How to properly rinse the nose of a child and an adult. How to rinse your nose with a runny nose and what folk methods can be dangerous: advice from an otolaryngologist Clogged nose with what to rinse

The need to clear the nose can arise not only during illness, but also in healthy person. Continuing Education mucus and different temperature and humidity in the room, dirty air - all this can cause a desire to clear the nose. But it is especially important to properly clean the nose with a runny nose, when a lot of mucus forms at once and the mucous membrane of the nasal passages swells.

Improper cleaning of the nose can injure the mucous membrane, lead to nosebleeds, cause vasomotor rhinitis, nasal polyps, cause otitis media and damage the eardrum. If you do not properly clean the nose of a child, then you risk disrupting the natural processes of cleansing and then the nasal mucosa in normal conditions will either dry out or produce too much secretion.

How to properly clean a child's nose

In order to clear the nose of a newborn, you need to find out if crusts have formed, or if there is a lot of thick mucus in the nose. If you know what the child has, then you can clear your nose with a special pear with a wide nozzle. Squeeze out all the air from the pear, and then insert its tip into the child's nose, and release the pressure. Several of these suction movements will help to remove mucus from the nose with a runny nose.

But too thick mucus cannot be removed with a pear alone. In this case, you must first inject a few drops of saline into the nose into each nostril. After a minute, you can start cleansing your nose with a pear.

You can also clear your nose with special drops that you can buy at a pharmacy. Such drops are made from plant materials, and are approved for use with early age. The composition of the drops helps to improve the condition of the nasal mucosa and increases local immunity.

If a child has dry crusts in his nose, from which he constantly sneezes, then they must also be removed after wetting the nasal mucosa. Put saline or natural drops in your child's nose and wait a few minutes. You can carry out the procedure twice within half an hour. Now prepare the turunda from the bandage, and gently scrolling the turunda remove the crusts. At this point, the child may sneeze, and this will be a natural way to get rid of crusts in the nose.

How to clean the nose of an adult with a cold

Unlike children, an adult can blow out the mucus that has accumulated in the nose. But if you do it too vigorously, you can injure not only the vessels of the nasal mucosa, but also the eardrum. With an energetic sharp exhalation and poor patency of the nasal passages, the pressure here rises, and the pressure in the auditory tube also increases. Mucus from the sinuses and passages can also be thrown into the auditory tube, and inflammation spreads to the ear, otitis media develops.

If the mucus is non-viscous, then it will be much easier to remove it with a sharp exhalation, and without unpleasant consequences. To do this, you should drip a few drops of saline or special drops into each nostril, repeat several times for half an hour if necessary, and then clean your nose by simply blowing your nose.

If you clear your nose by closing one nostril and blowing hard through the other, you also run the risk of damaging your eardrum, as well as getting otitis media. The pressure that builds up in the closed side of the nose also creates unfavorable conditions.

Daily hygiene procedures include cleansing the nose. It is right to do this near the washbasin, when you wash your face in the morning and in the evening. Use special drops to wet the mucosa. After that, it will be easy for you to clean the nasal passages with cotton swabs, or simply blow them out, and the nasal mucosa will be better protected from viruses.

A stuffy nose is an extremely unpleasant condition and a symptom of a variety of acute respiratory infections. Desperate attempts to resist often do not work, but can lead to unpleasant consequences. But it is impossible to live with a stuffy nose - neither breathe, nor sleep, nor speak clearly. And besides, a stuffy nose is a reservoir of infection. So, you need to regain the ability to breathe in any way. MedAboutMe breaks down the most effective ways to clear your nose, as well as their possible risks.

Colds and snot

Normally, mucus (aka muconasal secretion or snot) is constantly produced in the human nasal cavity by special glands. The composition of mucus, in addition to water, includes sodium and chlorine ions, more than 200 different proteins, as well as mucins - the most important component of mucus, which is glycoproteins (compounds of proteins and carbohydrates). When mucins come into contact with liquid, swelling occurs and the volume of mucus increases several hundred times.

The nasal mucosa is covered with ciliated epithelium - cells with long outgrowths, cilia. They trap all the dirt and microorganisms that enter the nose when breathing. All these external "objects" are in the mucus, which washes them down the throat, from where they enter the stomach and die safely in its acidic environment. The cilia of the epithelium beat ("flicker") at a speed of 800 beats per minute. And the whole mechanism for collecting and removing foreign objects from the nose is called mucociliary clearance.

With a cold against the background of inflammation, mucus production increases and, as a result, a person suffers from nasal congestion. To alleviate the condition of the sufferer, the nose must be washed - to rid it of excess mucus.

How not to blow your nose

Attempts to blow through a stuffy nose, to blow your nose at any cost, are not as harmless as they might seem. American scientists from the University of Virginia have proved that with active blowing of the nose in the nasal cavity, high blood pressure. At the same time, mucus saturated with infectious microorganisms can penetrate the sinuses and lead to their inflammation, that is, the risk of complications in the form of sinusitis, frontal sinusitis and other sinusitis increases.

With intensive blowing of the nose against the background of a pressure surge, the likelihood of a stroke increases by 6%. And with equally active sniffing, the infection penetrates deep into the body, where it can spread to other parts of the respiratory tract. This is especially true for children, whose body is more vulnerable and open to infections.

In general, if you blow your nose, then delicately, first closing one nostril, and then the second. At the same time, it is desirable to slightly open the mouth. But it is best to use one of the proposed methods for clearing a stuffy nose.

Nasal wash

Today in the pharmacy you can buy special drops and sprays for washing the nose, or you can buy a regular saline solution (which costs much less) or even make its analogue at home. In principle, for washing the nasal cavity, it is no worse than pharmacy options.

Exist different recipes nasal rinses:

1 teaspoon of salt (table, iodized or sea) per 300 ml of boiled water; half a teaspoon of salt and a pinch baking soda in a glass of boiled water; 1 teaspoon of salt per 1 liter of water - and this option is closest in sodium chloride concentration to saline (0.9% NaCl solution), etc.

After thorough mixing, it is desirable to strain the resulting solution so that undissolved salt crystals do not fall on the mucous membrane. The nose is washed from 2-3 to 10-12 times a day.

Fluid can be instilled or flushed using a simplified version of the Cuckoo method. The author of the method is the American Arthur Walter Proetz, who used it to treat sinusitis - inflammation of the maxillary sinuses. In the conditions of the Cuckoo clinic, it is carried out as follows: the patient lies on his back, an antiseptic solution is poured into one nostril, and mucus and pus are sucked out of the other in parallel. The procedure is carried out on both sides. During flushing, the patient should constantly say “coo-coo” or “eeee”. At the same time, the tissues soft palate block access to the trachea, limiting the area of ​​washing the nasal cavity.

At home, for washing, you can use a regular disposable 20 ml syringe, and do not lie down on the couch, but tilt your head to the side over the sink. Saline solution is injected with a syringe into the upper nostril until it pours out of the lower one. Naturally, you should also say “ku-ku” while doing this.

"Cuckoo" should not be used to wash the nose of young children - there is a risk that water, mixed with mucus containing infectious agents, will enter the inner ear and cause otitis media. Therefore, for children up to 4-5 years old, the solution can simply be instilled into the nose. Older children can be taught to gently inhale liquid from a cup with one nostril.

In yoga, there is a practice of washing the nose, which is called "jala neti", which means "passing water." Its predecessor is the practice of "neti" - at the same time, a rope is pulled through the nose and mouth to cleanse them of mucus. Previously, a palm with salt water was enough to conduct jala neti, today they use a special “teapot” or “neti pot” (“pot for neti”).

Hot steam hot potato or boiling water with "Asterisk" dissolved in it - a procedure practiced by our grandmothers for colds. Today, doctors warn against thoughtless use this method: if used too hot water or freshly boiled potatoes, there is a risk of burning the mucous membranes, this is especially true for children.

But hot steam does clear the nose. Alternatively, you can use a teapot with hot (but not freshly boiled) water and a tube folded from paper, which is alternately inserted into one nostril, then the other. Can be added to water essential oils eucalyptus, mint, can also use an infusion of nettle, sage. The procedure is repeated 3-4 times a day.

Cup of hot broth

Hot chicken broth is not only tasty, but also healthy food for a cold person. So, scientists have confirmed that a cup of broth makes breathing easier due to the fact that the work of the ciliated epithelium is activated and thereby the movement of mucus from the nose to the oropharynx is accelerated. In the experiment, the effect of the broth was compared with the effect of hot and cold water- the broth was more effective.

Medications for easy breathing

The most popular drugs for stuffy nose are vasoconstrictors (adrenergic agonists). The immediate pronounced effect of such drugs is ensured by the fact that they lead to a narrowing of the blood vessels, which are rich in nasal tissues. As a result, the swelling subsides - and it becomes easier to breathe. Adrenomimetics include oxymetazoline, naphazoline, xylometazoline, etc.

However, these drugs in some people cause side effects(irritability, headache, palpitations, general malaise), and with prolonged use lead to the development of the so-called drug rhinitis (drug cold). There is even evidence that long-term use of adrenomimetics increases the risk of stroke. Therefore, doctors recommend not taking vasoconstrictor drugs for longer than 4-5 days. And besides, they should not be taken during pregnancy and lactation.

Another group of topical nasal preparations contains corticosteroids. They also act very quickly and visually - they relieve inflammation and swelling goes away by itself. Corticosteroids for the treatment of stuffy nose include beclomethasone, mometasone, and agents containing fluticasone and its derivatives.

Alas, as with adrenomimetics, corticosteroids are not safe, and they are also not recommended for use for more than a few days. They are addictive, truly addictive. As a result, a person begins to feel good only when these medicines are regularly instilled into the nose.

Preparations based on essential oils

A good effect is given by products that include essential oils. various plants(eucalyptus, mint, etc.), which have a decongestive effect. This list includes nasal drops and sprays Pinosol, Evkasept, etc. They do not cause addiction, and they remove swelling quite effectively. But they also have their own characteristics: they can be dangerous for allergy sufferers.

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Almost all girls are faced with the problem of skin pollution and the appearance of black dots on it. The process is quite natural, but it does not make it any easier: it seems that the skin looks worse and the hands are reaching out either to apply a layer of foundation more densely to hide this “disgrace”, or to squeeze it out. However, neither the first nor the second option completely solves the problem, and black dots appear again. Even a trip to an expensive cleaning procedure in the salon to the beautician does not guarantee to get rid of the scourge forever. Let's see what it is and whether it is possible to clean the pores on the nose at home.

What are black dots

For some reason, it is generally accepted that black dots are the lot of either teenagers or people with oily or combination skin types. However, it is not. Even owners of dry skin can find open comedones in the t-zone. They occur due to the fact that the sebaceous glands are periodically clogged with excess sebum, dead skin cells and dust. and take on a dark color.

Reasons for the appearance

The main reasons for the appearance of black dots are considered to be improperly selected facial skin care and insufficient cleansing. Everyone knows that you need to wash your face twice a day and remove makeup before going to bed, but in practice, not every girl does this. As a result, the toner and dirt remain on the face until the morning, the pores become clogged and appear well if only black dots, not acne. Poor-quality cosmetics, too thick foundation that does not allow the skin to breathe, can also lead to blackheads.

Unhealthy diet can provoke the appearance of open comedones: the abuse of fatty, spicy, sweets, coffee and alcohol. You should not give up your favorite food forever, but if you notice that there are more and more black dots, despite competent skin care, you should reconsider your diet.

Hormonal background, stress, some medications, ecology also affect the formation of open comedones. If it is not possible to clean the pores of the nose from blackheads with the help of cosmetic procedures and the increased greasiness of the skin is alarming, it may be worth going for a consultation with an endocrinologist and a gynecologist.

Options for dealing with imperfection

If you decide to clean the pores of the nose from blackheads at home, then you should know that there are several options for dealing with the "enemy". Which method to choose depends on the type of skin, the time you have, allergic reactions to the components of the masks.

Alternative to salon procedures

Cosmetologists strongly do not recommend performing the procedure on their own because of the high risk of damaging the skin and causing some kind of infection. However, that doesn't stop anyone. You can avoid unwanted inflammation if you approach the process correctly.

First, remove makeup from your face and wash your face. Prepare a steam bath to prepare the skin for cleaning.

To do this, you will need a towel, a saucepan, about two liters of water and one tablespoon of chamomile, St. John's wort, sage - to your taste. Bring the water to a boil, remove the saucepan from the heat, cover your head with a towel and lean over the steam - not too close to burn your face. Stay like this for 10-15 minutes to open the pores.

If you are afraid of getting burned, then you can hold a towel over the saucepan, and then put it on your face and lie down with it for 10-15 minutes. It should be borne in mind that steam baths are contraindicated if you are prone to rosacea. Then your option is to clean your face after taking a bath or shower.

After the face is steamed, it's time to start mechanical cleaning. Wash your hands well, wipe them with alcohol or vodka, especially under the nails. Ideally, wrap each finger with a bandage soaked in a 1% salicylic acid solution. Gently and gently press on problem areas, if the black dot does not give in the first time, do not be zealous.

To make the procedure more hygienic, you can use an “uno spoon” instead of fingers. This device is specially designed for lovers of facial cleansing and will help clean the pores on the nose at home.

After the procedure, wipe your face with a tonic or apply a product,

Gelatin masks

There are less traumatic ways to clean the pores on the nose and any other problem area. For example, despite its budget, it will perfectly cope with the task. There are several types of mask preparation, choose the one that you like best.


The most common and simple option on how to clean the pores on the nose using gelatin is a mask with milk.

To prepare it, you will need a tablespoon of edible gelatin and milk. If there is a desire to impose a thicker mixture, then it is worth increasing the proportions, for example, 2: 2. After the gelatin swells, heat the mixture in the microwave or in a water bath.

Apply the resulting mass with a makeup brush, cotton pad or fingers and leave to dry (15-20 minutes). The gruel should harden to the state of a dense film. After the allotted time, gently but quickly remove the mask in one smooth movement - this will help to avoid discomfort. If you did everything right, then inner surface films will remain bumps or small dots.

Wipe your face with lotion or apply a pore-tightening serum.

Gelatin with egg

This gelatin mask can perfectly cleanse, narrow the pores on the nose.

As in the previous recipe, mix gelatin in equal proportions with water or milk, leave to swell, and then heat in a water bath. While the mixture is cooling, separate the protein from the yolk, add the protein to the mixture, stirring gently.

Apply the resulting mask to the previously cleansed and leave until completely dry. Then remove the film and wipe your face with tonic.

soda masks

Another a budget option how to clean the pores on the nose - a cleansing mask with soda.

The quickest and easiest way to use baking soda is to mix one tablespoon with your body wash and a tablespoon of regular salt. Mix, apply problem areas(nose, chin, forehead) and hold for 5-10 minutes, no more. Wash off with water.

Oatmeal and soda

To one tablespoon chopped in a blender oatmeal add a teaspoon of soda, a tablespoon lemon juice and milk. Mix thoroughly and apply on face. Hold the mask for 5-10 minutes, then wash your face.

Activated charcoal masks

If the previous options do not suit you, but you are still looking for ways to clear the pores on your nose, an activated charcoal mask deserves attention. This is one of the popular methods of getting rid of open comedones at home.

The simplest and fast way cooking masks with charcoal - using boiled water. All you need is a tablespoon of water and three activated charcoal tablets. Crush the coal to a state of dust, add water, stir and apply the resulting mixture to problem areas. Wait for it to dry completely and then rinse thoroughly.

Coal and clay

To prepare the mask, you will need two tablets of coal, a tablespoon of cosmetic or blue), a little boiled water.

Crush the coal to dust, add clay to it and carefully pour in a spoonful of water. You should get a homogeneous gruel, resembling sour cream in density. If water is low, add a little more.

Apply the resulting mask on a pre-cleansed face and leave for 15 minutes. Then wash your face and wipe your face with lotion.

Mask-film with gelatin and activated charcoal

If you are looking for how to clear the pores on your nose, and do not suffer from rosacea, then try preparing a gelatin mask with activated charcoal. According to the girls who have tried the product on themselves, the mask perfectly cleanses even the smallest pores.

Crush half a tablet of activated charcoal, add a teaspoon of milk and half a teaspoon of edible gelatin to it. Mix everything thoroughly and heat in a water bath or in a microwave. Apply to problem areas and leave to dry completely. Then gently remove in one quick motion.

Lightening black dots

Every day you will not do masks that get rid of black dots, as well as mechanical cleaning. Then you can lighten them and make them not so noticeable.

Some people recommend wiping very oily skin with a solution of hydrogen peroxide, but it should be borne in mind that it is very dry and can cause increased sebum production. So peroxide can be replaced with lemon juice or a solution ascorbic acid mixed in equal proportions with water. The resulting lotion should be wiped on the face once a day for two to three weeks.

A more gentle option for the skin is a solution of baby soap with salt and soda. Grate a small piece of unscented baby soap, dissolve it in water. Add half a teaspoon of baking soda and table salt. Soak a cotton swab in the resulting solution, wipe your face and leave for a couple of minutes. Then rinse your face with water.

To maintain the beauty of the skin, do not forget to remove makeup, wash your face and pamper it with simple (moisturizing or nourishing) masks.

It is very important to maintain cleanliness in the nose and the internal chambers adjacent to it. This should always be remembered. After all, washing the nose at home is not just a hygienic procedure, but also a medical one. It cleans the nasal passages from dust, dirt, secretions, allergens, microbes that accumulate in them.

Hindus, for example, for the purpose of cleaning, regularly wash their nose with warm water, which must be drawn from the palm of their hand through one nostril and poured out through the other. Then the procedure is repeated in reverse.

All this, in principle, can be easily mastered by everyone and bring only benefits. But in practice, it turns out that for some this procedure is difficult and will not work the first time. Then they refuse it forever, becoming a victim of constant viral pollution. In addition, most men who use an electric razor often refuse this procedure. And with such a shave, a huge number of micro-fragments from the hair cut with knives fall into the nostrils, ending up in the lungs after a while. Under no circumstances should this be allowed! But it’s impossible not to inhale the entire shaving procedure, so you should think about how to clean your nose at home.

There is a trouble-free and fairly simple way. It is necessary to pull a baby nipple onto a flexible plastic bottle, in which you first burn a hole with a red-hot awl. With this design, light pressure can be used to flush the nostrils by tilting the head alternately in different directions over the sink.

In addition, at home, cleaning the nose can be done with what is on the farm: a kettle, a dropper without a needle, or a small pear with a rubber tip. With the increasing popularity of nasal lavage, many companies are developing and producing special devices. But any device, from improvised means or purchased, should only be for individual use. Each time after the procedure, it must be washed (you can just water).

Water for such a procedure should be lukewarm, and it would be useful to salt it (half a teaspoon per half liter of water). Do not forget to thoroughly dissolve the salt so that it does not damage the nasal mucosa. The same preventive procedure will help get rid of a runny nose for many days. To do this, during the onset of the disease several times a day, it is worth preparing the following cleaning solution: 200 ml warm water 0.5 tsp salt, 0.5 tsp soda and 1-2 drops of iodine. If this liquid is well mixed, dissolving all the ingredients, and shaken until smooth, then it will easily bring out (not without your help, of course) everything that has accumulated in the sinuses. Such a solution is also perfect for cleaning the pharynx, which they can also rinse.

In addition to salt, solutions of romazulan, malavit, chlorophyllipt, furatsilin, tincture of eucalyptus or calendula, infusions of various medicinal herbs can be used to wash the nose.

For a furatsilin solution, 2 tablets are dissolved in 1 glass of water (warm!). For other solutions (for example, tincture of calendula, malavit, chlorophyllipt) - 1 tsp. the drug is dissolved in half a liter of warm water.

But it is worth remembering that constant washing with a salt solution that you prepare yourself at home is undesirable. It will remove the nasal mucus, which performs a protective function. Therefore, experts advise to alternate different solutions for cleaning the nose.

Modern medicine advises regularly washing the nose for various diseases: runny nose, sinusitis, polyps, tonsillitis, allergies, adenoiditis. And yogis advised to clean the nose also for headaches, fatigue, poor eyesight, bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, insomnia, depression and overwork.

Washing the nose should begin with the nostril that breathes more freely. You need to stand over the bathtub or sink, tilt your head forward and insert the tip of the device you are using into a healthy nostril. You can only breathe through your mouth. Then gradually tilt your head, raising the device so that the water pours out of the other nostril. The whole procedure should take 15-20 seconds. Then gently lower your head and repeat with the other nostril.

Infectious lesions of the mucosa with a runny nose go through certain stages:

  1. In response to infection, edema develops and vascular permeability increases. There is nasal congestion and a period of liquid snot.
  2. Protective forces are activated, the production of mucus containing active components begins.
  3. The inflammatory response leads to an influx of white blood cells. They absorb viruses and bacteria, but some die themselves. If the infection is of a bacterial nature, then dead leukocytes and waste products of bacteria stain the snot in a yellow-green color. The discharge of the nose is thick, often dries up with the formation of crusts.
  4. Reducing the inflammatory response and recovery is accompanied by lightening of green snot.

Nasal congestion makes it difficult to breathe normally, some begin to do so through the mouth. This is especially true for children. Mucus can flow out on its own or come out when you sneeze and blow your nose, but young children do not always succeed in clearing their nose in this way. Crusts in the nose also interfere. They tighten the skin, and their mechanical separation is painful.

In such situations, parents should have the knowledge of how to clean the nose of both the child and themselves.

Cleaning solutions

Before you clear a stuffy nose in a child or adult, you need to prepare a special solution. It is a salt dissolved in water. It can be purchased at a pharmacy or prepared at home. But with self-preparation, there is a risk of choosing the wrong concentration or using insufficiently purified water. Therefore, it is better to trust pharmaceuticals.

The simplest of them is a 0.9% sodium chloride solution, saline solution. It is sold in ampoules, so it will be convenient to use a new, sterile one for each cleaning of snot. The inconvenience lies in the absence of a special device for introducing the solution into the nasal passages.

It is convenient to rinse the nasal cavity. This is Atlantic sea water, which is produced in a special bottle. For children under 2 years of age, the nozzle for insertion into the nose is equipped with a restrictive ring, which does not allow injury to the nasal mucosa.

Flumarin is composed of pure sea ​​water. Available in a bottle with a thin nozzle, convenient for cleansing the nose. It has a decongestant and softening effect.

Salin is a 0.65% sodium chloride solution. Able to thin thick mucus and soften crusts in the nose, safe for children and adults. The bottle works as a spray when used vertically and as a nasal instillation system when used horizontally.

A similar composition and mechanism of action for drugs, Marimer, Physiomer, Morenazal. They differ only in manufacturer and price.

Safe Ways

How to clear the nose? At in large numbers mucus in a child who cannot blow his nose, clear the passages with a rubber bulb or aspirator:

  1. The nasal cavity is preliminarily irrigated with a washing solution. If there are crusts, then you need to wait a bit for them to soften.
  2. The child's head is fixed.
  3. A pear tip is inserted into one nostril, from which air is previously squeezed out, or an aspirator. In this case, the second nostril must be pressed with a finger.
  4. Unclench the pear or slowly draw in the mucus with an aspirator.

After use, all devices must be washed and rinsed with boiling water.

If the nose is stuffy in an adult, then washing can be performed without special devices. Before you clear your nose, you need to go to the bathroom or prepare a towel where the liquid will drain. It is convenient to use pharmaceutical preparations, their bottles are equipped with nozzles for washing the nose.

The head is tilted to the side. The tip of the nozzle is inserted into the upper nostril and the nasal cavity is washed for several seconds. Part of the liquid flows out freely. Then you need to blow your nose. Repeat the same for the second nostril. After the procedure, the tip is wiped dry.

If stuffy nose, flushing may be effective way early treatment or preparation for nasal instillation medicines. But it is worth remembering that with otitis or improper procedure, the infection can penetrate deeper and lead to complications.

Useful video on how to clean the nose of a newborn

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