Papaverine pregnant for what. Candles Papaverine during early pregnancy - action and application. Compatibility with other drugs

The main active ingredient of "Kurantila" is dipyridamole. Dipyridamole increases the content of adenosine in the blood, and also reduces its concentration in cells, blocking its uptake by cellular structures.

Adenosine is a substance that occurs naturally in the body. It promotes the expansion of small vessels that supply blood to all organs. Dipyridamole does not allow adenosine in the blood to break down, increases its content in the blood, and therefore improves blood circulation and nutrition. internal organs.

Due to the effect on small vessels, the drug does not reduce arterial pressure if the correct dosage is maintained. "Kurantil" helps to improve blood microcirculation in the body, restores blood vessels, protects the vascular bed from the formation of blood clots, increases the lifespan of platelets, and also stimulates the immune system, due to participation in the synthesis of interferon. Thus, "Kurantil" protects a woman from unwanted viral infections, which is extremely important for early dates pregnancy.

"Kurantil" is often prescribed for the favorable development of the unborn child. The drug improves the functioning of internal organs, which means it contributes to improved nutrition and blood supply to the uterus. Also, the drug helps to relieve swelling, headaches and convulsions, helps to cope with high blood pressure in the early stages, improves cerebral circulation.

The undoubted advantage of the drug, according to doctors, is its absolute safety for the fetus. "Kurantil" promotes improved blood supply to the placenta, does not accumulate in the body and does not affect the unborn child in any way.

When the drug is prescribed

The use of "Kurantil" is advisable if the microcirculation of blood is disturbed in the woman's body. Tablets are also prescribed if there is a risk of blood clots in the vascular bed. To prevent such situations, the medicine must be taken for atherosclerosis and varicose veins. It protects a woman from a possible myocardial infarction or stroke, as well as acute thrombosis due to varicose veins veins.

Also, taking "Kurantil" is advisable if a woman has a history of post-term or premature pregnancy, placental insufficiency, preeclampsia, cardiovascular diseases, metabolic disorders.

Sometimes doctors recommend drinking "Kurantil" for chronic exacerbations of various infections (ARVI, acute respiratory infections, herpes), since the medicine has immunostimulating properties. It is very important that the dose of the drug is strictly observed, and the treatment takes place under the supervision of a physician. If the dosage is controlled by a doctor, and the woman passes control tests in a timely manner, the drug will not cause any harm to the baby.

When a drug is not safe

As in the case with any other drug, self-medication is unacceptable in the case of taking "Kurantil". The drug should be drunk only as prescribed by the attending physician, not forgetting about possible side effects.

Side effects of chimes:

Any side effects should be supervised by a physician. If a woman has an increased sensitivity to the drug, the dosage should be reduced, and in case of adverse reactions, the medicine should not be taken at all.

There are also a number of contraindications to taking "Kurantil". In these cases, the use of the drug is prohibited:

  • individual intolerance to active ingredients;

  • hemorrhagic diathesis;

  • severe degree of cardiac arrhythmia;

  • collapse, impaired consciousness;

  • bleeding;

  • a pronounced degree of hypotension (lowering pressure);

  • heart failure, cardiodystrophy;

  • stenosis of the artery;

  • angina;

  • acute heart attack or stroke, pre-stroke conditions;

  • impaired blood clotting;

  • serious violations of the heart;

  • kidney and liver failure.

Before prescribing the drug, the doctor must prescribe a study of the patient's blood coagulation (coagulogram). If the doctor sees impaired coagulability in the results of the analysis, the use of "Kurantil" is not allowed.

Questions about the drug, what should be its dose, whether the course of treatment should be long, should be decided by the attending physician. During pregnancy, women are most often recommended to take one tablet of "Kurantila" 3 times a day. IN individually dosage may be increased. In this case, the reception scheme will be different.

The medicine is taken on an empty stomach with a small amount of water. At the first signs of an overdose or negative reactions from the body, you should stop taking the medicine and consult a doctor.

In this article, you can read the instructions for using the drug Curantyl. Reviews of site visitors - consumers of this medicine, as well as opinions of doctors of specialists on the use of Curantyl in their practice are presented. A big request to actively add your reviews about the drug: did the medicine help or not help get rid of the disease, what complications were observed and side effects, possibly not declared by the manufacturer in the annotation. Analogues of Curantyl in the presence of existing structural analogues. Use for the treatment of circulatory disorders and the prevention of thrombosis in adults, children, as well as during pregnancy and lactation. Composition and contraindications of the drug.

Curantyl- myotropic vasodilator. It has an inhibitory effect on platelet aggregation, improves microcirculation.

Dipyridamole (the active ingredient of Curantil) dilates arterioles in the coronary circulation system, when taken in high doses, in other parts of the circulatory system. However, unlike organic nitrates and calcium antagonists, expansion of larger coronary vessels does not occur.

The vasodilating effect of dipyridamole is due to two different mechanisms of inhibition: inhibition of adenosine uptake and inhibition of phosphodiesterase.

In vivo, adenosine is found at a concentration of approximately 0.15-0.20 µmol. This level is maintained due to the dynamic balance between ejection and recapture. Dipyridamole inhibits the uptake of adenosine by endothelial cells, erythrocytes and platelets. After the introduction of Curantyl, an increase in the concentration of adenosine in the blood and an increase in vasodilation caused by adenosine are detected. At higher doses, inhibition of platelet aggregation caused by adenosine occurs, and the tendency to thrombosis decreases.

The breakdown of cAMP and cGMP, which inhibit platelet aggregation, occurs in platelets under the action of the corresponding phosphodiesterases. At high concentrations, dipyridamole inhibits both phosphodiesterases, at therapeutic concentrations in the blood, only cGMP-phosphodiesterase. As a result of stimulation of the corresponding cyclases, the power of cAMP synthesis increases.

As a derivative of pyrimidine, dipyridamole is an interferon inducer and has a modulating effect on the functional activity of the interferon system, increases the reduced production of interferon alpha and gamma by blood leukocytes. The drug increases nonspecific resistance to viral infections.


Dipyridamole + excipients.


Dipyridamole is almost completely bound to plasma proteins. Dipyridamole accumulates in the heart and in red blood cells. Dipyridamole is metabolized in the liver by binding to glucuronic acid. It is excreted in the bile as a monoglucuronide.


  • treatment and prevention of cerebrovascular accidents by ischemic type;
  • encephalopathy;
  • primary and secondary prevention of coronary artery disease, especially with intolerance to acetylsalicylic acid;
  • prevention of arterial and venous thromboses and treatment of their complications;
  • prevention of thromboembolism after heart valve replacement surgery;
  • prevention of placental insufficiency in complicated pregnancy;
  • when planning a pregnancy;
  • microcirculation disorders of any type (as part of complex therapy);
  • prevention and treatment of influenza, ARVI (as an interferon inducer and immunomodulator) - for taking the drug at a dose of 25 mg.

Release form

Film-coated tablets 25 mg.

Coated tablets N 25 (25 mg).

Coated tablets N 75 (75 mg).

Instructions for use and dosage

The dose of the drug is selected depending on the severity of the disease and the individual response of the patient.

For the prevention and treatment of disorders of cerebral circulation, as well as for prevention, 75 mg is prescribed 3-6 times a day. The maximum daily dose is 450 mg.

To reduce platelet aggregation, Curantyl is prescribed at a dose of 75-225 mg per day in divided doses. IN severe cases the dose may be increased to 600 mg per day.

For the prevention of influenza and SARS, especially during epidemics, Curantil N25 and Curantil 25 are prescribed 50 mg (2 tablets or 2 tablets) per day in 1 dose. The drug is taken once a week for 4-5 weeks.

To prevent recurrence of acute respiratory viral infections in patients with frequent respiratory viral infections, Curantil N25 and Curantil 25 are prescribed 100 mg per day (2 tablets or dragees 2 times a day with an interval between doses of 2 hours). The drug is taken once a week for 8-10 weeks.

Tablets should be taken on an empty stomach, without breaking or biting, with a small amount of liquid. The duration of the course of treatment is determined by the doctor.

Side effect

  • heartbeat;
  • tachycardia (especially with the simultaneous use of other vasodilators);
  • bradycardia;
  • flushes of blood to the face;
  • flushing of the skin of the face;
  • coronary steal syndrome (when using the drug at a dose of more than 225 mg per day);
  • decrease in blood pressure;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • pain in the epigastric region;
  • thrombocytopenia, changes in the functional properties of platelets;
  • bleeding;
  • increased bleeding during or after surgery;
  • dizziness;
  • noise in the head;
  • headache;
  • skin rash;
  • hives;
  • weakness;
  • feeling of fullness in the ear;
  • myalgia;
  • rhinitis.


  • acute myocardial infarction;
  • unstable angina;
  • widespread stenosing atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries;
  • subaortic stenosis of the aorta;
  • heart failure in the stage of decompensation;
  • arterial hypotension;
  • collapse;
  • severe arterial hypertension;
  • severe cardiac arrhythmias;
  • chronic obstructive pulmonary disease;
  • chronic renal failure;
  • liver failure;
  • hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • diseases with an increased risk of bleeding (including peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum);
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

It is possible to use the drug during pregnancy according to indications.

The use of the drug during lactation is possible only if the expected benefit of treatment outweighs the possible risk.

Use in children

special instructions

With the simultaneous use of tea or coffee (contain xanthine derivatives), the vasodilating effect of Curantyl may decrease.

Influence on the ability to drive vehicles and control mechanisms

Caution should be exercised when driving vehicles and operating mechanisms, since as a result of a drop in blood pressure while taking Curantyl, the ability to concentrate and speed of psychomotor reactions may worsen.

drug interaction

With the simultaneous use of Curantyl with anticoagulants or acetylsalicylic acid, the antithrombotic effect of the latter increases and, accordingly, the risk of developing hemorrhagic complications.

With the simultaneous use of Curantil enhances the effect of antihypertensive drugs.

When used together, Curantil may weaken the anticholinergic effects of cholinesterase inhibitors.

With simultaneous use, xanthine derivatives weaken the vasodilating effect of Curantyl.

Analogues of the drug Curantil

Structural analogs of the active substance.

Violation of placental blood flow leads to oxygen starvation (hypoxia) of the fetus. Curantil dilates and strengthens blood vessels, improves blood flow, prevents platelets from sticking together. The drug is allowed during pregnancy, does not affect the fetus, causes few side effects. You can take it only as prescribed by the doctor in the dosage indicated by him.

Why do pregnant women need Curantyl

The active substance of the drug is dipyridamole. It is used for strokes and angina pectoris. The drug dilates blood vessels and prevents the formation of blood clots, which improves blood flow, intake nutrients and oxygen to tissues. Dipyridamole primarily affects small myocardial vessels, but a large dose reduces resistance in larger arterioles.

Increases blood flow to the brain, retina, kidneys.


When a woman is expecting a baby, the body weakens, immunity decreases. Curantil during pregnancy stimulates the production of interferons - proteins that are released to fight viruses. This allows the immune system to quickly cope with the disease.

The drug has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system:

Indications for use

  • Poor circulation in the placenta.
  • Hypoxia (oxygen starvation) of the fetus.
  • risk of thrombosis.
  • Prevention of flu, colds.
  • Increased blood clotting.
  • Hypertension.
  • Prevention and therapy of cerebral blood flow disorders, ischemic stroke.
  • Phlebeurysm.
  • Puffiness.
  • Severe gestosis.
  • Seizures.
  • Any disorders of blood microcirculation.

In the early stages

In the 1st trimester, the doctor prescribes Curantil with a threat of miscarriage, when there is a suspicion of fetoplacental insufficiency. The placenta is a tissue that is formed from the embryonic membranes. Through it, food and oxygen are supplied to the child. If the placenta is damaged, the baby may die.

Among the causes of violations are diseases of the heart and blood vessels, viral infections. Curantyl during pregnancy helps the myocardium, veins and arteries to cope with the load, stimulates the immune system. This prevents damage to the placenta.

Last trimester

Curantyl on later dates pregnancy, the doctor prescribes for gestosis. This is a serious violation of the work of the heart, blood vessels, kidneys of a pregnant woman. Pathology can provoke convulsive seizures, placental abruption, developmental delay and fetal death.

Symptoms of preeclampsia - swelling, high pressure, protein in the urine.

The drug in the second trimester of pregnancy improves blood flow, helps relieve swelling. 2 weeks before the expected date of delivery, the reception should be stopped. Curantil during pregnancy thins the plasma, and therefore a large loss of blood is possible.

Instructions for use

Take the medicine at the same time on an empty stomach or 1.5 hours after a meal. The tablet can not be broken, crushed, cracked. Drink the drug with 1 glass of water.

Soda, tea, coffee make Curantyl less effective.

One tablet contains 25 or 75 mg of dipyridamole. The duration of therapy is determined by the doctor, based on the health of the woman, the duration of pregnancy. For a day, you can take no more than 600 mg of the drug. The instruction recommends drinking tablets in the following dosage:

  • Cardiac ischemia: 225 mg for 3 doses.
  • Cerebral blood flow disorders: 75 mg 3 to 6 times / day.
  • Thrombosis: 3-6 tab. per day, 25 mg.
  • Flu Prevention: 1-2 tab. 25 mg once a week for 1.5 months.

Interaction with other drugs

  • While taking Curantyl with aspirin or anticoagulants, the risk of bleeding increases.
  • Dipyridamole enhances the effect of high blood pressure drugs.
  • Curantil weakens the action of cholinesterase inhibitors (neurological drugs).
  • The drug reduces the effectiveness of fludarabine in the treatment of tumors.
  • Antacids, which are used to treat gastritis and ulcers, make the drug less effective.
  • The drug enhances the effect of adenosine on the heart in the treatment of rhythm disturbances.
  • Reception with antibiotics of the cephalosporin series enhances the antiplatelet properties of Curantyl during pregnancy.


  • Allergy to the drug.
  • Heart failure.
  • Unstable angina (progression coronary disease hearts).
  • Poor blood clotting.
  • Serious pathologies of the liver, kidneys.
  • Hypotension.
  • Ulcers and other diseases that are accompanied by bleeding.

The effect of Curantyl on the fetus

The medicine is safe for the baby. Clinical trials have not found a negative effect of the drug on the fetus, but the remedy is prescribed only according to indications. Carefully it should be drunk in the last stages of pregnancy.

Possible side effects

An overdose causes bleeding, decreased blood pressure, and palpitations. With these symptoms, taking Curantyl during pregnancy should be discontinued. It is necessary to wash the stomach, put an enema, drink adsorbents.

With a heartbeat, Nitroglycerin under the tongue will help.

Other side effects:

  • migraine;
  • dizziness;
  • feeling of heat;
  • tachycardia;
  • low blood pressure;
  • diarrhea, nausea, vomiting;
  • allergic rash, bronchospasm, angioedema;
  • muscle pain;
  • weakness.

What can replace Curantyl for pregnant women

Dipyridamole is sold in pharmacies in tablets and injections. Persantil and Parsedil are complete analogues of Curantyl during pregnancy. In case of intolerance, the doctor may prescribe medications with another active ingredient:

  • Actovegin. The drug stimulates blood microcirculation, metabolism, improves oxygen uptake by cells.
  • Oscillococcinum. Herbal medicine. It is used to treat viral respiratory diseases.


  • 120 tab. 25 mg- from 530 rubles.
  • 40 tab. 75 mg each- from 650 rubles.


To understand what "Curantil" is (another name is dipyridamole), why it is used for and for what exactly doctors prescribe it to women bearing children, the information material below will help.

Spectrum of action

The mechanism of action of "Kurantil", including during pregnancy, is set out in the instructions for its use, which also indicates the appropriate dosages.

This mechanism consists in preventing the destruction of a special active substance - adenosine - and its capture by organic cells.

The result of this effect is a stable supply of oxygen to all internal organs due to improved peripheral circulation, which is facilitated by just adenosine.

Other important results of the activity of dipyridamole are:
  1. Preventing the formation of blood clots (thrombi) as a consequence of aggregation (gluing) of platelets when adenosine enters them. "Kurantil" does not allow this entry to come true.
  2. Increasing the life span of platelets.
  3. Improving the virus-protective function of the body by stimulating the formation of interferon in it.

Turning to the questions of taking "Kurantil", why it is prescribed at all and what are the indications for use during pregnancy, it is important to note positive influence drugs in these areas:
  • prevention of coronary heart disease;
  • signs of hypoxia;
  • symptoms of placental insufficiency;
  • signs of thrombosis;
  • detection of delayed fetal development;
  • general decrease in immunity;
  • increased blood clotting;
  • encephalopathy.

Did you know? The blood volume of a pregnant woman increases by about 50%, accounting for about 1.6 kg of total weight gain during the gestation period.

All for and against

In addition to the appointment of "Kurantil" as a personal gynecologist, the expectant mother always additionally examines all the information about the drug prescribed to her, and also considers all the arguments "for" and "against".
We have already considered some of the arguments “for” above, there are also additional positive sides drug:

  • strengthens blood vessels;
  • thins the blood and improves its microcirculation;
  • facilitates the work of internal organs during the period of bearing a child;
  • protects a woman from edema, headaches, nausea,;
  • prevents pulmonary edema and "failure" of the kidneys after childbirth.

Important! Despite medical information about the zero effect of this medicine on the fetus, it is forbidden to independently prescribe it to yourself with any symptoms. This has the right to do only a qualified specialist, which is based on the individual characteristics of the body future mother.

The arguments "against" are the possible side effects from taking "Kurantil" and medical contraindications.
In addition, it must be remembered that there are practically no clinical studies of this drug, and in other European countries it is extremely rare.

Method of application and dosage

About how to drink the prescribed "Kurantil" during pregnancy and how to correctly calculate its dosage, the gynecologist, who observed a separate individual organism of the expectant mother, will tell in detail. Instructions for use usually contain the following information:

  • The maximum daily dose should be divided into 3 or 5 doses. For prevention, a woman in position should not exceed the daily amount of the drug, which is 25–50 mg.

Important! More than 600 mg of the drug is never prescribed. The highest doses are only used to treat obvious serious bleeding disorders.

  • Tablets should be taken before meals or an hour after it, be sure to drink plenty of clean water. The standard scheme usually looks like this: 25 mg of "Curantyl" is used in the morning, immediately after sleep, at lunchtime, and then in the evening, just before bedtime.

Side effects

Despite the fact that today "Kurantil" is prescribed almost without exception, since it has a positive effect on the body during the period of bearing a child, it is very important not to forget about its side effects, which are generally undesirable during pregnancy:

  • reaction in the form of a rash to;
  • migraine, tinnitus;
  • disorder, pain;
  • feeling elevated temperature body;
  • decrease in blood;
  • palpitations and irregular heartbeats;
  • joint and muscle pain;
  • general state of fatigue and weakness;
  • the appearance of hematomas on the body.

Medical contraindications

Taking this drug is contraindicated in pregnant women with a number of rather serious diseases from the internal organs and systems.

Did you know? A variety of drugs of similar action, analogues of "Kurantil", as well as the drug itself, prescribed during pregnancy, are not recommended to be taken with drinks such as, or, since they significantly reduce its effectiveness. But well-known to everyone and drugs that thin the blood and lower blood pressure, under the influence of "Kurantil" are able to significantly enhance their effect.

In medicine, the following medical disorders are distinguished:
  • liver failure;
  • heart failure;
  • arterial hypotension (low blood pressure);
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • frequent development of allergic reactions;
  • ulcers of the stomach or intestines;
  • chronic renal failure.

What to replace

Fortunately, if "Kurantil" for some reason did not suit the expectant mother, the doctor has the right to replace it with a more suitable analogue with a similar mechanism of action.

Most often, the replacement is made for such drugs:
  1. "Cardiomagnyl" - similar to "Curantil", is able to thin the blood, reducing platelet aggregation. The difference lies in the inability of Cardiomagnyl to influence the woman's immune system.
  2. "Flebodia" - is an effective angioprotector. The drug is most similar in action to Curantil, however, due to the almost complete absence of clinical studies, it is not recommended for use in the first pregnancy.
  3. "Hofitol" - a medicine that protects and cleanses the liver, promotes the rapid removal of toxins from the body and accelerates fat metabolism. This remedy is also used in combination with Curantil for the treatment of pregnant women at the earliest possible date. However, despite such a pronounced beneficial contribution of these two drugs to the body of the expectant mother at the same time, Hofitol is not able to serve as a full-fledged replacement for Curantil.
  4. "Actovegin" is a biostimulant that activates tissue metabolism. A drug that is quite capable of replacing Curantil. It perfectly accelerates metabolic processes in the body, increases the energy resources of cells and eliminates fetal hypoxia. A significant disadvantage of such a replacement is the pronounced side effects of "Actovegin" - urticaria, severe sweating, hyperthermia, etc.

"Kurantil" during pregnancy will not only help to avoid unpleasant painful conditions, but also alleviate existing problems. But, as you know, the best option it would be better not to resort to the use of drugs at such a crucial moment and to do your own long before planning the baby, walking on fresh air, eating right and examining your body on time.

Why is Curantyl prescribed during pregnancy, women who are expecting a baby often ask. This is one of the drugs most often prescribed by doctors to expectant mothers. The reasons for this appointment are different, these are headaches, and high blood pressure, and the development of edema.

Let us consider in more detail the description of the drug, indications for its use, effectiveness and possible side effects.

The main active agent that is part of Curantyl is dipyridamole. Its function is to prevent platelets from sticking together. The result is:

  • blood thinning;
  • improvement of microcirculation;
  • improvement of oxygen metabolism in tissues;
  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels and capillaries.

Another effect of dipyridamole is vasodilation and, as a result, a decrease in blood pressure.

The drug is prescribed not only for therapy, but also for prevention. However, its use without a doctor's prescription is strictly prohibited.

How much to drink pills, what dosage is needed - all this is decided by the doctor who has a pregnant woman.

Indications for use

Why is Curantyl prescribed during pregnancy, a question that worries expectant mothers. The medicine is prescribed in the following cases:

  • circulatory disorders in the placenta;
  • treatment and prevention of placental insufficiency;
  • slowing down the development of the fetus;
  • signs of fetal hypoxia.

The appointment of Curantyl 25 in early pregnancy is possible to prevent fetal fading or miscarriage.

Other indications for the appointment:

  • spasm of capillaries;
  • high blood clotting;
  • tendency to form blood clots;
  • decrease in the body's defenses.

Fetal hypoxia is one of the indications for taking Curantyl

Why is Curantyl prescribed during pregnancy

To find out why to drink the drug, you should learn about such a complication of pregnancy as. At the heart of this condition is a disorder in the functioning of some organs, which is caused by a violation of blood microcirculation.

Other symptoms of circulatory disorders:

  • development of edema;
  • headache;
  • muscle cramps;
  • high blood pressure;
  • kidney failure.

What else is the drug prescribed for? Another ability of the drug is blood thinning. Therefore, when it is used, the vessels are cleared of the smallest blood clots. This allows you to improve the nutrition of the embryo and its supply of oxygen, which prevents or spontaneous interruption.

The drug does not have a negative effect on the child, since it does not penetrate the placenta. However, with the expansion of the blood vessels of the placenta, there is an improvement in the delivery of oxygen and other essential nutrients to the fetus.

How to take Curantil during pregnancy

The instructions for use state general rules reception, however, the exact dosage is prescribed in each case by an individual doctor.

When prescribing the drug, the doctor must take into account:

  • the general condition of the woman;
  • gestational age;
  • survey results;
  • indications for which the drug is to be prescribed.

It is forbidden to prescribe pills to yourself, even if they were previously prescribed by a doctor. Self-medication can cause irreparable harm not only to a woman, but also to a child!

The general scheme of application of the drug and dosage - 1 tablet three times a day. In some cases, up to three tablets are prescribed once or twice a day.

Take the tablets two hours after a meal or one hour before a meal. It is recommended to drink the drug at the same time of day.

If there is no improvement in well-being after taking the medicine, it is necessary to tell the doctor about it. You should not independently adjust the treatment regimen.

In general, the reviews of women taking Curantil are positive. There is a general improvement in well-being, normalization of pressure, cessation of headaches.


Contraindications to taking Curantyl are as follows:

  • heart failure;
  • arrhythmia;
  • angina;
  • kidney failure;
  • liver failure;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • arterial hypotension;
  • individual intolerance to individual components of the drug.

Side effects

In the instructions for the drug, possible side effects are prescribed when taking it:

  • skin irritation;
  • headache and dizziness;
  • violation of the heart rhythm;
  • a sharp decrease in blood pressure;
  • nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • increased bleeding during medical procedures.

The drug should be discontinued before childbirth in order to avoid the development of bleeding.


The cost of Curantil tablets in Moscow pharmacies is as follows:

  • package of 120 tablets, 25 mg - from 580 rubles;
  • pack of 40 tablets, 75 mg - from 700 rubles.


The modern pharmaceutical market cannot offer complete analogues of Curantyl, neither in action, nor in efficiency, nor in composition.

If taking pills is contraindicated, other drugs may be selected, depending on the indications. Possible options:

  • . The main action is blood thinning. According to this function, the drug is as close as possible to the action of Curantyl, however, it has a completely different mechanism of action. The question of what is better during pregnancy - Curantyl or is not correct. The drugs are different, and sometimes pregnant women are prescribed both drugs at the same time.
  • Oscillococcinum. The drug is prescribed to increase the immune forces of the body.

Why Curantyl is prescribed during pregnancy depends on the condition of the expectant mother. This is an effective and versatile remedy that can improve fetal development, prevent hypoxia or spontaneous abortion. Due to the action of the active substance, the blood in the body of the future mother is liquefied, which makes it possible to eliminate edema. The fetus in this case is more efficiently supplied with nutrition and oxygen, which affects its growth and development.

Despite all the positive properties, Curantyl cannot be called a harmless remedy. This medicinal product and its unauthorized use is unacceptable.

On the drug video

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