What does output per worker show? How to increase labor productivity in an enterprise

There are two general approach to measuring labor productivity: through indicators of output per unit of labor (time) or labor intensity - the cost of labor (time) to produce a unit of volume of products (services).

The first indicator of labor productivity is production output (B). An indicator of the volume of products (work, services) produced per unit of labor costs. Output is a direct indicator of labor productivity, since the more products are produced per unit of labor input, the higher the level of labor productivity. Calculated using the formula:

Where V- volume of production; T - labor costs for a given volume of production.

Time worked is measured in man-hours or man-days worked. In accordance with this, when studying labor productivity, indicators of the average hourly and average daily labor productivity of workers, as well as the average monthly (quarterly, annual or for any period from the beginning of the year) labor productivity of workers or workers are used. These indicators are calculated as follows.

Average hourly output of a worker:

Where V- volume of products (works, services) produced in the reporting period; - man-hours actually worked by workers in the reporting period.

Average daily output of a worker:

where are the man-days actually worked by workers in the reporting period.

Average monthly (quarterly, annual or for any period from the beginning of the year) production of a worker (employee):

where is the average number of workers (employees) in the reporting period.

Methods for determining output are classified depending on the unit of measurement of production volume:

■ natural (conditionally natural) - used for the production of homogeneous products at individual workplaces, production teams, at the enterprise, i.e. when determining the production of a specific type of product (work and services). When using this method, production is expressed in natural units of measurement (B = q: t, Where q- physical volume of production of homogeneous products);

■ cost (based on the cost indicators of manufactured or sold products) - when the enterprise produces heterogeneous products. When using this method, production is determined in monetary terms ( , where C is the price of a unit of production, rubles);

■ labor ( measurement of labor productivity is based on taking into account the volume of products produced in the cost of working time (standard hours)). Its advantage over others is that the calculations use a more accurate meter - the labor intensity of each type of product, regardless of the degree of its readiness (products, semi-finished products, work in progress). In this case, both actual and standard labor costs are widely used.

The cost method is widely used. However, if labor productivity (LP) is calculated based on manufactured or sold products, then this method overestimates LP, since the result includes the cost of past labor - the raw materials used, the volume of cooperative supplies, etc. This drawback is eliminated when calculating output on the basis of net output or profit, as well as when calculating the profitability of labor, which reflects the ratio of profit to costs.

If we're talking about about labor productivity in industry and the denominator, instead of time expenditure, uses the average number of workers on the payroll or the average number of workers, then the output indicators can be determined accordingly using the formulas:

Accordingly, the average number of industrial production personnel and the average number of workers, people.

The second indicator of labor productivity is the labor intensity of products (Te). This indicator of individual labor productivity characterizes the cost of working time (the cost of living labor) to produce a unit of output or to perform a unit of work.

Among the types of labor intensity of products, depending on the composition of included labor costs, the following are distinguished:

· technological labor intensity () - reflects all labor costs of the main workers (piece workers and time workers) directly affecting the objects of labor;

· labor intensity of production maintenance () - labor costs only for auxiliary workers engaged in production maintenance;

· production () - all labor costs of main and auxiliary workers; determined by the formula:

· labor intensity of production management () - labor costs of employees: managers, specialists and other employees;

· total labor intensity () - labor costs for the production of products of all categories of production equipment of the enterprise. It is determined by the formula:

· total labor intensity (), determined by the labor costs of all categories of PPP workers:

The total labor intensity of a unit of production is determined by the formula:

Where T- time worked by employees of all categories of production staff of the enterprise (shop), h; V- natural volume of manufactured products, pcs. (either in tons, meters, etc.).

The labor intensity of products is an inverse indicator of labor productivity. Therefore, the indicators of production and labor intensity of products are inversely related:

The actual and standard labor intensity of products are distinguished. The first is used in the analysis process, the second - when planning labor productivity.

The actual labor intensity of the product is determined by the actual labor costs (in hours) to produce a unit of product.

Standard labor intensity determines the amount of necessary (standard) labor costs (in standard hours) for the production of a unit of product under the conditions of existing production.

The ratio of the standard labor intensity of products () to the actual labor intensity () determines the coefficient of fulfillment of time standards:

Thus, the concept of “product labor intensity” is closely related to labor standards, rationing, which is one of the directions for increasing labor productivity.

In this article I want to tell you about various formulas for calculating labor productivity.

A person works to create various goods, such as services or products. First, let's define why we need to try to increase labor productivity. One of the most important criteria for assessing the effectiveness of one or a group of workers is their labor productivity. After all, the higher the labor productivity, and therefore the production of a unit of goods per unit of time, the less costs are spent per unit of result.

Any good, product or service produced by a person is his living, concentrated, materialized labor.

Let's define living labor.

Living labor is labor carried out by a person, expending energy measured in calories. Living labor is divided into mental and physical.

But the labor embodied in any thing, mechanism or service is a completely different matter, since it personifies the labor produced earlier.

For example, costs for paying for electricity, paying for production premises, etc. And therefore, an increase in labor productivity leads to a reduction in costs.
To measure the work of workers, the labor productivity indicator is used.
What is labor productivity: - this is a certain indicator, by calculating which we will find out how fruitful the work of workers is for a certain period of time (year, month, day, work shift, hour, etc.). You also need to remember the term “production”.

Output is the amount of work produced by one worker. Using the output indicator, you can measure different types of work: production of goods, provision of services, sale of goods.
The formula for labor productivity is quite simple:
You need to divide the amount of work completed over a certain period of time by the number of workers.

Type of formula when substituting variables.
Where for
We will take labor productivity as P, the volume of work for a certain period of time as O, and the number of workers as H.

Calculation formula cost labor productivity

Let's look at an example.

Let's imagine that you are the owner of a chain of fast food restaurants. And you want to know the labor productivity of the hot dog preparation workshop, one of your establishments. Let's assume that it employs 20 cooks who are busy making hot hot dogs. Over the course of an entire shift, they manage to produce products worth 100 thousand rubles. So, in order to find out the labor productivity of one worker, we will need to divide 100 thousand/rub by 20 workers (cooks). Thus, we find out that one cook produces products worth 5 thousand rubles per shift. In order to find out the labor productivity per cook per hour (assuming that there are 8 hours in a shift), we will need to divide 5 thousand by 8 hours, and in the end we will find out that in an hour one cook produces hot dogs worth 600 rubles .

Formula natural

But labor productivity can be calculated not only in money. Besides this method there are a few more. For example, the natural way. It can be used if your company produces one type of product. In this case, labor productivity can be measured in meters, tons, pieces. Per unit of time.

Let's look at a simple example. Let's go back to our diner. Let’s assume that its assortment includes only one product – hot dogs. Then labor productivity can be calculated in hot dogs/hour. Let's assume that the same 20 cooks produce 1000 hot dogs per shift. Then dividing 1000 hot dogs among 20 cooks. We learn that one cook produces 50 hot dogs per shift. Then if we need data for an hour, we simply divide 50 by 8 and find out that one worker produces 6.25 hot dogs per hour.

Formula conditionally natural method for calculating labor productivity

There is also a conditional-natural method of calculation. This method can be used if the company produces homogeneous goods, but with some differences between them. In this case, manufactured goods are considered in the form conventional units. Let's say you are producing metal fasteners; per shift, 30 workers produce: 120 nails, 30 bolts and 40 screws. In order to calculate the total production productivity, we need to use the conversion factor of metal products. It takes 1000 grams of iron to make 120 nails, 500 grams to make 30 bolts, and 1500 grams to make 40 screws. As a result, adding up all the manufactured products in their general initial form (iron) 1000 grams + 500 grams + 1500 grams = 3000 grams/metal products.

Calculation formula labor productivity

The labor method is based on volume measurement manufactured goods, for the calculation of which you need to use conditional production labor intensity. In order to calculate performance labor, you need to divide the volume of production in units of work time by the actual work time. Let's look at an example. Let's return to our diner once again. Let's imagine that two cooks made 30 hot dogs, given that it takes 25 minutes to make one hot dog, and 40 hot dogs, given that temporary the cost of making one hot dog is 15 minutes. Let's use these data to calculate productivity labor. To do this you need: the volume of manufactured products multiplied by the production time of one unit of goods(30×25+40×15) , then divide it all by the time we are interested in range . Let's say we are interested in data for one hour.(30×25+40×15)/2x8x60 = 11850/960 = 12.3 units of goods/hour.

One of the advantages of labor calculation of labor productivity is the possibility of using it when calculating any type of services and work. However, to use it, you need to know the time standards for producing one unit of product for each type of work, which is not always possible.

Labor intensity formula

The concept of labor intensity implies the cost of working time to produce one unit of goods or services.

And as usual, for better understanding, let's look at an example. Let's say that two cooks in your diner produced 1000 hot dogs in 3 days. The labor intensity in man hours (for a work shift of 8 hours) will be exactly 2x3x8 = 46. Here I think everything is clear. Now let's look at a more complicated example. 7 chefs made 10 birthday cakes in 5 days. Let's try to calculate the total and specific labor intensity in man hours. 7x5x8=280 man hours, this gives us the total labor intensity. We will divide the 280 man-hours already received into 10 cakes, 280/10 = 28 man-hours to make one cake.

The use of such an indicator as labor intensity allows us to increase the accuracy of labor productivity calculations. You can also trace the inverse correlation between labor intensity and labor productivity. The lower the labor intensity, the higher the labor productivity indicators and vice versa.

Level of labor mechanization formula

Society does not stand still and as it develops, the level of mechanical labor increases. which has a positive effect on the growth of labor productivity. The more we use mechanized labor, the greater our ability to produce embodied labor, and the less we use living labor. An increase in the productivity of mechanized labor makes it possible to increase the productivity of goods without increasing the share of living labor.

Mechanical workers are those who carry out their work with the help of automated, machines and mechanisms.

The formula itself looks like this:

Let's understand it with an example. Let's say you have hot dogs in a diner. Some hot dogs are produced using special automated devices, and others are produced manually. 80 cooks are involved in preparing hot dogs manually, and 20 in mechanized preparation. Let's try to determine the level of mechanization of your production. In total, 30 chefs are involved in the production of hot dogs. Of these, 10 are engaged in mechanized labor. Then we need to divide 100 by 20 and multiply by 100%. 20/100*100% = 20% mechanized labor.

It is also important to know about such a concept as labor intensity.

Labor intensity is usually understood as the strength of the tension of living labor in a certain period of time, measured by physical, mental, and nervous energy costs.

If you want to increase the level of labor intensity in your production, this will require appropriate compensation in the form of increased pay or additional days off.

But it is worth remembering that there are still a lot of blank spots in the study of labor productivity. It is not always possible to accurately compare labor productivity from different areas. Therefore, when calculating using the labor productivity formula, it is worth taking into account the characteristics of each particular case. Difficulties can arise when comparing the productivity of a person selling hot dogs with a person selling cars. One person’s monthly income may be 50 thousand rubles, and the other 5 million. But when counting formula for cost labor productivity, we will not receive accurate data to compare the labor productivity of these subjects. Can bring a bunch of examples where for receiving satisfactory results for assessing labor productivity, it will not be enough to use standard formulas. Often formula indicators have to be combined, or everything must be evaluated together in order to see the full picture.

And that's all. If you still have questions about formula calculations. Then ask your questions in the comments. For this I take my leave. All the best.

Number of workers / Number of employees

2. Average annual output per worker= Volume of TP / Number of employees

3. Average annual output per worker= Volume of TP / Number of workers

4. Wed. number of days worked by one worker= Total number of man-days worked / Number of workers

5. Wed. length of working day = Total number of man-hours worked / Total number of man-days worked

6. Average hourly output per worker= Volume of TP /Total number of man-hours worked

7. Labor intensity = Total number of man-hours worked / Volume of technical work

The table shows that the average number of employees has not changed compared to the plan. As for the average number of workers, it increased by 12.53%, which in absolute units amounted to 460 people. At the same time, the share of workers in the total number of employees increased compared to the plan by 12.53%.

As for the average annual output per 1 worker, it increased by 4.66%, and per 1 worker it decreased by 1.31%, respectively.

The total number of man-days and man-hours worked increased compared to the plan by 13.51% and 14.92%, respectively. At the same time, the average number of days worked by one worker increased by 2 days or by 0.87%. The average working day increased relative to the plan by 0.1 hours (1.24%). Average hourly output per worker is underfulfilled by 8.92%. Labor intensity in fact increased by 9.8% compared to the plan.

We will use the method of absolute differences and the following factor model to conduct factor analysis average annual output per worker:

GVppp = UD x D x P x ChV, where GVppp is the average annual output per worker;

UD - the share of workers in the total number of employees, %;

D - average number of days worked by one worker, days;

P - average working day, hours;

PV - average hourly output per worker, rub.

ΔGWood = Δ UD´Dpl´Ppl´ChVpl = 0.09´240 ´ 7.85 ´9967.04= 1690011.30 thousand rubles.

ΔGVd =UDf´ Δ D´Ppl´ChVpl = 0.70´ 2 ´ 7.85 ´ 99967.04 = 109537.77 thousand rubles.

ΔGVp =UDf´Df´ Δ P´ChVpl = 0.70 ´ 240 ´ 0.1 ´ 99267.04 =167446.27 thousand rubles.

ΔGVchv =UDf´Df´Pf´ΔChV= 0.70 ´ 240 ´ 7.85 ´ (-889.56) = -1173151.73 thousand rubles.


Total: = 793843.62 thousand rubles.

Consequently, the average annual output per worker was 793,843.62 thousand rubles, with a small error in the calculations. Average annual output per worker increased by 1690011.30 thousand rubles. due to an increase in the share of workers in the total number of industrial production personnel by 12.53%. There was an increase in the average number of days worked by one worker, due to which output increased by 117,527.39 thousand rubles. due to a reduction in daily lost working time. The average working day increased by 0.1 hours, and production due to this increased by 167,446.27 thousand rubles. Average hourly output per worker decreased by 1,173,151.73 thousand rubles. All this caused an increase in average annual output per worker.

The average annual output per worker is affected by the number of days worked by one worker per year, the average working day and the average hourly output.

GVr = D x P x ChV, where GVpp is the average annual output per worker;

ΔGVd = ΔD´Ppl´ChVpl = 2 ´ 7.85 ´ 9967.04 = 156482.53 thousand rubles.

ΔGVp = Df´ Δ P´ChVpl = 240 ´ 0.1 ´ 9967.04 = 239208.96 thousand rubles.

ΔGVchv = Df´Pf´ΔChV = 240 ´ 7.85 ´ (-889.56) = -1675931.04 thousand rubles.


Total: = -1280239.55 thousand rubles.

According to factor analysis, it is clear that the average annual output per 1 worker was affected by an increase in the average working day by 239,208.96 thousand rubles. Moreover, there was a decrease in daily and an increase in intra-shift working time losses by 156,482.53 and 1,675,931.04 thousand rubles. respectively. Which led to the fact that the average annual output per 1 worker decreased by 1280239.55 thousand rubles.


Let's calculate the absolute and relative deviation for the fund wages. We summarize the calculations in analytical table 6.1.

Table 6.1


Previous year

Reporting year


From previous of the year

1.VTP, million rubles.

2. Average annual number of employees

3.GW per 1 worker, million rubles.

4.Fixed wages of employees, million rubles.

5.Average year

wages of workers, million rubles.

6.FW of workers, million rubles.

Output is the main indicator of labor productivity, characterizing the quantity or cost of products produced per unit of time or one average employee that is, the inverse indicator of labor productivity.

It is calculated as the ratio of the volume of produced products (OP) to the working time spent on the production of these products (T) or to the average number of employees or workers (H):

V = OP / T or V = OP / H

Product output is the most common and universal indicator of labor productivity.

Product development can be:

1. Depending on the level of the economic system for which the indicator is calculated, output can be:

· individual (personal production of the employee);

· local (production at the level of a workshop, industry, enterprise);

· public (at the level National economy in general) - she

is determined by dividing the national income produced (for any period) by the number of people employed in material production.

2. Depending on the unit of measurement of working time, indicators of hourly, daily and monthly, quarterly, and annual output are distinguished. These indicators make it possible to assess labor productivity taking into account the nature of the use of working time.

· per person worked - hour, i.e. average hourly output;

This is the ratio of the volume of products produced to the number of man-hours worked during that period of time.

where HH = number of man-hours worked during of this period time.

· one person-day worked, i.e. daily output;

Calculates how much output is produced each day in a certain period. To calculate the average daily output, you need to divide the volume of products produced by the number of man-days spent on the production of a given volume, i.e., the production time of this volume of products.

where ND = number of man-days worked during a given period of time.

· per average worker per year, quarter or month, i.e. average annual, quarterly or monthly output;

This is the ratio of the volume of products produced per month to the average number of workers. The output for the year or quarter is calculated in the same way.

where MV = average number of workers.

3. Depending on the methods of measuring production volumes, there are natural (calculated based on production volume), labor (labor intensity is measured in standard hours) and cost (expressed in monetary terms) production indicators.

Factors influencing average output:

The average number of days worked by a worker per year is affected by daily idle time, absence from work with the permission of the administration, absence due to illness, as well as absenteeism;

The average working day is affected by intra-shift downtime, shortened working days for teenagers and nursing mothers, as well as overtime.

The average hourly output of one worker is influenced by: compliance with production standards by piece workers, changes in the structure of production, i.e. the share of products with different labor intensity and price, implementation of organizational and technical measures aimed at reducing the labor intensity of manufacturing products.

Production rate

The production rate is the volume (quantity) of products (or work) that must be produced (performed) over a period of time, under certain conditions, by one or more workers of appropriate qualifications.

Determined by the formula:

Nv = Tr * h / Tn,

where Nb is the production rate;

Tr - duration of the period;

h - the number of workers taking part in the work;

Tn - time standard for the entire work or one product.

The production rate is one of the most important foundations of planned enterprise management. It determines the number of units of product that must be produced per unit of time. The production rate is calculated for one or more employees, when rational use equipment taking into account the progressive working methods used.

Calculation of production rates.

Production rate (Nvir)

Work shift (Vcm)

Unit of production (Wpcs).

For mass production:

Nvyr = Vcm / Vsht.

For serial or single production:

Nvyr = Vcm / Vshtk.

Production methods

Quite a lot of production methods are known; they are classified as follows:

Natural method - allows you to determine production in natural terms by type of work, or in units of measurement of the final product. Natural output is the most objective and reliable indicator of labor productivity. It allows:

· determine and compare labor productivity separate brigades and workers

· plan the number, professional and qualification composition

Disadvantages of this method: it is not possible to determine a general indicator of an organization’s labor productivity in the presence of several types of heterogeneous work; it does not take into account changes in work in progress balances.

Standard method - shows the ratio of actual costs for a certain amount of work. The standard indicator is the ratio of the actual labor intensity of work to the labor intensity according to the standard man-days, multiplied by 100%. The method determines the degree of reduction in standard time or the level of fulfillment of production standards.

Cost indicator - summarizes the level of labor productivity for the enterprise as a whole. It is the most common, here the quantity of products is taken into account at the estimated cost or at a negotiated price. The level of labor productivity at the estimated cost is calculated per employee in the main and auxiliary production. The advantages of this indicator are simplicity of calculation, the possibility of comparison with indicators at other objects, the ability to track dynamics over a period, and the disadvantages of the indicator are the influence of material intensity of work, price dynamics for tools and objects of labor that are not related to the real efficiency of living labor.

So, to determine output, the corresponding indicators of the volume of production and labor costs are selected and the former are divided into the latter.

Currently, many tools have been developed to analyze one’s own performance. These indicators also include labor productivity. The formula for calculating it is simple. And the result will show how effective the staff’s work is.


Labor productivity is an indicator of labor efficiency. It determines the result of labor in quantitative terms in certain moment time.

The following indicators indicate labor productivity:

  • production;
  • labor intensity;
  • labor productivity index.

These indicators will allow you to identify how many units of products can be sold (produced) in the company. Based on these data, you can form a production forecast and build a sales plan.

How to determine production?

Output is the total volume of work performed by one employee. This indicator can measure the results of sales of goods, provision of services, and production.
The production rate can be calculated using two values:

  • average number of employees participating in production process;
  • time spent creating the product.

In the first option, the calculation of output will be as follows: B = V/N

B - output;

V - volume of work performed;

N is the average number of specialists directly involved in production.

Second option (based on the time spent): V = V / t

B - output;

V - volume of released works (actual release finished products);

t - actual labor costs per unit of time of interest.

How to determine labor intensity?

Labor intensity is the amount of time spent by one worker on the production of one unit of service (good). That is, it is an inverse coefficient in relation to production.

T - labor intensity;

N - number (average) of specialists;

You can calculate the indicator per worker. Then the value of N must be equal to one.

T - labor intensity based on the time spent;

t - actual labor costs per unit of time of interest;

V - volume of released product (result of work or service).

Labor productivity. Calculation formula

Several formulas have been developed to calculate labor productivity. When calculating using any formulas, you need to take into account that:

  • the volume of products produced must be calculated in units of manufactured goods;
  • Only those personnel who are directly involved in production are taken into account (managers, lawyers, etc. are not taken into account).

Calculation of labor productivity taking into account factors of labor intensity and output can be made using the formulas:

Taking into account labor intensity: PT = (V * (1 - Kp)) / (T1 * H)

PT - labor productivity;

T is the labor intensity of one worker;

Кп — downtime coefficient;

V is the volume of output;

N is the average number of personnel.

Taking into account production: PT = [(Wo - Wb) / Wb] * 100%

PT—percentage performance indicator;

In - production output during the reporting period;

Vb - production output in the base period.

Labor productivity. Balance calculation formula

To calculate labor productivity indicators, you can use the organization’s balance sheet data. For example, an indicator of the volume of production.

Balance calculation formula: PT = (V * (1 - K p)) / (T * N)

V - volume of production according to the balance sheet (reflected in line 2130);

Kp - downtime, coefficient;

T - labor costs of one employee;

N - average number of employees.

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