Missile system Topol m. RVSN: pgrk "Topol", "Topol-m" and "Yars" entered combat patrol routes. Who are you, Mr. Topol M

DATA FOR 2019 (standard update)
Complex RS-12M / 15P158.1 / 15P158 "Topol", missile RT-2PM / 15Zh58 - SS-25 SICKLE / PL-5

Intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM)/mobile ground missile system(PGRK). Preliminary development of the complex project has been carried out since 1975 by the Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering (MIT) under the leadership of Alexander Davidovich Nadiradze on the basis of ICBMs and MRSDs. Chief designer since 1987 - Boris Lagutin (until 1993). The full development of the Topol ICBM for use as part of the PGRK began according to the Resolution of the USSR Council of Ministers dated July 19, 1976 ( ). The next Resolution of the USSR Council of Ministers on the development of the Topol complex with solid fuel ICBMs was issued on July 19, 1977.

In 1979, testing began on the production of charges for the engines of the second and third stages of the rocket at the Pavlograd Chemical Plant ().

The first launch of an ICBM from a specially equipped silo launcher was carried out at the Kapustin Yar test site on October 27, 1982. Probably, one of the launch tasks was to check the operation of the launch systems and the missile’s exit from the TPK, followed by the launch of the main engine of the first stage. The launch was unsuccessful. Flight design tests (FDT) of the 15Zh58 ICBM began with a launch from a converted silo launcher at the Plesetsk training ground on February 8, 1983. The launch was completely successful. In total in 1983-1984. 12 launches took place under the LCI program. All launches were carried out at the Plesetsk test site. The test launch of the LCI program took place on November 20, 1984.

Serial production of the Topol missile system began according to the Resolution of the USSR Council of Ministers dated December 28, 1984 ( ist. - Strategic missiles). The missile has been mass-produced by the Votkinsk Machine-Building Plant since 1985. Self-propelled launchers of the complex were produced by the Barrikady plant (Volgograd). In 1984, the construction of permanent base structures and the equipment of combat patrol routes for the PGRK began. The objects were located in those divisions of the Strategic Missile Forces where the RT-2P, MR-UR-100 and UR-100N ICBMs were removed from combat duty. At the same time, the PGRK complex was deployed in the positional areas of the Pioneer MRBM ( ist. - Strategic missiles).

The first division of the PGRK 15P158.1 "Topol" entered combat duty on July 23, 1985 as part of the Strategic Missile Forces regiment in Yoshkar-Ola, Mari Autonomous Okrug of the USSR (). Until the end of 1985, another PGRK floor took up combat duty ( ist. - Strategic missiles). The first regiment of the Strategic Missile Forces with RS-12M missiles, equipped with the mobile regimental command post "Barrier" (), was put on combat duty on April 28, 1987 in the area of ​​Nizhny Tagil and on May 27, 1988 the first missile regiment was put on combat duty with a modernized mobile regimental command post "Granit" (), based in Irkutsk (). The Topol ICBM complex was adopted by the USSR Strategic Missile Forces on December 1, 1988 ().

Since 1997, there has been a gradual replacement of the RS-12M ICBMs with ICBMs and .


Launches of the RS-12M Topol ICBM:
№pp date Launch location Result Description
29.09.1981 Plesetsk There was probably no such launch, but it is mentioned in a number of foreign sources (). The date is referred to as the start date of LCI in some sources (). The launch is mentioned in the book on the history of the Plesetsk cosmodrome, 2002 edition. Most likely this is a dart test of an early prototype/test rocket of the 15Zh58 missile
30.10.1981 Plesetsk Throw launch (?)
25.08.1982 Plesetsk Throw launch (?)
00 27.10.1982 Kapustin Yar unsuccessful launch Launch from a specially converted silo.
01 08.02.1983
(02/18/1983 according to other data)
Plesetsk successful launch The launch was carried out by the combat crew of the 6th Research University. Launch of an RT-2P missile from a specially converted silo launcher (). First launch of the 15Zh58 rocket.
02 03.05.1983
(05/05/1983 according to other data)
Plesetsk successful launch
Launch of an RT-2P missile from a specially converted silo launcher (). 2nd start LKI ()
03 30.06.1983
(05/31/1983 according to other data)
Plesetsk successful launch
Launch of an RT-2P missile from a specially converted silo launcher (). 3rd launch of LCI ()
04 10.08.1983 Plesetsk emergency start
First launch from SPU PGRK. 4th launch of LCI. In the book "Navigators of the Planets" (under the general editorship of E.L. Mezhiritsky, 2008), the launch is called an emergency - not through the fault of the control system ().
05 25.10.1983
Plesetsk successful launch 5th launch of LCI ()
06 20.02.1984 Plesetsk successful launch 6th launch of LCI ()
07 27.03.1984 Plesetsk successful launch 7th launch of LCI ()
08 23.041984 Plesetsk successful launch 8th launch of LCI ()
09 23.05.1984 Plesetsk successful launch 9th launch of LCI ()
10 26.07.1984 Plesetsk successful launch
10th launch of LCI ()
11 10.09.1984 Plesetsk successful launch
11th launch of LKI ()
12 02.10.1984 Plesetsk emergency start
12th launch of LCI (). In the book "Navigators of the Planets" (under the general editorship of E.L. Mezhiritsky, 2008), the launch is called an emergency - not through the fault of the control system ().
13 20.11.1984 Plesetsk successful launch Test launch LKI ()
14 06.12.1984 Plesetsk successful launch 13th launch of LKI
15 06.12.1984 Plesetsk successful launch 14th launch of LKI
16 29.01.1985 Plesetsk emergency start
15th launch of the LKI () program. In the book "Navigators of the Planets" (under the general editorship of E.L. Mezhiritsky, 2008), the launch is called an emergency - not through the fault of the control system ().
17 21.02.1985 Plesetsk successful launch Combat training launch
18 22.04.1985 Plesetsk successful launch Combat training launch ()
19 14.06.1985 Plesetsk successful launch
Combat training launch ()
06.08.1985 Plesetsk successful launch
Combat training launch ()
21 25.08.1985
(08/28/1985 according to other data)
Plesetsk successful launch
Combat training launch ()
22 04.10.1985 Plesetsk successful launch
Combat training launch ()
23 24.10.1985
(10/25/1985 according to other data)
Plesetsk successful launch
Combat training launch ()
24 06.12.1985 Plesetsk successful launch
25 18.04.1986 Plesetsk successful launch
26 20.09.1986 Plesetsk successful launch
27 29.11.1986 Plesetsk successful launch
28 25.12.1986 Plesetsk successful launch
29 11.02.1987 Plesetsk successful launch
30 04/26/1987 (05/26/1987 according to other data)
Plesetsk successful launch
31 30.06.1987 Plesetsk successful launch
32 14.07.1987 Plesetsk successful launch
33 31.07.1987 Plesetsk successful launch
34 23.12.1987 Plesetsk successful launch
23.12.1987 Plesetsk successful launch Last launch of the joint testing program PGRK "Topol" (). 16th launch of LCI ().
29.04.1988 Plesetsk successful launch Combat training launch of the Topol ICBM ()
37 07/05/1988 (08/05/1988 according to other data)
Plesetsk successful launch ()
38 14.09.1988 Plesetsk successful launch
39 08.10.1988
(10/20/1988 according to other data)
Plesetsk successful launch ()
40 09.12.1988 Plesetsk successful launch ()
41 07.02.1989 Plesetsk successful launch
42 21.03.1989 Plesetsk successful launch
43 15.06.1989 Plesetsk successful launch
44 20.09.1989 Plesetsk successful launch
45 10/26/1989 (10/27/1989 according to other data)
Plesetsk successful launch
29.03.1990 Plesetsk successful launch ()
47 21.05.1990 Plesetsk successful launch ()
48 24.05.1990 Plesetsk successful launch
49 31.07.1990 Plesetsk successful launch ()
50 08.08.1990
Plesetsk, site No. 169 successful launch 1st launch of the test program for the 15YU75 command missile based on the 15ZH58 missile of the Perimeter-RC system ( , )
51 16.08.1990 Plesetsk successful launch ()
52 17.10.1990 Plesetsk, site No. 169 successful launch 2nd launch of the 15YU75 command rocket based on the 15ZH58 rocket of the Perimeter-RC system ( , )
53 01.11.1990 Plesetsk, site No. 169 successful launch 3rd launch of the 15YU75 command rocket based on the 15ZH58 rocket of the Perimeter-RC system ( , )
54 25.12.1990 Plesetsk, site No. 169 successful launch 4th launch of the 15YU75 command rocket based on the 15ZH58 rocket of the Perimeter-RC system ( , )
55 25.12.1990 Plesetsk successful launch ()
07.02.1991 Plesetsk successful launch () Combat training launch from the 2nd launcher of the 306th missile regiment ()
05.04.1991 Plesetsk successful launch
25.06.1991 Plesetsk successful launch
59 19.08.1991
(08/20/1991 according to other data)
Plesetsk successful launch
02.10.1991 Plesetsk successful launch
25.02.1993 Plesetsk successful launch
62 25.03.1993 Plesetsk partially successful launch LV EK-25 "Start-1" ( , )
63 23.07.1993 Plesetsk successful launch
64 22.06.1994 Plesetsk successful launch
65 23.09.1994 Plesetsk successful launch
10.11.1994 Plesetsk successful launch
28.03.1995 Plesetsk emergency start
LV "Start" (5 stages), load - overall weight mock-up EKA-2 and the Gurwin Techsat 1A and UNAMSat A satellites were not launched into orbit ().
14.04.1995 Plesetsk successful launch
69 10.10.1995 Plesetsk successful launch
70 10.11.1995 Plesetsk successful launch
71 17.04.1996 Plesetsk successful launch
72 03.10.1996 Plesetsk successful launch
73 09.11.1996 (05.11.1996 according to other data)
Plesetsk successful launch
74 04.03.1997 Free successful launch The first successful launch of the Start-1.2 launch vehicle (), the Zeya satellite ().
03.10.1997 Plesetsk successful launch ()
24.12.1997 Free successful launch LV "Start-1" (), satellite Early Bird ().
16.09.1998 Plesetsk successful launch
78 01.10.1999 Plesetsk successful launch
79 11.10.2000 Plesetsk successful launch
Combat training launch ()
80 05.12.2000 Free successful launch
LV "Start-1" (), satellite EROS A ().
81 16.02.2001 Plesetsk successful launch
Combat training launch ()
82 20.02.2001 Free successful launch
LV "Start-1" (), satellite "Odin" ().
83 03.10.2001 Plesetsk successful launch
Combat training launch ()
84 01.11.2001
19-20 Moscow time
Plesetsk successful launch Combat training launch at the Kura training ground (Kamchatka). Presumably testing combat equipment ().
12.10.2002 Plesetsk successful launch
Combat training launch ()
12-27 Moscow time
Plesetsk successful launch Combat training launch at the Kura training ground (Kamchatka). The missile remained on combat duty for 18 years. According to media reports, this is the 79th launch of the Topol from the Plesetsk training ground and the 43rd combat training launch ().
13-30 Moscow time
Plesetsk successful launch Combat training launch at the Kura training ground (Kamchatka). According to Western data, it is possible that the launch was carried out for the purpose of testing promising combat equipment (,).
02.11.2004 Plesetsk successful launch
01.11.2005 Kapustin Yar successful launch
According to Western data (target IP-10 is mentioned), the launch target of the test advanced combat equipment, 15Zh58E missile. The launch took place at the Sary-Shagan test site ()
10-44 Moscow time
successful launch Combat training launch of the Topol ICBM at the Kura training ground (Kamchatka). The purpose of the launch is to test the reliability of the rocket with a long shelf life. For the first time in the Strategic Missile Forces, the shelf life of a missile was 20 years ().
25.04.2006 Free successful launch LV "Start-1" (), satellite EROS B ().
successful launch Combat training launch at the Kura training ground (Kamchatka).
09-10 Moscow time
Plesetsk successful launch Combat training launch at the Kura training ground (Kamchatka). The service life has been extended to 21 years.
17-43 Moscow time
Kapustin Yar successful launch
28.08.2008 Plesetsk successful launch Combat training launch at the Kura training ground (Kamchatka). Probably the 15Zh58E rocket. " Experimental combat unit missiles with high accuracy hit a conditional target at a training ground on the Kamchatka Peninsula, thereby demonstrating the ability to reliably hit targeted highly protected objects" ().
11-24 Moscow time
Plesetsk successful launch Combat training launch at the Kura training ground (Kamchatka).
12-09 Moscow time
Plesetsk successful launch Combat training launch at the Kura training ground (Kamchatka). The launch was carried out by the crew of the Irkutsk Strategic Missile Forces unit. The launched missile was manufactured in 1987 and until August 2007 was on combat duty at the Teikovsky missile formation (,).
10.12.2009 Kapustin Yar successful launch advanced combat equipment. The launch was carried out at the Sary-Shagan test site ().
Plesetsk successful launch Combat training launch at the Kura training ground (Kamchatka). The launched missile was manufactured in 1987 and until August 2007 was on combat duty at the Teikovsky missile formation ( Ivanovo region), and then was stored in one of the arsenals of the Strategic Missile Forces ().
05.12.2010 Kapustin Yar successful launch Launch of the 15Zh58E "Topol-E" rocket for testing purposes advanced combat equipment. The launch was carried out at the Sary-Shagan test site ().
03.09.2011 Plesetsk successful launch Combat training launch at the Kura training ground (Kamchatka). The missile was produced by industry in 1988 and until March 2011 was on duty at the Novosibirsk missile formation. According to media reports, the missile was launched with a new experimental warhead ().
10-45 Moscow time
Plesetsk successful launch Launch as part of work to extend the service life of Topol missiles, launch at the Kura test site (Kamchatka). The launch used a rocket produced by industry in 1987 and as of July 2007 the rocket was on combat duty in the Tagil formation of the Strategic Missile Forces. The launch was carried out by the space forces and personnel of the Strategic Missile Forces unit from Yoshkar-Ola. Based on the launch results, the service life of the RS-12M missiles was extended to 25 years.
21-39 Moscow time
Kapustin Yar successful launch Launch of the Topol-E missile to test advanced combat equipment. The launch took place at the Sary-Shagan test site. “The goals of this launch were to confirm the stability of the main flight characteristics of missiles of this class during extended service life, to test measuring instruments of various types of measuring systems in the interests of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, and to conduct another test combat equipment of intercontinental ballistic missiles " ().
19.10.2012 Plesetsk successful launch Combat training launch at the Kura training ground (Kamchatka). “The goals of this launch were to confirm the stability of the main flight characteristics of missiles of this class during the period of operation extended to 24 years and to assess the possibility of extending the service life by 25 years” ().
17-39 Moscow time
Kapustin Yar successful launch Launch of the Topol-E rocket for testing purposes advanced combat equipment. The launch took place at the Sary-Shagan test site. According to Western data TEST 1 ()
30.10.2013 Plesetsk successful launch Combat training launch at the Kura training ground (Kamchatka). The launch was carried out by a rocket and a crew from the 14th division of the Strategic Missile Forces (Yoshkar-Ola). The launch was carried out as part of an exercise with a surprise check of the readiness of the aerospace defense and strategic missile forces.
21-30 Moscow time
Kapustin Yar successful launch Launch of the Topol-E rocket for testing purposes advanced combat equipment. The launch took place at the Sary-Shagan test site. According to Western data TEST 2 ()
22-10 Moscow time
Kapustin Yar successful launch Topol-E rocket. “The purpose of the launch was to test advanced combat equipment for intercontinental ballistic missiles. The training warhead of the missile hit a conditional target at the Sary-Shagan training ground with specified accuracy. According to Western data TEST 3 ()
March 2014 Kapustin Yar launch plan 2
In addition to the launch on 03/04/2014, according to the Ministry of Defense of Kazakhstan, in March it was planned to conduct two more launches of ICBMs at the Sary-Shagan test site ().
08.05.2014 Plesetsk successful launch Combat training launch at the Kura training ground (Kamchatka). The launch was carried out as part of an exercise with a sudden check of the readiness of the aerospace defense and strategic missile forces ().
21-08 Moscow time
Kapustin Yar successful launch Topol-E rocket. “The purpose of the launch was to test advanced combat equipment for intercontinental ballistic missiles. The training warhead of the missile hit a conditional target at the Sary-Shagan test site () with specified accuracy. According to Western data TEST 4 ()
11.11.2014 Kapustin Yar emergency start
According to Western data, the Topol-E missile. The shooting took place at the Sary-Shagan training ground. Presumably one of the launches with promising combat equipment. According to Western data TEST 5 ()
112 22.08.2015
18-13 Moscow time
Kapustin Yar successful launch The rocket is probably Topol-E. “The purpose of the launch was to test the advanced combat equipment of intercontinental ballistic missiles. The training warhead of the missile hit a conditional target at the Sary-Shagan test site with specified accuracy.
113 30.10.2015 Plesetsk successful launch Successful launch as part of the training of the strategic forces control system.
114 17.11.2015
15-12 Moscow time
Kapustin Yar successful launch
115 24.12.2015
20-55 Moscow time
Kapustin Yar successful launch The rocket is probably Topol-E. “The purpose of the launch was to test advanced combat equipment for ICBMs.” The training warhead of the missile hit a simulated target at the Sary-Shagan training ground with specified accuracy.
116 09.09.2016 Plesetsk successful launch The purpose of the launch was to confirm the basic flight performance characteristics of the Topol intercontinental ballistic missile, as well as test promising combat equipment and means of overcoming missile defense. The set launch goals were achieved in full. An experimental missile warhead hit a hypothetical target at a training ground on the Kamchatka Peninsula with high accuracy ()
117 10/12/2016 Plesetsk successful launch Successful launch at the Kura test site in Kamchatka as part of the program to confirm the extended service life of ICBMs (). This launch was probably carried out by a command rocket 15Yu75 ().
- 2016-2017 According to the Russian Ministry of Defense for 2016-2017. planned to conduct 7 launches of the Topol ICBM. The insured amount for one launch is 180 million rubles.
118 September 26, 2017 Kapustin Yar successful launch The rocket is probably Topol-E. “The purpose of the launch was to test advanced combat equipment for ICBMs.” The training warhead of the missile hit a simulated target at the Sary-Shagan training ground with specified accuracy. "During the test, experimental data were obtained on the parameters of the target environment formed by the combat equipment of promising ballistic missiles in the process of overcoming missile defense. In the future, this information will be used for the development of effective means overcoming missile defense to equip a promising group of Russian ballistic missiles with them"
119 October 26, 2017 Plesetsk successful launch Successful launch at the Kura test site (Kamchatka) during the exercise of strategic nuclear forces.
120 December 26, 2017 Kapustin Yar successful launch The rocket is probably Topol-E. The purpose of the launch was to test promising combat equipment for intercontinental ballistic missiles. During the test, experimental data was obtained that will be used in the interests of developing effective means of overcoming missile defense and equipping a promising group of Russian ballistic missiles with them ().
121 12/11/2018 Kapustin Yar accident The launch of the Topol-E rocket at the 107th site at the Sary-Shagan test site ended with the explosion of the first stage of the rocket in the first seconds of flight. The official version is the explosion of an anti-aircraft missile of the S-350 complex ().

Removal from service: The RS-12M Topol ICBM is planned to be withdrawn from service in 2022 (December 2016, ).

Launch and ground equipment:
silo- an experimental experimental mine launcher was used at the first stage of ICBM testing. In the mid-1980s, some Western sources speculated that the SS-25 ICBM would be deployed in silos, among other things.

PGRK - autonomous launcher APU 15U128.1- missile system 15P158.1 "Topol" with a point" - MAZ-7912 chassis - this type of SPU was part of the Topol PGRK on initial stage deployment of complex facilities. The SPU was developed by the Titan Central Design Bureau of the Barrikady plant (Volgograd). In part, the source notes that the 15U128.1 installation was precisely an SPU, and not an APU.

The length of the APU with TPK is 22.3 m (Poster from the exhibition "Army-2015", )
Chassis length - 17.3 m
APU width - 3.85 m
Minimum turning radius - 27 m
Power reserve - 400 km

SPU 15U128.1 on MAZ-7912 chassis with TPK - Topol complex ( official photo from SALT treaty documents, http://www.fas.org).

SPU 15U128.1 on a MAZ-7912 chassis without TPK - Topol complex (official photo from documents on SALT agreements, http://www.fas.org).

Serial APU 15U128.1 on the MAZ-7912 chassis, complex 15P158.1 (http://military.tomsk.ru/forum).

PGRK - SPU 15U168- missile system 15P158 "Topol" - MAZ-7917 chassis. According to information from a number of historians, the SPU can launch from any point on the patrol route without prior geodetic reference and marking of the starting position (probably not true). The SPU was developed by the Titan Central Design Bureau of the Barrikady plant (Volgograd) under the leadership of V.M. Sobolev and V.A. Shurygin. The MAZ-7917 chassis was developed in Minsk automobile factory under the leadership of V.P. Chvyalev ( ist. - Strategic missiles). The SPU is equipped with an autonomous power supply, a navigation system, radio and official communications equipment, a set of spare parts, a set of fastening and covering the unit on a railway platform.

Calculation - 3 people
Engine - diesel with a power of 710 hp.
Length of SPU with TPK - 22303 mm (Poster from the exhibition "Army-2015", )
SPU length without TPK - 19520 mm ()
Chassis length - 18.4 m
TPK length - 22.3 m ()
TPK diameter - 2 m ()
The width of the APU in the stowed position is 3.85 m (Poster from the exhibition "Army-2015", )
Height with TPK - 4350 mm (Poster from the exhibition "Army-2015", )
Height without TPK - 3000 mm ()
Ground clearance with full load - 475 mm ()
Total weight of the launcher - 105.1 t (Poster from the exhibition "Army-2015", )
Minimum turning radius - 26 m (Poster from the exhibition "Army-2015", )
Power reserve - 400 km
Maximum speed ():
- 40 km/h (roads of 1-2 categories)
- 25 km/h (roads 3-4 categories)

APU 15U168 on a MAZ-7917 chassis with a TPK - the Topol complex (official photo from documents on SALT agreements, http://www.fas.org).

APU 15U168 on a MAZ-7917 chassis without TPK - Topol complex (official photo from documents on SALT agreements, http://www.fas.org).

TPK missiles 15Zh58 / RS-12M (official photo from documents on the SALT treaties, http://www.fas.org).

APU 15U168 on the MAZ-7917 chassis of the Topol complex after a missile launch at the Plesetsk test site, 2000s (http://militaryphotos.net).

APU 15U168 of the 15P158 “Topol” complex of the Novosibirsk division of the Strategic Missile Forces, 12/09/2011 (photo - Alexander Kryazhev, http://visualrian.ru/).

APU 15U168 of the 15P158 "Topol" complex at the exercises of graduates of the Serpukhov Military Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces, publication 12.12.2013 (photo - Konstantin Semenov, http://tvzvezda.ru/).

SPU 15U168 of complex 15P158 "Topol", Military Historical Artillery Museum, St. Petersburg, 05/09/2012 (photo - A.V. Karpenko, http://bastion-karpenko.narod.ru/).


SPU 15U168 of the 15P158 "Topol" complex in the pre-launch position (http://www.nationaldefense.ru).

SPU 15U168 of the 15P158 "Topol" complex. On the starboard side of the SPU there are some required structural elements missing. Exhibition "Patriot", Kubinka, 2015 (photo - Vitaly Kuzmin, http://vitalykuzmin.net/).

The aft part of the SPU 15P168 of the 15P158 "Topol" complex (Strategic ground-based missile systems. M., "Military Parade", 2007).


For the first time, control system cables were cut off using pyroelectric devices ( ist. - Strategic missiles). TPK is covered with a special fire-resistant intumescent coating SGK-1.

Unit 15U135 "Krona" - a hangar with a sliding roof for carrying out combat duty PGRK in a stationary equipped position. The rocket could be launched directly from the structure, which was equipped with a sliding roof.

Rocket RT-2PM / 15Zh58:
Design- a three-stage solid-fuel rocket with a sequential arrangement of stages. For the first time in the USSR, the stage bodies are made of organoplastic using the method of continuous winding of the “cocoon” type. All stages are equipped with transition compartments.

The first stage of the rocket is equipped with 4 lattice aerodynamic stabilizers and 4 lattice aerodynamic rudders combined with gas-jet rudders.

Launch of the 15Zh58 / RS-12M Topol ICBM from the Plesetsk test site, presumably 2007-2010. (http://pressa-rvsn.livejournal.com/).

The spent first stage of the Topol ICBM after launch from the Plesetsk test site in northern Russia, photo no later than 2013 (http://www.edu.severodvinsk.ru/).

One of the launches of the 15Zh58 / RS-12M "Topol" ICBM from the Plesetsk test site, presumably 2007-2012, published 01/15/2013 (http://pressa-rvsn.livejournal.com/).

Rocket composition:
- starting pad

1st stage - solid propellant rocket engine with a fixed nozzle with gas-jet rudders (synchronized with aerodynamic lattice rudders).

2nd stage - solid propellant rocket engine with a fixed nozzle with a fixed nozzle.

Stage 3 - solid propellant rocket engine with one fixed nozzle with a fixed nozzle. In the front part of the solid propellant rocket engine there are engine thrust cut-off windows, which were opened using extended detonating charges (EDC).

Warhead launch stage


Rocket 15Zh58 of the 15P158 "Topol" complex. The photo was probably taken at the MIK at the Ledyanoe site of the Plesetsk training ground (http://rvsn.ruzhany.info/).

Control system: autonomous inertial rocket control system using an on-board computer. The system was developed by NPO Automation and Instrumentation ( chief designer Vladimir Lapygin). Firing accuracy has been increased through the use of new, more sensitive accelerometers and an on-board computer that implements direct guidance methods, which calculates the flight path of the warhead to the point of impact at the current moment in time. ( ist. - Strategic missiles). The aiming system was developed by the design bureau of the Arsenal plant (Kiev), the chief designer is Seraphim Parnyakov. All pre-launch preparation and launch operations, as well as preparatory and routine work, are fully automated.

One of the main components of the missile aiming system is the automatic gyrocompass (AGC) SPU 15U168 of the 15P158 Topol complex. On the starboard side of the SPU there are some required structural elements missing. Exhibition "Patriot", Kubinka, 2015 (photo - Vitaly Kuzmin, http://vitalykuzmin.net/).

The heading and pitch control was carried out at the 1st stage by gas-jet rudders synchronized with aerodynamic rudders, at the second and third stages - by gas injection into the supercritical region of the nozzle. Range control was carried out by cutting off the thrust of the third stage engine.

Engines: development of production and production of charges for solid propellant rocket engines of the 2nd and 3rd stages of the rocket began at the Pavlograd chemical plant in 1979 ().

Starting pad

Stage 1 - solid propellant rocket engine with a new mixed fuel with increased density and specific impulse developed by LNPO Soyuz (Lyubertsy). The engine is equipped with one fixed nozzle with gas-jet rudders (synchronized with aerodynamic lattice rudders).

The rocket engines were passing fire tests in NIO-1 (Sofrinsky artillery range of the Research Institute "Geodesy") ().

The first stage of the 15Zh58 / RS-12M rocket. The photo was probably taken at the MIK at the Ledyanoe site of the Plesetsk training ground (official photo from documents on the SALT treaties, http://www.fas.org).

Probably, the preparation of the engine of the 1st stage of the 15Zh58 Topol ICBM for experimental testing for the purpose of experimental combustion under the joint program of MIT, FCDT Soyuz, Moscow State University and the Lockheed Martin company (USA) at NIO-1 (Sofrinsky artillery range of the Research Institute "Geodesy") ().

Nozzle block of the first stage of the 15Zh58 rocket of the 15P158 “Topol” complex. The photo was probably taken at the MIK at the Ledyanoe site of the Plesetsk training ground (http://rvsn.ruzhany.info/).

- 2nd stage - solid propellant rocket engine with a new mixed fuel with increased density and specific impulse developed by LNPO "Soyuz" (Lyubertsy). The engine is equipped with one fixed nozzle with a fixed nozzle. The thrust vector was controlled by gas injection into the supercritical region of the nozzle. Injection is provided by a special gas generator ( ist. - Strategic missiles).

The second stage of the 15Zh58 rocket of the 15P158 Topol complex. The photo was probably taken at the MIK at the Ledyanoe site of the Plesetsk training ground (http://rvsn.ruzhany.info/).

- 3rd stage - solid propellant rocket engine with a new mixed fuel with increased density and specific impulse developed by LNPO "Soyuz" (Lyubertsy). The engine is equipped with one fixed nozzle with a fixed nozzle. In the front part of the solid propellant rocket engine there are 8 engine thrust cut-off windows, which were opened using extended detonating charges (EDC). The thrust vector was controlled by gas injection into the supercritical region of the nozzle. For the first time, part of the engine charge is made of metal-free fuel - the combustion products of this part of the charge are discharged through filters to special injection valves through devices in the nozzle flange ( ist. - Strategic missiles).

The third stage of the 15Zh58 rocket of the 15P158 Topol complex. The photo was probably taken at the MIK at the Ledyanoe site of the Plesetsk training ground (http://rvsn.ruzhany.info/).

- warhead launch stage - 4 x solid propellant rocket motor

The launch stage of the 15Zh58 missile warhead of the 15P158 Topol complex. The photo was probably taken at the MIK at the Ledyanoe site of the Plesetsk training ground (http://rvsn.ruzhany.info/).

Performance characteristics of the missile:
- full - 21.5 m
- without warhead - 18.5 m
- first stage - 8.1 m
- second stage - 4.6 m
- third stage - 3.9 m
- head part - 2.1 m
- first stage housing - 1.8 m
- second stage housing - 1.55 m
- third stage housing - 1.34 m
- TPK (transport and launch container) - 2.0 m

The area of ​​the combat patrol area is 125,000 sq. km

Warhead types:

The basic option is a thermonuclear warhead with a power of 550 kt (,). The charge was developed by VNIIEF under the leadership of Samvel Kocharyants. The warhead is equipped with a set of means to overcome missile defense.
Warhead mass - 1000 km

Launch vehicle "Start-1" in the workshop of the Votkinsk Machine-Building Plant (http://www.iz-article.ru/).

Launch vehicle "Start-1" in the workshop of the Votkinsk Machine-Building Plant (Yu. Solomonov. Nuclear vertical. M., Intervestnik, 2009).

Launch of the Start launch vehicle.

Infrastructure and auxiliary facilities of the complex:
As of 1999, 4-5 missile regiments were based simultaneously in one positional area of ​​the PGRK. The regiment includes three missile divisions - i.e. 9 SPU, a mobile command post and a stationary command post at the place of permanent deployment of the regiment. ( ist. - Strategic missiles).

The complex includes:
- self-propelled ICBM launchers;
- car combat control(MBU);
- communication machine;
- combat duty support vehicles;

The combat duty support vehicle (MOBD) 15В148 / 15В231 of the Topol complex on the MAZ-543M chassis was intended for recreation of personnel on combat duty.

Combat duty support vehicle (MOBD) 15В148 / 15В231 of the Topol complex on the MAZ-543M chassis (official photo from documents on SALT agreements, http://www.fas.org).

Combat duty support vehicle (MOBD) 15В148 / 15В231 of the Topol complex on the MAZ-543M chassis (http://rvsn.ruzhany.info/).

Combat duty support vehicle (MOBD) 15В148 / 15В231 of the Topol complex on the MAZ-543M chassis at the exercises of graduates of the Serpukhov Military Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces, publication 12/12/2013 (photo - Konstantin Semenov, http://tvzvezda.ru/).

Combat duty support vehicle (MOBD) 15B148 of the Topol complex on the MAZ-543M chassis. Exhibition "Patriot", Kubinka, 2015 (photo - Vitaly Kuzmin, http://vitalykuzmin.net/).

- vehicle for training drivers on the MAZ-7917 chassis.

A vehicle for driver training on the MAZ-7917 chassis (official photo from documents on SALT agreements, http://www.fas.org).

Tropospheric radio communication station 15B78 from the support equipment of the Topol complex on the MAZ-543M chassis. Exhibition "Patriot", Kubinka, 2015 (photo - Vitaly Kuzmin, http://vitalykuzmin.net/).

The set of arsenal equipment of the complex includes a transport trolley for the TPK, probably developed by the Titan Central Design Bureau (Volgograd) and produced at the Barrikady plant.

A transport trolley with a TPK of the 15Zh58 missile of the Topol complex; in the second photo, in the foreground, a mock-up of the ICBM warhead is visible. Photos taken on the day open doors in the 42nd Tagil Missile Division of the Strategic Missile Forces, Nizhny Tagil, 03/04/2015 ().

Status: USSR / Russia

ICBM RS-12M "Topol" - SS-25. Illustration from the yearbook Soviet Military Power 1986 (http://www.defenseimagery.mil).

ICBM RS-12M "Topol" - SS-25 in position in Eastern Siberia. Illustration from the yearbook Soviet Military Power 1988 (http://www.defenseimagery.mil).

- 2013 December 19 - information appeared in the media that a center for recycling large-sized solid propellant rocket motors for missiles of the Tochka-U, Iskander and Poplar". 2 solid propellant rocket motors of the Topol rocket will be dismantled at the facility per day ().

Engines of the 2nd stage of the Topol ICBM before disposal at "object 103", 2013 (photo - Anatoly Sokolov,).

Test site for the Topol PGRK at the Plesetsk training ground, launch on 20/30/2015 (video footage from the Russian Ministry of Defense).

Launch of the Topol ICBM at the Plesetsk training ground, 20/30/2015 (video frames from the Russian Ministry of Defense, processed, the first frame is a different date).

- 2015 November 3 - the media reported that by December 2016 the Strategic Missile Forces plans to dispose of 17 APUs of the Topol PGRK in accordance with the START-III agreement signed in 2010. Elimination and disposal will take place in military unit 25850 (the village of Belezino, Republic of Udmurtia , .

2021 - according to a media statement by a consultant to the commander of the Missile Forces strategic purpose Colonel General Viktor Esin dated July 21, 2015, by 2021 it is planned to remove the Topol PGRK from combat duty and completely replace it with Yars and Yars-M ICBMs.

18-36 ? Barnaul (35th Division) 2019 Barnaul (35th division) ?
2020 2021 planned (2015) date for removing ICBMs from service 2022 planned (2016) date for removing ICBMs from service * - hypothetical data are in italics

Cosmodrome "Plesetsk". Dedicated to the 45th anniversary of the founding of the Plesetsk cosmodrome. M., 2002
Lenta.ru. 2011
Missile system RS-12M, “Topol” (SS-25, Sickle), 2013 ()
RT-2PM, 2013 ().
Northern Cosmodrome of Russia. Mirny, Plesetsk cosmodrome, 2007
Ground-based strategic missile systems. M., "Military Parade", 2007

One of the most successful modern Russian complexes is considered to be the Topol mobile ground missile system (SS-25 “Sickle” according to NATO classification) with the RS-12M missile. "Topol-M" is the result of further modification of the "Topol" complex and is equipped with a more advanced RS-2PM2 missile

One of the most successful modern Russian complexes is considered to be the Topol mobile ground missile system (SS-25 “Sickle” according to NATO classification) with the RS-12M missile.

Development of a three-stage intercontinental ballistic missile RT-2PM on solid mixed fuel weighing 45 tons with a monoblock nuclear warhead(weight 1 t) was carried out by the Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering under the leadership of chief designer Nadiradze (after his death, the development was continued by Lagutin) and is a further modernization of the RT-2P rocket.

The first flight test of the missile was carried out at the Plesetsk test site on February 8, 1983, and in 1985 the RT-2PM missile entered service with the Strategic Missile Forces. The RT-2PM missile is produced in Votkinsk, its launcher is a seven-axle vehicle of the MAZ-7310 type (later modifications to the MAZ-7917) - at the Barrikady plant in Volgograd. The RT-2PM missile spends its entire service life in a sealed transport and launch container 22 m long and 2 m in diameter. The launcher weighs about 100 tons. and a very respectable size, it has good mobility and cross-country ability.

Unlike the RSD-10 and Temp-2S, the Topol missile can be launched from any point along the combat patrol route. If necessary, the RS-12M can be launched directly from the hangar during parking for maintenance, through the sliding roof. To launch from an unequipped position, the launcher is hung on jacks and leveled. Preparation time for the start is about 2 minutes. The type of launch is mortar: after installing the “pencil case” in a vertical position and shooting off its upper cap, the powder pressure accumulators push the rocket out of it to a height of several meters, after which the first-stage propulsion engine is started.

The RT-2PM missile is designed according to a design with three sustainer stages. The rocket used a new, more advanced mixed fuel developed at the Lyubertsy LNPO Soyuz. All three stages are equipped with solid propellant rocket engines with one fixed nozzle. On the body of the first stage there were folding rotary lattice aerodynamic rudders (4 pieces), used for flight control together with gas-jet rudders and 4 lattice aerodynamic stabilizers. The bodies of the upper stages were manufactured using the method of continuous winding from organoplastic according to the “cocoon” pattern. The third stage was equipped with a transition compartment for attaching the warhead. The firing range was controlled by cutting off the third-stage propulsion engine, using a thrust cut-off unit, with eight reversible bells and “windows” cut through by detonating charges in the organoplastic power structure of the body.

The guidance system is autonomous, inertial with an on-board computer. The warhead is monoblock, nuclear, weighing about 1 ton. The missile was equipped with a set of means to overcome the missile defense of a potential enemy. The integrated control system made it possible to fully automate the control of the rocket in flight, preparation for launch and carrying out control and regulatory work.

After modernization, the missile could be used in a silo.

For the new complexes, a mobile and stationary command posts. The mobile command post for combat control of the Topol ICBM was located on the chassis of a four-axle MAZ-543M vehicle.

To control the fire, mobile command posts "Barrier" and "Granit" were also used, equipped with a missile, with a transmitter instead of a combat load, which, after launching the missile, duplicated the start command for the launchers located in positional areas.

In 1984, the construction of stationary structures and the equipment of combat patrol routes for Topol mobile missile systems began in the positional areas of the RT-2P and UR-100 ICBMs being removed from duty and located in the OS silos. Later, the positioning areas of medium-range complexes removed from service under the INF Treaty were arranged.

The Topol complex began entering service in 1985. The first missile regiment entered combat duty near Yoshkar-Ola on July 23, 1985. The Topol missile divisions were deployed near the cities of Barnaul, Verkhnyaya Salda (Nizhny Tagil), Vypolzovo (Bologoe), Yoshkar-Ola, Teykovo, Yurya, Novosibirsk, Kansk, Irkutsk, as well as near the village of Drovyanaya, Chita region. Nine regiments (81 launchers) were deployed to missile divisions on the territory of Belarus - near the cities of Lida, Mozyr and Postavy. After the collapse of the USSR, some of the Topols remained on the territory of Belarus and were withdrawn from it by November 27, 1996.

According to the START-2 treaty, 360 units of the Topol missile system will be reduced by 2007.

In 1986, on the basis of the second and third stages of the RT-2PM rocket, a medium-range mobile soil complex "Speed" was developed.

Tactical specifications complex RS-12 "Topol"

"Topol M"

Currently, the basis of the ground component of Russia's strategic nuclear forces is the Topol-M complex, produced by the Votkinsk Machine-Building Plant. This complex is the only currently mass-produced missile system in Russia.

"Topol-M" is the result of a further modification of the "Topol" complex and is equipped with a more advanced RS-2PM2 missile.

Due to the restrictions imposed on modernization by the main provisions of the START-2 treaty, the tactical and technical characteristics of the missile could not undergo significant changes and the main differences from the RS-2PM lie in the flight characteristics and stability when penetrating through possible enemy missile defense systems. Moreover, the warhead was initially created taking into account the possibility of rapid modernization in case a potential enemy developed existing missile defense systems. The creators also do not deny the technical possibility of installing a warhead with multiple individually targeted warheads. According to experts, there can be from three to seven.

Thanks to three improved solid-propellant sustainer engines, the RS-12M2 missile began to pick up speed much faster, and several dozen auxiliary engines, instruments and a control mechanism also make its flight difficult to predict for the enemy. The RS-12M2, unlike its predecessor, does not have lattice aerodynamic stabilizers, and uses an improved guidance system (insensitive to powerful electromagnetic pulses), a more efficient mixture charge is used.

According to the plans of the Russian leadership and the Russian Defense Ministry, Topol-M will have to replace 270 silo-based complexes with missiles equipped with multiple warheads. These are, first of all, ballistic liquid missiles of the RS-20 (SS-18 according to the Western classification), RS-18 (SS-19), RS-16 (SS-17) systems and solid fuel RS-22 (SS-24), created in the early eighties. Over time, these missiles will be supplemented by 350 mobile Topol complexes, to replace which a mobile version of the Topol-M based on an eight-axle tractor has been developed. According to the latest government plans, in 2004 it is planned to begin testing a mobile version of the Topol-M complex.

During combat duty, the Topol-M missile will be located in a transport and launch container. It is assumed that it will be operated as part of both stationary (in silo launchers) and mobile complexes. In this case, in a stationary version, it is advisable to use silo launchers (silos) of missiles removed from service or destroyed in accordance with the START-2 Treaty. The modification of these silos should ensure that it is impossible to install a “heavy” ICBM and includes pouring a layer of concrete at the bottom of the shaft, as well as installing a special restrictive ring at the top. Placing Topol-M missiles in existing silos modified in this way will significantly reduce the costs of developing and deploying the complex. The launch method is active-reactive (“mortar”).

The re-equipment of the Strategic Missile Forces units is carried out using existing infrastructure. Mobile and stationary versions are fully compatible with the existing combat command and control system.

Fundamentally new technical solutions were used when creating systems and units of the mobile launcher, the Topol-M complex. Thus, the partial suspension system makes it possible to deploy the Topol-M launcher even on soft soils. The maneuverability and maneuverability of the installation have been improved, which increases its survivability. "Topol-M" is capable of launching from any point in the positional area (and not from a limited number of predetermined positions), and also has improved camouflage means against both optical and other reconnaissance means.

Technical characteristics of the chassis: wheel formula - 16x16, steerable first three and last three axles, turning radius - 18 m, ground clearance - 475 mm, fording ability - 1.1 m, tires - 1.60 0x600-685, curb weight - 40.000 kg, load capacity - 80,000 kg, engine - V12 diesel YaMZ-847 with a power of 800 hp. c., speed - 45 km/h, range - 500 km.

The characteristics of the Topol-M missile system can significantly increase the readiness of the Strategic Missile Forces to carry out assigned combat missions in any conditions, ensure maneuverability, secrecy of actions and survivability of units, subunits and individual launchers, as well as reliability of control and autonomous operation for a long time (without replenishment inventories of materials).

The missiles are equipped with monoblock warheads, but, unlike all other strategic missiles, they can be quickly re-equipped with multiple warheads capable of carrying up to three charges. If necessary, if restrictions under the START-2 treaty are lifted, several warheads with individually targetable multiple warheads (MIRVs) can be installed on this monoblock missile.

The main advantages of the Topol-M missile system lie in its flight characteristics and combat stability when penetrating through possible enemy missile defense systems. Three solid fuel propulsion engines allow the rocket to gain speed much faster than all previous types of rockets. The higher energy of the missile makes it possible to reduce the effectiveness of missile defense in the active part of the trajectory. Several dozen auxiliary engines, instruments and control mechanisms make this rapid flight also difficult to predict for the enemy. In addition, the RS-12M2 missile carries a whole range of missile defense breakthrough capabilities, more than the American MX with 10 warheads. Finally, according to Western sources, a maneuvering warhead has been created for the Topol-M (Russian sources do not contain such information); If this is true, then Topol-M represents a major breakthrough in the ability to penetrate missile defenses.

However, Topol-M is apparently not an ideal complex; reliance on it appears to be largely due to a lack of alternatives. During the discussion around the START II treaty, numerous publications revealed its shortcomings. According to this information, Topol has a relatively low speed and low protection, which limits its ability to escape from an attack with a short warning time and makes it vulnerable to the damaging factors of a nuclear explosion, such as a shock wave. Although Topol-M, apparently, has been improved, its weight and dimensions are close to those of Topol, and this puts objective limits on the way to overcome the above-mentioned shortcomings.

Tactical and technical characteristics of RS-12M2 "Topol-M" (Russia)

Year of adoption 1997
Maximum firing range, km 10000
Number of steps 3
Launch weight, t 47,1
Throwing weight, t 1,2
Rocket length without head part, m 17,5
Rocket length with warhead, m 22,7
Maximum rocket diameter, m 1,86
Number of warheads, pcs 1
Head typemonoblock, nuclear, detachable
Power of combat charge, Mt 0,55
Firing accuracy (CAO), m 350
Type of fuelsolid mixed
Control system typeautonomous, inertial based on BTsVK
Start methodmortar
Based methodmine and mobile

Russian Civilization

At the end of 1993, Russia announced the development of a new domestic missile, designed to become the basis of a promising group of strategic missile forces. The development of the 15Zh65 (RS-12M2) rocket, called Topol-M, was carried out by a Russian cooperation of enterprises and design bureaus. The lead developer of the missile system is the Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering.

The Topol-M missile was created as a modernization of the RS-12M ICBM. The conditions for modernization are determined by the START-1 Treaty, according to which a missile is considered new if it differs from the existing one (analogue) in one of the following ways:

    number of steps;

    type of fuel of any stage;

    starting weight by more than 10%;

    the length of either the assembled rocket without the warhead, or the length of the first stage of the rocket by more than 10%;

    the diameter of the first stage by more than 5%;

    throw weight of more than 21% combined with a change in first stage length of 5% or more.

Thus, the mass-dimensional characteristics and some design features of the Topol-M ICBM are strictly limited.

The stage of state flight testing of the Topol-M missile system took place at 1-GIK MO. In December 1994, the first launch took place from a silo launcher. April 28, 2000 The State Commission approved the act on the adoption of the Topol-M intercontinental ballistic missile into service by the Strategic Missile Forces of the Russian Federation.

The deployment of units is a regiment in Tatishchevo (Saratov region) (since November 12, 1998), military unit in Altai (near the village of Sibirsky, Pervomaisky district, Atai Territory). The first two Topol-M /RS-12M2/ missiles were put on experimental combat duty in Tatishchevo in December 1997 after four test launches, and on December 30, 1998, the first regiment of 10 missiles of this type began combat duty.

The manufacturer of Topol-M missiles is the Votkinsk Machine-Building Plant State Enterprise. The nuclear warhead was created under the leadership of Georgy Dmitriev at Arzamas-16.

The RS-12M2 "Topol-M" missile is unified with the promising R-30 "Bulava" missiles, created to arm Project 955 strategic nuclear submarines.

In the west the complex received the designation SS-X-27.


The 15Zh65 missile is operated as part of stationary (15P065) and mobile (15P165) combat missile systems (BMS). In this case, the stationary version uses silo launchers (silos) of missiles removed from service or destroyed in accordance with the START-2 Treaty. The stationary group is created by converting the 15P735 silo launcher for the 15A35 medium-class ICBM (developed by the Vympel Design Bureau) and the 15P718 silo launcher for the 15A18M heavy-class ICBM (developed by KBSM).

The 15P065 combat stationary silo missile system includes 10 15Zh65 missiles in silo launchers 15P765-35 and one unified command post of the 15V222 type with high security (located on a suspension in the silo using special shock absorption). The use of a “mortar launch” made it possible to significantly increase the resistance of the 15P765-35 silo to PFYAV due to the removal of elements of the 15P735 launcher necessary for the gas-dynamic launch of 15A35 missiles, the use of an improved shock-absorbing system and filling the released volume with heavy reinforced concrete of special grades. Work on the conversion of silo launchers 15P735 to accommodate Topol-M missiles was carried out by the Vympel Experimental Design Bureau under the leadership of Dmitry Dragun.

In accordance with the START-2 treaty, the conversion of 90 15P718 silo launchers of 15A18 missiles to the 15Zh65 missile is allowed, provided that guarantees are provided that it is impossible to install heavy ICBMs in such a converted launcher. Refinement of these silos includes pouring a 5m layer of concrete at the bottom of the shaft, as well as installing a special restrictive ring at the top of the launcher. The internal dimensions of the heavy missile silo are excessive to accommodate the Topol-M missile, even taking into account the filling of the lower part of the launcher with concrete. The mass of the Topol-M rocket, its outer diameter and length are approximately 5, 1.5 and 1.5 times less than the mass-geometric dimensions of the 15A18M rocket, respectively. In order to preserve and use the heavy silo units and systems during conversion, it was necessary to carry out a number of comprehensive research loading diagrams for the silo during nuclear attack and launch, maintenance systems, the influence on the gas dynamics of the launch of the large internal free volume of the shaft, the restrictive ring and the massive and large-sized roof, issues of loading the TPK with the rocket into the launcher, etc.

Resource-saving technology when creating serial PU 15P765-18 provides for the preservation of the protective roof, barbette, drum, mine shaft with bottom directly at the facility and reuse most of the PU 15P718 equipment - protective roof drives, shock absorption systems, elevators and other equipment - after their dismantling, sending to manufacturing plants, carrying out RVR at the plants with testing on stands. The problem of implementing resource-saving technology is closely related to the establishment of new warranty periods for reused equipment, including mine shafts. Placing Topol-M missiles in existing silos modified in this way can significantly reduce the costs of developing and deploying the complex. Successful flight tests (see photo - 09/26/2000 site 163/1 "Yubileinaya") allowed the State Commission to recommend the adoption of a silo launcher, converted from a silo launcher for heavy missiles, into service as part of the missile complex, and already in the summer of 2000 such a complex was adopted for service by decree of the President of the Russian Federation.

The 15P065 combat missile system (CBM) with a light-class solid-fuel ICBM 15ZH65, which has increased resistance to PFYV, ensures the launch of a missile without delay for the normalization of the external situation during repeated nuclear impacts on neighboring DBK facilities and when a position area is blocked by high-altitude nuclear explosions, as well as with minimal delay in case of non-destructive nuclear impact directly on the launcher. The stability of the launcher and the mine command post to PFYV has been significantly increased; it is possible to launch from the constant combat readiness mode according to one of the planned target designations, as well as prompt retargeting and launch according to any unscheduled target designation transmitted from the highest level of management. The likelihood of launch commands being transmitted to the control panel and silos has been increased. During combat duty, the 15Zh65 missile is located in a metal transport and launch container. TPKs are unified for both types of silos.

The transport and installation unit of the complex (see photo), created at KB "Motor", combines the functions of an installer and a transport and loading machine.

Mobile-based Topol-M ICBMs are deployed as part of the DBK 15P165. The mobile-based 15Zh65 missile is housed in a high-strength fiberglass TPK on an eight-axle MZKT-79221 (MAZ-7922) cross-country chassis and is structurally practically no different from the silo version. The weight of the launcher is 120 tons, length - 22 meters, width - 3.4 meters. Six pairs of eight wheels are swivel, providing a turning radius of 18 meters. The ground pressure of the installation is half that of a conventional truck. The PU engine is a V-shaped 12-cylinder turbocharged diesel engine YaMZ-847 with a power of 800 hp. The depth of the ford is up to 1.1 m. When creating systems and units of the DBK 15P165 "Topol-M" a number of fundamentally new technical solutions compared to the Topol complex. Thus, the partial suspension system makes it possible to deploy the Topol-M launcher even on soft soils. The maneuverability and maneuverability of the installation have been improved, which increases its survivability. "Topol-M" is capable of launching from any point in the positional area, and also has improved means of camouflage against both optical and other reconnaissance means (including by reducing the infrared component of the complex's unmasking field, as well as the use of special coatings that reduce radar visibility).

The 15Zh65 missile has three sustainer stages plus a warhead deployment stage. All stages are solid fuel. The marching steps have a one-piece "cocoon"-type body made of composite material. Unlike its predecessor, the Topol, the 15Zh65 does not have lattice stabilizers or rudders. Flight control in the first stage operation area is carried out by a central rotating partially recessed nozzle based on an elastic hinge. The length of the first stage is 8.04 m, the diameter is 1.86 m, the weight of the fully loaded first stage is 28.6 tons. The thrust of the first stage solid propellant rocket engine at sea level is 890,000 kN. The second and third stages are equipped with a central rotating partially recessed nozzle with a folding nozzle tip. The nozzle blocks of all stages are made of carbon-carbon material, the nozzle liners are based on a three-dimensionally reinforced oriented carbon-carbon matrix. The diameter of the second stage is 1.61m, the third - 1.58m.

The control system is inertial based on the on-board control system and a gyro-stabilized platform. The complex of high-speed command gyroscopic devices has improved accuracy characteristics; the new on-board computer has increased productivity and resistance to the effects of PFYA, aiming is ensured through the implementation of autonomous determination of the azimuth of the control element installed on a gyro-stabilized platform using a ground-based complex of command instruments located on the TPK. Increased combat readiness, accuracy and continuous operation life of on-board equipment are ensured.

High characteristics of the 15Zh65 rocket to ensure a high level of resistance to damaging factors nuclear explosion were achieved through the use of a set of measures that had proven themselves during the creation of the R-36M2 (15A18M) ICBM, RT-23UTTH (15Zh60) and RT-2PM (15Zh58):

  • the use of a newly developed protective coating applied to the outer surface of the rocket body and providing comprehensive protection against nuclear attack;
  • application of a control system developed on an element base with increased durability and reliability;
  • applying a special coating with a high content of rare earth elements to the body of the sealed instrument compartment, which housed the control system equipment;
  • the use of shielding and special methods for laying the onboard cable network of the rocket;
  • introducing a special program maneuver for a missile when passing through the cloud of a ground-based nuclear explosion, etc.

Successful measures were taken to reduce the flight duration and reduce the altitude of the end point of the active part of the rocket's flight path. The ICBM also received the possibility of limited maneuver in the active part of the trajectory, which can significantly reduce the likelihood of its destruction in the most vulnerable, initial phase of the flight. According to the developers, the active flight phase (launch, operation of the sustainer stages, disengagement of combat equipment) of the Topol-M ICBM is reduced by “3-4 times” compared to liquid-fueled ICBMs, for which it is approximately 10 minutes.

Type of warhead: detachable monoblock thermonuclear with a high-speed, high-level resistance to PFYV, warhead. In the future, it is possible to equip a missile with a maneuvering warhead or a multiple warhead with a number of warheads from 3 to 6 (prospective warheads with a capacity of 150 kt for the MIRV IN are unified with the warhead for the D-19M complex with the R-30 Bulava SLBM). The first test launch of a mobile version of the Topol-M ICBM, equipped with MIRVs with individually targeted warheads (official name new rocket- RS-24), took place on May 29, 2007 from the Plesetsk cosmodrome.

It should be noted that the ICBM warhead was created with maximum use of developments and technologies obtained during the creation of the warhead for the Topol ICBM, which made it possible to reduce development time and reduce cost. Despite such unification, the new warhead is much more resistant to PFYV and the action of weapons based on new physical principles than its predecessor, has a lower specific gravity, and has improved safety mechanisms during storage, transportation and being on combat duty. The new warhead has an increased efficiency of fissile materials compared to its predecessor and is historically the first domestic warhead for ICBMs, the creation of which took place without testing parts and assemblies during full-scale nuclear explosions.

The 15Zh65 missile is equipped with a new missile defense breakthrough system (KSP ABM). The missile defense system consists of passive and active decoys and means of distorting the characteristics of the warhead. LCs are indistinguishable from warheads in all ranges electromagnetic radiation(optical, laser, infrared, radar), make it possible to simulate the characteristics of warheads according to almost all selection criteria in the extra-atmospheric, transitional and significant part of the atmospheric section of the descending branch of the flight trajectory of missile warheads, are resistant to the damaging factors of a nuclear explosion and the radiation of a super-powerful nuclear laser pumping, etc. For the first time, LCs have been designed that can withstand super-resolution radars. Means for distorting the characteristics of the warhead consist of a radio-absorbing (combined with heat-shielding) coating of the warhead, active radio interference generators, aerosol sources of infrared radiation, etc. The missile defense system is designed to significantly increase the time required for a potential enemy's advanced missile defense system to detect a warhead among many false targets and interference, thus significantly reducing the likelihood of interception of a warhead. According to some data, the mass of the Topol-M ICBM missile defense system exceeds the mass of the American LGM-118A Peacekeeper ICBM. In the future, when a missile is equipped with a maneuvering warhead (or a multiple warhead with individually targeted warheads), the missile defense capabilities of a potential enemy to intercept warheads will, according to Russian experts, be reduced to almost zero.

The characteristics of the Topol-M missile system can significantly increase the readiness of the Strategic Missile Forces to carry out assigned combat missions in any conditions, ensure maneuverability, secrecy of actions and survivability of units, subunits and individual launchers, as well as reliability of control and autonomous operation for a long time (without replenishment inventories of materials). The aiming accuracy has been almost doubled, the accuracy of determining geodetic data has been increased by one and a half times, and the preparation time for launch has been halved.

The re-equipment of the Strategic Missile Forces units is carried out using existing infrastructure. Mobile and stationary versions are fully compatible with the existing combat command and control system. The warranty period for the operation of the ICBM 15Zh65 is 15 years (according to some data - 20 years).

Performance characteristics

Maximum firing range, km 11000
Number of steps 3
Launch weight, t 47.1 (47.2)
Throwing mass, t 1,2
Rocket length without head, m 17.5 (17.9)
Rocket length, m 22.7
Maximum body diameter, m 1,86
Head type monoblock, nuclear
Warhead equivalent, mt 0.55
Circular probable deviation, m 200
TPK diameter (without protruding parts), m 1.95 (for 15P165 - 2.05)

MZKT-79221 (MAZ-7922)
Wheel formula 16x16
Turning radius, m 18
Ground clearance, mm 475
Weight in loaded condition (without combat equipment), t 40
Load capacity, t 80
Maximum speed, km/h 45
Range, km 500

Testing and operation

February 9, 2000 at 15:59 Moscow time by combat crew Missile Forces strategic purpose of the Russian Federation (Strategic Missile Forces), a successful test launch of the Topol-M intercontinental ballistic missile was carried out from the 1st State Test Cosmodrome "Plesetsk". The Topol-M (RS-12M2) ICBM was launched on the Kura battlefield, located in Kamchatka. The missile hit a training target in a given area.

April 20, 2004 at 21:30 Moscow time, joint combat crews of the Strategic Missile Forces and the Russian Space Forces from the Plesetsk cosmodrome carried out the next test launch of the Topol-M intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) from a self-propelled launcher according to the flight test plan in the interests of the Strategic Missile Forces. This was the first launch in the last 15 years into the waters of the Hawaiian Islands with a range of more than 11 thousand kilometers.

December 24, 2004 A successful test launch of the Topol-M missile was carried out from a mobile launcher. The launch took place at 12:39 Moscow time from the Plesetsk test site. The warhead of the missile reached its designated target at the Kura training ground in Kamchatka at 13:03 Moscow time. The launch was the fourth and final launch of a rocket of a mobile version of the Topol-M complex, carried out as part of testing the complex.

November 1, 2005 from the Kapustin Yar training ground in Astrakhan region A successful test launch of the RS-12M1 Topol-M missile with a maneuvering warhead was carried out. This launch was the sixth to test a system being created to overcome American missile defenses. The launch took place at the tenth test site, Balkhash (Priozersk), located in Kazakhstan.

July 23, 2010 marks 25 years since the Topol ground-based mobile intercontinental missiles were put on combat duty.

RT-2PM "Topol" (index of the Main Missile and Artillery Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (GRAU) - 15Zh58, START code RS-12M, according to NATO classification - "Sickle", SS-25 "Sickle") - a strategic mobile complex with a three-stage solid fuel intercontinental ballistic missile RT-2PM, the first Soviet mobile system with an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM).

The development of a project for a strategic mobile complex with a three-stage intercontinental ballistic missile suitable for placement on a self-propelled vehicle chassis (based on the RT-2P solid-fuel ICBM) was started at the Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering under the leadership of Alexander Nadiradze in 1975. The government decree on the development of the complex was issued on July 19, 1977. After Nadiradze's death, work was continued under the leadership of Boris Lagutin.

The mobile complex was supposed to be a response to increasing the accuracy of American ICBMs. It was necessary to create a missile that was achieved not by building reliable shelters, but by creating vague ideas among the enemy about the location of the missile.

The conditions for modernization were strictly limited by the provisions of the SALT-2 Treaty, which determined a modest improvement in the basic combat characteristics of the missile. The first test launch of the missile, designated RT-2PM, took place at the Plesetsk test site on February 8, 1983. The launch was carried out from a converted RT-2P stationary missile silo.

By the end of autumn 1983, an experimental series of new missiles was built. On December 23, 1983, flight development tests began at the Plesetsk training ground. During the entire period of their implementation, only one launch was unsuccessful. In general, the rocket showed high reliability. The combat units of the entire combat missile system (BMK) were also tested there. In December 1984, the main series of tests was completed and a decision was made to begin mass production of the complexes. However, the full testing of the mobile complex, called “Topol”, ended only in December 1988.

Without waiting for the full completion of the joint testing program, in order to gain experience in operating the new complex in military units, on July 23, 1985, near the city of Yoshkar-Ola, the first regiment of mobile Topols was deployed at the site of the deployment of RT-2P missiles.

The RT-2PM missile is designed according to a design with three sustainer and combat stages. To ensure high energy-mass perfection and increase the firing range, a new high-density fuel with a specific impulse increased by several units was used in all sustainer stages compared to the fillers of previously created engines, and the housings of the upper stages were for the first time made of continuous winding from organoplastic according to the “cocoon” pattern ".

The first stage of the rocket consists of a solid propellant rocket motor (solid propellant rocket motor) and a tail section. The mass of the fully equipped stage is 27.8 tons. Its length is 8.1 m and its diameter is 1.8 m. The first stage propulsion solid propellant rocket engine has one fixed, centrally located nozzle. The tail section is cylindrical in shape, on the outer surface of which aerodynamic control surfaces and stabilizers are located.

The rocket flight control in the first stage operation area is carried out using rotary gas-jet and aerodynamic rudders.

The second stage consists of a conical-shaped connecting compartment and a sustainer solid propellant rocket engine. The case diameter is 1.55 m.

The third stage includes connecting and transition sections of a conical shape and a sustainer solid propellant rocket engine. Case diameter - 1.34 m.

The head of the rocket consists of one warhead (nuclear) and a compartment with a propulsion system and control system.

The Topol control system is of an inertial type, built using an on-board computer, microcircuits with a high degree of integration, a new set of command instruments with float sensitive elements. The computer complex of the control system allows for the implementation of autonomous combat use of a self-propelled launcher.

The control system provides missile flight control, routine maintenance on the missile and launcher, pre-launch preparation and launch of the missile, as well as solving other problems.

During operation, the RT-2PM missile is located in a transport and launch container located on a mobile launcher. The container is 22.3 m long and 2.0 m in diameter.

The launcher is mounted on the basis of a seven-axle chassis of a MAZ vehicle and is equipped with units and systems that ensure transportation, maintenance of combat readiness at the established level, preparation and launch of the rocket.

A missile can be launched both when the launcher is located in a stationary shelter with a retractable roof, and from unequipped positions, if the terrain allows it. To launch a rocket, the launcher is hung on jacks and leveled. The rocket is launched after the container is lifted into a vertical position using a powder pressure accumulator placed in the transport and launch container ("mortar launch").

After shooting off the protective cap of the container, the rocket is ejected from it by powder starting engines several meters upward, where the first-stage propulsion engine is turned on.

The maximum firing range is 10,500 km. Rocket length - 21.5 m. Launch weight 45.1 tons. Weight of the warhead - 1 ton. Nuclear warhead power - 0.55 Mt. Firing accuracy (maximum deviation) - 0.9 km. The combat patrol area of ​​the complex is 125 thousand square meters. km.

The mass of the launcher with the missile is about 100 tons. Despite this, the complex has good mobility and maneuverability.

Combat readiness (time to prepare for launch) from the moment the order was received until the missile was launched was brought to two minutes.

The missile system also includes a mobile combat control command post on a four-axle MAZ-543M chassis. To control the fire, mobile command posts "Granit" and "Barrier" were used, armed with a missile that had a radio transmitter instead of a combat load. After the rocket was launched, he duplicated the launch commands for launchers located at remote positions.

Serial production of the RT-2PM missile began in 1985 at a plant in Votkinsk (Udmurtia), and its mobile launcher was manufactured at the Volgograd Barrikady plant.

On December 1, 1988, the new missile system was officially adopted by the Strategic Missile Forces (Strategic Missile Forces). In the same year, the full-scale deployment of missile regiments with the Topol complex began and the simultaneous removal of obsolete ICBMs from combat duty. By mid-1991, 288 missiles of this type had been deployed.

The Topol missile divisions were deployed near the cities of Barnaul, Verkhnyaya Salda (Nizhny Tagil), Vypolzovo (Bologoe), Yoshkar-Ola, Teykovo, Yurya, Novosibirsk, Kansk, Irkutsk, as well as near the village of Drovyanaya in the Chita region. Nine regiments (81 launchers) were deployed in missile divisions on the territory of Belarus - near the cities of Lida, Mozyr and Postavy. Some of the Topols that remained on the territory of Belarus after the collapse of the USSR were withdrawn from it by November 27, 1996.

Each year, one control launch of the Topol rocket is carried out from the Plesetsk test site. The high reliability of the complex is evidenced by the fact that during its testing and operation, about fifty control and test launches of missiles were carried out. All of them went without a hitch.

On the basis of the Topol ICBM, a conversion space launch vehicle "Start" was developed. Launches of Start rockets are carried out from the Plesetsk and Svobodny cosmodromes.

The material was prepared based on information from open sources

On August 6th, 1945, the first nuclear weapon was used against the Japanese city of Hiroshima. Three days later, the city of Nagasaki was subjected to a second strike, and currently the last in human history. They tried to justify these bombings on the grounds that they ended the war with Japan and prevented further losses of millions of lives. IN total, the two bombs killed an estimated 240,000 people and ushered in a new, atomic age. From 1945 until the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, the world experienced cold war and constant anticipation of the possible nuclear strike between the United States and the Soviet Union. During this time, the parties built thousands of nuclear weapons, from small bombs and cruise missiles, to large intercontinental ballistic warheads (ICBMs) and Seaborne Ballistic Missiles (SLBMs). Britain, France and China have added their own nuclear arsenals to this stockpile. Today, the fear of nuclear annihilation is much less than in the 1970s, but several countries still possess large arsenals of these destructive weapons.

Despite agreements aimed at limiting the number of missiles, nuclear powers continue to develop and improve their inventory and delivery methods. Advances in the development of missile defense systems have led some countries to increase the development of new and more effective missiles. There is a threat of a new arms race between the world's superpowers. This list contains the ten most destructive nuclear missile systems currently in service in the world. Accuracy, range, number of warheads, warhead yield and mobility are the factors that make these systems so destructive and dangerous. This list is presented in no particular order because these nuclear missiles do not always share the same mission or purpose. One missile may be designed to destroy a city, while another type may be designed to destroy enemy missile silos. Additionally, this list does not include missiles currently being tested or not officially deployed. Thus, India's Agni-V and China's JL-2 missile systems, which are being tested step by step and ready for use this year, are not included. Israel's Jericho III is also not included, since little is known about this missile at all. It is important to keep in mind when reading this list that the size of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs were equivalent to 16 kilotons (x1000) and 21 kilotons TNT respectively.

M51, France

After the United States and Russia, France is deploying the third largest nuclear arsenal in the world. In addition to nuclear bombs and cruise missiles, France relies on its SLBMs as its primary nuclear deterrent. The M51 missile is the most advanced component. It entered service in 2010 and is currently installed on the Triomphant class of submarines. The missile has a range of approximately 10,000 km and is capable of carrying 6 to 10 warheads per 100 kt. The circular excursion probable (CEP) of the missile is noted to be between 150 and 200 meters. This means that the warhead has a 50% chance of striking within 150-200 meters of the target. The M51 is equipped with a variety of systems that make attempts to intercept warheads much more difficult.

DF-31/31A, China

The Dong Feng 31 is a road-mobile and bunker-series intercontinental ICBM system deployed by China since 2006. The original model of this missile carried a large 1 megaton warhead and had a range of 8,000 km. The probable deflection of the missile is 300 m. The improved 31 A has three 150 kt warheads and is capable of covering a distance of 11,000 km, with a probable deflection of 150 m. An additional fact is that these missiles can be moved and launched from a mobile launch vehicle, which makes them even more dangerous.

Topol-M, Russia

Known as the SS-27 by NATO, the Topol-M was introduced into Russian service in 1997. The ICBM is based in bunkers, but several Topols are also mobile. The missile is currently armed with a single 800 kt warhead, but can be equipped with a maximum of six warheads and decoys. With a maximum speed of 7.3 km per second, a relatively flat flight path and a probable deviation of approximately 200 m, the Topol-M is a very effective nuclear rocket, which is difficult to stop in flight. The difficulty of tracking mobile units makes it a more effective weapon system worthy of this list.

RS-24 Yars, Russia

The Bush Administration's plans to develop a missile defense network in Eastern Europe have angered leaders in the Kremlin. Despite the claim that the shock shield was not intended against Russia, Russian leaders viewed it as a threat to their own security and decided to develop a new ballistic missile. The result was the development of the RS-24 Yars. This missile is closely related to the Topol-M, but delivers four warheads of 150-300 kilotons and has a deflection of 50 m. Sharing many of the features of the Topol, the Yars can also change direction in flight and carries decoys, making interception by missile defense systems extremely difficult .

LGM-30G Minuteman III, USA

It is the only land-based ICBM deployed by the United States. First deployed in 1970, the LGM-30G Minuteman III was to be replaced by the MX Peacekeeper. That program was canceled and the Pentagon instead spent $7 billion updating and modernizing the existing 450 LGM-30G Active Systems over the past decade. With a speed of almost 8 km/s and a deflection of less than 200 m (the exact number is strictly classified), the old Minuteman remains formidable nuclear weapons. This missile initially delivered three small warheads. Today, a single warhead of 300-475 kt is used.

RSM 56 Bulava, Russia

The RSM 56 Bulava naval ballistic missile is in Russian service. From the point of view of naval missiles Soviet Union and Russia are somewhat behind the United States in performance and ability. To correct this shortcoming, the Bulava was created, a more recent addition to the Russian submarine arsenal. The missile was developed for the new Borei-class submarine. After numerous failures during the testing phase, Russia accepted the missile into service in 2013. The Bulava is currently equipped with six 150 kt warheads, although reports say it can carry as many as 10. Like most modern ballistic missiles, the RSM 56 carries multiple decoys to increase survivability in the face of missile defense. The range is approximately 8,000 km when fully loaded, with an estimated deviation of 300-350 meters.

R-29RMU2 Liner, Russia

Latest development in Russian weapons The Liner has been in service since 2014. The missile is effectively an updated version of the previous Russian SLBM (Sineva R-29RMU2), designed to make up for the problems and some shortcomings of the Bulava. The liner has a range of 11,000 km and can carry a maximum of twelve warheads of 100 kt each. Warhead payload can be reduced and replaced with decoys to improve survivability. The warhead's deflection is kept secret, but is likely similar to the 350 meters of the Mace.

UGM-133 Trident II, USA

The current SLBM of the US and British submarine forces is the Trident II. The missile has been in service since 1990 and has been updated and modernized since then. Fully equipped, Trident can carry 14 warheads on board. This number was later reduced, and the missile currently delivers 4-5 475 kt warheads. The maximum range depends on the warhead load and varies between 7,800 and 11,000 km. The US Navy required a deviation probability of no more than 120 meters in order for the missile to be accepted for service. Numerous reports and military journals often state that the Trident's deflection actually exceeded this requirement by a fairly significant factor.

DF-5/5A, China

Compared to other missiles on this list, the Chinese DF-5/5A can be considered a gray workhorse. The rocket does not stand out either in appearance or in complexity, but at the same time it is capable of completing any given task. The DF-5 entered service in 1981 as a message to any potential enemies that China was not planning preemptive strikes but would punish anyone who attacked it. This ICBM can carry a huge 5 mt warhead and has a range of over 12,000 km. The DF-5 has a deflection of approximately 1 km, which means that the missile has one purpose - to destroy cities. The warhead's size, deflection and the fact that it only takes an hour to fully prepare for launch all mean that the DF-5 is a punitive weapon, designed to punish any would-be attackers. The 5A version has increased range, improved 300m deflection and the ability to carry multiple warheads.

R-36M2 "Voevoda"

R-36M2 “Voevoda” is a missile that in the West is called nothing less than Satan, and there are good reasons for this. First deployed in 1974, the Dnepropetrovsk-developed R-36 has undergone many changes since then, including the relocation of the warhead. The latest modification of this missile, the R-36M2 can carry ten 750 kt warheads and has a range of approximately 11,000 km. With a maximum speed of almost 8 km/s and a probable deflection of 220 m, Satan is a weapon that has caused great concern to US military planners. There would have been much more concern if Soviet planners had been given the green light to deploy one version of this missile, which would have had 38 250 kt warheads. Russia plans to retire all of these missiles by 2019.

In continuation, visit a selection of the most powerful weapons in history, which contains not only missiles.

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