk, without arms, but they point. (Watch)

They always walk, but never leave their place. (Watch)

Round, white, cute to the whole world. (Money/coins)

They have teeth, but don't bite. (Rake)

I'll lay it in the evening and lie quietly all night. (Gate is locked)

It is mainly countable nouns that are modified by numbers. Uncountable nouns are usually used only in the singular form:

sugar - sugar, love - love, friendship - friendship.

They are used in the plural only when we mean the variety of species, concepts expressed by them, or when they are used in another meaning in which they are already countable. For example:

air - air, movement - movement (as general concept), music - music, milk - milk, knowledge - knowledge, hair - hair (on a person’s head).

BUT: air - aria, melody - "airs - arias, melodies, movement - movement (for example, political or in dance) -> movements - movements (the same), hair - hair -" hairs - hairs, etc.

The plural of nouns is usually formed by adding the ending -s to the singular form:

book - book -» books - books, day - day -> days - days, house - house -> houses - houses.

Reading the ending "-s":

after voiceless consonants - [s]: books
after voiced consonants and vowels -[z]: friends, days
after hissing and whistling (-es) - : boxes [‘boksiz]

Exception l. Singular nouns ending in letters o, s, ss, sh, ch, x(hissing and whistling, as they are called), have the plural ending -es:

hero - hero -> heroes - heroes, kiss - kiss -> kisses - kisses, brush - brush -> brushes - brushes, bench - bench -> benches - benches, box - box -> boxes - boxes.

BUT: In words foreign origin ending in o, in the plural, only the ending is added to the noun -s:

piano - grand piano -> pianos - grand pianos, photo - photography -» photos - photographs.

Exception 2. For nouns ending in y with a preceding consonant, y is dropped and the ending is added instead -ies, which reads [-iz]:

country [‘kAntri] - country -> countries - countries, city - city cities - cities, family - family families - families.

BUT: If u is preceded by a vowel, then the plural is formed by general rule, i.e. by adding the ending -s:

day - day -» days - days, boy - boy -» boys - boys.

3. Twelve nouns ending in -f or -fe, in the plural these letters are lost. Instead of -f or -fe, the ending is added -ves. These are the nouns:

wife - wife, life - life, knife - knife, wolf - wolf, self - essence, human appearance, calf - calf, shelf - shelf, leaf - leaf (plant), loaf - loaf (of bread), thief - thief, half - half, sheaf - pack (of paper), etc.

For example: wife - wives - wives, knife - knife -> knives - knives, shelf - shelf -> shelves - shelves.

4. Some nouns form their plural by changing the root vowel:

man - man -> men - men, woman - woman -» women - women, foot - leg feet - legs, tooth - tooth -» teeth - teeth.
HO: child - child -> children - children.

5. For compound nouns, the plural is formed by adding the ending -s to the second word:

armchairs - armchairs, bookcases - bookcases.

BUT: If these words are combined by a preposition, then the first word is put in the plural: sisters-in-law- daughters-in-law.

Words borrowed from Greek or Latin languages, form the plural according to the rules of these languages:

appendix - appendices - appendices (to the book), crisis - crisis -> crises - crises, basis - basis, bases - basics, radius - radius -> radii - radii.

Names Nouns used only in the singular

  1. Uncountable nouns (both real and abstract) are usually used only in the singular:

    iron - iron, salt - salt, milk - milk, sugar - sugar, love - love.

  2. The nouns advice (advice, advice), information (message, information), progress (success, success), knowledge (knowledge) are used only in the singular.

    He gave me some good advice. He gave me some good advice.
    My coach was satisfied with my progress. My coach was pleased with my progress

  3. The nouns news (news, news), money (money), fruit (fruit, fruits) are used in the singular. But, for example, to denote different types of fruits, the plural is used - fruits.

    What is the news? What's the news?
    It's his money. This is his money.
    Fruit is cheap in autumn. In autumn fruits are cheap.

  4. Among countable nouns, there are those that are used only (or mainly) in the singular form. These are the names of some animals, objects, etc.:

    two sheep - two sheep, six fish - six fish, ten swine - ten pigs, five deer - five deer.

Uncountable nouns

Water is necessary for life.

Water is essential for life.

Mathematics is the basis of many sciences.

Mathematics is the basis of many sciences.

The spaghetti is ready.

Pasta (spaghetti) is ready.

Nouns advice(advice, advice), information(information, messages), knowledge(knowledge, knowledge), progress(success, progress), news(news, news) in English are used only in the singular. In Russian, the corresponding nouns can be used in both singular and plural.

Can you give me some advice? (or ... a piece of advice)

I need some information (or… a piece of information)

I’ve heard some interesting news (or … a piece of news)

The nouns money (money) and hair (hair) are used only in the singular, while in Russian the corresponding nouns are used only in the plural.

Your jeans are too long. Your jeans are too long.

Where are my glasses? Where is my glasses?

The following nouns are used in the singular in Russian, but in English only in the plural.

His clothes are dirty.

His clothes are dirty.

The goods were delivered on time.

The goods were delivered on time.

The contents of the house will be sold.

The contents of the house will be sold.

Collective nouns

There were a lot of police there.

There were a lot of police there.


Write countable nouns in one column and uncountable nouns in another column. For countable nouns, use the article a or an.

Health, weather, tree, day, house, furniture, spaghetti, hair, cheese, milk, butter, table, umbrella, friend.


My grandmother lives in the village. She keeps dogs, cats (to catch mice and rats), two bulls, a cow, sheep, pigs, rabbits and geese, ducks, a rooster, hens and chickens. Her sheep are white. She loves geese. She is afraid of mice.

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